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About Me

Racing Name
Magical Madge
Brindle and White
Date of birth
02 apr 2005
Land of birth
IU Ireland or United Kingdom
Land of standing
IE Ireland
Crescendo SaskiaIE-FEB-00-WF
Family tree & race history


female, 19 years old, Brindle and White

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Madge has had 0 cuddles today (0 all together).
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by madge

Sunday 08 Mar 20:48

Sorry Magical Toni, just realised I asked if you were my big or little brother! Hope you're not too offended. If you look like my twin then how could any dog as beautiful as us be anything but female! Hee! Hee!

by madge

Sunday 08 Mar 20:41

Well it's the end of week two at Madge's new home and she has really settled in now! Her favourite places are the park, Jacob's bed and the kitchen!!! (I wonder why!) She had her follow up home visit today and Pete and son Christopher were really pleased at how happy and settled she was. We're so proud of her! Wonderful to here from another member of the Magical family. Hey Toni! Are you my little brother or my big brother? Hope to meet up and have a family reunion one day! Thanks for birthday wishes. Off now for a snooze xxx

by Magicaltoni

Monday 02 Mar 12:38

Hello to Madge and family. Magical Toni is your sister! and they look like twins. Hope we can see you sometime at an event love to have a pic of the two together. Happy Birthday for the 2nd April Madge! Toni says Hi sis xx

by madge

Saturday 28 Feb 13:28

Hello everyone, Madge and family here! It's been a week now since Madge moved in and she is settling in very nicely... but don't mention the net curtain incident! She's eating really well and apart from a couple of accidents she's getting used to all the new routines. She loves her fuss and is a marathon snoozer! We absolutely love her! She's great on the lead and still rubs her muzzle against your leg just to let you know she'd rather have it off.. (not just yet Madge!) Thankyou to everyone at Daybreaks for helping us find our newest member of the family! Speak to you all again soon, Madge