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Date of birth
04 aug 2004
Land of birth
UK United Kingdom
Land of standing
UK United Kingdom


female, 20 years old, Black

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Josie was found tied up outside a shop all day and not collected. When found she was in a very bad condition with sores and scars.

Josie has had 0 cuddles today (47 all together).
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by TJ

Friday 21 Nov 15:53

Run free over that bridge beautiful. Our thoughts are with your family and everyone who loved you. T, J & R xxx

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by LindaPaul

Thursday 20 Nov 23:18

Special girl, she'll always be in your hearts xx

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by blueangel

Thursday 20 Nov 22:04

So sorry Run free beautiful xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 20 Nov 22:02

Remembering your lovely Josie...Xxx

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by Dingo'sMom

Thursday 20 Nov 21:38


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by ClareInsightHounds

Thursday 20 Nov 20:57

I can't quite believe it's been a year. We still talk about you often and thinking of you and your big personality makes me smile. I miss you sweetheart, you get my cuddle tonight. Xx

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by lovegreys

Thursday 21 Nov 20:46

Although I have never met Josie and your family, I am so sorry to hear your sad news. It is obvious that you adored her. Looking at her pictures I can see she was a very beautiful girl. Wishing you happy memories. x

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by ClareInsightHounds

Thursday 21 Nov 18:06

Thank you too you all for your lovely comments. They mean a lot to us. XX

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by fatharry

Thursday 21 Nov 17:05

so sorry to hear about Josie,you did all you could for her.Just think of the happy times you had,she was very lucky to end her life with you all, take care Dave, Maria,Blue & Ben x.

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by susy

Thursday 21 Nov 08:58

I just do not know what to say. Such sad news.
Love to Clare and Jim not forgetting Louis.
The New Icemaid Clan xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Wednesday 20 Nov 22:25

Rainbow Bridge has gained another angel. Run free special girl. My heart is broken that you didn't have a little longer in your wonderful home after your sad past. I know how devastated your mum Clare and dad Jim are and of course your 4 legged brother Louis. I will never forget your little tuft on the top of your head which made you look so very sweet. Nite nite Josie - your star is shining bright xxxxxxx

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by Snipe

Wednesday 20 Nov 22:03

So sorry to hear this!! Such a shock for you. Thinking of you all.......xx

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by Robdog's-dad

Wednesday 20 Nov 21:19

X x x ...

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by Tinker'sNan

Wednesday 20 Nov 20:52

I to have been following how Josie was progressing i could ant believe that this beautiful girl has gone to rainbow bridge please we are thinking of you and your family at this sad time run free beautiful girl love to all Xxx

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by Dingo'sMom

Wednesday 20 Nov 19:35

I was devastated to read the terrible news this afternoon. Josie could not have had a better life than with your family Clare. Such a beautiful, gentle girl. Run free Josie and lots of love to Clare, Jim, Louis and Tigger. Xxxxx

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by Simon,Jan&Jet

Wednesday 20 Nov 18:31

Clare, our love goes out to you and the family at the passing over Rainbow Bridge of Josie.
Just when we thought things were improving for her.
Loads of sympathy and <<<hugs>>> to you all x x x

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by sarah

Wednesday 20 Nov 18:18

Clare, I am so sorry for the loss of beautiful Josie, what heartbreaking news. My love to you all at this awful time x

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by Jess&Koda

Wednesday 20 Nov 17:46

Rest in peace gorgeous girl, my thoughts are with your mum and dad and your little brother Louis. Xxxxxx

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by michelleandbertie

Wednesday 20 Nov 17:04

I am so terribly sad to hear your devastating news, my heart goes out to you all x

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by Fay&JaysMom

Wednesday 20 Nov 15:08

I was shocked to read this news especially as all seemed well yesterday. Please accept my deepest sympathy. RIP Josie.

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by LindaPaul

Wednesday 20 Nov 14:38

Clare, I am so very very sad to read this news. It's not at all what I was expecting to read when I checked in this morning, so I can only imagine the pain that you and Jim must be feeling right now. Words will never be enough but I know that you will have very special memories of Josie and you should both feel very proud that you gave her such a loving home after she'd clearly been through some darker times. I hope that time will do it's job and that you will all heal with its passing, and remember all the good things.
Sleep tight beautiful Josie. All our love, Linda, Paul, Lola & Lena xxxx

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by maccasmum

Wednesday 20 Nov 14:32

Such sad news. I know how much she was loved. Thinking of you all xxxx

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by missfifi

Wednesday 20 Nov 14:32

Clare I am so sad to read this news. All I know is that the love goes on like a big beautiful ribbon joining up all the greys in our lives past, present and future. Thinking of you and all you love today. Xx

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by Bess&Reene'smum

Wednesday 20 Nov 13:32

What a damn shame. I'm not sure I ever had the pleasure of meeting Josie, so sorry to hear your heartbreaking news, I too have been following your posts. It sounds like she was a lovely dog and had a fab loving home, thinking of you xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 20 Nov 13:30

Clare, Jim and Louis, I am heartbroken for you. Josie was such a lovely, sweet girl. So very sad. God bless his newest angel. Lots of love Kate and Twiggy. Xxx

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by Winniethepooh

Wednesday 20 Nov 13:12

Clare, I am so very very sorry to hear this news.

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by sebby

Wednesday 20 Nov 12:35

Oh my goodness, have been following your journey, am so, so sorry for your loss, she was a lucky girl to have been so thoroughly loved by your family. She will be shinning down this evening from the beautiful fields up above. x

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by tiggersslave

Wednesday 20 Nov 12:32

Oh Clare I am devastated for you, words aren't enough but I know Josie had a wonderful life after you rehomed her -just remember how happy she was. Sending you, Louis and your family lots of love. Julie xx

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by ClareInsightHounds

Wednesday 20 Nov 11:43

Our beautiful Josie went to Rainbow Bridge this morning.
We are heartbroken. The vet called early this morning to say he had checked on Josie and she had been fine but half an hour later she had collapsed. They found blood in her abdomen. A ultra sound found she had advance cancer in her liver and that was causing the bleeding. It was completely unrelated to the thyroid. Sadly there were no positive ways forward. We are taking comfort in the fact we couldn't have known and she was in the best place when this happened, they acted on it immediately, kept us informed and she did not suffer.
Josie was an amazing girl and had so much love to give despite not having the best start in life. She was a part of the acupuncture research project which helped her confidence so much and hopefully her results will go on to help lots of other dogs. She will be with Ellie now. Josie you are such a special girl, you've bought us so much happiness and we are really going to miss you. Run free beautiful . Lots of love Mum, Dad, Louis and Tigger the cat. Xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 19 Nov 23:18

So pleased Josie can come home tomorrow. I am sure lovely Louis will be so happy to see her...please give her a hug from me. Xxx

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by sarah

Tuesday 19 Nov 20:38

Phew, this is such good news am so happy for you all xxxx

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by ClareInsightHounds

Tuesday 19 Nov 18:54

Thank you. The vet has said Josie eating, drinking and recovering how they would expect. She is allowed home tomorrow! We can't wait to see her and have her back here. Thank you so much to Ruth and Kate for their help with Louis we really appreciate it. Xx

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by Simon,Jan&Jet

Monday 18 Nov 19:40

So pleased it went so well today!!
Give her a big cuddle when you get her home!!

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by missfifi

Monday 18 Nov 18:21

That's fab news to read. Daisydog sends a happy squeak from the seaside. Xx

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by maccasmum

Monday 18 Nov 18:06

Wonderful news! Hugs and kisses to you all

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by LindaPaul

Monday 18 Nov 18:00

That is great news Clare and we're very relieved also that she is through the surgery. It's always a worry but she is in the very best of hands. Everything is definitely going in the right direction now. Love from all of us xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 18 Nov 17:53

Clare, Jim and Louis, brilliant news for your lovely Josie! So happy for her. Hope she will soon be back at home with you all. Xxx

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by ClareInsightHounds

Monday 18 Nov 17:31

Hi, Josie is through her operation and they have removed it! Plus they have x-rayed her chest and it has not spread! There are a couple of minor concerns but nothing to worry about too much. I can't begin to tell you how happy and relieved we are. They are keeping her in tonight and will update us on her progress tomorrow. A huge thank you to Ruth for helping out with Louis today. Xx

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by LindaPaul

Monday 18 Nov 11:41

My cuddle goes to Josie today.
Thinking of you and your mum, dad and greyhound brother. xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 17 Nov 21:32

Lots of love to Josie, hope all goes well tomorrow. Xxx

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by DuleekDandy

Friday 15 Nov 23:52

Sending love to you all....lots of cuddles for Josie. All the best for Monday xxx

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by sarah

Friday 15 Nov 21:42

Lots of love to you and big cuddles for Josie x Bring on Monday so beautiful Josie can start to get better xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 15 Nov 21:22

I too am sending my cuddle to lovely Josie today. Xxx

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by Dingo'sMom

Friday 15 Nov 20:30

Sending Josie our cuddle today from Dingo (her foster brother) and all of us. Thinking of you all. Xxxx

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by Simon,Jan&Jet

Friday 15 Nov 15:48

Wishing you all the best for Monday, and hopefully a successful outcome!!

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by ClareInsightHounds

Friday 15 Nov 13:22

Thank you everyone. I can only echo everyone's comments about The Willows they were fantastic. They are almost certain it is thyroid cancer. They are going to operate but didn't today as she will need to stay in for 2-3 days afterwards and they would rather she had the aftercare during the week when there are more staff on hand. They have said that we have spotted it early and it is moveable which is a good sign. As long as there are no surprises or spread they have said all the signs are pointing to a positive future. She is booked in for Monday and we are confident she will be in very good hands. Thank you again for all of your comments and support they really mean a lot to us.

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by missfifi

Friday 15 Nov 12:20

Daisydog sends a salty cuddle from the seaside. The willows will do all they can to help Josie beat this. Xx

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by LindaPaul

Friday 15 Nov 10:04

Have sent Josie an e-cuddle. Thinking of all of you today.
Linda, Paul & the girls xxxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 15 Nov 09:43

Thinking of you today xxxxxx

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by ClareInsightHounds

Friday 15 Nov 08:29

Thank you everyone. We'll keep you posted. X

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by maccasmum

Friday 15 Nov 07:11

All the best Clare and Josie, praying for a positive outcome, love Jackie, Andrew and Macca

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by Robdog's-dad

Thursday 14 Nov 21:03

Paws & toes crossed everything goes ok Sam Sie Dreams & Tom x x x

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by sarah

Thursday 14 Nov 20:58

Clare I am so sorry that I haven'y commented before, I remember Josie coming into Daybreaks and she is just the most lovely poppet xx I would like to wish you all the best for tomorrow - will be thinking about you and I have everything crossed for a good result xxxxxx

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by ClareInsightHounds

Thursday 14 Nov 20:16

Thank you Kate and Twiggy. Xx

by LadyVictoria

Thursday 14 Nov 20:08

Hi Clare, really hope all goes well for Josie tomorrow. Will be thinking of you all. Love Kate and Twiggy Xxx

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by ClareInsightHounds

Saturday 09 Nov 20:41

Thank you! X

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by fatharry

Saturday 09 Nov 18:15

Hi Clare your comments are spot on about Daybreaks there is always someone to help ,support and understand you,and help through the tough times,wishing you all the best with Josie,we live just round the corner from the Willows so if you need some support or someone to talk to you're very welcome to pop in. Ruth has our number Dave ,Maria,Blue &Ben x

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by DuleekDandy

Friday 08 Nov 20:47

Hi Clare, we are so sorry to hear about Josie, but pleased you are feeling better about it all.
Sending hugs for all of you and positive thoughts....
Bob, Orla & Muvva xXx

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by ClareInsightHounds

Friday 08 Nov 19:24

Thank you for all of your kind comments they are really appreciated and reassuring. Josie is booked into The Willows on Friday as you all said they were fantastic even just over the phone booking her in.
I'm so glad we picked Daybreaks to adopt our first greyhound and subsequent greyhounds. The people that run it and are connected to it are amazing you never feel alone there is always someone to offer support, advice, guidance and reassurance which is invaluable. It is a very special place.

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by macca

Friday 08 Nov 12:31

Best wishes to you and Josie - I'm glad things are a bit more positive for you. Macca sends a woof, a waggy tail and a big kiss

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by Winniethepooh

Friday 08 Nov 09:13

Hello Clare

Sending best wishes for you with Josie.

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by tiggersslave

Friday 08 Nov 07:50

Hi Clare, I'm sorry to hear the lump is a cancer but there are lots of treatments around now that help dogs with cancers. My lurcher and my grey both had cancer- Moke an aggressive tumour on his leg and Tigger a Spindle Cell Tumour :( Moke had radiotherapy and as Tig was nearly 12 I wouldn't let them operate but for both I also went to a homeopathic vet who recommended raw food, no vaccinations (your vet shouldn't vaccinate as she's not a well dog as I understand the advice .. see Canine Health Concern) , he does chiropractic and gives them homeopathic remedies to encourage the healing process. Moke had the lump taken off, radio, homeopathy and altho there was only a 40% recovery rate his cancer never returned and he lived till he was 12 1/2 with a good quality of life. Tig's tumour shrank as Chris treated it- unfortunately it moved as it shrank and Tig died in her sleep. It helped me to use 'alternative' vet medicine as well as conventional as I felt I was doing something for my dog :)
Tig was in the Willows too with a damaged disc .. their care is fabulous .. like has been said 5 Star :) Don't forget that you can ask for a prescription and get your vet medicines on line as they can be cheaper - I saved £250 on one lot of Tigger's Tramadol and two Antibiotics .. you can even claim the cost of the prescription back from the insurance company. All crossed and good luck for Josie plus big hugs for Louis too. J xx

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by LindaPaul

Thursday 07 Nov 22:52

Hi Clare. The Willows is a fabulous place and is totally state of the art. Paul and I have first hand experience as our first foster dog Norris had surgery there to repair his broken hock. It's like the best private hospital you could imagine. They offer free monthly tours which are held in the evenings. Details are on their website and it's well worth it.
It's great to hear the specialists are so positive and you know we're all here with you every step of the way. XXX

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 07 Nov 21:14

Hi Clare, great to hear the vets are optimistic they can help Josie. I too have heard good things about the Willows. Xxx

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by missfifi

Thursday 07 Nov 20:16

Please be reassured about the willows. Both my last two greys had the most amazing care and skill extended to them by the brilliant specialists and nursing staff. They managed to get one of my boys to walk again after being paralysed by a spinal haematoma. They will do all they can and give you all the information so you are able to make the right decisions. They also have a general practise and daisydog went for her boosters etcs. I hope all goes well; there really is nowhere better to go in my opinion.

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by ClareInsightHounds

Thursday 07 Nov 19:46

Sorry for the last post hit the add button by mistake. The vet has called and the specialist has confirmed it is cancer. They are going to run some X-rays and possibly a scan to check for spread. Looking at all the information they are happy to operate and are optimistic. She will be going to the willows too which I have heard good things about. I know we are not out of woods yet but compared to the other day this is great news. I can't stop smiling. Thank you for all of your lovely comments and support. X

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by ClareInsightHounds

Thursday 07 Nov 19:39

We heard from the vet this evening the specialist has confirmed it is cancer. The good news is they are going to run some X-rays and possibly a scan to check for spread. They are happy to operate and are optermistoc all the information

by muddypaws

Thursday 07 Nov 13:54

Appologies to Josie !! Got my Flo's & Jo's in a tangle!!! come on girls..... i am just an infetior man after all - these hands were'nt designed for a tinky winky keyboard! All the best to Josie XXX.

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by LindaPaul

Wednesday 06 Nov 11:07

Clare we are so sorry to see this latest news. Definitely not what we wanted to hear but we know you will make sure she gets the very best of care. Sending hugs to you all. Love from Linda, Paul, Lola & Lena xxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Wednesday 06 Nov 05:51

I am absolutely gutted to read your news about Josie. Sending you all big hugs.... please let me know if I can do anything - I can look after Louis anytime if you need me to xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 05 Nov 20:53

Hi Clare, so sorry to hear the news about Josie was not what we were all hoping to hear. She is so lucky to have you, Jim and Louis to give her lots of love and support. I hope the specialist will be able to offer some positive options. Sending big hugs to you all. Xxx

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by ClareInsightHounds

Tuesday 05 Nov 20:10

Here is the Josie update. The antibiotics didn't work so we booked her in to have the lump removed today. While she was at the vets they decided it was too risky to operate. They have spent time consulting with a specialist and are pretty sure it's thyroid cancer. They have run some further tests and are going to refer her to an oncology expert to look at all the information and make a decision on the risks, potential options and best ways forward. We are obviously upset but trying to remain positive until we know more.
Poor Louis boy who is normally fine has been chewing on the stair gate today he obviously wasn't happy without his big sister at home with him.
The good news is although Josie is loosing weight she is eating well, happy in herself and enjoying lots of cuddles and jumbo bones. X

by LindaPaul

Wednesday 30 Oct 13:15

Hi Clare. Same as LadyV I hope the antibiotics do the trick. Keep us posted on how she is doing as we are all behind you. Sounds like you have put your vet through her paces too which is great as you now have a good plan of action. Love from Linda, Paul & the girls xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 29 Oct 23:25

Hi Clare, really hope the antibiotics help. Xxx

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by ClareInsightHounds

Tuesday 29 Oct 21:33

Thank you so much for the kind words and thoughts it really has meant a lot to us. The vet was very patient with me while I asked a hundred and one questions this evening. We think the lump may have gone down slightly so we are trying another week of antibiotics. If it goes down then brilliant that is what we are hoping for. If it remains the same or gets bigger in the next week she will need to have it removed. The vet explained in detail the risks etc because of where it is by her windpipe and a main artery but reassured me she had done the procedure before on a smaller dog with a bigger lump. We are really hoping it is just a bad infection in her thyroid and the antibiotics will do the trick. We are keeping everything crossed. Thank you again for thinking of us it's great to have such a supportive network of friends that understand and can relate to how we feeling when one of our greys aren't well. X

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by LindaPaul

Tuesday 29 Oct 11:01

Hi Clare. Glad to hear Josie is gradually returning to her normal self. Keeping everything crossed still and hope you get more useful info when you see the vet face to face tonight. I can image it's very frustrating after what you have all been through. Love from Linda, Paul & the 2 girls xxxx

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by tiggersslave

Tuesday 29 Oct 07:46

Hi Clare
Great to hear Josie is improving :) All crossed she continues the same way and is back to normal soon. Julie xx

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by Robdog's-dad

Monday 28 Oct 19:59

Clare, fingers & paws crossed on the results, glad to hear that Josie is feeling better c u soon sam&sie x

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 28 Oct 18:43

Hi Clare, so pleased to hear Josie is feeling better and more like her normal self again. Hope you get some satisfactory information regarding the test results tomorrow. Xxx

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by ClareInsightHounds

Monday 28 Oct 18:06

Hi Kate, in herself she is doing really well. The swelling has all gone down and her breathing is back to normal. She is back nudging us with her nose for a fuss, excited about her dinner and out on walks again. Jim spoke to the vet late this afternoon who said the test results are inconclusive. I'm really pleased obviously it's not saying the word we dread when it comes to lumps however I am upset she was so poorly last week following the procedure and it was for 'inconclusive'. I'm taking her for the follow up appointment tomorrow at 6 pm so the vet said she will discuss the results with me in more detail then. I'll keep you posted. Thank you for thinking of her. X

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 28 Oct 17:24

Hi Clare, how is Josie doing? Xxx

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by Dingo'sMom

Saturday 26 Oct 13:27

Thinking of you all and Sending Josie lots of love, and hugs from Dingo of course. Xx

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by ClareInsightHounds

Saturday 26 Oct 10:07

Thank you for all of your kind comments and thoughts. I'll keep you posted. She managed a little walk to the end of the road and back this morning and she is eating well. X

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by LindaPaul

Saturday 26 Oct 07:37

Oh my goodness Clare, what a shock to read that Josie has been so poorly. You must both be so worried as there's nothing worse than seeing one of your babies in obvious discomfort. We will keep everything crossed for a good result from the vets tests. Be sure to know we are thinking of you. Love from Linda, Paul, Lola & Lena xxxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Saturday 26 Oct 07:23

Oh Clare - I am so very sorry to hear about Josie and what you have been going through this week. Sending big hugs and lots of love to you all. Please keep us all posted and if you need anything, please call xxxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 25 Oct 20:33

Hi Clare, So sorry to hear Josie has not been well...will keep everything crossed the test results come back with good news. Sending her and Louis a big hug. Xxx

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by ClareInsightHounds

Friday 25 Oct 20:19

Our lovely Josie has been quite poorly. We found a lump in her neck, she had a procedure Tuesday to remove some cells for testing. Her neck became very swollen (if anyone has seen photos of Nora when she was poorly it looked similar) it made her breathing laboured too. It's been really difficult to see her so out of sorts and swollen. The good news is each day the swelling has gone down today and her neck and face look like a greyhound should again and her breathing is almost back to normal. Today she is acting like herself again it's been wonderful to see. Louis has played with his toys again today too he has been very quiet and out of sorts. We are still waiting for the test results but are keeping our everything crossed for good news. I hope tonight has gone well and you have raised some money for the greys. Sorry I couldn't make it. Xx

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by LindaPaul

Monday 05 Aug 12:03

Happy belated Birthday to Josie.
Hope you all had a lovely day. xx

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 04 Aug 21:15

Happy Birthday to lovely Josie! Sounds as though she has enjoyed her day. Xxx

by ClareInsightHounds

Sunday 04 Aug 09:32

Happy Birthday to our beautiful Josie!! 9 years old today! From the skinny, scared girl we adopted she has come on so much and is really enjoying life. We have new second hand settees arriving today which is one of Josie's favourite things. A new dog bed coming and we have jumbo bones and tasty treats to enjoy. Josie is currently lying on our bed doing the legs in the air pose. So far I think she is having a great day. X

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by toadie

Monday 10 Jan 19:12

Well done Josie. wishing you the best in your new home. be happy beatuiful doggy.

by zippy(TheNeals)

Thursday 09 Dec 18:54

Whooooo hoooo Josie. So glad you are in your new home for Christmas. xxxxxxx

by tinabina

Monday 06 Dec 21:14

Yay! for you pretty girl : ) x

by LadyVictoria

Monday 06 Dec 13:34

Well done Josie! Be happy. xxx

by Tash'ntheGreys

Sunday 28 Nov 16:30

Hooray! A new home for Christmas! Well done Josie, so happy for you x

by LindaPaul

Saturday 27 Nov 19:50

Another Josie fan here....We were on the afternoon shift in Mell Square with out two and had the pleasure of meeting lovely Josie. She really is the most gorgeous affectionate little girl. Like Tash says she just leans against you and laps up all the fuss and love you want to give her. I really hope someone comes along to give her a forever home very soon xxx

by Tash'ntheGreys

Saturday 27 Nov 18:41

I had the pleasure of taking Josie to Mell Square today, she is just gorgeous! She jumped straight into the back of my car and snuggled with Buddy (he didn't complain, I think his chat up lines are a bit rusty though!) She has the softest fur and beautiful soulful eyes. Despite everything, she just loves people, her trust in us humans is amazing, we'd be in therapy for years after what she's been through. She loves to lean against you and will take as many cuddles that are going! She was brilliant in the busy town centre and didn't really react when a fire engine went noisily past. I hope that some kind and loving person will give her a forever home, because I know she will love that special person back, forever...big hugs x

by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Saturday 27 Nov 14:11

Gent and I have just got back from our stint at the Mell Square roadshow. Josie arrived while we were there. What can I say, if we hadn't just added to our family, I would have taken her home there and then (sorry Emily!) She is the most adorable little girl and so, so affectionate. She spent most of her time leaning up anyone who would give her a bit of fuss (which I must say was quite a few people). Hope she finds a home soon, someone will be very, very lucky to have her. Mand x

by adrianbeaver

Thursday 25 Nov 21:55

Oh - sweet Josie your little story makes me want to cry! Please please please someone give this little girl a chance. I am so glad that at least you will be well looked after now !! All the best and do hope someone gives you a chance very soon!! fingers and paws crossed. Bev & Ady (Milly & Katie) xxx

by Lauramc

Sunday 14 Nov 18:29

Josie is so pretty and so friendly, I can't believe anyone could walk away from this gorgeous girl. xx

by tinabina

Monday 08 Nov 21:37

Josie seems such a happy little girl considering what she's gone through, a real sweet little girl witha quirky hair do!

by Naomi

Monday 08 Nov 13:53

Beautiful new pic! She looks lovely x

by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 07 Nov 16:39

Unfortunately her previous owners can't be traced :-(

She had a wonderful grooming session with our new volunteer Georgia and aloe vera on her scars and bald patches. She will soon be glossy & even more gorgeous!

by lovemygreys

Sunday 07 Nov 16:25

has this sweetie no ear markings to trace her by.? she looks so lovely. Maybe her owner was taken ill whilst shopping! or am I just being too optermistic in hoping there is an explanation for her being ? abandoned. Find a home soon Josie x

by toadie

Sunday 07 Nov 12:37

I can't belive what somebody has done to this beatuful girl if they couldn't look after her they could at least take her to a rehoming instead of leaving her tied by a shop. Why do people be so cruel... please give her a HUGE hug from mexxxx

by kallie

Saturday 06 Nov 22:46

Josie is a real cutie and sooo affectionate. it always amazes me that these beautiful dogs have such capacity to love and forgive humans despite the evils they suffer at the hands of some of them. she wolfed her tea down in double quick time and then tried to steal her new friend Reuben's tea as well, bless her. xxx

by steveandwend

Saturday 06 Nov 22:29

You poor poor girl, what sort of person could do this to you.
thankfully you are safe at daybreaks now, hopefully you will find you a loving new home soon. lots of luvs and cuddles xx

by zippy(TheNeals)

Saturday 06 Nov 18:52

Ohhhhhh Josie you poor girl. How anyone could do this to you is beyond me. Ruth and her team will look after you and I am positive that you will find a forever home with a loving family real soon. God bless sweetheart xxxxxx

by kallie

Thursday 04 Nov 19:52

words fail me and i have tears in my eyes for the misery some people insist on inflicting on their dogs. welcome to daybreaks little girl, you will be loved and cared for until you find your forever people. xxxxx

by Lea,Sonny,Poppy-Obi

Thursday 04 Nov 16:31

Oh dear, poor little girl, most people forget there brollys when shopping ..... not their hound !! Thank goodness she has found her way to Daybreaks, hope she will find a new home very quickly , sending big cuddles xx

by LindaPaul

Thursday 04 Nov 07:26

Poor poor Josie. What's happenened has happened and we might not understand why or how but the important thing is that she is now in a good place where she will be looked after come what may. Hugs from me and licks from Lola&Lena xx

by Donna+Baby+Jake

Wednesday 03 Nov 22:11

oh i could cry for this poor little girl. Why do people do such things? I hope someone comes and gives you the loving home you deserve poppet. Hugs xxxxxxxxx

by bestistdogs

Wednesday 03 Nov 21:16

Can you believe it?? I can't ... perhaps there was a 'good' reason ... it takes all sorts .. so they say!! Going to the best hotel Gal .. to be spoilt rotten then to your forever home. Jx

by Lauramc

Wednesday 03 Nov 18:12

That's shocking! Such a sweet looking girl, I hope she's not too sad. Virtual hugs! Real ones soon hopefully. xxx

by Tash'ntheGreys

Wednesday 03 Nov 17:19

This is just awful, I would like to think that it isn't what it seems (and not wishing bad on anyone) that something happened so her owner couldn't go back to get her. It's so hard to comprehend why they didn't take her to a rehoming centre...I just don't understand. At least she is in the best place to be looked after, kept safe and a new home found, one that will treasure her forever x

by Bartleygreen,crew

Wednesday 03 Nov 13:58

you poor thing lots of love and cuddlys,hope you fined a new home soon xxxxxxx

by Dawn/Andy&Penny

Wednesday 03 Nov 13:01

Poor girl. Think the people who do this kind of thing should be tied up too ... by their necks

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Wednesday 03 Nov 12:37

OH MY!! What is wrong with people???!!!! big hugs lovely girl xxx

by SharonMolly&Reggie

Wednesday 03 Nov 12:11

You wouldn't print what I want to say!!

by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 03 Nov 10:25

Poor could anyone do such a terrible thing! Please give her a hug from me. xxxx

by skinnyme

Wednesday 03 Nov 09:50

Oh you poor baby, you are coming to the right place, we will give you love and cuddles and find the home you deserve.

by Emma

Wednesday 03 Nov 08:38

Poor mite, who could do such a thing? Sending you big hugs sweetie xxx