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Racing Name
Date of birth
01 jan 2008
Ear mark


female, 16 years old, Black

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Clara has had 0 cuddles today (24 all together).
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by Naomi

Thursday 24 Feb 15:56

Ha ha it's true. Two is just double trouble and makes for a far more interesting life. I love it! My Millie Moo is perfect as is my Miles and I love them both very much. They are a little double act :) x

by StefanBecky

Thursday 27 Jan 22:08

Ahh, so pleased to hear this :-) although we had to return Clara, we loved her. I agree that two is so much fun xx

by Naomi

Tuesday 25 Jan 14:01

Just a quick up date. My little live wire has settled down so well. Milo is a great influence on her as he's so laid back and completely non- aggressive. She hardly ever barks at all now....she's learnt to ignore all the little yapping terriers in the village just like Milo does. Occassionally she still gets over excited by the horses but now understands it's not acceptable. She's great though we love her! She sleeps happily on her bed next to Milo's bed now and sometimes goes to him for comfort when I get the hoover out....then she stays on his bed for a cuddle. She occassionally has a grumble at Milo in the night but he just tells her off in his kind assertive manner or ignores her completely and all is well. They run togther across the fields every morning and she loves to come back for a big cuddle now! They are completely diferent but get on great, balancing each other out. Having 2 is so much more fun! It's like a comedy act watching them race out into the garden each morning and then standing looking at me to be let back in....she's so impatient and just has mischief written all over her face at times. She's so gentle and loving now's nice to have a girl in the house! x x x

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by Naomi

Monday 15 Nov 11:40

Ah look at my beautiful hounds!!!!! Milo looks so proud of himself here and you can hardly see Millie, she's so black! And she does still look a little unsure of herself but is settling down more and more each day....and responding to some training I have started doing with her! I hope she will be as happy as my boy is! We love her loads x

by StefanBecky

Sunday 14 Nov 09:23

Ah, I'm so pleased to see a rehomed sign appear :-) Enjoy your forever home Clara (Millie) xxx Becky xxx

by kallie

Saturday 13 Nov 16:13

thank you Naomi and Milo for having this gorgeous girl in your home and hearts, i am sure she will settle down really soon especially when she realizes that this is her forever home. love to you all Ina xxxx

by Naomi

Wednesday 10 Nov 10:03

Ha ha it's soooo true Mand! They are my ying and yang. Mr Miles is calm and collected and Miss Millie is like a little live is quite funny! I could never compare them they are completely different. We did have a lovely quiet cuddle last night though :) x

by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Tuesday 09 Nov 19:23

Hi Naomi. This is so making me laugh - you could be describing our family -ever dependable, solid, calm Gent and Tigger's twin, Emily! Her head never seems to stop moving and given half a chance, she can get into so much mischief (can't count the times she jumped up to the sink while we're out and 'killed' the washing up sponge. Don't you just love 'em though! Mand x

by Naomi

Tuesday 09 Nov 13:21

Thanks Ina and Stef and Becky! Left them to go to work yesterday and all was fine when I got home (except a few minor things like cushions on the floor...again and a chewed coaster :). She is settling down, I think they all just need time to develop and adjust to being a pet. I agree she is quite intelligent...maybe a bit too clever for her own good at times...very iinquisitive like a little ferret :). Once she starts running safely with Milo she should calm down a lot more...that was the making of him! x x x

by StefanBecky

Monday 08 Nov 21:56

Really pleased she's doing well, she's a poppet. She responded well to the routine when with us, and having Milo to show her the ropes will soon get her settled. Thanks so much for taking her...her history on here doesn't reflect what a lovely dog she is. Please send her a kiss from Perdi :-) xx

by kallie

Monday 08 Nov 18:06

how lovely to hear that she is doing well so far, sure she has lots to learn she is only a baby after all and has not learnt a thing yet but she has a wonderful teacher in Milo who is such a gorgeous boy and it looks like you Naomi have it all under control, good luck and looking forward to more updates. Love Ina xxxx

by Naomi

Monday 08 Nov 11:35

Ha ha thanks I hope she was smiling!!! :) She's a beautiful little girl and it seems she is in desperate need of some stability, through no fault of her own or anyone elses! She was very excitable but is learning well from my handsome Milo. He has been amazing with her and I'm so lucky to have him! Clara (Millie) is like a different dog already, learning to relax more and enjoy a strict routine of food, walks and sleep. She is already learning the boundaries very well but sometimes just gets carried away with excitement in her youth! I think we will get there with time and she is definately settling down. I hope this continues and she can stay as it's sooooo lovely having her! :) x x x

by kallie

Saturday 06 Nov 23:06

She had the biggest doggy smile on her face when Naomi and Milo came to fetch her today, keep fingers crossed all will go well and you will have your forever home with all the love you could want. xxxx

by medaftboutdogs

Saturday 06 Nov 22:45

Oh thats just made my day, so happy for you Clara, hope all goes well sweety. luv t xx

by crackercharlieX

Saturday 06 Nov 17:36

I'm really happy this great girls won some very lucky families heart. Yey! X

by StefanBecky

Saturday 06 Nov 12:53

Really pleased to see Clara reserved again :-) we love her so much...who's her lucky new family? x

by crackercharlieX

Saturday 06 Nov 04:38

Hope somebody falls 4 your brilliant character this weekend. I just think your ace. X

by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Thursday 04 Nov 13:20

Hi Emma. I echo what 'our Emma' says. I'm more than happy to bring our gentle fella, Gent, to meet your boys. He's a big blue softie, is a big hit with the kids at the roadshows and stands very still when being fussed. Just let me know if we can help. Mand & Gent

by StefanBecky

Thursday 04 Nov 07:31

Emma, we know what a difficult decision it is to make :-( I'm sure the boys' confidence will build and they will love dogs before you know it xx

by Emma

Wednesday 03 Nov 07:06

Hi Emma

I don't know whereabouts you live, but I am in Olton, Solihull, and if you would like to bring your little boy around to my house to visit my greys you would all be more than welcome. I have 3 greys who are all very used to and calm around children, but one of them (Sadie) is also very tiny so maybe she would be less intimidating to your little boy? Sadie has been very successful in helping one of my daughter's friends overcome his fear of dogs, so I have high hopes for her!

Best wishes, Em xxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Wednesday 03 Nov 06:02

The family were heartbroken at returning Clara but are going to keep visiting Daybreaks to help build the boys' fear into confidence being around dogs. We can't wait for them to visit.... x

by StefanBecky

Tuesday 02 Nov 22:47

Oh Clara, my poor girl. Stef and Becky love you to pieces so glad we had the chance to cuddle you again on Saturday. I'm so sad that things haven't worked out for you again (yes, more tears), though I don't suppose you noticed really this time. Perdi sends you a doggy kiss too x x Becky x

by kallie

Tuesday 02 Nov 22:34

how very heartbreaking for the family to have to return you and how sad for you, however you are an exeptionally beautiful little girl and will capture someone's heart before too long and hopefully the little boy will not be frightened too much so that one day he will be able to enjoy canine company as much as the rest of us do and feeling safe around them. much love Ina and her boys xxxx

by SharonMolly&Reggie

Tuesday 02 Nov 20:50

Oh lovemygreys my boy is my 4 year old six stone puppy and I love him loads........even on an naughty day xxxx

by Emmsy

Tuesday 02 Nov 19:26

Dear Clara, we were heartbroken that you could not come to live with us after all. It was through NO fault of your own. Our little boy didnt realise you were just being boisterous and playful, as he has special needs, and unfortunately he got really really scared. We are so sorry and know the right family is out there somewhere.
To anybody looking at Clara she is a wonderful, sweet, playful girl who will make a lovely addition to a home. We are just sorry that it couldnt be ours.Please give her a chance, she deserves it.
Thankyou to Ruth for being so understanding of our situation. Emma & familyXX

by lovemygreys

Tuesday 02 Nov 18:06

Oh dear Clara. I am not an expert on Greyhounds but aged 2 you are just behaving like a big puppy (which because of your previous life experience, that's what you are really) loving new experiences, full of bouncy energy, and frightening cats (unintentinally) just like my daughters SMALL puppy did to her 10 year old cat when it first arrived . Took a while but now cat does not live under the bed anymore! and its the puppy on the run now, playfully ! lol
The puppy also ran amock with any visiting children, some of whom where at first a little frightened. Greyhounds take a bit longerto get used to because they are not puppy sized when we get them. It is a learning curve for everyone, but as they say "your only young once, the Greyhound being the exception, but well worth the end result. good luck sweetheart, enjoy your youth (but not too much) xxx Jenny

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Tuesday 02 Nov 12:34

Oh dear poor girl xxxx

by crackercharlieX

Tuesday 02 Nov 11:47

O Clara. If I lived on my own I wud take u home with me tday. Your a fantastic, playful girl n I luv u t bits. Let's hope the right family fall 4 your charms soon. X

by Emma

Tuesday 02 Nov 10:35

Oh dear Clara, third time lucky poppet, Em xxx

by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 02 Nov 10:24

Poor Clara, so sad for you. I am sure the right home is out there. xxx

by medaftboutdogs

Tuesday 02 Nov 09:40

Oh Clara, that's a real shame, better luck in your next home sweety. luv t xx

by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 02 Nov 09:28

Clara is coming back to the kennels this morning. She was so excited at being in a new home yesterday, sadly she frightened one of the boys. The family have therefore decided to return her.

by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Saturday 30 Oct 23:25

Hi Emma. We met you earlier today, when we popped up to grab some food for our two. It was lovely chatting to you and I'm glad to see the reserved sign for Clara. Good luck with your home-check. Mand & Stefano x

by StefanBecky

Saturday 30 Oct 19:21

Hi Emma
good luck with your home check, I'm sure it will be fine and you'll be able to take her home soon :-) I just know the boys are going to love her and she'll love having two play-mates xx

by Emmsy

Friday 29 Oct 20:44

Thankyou for your kind message. We are awaiting our home check, but hopefully Clara will be with us soon. We can't wait! Will definately keep you up to date with her progress.
Love Emma X

by StefanBecky

Thursday 28 Oct 07:51

So pleased you have decided to take Clara, she is a lovely dog and loads of fun. When she was with us she was getting good on the lead, was good with her housetraining and was very affectionate. We were gutted to have to return her and I'm so relieved she will now have the loving family she deserves. Keep us posted with her progress. Love Becky xx

by Emmsy

Wednesday 27 Oct 20:47

Clara, we loved taking you for a walk today, we had so much fun and you were such a good girl. We love you already and there were some tears in the car when we had to leave you to go home. See you again on Saturday . Hugs from Emma,Rich,Luke,Oliver & Nan XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

by Emmsy

Sunday 24 Oct 17:28

We came to see you today and you were so lovely. Thankyou for being so gentle and patient with us. The boys were a bit nervous but they are already getting excited about seeing you again on Wednesday. Lots of hugs and kissesXXXXXXX

by crackercharlieX

Friday 22 Oct 10:00

Clara, I so wish I cud take u home with me. Your so lovely and so much fun. I don't understand why nobody has fell 4 your charms yet. I really hope your chosen soon. X

by kallie

Tuesday 19 Oct 19:01

Clara is soooo pretty and she was very brave today and gave blood, she was good as gold and we had a proper snuggle session afterwards, gorgeous little girl. :-) xxx

by StefanBecky

Monday 18 Oct 20:31

It was great to see Clara again on Saturday, even if it did make me cry! She's such a lovely girl...I really hope someone gives her a chance soon; she's so intelligent and learnt such a lot in her week with us, Becky x

by KerryElliman

Sunday 17 Oct 20:16

shes so much fun she will make a great pet

by Dan&Cleo

Sunday 17 Oct 09:56

I had Clara all day at the Dog show yesterday and she is a lovely dog. She did have a lot of attention so i hope this can materialize into a forever home for her. She walked really well with our two and would make a great companion for someone. She has a really glossy coat and is house trained already.

I have just been brought my slipper from somewhere in the house by one of my greys so i am off to rescue it!

by Donna+Baby+Jake

Saturday 16 Oct 22:15

Clara is absolutley stunning in the flesh - so pretty, glossy and soft......i do hope you find your forever home soon sweetheart xxxxxx

by StefanBecky

Wednesday 13 Oct 15:31

Hi Ruth
We're planning on coming to the show on Saturday, I spoke to Zoe earlier. There will be two of us and Perdi and I'd be happy to lend a hand with dogs during the day if we can. We also need some food...I'll give you a call tomorrow xx

by StefanBecky

Wednesday 13 Oct 13:27

Oh Clara...why are you off the reserve list?!? sending hugs and hoping to see you at the weekend xx

by tiggersmum

Sunday 10 Oct 14:51

Hi Becky
Having spoken to you about Clara I think you're doing the best thing for her returning her ... I know you're really upset about it but you've made the best decision for Clara and Darcy which takes a lot of courage especially when you love Clara (and of course Darcy).... there's absolutely the right dog out there for you and a home with no temptations for Clara :)

Best wishes

Julie x

by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 10 Oct 11:07

Hi Stefan & Becky - thanks very much for your comments. Yes, Clara is reserved already.... I did say believe in fate! xxx

by StefanBecky

Sunday 10 Oct 10:45

Oh my goodness, is it true that she is reserved again?!? love you loads happy lovely girl x x

by StefanBecky

Sunday 10 Oct 10:43

Hi Ruth
Thanks so much for your help and kind words, Stefan, Perdi and I all miss Clara terribly and are so sad that she couldn't stay with us. There is a hole in our world now and I hope that Clara is quickly given the forever home she deserves and will love x Becky x

by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 10 Oct 06:49

I went over to see Clara in her trial home yesterday. Darcy the cat was clearly very unhappy with her being around especially when Clara barked. We all felt that although she could be trained it was not fair on Darcy and she came back to Daybreaks yesterday. Clara said she enjoyed her time in Evesham and was perfect in every other way. She will be a wonderful addition to someone's family. x

by bigmac

Saturday 09 Oct 23:21

got to get time to come and see Clara its just getting the timing right for me and the wife!

by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 08 Oct 07:51

Hi Stefan, would you like me to pop round and help you with some training? Just let me know and I am happy to. I can help you get through any difficulties..... I promise!

by StefanBecky

Tuesday 05 Oct 22:21

Thanks Ruth, we'll have a go with the food. We are walking Clara lots morning and evening, as well as games in the garden. She's loads of fun and Perdi seems to love her. Perdi can't cope with the massive amounts of exercise though, so I think we are going to have to come up with some strategies for giving them both the right level of activity. Love her to bits though xx

by crackercharlieX

Tuesday 05 Oct 19:40

Clara was a real favorite of mine, I loved all her energy and she was so much fun, I wud hav loved t take her home, she's so affectionate aswell. Enjoy the craziness n maybe try t where her out with gud long walks n she'll luv that. Gud luk. She's gonna make a great conpanion. X

by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 05 Oct 18:11

Hi Stefan, just a thought.... what are you feeding Clara? If you try her on Burns Pork & Potato, you may find this will change her behaviour a lot - also give her things to keep her occupied such as a kong or treat ball..... mental stimulation is a great way to help resolve this problem. x

by StefanBecky

Tuesday 05 Oct 17:03

Clara is wearing us all out, she has endless energy. She loves Perdi and is very well-behaved with her. The girls are still doing well at night, have coped well being left and so far the housetraining has been good. The only issue is the Cat, he's too scared of her now to venture downstairs! x

by StefanBecky

Sunday 03 Oct 10:33

Clara is so much fun, she's having a great time playing with Perdi and is constantly on the go, never seems to rest, Perdi is shattered! She's doing v well with her house-training and obedience is improving. She's v puppyish and is into everything, keeps stealing things and taking them to her bed :-) we've now had two quiet nights from the girls, but the cat is still a challenge for Clara (We think she wants to play with him, but he's def not so keen!). We start back at work tomorrow so the girls will be alone during the day (we've practised leaving them from the start, so are hopeful)x

by StefanBecky

Friday 01 Oct 19:24

Clara is doing ok tonight in her foster home, it's so nice to see Perdi with her head up and the pair of them racing around the garden like lunes! Clara is a little too cat-friendly at the moment, but a warning hiss from Mr Darcy did make her think twice before the chase!! She's so much fun and full of beans, will keep you updated on her progress xx

by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 01 Oct 10:00

Clara was reserved but the family have decided not to have her. She is cat friendly and a very bouncy happy girl.

by crackercharlieX

Saturday 18 Sep 22:15

Yey 4 Clara, she's gonna b so much fun 4 the lucky family takin her home. X

by StefanBecky

Thursday 16 Sep 17:47

What a lovely bouncy girl, and cat-friendly too, such a surprise. Looking forward to seeing her and taking her out on the lead tomorrow :-) x

by crackercharlieX

Monday 13 Sep 17:14

Clara is so friendly n so much fun. Come see her she'll make a great pet. She's my favorite at the moment along with gypsy, so playful. X

by joshandtom

Sunday 12 Sep 23:02

We saw your stand in Solihull on Saturday 11/9/10 and chatted in length with Mary. Looked on your web site and Clara stood out. Will definitely be in touch. My boys will love her as think she's the piece missing in our puzzle.

by medaftboutdogs

Friday 10 Sep 19:39

Wot a stunner, she is so prettyyyyyyyy. x

by Donna+Baby+Jake

Wednesday 08 Sep 21:34

What a pretty girl - looks lively too!! Hope you find your forever home soon gorgeous!! xx

by crackercharlie

Wednesday 08 Sep 19:16

She is so much fun, full of energy n just wants someone 2 play with. A very lively girl. She will make an excellent member of someone's family. X