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About Me

Racing Name
Snug Savannah
Date of birth
28 jul 2009
Land of birth
IU Ireland or United Kingdom
Land of standing
UK United Kingdom
Ear mark
Bashful SmileIE-NOV-03-BE
Family tree & race history


female, 15 years old, Blue

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Lily has come to Daybreaks via GALA Rescue as we are short of girls on our waiting list!

Lily has had 0 cuddles today (14 all together).
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by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 18 Nov 07:39

Hi Sharon83 - have you tried using 'Simple Solution'? This breaks down and eliminates the urine crystals which are responsible for causing the smell - it is available from most pet shops and we stock it at the kennels.

by sharon83

Saturday 17 Nov 21:27

My greys wee on decking and patio and the smell is horrid. I use jeys fluid still smells, any help please. Xx

by sharon83

Saturday 02 Jun 20:05

Thanks for your help have managed to find a really nice lady who looks after dogs. She will only be having our 2 at her house she is home all day and walks them twice a day. They will have a nice holiday and we will miss them so mcuh. Also someone put in about the new dog coming in Luna. She looks like our lilys sister layla. My daughter misses Layla and so do we. Lily is just amazing and we have had to put her on a diet as she went to have her worming tablets and vet said she to heavy at 32kg. Hope she dont come back to fat from where they living for 8 days. lol

by Deb

Sunday 29 Apr 17:35

Would agree with the last comment Bark Inn is where greys go for a holiday and are thoroughly spoilt. You would have no worries leaving your babies there.

by Lea,Sonny,Poppy-Obi

Sunday 29 Apr 12:03

Hi Sharon
Check out, Bark Inn Greyhound Resting Kennels, they are in Atherstone, not far from coventry - about 20 mins if im right ? - they are fantastic, both Gordon and Michelle who run the kennells are lovely and very experienced with Greys ! and their prices are far more realistic than many other boarding kennels, our two went in at Easter and came out looking as they went in ! - give them a call on 0782 8609201 check out their website, -

by sharon83

Saturday 28 Apr 17:02

Hi was wondering if any one lived near Coventry, and i was wondering as a cheeky question. I have for last 3 weeks been looking for boarding for our 2 greys. I have decided i donot want them in kennels as they need to be in a home. Went to look at a house today in Coventry and feel the house is to small with the other dogs lady is boarding i have searched so many websites and cant seem to find any thing suitable. or rather 2 expensive. we donot want any one staying in the house. Does any one know of anyone or who have any room for another 2 greys for a week in the 1st week of june. thanks

by SamA

Monday 16 Apr 20:07

Hi Sharon. Our Tom slipped his lead ages ago as well, we switched to a harness then and found some great fleece lines ones at dog- games -
They are lovely and soft but really strong and you can get matching collars as well. Just something else to have a look at.
Sest wishes

by sharon83

Monday 16 Apr 14:12

Thankyou everyone for your advise. I will get on that website and have a look. Thanks again x

by tiggersslave

Monday 16 Apr 09:54

PS If you have to walk where off lead dogs scare yours then you can either carry a squeezy bottle of water (or I've heard of a Jiff lemon) and squirt the approaching dog in the face - I always shout to the owner my dog is scared so please call your dog ... but if he can't or won't then I'd use the water.. or you can wait till the dog gets close and using a ferocious voice shout 'NO' at it and that can scare them away as well ... depends how your dogs are behaving tho ..

by tiggersslave

Monday 16 Apr 09:51

Hi Sharon ...the Mekuti harness is great, Rachael who designed it and runs Mekuti is a TTouch Practitioner like me :) In TTouch we use harnesses a great deal and would recommend you use them with Mekuti's double ended lead - clip one end of the lead to the clip on the back of the harness/dog and the other can be threaded thro the ring at the front of the chest or clipped to the chest ring (or any other place on the harness that helps your dog). Just make sure you keep the lead short enough that the dog doesn't get in front of you - so could trip you up, and don't hold tight on the lead- just 'ask' the dog to not pull then allow the lead to be loose and repeat if it's not worked - check out Mekuti's website for pics and description or ask me and I'll help too :)
Just in case this ever happens to anyone else ... if your dog's on a lead it is deemed as being under control - if you have any dog approach yours off lead and the owner will not or cannot call it back you can report it to the police (not the Dog Warden) as being Dangeroudly Out of Control in a public place (if you're in a public place :) like a park or on a road) - espcially if YOU felt it might bite YOU. This is legislation under the Dangerous Dogs Act and is a criminal offence and this bit applies to all breeds not just the banned ones. Best wishes Julie

by savocat

Sunday 15 Apr 21:23

Oh no ! exactly the same thing happened to us. We'd only had our greyhound 2 months and a big airdale terrier came bounding towards him and tried to bite him. Phil managed to back out of his collar and run off (i think i aged about 20 years that day !) I bought a harness off the internet - i chose a mekuti balance harness. 2 years later and it's still working really well and gives me peace of mind, whatever's going on. Best wishes.

by Foggie

Sunday 15 Apr 21:12

Hi Sharon, websearch 'Mekuti'. We have just bought dog harnesses for our two younger newer greys to help stop them lunging at cats and other dogs. Marty, our newcomer is a powerful lad but when wearing the harness is much more managable and very secure. I'm not sure that we put the harness on exactly as shown in the blurb but it works for us. You can also use the lead as a single one attached to the harness which is adjustable around the shoulders. I ordered on line and it came within two days.

by sharon83

Sunday 15 Apr 19:37

hi was wondering if someone could give me some advice? Lily got out of her lead today which was tight as a dog was being aggressive to her the guy said keep your dog under control but she slipped her lead. is there a suitable greyhound harness we could use for her and are they suitable and safe. Thankyou Sharon

by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 05 Jan 18:08

Hi Sharon, I have just received your voicemail (sorry I couldn't get to the phone) about changing Lily's food to a different variety of Burns. Of course it is ok to do this however I thought you were going to try what has been suggested below tho! Just remember, if you are changing her food you need to do this gradually over a few days. Sorry I can't call back just now as I am on my way to the vets.... again! If you need help with ordering from TPMS, just give Julie a call on 07747754759 and she will happily help :-)

by Winniethepooh

Thursday 05 Jan 09:00

Hello Sharon

We had much the same issue with our Rose who wouldn't come in our lounge very often whilst James and Tom were in there. I always thought she was left out as she seemed to prefer to stay in the dining room in her own bed. That was until we recently bought a doggie duvet from Homesense, it is a square flattish cushion with a washable cotton cover - it was the best £19.99 we have ever spent as now Rose is the first one to go in our lounge and lie down, now we can't get her out of there. The cushion was that good we bought another two so all of our three have one and they snuggle up on them for hours.

Although at times James or Tom will venture off to their own bed. I think at times they do like a bit of space to themselves.

I don't think you should worry too much as I am sure Lily will soon be back in the lounge with you.

by medaftboutdogs

Wednesday 04 Jan 22:08

Just echo what Linda has said, my Blossom likes time out too. She will disappear off to our dining room for an entire evening sometimes and wont come when I call her (although that half hearted on my part as I know she is happy). I worried at first but Ruth explained some dogs just do this. So I leave her to it. I think also its a safe retreat for her when she gets a bit worried by visitors coming in, especially men or someone new! I still feel like she is being left out, but if I call my boy Reubes for some loves & cuddles she comes trundling through pretty quickly - never one to miss a cuddle is my girl. luv t

by LindaPaul

Tuesday 03 Jan 15:23

Hi Sharon. We also have 2 girls (Lola & Lena). We've been through this behaviour with both of ours too. To be honest, we just left them to it if they chose to be on their own. If they preferred to be in their night-time bed then so-be-it but eventually they got over it and decided that they want to be with us. Even now, very occasionally one of them will decide not to join us in the lounge in the evening. Sometimes it's the whole evening, other times just for an hour or so. Very often whoever it is will potter through to the lounge a bit later on so not sure if they just have a need for an extra rest. Ours don't sleep in the kitchen though (Lena can't be trusted to be left alone with the bin) but don't think that would make any difference - they are in the ex-dining room - now the dog's own room! We do call them both to the lounge and if they come at the time they are called then they get a treat - if they don't then they don't get anything so it becomes their choice. Not sure if this will help. Linda x

by sharon83

Monday 02 Jan 21:02 Lily was so happy in lounge with us then all off a sudden she just wants 2 stay in kitchen in her bed. Soon as u move she gets up. We don't want her in kitchen we want her with us and Tessa. Aslo Julie u said u order your food online I went on that website and did not no where to start. Cud u tell me your order and I can order the same. Thankyou

by tiggersslave

Tuesday 13 Dec 14:29

Hiya Mandy ... don't apologise, the more experience we can share (good or bad) the better :) I don't feed any biscuits but do get my meat from TPMS .. I add a serving spoonfull of cooked brown rice or Quinoa and same of mashed raw veggies to each of mine's two daily feeds ... I reckon its a really healthy an dcheap way to feed dogs :) Mine look great too :) I once cooked tripe for one of mine when he was old and the neighbours came round to see if something was wrong/dying it smelt sssooooo awful LOL J x

by billy-pixie-fizz

Tuesday 13 Dec 10:15

Hi sorry to butt in, I feed my three greys the raw food, and I can honestly say they are thriving on it. Admittedly it's digusting, but you do get used to the smell. Don't cook it, it will smell your house out. Its also very cheap .45p for a 1lb tube. The chap at this place told me, more raw meet less biscuits, which seems to be working just fine for my three. The place is called T.P.M.S. One of my greys is 26kg, just an example, I feed her half tube in the morning and half in the evening, with half cup of biscuits each meal. Hope this helps xxxxxxx

by tiggersslave

Tuesday 13 Dec 07:47

PS If you weigh how much goes into your cupful then check that to the back of the sack you'll see if you're feeding her enough. You should be able to see her last three ribs and she should have a layer of muscle along her spine with just a litte bit of spine showing about 3/4 down her back as it rises over her quarters ... if you can seemore spine and/or ribs then she needs more food. Don't forget it's cold too now and they haven't got an undercoat nor the layer of body fat that other breeds have so she'll need coats on when she goes out and - if your central heeting goes off at night, she'll also need a thick fleece to keep her warm at night ... like us -if she's cold she'll need more food. Julie x

by tiggersslave

Tuesday 13 Dec 07:43

Hi Sharon88 Please never ever give your dog cooked bones - raw bones don't splinter and cooked bones DO splinter and can cause problems... just think too ... when did you ever see a dog light a fire and cook its prey :) they're made to eat raw meat ... oh and it doesn't make them savage either LOL Most people who fed raw say their dogs are much happier, more content and less hyper cos meat suits their tums :) - mine certainly are :) J xx

by sharon83

Monday 12 Dec 20:37

hi was looking on the sites about raw food. sound horrid i would have to cook it. gave them lambs liver from shops and cooked it and also some tripe icooked that as well had some mince in fridge left over and cooked that for them and some chicken. would they be able and enjoy it raw instead of me cooking it for them/ feel horrid if not cooked it. i even cook there bones from the butchers but jason told me just give them to them.

by sharon83

Monday 12 Dec 20:14

thankyou for your advise on the food i will look up this place in redditch. i do not measure the food i just use 2 large cupfulls she is a bit of a pig she eats anything even remote controls lol

by billy-pixie-fizz

Monday 05 Dec 10:08

Hi, I also feed mine on raw food, and also get this from Redditch. I buy a mixer from them to, just to bulk the meat out. My three are doing really well on it, lovely shiny coats, and small poo's. I worked out it costs me about .55p a day to feed each Grey. The meat disgusting, but they just love it, there eyes are poppoing out there heads at feed time. xx

by tiggersslave

Monday 05 Dec 08:26

Hi Sharon83 :) Burns is expensive but it should work out not much more than the cheaper ones as you don't feed as much of it (do you weigh out how much they should have? Its on the back of the asck) We find that when greys go into a home for the first time they can be very stressed (tho don't always appear to be) so their metabolism gets faster and they burn off food quicker than usual and can appear very hungry ... you can add some cooked brown rice and some chopped up veggies to their Burns to 'pad it out' andmaybe try some carbs like pasta which are filling too. Most other complete foods especailly the cheaper ones have lots of cereal in themas cheap fillers - you end up pcking up lots of poo, sometimes their house training goes to pot and dogs aren't meant to eat cereals so better if you can stick to the Burns if possible. I feed raw food tho and that works out very reasonable - I buy my meat froma pet food wholesaler in Redditch - TPMS, and their meat for a month cost me £28 :) I add cooked brown rice and veggies plus a few other bits .. check out BARF diet or google 'raw feeding' as there's lots of info on the internet, its very easy once you get your head round it :) Best wishes Julie

by sharon83

Saturday 03 Dec 14:48

Hi was wondering if there was a different food i could buy instead of the burns. It works out quite expensive two greys. Especially lily who is a gannet. lol. Thanks

by sharon83

Sunday 23 Oct 09:58

Could you tell me how much the coats are please 30 or 32 inches. either one as long as warm and waterproof

by sharon83

Friday 14 Oct 15:05

Just wondering if any one could answer if it is possible to get a differnent flavour burns instead of the pork and potatoe one please or shud i just keep them on this as they used to this flavour thanks. Hopefully goona try and bring lily and tessa to the dog show on sunday. It would be so nice if layla is there so the girls can catch up.

by sharon83

Thursday 13 Oct 16:34

hi could someone help. I have been getting the burns for lil. The pork and potatoe one. Is it ok to buy any burns to give them a variety in flavour. Thanks

by matt-claire-tilly-belle

Saturday 08 Oct 15:02

hi sharon and lilly. so glad lily has settled and all is ok. layla is great. she has a brilliant trainable attitude, and i have put loads of time into teaching her new things and she learns very fast. she now goes off the lead daily and comes streight back when recalled. she loves the woods at the stables where she can chase all that runs and flies and even goes in the big pond up to her belly and nearly swims. she loves being close with us so we have no fear of her running away and we did train recall for weeks in an enclosed field before we trusted her. its just great to see her happy and running free. she is 99% house trained now and hasnt had an accident for a while. My husband and i are very lucky to have her and we love her lots and wouldnt be without her now. would be great for the sisters to meet up at a walk so let us know when you next attend one. x

1 others liked this

by sharon83

Saturday 01 Oct 16:03

Would like to keep you posted on Lily. Well she is amazing has settled so well she is a great dog we love her so much. Thankyou to
daybreaks for letting us have her. The mess in the house has stopped fingers crossed. We have learnt her routine and can figure out what she will do. We have brought a throw so she can enjoy lying on the seettee with us. Mind you she pushes Tessa out the way. Just loving every minute of her. I have heard nothing about Layla hope she is well

by tiggersslave

Tuesday 06 Sep 07:58

Hi Sharon No problem :) We're all here to help each other especially as we've usually had greys like yours ourselves :) They are very different to 'real' dogs LOL and have had a different upbringing and of course have been working dogs so have had different routines :) Like people they need a bit of time to get used to changes but they do get used to retirement - some do it quicker than others but they all get there :) In my experience most of the unwanted behaviours ... pulling on the lead, not toileting outside, barking/lunging at other breeds is because they're scared of this whole new world and just need time and understanding and a bit of training :). Your Homechecker will be able to help I'm sure and if you ever can't contact her and need help we are all happy to do what we can .. our numbers will be in the Pack that you got with Lily or ask on here :) Best wishes Julie :)

by sharon83

Monday 05 Sep 17:11

Hi Julie. Thankyou for your advice as well. I have explained some in my message to Linda and would like to thankyou so much for everything. Its good we all got each other to talk. The lady who homed checked me is coming to see us on wed to sort some things out. Lily is taking time but improving. Her walks are sometimes noisy and sometime quite depending on what time of day we go out. There are never many dogs out when we walk unless we go to the fields. But as i mentioned to Linda she has done quite alot of wee's today sometimes we are lucky to get one. Fingers crossed. I will do what you suggested and see how it goes.

by sharon83

Monday 05 Sep 17:06

Hi Linda Thankyou for your kind words. Yes lily is the same when she goes out, on a mission. My friend said she had take her dog straight out in garden after a walk, i will start tonight. She was really good today which was so wierd/ poo and wee outside on her walk, Jason just walked them for a hour this afternoon they are worn out and nice and quite, he said Lily did quite alot of wees like Tessa he could not belive it i am so happy hopefully a turning point. I will get some burns now and hope all better. She is beautiful and adorable and is a cheeky madame but i love my greys so much. Thanks for your advice. sharon

by LindaPaul

Monday 05 Sep 11:27

Hi Sharon... when we first had Lena (almost a year ago now) she wouldn't pee when we were out walking. She walked like she was on a mission all of the time - kind of doggy power-walking. So we had a problem that she would get home and then pee in the hall. We found that we had to take her straight into the garden when we got home from the walk and she would then pee quite happily. We always left her collar and lead on and took her outside straight away. We'd just say 'wee-wee good girl' when she peed and over time she just got the hang of the fact that walks are our leisure time and now she will almost pee on command on grass at least! It just took time really and I couldn't even say how long but once we worked out what was happening it was no hassle to do what was necessary to get Lena on the right track. Now she pees almost as many times as our other girl Lola when we are out for a walk. She still likes to go into the garden when she gets back from a walk but that's just to check for squirrels now! Simple Solution is great for neutralising the smell of the wee too. We got ours from the kennels. Not sure if this will help....but your girl is so pretty and I hope that she will come good over time. Linda xx

by tiggersslave

Monday 05 Sep 08:34

Hi Sharon Ruths not well so might not have seen your question, I think that's for 15kg of Burns but you don't feed as much of it as some dog foods (it should tell you on their website and certainly says how much to feed on the back of the sack). Burns is better digested so the dog gets the goodness ... if you look at a lot of cheaper dog foods they have a lot of 'fillers' in like cereals ..dogs in the wild don't cultivate fields of wheat etc and they tend to poo a lot more when you feed cereals so we've found that dogs who have had house training problems can be clean when fed Burns.
You'll need to get rid of all wee and poo smells as that might be encouraging Lily to toilet in the same place, there are some proper cleaners at the kennels or at Pets at Home etc or try anything that doesn't have ammonia in it to clean up.
It might also be that Lily is scared to stop and toilet much when she's out, are your walks somewhere quiet or are there lots of other dogs about that Lily might be worried by? My last greyhound used to have to find a quiet bush before she'd toilet when I first had her :(
I wouldn't feed once a day, its much better for their digestion and mental well being to be fed twice a day .. I suggest you go back to basics, take her out on a lead into the garden after she's eaten and wait till she's weed/pood.. maybe put a command like Busy or whatever to it and praise her when she goes. Take her out to the garden every hour when you're there so she gets the idea that's where she can toilet plus of course nice long walks twice a day to encourage her to empty .. that's a good 45 mins to an hour morning and night till she gets into a routine then you can shorten one of them, plus a late 15 min late night walk down the road. You need to teach her what you want rather than just letting her choose her own time .. if she's been a kennel dog all her life she will be used to toiletting when and where she wants to. Best wishes Julie

by sharon83

Sunday 04 Sep 13:02

how many kg is the burns food?

by sharon83

Sunday 04 Sep 12:06

i have a mixture as still have the retired greyhound food i give tessa and i mix it with the burns with some dog food sometimes i give them sardines in sunflower oil as tessa loves it.

by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 04 Sep 07:49

Hi Sharon, what are you feeding Lily?

by sharon83

Saturday 03 Sep 20:40

Please help. I am getting sick of lily doing poo and wee everyday in the kitchen i cannt get rid of the smell and have tryed everything. my units at bottom are ruined cause they smell so much. We keep door open for her to go out thats fine/ but its getting cold they donot tell you when they want to go out. we just been on a hour walk been in house 20 mins and she has weeded again. come down every morning to wee and poo. i stopped feeding her in morning as when came home from work there was poo. feed them at 4oclock now 1 feed a day we let her out to go toilet before bedtime but sill makes no difference. have put her back in the cage now just to keep her from going toilet in the house. Any suggestions would be great. never had this problem with tessa so cannot understand. she gets treats for going out to toilet she does not wee much on her walks and i think she thinks she should only do it in garden. she gets loads of praise also for doing any thing on her walks but now donot have a clue.

by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 18 Aug 23:20

The Burns food is £41.50 - although this sounds a lot this should last for almost 2 months.

by sharon83

Thursday 18 Aug 20:54


by skinnyme

Thursday 18 Aug 20:51

Hi Sharon, Burns is £41.50 from Daybreaks.

by sharon83

Thursday 18 Aug 20:24

hi could any one tell me how much the burns dog food is for the 15kg bag please?

by sharon83

Monday 15 Aug 16:21

Hi medaftboutdogs. Sorry you left no name. I could sort something out and just be brave and drive ill sort out next session and get myself a sat nav and make the jorney. Thanks again Sharon. And also tiggerslave i have virgin i will look back in my sent and resend the email. thanks sharon. I have just made some cheese biscuits for the dogs cant wait for them to cool down. hope they enjoy them.

by tiggersslave

Monday 15 Aug 08:16

Hi Sharon83. I hope it wasn't me you emailed tho I have Virigin Broadband and its not very reliable so if you did email me please give me a ring as I promise I have checked it recently and have nothing outstanding. Like Ina and Medaftboutdogs said we set up the greyhound classes as the greys are very different to 'real dogs' and most 'normal' dog trainers have never trained a greyhound or if they have tried then they claim that greys are stupid or .. what was the other word ...defiant which in my experience is totally wrong BUT if you don't train them correctly you can do a lot of pyschological damage to them. My class is on the South of Bham about 3 miles along a straight dual carriageway from Junc 3 of the M42 and an easy journey to the Hall, Sally's is in the North of Bham and easy to get to as well and I'd really recommend that you come for at least the 4 free weeks so that you can understand how your greyhound thinks and learns. I understand its not easy when you work etc etc but it is worthwhile finding time to come to our training classes. J x

by medaftboutdogs

Sunday 14 Aug 20:38

Hi Sharon83, I was wondering when I read your thread, where you live? I'm sure one us will be near enough to show you how to get to either of the training places/take you there. I started out going to Julies (Like Kallie its miles & miles for me to get there) and have now switched to Sallys (Nrth Brum). Hope we can help you out.

by sharon83

Sunday 14 Aug 16:10

Thanks Kallie. I am going to order that book/dvd now. I would love to go to dog training so much. But i am realy no good at travelling in my car when i donot know where i am going even with a sat nav. I wished one was nearer, I did email the lady 3 weeks ago about the training to see if something near by but she never got back.

by sharon83

Sunday 14 Aug 16:07

Hi Ruth thanks so much for getting the dog bed for Lily. Tessa is in that and Lily in hers. They look so comfy. Enjoyed popping ova with Lily and taking one of the dogs for a walk to help out. Mick was so beautiful knew he would not be there for long. We took dogs to car boot this morning and were there for hours. Mainly as Lily is so beautiful everyone stopped us. We were all worn out. People were just so lovely to us. Met so many who had Greys and so many stories. Lily got nipped by a whippet and was so scared. She looked at me as if to say mummy what happened. I gave her a big kiss and she gave me one back. What a lovely day out. x hope Layla is ok.

by kallie

Saturday 06 Aug 12:25

hello Sharon, just a quickie regarding the training class, it is so worth trying to get to the classes which are led by greyhound experts, in the past we have had people take their new greyhounds to ' ordinary dog classes' and it has resulted in disasterous consequences....even now i still get 'so called dog trainers/experts' trying to give me advice on my greyhounds when they clearly have no idea what they are talking about and base their observations on hear say and rumours rather than fact about this specific breed. i used to travel from Derby to the other side of Brum when i first had Rossi and it really is worth driving a few miles for rather than listening to people who have very little or even no experience with greyhounds....also very useful for training in general is the 'Dog Listener by Jan Fennell' available as book or DVD and ideal for the whole family to watch and learn from together...kind regards and all the best...Ina

by sharon83

Friday 05 Aug 21:10

We are feeding her the food we got from the kennels. Burns. Have learnt if door shut she needs go out straight after food. the training is to far with the vouchers. she been good today as door open. but just problem when its raining. ill keep trying Thanks whispers mum. so glad to see Mary go. How great did they all look. x

by sharon83

Friday 29 Jul 18:54

Thanks for that Beryl but ill hold on for her own bed. But thanks again. x x x x x x

by beryltheperil

Friday 29 Jul 17:06

Hi Sharon,
Saw your bed request on Rocky's site - did you know it was there instead of here? Anyway have left a reply - have a look and let me know if it's any help to you.


by sharon83

Friday 29 Jul 13:15

Sorry just a reminder. does any one have a spare dog bed for lily that they donot want anymore for sale. thanks sharon.

by sharon83

Friday 29 Jul 13:03

Hi everyone. thankyou for lilys birthday messages. I went out with my friend last night and couldnot take lily with me. (lol). but i did ask lily first if i could celabrate her birthday. she kissed me so i knew she was ok about it. she is amazing and loving and just everything. her and tessa are great. they kiss each other. i am ;more relaxed now and family life is great. lily is so pretty and i love her so much. With everyone talking about getting up in morning ours is not bad. but you dare go toilet in the night then she hears you and starts crying this morning was ok it was 7oclock so i just woke up and we went on our morning walk. it is great as kids of sodogs have lots of company. x x x x lily follows me everywhere. x x x x cant wait for the people to come back from holiday and pick mary up feel sorry for her.

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Thursday 28 Jul 13:44

Happy birthday Lil xxxxxx

by LadyVictoria

Thursday 28 Jul 13:07

Wishing you a very Happy Birthday Lily! xxx

by skinnyme

Thursday 28 Jul 09:09

Happy birthday Lily xxx

by Deb

Saturday 23 Jul 18:08

Just try adding a mug of water to the food rather than other food and gravy.Burns is high class dog food and you dont need to add other bits to it.
I find it is best not to let the food soak up the water before feeding keeping the food cruchy really helps to keep the teeth in tip top condition
You could give treats at other times but not late at night!
good luck.

by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Saturday 23 Jul 17:32

Hi Sharon83. We soak our Burns food in a bit of warm water for 5 minutes before giving it to our two. Depending on how much water you use, it will create a bit of a 'gravy' and make the food less dry. I guess that adding anything else could be a bit too rich on her tummy. Mand

by matt-claire-tilly-belle

Saturday 23 Jul 17:24

hi sharon, i am glad lily has settled better this time. layla is so good, she acts like she has been with us for years.
sounds like lily has got runs from maybe adding dog food to the burns. i know it looks very dry and boring to us but they are used to it and like it. maybe u should just stick to what she is used to until she settles in and then you could add small amounts later if u wanted.
we hope to meet u and lily at one of the walks sometime, we will look out for you.
hope everything continues to work out for u all. xxx

by sharon83

Saturday 23 Jul 09:21

Hi all ok last night with lily. what a character. woke up at 7 this morning let dogs out did a wee. my mistake shud of let them out in the big bit outside but did not want wake neighbours up by opening garage door. went back up to bed. lily started crying before i could get back down stairs i could smell it. cleaned it up took them out the back and she did another one loads of praise and a treat. can any one help. her poo has gone quite soft again. am feeding her the burns that i brought from ruth have put in a bit of dog food and little bit of gravy as looks so dry. any ideas please x

by Emma

Friday 22 Jul 19:44

So glad everything seems to be going ok this time around - maybe introducing a ready made 'pack' was too much for poor Tessa!

by LadyVictoria

Friday 22 Jul 13:11

I really hope everything works out for you all; she is a very pretty girl. xx

by sharon83

Friday 22 Jul 12:22

Lily setteled in really well/ Just woke up at 5.30 hearing her throwing her rabbit toy about. no poo or wee it was great. did not use the cage and she was fine. let tessa and her out they went for a qee and then i went back to bed. woke up at 7 let dogs out the run out the back a poo each. went on school walk then went to work came back all great going on walk in a min. but all great so far. x x x

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Thursday 21 Jul 22:00

I hope it all works out this time... Good luck lily and family xxxxxx

by sharon83

Thursday 21 Jul 19:11

Hi we decided to give lily another chance in our home. we missed lily and layla so much. layla is gonna have a great time. lily came back into the house like she had never left. we went out on a nice walk and fed the dogs. tessa actually seemed very happy to see lily. at the back of our house the dogs can run without getting out after we checked people have locked the gates. lily and tessa were running up and down together. lily never came into our lounge to lie down when layla was hear now she is a picture at this moment jason is lying on settee tessa is in her bed and right in front of me is lily laying on the mat. it fantastic. thankyou so much ruth you are a very nice understanding and kind person. will keep you informed on our progress. bye for now x x

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Thursday 21 Jul 18:36

Lily gone again!! Yay! Xxxxx

by sharon83

Thursday 21 Jul 12:57

Hi Claire. Lucky Layla. She is going to have a wonderful time. Thankyou so much for letting me know. I have had some lovely messages from people. Its nice we can all talk about our Greys. So sad about Fudge. We love our animals so much they are like our children. They play such a important role in our houses. They ask for nothing and give us so much. I know you will be so happy with layla she is amazing and very quick to learn. Good luck to all your family. Keep in touch. x x Sharon

by matt-claire-tilly-belle

Wednesday 20 Jul 21:09

hi sharon. my names claire and have had greyhounds for a long time now. I rehomed queen of scholes (now tilly) from daybreaks 2 years ago to join my lovely grey belle. I lost my belle in april and am still devastated. i was looking to rehome a new grey for company of tilly. when i met the 2 girls i fell in love as layla reminded me alot of belle. i thought as they were sisters it would be nice to keep them together so i reserved them both for the evening while myself and my fiance disscussed the prospect of having 3 greys in our house. we decided that it wasnt practical and couldnt really afford the amount of cash that 3 dogs would require every month. staff at daybreaks think that lily and layla will be fine being seperated as they are stil so young and full of life. we think layla will fit in better with tilly as she is a little more chilled, as tilly has only got one eye we dont want any accidents. we cant wait to have her on friday. she will be very loved and wont want for anything. fi my ex next door neighbour who is a helper at daybreaks will tell u how devoted i am to my greys and how much they will be looked after. so please dont worry and i will keep u posted on her progress. i am sure the lovely lily will find her home soon. xx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Wednesday 20 Jul 19:18

Don't worry about layla sharon, I know her new mummy who recently lost her beautiful girl and layla will be loved and pampered the same as belle was, she will have a new sisyer tilly too! Hope lily finds a new home very very soon xxxxxx

by BeckyB-F

Wednesday 20 Jul 17:41

Not reserved anymore ??? xxxxx

by sharon83

Wednesday 20 Jul 17:17

hi lily. i am sosorry you not reserved now. i wil talk to ruth in morning. took tessa to the vet today i thought she may have a absess as her breath was very smelly and that is why she was not eating. she says she was ok gave her a clean bill of health. she losta little weight but said she was fine. brought some more toothpaste as she loves to kiss but not nice. layla looks like she gonna be happy as read she is going to somone who knows the people and she will be with other dogs. lily love you lots hope see you soon. x x x miss your kisses.

by Winniethepooh

Wednesday 20 Jul 11:30

Oh no, no longer reserved... What a shame.

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Tuesday 19 Jul 21:15

Yay!!! Well done girls xxxxxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 19 Jul 19:54

Hi Sharon83, I am feeling for you but you have got to remember that you did what you felt was best and that was to return the girls together...... the right grey at the right time will be there for you....

by BeckyB-F

Tuesday 19 Jul 19:28

Reserved again, good news xxx Hope its together xxx

by sharon83

Tuesday 19 Jul 18:01

i am so happy for lily and layla. not long back in. i also broke my heart as i wanted you both back so much. I am ova that you have been reserved i hope you both going together and you have a lovely home you both were the best. i was going to ring up 2morrow as i could not stand you in there any longer. wanted you back in with us. we had talked of things we could change with tessa i asked my family what i should do they said go with my heart. me jason and georgina wrote letters to each other why we wanted you back and the pros and cons. we looked at the garden how we could improve things. i in one wished i rang at 10 this morning as i was prepared to pick u both up. you are the most beautiful loving dogs i have ever met. my heart is hurt that i let you beautiful girls go. but also happy for you both. i hope the new people pick you up soon i could not bear you there any longer my little girls. god be with you and will neva forget you.

by SamA

Monday 18 Jul 19:27

24hr later than i wanted to & just have just sent you a cuddle.Good luck in finding a forever home little one, paws crossed x x

by sharon83

Monday 18 Jul 19:24

Thanks so much for you kind words. Tessa is eating like mad so am making sure she does not ova do it. I have not had a verygood day today and miss layla and lily so much. I wished things were different. My guilt is so bad what more can i say. I hate myself for putting them through living with us then back in the kennels i really wish someone would see them so they do stay in the kennels to long. Love you lily and layla x x x

by Deb

Monday 18 Jul 11:42

Hope everything works out for both lily and layla and that Tessa gets her appetite back.

by spencer68

Sunday 17 Jul 21:46

I to have given her a cuddle, hopefully lilly and layla won't have to wait too long until someone snaps them up. good luck girls.xx

by BeckyB-F

Sunday 17 Jul 21:44

Love to both Lily and Layla xxxx Sounds like everybodys hearts were in the right place xxx It just wasn't meant to be for the family or the girls xxxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Sunday 17 Jul 18:08

I just gave a cuddle to lovely lily :o) bless her, these two stunners won't be back long xxxx

by StefanBecky

Sunday 17 Jul 17:54

Stefan and I were so committed to homing a greyhound, but even we underestimated how hard it might be. We too had to return one after a very stressful week in which Clara both melted and broke our hearts, so don't be too hard on this family. We have been really surprised how long our greyhounds have taken to settle and I think we are only now seeing their true characters. Both dogs are amazing, we have had them 10 months and they both love Darcy the cat and are happy and able to communicate with us really well does take a lot longer than a week and perseverence and understanding is key, but you also have to look after yourselves and your existing pets, it's a tough decision to adopt, but one I will never regret....I'll never want to own any other breed of dog and I thank daybreaks every day for our two waggy babies xx

by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 17 Jul 15:50

Lily and Leyla are back. It seems the family's existing greyhound has found them too stressful also..... so very sad.... Young greyhounds can be very bouncy but with time and patience do settle and equally existing pets learn to live with the new additions.

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Sunday 17 Jul 15:08

A week!! It can take months :o( xxx

by Emma

Sunday 17 Jul 15:04

Oh dear. I hate to break this news, but it is quite normal for it to take longer than a week to settle into a completely new and alien environment where you don't understand the language, rules, new noises, sights and smells - it must be bewildering for them. I'm sure these pretty girls will find their forever home soon xxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 17 Jul 14:12

I have had a telephone call to say that both Lily and Leyla are being returned this afternoon as they have not settled since being rehomed last Sunday :-(

by BeckyB-F

Monday 11 Jul 19:50

So glad you are together xxx

by BeckyB-F

Sunday 10 Jul 15:58

Fast work Lily, rehomed already xxxx

by Deb

Sunday 10 Jul 15:08

Both sisters rehomed today fantastic I think everyone knew they would be in and out in a flash.

by crackercharlieX

Tuesday 05 Jul 19:11

Lily n her sister r so much fun. They're just a couple of Pips who hav so much fun playing in the run together. Another couple I wish I cud take home.

by Lauramc

Sunday 03 Jul 11:51

This little girl is so pretty, love the patch over her eye! Such a waggy tail, her and her sister are beautiful.

by skinnyme

Wednesday 29 Jun 23:44

Help! I'm being drawn in. What a stunner.

by Lauramc

Wednesday 29 Jun 19:36

What gorgeous markings on her face and such a little baby! She'll be in and out the door in no time I'm sure.

by kallie

Wednesday 29 Jun 19:11

what a cute girl, she and her sis make a lovely pair :-) xxx

by BeckyB-F

Wednesday 29 Jun 18:54

She is gorgeous, am guessing Lily and Layla are sisters xxx