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About Me

Racing Name
Icemaid Chillie
Date of birth
27 mar 2008
Land of birth
IE Ireland
Land of standing
UK United Kingdom
Ear mark
Icemaid KaleyIU/UK-AUG-04-BD
Family tree & race history


female, 16 years old, Brindle

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Microchip number: 981 098102540084

Chillie has had 0 cuddles today (4 all together).
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by shanishoo

Friday 30 Jul 22:37

So very sorry for your loss, RIP little one xxxxxx

3 others liked this

by LadyVictoria

Friday 30 Jul 20:55

Thinking of Chillie's family. God Bless your lovely girl. Xxx

3 others liked this

by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 30 Jul 11:58

Run free little Chillie - a grand old age - you certainly had a long retirement! (Due to a 'blip' in our system, her photos can't be loaded but I will sort this out later) xx

4 others liked this

by manda

Friday 18 Feb 11:22

Hi Julie, she seems to have stopped it now but we do think its a trapped nerve. Were gona try and find someone who can give her a good rub down :) thank you for your advice. I will try and give u a call soon xx

by tiggersslave

Friday 11 Feb 11:49

Oh and should also have said that if it happens when Tig's lying flat and you gently move her head and neck to a different position it stops so again that suggests to me its not epilepsy- tho I'm not a vet and would always say get them checked out by an openminded greyhound vet :). I also do TTouch to relax her .. tho she's relaxed about it anyway it helps me to be doing something, often the TTouch will stop the wobbles

j xx

by tiggersslave

Friday 11 Feb 11:44

Hi Manda
Do you mean her head and neck tremor/wobble/shake? If so my Tigger has had a few recently and luckily once at the vets my vet is homeopathic so doesn't resort to chemicals as a first thought .. he's also a McTimoney chiropractor so has another view to offer. He looked at Tigger whilst her head and neck were wobbling, he felt the tremor was not epilepsy and he also felt it was nothing to worry about (excuse me I'm neurotic so I will worry :) :) ), he had just manipulated her chiropractically and we wondered if it was a slight nerve response to the adjustments and altho she had a couple of tremors that I saw in the next couple of days they were less and less and she hasn't had one for a week- and these were the first I'd seen for years.
As I understand epilepsy in dogs (and my vet agreed) when they are fitting the dogs is not aware of what's going on around it and this is the difference -with Tigger's tremors she is aware of everything that's happening and has come out for her feed whilst her head and neck are shaking (its not a violent shake but a wobble a nodding dog tho side to side) so my vets view is that its not epilepsy he is not sure however what it is. I think that it usually happens when Tig has lay down with her head and neck draped over the end of a high duvet, I know she has disc damage in her neck so I wonder if the nerves just pinch slightly and her head wobbles plus Tig has always been quite a nervy grey so maybe that doesn't help either. If she was mine I'd take her to a McTimoney chiropractor for a check, we've had great results with other greys that have been checked over.
If you Google epilepsy there are YouTube footage of fits so you can compare .. I know that there are different types of epilepsy but this may be a starting point.
Best wishes
Julie x

by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 11 Feb 11:28

Hi Manda, when you say 'episode' - what do you mean? x

by manda

Thursday 10 Feb 23:37

Little Bean has had another episode. If anyone has any advice or help please get in touch. She has had 2 tonight within the space of 5 minutes and one last night xx

by manda

Sunday 16 Jan 09:53

When adding a second sometimes it can be difficult. Were quite lucky on how chilled out Rolo is to put up with a very young and excitable Chillie, but she is so loving with us and with him, I guess it is finding the right grey to suite yours, We know after a bad experience that they should pick eachother and we shouldn't push one dog onto another one. We go to a field that is just walking distance away from our house in Bewdley, they have an entrance and it also goes onto another field under a pole. But thankfully we have got there re-call sorted so they dont run off unless they see another dog, the two fields are very big so when we first started taking them in there we used the back field which has no exits, its great till we can get there re-call stronger when they see another dog (good luck to us eh!!) Manda x

by Suziela

Thursday 13 Jan 12:49

It's great to hear how well Rolo & Chilli are getting on, we are thinking of having a brother or sister for Sidney(Jip) but haven't decided yet, so its good to hear the positives!! By the way where is the enclosed field you take them to? Suex

by manda

Thursday 13 Jan 11:29

Just an update on Rolo and Chillie, they are doing so so well. And thank you to the staff at daybreaks for introducing us to Chillie although it was a little difficult at the begining I don't think Rolo and Chillie would be able to live with eachother now, she follows him everywhere and copies him.. Which isnt always a good thing. Rolo is doing very well aswell. He is allowed off lead in different places and he always comes back to us, Chillie is only allowed off when we are in our enclosed field as she sometimes has a mind of her own. We got them 2 kongs which they enjoy a lot (always supervised!!) Rolo even lets Chillie have a play with his toy once he is finished (again supervised!!). Chillie has now learnt how to give her paw, and when i say other she gives me the other one, she will also lie when asked... Still doing some wait commands with both of them, but all very good. Both greys are fast asleep on there sofa's. Once again thank you all and for being on the other end of the phone whenever we have any questions. Love Manda, Rich, Rolo & Chillie Bean xxx

by manda

Monday 22 Nov 10:13

Hi Paul, e-mail; Thank you :)

The Bolton Clan x

by rich

Sunday 21 Nov 20:11

Hi all. A quick question to all at team Grey??!!! does anyone know of an enclosed field where we could exercise the monsters without fear of them running off, a problem we have experienced recently. We live in Bewdley, next to west midlands safari park so our side of Brum would be preferable.. Many thanks.

by rich

Sunday 21 Nov 20:07

Hi Linda, Paul and the girls. Thanks for you for your kind words. We had decided to keep Chillie Bean a while ago but have been so busy we haven't had chance to officially sign for her. Chillie is doing very well, and there is never a dull moment! Speak soon love Rich, Manda Rolo and Chillie.xx

by LindaPaul

Sunday 21 Nov 19:10

Paul & I have been watching and fantastic news that you are officially Chillie's mum & dad and great to see it's all worked out. x
(PS Paul was the one who looked after Chillie at the Dog Show.)

by Paul

Sunday 21 Nov 16:16

Amanda, if you send me an Email to I will send you the picture at full resolution, so you can get a decent print off it.


by manda

Sunday 21 Nov 15:59

Love the picture! We are going to get it printed and frame it. Thank you both for coming over today so we could make Chillie officially ours. Rolo liked seeing Jill aswell xxx

by manda

Saturday 23 Oct 21:16

Chillie has been getting on very well, she follows Rolo everywhere. She is getting so much better with our food and isn't jumping on the side's so much. Sofa's are being shared and they are both getting used to what they both like and what they don't. She has proved very popular at our local pub. We can't believe how well she has settled in to our home and how well after a few day's Rolo has taken to watching over her. It's lovely. It's safe to say although she is on trial contract negotiation's are well under way ha ha. She is really becoming a member of our family. She is now cuddled up with Rich on the sofa waiting for our pizza!!! Rich, Manda, Rolo & Chillie xxxx

by rich

Friday 22 Oct 16:56

Hi everyone,
Just to clarify that Chillie is still with us. We just want to be sure Rolo is ok with the new arrangement. Initially he has been a little reserved but appears to be coming round to the idea now.
Chillie is a lovely little girl and so far she has been clean, dry and extremely greedy!!!! We'll keep you all posted. Rich &

by zippy(TheNeals)

Thursday 21 Oct 17:25

Awwwww Chilli, I am sad to see you are back at the kennels. I hope that you find a forever home soon. I'm sure you will very soon. Cuddles for you sweetheart xxxxx

by LindaPaul

Wednesday 20 Oct 11:44

Paul and I were so pleased to read that you have Chillie and that she is getting on just fine with Rolo. Could tell from Saturday she loved her grub from the way she gobbled up all the treats she managed to get!!
Fingers crossed for you all. Linda, Paul, Lola & Lena x

by rich

Tuesday 19 Oct 14:52

Hi all, so far so good with Rolo and Chillie Chillie pon pon!!!!
Chillie shadows Rolo for most of the time and they have had a blast around our enclosed field, it was a sight to behold!! I thought Rolo was greediest grund i've ever met, how wrong i was!!!! The first two nights have gone fairly well, no messes and not a lot of whinning. watch this space . Rich manda and little &

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Monday 18 Oct 16:45

I wonder how little Chillie is getting on with her new (potential) big brother? Hope your first night went well little girl xxx

by LindaPaul

Monday 18 Oct 10:04

Am not at all surprised to see Chillie has been reserved as she is a real sweetie. Well done and congratulations to Chillie and her new family.
Love from Linda, Paul, Lola & Lena xx
PS Nessie ... We are sticking at 2 but it was still a pleasure to have her for the day and please give our love to Suzie Bluebell!!!! xx

by Nessie

Sunday 17 Oct 16:56

Linda & Paul, I saw u and Chillie yesterday. I think this might be number 3 for you! I shall have to stick with just my lovely Suzie as I couldn't control two going mad for squirrells! You know u want her.

by manda

Sunday 17 Oct 11:45

We love this little girl, Rolo didn't seem to mind one bit when she put her head on his back for a rest and leaned on him. It was so cute!! xx

by LindaPaul

Saturday 16 Oct 20:49

Paul took Chillie to the show today and she was such a good girl all day. She wandered around happily with our two and was fine with all the other breeds she met even the small furry ones. Probably the highlight of the show for Chillie were the various goodies from the Galloping Greyhound Gourmet which she woofed down! This girl definitely likes her treats....
Someone is going to get a lovely addition to their family when they re-home Chillie. Love from Linda, Paul, Lola & Lena xx

by Lauramc

Friday 15 Oct 19:31

What a cutie! xx

by julie

Friday 15 Oct 17:25

Not only do you have a Mrs Branston but you now have a Baby Branston, aww how cute he looks! Unfortunately impossible for us to have a Branston family, damm:(x.