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About Me

Racing Name
Phils Surprise
Date of birth
27 mar 2006
Ear mark


female, 18 years old, Brindle

Added by Lewisfuggie

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Jo has had 0 cuddles today (33 all together).
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by Thethirdronnie

Sunday 19 Apr 20:12

Sending you all our love. Xxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 19 Apr 16:18

I am so so sad to hear about Little Jo - she had such a poorly start with pyometra but you gave her an amazing and wonderful life. Sending big hugs to you - I am so sorry. She will always be in your hearts xx

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by helenanddave

Sunday 19 Apr 14:01

Run free little Jo, you will have many friends to play with. Love and hugs for your mum and dad. Xx

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by PamD

Sunday 19 Apr 12:09

So very sorry for your loss
Run free with all our angels at the Bridge xx

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by shanishoo

Sunday 19 Apr 07:51

So very sorry to hear your beautiful girl is with the angels, thinking of you at this sad time xxxxx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Sunday 19 Apr 06:49

So very sad to hear this Sarah and Steve. You gave her a wonderful life. Running free now. Xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 18 Apr 23:06

Sarah and Steve, so very sad to hear you had to say goodbye to Jo today. Xxx What a lovely photo of her in the paddling pool. :)) After nine years you must have so many wonderful memories of her life with you. She was a very sweet girl. God Bless his beautiful new Angel. Lots of love Kate, Skip, Fletcher and Lyra. Xxxx

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by Lewisfuggie

Saturday 18 Apr 22:55

I was really shocked and sorry to hear the sad news at the passing of Little Jo Jo earlier today. She was one very special hound. I have updated her pic to one Sarah and Steve wanted to reflect her memory. Run free precious girl. Xx

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by sarah

Saturday 18 Apr 22:50

Sadly we had to let Jo go today. We had 9 amazing years with her and we are so thankful for every minute of them ! Her body gave up and coupled with acute liver failure we made a very difficult decision to let her go to be with her brothers! We may be broken but know that our decision was the best for her. Thank you to Uncle Christian for making it so peaceful despite the necessary distancing in place.

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by Helen

Sunday 03 Apr 22:41

Jo is gorgeous and is a fantastic addition to the family. My new niece!

by LadyVictoria

Monday 28 Mar 10:21

Happy Birthday for yesterday Jo, hope you had a lovely day! xx

by annie

Sunday 27 Mar 22:52

happy birthday jo hope you have found your forever hme xx

by sarah

Sunday 27 Mar 22:03

Happy birthday sweet girl, hope u enjoyed Kingsbury Water Park ! Keeping everything crossed 4 tomorrow. U get 2 see aunty ruth and uncle rob in the morning u be good x x x

by sarah

Saturday 26 Mar 21:10

Thank you so much for such a lovely comment x x x She is such a beautiful girl we are lucky to have her :-)) She and Toby have hit it off and we look forward to seeing u soon x

by kallie

Saturday 26 Mar 18:58

so happy to see you today and even more happy to see where you are are just changing my Toby for your own Toby now aren't you? good luck sweetheart, be good. xxxx

by kallie

Thursday 24 Mar 19:24

he'll have a quick cuddle with you on saturday before you go to your new home. :-) xx

by LadyVictoria

Thursday 24 Mar 16:21

So pleased to see Jo has been reserved again so quickly. xxx

by kallie

Tuesday 22 Mar 21:15

Jojo - my Toby will be happy to hear that you will still be there for him to flirt with you but i am gutted that you have not managed to get into your forever home yet...still someone will snap you up in no time as you are such a treasure. xxxx

by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 22 Mar 15:36

Never mind Jo, better luck next time. xxx

by Naomi

Tuesday 22 Mar 09:52

Damn it if only I had room for one more!!!!!!!
Naomi x

by DaybreaksRuth

Monday 21 Mar 18:51

'Little Jo' was reserved but unfortunately her new owners decided this morning not to have her after all following their home visit.

Later this afternoon they called me to say they changed their mind and took her on trial.

Sadly they have just returned Jo because they feel it is too soon after losing their last beloved companion.

Jo is very cat friendly - a very sweet, gentle girl who is back at our house now and just beautiful xxx

by lichfield_sam

Friday 18 Mar 19:42

yay the beautiful little jo is reserved. she is going to be so happy in her forever home. good luck gorgeous xxxxxxxxxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Friday 18 Mar 19:37

Well done jo. What a cutie x x x

by kallie

Friday 18 Mar 19:20

wonderful news little girl, my Toby will be heartbroken to see his new girlfriend leave but we are all very happy for you to have found yourself a new home. xxxx

by LadyVictoria

Friday 18 Mar 16:02

Reserved, brilliant! xx

by xxGordonBearxx

Friday 18 Mar 15:29

YAY!! Its great to see her reserved:) x

by kallie

Wednesday 16 Mar 18:47

Jojo is so sweet, she was all curled up with my Toby this afternoon and it pulled at my heartstrings something bad, i really wish i could afford to have another but i simply can't as having 3 is already stretching us financially, however if i could then she would be coming with me as she is so adorable and Toby has fallen in love with her. good luck little beauty someone out there will be so lucky to get you. xxxx

by lichfield_sam

Wednesday 16 Mar 11:17

i fell in love with little jo today, she is so lovley.

by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 15 Mar 20:55

I took Jo to the kennels today - popped her in a kennel and as we were closing - she gave me the saddest look ever..... so she came home with me again! She is such a good girl and no trouble at all. I hope she finds a home to call her own very soon.....

by Emma

Tuesday 15 Mar 06:53

How is Jo getting on? Em xxx

by LadyVictoria

Friday 11 Mar 16:50

What brilliant news! xx

by undertaker

Thursday 10 Mar 19:07

collected jo from vets earlier for ruth,,,, she seems to be ok,and hopefully will make a full recovery ,,bless her she is beautiful,,,, bart and buster have said hello to her,,,,,,she is lying by the fire,,,,,,xxxx

by Naomi

Thursday 10 Mar 14:25

Oh no please get well soon!!! I now truly know the heartbreak when you guys are not well! My Milo is feeling very sorry for himself too and it is very worrying times for both of you. Lots of love Naomi Millie and the little wounded but very brave soldier Milo x x x

by lichfield_sam

Thursday 10 Mar 14:05

shes beautiful, hope shes going to be ok. :( xxxxx

by LadyVictoria

Thursday 10 Mar 09:12

I do hope she will be ok. xxx

by Tash'ntheGreys

Thursday 10 Mar 07:38

Poor love, that's what my Bess had, keeping fingers and toes crossed for her, thankgoodness she was with you xxxx

by Winniethepooh

Thursday 10 Mar 07:25

Best wishes for Jo.

by Emma

Wednesday 09 Mar 21:28

I'm keeping everything crossed for you baby girl xxx

by bestistdogs

Wednesday 09 Mar 19:53

Hope all goes well and Jo is soon bouncing around again ... she loooks such a beautiful gal Jx

by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Wednesday 09 Mar 19:42

Oh no, poor Jo. At least you noticed quickly and got her to the vets straight away. Keeping everything crossed for her. Mand x

by joandLady'smum

Wednesday 09 Mar 19:11

were saying our prayers for her

by Deb

Wednesday 09 Mar 18:29

What a worry hope all goes well for this beautiful girl.Poor thing what with all the changes as well in her life.She could do without this.

by lindylou

Wednesday 09 Mar 18:12

Keeping everything crossed for this gorgeous girl.xx

by spencer68

Wednesday 09 Mar 17:59

I hope you get better soon jo, you look so sweet.xx

by DaybreaksRuth

Wednesday 09 Mar 17:38

This morning when Jo went for a wee, I noticed a lot of blood on the patio. I was told by her previous owner that she was 3 weeks out of season so I was really concerned.
I took her to the vets this morning where she was admitted straight away. An ultra sound confirmed pyometra which is what the vet suspected. (Pyometra is a severe, potentially fatal infection of the womb) She has been put on a drip today and once stabilised hopefully by tomorrow, she is going to be operated on.
I will keep you posted and am keeping my fingers crossed for her x

by Emma

Wednesday 09 Mar 10:07

I had a feeling Jo might end up as an overnight guest at Hotel Boswell! Really really pleased because I was worrying about her last night and this morning - she looked so lost at the kennels :0(

by Bartleygreen,crew

Wednesday 09 Mar 09:01

mom has been looking at u honey since we had to rehome bella(staffie) cause she was to mad in the house there missing her and mom has feel for u good luck finding a new home

by DaybreaksRuth

Wednesday 09 Mar 05:42

Jo slept on our bed last night and spent the night with her head across my legs. She is so loving and affectionate, although a little nervous. We had an early morning wake up call for a wee (oops.... on the landing but she stopped mid flow and finished outside!!!!!!)

She is now settled down on the window seat - with her head across my legs again! She has been in a home for over a year and is being booked in for vaccination and speying. She will make someone the perfect house guest.

by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 08 Mar 22:47

Jo HAD to come home with me tonight! She is sooooo beautiful!.

by Emma

Tuesday 08 Mar 19:03

Oh my word, if it wasn't for my eminently sensible hubby, I would have taken this little sweetie home myself. So gentle and shy, but still brave enough to come up for fuss. Wasn't bothered by my 3 hooligans and happily had a sniff with them, responded to her name when called and just an all round gorgeous girl. Soooo jealous already of whoever is lucky enough to take this beautiful tiger-marked girl home, good luck Jo-Jo xxx

by xxGordonBearxx

Tuesday 08 Mar 18:59

She is adorable will look forward to meeting this fine pup:) xx

by Tash'ntheGreys

Tuesday 08 Mar 17:33

I met Jo today, she's so beautiful, such a striking colour and she was brave enough to come over for some fuss, bless her x