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Racing Name
Date of birth
29 apr 2001
Land of birth
IE Ireland
Land of standing
IE Ireland
Ear mark
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male, 23 years old, Black

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Unfortunately Benny has been returned as his owners can no longer keep him due to the 'credit crunch' :-(

Benny has had 0 cuddles today (30 all together).
If you register or login, you can give him a cuddle too!


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by Jess&Koda

Tuesday 16 Apr 17:29

So sorry, run free handsome lad xx my thoughts are with his family xxx

by Winniethepooh

Tuesday 16 Apr 07:30

Very sorry to hear this sad news, sending best wishes to Benny's family.

by Dingo'sMom

Monday 15 Apr 21:02

Run free beautiful boy and much love to your family. Xx

by ClareInsightHounds

Monday 15 Apr 19:26

Thinking of you. Run free boy at rainbow bridge.

by doonie

Monday 15 Apr 19:10

such sad news, hugs to all,run free benny.x

by LindaPaul

Monday 15 Apr 14:19

So sorry to hear this news. Benny's family will be in my thoughts at this sad time. Linda x

by LadyVictoria

Monday 15 Apr 13:36

Very sad news, thinking of Benny's family. xxx

by susy

Monday 15 Apr 11:43

So sorry for Benny, we have been there with the lovely Icemaid Mindy. Take care.
The New Icemaid Clan xxxxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Monday 15 Apr 11:23

I have received the very sad news this morning that Benny left for Rainbow Bridge this morning. He has spent the weekend being absolutely spoiled by his family after he had a large lump appear on his leg which sadly he lost his battle against. Run free fella - you have your angel wings now xxx

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by kallie

Saturday 27 Mar 20:39

just look at the smile on Benny's face, i am so happy he has got a new home, good luck beautiful

by Ann+Kya+wolfy+pixie

Tuesday 23 Mar 09:15

Oh Im glad he has been reserved ,I can't believe he was returned best of luck Benny.

by Shan

Monday 15 Mar 18:38

So glad someone has offered Benny a home. I am so jealous cos he is such an old fusspot and if it wasnt for my cat I would have loved to have him.(I'm trying not to bear a grudge against my cat !!!) Good luck old fella your new family will be lucky to have you.x

by LadyVictoria

Monday 15 Mar 13:34

I am so happy to see Benny has been reserved, good luck lad! xxx

by jodie

Sunday 14 Mar 11:12

Benny so pleased for you a loving home which you deserve xxxxx

by welovegreys

Saturday 13 Mar 18:22

benny good luck in your new home we are so glad somone will love and fuss you .Hope to see you on a walk soon.

by CathnToby

Friday 12 Mar 18:37

Fantastic!! Benny's been reserved. So pleased for you xx

by lindylou

Friday 12 Mar 17:02

I'm so thrilled to see that Benny has been reserved. Keeping everything crossed for this lovely boy.

by kallie

Friday 12 Mar 16:09

Benny i am so happy to see that you have been reserved and keep my fingers crossed that this will turn out to be your very own forever home. big hug gorgeous boy, so pleased for you. xxxx

by rubyjojomyles!!

Friday 12 Mar 09:34

Ahh Benny, I met you briefly on Sunday and you are such a lovely boy... somewhere there is a forever home with your name on it, I have looked around my lounge but just cant move anymore furniture out!! you are a beautiful grey, and someone will be very lucky and blessed to have you join their familyxxxxx

by Shan

Thursday 11 Mar 23:32

I feel so sorry for Benny. How is he with the other greys and is he used to cats?

by kallie

Thursday 11 Mar 19:45

Dear Tracey, i was so sad to see that you lost your beloved hound so recently and know how painful it is having lost my two beloved boys within 13 months of each other, and i fully agreee with what you wrote as well. with regards to Minnie, she is not all that big and she is a lovely gentle little girl who came up for a proper cuddle with paws round my neck this morning. as for Benny it breaks my heart he just stands and cries and cries and only stops when someone goes in to cuddle him. if i would not have 3 boys already and struggle with behaviour issues at present i would have to bring him home purely because of the abject cruelty of his previous owners just abandoning him (alas to us at daybreaks but to him its all the same feeling of being left). hopefully you'll be able to find a companion for your Sully Ina x

by LadyVictoria

Thursday 11 Mar 13:55

Hi Tracey, I am so sorry to hear you lost your beloved girl Biscuit this week, you obviously adored her. I am sure she knew how lucky she was to be loved by you. xxx

by jodie

Thursday 11 Mar 10:04

Tracey I am so sorry for your loss you are so brave, it is such a painful time but you must take comfort in the fact that you did the very best for your beloved biscuit and you were with her to the very end. I still have to face this with my little Zara who is the sweetest natured dog ever and I like you will be with her to the very end. Well done Tracey for everything you have coped with and I am sure you will be a great asset to daybreaks as you really care Jodie

by Tracey57

Wednesday 10 Mar 20:02

How could his owners do it? Have they never lost a grey to illness?
I became involved with Greys in 2006 when I had Ollie my big black boy. Biscuit my beautiful blue brindle followed a few months later leading to me working with Ruth at Daybreaks more and more. This lead to Sully, my dopey white and tan big lad joining the clan within 12 months of Ollie arriving. The hubby joked if Sully arrived he would leave. But like Biscuit, Sully had been returned much to my disgust which lead to me taking him home. 3 months after Sully joined the family the husband walked out !!!! leaving me with two kids and three dogs. It was so hard. Single mom with a mortage for two wages but now only me to pay. But no matter how hard the finances got and looking after my tribe I never ever for a moment considered returning even one of my beautiful greys. They may have 4 legs not two but they are my children and part of the family. I did have to cancel many things including vet insurance which was a disaster when Ollie bacame ill. The vet fees and the medication all went on a credit card but he remained until it was kinder to let him go in Feb 2009. Two remained. No longer had I been able to work at the kennels and leave the kids on weekends as they would be alone. Then on Monday this week I had to hold my girl Biscuit until she went to Rainbow Bridge to join Ollie. My heart is breaking, the pain still so intense - she would have been 9 this October but I couldn't let her suffer emotionally anymore with the illness she had.
Then tonight I ventured onto the site and just read
about all the dogs that have been returned, including Benny. The tears are pouring, my darling girl is gone and my arms, the kids and Sully cannot believe she is gone. How can people be so cruel and so fickle? Would they dump their dogs so easy if they have been with them from puppyhood. I think not. Would they dump their kids if money got tight. It makes me so mad, if they really loved them they couldn't return them, the pain would be too great to bare. Well hold on Benny I am going back to the kennesl this weekend to start helping out again. I will be there to cuddle you soon with the rest. And if the pain isn't too raw maybe one will come home shortly with me again. Tracey and Sully

by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 10 Mar 13:27

Poor Benny, I hope you will soon find a new home. Jodie - I am very sorry to hear about your lovely Zara, I am sure you will make the most of the time she has left with you. Kind regards. xx

by jodie

Tuesday 09 Mar 19:15

Zara my lovely gsd is 9 yrs old too but she has hemangiosarcoma and only has 3 months to live at the most, I dont know how any one could willingly give benny up. I feel devastated but Ruth you have inspired me to give my dog zara the best time i can as you did with lovely Lucy. Benny deserves love and security.

by welovegreys

Tuesday 09 Mar 18:39

Benny we are so sad that you have been returned I hope you will find a forever home soon.How anyone can return a 9 year old ,it is beyond belief. Many of us have lost our dogs recently through ill health we would have been glad to see them reach that age.We know that Ruth will find you a better home soon.

by Emma

Tuesday 09 Mar 14:52

If ever there was a poor boy who doesn't understand what's going on then it's the lovely Benny. What a shame, hopefully he won't be hanging around for long seeing as though he's such a sweetie-pie and used to be being in a home environment. Em x

by julie

Tuesday 09 Mar 13:05

Bless, he's had a few wins in his time, 'Old Boy', lets hope it won't be long till you find a new home to unpack your pipe and slippers!x.

by Jo

Sunday 07 Mar 21:52

Benny i hope you find your proper forever home soon, someone to love you and take care of you no matter what. It would be over my cold dead body before my little prince Preston would ever be brought back he's my baby and i would gladly go without before he would. BIg hugs and kisses Benny it won't be long. xxx

by Emma

Sunday 07 Mar 19:47

Oh look at his lovely face - isn't he gorgeous? Em x

by CathnToby

Sunday 07 Mar 16:42

p.s oops-typo!! My previouis comment was supposed to read " it worked a treat," not walked a treat!! Sounds like I was calling Toby it! Sorry Toby!!!! xxxxx

by CathnToby

Sunday 07 Mar 16:27

Oh Benny I'm really sorry you and my Toby weren't right for each other :0( I was sad to leave you and your lovely little chattering teeth behind. Someone will come along and fall in love with your gentle ways before you know it! By the way Ruth thanks for the tip on lead walking-tried your little trick out and it walked a treat! See you all again soon love Cath and Toby xx

by kallie

Sunday 07 Mar 15:41

oh Benny you look so lovely, hang on in there gorgeous and i am sure we shall find you a home soon. big hugs Ina xxx

by lovemygreys

Sunday 07 Mar 13:41

Poor old boy Benny.
When I was younger I used to walk my dogs with an old guy who loved all kinds of animals and spent a lot of his life lecturing on them and their behaviour.
He was a very wise man and the advice he gave me has always been in my thoughts when I decided to give a home to any of my pets. it was this--
If you take any animal or bird into your home as a pet then they are your responsibility for as long as they live. They rely on you to feed them, exercise them and still care for them when they are old and ill. They trust us and are loyal and loving whatever the rest of the world may think of us a times. They do not question our actions, they do not answer back, they look at us with admiration and are always our friend. I was never an hero to anyone until I had my dogs.
Like Kallie I would glady go without for my beautiful hounds.
Credit crunchies, old age, marriage break ups, etc will always be with us but your faithful friend will not, and sometimes it is not until they have departed this world you realise what you have lost.
We all want to find homes for these wonderful Grey's but let it not be at a cost of confusion and sadness for them if you have not thought about my old friend Bill's advice.
Having said that I am sure Ruth would rather they were returned to Daybreaks if you truly believe it is the best for them.
Good luck Benny you look distinguished with the Grey chops (not old) xxx

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by CathnToby

Saturday 06 Mar 21:50

Hello Benny! I'm bringing my boy Toby over to meet you and some of your pals at kennels tomorrow. Can't wait to say "hello". xxxxx

by kallie

Saturday 06 Mar 21:01

i hate to say this but someone would have to rip my head off before i would part with one of my boys as for me they are family and the credit crunch has not helped me either. i would rather go without then see one of my boys without their home, however maybe it will be a blessing in disguise for Benny and he will find someone who will truly want him in their life. good luck little boy you deserve to find a home very very soon. xxxx

by Emma

Saturday 06 Mar 17:46

Oh no, how heartbreaking for everyone involved :0( Hopefully Benny will find a home really quickly seeing as though he's already used to a home environment. Em xxx