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About Me

Racing Name
Ooaar whosthat
White and Black
Date of birth
02 nov 2006
Land of birth
IU Ireland or United Kingdom
Land of standing
UK United Kingdom
Ear mark
Desert BreezeIE-NOV-00-BKW
Family tree & race history


male, 18 years old, White and Black

Added by skinnyme

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Tat has had 0 cuddles today (11 all together).
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by BeckyB-F

Saturday 25 Jun 12:19

Sounds like you are both having fun xxxx Love from us to Tat xxxx (he did love his sofa when he stayed with us xxx)

by susy

Saturday 25 Jun 11:54

Well what excitement Tat has brought to you, well as g/hounds can all be different in their character we as humans love the experience. Regards Sylv & The New Icemaid Clan xxxx

by Deb

Saturday 25 Jun 11:03

A boot, a hat he just needs a few more items and he will have all the pieces for a Monopoly Board.
Sounds like Tat is loving his new home.

by IainT

Friday 24 Jun 23:03

Two weeks in. Things Tat has stolen:
- A boot
- A hat
- Cooked chicken meat (from the fridge, someone left the door ajar)
- A banana
- A pasty (cheese and onion, and there was a beef option) - caught in the act

I've installed a child gate through to the kitchen. All very understandable, and he's such a placid boy he let me have the pasty back, not that it was fit for human consumption any more.

We've been getting on great. The odd whine at night last week, but he's stopped that now. We're both pretending he doesn't sleep on the sofa at night. He's handled a lot of comings and goings very well, very good manners with visitors.

The collie is getting used to him, they've got on well at the enclosed dog park, had a few good runs. She's learned she needs to corner a lot to keep the game going.

by BeckyB-F

Monday 13 Jun 20:42

Hi Iain and Tat. Really pleased that he is settling in so well. Give him a cuddle from us xxxx He is such a lovely boy, full of character and fun ! So happy that he has got a wonderful home, sounds like you are both having fun xxxx

by IainT

Monday 13 Jun 18:04

Quick update after three days - all going really well. He's eating like a champ, starting to play with his cuddly hedgehog. Loves having a sleep in the garden. We had some manic antics in the garden last evening, which was lovely to see.

Thanks to everyone, I'll update more in the future.

by BeckyB-F

Thursday 09 Jun 17:57

Be good for your Aunty Jill tonight (I'm sure you will ) and we hope you settle into your forever home tomorrow really quickly xxxx We are all sad to see you go tonight but are also really really pleased that you have a forever home xxxxx Hope we get to see you on walks etc Big hugs and kisses to you from us all xxxxxxx

by BeckyB-F

Tuesday 07 Jun 20:34

Tat will be in his new home on Friday, we will miss him, but I'm sure he is going to have a wonderful forever home xxxx

by BeckyB-F

Sunday 05 Jun 18:03

Tat had a wonderful time 'running free ' today (thank you Sally for organising it) He obviously hasn't forgotten how to run around a track, and loved it soooo much he did it twice! Such a lovely boy xxxx

by BeckyB-F

Saturday 04 Jun 13:39

Well done Tat, a new home soon xxxx We are going to miss you but are pleased that you will have a forever now xxxxx

by Blackcat1

Saturday 04 Jun 13:36

I've a feeling they will all get on together famously - wish I was around to see him being 'herded' by the collie, lol.

by BeckyB-F

Saturday 04 Jun 11:03

Paws crossed for Tat everyone, he is off to meet a potential new family and their collie xxxx

by BeckyB-F

Wednesday 01 Jun 19:17

24 hrs in his foster home and its like he has always been here. So affectionate, has worked out the best places to sleep etc. Slept through the night without a peep. Has had 2 fab walks (walks really well on lead) and another off lead run, chasing balls which he loved. Is fine with humans, cats and dogs. Even at food time we had no problem with them eating together. We are in love already and when its time will find it hard to see him go......but when he finds a wonderful forever home we will be pleased for him. He is a star xxxxx

by BeckyB-F

Tuesday 31 May 21:15

Tat is being a very good boy. Has tried all the beds and sofas, knows where the garden is and the toy basket. Has met the kids, cats and dogs with no problems. Been for a nice woodland walk and then for a run with Jasper the lurcher and Belle and Sam the greys. Ran and played nicely with each other. They all had a yummy pigs ear (thankyou Aunty Ruth), and Tat came for a lovely cuddle and fuss and now is flat out on the sofa ! All this in just 4 hours, he is such a clever boy xxxxxx

by crackercharlieX

Tuesday 31 May 20:29

Another sweety who's great with my 2.

by BeckyB-F

Monday 30 May 19:01

Yeah Tat xxxx so pleased that Aunty Ruth has said we can foster you xxxx We will have lots of fun and cuddles xxx See you tomorrow xxxx

by janet12000

Monday 30 May 18:50

Tat is so lovely! Well done little one for passing the cats and other breed test.
Hope to see you very soon. xxx

by BeckyB-F

Monday 30 May 15:27

Well done Tat, passing the cats and other breeds test xxxx Let your Aunty Ruth know that if she needs a foster home for you over the Daybreaks closing period, you would be very welcome (loved, fussed and cuddled !) here with us ( 3 children, 2 greys, 1 lurcher and 4 very dog friendly cats !) There is always lots of fun and walks in Sutton Park xxxxx

by skinnyme

Sunday 29 May 21:49

Tat is lay on the sofa between Paul and I enjoying watching Pirates of the Carribbean, he's particularly interested when Johnny Depp comes on! Such good taste. What a fantastically gorgeous boy. Sadly got to take him back tomorrow, wonder if Ruth would notice if I didn't!

by pinkdog

Sunday 29 May 20:59

What a beautiful boy!! I am very drawn and am looking for another rescue... I would be there tomorrow if I lived a little closer :-( . What a clever boy passing the cats and other breeds test! Will send you a virtual cuddle for now Tat xxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 29 May 20:14

Tat has gone home with Jill this evening and met the cats and other breeds of dogs.... and PASSED!!!! Well done fella..... x

by BeckyB-F

Sunday 29 May 17:05

Absolutely gorgeous, looked so chilled out in the kennels, fab name. So look ready for a nice cuddly home xxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 27 May 21:18

Tat was the first grey to try the new dog wash today! He was not too impressed to start with - bless him.

by LadyVictoria

Friday 27 May 13:44

What a great name...certainly is different and suits him. He is like the Tatty Blue Nose Teddy, cute, cuddly and looking for his forever home! xxx

by Tash'ntheGreys

Friday 27 May 08:10

Lol, very sweet..."What's Tat? A puddy Tat!" ;0)

by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 27 May 07:51

His trainer tells us his name is Tat - quite nice to have a name we haven't had before!

by Tash'ntheGreys

Friday 27 May 07:39

He looks lovely, I like Oscar too...his racing name is what I imagine my greys to be thinking when they see a rabbit/squirrel/small fluffy!

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Thursday 26 May 21:34

Ha ha very wierd!! Good name though and same number of letters as the ooaar bit :o) greyt minds an all that xxxxx

by skinnyme

Thursday 26 May 21:33

Fi, how weird is that, we both came up with the same name at the same time, spooky!

by skinnyme

Thursday 26 May 21:30

He looks like an Oscar! How gorgeous is he.

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Thursday 26 May 21:30

How about oscar? Xxxxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Thursday 26 May 21:21

Is this handsome chap going to get a new name? Something a bit less of a mouthfull :o) xxx

by BeckyB-F

Thursday 26 May 20:47

Another beautiful boy ready for a well earned retirement in a wonderful home. Such a sweet looking boy xxx

by fi-be-looking

Tuesday 24 May 20:20

i have nicknamed him ROO ! hope it suits him...

by fi-be-looking

Tuesday 24 May 20:15

me too :)

by Tash'ntheGreys

Monday 23 May 08:49

Love his racing name!