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About Me

Racing Name
Milltown Forge
Date of birth
01 jun 2002
Land of birth
IE Ireland
Land of standing
IE Ireland
Ear mark
Family tree & race history


male, 22 years old, Black

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Fudge has been in a home since he was 3. His owner has moved into a flat where they are unable to take him and therefore he has arrived at Daybreaks to be rehomed.

Unfortunately this old boy needs his teeth desperately sorting out and he is booked in to the vets for Friday this week.

His owner says he loves children, he has lived with cats but is a bit wary of them and loves his home comforts and sleep so we are desperate to see this fella into a home as soon as possible as he is quite stressed being at the kennels.

Fudge has had 0 cuddles today (44 all together).
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by jenesis

Saturday 06 Aug 13:02

thank u for all ur kind words, we're all missing him like mad and are so grateful that we could have him live with us, even if it was for such a short time. the house is not the same without him, it doesn't feel right to only have 2 greys makin themselves comfy on the sofa xx

by Bartleygreen,crew

Tuesday 02 Aug 23:10

we are so sorry for ur loss i am glad he had a loving home as we were thinking of taking him on if ruth coudnt but he went to a family that loved him so much thank you and im so sorry for ur loss pat katie boy and girls

by Winniethepooh

Friday 22 Jul 11:43

Very sorry to hear the news about Fudge.

by kallie

Thursday 21 Jul 19:20

i am so sorry to hear about Fudge. RIP beautiful boy and my love goes to your family who will be so sad at this time, xxxx

by Lea,Sonny,Poppy-Obi

Thursday 21 Jul 17:11

Such sad news, run free beautiful boy and night night xxxx sending lots of love to his family xxxxx

by Tash'ntheGreys

Thursday 21 Jul 16:30

My thoughts are with Fudge's family at this time xxxx

by spencer68

Thursday 21 Jul 15:55

Such sad news, another beautiful grey running to rainbow bridge, my thougts are with fudges's family. Ann and ellie- may.x

by Emma

Thursday 21 Jul 13:37

Such sad news :0( Fudge stole my heart (and others too I suspect) and I am just so so glad that he was loved and cherished for his last few months. My thoughts are with Jenny and her family xxx

by skinnyme

Thursday 21 Jul 10:31

So sad, my thoughts and love are with you all, run free beautiful boy. Xxxx

by LadyVictoria

Thursday 21 Jul 09:55

Such sad news....God Bless Fudge. Thinking of you all. xxxx

by Deb

Thursday 21 Jul 07:14

Heartbreaking news but how wonderful that Fudge spent the last few months of his life loved ,adored and cared for by his to you all.

by jenesis

Thursday 21 Jul 04:52

Fudge,even tho u was only with us for 3 months it felt like a lifetime. U was taken from us so suddenly n will be deeply missed, even ur early morning wake up calls. Until we can all go for walks 2gether again enjoy ur runs. Love n miss u loads xxx

by court-family

Wednesday 20 Jul 22:50

Daybreaks is the biggest heartbreaker I have ever known. Every day I read something that makes me feel so sad, but this is just an absolute heart wrencher. I feel so deeply for you all & know just what you are going through - it is just the worst feeling ever & I send you all the love in the world at this very sad time. Never forget that you made the last few months of Fudge's life a very special time, both for him & for you - you will have those precious memories forever . . . Sending all my love X deb

by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Wednesday 20 Jul 22:39

Dear Jenny & Family. So sorry to hear about Fudge. Thinking about you all. Mand x

by sarah

Wednesday 20 Jul 21:06

Oh no wot sad news :-(( Sending jenny and her family all the love in the world x x Fudge u will be so missed xxxxxxxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Wednesday 20 Jul 20:40

Oh no... This had made me cry he was such a beautiful boy, imy thoughts are with his family, you gave him a loving home for his last months. Run free angel xxxxxxxxxxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Wednesday 20 Jul 20:36

Beautiful Fudge had trouble breathing, wasn't well and was sick a few times today. He was booked into the vets to be seen but unfortunately before he got to the appointment he died.

I popped over to see the Jenny and her family who are understandably distraught and Rob and I took Fudge on his final journey.

I am so grateful to Jenny and her family for giving Fudge a wonderful home and know that he was loved very much.

Sleep tight precious boy - I am sure you are running free now - much love from Auntie Ruth

by mia

Sunday 10 Jul 22:23

Hey, how is fudge ?
Is the any new pictures of him x

by lichfield_sam

Wednesday 01 Jun 15:47

happy birthday fudgeeee, have a great day xxxxx

by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 01 Jun 13:55

Happy Birthday Fudge! 9 years young...hope you are having a lovely day. xxx

by xxGordonBearxx

Wednesday 01 Jun 13:06

Happy Birthday Fudge!! x

by Winniethepooh

Wednesday 01 Jun 13:04

Happy Birthday to Fudge.

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Wednesday 01 Jun 12:05

Happy birthday Fudge :o) xxxxx

by jenesis

Wednesday 01 Jun 10:20

Happy 9th birthday Fudge, hope we get 2 share lots more with you xx

by Bartleygreen,crew

Saturday 14 May 20:20

so pleased for you hope u enjoy ur new home

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Wednesday 11 May 19:41

Well done gorgeous boy Xxxxx

by Emma

Wednesday 11 May 17:38

Well done Fudge, so glad to see that green rehomed sign! Em xxx

by jenesis

Friday 06 May 17:52

Just got back from the vets with Fudge, he's had another 8 teeth removed but wasn't very well during the op. He's now curled up on his bed. Cally & Mystic said a gentle hello when he came in but have left him alone 2 rest x

by DaybreaksRuth

Wednesday 04 May 11:39

Hi Jen, if you go onto Amazon you can buy it cheaply there. I did have about 6 copies but they have been lent out and sadly never returned along with many other items :-(

by jenesis

Wednesday 04 May 11:06

Hiya, do you have a copy of Jan fennel training dvd or any other that i could loan/buy? We definately need 2 try and do some training with Fudge, Mystic and Cally especially when it comes to food and cats xx

by LadyVictoria

Thursday 28 Apr 13:35

Pleased to hear Fudge is feeling better, hope all goes well with the dental work next week. xx

by jenesis

Wednesday 27 Apr 15:57

Just got back from the vets with Fudge, he's happy that Fudge has recovered from his illness n that it was just a bout of gastro. Fudge is now booked in 2 have the rest of his dental work done next friday x

by susy

Wednesday 27 Apr 14:32

Hi Jenesis
Glad Fudge is a lot better, hope he gets on o.k. at the vet's.
It has taken week's for our Mindy's problem to be sorted, but one has to persevere.

by jenesis

Wednesday 27 Apr 12:19

Fudge is doing much better, the diarrhea has now stopped, he did manage 2 get hold of an easter egg on sunday n managed 2 eat half an egg n couple of roses chocs before we stopped him. Taking him 2 see the vet in a couple of hours just to get him checked out n get his stitches removed, but he seems to be back 2 his old self now x

by susy

Sunday 24 Apr 11:58

Hope Fudge is getting better Mindy had had a problem for week's according to the vet there is a virus going about, but a diet change can cause these problems. One will have to ride the storm. Mindy's temp. was high and has taken weeks to get under control, the vet recommended as Ruth said chicken and rice which she has been on for a while, temp back to normal, motions back to normal.

by jenesis

Sunday 24 Apr 09:57

Fudge seems a bit brighter this morning, his temp had gone up to 38.1 yesterday but its now back down to 37.7. There were no surprises left on the lounge carpet 4 me this morning which was good. He had a spring back in his step this morning n had a run around the garden with Cally & Mystic so hopefully he's over the worst of it x

by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 24 Apr 06:44

Hopefully as I said, the light diet of chicken and rice over the next few days will help with this.... did you manage to take his temperature? x

by jenesis

Saturday 23 Apr 23:00

Hi Fudge has been settling down n since being more vigilant of food being left out and giving him an extra meal he has stopped trying 2 snatch food away.we've also changed how we feed them n he now has 2 wait while the other 2 have their food b4 he has his. Unfortunately he now has diareah n is feeling very sorry 4 himself n under the weather. Fingers crossed he'll be feeling better 2moro n back 2 his old (new) self xx

by Emma

Saturday 23 Apr 21:42

Hi Jen, is Fudge settling down a bit now? Two of mine are thieves, but Kevin is especially adept at it, given half a chance he'd have my dinner away, so he has to go to his bed when we are eating or preparing food. And Moo will happily raid the cat litter tray even after she's had her dinner :0/

Best wishes

Emma x

by Winniethepooh

Wednesday 20 Apr 09:38

Hello Jen

I thought that I would post a comment on this as we have had this experience with our three year old Tom. We took him late October last year on a two week trial to see how he got on with our other two greyhounds.

I remember Ruth telling us beforehand that he was food possessive and he certainly was!. It sounds like Fudge is doing all the things that Tom did, I have to admit the first weekend that we had Tom I wanted to return him as mealtimes were very very difficult but in my heart I wanted to give it a try. Looking back I don't know how we got over it but we did. We made sure that we were vigilant in where we put food so that he wasn't tempted, no food left on plates, or on the work surfaces in the kitchen, we always feed all three in strict order and Tom is not allowed any leftovers until told he can have it. They are never left on their own whilst eating and Tom is not allowed to go by the other two whilst they are eating treat sticks and pigs ears etc. as he would be tempted to take the food out of their mouths, of which he did do at first!.

I am not an expert but if you are vigilant and take away the temptation then the dog soons learns that there is nothing to look for and that he will always have his own food to look forward to. We put some of it down to Tom feeling hungry as he was on the thin side when we adopted him.

I think that due to mentioning that he gets on with your other two greyhounds then it is worth persevering with Fudge.

It did not happen overnight with Tom it did take months but now he sits for his food and sits or lies down watching the others eat, he seemed to do this after a couple of months and now he is a completely different dog, it all takes time.

I think I found that Tom learnt better behaviour off our other two and over time things just seem to work out between them.

I do hope that things improve, I can say that if it does then it is certainly worth it.

by DaybreaksRuth

Wednesday 20 Apr 07:35

Hi Jen, the food plays a MAJOR part in any dog's behaviour. He is an oldie now and should be on a good quality senior food such as Burns - you will notice a massive change if you do this. He was fed on Burns whilst at our house and most of the time he was relaxed & quiet - please give it a try. I can put you in touch with the Burns nutritionalist who is lovely and will help you loads especially with the quantity to give him to ensure you are feeding the right amounts.
Foxy will steal anything going if it is left out but it is not good for him so please be vigilant with other food and discipline him so he knows it is not right to steal off plates especially from the children!

by jenesis

Wednesday 20 Apr 01:01

Hi, quick update n another plea 4 help as Fudge is starting 2 become a problem. He is as good as gold while on walks etc n is very friendly n loving (except 2 the cats lol) but he will eat anything he can get his paws on, eg loaf of bread still in the bag, food off the kids plates, this evening he snatched 3 naan breads out of Deks hand while he was prepping dinner, he will also eat the cats food and the cat litter and poop out of the litter tray. What can we do? He gets the same amount of food as Mystic & Cally n more often than not he helps Mystic in hoovering up any food that Cally leaves. He is starting 2 cause Dek 2 have 2nd thoughts about us keeping him, is there anything we can do 2 try n change his behaviour? He is now getting on really well with the other 2 n I really wanna keep him but I agreed when we took him on trial that if Dek said no 2 him staying then that was that. Please help xxx

by jenesis

Friday 15 Apr 22:59

Hi Sharilu, thank u 4 the offer of lift, we live in chelmsley wood not far from daybreaks but not sure if we'd be able 2 go 2moro as my daughter has a birthday party 2 go 2 xx

by Sharilu

Friday 15 Apr 20:50

Hi Jen, Fudge came into the kennels when I was deciding to re-home Captain, now Monty. I felt so sorry for Fudge - he seemed to be a gorgeous gentle boy. I'm going to the training classes in B'ham tomorrow and each Sat it's on. If you live close to me I could pick you both up. Prob best not to put them in the boot together but Fudge would be more than welcome to my back seat. We live in Allesley - what about you?

by jenesis

Thursday 14 Apr 20:36

Hi thanx for all the advice will give them a try. the door is a glass panelled 1 so even tho it's shut he can still see out, didn't really want to use a gate on the lounge because of the cats, the 3 of them would attack the cats if they got into the lounge n the cats are always trying 2 get in. The cats spend most of the day outside just coming back in when it rains or for food, but they're inside overnight. He only whines/barks when we 1st leave or when we 1st get up in morning or get home n dont go straight into the room 2 them. He does settle down after a time. Would love to take him and Mystic 2 a training class but there are none local and we dont drive so cant get to one. Jen n gang xxx

by tiggersslave

Thursday 14 Apr 09:17

Hi Jen
Sleep on a tee shirt and put that on him when you go out (being careful to tie up any loose bits like the waist .. so he can't trip. Solid doors can spook greys so a child gate is good and usually works .. maybe he's been used to sleeping with his person so is feeling lost :( and he's had a lot to cope with recently so you might need to start just leaving him and the others for a moment. ..back in the room, ignore him etc etc. A crate can give a worried dog a sense of security as long as you introduce it carefully .. my crate is always open and mine choose to lie in it plus you can give him a Kong without the others squabbling over it (always supervise if you give food out and you have more than one dog). Take him to one of the training classes to get him to use his brain - you tire them mentally quicker than physically :) and you could do a bit of fun training with him which hopefully will settle him. Learn TTouch - that's great for calming dogs and teaching them confidence :)
Best wishes Julie

by Emma

Thursday 14 Apr 08:27

Mine don't like being locked away either - they stay in the kitchen (behind a dog gate) overnight or when I'm out. If I'm out for any length of time I leave the radio on, as Jill suggested. Can Fudge see the garden from your lounge? Maybe the squirrels are teasing him? Is he barking/whining when he first goes into the lounge or is he waking you in the night? Try and grab a copy of Jan Fennel's book which the kennels have copies of for sale. Given his history, I expect Fudge will need a little extra reassurance. Big hugs to the gorgeous boy xxx

by kallie

Thursday 14 Apr 08:11

when you say shut them into the lounge do you mean shut the door or do you have a dog gate? mine do not like to be behind closed doors but seem to be happy behind a dog gate so they can still look out. hope you can work something Ina

by skinnyme

Wednesday 13 Apr 23:12

Hi Jen, have you tried leaving a radio on in the lounge, this works for mine when I go out. Are your cats in the house day and night?

by jenesis

Wednesday 13 Apr 22:55

Help please!! Due 2 us having the cats we shut the dogs in the lounge overnight or when we're not at home, but over the last couple of days Fudge has started whining quite a bit n has now also started barking, he seems 2 be showing some signs of seperation anxiety, he was fine n didn't do this 4 the 1st few days he was here. We haven't had this problem at all with Cally & Mystic n would be very grateful 4 any advice that any1 could give us on how 2 deal with it n hopefully stop it. Thanx Jen & the gang xxx

by jenesis

Tuesday 12 Apr 21:36

Hi Emma, Fudge is settling in well n is getting on much better with Cally & Mystic. We're rapidly learning not 2 leave anything (especially edible) lying around cause he will swipe it. He loves a fuss & is always happy 2 c us when we come back after being out 4 a while.will try n get some photos sent over soon xx

by Emma

Tuesday 12 Apr 10:26

Hi Jenesis, how is the lovely Fudge getting on? Em x

by rich

Saturday 09 Apr 09:30

Brilliant handsome boy. Love rich Manda Rolo and chillie(bean)xxx

by jenesis

Wednesday 06 Apr 17:18

Fudge seems 2 be getting on with Cally & Mystic although there has been a couple of growls from the latter 2. Don't know if I was being brave or stupid but I took the 3 of them out 4 a walk on my own n they were all stars n behaved really well. Fingers crossed that it all continues 2 go well xx

by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 06 Apr 14:43

Well done Fudge...please be happy! xx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Wednesday 06 Apr 13:51

Aw well done gorgeous, gorgeous boy!!! who is the lucky person who has reserved fudge?? He is so unbelievably cute its untrue! i was very tempted to pop him in my car on saturday! he is just lovely!! xxxxx

by Emma

Tuesday 05 Apr 21:24

Well Fudge, you are becoming quite a celebrity here in Oxford this week - I have been showing everyone your picture and they all agree that you are so very lovely! Hopefully you will be in a fab new home by the time I get back, but if not, I promise to come and give you another lovely big cuddle next week! Em xxx

by jenesis

Monday 04 Apr 19:03

Hope Fudge is feeling better n can't wait 2 meet him on wednesday xx

by LadyVictoria

Monday 04 Apr 09:47

I hope Fudge is feeling better today. xxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Monday 04 Apr 00:41

Emma, you are right - he is gorgeous - such a good boy and so well behaved at ours. I hope he finds a home really soon xxx

by Emma

Sunday 03 Apr 18:05

Fudge is absolutely GORGEOUS and I think I might be ever-so-slightly in love with him! We had lovely big cuddles with the handsome lad today and I am already so very envious of the lucky person who gets to take him home - hopefully he won't have to wait much longer xxx

by lindylou

Saturday 02 Apr 08:51

Big hug to poor Fudge. Hope he is feeling better soon. He looks a really gorgeous boy. xx

by KerryElliman

Friday 01 Apr 23:03

i sooooooooooooo want him ,he is so lovely ,i give him a porkpie when im at the kennels and noone is watchin :)

by kallie

Friday 01 Apr 20:13

poor beautiful boy...hope you will be better soon and not too sore. big gentle hugs xxxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 01 Apr 18:19

Poor poor Fudge - I picked him up from the vets - he was castrated today and they have removed most of the teeth from one side of his mouth. As he was under anaesthetic for so long he has got to go back and have the rest of his rotten teeth removed in a few weeks. He is so wobbly so I have made him a very comfy bed for him to rest.... big hugs to the old fella xxxx

by mutty22jaf

Wednesday 30 Mar 22:37

It is a shame when they have to leave the home they love but at least he was returned to kennels, and not turned onto the streets or abandoned; tied up outside a pound. He is in the right place. Hope you find the right home soon lovely boy. x

by Naomi

Wednesday 30 Mar 11:42

Funny name for a black boy. What a shame he is no longer in a home....he looks very handsome though....think I would have camped out with him in someone's back garden rather than give him up he's sooo lovely ;) x

by Winniethepooh

Wednesday 30 Mar 09:00

I hope that Fudge can be rehomed as such a shame he has been returned, he looks like a lovely boy. I feel so sorry when this happens.

Best wishes

by lindylou

Tuesday 29 Mar 14:25

Poor boy. He looks soooo sweet. Hope he finds a lovely home soon. xx

by lichfield_sam

Monday 28 Mar 23:18

aww hes so cute.

i hope he gets a home quickly. i hate when a grey has been in a home for a long time and then return to kennel life. awful. lots of love xxxxx

by Jo

Monday 28 Mar 20:41

Poor Fudge you are so adorable, such a stunning boy. I know everyones circumstances are different but it is so upsetting that these wonderful animals suffer. I hope you find your forever home very soon you deserve it. xx

by Lauramc

Monday 28 Mar 20:22

Poor boy! Such a sweet face and such a shame that it's not your fault. Fingers crossed you find a new special home soon. xx

by Emma

Monday 28 Mar 19:02

Oh Fudge, you look and sound adorable, just like my lovely Kev. I hope you find a home very soon, but in the meantime I'm sure you'll get lots of love and fuss from everyone at Daybreaks xxx

by kallie

Monday 28 Mar 18:54

poor little Fudge, it's so heartbreaking for him and also for his owners to have to part after 6 years together. hope you will find a home very soon. xxxx

by LadyVictoria

Monday 28 Mar 16:38

How terribly sad for him...he must be so upset. xxx

by Deb

Monday 28 Mar 16:11

Fudge you are in a bit of a sticky mess!.I am sure auntie Ruth and all at daybreaks will give you lots of TLC and you will be back in a home quite soon.You are so handsome and those big sad eyes really tug at the heart strings.