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About Me

Racing Name
Captain Moriarty
Date of birth
01 may 2008
Land of birth
UK United Kingdom
Land of standing
UK United Kingdom
Ear mark
Mr Tom Moriarty
Family tree & race history

Captain (Monty)

male, 16 years old, Black

Added by Emma-Rae

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Lovely dog. Trainer says he's good with children. Good appetite.

Captain (Monty) has had 0 cuddles today (18 all together).
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by Deb

Sunday 12 Jun 13:18

This boy came to training again on Saturday and he is unrecognisable from a few weeks ago.His coat is amazing now and he looks like a different dog.His mum has been using a natural herbal remedy based on nettles and the difference is unbelievable.
He is the original gentle giant and particularly adored by Jo an elderly lady who comes to watch the dogs at training he snuggles up to her waiting for the treat she has fetched him.
He is one handsome boy!

by Sharilu

Sunday 24 Apr 17:12

Dear all

an update on Monty (Captain); he's doing incredibly well and has settled in beautifully. He's been seeing the vet lately as he is having trouble with his skin and coat but I've no doubt we'll get on top of that soon - he rattles a bit with all the pills he's taking at the mo though :) . We've had a few food related incidences - one day I caught him after he'd just demolished a bag of bird seed and somehow in the night over this weekend he managed to get our breadbin down off the work surface and eat virtually a whole loaf of brown and a loaf of white! He sneaks in the bin to get any scrap of food out of there too so we are having to find all sorts of inventive ways of preventing him stealing food. He also goes around the house collecting things - like a magpie and taking them out onto the lawn where he lays them all out to lie among them. He's taken a wooden spoon, a stick of rhubarb, and every soft toy imaginable. He's leant to play with a squeaky toy now but have had to invest in wubba's as he kills any other squeaky instantly! He really has settled in though and is giving us as much love as we are giving him. He's a real joy and quite a character. Good choice and glad Freddy (our no. 2 choice) now has a lovely home too. Lots of love and thanks to all. Hope to see you soon when we come to buy some more food. xx

by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 13 Apr 13:37

I like his new name, Monty suits him! So pleased to hear he is doing ok. Hope he gets on well at "School" Kind regards Kate x

by Deb

Wednesday 13 Apr 08:14

We met Monty on Saturday he is so handsome.He did really well at training on Saturday especialy as he has only been out of Kennels for a week.

by Sharilu

Tuesday 12 Apr 22:43

Hi Kate

Captain, now renamed Monty, has settled in really well. He's not messed in the house at all, the only thing he's chewed is a calculator when we left him for a while - other than ripping bin bags apart looking for whatever he can find to eat. He keeps sneaking on the sofa when we go out but never tries it when we are in. He's loved just snoozing in the garden in the sun this week and is now really relaxed at home. Going for walks is different. He get's really stressed about other dogs and goes mad when he sees bikes, cats, rabbits and squirrels - but that's ok, we're also going along to the training class on saturday mornings with Julie which are great. He's coming on really well and his behaviour when out is already massively improved since day one. I think it will be a long time until he might come off the lead or out of his muzzle in public but I'm sure we will eventually get there. Thanks for asking. I long on when I have time just to see who else is getting rehomed :)

by LadyVictoria

Monday 11 Apr 14:16

Hi Sharilu, just wondering how your beautiful lad Captain is doing? Kind regards Kate x

by Sharilu

Friday 01 Apr 17:48

Dear Ina and Lady Victoria
Thanks so much for your lovely words and support.
We've just had our home check and passed - hooray! Coming to get Capt tomorrow as soon as you open - I'm so excited I won't be able to sleep tonight.
He is such a gentle and beautiful lad :)

by LadyVictoria

Friday 01 Apr 15:32

I hope you all have lots of fun getting to know each other! Kind regards xxx

by kallie

Friday 01 Apr 08:25

Dear Sharilu, you are going to have a lovely boy, he is not only beautiful to look at but he is a beautiful boy in and out, loving, gentle and just wonderful. i am sure he will make you and your family very happy and tho he will not fill the hole in your heart after losing your lovely Jensen he will certainly help and make you feel better. good luck to you all, sadly i won't be able to see him go home with you as i shall be at work on saturday. Ina :-) xxx

by Sharilu

Thursday 31 Mar 22:29

We're so looking forward to this handsome chap coming to life with us after loosing our gorgeous greyhound Jensen a month ago. I miss not having aa gey around and Saturday will be so exciting to be able to bring Captain home.

by kallie

Thursday 24 Mar 19:23

:-)) well done gorgeous lad. xxx

by Forest

Tuesday 22 Mar 14:35

I hear you may be getting a new home Captain. Good luck xxx

by Forest

Monday 21 Mar 08:32

I love Captains face. I am looking to definatley adopt but it cant be until the 1st week of June due to going away and then on holiday for 2 weeks at the end of May. If he's still with you I will definatley be coming to see him. Its a shame there is only a 2 week reservation or I may just have reserved him early ;-)
Does he walk well on the lead and has he ever been fostered? Just wondering how easy it will be to house train.

by DaybreaksRuth

Saturday 19 Mar 19:40

Hi Sue, we find if the dog has NOT raced, they tend to be much more playful and 'busy' as they are generally younger and have not had the discipline and routine of a racing life.
Captain is an absolutely amazing dog and very very gentle and loving - he is one of my special fellas at Daybreaks at the moment x

by tessie

Saturday 19 Mar 18:48

Being a novice with regards to Greys and still looking to adopt my first one, what difference is there IF the dog has raced? Sorry is this sounds weird, but if you don't ask - you'll always wonder. Anyone care to comment for a novice?? Thanks (Sue)

by kallie

Wednesday 16 Mar 18:55

a gorgeous big gentle boy and i had a wonderful cuddle with him today, someone go and see him and give him a lovely home, he so deserve one. xxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Saturday 12 Mar 18:26

Captain is an amazing dog. He is so loving and gentle - absolutely gorgeous xx

by annyb

Wednesday 02 Mar 17:07

So sorry Captain wasn't cat friendly I was ready to take him home. He will make a lovely pet, he is

by kallie

Saturday 26 Feb 19:20

as stunning in life as on the photo and more, keep fingers crossed he is cat friendly and will go to live with 2 tiny kittens. xxx

by skinnyme

Friday 25 Feb 08:15

Such a gentle loving boy, will make some lucky people very happy.

by welovegreys

Wednesday 23 Feb 21:49

What a wonderful smile hope you find your forever home very soon,if I had a free space you would be coming home with me.Big boys curl up real small dont overlook this one.

by xxGordonBearxx

Wednesday 23 Feb 17:26

Aw!! He's lovely:) Looking forward to meeting this gorgeous boy:) x

by Donna+Baby+Jake

Tuesday 22 Feb 23:56

whooo what a looker....gorgeous. xxx

by lichfield_sam

Tuesday 22 Feb 17:28

he looks a right character, cant wait to meettt you xx

by kallie

Tuesday 22 Feb 16:02

stunning ...and not raced he's bound to be a super star. xxxx