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About Me

Racing Name
Shard end Rose
Date of birth
21 aug 2002
Land of birth
21 AUG 2002
Land of standing
IE Ireland
Ear mark
Family tree & race history


female, 22 years old, Black

Added by Lewisfuggie

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Rose is fine with children and ok with other dogs. She can be bossy as she is a lively character!

Rose has had 0 cuddles today (5 all together).
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by blueangel

Saturday 29 Aug 20:28

Run free a happy Angel xxx

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by michelleandbertie

Saturday 29 Aug 19:33

I am so sorry for your loss , as others have said, I just cannot imagine how you must be feeling, run free Rose x

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by michelleandbertie

Saturday 29 Aug 19:33

I am so sorry for your loss , as others have said, I just cannot imagine how you must be feeling, run free Rose x

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by Winniethepooh

Saturday 29 Aug 18:12

Thank you for your kind messages. A heartbreaking week. Rose and James will be greatly missed but forever in our hearts. xx

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Saturday 29 Aug 17:10

So very, very sorry for the loss of your two babies. There will be two special stars shining brightly down tonight. Be at peace you are together once more lovely lovely angels. Much love. Xxx

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by Tinker'sNan

Saturday 29 Aug 13:27

Such sad news I have just read first James and one rose your must be heartbroken we have no idea how you must feeling two babies gone to rainbow bridge We hope you take comfort in knowing they are both together for ever running free our love to you and big hugs and a big lick from tinker bless you tinker's family xx

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by missfifi

Saturday 29 Aug 08:19

Such sad news to read - Daisydog and I are thinking of you and all who love Rose and James - running free forever. X

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by ClareInsightHounds

Saturday 29 Aug 08:06

So sad. Our thoughts are with you. Run free sweetheart. X

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by DuleekDandy

Friday 28 Aug 23:11

So sorry to hear this - your hearts must be breaking losing both your babies least you know they are together again.

Run free Rose and James xXx

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by Snipe

Friday 28 Aug 22:33

So very sorry for you. Can't imagine how you feel xxx

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by Melysa

Friday 28 Aug 22:24

so, so sorry for the loss of them both, it must be so hard for you. Sending you love and hugs xxxxxxxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 28 Aug 22:01

Oh my very sad to hear you have lost your lovely Rose so soon after James. May God Bless them both. My thoughts are with you all. Xxx

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by helenanddave

Friday 28 Aug 22:00

So very sorry. Run free with James, little Rose. Hugs to everyone. Xx

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by blackisbeautiful

Friday 28 Aug 21:57

So very sorry to hear this You at least have a little comfort knowing your gorgeous angels are at peace together A big hug to you tonight x x

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by Winniethepooh

Friday 28 Aug 20:01

Our beautiful Rose has gone to the Angels tonight. In the same week as our James they are now together. We and Tom love you.

She was diagnosed with cancer this morning, we bought her home hoping she would sleep peacefully. She had cooked chicken and her favourite egg custards but she went downhill too quickly.

Bye my love. xxxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 21 Aug 22:16

Sending Rose a big cuddle for her Birthday today...13 a teenager! My dogs would have loved to share her Egg Custard, they love them too! So Sorry to hear her health is not too good but sure she gets lots and lots of love and TLC from you all. Xxx

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by TJ

Friday 21 Aug 17:20

Happy Birthday Rose, hope you enjoyed your egg custard! xxxx

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by Winniethepooh

Friday 21 Aug 11:58

Our beautiful Rose is a big Thirteen today!. Despite a few months ago being diagnosed with a very rare condition of Diabetes Insipidus she is still a madam as ever. She has lost a lot of weight over the last few months and her legs are like stringy cheese but today she will be having her favourite egg custard along with her brothers James and Tom. Love you Rose xxxxx.

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by Winniethepooh

Tuesday 26 May 21:39

Thanks for the advice,much appreciated. Rose is going back to the Vets this week to see how they can help her, poor lady she is much loved.

Does anyone know what size paw protection boots to buy and what make as we had two given us a while ago and when used they kept falling off. I want to get some in case of emergencies and first aid.

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by susy

Monday 25 May 09:46

Like Twiggy our second grey had this problem and went on Propalin which solved the problem but its for life. We now have our latest grey with the same problem and is on Propalin which has solved it. Never tried pants. Dont worry the vet will help. Sylv and The Icemaid Clan xxxxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 24 May 22:34

Poor Greyhound Twiggy also has an incontinent problem. Like Rose she "leaked" and didn't know it was happening. She would quite often wake up to a very wet bed which I am sure made her very uncomfortable. Her vet prescribed Propalin and Incurin for her several years ago. It has made a huge difference and although she occasionally has a wet bed she is generally dry, which is fantastic for her. Maybe worth talking to your vet to find out if this may be an option for Rose? I did try a pair of doggy incontinent pants and pads but didn't find them very successful. Twiggy was not happy wearing them at all!! Kind regards Kate Xxx

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by Winniethepooh

Sunday 24 May 21:58

Does anyone know where you can buy dog nappies large enough for a greyhound. Our Rose has recently become a bit incontinent. She has had tests at the Vets which thankfully all came back clear. For her age she is a marvel, goes on her usual walk and eats her meals as normal. The Vet said it is old age and common in older females.

I feel so sorry for her as she dribbles without knowing and I have to wash her bedding regularly. I have recently bought some large nappies but not large enough and thinking maybe extra large may not be big enough either.

I have looked online and I cannot find many stores that sell any dog nappies with good reviews from owners.

I am thinking that it can't only be us that is experiencing this so any advice would be appreciated, thanks.

by Winniethepooh

Friday 22 Aug 10:01

Our beautiful Rose was 12 yesterday but silly me thought it was today, I was sure it was the 22nd, oh dear there was us wishing her Happy Birthday this morning and she is already 12!.

Never mind, we will be having cakes tonight anyway. xxxxxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 21 Aug 20:56

Wishing your lovely Rose a very happy 11th Birthday! Xxx

by Jess&Koda

Wednesday 21 Aug 08:29

Happy birthday x

by Winniethepooh

Wednesday 21 Aug 05:41

Happy Happy Birthday to our beautiful Rose.

Up early for a walk and a good breakfast.

11 years young, still as lively as ever.

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 21 Aug 11:59

Happy 10th Birthday Rose! xxx

by Winniethepooh

Tuesday 21 Aug 08:51

Our beautiful Rose is the big 10 today.

Happy Birthday Rose, here's to many more birthdays to come.

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 22 Aug 13:39

I hope Rose had a lovely Birthday yesterday. xx

by Winniethepooh

Sunday 21 Aug 09:57

Happy Birthday to our beautiful Rose.

9 today and just as naughty and lively as when we adopted her 2 and half years ago.

A special chewy treat today for Rose and her buddies James and Tom.

by Winniethepooh

Friday 29 May 10:30

I spoke to Ruth yesterday to let her know that we are bringing Rose (although we call her Rosie) too, along in the morning to hopefully find her a companion. We have been looking on the website for ages and James is still there, we were wondering why this could be. We do remember him back in early March, its a shame that no one has adopted him yet!. Surely he will find a home soon.

See you all tommorrow.

by Winniethepooh

Thursday 21 May 13:09

Great to have a poster. I will put it up at my work, you never know someone might just think of a retired greyhound as a pet. Publicity does work, myself and my hubby were only saying yesterday if we hadnt seen a roadshow and saw how lovely the greyhounds were we wouldnt have thought of looking for a greyhound, I am so GLAD we did.

by PamD

Tuesday 19 May 16:34

Glad to hear Rose is making a great pet. I am sure that when you bring her up to Daybreaks a week on Saturday you will find another grey that will fit in to your wonderful home and make a good companion for Rose. 2 months has flown by since I did the paperwork for you all.

by Winniethepooh

Tuesday 19 May 16:14

It doesn`t seem like two months since we adopted Rose. She continues to be a lovely greyhound who certainly likes her food, has stolen buttered bread, bananas and anything else that takes her fancy. We have had no problem feeding her at all!. She meets many other dogs in the local park and most of the time she completely ignores them, she is a proper princess. We have bought her toys which she is not really interested in, her main hobby is sitting with me in the kitchen while I am cooking. She loves to go for a walk and watches the ducks while we feed them. Although she doesnt seem lonely we would like to find her a friend and we are planning to visit a week on Saturday to see if Rose likes one of the greyhounds so we will need a bit of advice about this as to what signs we should look for. We have not had two dogs before so any advice would be appreciated. It is a shame James is still there as we remember seeing him earlier in the year when we picked Rose.

by kallie

Friday 24 Apr 19:03

it sounds like she has found hor own bit of paradise, i am so pleased that she is happy and settled and that she is so obviously adored. it always gives me a lovely warm feeling when i have known the dog at the kennel to hear such lovely reports. Ina and the boys

by Winniethepooh

Thursday 23 Apr 15:30

Just a quick update on Rose.

The six weeks she has been with us have flown by. Her character is coming out all of the time, she is a lively girl and was even more livelier this morning when she spotted a cat by our patio. She has took to taking my slippers and putting them on her bed, she doesnt chew them or anything just leaves them there. Rose loves a walk in the park and meeting other dogs. She loves her food particularly the occasional sausage. She is very loving and greets us with a very waggy tail when we get back home.

She is very fussy though about her bed, it has to be just right to sleep on otherwise we hear her at night tossing and turning.

All in all she has settled in well to her new home.

by kallie

Friday 27 Mar 20:05

Hi there is was the volunteer who came for a walk with you the day you chose Rose, i am so happy to hear that she is doing so well and that she has settled's so lovely to get the news when you have known them in the kennels.hope to see you sometime soon, maybe at one of the walks, give her a big hug from me and a woof from my 3 boys Monty, Rossi and Toby ... Ina

by PamD

Friday 27 Mar 12:37

Rose is a lucky grey to have found such a wonderful home

by Winniethepooh

Friday 27 Mar 10:32

Rose has now been with us two weeks and has settled in really well. She is enjoying her many walks and meeting other dogs who she is generally good with. Lots of cats live in our area and Rose is always on the lookout for them but as she is on the lead she cant go after them. She is good with visitors and enjoys lots of fuss. She loves food and I cant get the food into the bowl quick enough!. The other day she stole half of my scone from the work surface. Is good around the house, she is our Beautiful Rose.

by Winniethepooh

Tuesday 17 Mar 20:17

We have had Rose only 5 days now and she has settled in well. She is good in the house loves her bed and the settee. Is eating well especially smakos and fresh meat in beef gravy. Has had some lovely walks in the nice weather but then looks for her bed. Been good a night. She has been a joy to have around and is so sweet and gentle.