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About Me

Racing Name
Nicolas Gold
White and Black
Date of birth
01 jan 2007
Land of birth
IE Ireland
Land of standing
IE Ireland
Ear mark
Bayside BlondeIE-MAY-02-F
Family tree & race history

Perdi (Nicky)

female, 17 years old, White and Black

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Her trainer says she is a friendly girl

Microchip Number 981 098102541423

Perdi (Nicky) has had 0 cuddles today (15 all together).
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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 15 Nov 16:50

Fantastic news! So very pleased to hear she is doing so well; the last few months must have been very hard for you all. Thank you for making my day! Kind regards xxx

by StefanBecky

Tuesday 15 Nov 13:22

Quick update on Perdi : Other than being a little knobbly in the right shoulder and occasionally walking with a bit of goose-step, Perdi is practically back to normal! We walk together every day and she can do up to 45 mins with no ill effects; the vet is astounded by her and is encouring us to walk her further each week to build her muscles ready for her knee op (if it's still needed). She's so happy and bouncy and I'm sure it's her happy disposition that pulled her through xxx

by Jo

Monday 08 Aug 19:48

Hi How is Perdi doing i hope she is on the mend.x

by LadyVictoria

Thursday 28 Jul 16:34

She is such a brave girl; it's great to hear despite everything she is going through, she can still wag her tail to tell you she loves you and knows how lucky she is to have such a wonderful home. I do hope it won't be long before she is fit and well again. Sending her my cuddle today! xxx

by StefanBecky

Thursday 28 Jul 15:35

Perdi has had a rocky road and been back in hospital again, but she's now been home a week and is walking! ok, she's a bit wobbly and we are having to be really careful with her, but she's being amazing, wagging her tail madly and clearly very happy. I'm hopeful that she'll make a good recovery and that we'll all be able to walk together again soon x thanks for all your well-wishes x x

by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 19 Jul 14:36

How is your lovely Perdi doing? xxx

by Deb

Monday 18 Jul 11:40

I hope Perdi is feeling better today what an ordeal you have all been through.I am keeping everything crossed in the hope she will soon be on the mend and be her old self.

by Lauramc

Sunday 17 Jul 18:46

Big hugs Perdi, take it easy lovely lady and with all the love from your mum and dad and bestest brother you'll be better soon. xx

by StefanBecky

Sunday 17 Jul 17:38

Well, less than 24 hours after returning from the vets un-x-rayed as the machine had broken, part of Perdi's shoulder blade cut through the skin and was protruding, we dressed it securely and took her to the vets for opening time. She has had a second op, this time to remove some of the bone and round off the remaining bone and she is back home recovering. She seems much more comfy now and we are really hoping that she now finally starts to's been a terrible nightmare. Paddy has been a total star. xx

by Lauramc

Friday 08 Jul 17:59

Hi all, Didn't have a PC when Perdi had her original injury - so sorry to hear she's been so poolie! They really do make you worry don't they. :-( Big hugs from me, Craig and Roxy. I'm sure she's getting lots of love from home. Hope Paddy is being gentle. xxx

by LadyVictoria

Friday 08 Jul 13:18

Really sorry to hear Perdi is not so good today. I hope all goes well when she sees the vet. Sending her lots of hugs. xxxx

by StefanBecky

Friday 08 Jul 08:29

Poor Perdi is bsck to the vets today, days of TLC have not managed to prevent her from disrupting the site of her op. The vet thinks something has happened to the plates, so today she is being x-rayed again.The incident has also caused a hole in her skin, from which post-op fluid has been draining for over a week now...thank goodness for those cotton Pyjamas I made for the dogs, they are helping to soak it all up and keep Perdi from licking at it! xx

by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 05 Jul 13:38

Great to hear she is getting on ok, hope she continues to improve. I am sure she is loving being spoilt rotten! xx

by Deb

Saturday 25 Jun 10:58

So pleased to hear that Perdi is on the mend.Sounds like she is getting a lot of TLC and enjoying the extra treats.
It must be a relief to you all that she is doing so well.

by StefanBecky

Friday 24 Jun 21:20

She's improving each day, but not yet putting any weight on her front right leg. The vet is pleased with her progress, considering the extent of her injuries, and she has been allowed to take over the conservatory sofa (a previously denied luxury!), we are just so pleased to still have our little spotty girl, she is getting away with muder and only gets kisses as reprimand! :-) x

by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 22 Jun 15:18

How is Perdi doing? xx

by StefanBecky

Saturday 18 Jun 14:20

Perdi is home, our brave little girl :-)
Paddy and Darcy were so pleased to see her and there was a lovely little reunion, before we separated them for Perdi's safety :-) although they were all really gentle. it will take a good few months for her to be back to anything like normal, but she will be spoiled rotten and will have her next op in a couple of weeks xx

by Blackcat1

Friday 17 Jun 18:33

How brave you all are - we all send our heartfelt love to you Alison, Jill, Jack and Sky.

by LadyVictoria

Friday 17 Jun 13:31

Really good news Perdi was well enough for the operation and it went well. What an ordeal for you all. I am sure she will be very happy to be able to come home soon for lots of TLC xxx

by StefanBecky

Thursday 16 Jun 20:19

Perdi had her operation on Friday and is starting to improve :-) her shoulder blade was in 6 pieces and the vet has managed to put the 3 main pieces together with plates. She is less swollen, being really brave and trying to get around on 3 legs :-) she should be home on Saturday, Thank you all for your kind wishes xxx

by Deb

Saturday 11 Jun 17:42

I hope all is well with Perdi and the rest of her family .

by LindaPaul

Friday 10 Jun 16:29

Sending lots of love to you all and I am keeping everything crossed for your baby girl xxx

by LadyVictoria

Friday 10 Jun 13:35

So sorry to hear about Perdi's accident. Poor little girl, I do hope she will be able to have the operation on her shoulder today; so she can start to get better. Please let us know how she is getting on. xx
On a happier note, contratulations to you both on getting married! Kind regards. x

by Emma

Friday 10 Jun 13:05

Oh my goodness, how awful :0( I have got everything crossed for your brave little soldier, and I just hope and pray she mends well and is not in too much pain and discomfort in the meantime xxx

by StefanBecky

Friday 10 Jun 11:44

I'm sorry to report that our little girl had a terribel accident on the last day of our honeymoon in Devon and is currently being treated at a specialist vets. We decided we wanted Paddy and Perdi with us on honeymoon and went to a fabulous dog-friendly complex of holiday cottages with loads of open space and an 8 acre woodland. The dogs had an amazing time and were full of beans on the last day, we thought we'd take them for one last run around the woods before going home and something happened to Perdi...we don't know what. After 5 days of treatments and nursing both at vets and at home, we now know she has a shattered shoulder blade and two partially ruptured ligaments on her knee, all on her right hand side, two big wounds and lots of blood loss have meant she's been very poorly and we've been desperately worried. Today I can report better news: her blood count is back within a normal range (helped by mummy's tempting treats of salami, cheese and peanut butter sandwiches and little meals loaded with sardines) and her liver enzimes are better too, we agreed to hospitalise her on wednesday so she could have better pain-relief. I've spoken to the vets (for the hundredth time) this morning and they are re x-raying her chest today (she has a pnuemothorax?) and if the air in her chest is at an ok level and she can tolerate it they will attemopt to reconstruct her shoulder today. She is such a brave girl and we are so proud of her...will keep you posted - Becky, Stef, Paddy and Mr Darcy

by StefanBecky

Saturday 01 Jan 12:50

A little girl saw Perdi on a walk the other day and said "oh look mummy, a dalmation!" bless x

by StefanBecky

Saturday 01 Jan 12:45

It's Perdi's birthday today! 4 today :-) happy birthday poppet xx love mummy and daddy, Paddy and Mr Darcy xx

by StefanBecky

Sunday 19 Dec 12:13

Just been for a snowy walk and let them off the lead for the first time!!! wow, so fast! Paddy ran off at 40mph and we found him sat on a stranger's doorstep! they then decided to hunt down a labrador...luckily they were muzzled and Stef used his seriously cross daddy voice to break it up. After that, they were pretty good :-) came back for the liver and a fuss x we also used a whistle and a squeeky toy to distract/get attention, so all in all, pretty pleased :-) x

by StefanBecky

Friday 03 Dec 22:00

Poor Perdi, today has been a bit nerve-wracking for her, but she's been lying with Paddy, on his bed, since we got home...long doggy legs entwined...sweet! Her personality is now properly showing; she's a bit more grumpy with other dogs than Paddy and if there's ever a cross word between the two of them, it seems to be Perdi...but she genuinely loves Paddy really and spends most of her (non-sleeping)time standing neatly under his tummy, just like the picture! Mr Darcy gave her a kiss right on her nose tonight, much to her (and our) surprise! x

by StefanBecky

Wednesday 01 Dec 08:36

Perdi and Paddy are off to the vets on Friday for boosters and teeth-checks...lots of chewy sticks have improved Paddy's gnashers so fingers crossed x no further cat-chasing incidents (touch wood), so all is well in the Powell household :-) x

by StefanBecky

Saturday 20 Nov 10:25

Perdi is very pleased with herself, she's gained a little weight and a lot of confidence; we've started treating Paddy as 'top dog' (below us and Darcy of course) so she doesn't get too big for her boots. She's now tried to chase Darcy twice, little madam, so is under strict supervision! Planning on popping to the kennels tomorrow for a couple of bags of food... xx

by StefanBecky

Friday 22 Oct 20:54

Perdi just wants to say thankyou to Daybreaks for her lovely new boyfriend; she loves Paddy and they even ended up eating out of the same bowl tonight! xx Becky x

by StefanBecky

Monday 11 Oct 21:17

Just a quick update...Perdi is being fab, her and Darcy are now getting on just fine, still a few nerves, but we feel so much more relaxed x what a poppet x x

by StefanBecky

Sunday 10 Oct 14:57

Perdi is missing her friend today...she slept well last night and is subdued but ok. She also came face to face with Mr Darcy today without incident :-) We've just come back from a lovely walk by the river meeting other dogs, children and bicycles and she was a very good girl x We'll come and see you all next weekend xx

by StefanBecky

Tuesday 05 Oct 16:56

Perdi can't believe how tired she is and wonders why Clara doesn't rest more! Influence of Clara on Perdi is not all good, Perdi has also taken to stealing and the pair of them have just had a good bark at another dog in the park! Other than that, she's very happy xx

by StefanBecky

Sunday 03 Oct 10:39

Perdi is shattered thanks to her new doggy foster sister! Clara is good for her, yesterday she even played in the garden with a ball on a rope. Her tail is out, her head is up and there's no howling at night. Her stitch wound is being bathed and she's taken her antibiotics well. She's just a v tired baby xx

by StefanBecky

Thursday 30 Sep 09:13

Perdi (Nicky) is slowly but surely coming out of her shell and it's great to see her tail wagging as we return home and on walks. After a couple of nights of howling (thankfully we are detached) she was a lot better last night and fingers crossed she seems to be settling down. Getting on well with MR Darcy (The cat) and just about to go on a thursday morning walk...

by StefanBecky

Saturday 25 Sep 10:23

Perdi (Nicky) had a good first night, she's very nervous and timid, but is doing really well and you can see her confidence growing all the time x 'Perdi' is latin for 'lost one' x

by StefanBecky

Tuesday 21 Sep 17:41

Coming to get you on Friday - Yay! xx

by StefanBecky

Sunday 19 Sep 21:33

Looking forward to bringing you home at the weekend :-) hang in there girl, a fluffy duvet awaits you and we know Jill, Ruth and the others will be giving you cuddles til then x

by StefanBecky

Saturday 18 Sep 21:39

Home-check tomorrow and you'll soon be able to come and see your forever home. Sending virtual cuddles til you can be here and have them for real x x x x

by StefanBecky

Thursday 16 Sep 17:49

Sooo pleased Nicky passed the cat test, and really excited about meeting her tomorrow :-) xx

by StefanBecky

Wednesday 15 Sep 13:27

Hope Nicky is settling in ok today...and that she'll be cat friendly!:-)

by Dawn/Andy&Penny

Tuesday 14 Sep 21:23

what a beautful girl Im sure she wont be around long

by Donna+Baby+Jake

Tuesday 14 Sep 19:41

ohhh look at you....I darent come near Daybreaks for a while..too much like a special boy i once knew..xxxxx Good luck in finding a home beautiful xxxx