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About Me

Racing Name
Paceful Harry
Date of birth
01 aug 2008
Land of birth
IE Ireland
Land of standing
IE Ireland
Ear mark
Paceful DreamerIE-OCT-03-BD
Family tree & race history


male, 16 years old, Black

Added by LadyVictoria

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Harry has had 0 cuddles today (41 all together).
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by TwoGreys

Wednesday 28 Dec 19:37

Dec 2016 what a yr its been, busy moving to France again with Milo and me and mom and pops and oohman sister... Got a new fields to run around in and moms permaculture patch haha... here in oui SW france. Pops is french if you did not know... MOI ETMILO ARE CHILLAXIN' EN THE WINTER SUNSHINE... hueman sis' (whos super cool btw and spoils us to bits) look after us and lets us be cheeky some times... we live on a farm where we have moos' and lots of sunshine and space.. solks eat smelly cheese here phew and does it pong when papa gets it owt le frigo haha.. so, an annuel update.. but maman est setting upsome 'page' pour moi et Milo to chat to our friends and keep en touche :) gros bis Harold (thats my POSH NAME) et Milo ;) xxxxx

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by TwoGreys

Wednesday 28 Dec 19:22

Bonour et cou cou all, just a petite update ou Milo et moi ... we are now en France as of Septembre and havinv a fantastice time with our famillle.. we can speak French now and the life est fantastique... vive le France... Auntie Ruth... Mom and Dad said we can squeeze deux more woofs in... she will call you demain <3 love du you all a daybreaks <3 xx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 07 Dec 20:48

Great to hear how well Harry and Milo are getting on together! Xxx

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by helenanddave

Sunday 06 Dec 13:02

Harry - it@s so lovely to hear how well you are getting on. It sounds as if you and Milo are great friends. Happy Xmas to you all! xx

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by TJ

Sunday 06 Dec 00:26

What a great update on Harry (& Milo of course!) How lovely to learn that they get on so, so well. It was clearly meant to be that Harry chose your sofa as his own! Big hugs, xxxx

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by TwoGreys

Saturday 05 Dec 22:04

Hi all, I've popped online to give a little update on Harry and his progress. He's doing super, it's taken time, but as I was working from home, it was easier to find his patterns of behaviour. He's still a little nervous which we've now narrowed down to wheels of pram, motorbike or bycicle nature and moving carrier bags, which a person is carrying for example. At home, he's amazingly quiet, extremely polite and a real couch potato. We've been occassionly emailing Ruth with snaps of him out and about with Milo and they get on super. Each respect each others space, so whilst Harry prefers to sleep on a sofa or a comfy bed on the floor in the lounge, Milo will go and spread himself out on the landing or daughers bedroom, where they both have a comfy quilt bed each, that they use when they pop in to see her and end up spending the afternoon snoozing on. They both get their checkups with Swinfen vets, who spoil them both and us when we visit for worming and the quarterly checkup and Harry has gained over 2kgs in 3 months. He loves his pilchards and peanut butter and treats in his Kong. I can't believe how much him and Milo get on. He smells everthing, a real nosey parker on walks, sniffing everything. He is very affectionate with Milo and vice versa, esp in the morning when Milo comes down. Harry will lick his face and ear(s) and runs round in cirlces as if Milo as has been away for months lol... They'll sleep on the same sofa if Harry budges up for Milo and vice versa and they very rarely go out alone and so are always together on the lead. Sometimes Harry doesn't want to go out and rolls over bk to sleep, so Milo is walked alone, if he's asked/barked to go out, but its not very often ..... We love them both to the moon and back and wouldn't change Harry for all the tea in China. He's needed time and time is what I have had to spend with him and a calm dog like Milo to teach him to 'chill out' and relax more. It took him over 2 motnhs to show us his first roach, as it was only then that we really saw his true character come out. With the very high winds around Staffordshire these last few days, the boys are well and truly snuggled down, Milo on the sofa and Harry on his usual bed. If he wants his bed and Milo's snoozing on it, he bark at Milo to budge off or move over lol, you can be sure of that ....

Sending all our love to you all at Daybreaks, we must bring them both on the monthly walks occassionally, now Harry has settled in too, though in the meantime, it's a big warm hug from us all here in Staffordshire and wishing you all a very Happy woofy Christmas :) xx

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by sirenmelody

Wednesday 29 Jul 12:46

Congratulations Harry!! We are all so pleased for you. Be a good boy for your new family & remember to share!! We wish you & the family a long and happy future together. Love Mel, Archie, Henry & Seana xxxx

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by lovegreys

Wednesday 29 Jul 11:36

I've just logged on and seen that Harry has been rehomed; what wonderful news. Wishing you and your new family all the very best Harry.x

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by TwoGreys

Wednesday 29 Jul 02:06

Staying downstairs with both boys.... I've got a nice cuppa and a tonne of paperwork to do. I've reg'd Harry with our greyhound and equine vet Don and team >> Associate vet Marco, Lucy, Emily and Rasa at Swinfen. He's got an appt on Friday morning to go see them all and I'll keep you updated with his progress whilst he's settling in. Don is vacating in South Africa until 5th August and will be shocked to find we have a new addition to the family. I never thought I would have enough space in my heart for another greyhound, but I've found that not to be the case, for there is always enough space for another special grey ;)

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 28 Jul 21:50

It was absolutely wonderful to see Harry go home today! Thank you so much to Hayley and her family for giving him a chance. Do hope he settles well and all is ok with Milo. Sending you all my cuddle tonight. Kate Xxx

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by TwoGreys

Tuesday 28 Jul 20:39

Evening all, 2 daughers are at the fashion show and I'm at home with Milo and his new brother HARRY :) <3 ps... Both are fast asleep.... Harry on the sofa and Milo on his bed lol.... Thank you all today ie. Kate, Ruth, Mark and all the volunteers who make Daybreaks what it is.... love to you all pss. I've given the girls my debit card haha, I'll be broke before midnight ;) xx I've forwarded some great pics of Milo and Harry on their walk around the village 20 mins after we got home from Daybreaks xxx

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by helenanddave

Tuesday 28 Jul 19:08

Harry! Oh well done, lovely boy. Be very, very happy in your new home. Xx

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by blueangel

Tuesday 28 Jul 17:47

Way to go Harry!!! My hope came true be happy mate xxx

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by Shanesmum

Tuesday 28 Jul 12:32

OMG I am absolutely delighted!! Harry my sweetheart, what good news this is. I know it will be a bit strange at first, but I hope you will be very happy with your lovely new family. Very best wishes to all. xxxxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 28 Jul 12:23

I am over the moon - today is Harry's day - he is going to a wonderful new home. Thank you so much Hayley and family xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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by blueangel

Monday 27 Jul 23:40

I love Harry hope he get a nice home soon sending you my cuddle xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 26 Jul 21:11

A cuddle for Harry tonight. Xxx

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by Shanesmum

Tuesday 14 Jul 20:01

The change in Harry has been so good to see. He went to the Dogs Day Out on Sunday and I understand he was quite overwhelmed and stressed by it all to begin with - not really surprising as it must have so busy, noisy and full of strange sights & sounds for him - but he stayed out and was one of the last to come back to the kennels. He was definitely glad to be back on familiar turf, but was so good and went nose to nose with Henry through the bars of the run whilst they were waiting for their supper. He ate all his supper, had a lovely lean on Michael's legs then went happily to his kennel and snuggled up for the night. I love this boy and really hope that his new sofa is just around the corner, he just needs a chance to settle in a new environment. Good luck sweetheart. xxx

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by RedDuke

Monday 29 Jun 11:33

I met Harry for the first time yesterday afternoon. He had had a busy morning out at the party, and was well behaved amongst the crowds, noise & other dogs but I think he was quite glad to be back round in the quiet & familiarity of the kennels though- it must have been a bit of a daunting experience for him but he handled it well. I spent some time sitting with him in his kennel later, he jumped up and sat on the other end of his bed and enjoyed some fuss - in fact when I stopped stroking him he pawed at me to carry on. He came out later and ate all his dinner and had a lovely lean on my legs. This boy just needs plenty of time & patience to understand the things that make him anxious and then begin to address them. It was a real pleasure to spend some time with him yesterday, and I hope he continues to settle and grow in confidence as time goes by.

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by Justine&Andy

Sunday 21 Jun 15:52

Harry was a very happy, waggy boy when I went to put his lead on for his walk this morning. He stood patiently and let me put his lead on and then we went off on our walk. I'm not sure he was overly happy with the volume of noise of the traffic on the Coventry Road this morning and he seemed to get a bit anxious at times, but in the main, he walked along well enough. I hope he will soon settle down as he is a lovely boy. Sympathies to his previous owner x J

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by MomofTess

Sunday 21 Jun 11:51

I'm sure all of us here have a lot of sympathy for the situation, returning a much loved pet must be the hardest thing to do but none of us know what the future holds for us and returning Harry to Daybreaks will be the best for him in the circumstances. I pray that I never have to make that decision. Best wishes to all concerned.xx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 21 Jun 07:59

Thank you so much jax for your comments. I was so sorry to have to ask you but I hope this has helped explain the situation more with Harry for those following him.

It is an extremely sad situation, and those who have been faced with having to return a dog due to circumstances beyond their control will know how difficult and emotional it is.

We are always here to support those who return a dog for genuine reasons and give as much information as possible about the returnee to help them find the right home.

Harry is learning to cope much better with all the new people he meets at the kennels and I know the right home is out there for him, however long it takes. Until then, we have the pleasure of being there for him.

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by blackisbeautiful

Saturday 20 Jun 21:29

Hi What a lovely update from you for your lovely Harry So sorry for all concerned I'm sure your gorgeous boy will find another forever home soon Wishing you all the best x x

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by jax

Saturday 20 Jun 21:06

Hi again. Just to reassure all involved in Harry's care. We did bring him back on one occasion during the early days due to Harry's anxiety issues. His past has caused damage to his faith in human kind unfortunately. However once we realised how much we loved him we were fully committed to going some way to putting some of that faith back. I think we achieved this and from what was an extremely anxious dog Harry became a fun loving and characterful dog with his human keepers. I am not saying we righted all the wrongs done to him but we gained his trust and his affection 10 fold. Again I cannot even tell people how devastating giving him up has been and if there was a way I could take care of him i would be there at the crack of dawn tommorow to collect him and bring him home.

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by jax

Saturday 20 Jun 19:27

Hi all. I am Harry's previous owner. Yes Harry has had his problems over the past 4 years we have owned him but only to the outside world. With us and within his own environment Harry has been a lamb. He is a very anxious dog and I can only say that his previous history has been the cause of this. We love Harry to bits and would never have parted with him if circumstances hadn't forced this. He was a major part of our family and it has been devastating to give him up. There was no other course for us after our marriage broke down and neither could look after him alone due to working long shifts etc. I feel for Harry so much as he never asked for any of this. Our home was his sanctuary and giving him up has been a huge wrench. So for all those out there who think he came back to daybreaks for any other reason than the above, you are very, very much mistaken.

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 18 Jun 22:45

My cuddle goes to Harry tonight. He visited the vet today for his vaccination and although quite stressed he was a really good lad. With reference to recent comments Harry's return is due to the break up of his owners relationship...the lady concerned has called the kennels several times to enquire how he is. We are all still getting to know Harry and he us. Any issues he has will be fully discussed with anyone wishing to offer him the chance of a new home. Xxx

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by Lewisfuggie

Wednesday 17 Jun 21:04

Hi I was there when he was brought back and can confirm that it was only down to a relationship problem and they were devastated. Yes Harry is nervous around people he doesn't know but is coming round and out of his shell with each and every day. He just needs time, but this issue can be seen in a few of the dogs that come in. All the volunteers work very hard to rehabilitate the dogs.

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by muddypaws

Wednesday 17 Jun 14:29

Looking at Harry's background , l notice that he was returned before by his owners due to behavioural problems, and taken back the next day. Recently, he has been returned due to a marriage break up. However, a recent comment tends to indicate that this may not be the case, but his return, may indicate ongoing behavioural problems.l don't know what the issue is with this boy may be, but until it is clear exactly why he is back at kennels, l can not see how he can be helped.l know that my comments on this website are not always appreciated by certain people, but by not giving the full picture of a dog, then that is not helping the dog. Let's be honest with these dogs, and tell it how it is, this way foster parents....and prospective adoption families will realise what they are taking on.
Our boy Davey has been a complete nightmare since we adopted him over 2 years ago, but although we have stuck with him, and will never, ever give up on him, he does make life difficult.We know that he has been mentally damaged by what he went through in racing kennels, we have learned to try and understand him, and make compensations.
l really hope that my comment is approved.
Please, if you have the patience, the time, and the understanding to give these dogs a chance, it is so,so worth it. Greyhounds, can often need time to settle in...please, do not give up too easily, because if you can work through their issues...they will repay you a million times over.Good luck will make a lovely companion for the right person X.

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by DrD

Tuesday 16 Jun 23:32

I know Harry and was so upset to learn today he has been returned. His owners are devastated I know, they really went the second mile with him, it is heartbreaking for all concerned that things have not worked out. Thank you all at Daybreaks so very much for giving this special boy yet another chance. Please don't give up on him. I am making a small donation towards Harry's care. Thank you all, you are worth your weight in gold xx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 06 Jun 21:52

Harry is a real fusspot and loves to lean. Poor lad has been quite stressed since arriving back at the kennels but has been more settled the last few days. Hope he won't have to wait too long for a new home. Xxx

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by TJ

Saturday 06 Jun 15:41

What a beautiful 'close up' photo of you Harry. You're a little stunner. Big hugs, xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 29 May 22:49

Very sad for all concerned. Xxx

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by Tinker'sNan

Friday 29 May 16:35

Harry you are such a beautiful black boy we love the black ones we hope your not confused to much it's so sad but you will be looked after at daybreak our love to you hope you get another sofa soon hugs and kisses tinker and nana xxx

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by stevensue1

Friday 29 May 15:57

Met Harry this morning and what a lovely lad he is. He just wanted to be with me, followed me around the outside pen, just wanting some fuss which he most certainly received. He also followed my 9r old around happily, again wanting lots of attention and he did the old Greyhound Lean on Scott!!! This fella is absolutely fabulous and i found it very difficult to leave him especially when he looked at me with those big eyes!!!

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by susy

Friday 29 May 15:21

Such a shame for you Harry and the family.
Love from The New Icemaid Clan xxxx

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by mary/john

Friday 29 May 13:44

Harry see u sunday for morning walk..xx

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by TJ

Friday 29 May 13:39

Oh Harry, you must be very confused being back at Daybreaks, but don't worry gorgeous, you'll be well looked after and with such a beautiful face, we reckon it won't be long before you're snuggling up again on a sofa of your own. Big hugs, xxxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 29 May 12:37

Unfortunately Harry has been returned to the kennels this morning. Sadly this is due to a marriage break up and the owners are very upset about returning but have no other option to be able to keep him.

He is very nervous of people and visitors and can be strong on the lead. He would prefer being an only dog and can be left during the day and is house trained.

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by BeckyB-F

Saturday 22 Oct 10:51

Such wonderful news, they obviously love him xxx So glad that you are all their to help and support them, and we wish them success xxxxxx

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by Deb

Friday 21 Oct 19:06

This is good news-well done to his family and lets hope they are in for better times.They clearly love him.

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by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 21 Oct 18:42

I am over the moon that Harry's owner phoned today and said the family were missing him too much and they have had him back. We are going to help them as much as possible to help with his issues - which I really appreciate and respect them for as they have had a tough time with him. We are always here for anyone who needs help with their grey....

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 21 Oct 13:16

So sad for Harry, please give him a cuddle for me. xx

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by BeckyB-F

Thursday 20 Oct 20:19

At least he is in the right place xxxx Cuddles to the handsome boy xxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 20 Oct 12:16

Harry has come back to Daybreaks today. He has got emotional issues and I advised the best thing would be for him to be returned. He is a lovely boy but very very nervous which can often result in aggression towards others.

He will come home with me until he feels a little more confident with life. He would need a home with an experienced owner who could help him with his training.

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 01 Aug 13:49

Happy Birthday Harry, hope you have a lovely day. xx

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by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Monday 01 Aug 12:56

Happy birthday lovely harry xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 23 Nov 13:27

poor Harry, I hope he will soon be feeling better. xx

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by Lauramc

Monday 22 Nov 19:14

Poolie boy, big hugs sweetheart. xx

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by lindylou

Monday 22 Nov 11:39

Big hug to Harry. xx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Monday 22 Nov 06:39

Harry had a comfy night but still has a terrible upset tum. Starvation now and plenty of fluids...... his big brown eyes seem to look at me and say please make me feel better. He has had a big big cuddle x

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by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Sunday 21 Nov 17:42

Poor gorgeous Harry!! Hope you are feeling better soon, you are in the best hands xxxxxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 21 Nov 17:21

Poor Harry has been feeling under the weather today and has a slightly raised temperature and has been sick. I have brought him home and he is curled up in his big comfy cage. Hopefully he will feel a bit brighter tomorrow. :-)

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by zippy(TheNeals)

Saturday 20 Nov 17:03

awwww Harry I walked you today. You are such a gorgeous boy. If I had the room for another I would take you home. Such a loving boy - I hope you find your forever home real soon. xxxxxx

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by Naomi

Tuesday 16 Nov 15:43

Stunning! He looks like a handsome!

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by Lauramc

Sunday 14 Nov 18:24

Wow! What a gorgeous boy, such an inquisitive face. xx

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by Donna+Baby+Jake

Sunday 14 Nov 15:35

what a handsome dog - absolutely gorgeous. I love the black boys....good luck with finding a forever home my beauty xxxx

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