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Racing Name
Singapore Sid
Date of birth
01 nov 2007
Ear mark


male, 17 years old, Black

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Tuesday 02 Jan

Sid has had 0 cuddles today (20 all together).
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by Phoebe009

Sunday 02 Oct 12:34

Sid is still doing amazingly well,last saturday he went on a greyhound walk in westonbirt, He loved it! we met loads of other greyhounds and a greyhound called Dash and her owner Andrew Dilger who has written a book about Dash called 'Bitch of The Year' which was nice.We also went on another walk with his friend Kevin again,But we were wondering could we take Sid to Cardiff for the day because we have family in cardiff and they'd love to meet Sid but we are worried if its going to be too much for him? They have a small dog(jack russell) who is okay with other dogs and Sid seems to only get scared of other breeds of dogs who are the same size a him.Do you think it will be too much??

by kallie

Saturday 17 Sep 18:27

how wonderful that he is doing so well...yes send the piccies to Ruth via e mail and she will add them on to this page, would love to see how he is doing :-) xxx

by Phoebe009

Saturday 17 Sep 18:12

Sid is such a good boy and he is really starting to feel like part of the family now:) I'd love to send some pictures to you so you can see how well he is doing,Do i just send them to Ruth's email??

by Deb

Wednesday 07 Sep 08:52

He sounds like he is really making progress and all that patience will pay off in the long run.
You have a very handsome sensitive boy and you are doing the right thing letting him settle in his own time.He is a very lucky boy to have such a caring family.It must be really exciting watching his personality develop as Fi says you could always find him a girlfriend!!!

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Sunday 04 Sep 20:34

Awww bless him. As his confidence with you builds he will really come out of shell.... Maybe he needs a girlfriend... Permanantly ha ha xxxxxxx

by Phoebe009

Sunday 04 Sep 18:34

We are feeding him Burns and now have the measures right! Thanks for that. Today, we took him to meet Kevin another greyhound to try to build up his confidence on walks. Sid has this thing about only going so far on a walk before he stops and then decides he doesn't want to go that particular way and there's no budging him! He really knows his own mind and the way back home so walks are short at the moment. Today he was brilliant, Kevin and Sid seemed to really get on well and Sid was more than happy to go for a very long walk and we think he thoroughly enjoyed himself and meeting his new friend. We were so pleased. It's only been 3 weeks and he is settling in slowly at his own pace! We hope that in time he'll come and keep us company in the lounge but he's tried it out for a few minutes and then retreats to his bed but it's a start. We are really enjoying having him and look forward to more progress with walks and getting him used to being a bit.

by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 01 Sep 20:42

Hi there, for his size he needs 2 heaped cups of Burns.... if you are not feeding Burns we would recommend approx 3 mugs of food a day but you need to check the feeding guidelines on the bag of the food you have for him just to make sure. As for the cat food - this is a little too rich for him so I would try and keep the cat food out of reach from him!

by Phoebe009

Thursday 01 Sep 20:27

Thank you for the advice we are thinking about coming to the training sessions:) Sid has made progress, he now sits with us in the lounge and is playing alot more, but we are concerned because everytime he gets a chance he grabs the cat's food! If they eat cat food it won't harm them will it? Or Is it just because we aren't feeding him the right amounts and he's hungry? We feed him 1 heaped cup in the morning and the same again at 5pm but we re-read the leaflet and it says 2 heaped cups morning and night??!?

by tiggersslave

Wednesday 31 Aug 08:05

Hi Phoebe Its really early days yet and you sound like you're going the right way :) My new girl Lucy heard a firework on Saturday night and again most nights this week and is really scared to go out after dark so I'm trying to do her last walk early then take her into the garden in the dark with some liver then back quickly into the house to try to make it a nice relaxing experience. I have her on a harness and you could find you have more control especially if Sid panics and tries to run for home (and no pressure on his neck too) .. just keep doing little and often and you might find he's happier walking if you can take him in the car to a nice country park where there are lots of smells to tempt him ... greys don't usually do any town walking in training so everything is scarey for them :(
Finding another geyhound friend is an excellent idea and GRWE and RGT have walks that will mean you can meet up with lots of other greyhounds :) GRWE's forum is The Hound Lounge so you could always join that and put a request on it too :) My training class is on the south of Bham close to J3 of the M42, I'd always suggest you come to our special greyhound classes for at least your 4 free sessions if only to get an idea of how greys need to be understood and trained as we have had some greys scared witless by well meaning owners taking them to 'real dog' classes and those trainers not understanding ex-racing greys. or just ring me for a chat. Best wishes Juliex

by Phoebe009

Tuesday 30 Aug 16:35

Sid is settling in fine and slowly coming out of his shell. Still reluctant to go walking and as soon as he sees his collar and lead he promptly sits down and doesn't budge,Sometimes he shivers aswell which worries us! Yesterday we thought we'd made progress as we gently lifted him outside and once he got going he seemed fine although it took him about 10 minutes to get himself together before he did move. We've given him plenty of treats and praised him loads both on the walk and when we get back. Do you think that we should try a harness instead of a collar? We're also getting together with another greyhound owner this weekend, we're taking Sid to meet him and try to go for a walk to try to get his confidence up. He's playing with his soft toys in the garden every now and again and moving around the house more so he's getting used to us and hopefully will come into the lounge area soon. he's also great with our cat and really just wants to play with him but Gizmo is not amused!

by LindaPaul

Friday 26 Aug 12:23

It is a real shame that you are so far away. I'd also have happily met up to walk with you with Lola (my quiet girl). Paul walked Sid once at the kennels and said he was a lovely lad so I do wish you all the very best and I hope you find some friendly local greyhound owners to keep you company. I had a bit of a Google and found that GRWE have some events in Gloucestershire. We met some ladies from GRWE at Crufts this yr when Paul and I were on the RGT Head office stand with Lola & Lena which is what made me think of this. and select the county. This might be a way of finding someone more local to you to walk with.....Very best wishes. Linda x

by Phoebe009

Wednesday 24 Aug 10:13

Thank you for all the comments:)
We live in Gloucester, so it's quite hard for us to attend the training session.which is a shame:( Do you know anyone with greyhounds who lives around Gloucester? I could contact them and arrange a walk..

by Deb

Tuesday 23 Aug 20:42

Make sure you give him really tasty treats like sausage and cheese or cooked liver.High value treats are more likely to tempt him to move than biscuits etc.
If you take him out in the car make sure you go somewhere really nice and not the vets for his first few trips so he associates a journey with something nice.
Attending a few training classes might also give him and yourselves some more confidence.It is a great place for new owners to learn about their greys
It is early days and I agree dont be fooled by those sad eyes ,they all have them and they really pull at the heart strings.
He looks wonderful and I am sure with love and patience he wil settle down into retirement.
PS you could always go back to the kennels to get a girlfriend for him!

by Barkinnkennels

Tuesday 23 Aug 19:28

His girlfriend was Lilia he adored her :)

by julie

Tuesday 23 Aug 19:18

Hi Phoebe009 do you live local, I live in Shirley and would happily go out for a walk with you with 1 of my Greys, Guinny?

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Tuesday 23 Aug 19:08

Sid was kenneled with Mary at daybreaks... Although she told him off which is how he ended up with stitches!! He is a lot more confident on walks with other greys around him! Xxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Tuesday 23 Aug 19:03

Hi pheobe.. Where do you live? You are more then welcom to come walking with me and my boys any time xxx

by Phoebe009

Tuesday 23 Aug 16:03

Thank you so much for the advice,we will try to do that :)
Can i ask..Who was his girlfriend? What was she called?

by LindaPaul

Tuesday 23 Aug 12:12

Hi Phoebe. Sometimes the greys can be really shut down when they arrive in a home environment so I do agree with what Tash is saying about making it exciting and happy and being a confident pack leader for your lovely Sid and basically just keep at it and go for it. Also not sure if you can (you may do this already...) vary the places you walk him to keep it interesting? Our 2 girls really love going to new places with lots of interesting and different smells etc - basically lots to stimulate them. They especially love woods and places to have a good poke about - and we do keep ours on the lead always. Just as an example....I took them to Brueton Park in Solihull last night (we hadn't been for a while) and it was like the first time all over again and even my quiet one (Lola) was full of herself. Keep at it - it's still very early days. Maybe you could bring him to the next Sutton Park walk as that would be a great place to meet other greys and their owners and you can walk alongside other greyhounds and see if that makes a difference to him?

by Tash'ntheGreys

Tuesday 23 Aug 07:58

I personally would be very matter of fact with him and just go for it! It's trying to make going for a walk a fun and exciting experience, if you are worried and tense he'll pick that up from you and associate the "tense" feelings with going for a walk. If he's started being reluctant in the house, then I'd change where you put his lead on, so maybe let him in the garden first for a mooch, call him over, put his lead on and in a happy voice say something like "Come on then, off we go" and just walk off with him in a confident manner (dogs need a confident leader, if you are wary or unsure around him then it will make him worry about his place in the pack) On the walk I'd take some treats and every so often praise him, building the association that walks are nothing to worry about...I'm out with my confident pack leader, I get to use up my nervous energy, I get to smell/see interesting things and I get tasty treats, I love walks! Hope this helps, he needs to get out for walks, for him and for you, it builds the bond between you...and don't be fooled by the sad look, he just might be a deep thinker! Good luck, enjoy each other xxxx

by Barkinnkennels

Monday 22 Aug 22:11

Hi Phoebe While he was with us he enjoyed his walks with the other greys especially girls.He always looked sad when his girlfriend went to her new home he didnt like being on his own.Maybe if any other greys in your area could go walking with them x

by Phoebe009

Monday 22 Aug 20:05

Any ideas how we can encourage Sid to go for walks? We have tried treat balls, treats, encouragement, trying to be firm but he just stands there with his collar and lead on with his head down and incredibly sad eyes! We have managed to take him on a few walks and he has behaved really well when he actually gets going. We have left him a couple of days without hassling him but he does not seem inerested at all. We know it's early days with us but is it strange that as a dog he just doesn't want to go for a walk. PS: He does have access to a reasonably sized garden so should we limit that to him?

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Sunday 21 Aug 14:07

That's what we did when we knew how our second would react to other dogs and people etc.. He doesn't wear his muzzle now but if we are in car he wears it.. They both do. Andf wetake it with us if we go somewhere he hasn't been before.. Glad sid is doing well xxx

by Phoebe009

Sunday 21 Aug 12:20

He's been with us for 8 days now and things are looking good! The cat is very confident with him and Sid is coming out of his shell more.
We took him for a walk today without the muzzle and he seemed alot happier, still abit nervy but he was really good.. Along the walk we meet our friend and his daughter(she's 9) we thought he would react if they petted him but he didn't he was so calm, we were just wondering if you think it's a good idea to take the muzzle away permenatly on walks? Maybe we should take the muzzle with us on walks but not put it on him?

by LindaPaul

Wednesday 17 Aug 16:56

It's very early days and Sid's world has just changed so much. He was used to just a kennel and the runs and now he is in a house... amazing and probably a bit of a shock to his system!! He probably feels comfortable in the room he's in and as he settles will get more adventurous. When we first had Lola she wouldn't come into the lounge when the tv was on so she lay in the hall. She got over it after a few days. Even now the girls sometimes prefer to stay in their room rather than join us in the lounge in the evening. We just let them get on wih it. As for tempting him out of bed to go for a walk.. been there too and I'd just carry on if I were you. We still sometimes have to do that with lazy Lola when it's time for last pee before bedtime. Lena on the other hand just wants to please us so she's there in a blink for walks etc It's early days and he's learning the routine so keep going. You might soon have a dog who is glued to you!! PS If you can make it to any of the training classes it's great to talk to other owners of greys who can share their experiences with you. Even if you only go for the 4 free sessions ... xxx

by Phoebe009

Wednesday 17 Aug 11:14

Its Sid's 4th day with us..He is doing well and doesnt seem bothered about the cat much,although last night the cat bolted past the kitchen and Sid did try to chase him.It was all okay,the cat was abit shocked but he went to sleep after.Its weird Sid seems to stay in one room all the you think he is scared to come anywhere else? i know it is still early days but its strange that he wont come anywhere else in the house...apart from that he is such a lovely dog but very lazy when we take him for walks he doesnt want to get up from his bed we have to tempt him with a treat in the garden before we take him,Is it bad that we do that just to take him for a walk?

by Phoebe009

Sunday 14 Aug 16:46

Got through the first night with Sid he was no trouble at all! No poos or wees which was good he didn't cry at all!! Hes so lovely!!
Today we took him for a walk and met a terrier he was fine a bot scared but it was good, he is just lying on the grass in the sun at the moment:)

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Saturday 13 Aug 20:33

Good luck in your new home sid... I met your new family today and they seemed lovely! Hope you are all settled on your new bed or sofa! Xxxxx

by spencer68

Saturday 13 Aug 18:38

good luck sid with your new family, xx

by Phoebe009

Thursday 04 Aug 20:12

Hello,We are all so excited about bringing him home next week but We just wanted to know how his stitches are?
And is how he's doing at the kennels?

by Phoebe009

Monday 01 Aug 22:05

This was alot of help :)

Thank You

by kallie

Monday 01 Aug 19:15

generally martingale collars do adjust and Ruth does sell them at the kennels, i have measured my Rossi who is about the same size as Sid and his neck measures 14" at the ear end 19" at the base of his neck and around 15.5" in the middle of the neck. hope this helps...

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Monday 01 Aug 18:33

Hi... You can get martingales from the kennels when you pick him up.. They are adjustable :o) xxx

by Phoebe009

Monday 01 Aug 16:24

We want to buy a nice martingale collar for him,but we dont know what size to get? do you know what the size would be for him?

by Phoebe009

Saturday 30 Jul 19:49

Cant wait to collect Sid on 13th august:)
We already want to call him Luther,Hopefully hes ok with cats!

by spencer68

Saturday 30 Jul 16:23

love the new photo of sid! he looks like he is in the dog house after being told off by mary! lol.xx

by DaybreaksRuth

Saturday 30 Jul 04:49

This fella is so gentle and affectionate and a perfect house guest!

by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 29 Jul 20:43

Unfortunately Sid got 'told off' by Mary today and he ended up in the vets being stitched.... only a minor repair.... however he met the tiniest Jack Russell in the vets and he was fantastic, even without a muzzle. I think this fella would pass his cat test with flying colours as he is very very good. He is curled up fast asleep at ours as we speak and such a beautiful gentle boy xxx

by Lauramc

Thursday 28 Jul 12:26

Is the new pic Leo or are Sid and Leo actually identical twin brothers? ;-)

by BeckyB-F

Wednesday 27 Jul 19:32

Looks like Sid was a good boy with the little fluffy xxxx

by Steph89

Wednesday 27 Jul 11:30

Sid is such a brilliant little dog hope he finds a loving family that can give him lots of love (maybe even a lovely girlfriend? I know his misses his old companion!)

by kallie

Monday 25 Jul 20:19

Sid is a gorgeous boy and so well behaved, you don't even know that you have him on the lead. incredibly handsome and very loving. xxxx

by ettebel

Sunday 24 Jul 20:07

Super photo! A nose for all seasons!

by zippy(TheNeals)

Saturday 23 Jul 09:33

I have to agree with many of the comments here. He is very simmilar to Mick and Ellie Mae - I was convinced they were all related but no they're not. Gorgeous boy I'm sure he will find a lovely home soon. Good luck lovely lad xxxxxxx

by kallie

Friday 22 Jul 19:03

he looks stunning i can't wait to meet him...will be on monday little man...xxxxx

by BeckyB-F

Thursday 21 Jul 19:20

Much better photo Sid xxxx Shows what a handsome boy you are xxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Thursday 21 Jul 18:53

Siiiiiiddddd!! How cute is this little monkey! Bless!! Xxxxxxx

by LadyVictoria

Thursday 21 Jul 16:54

He looks fab!! xx

by stevenjules

Wednesday 20 Jul 20:00

going to miss this little lad at bark inn, once he gets to know you he has so much love in him and will make somebody a fantastic pet.
Be a good boy sidney xx

by fi-be-looking

Tuesday 19 Jul 23:00

how gorgeous!!xx

by spencer68

Tuesday 19 Jul 21:06

I had a look at the greyhound data, i didn't see ellie's racing name on it which was denise's destiney, but he's features are so like ellie???? x

by BeckyB-F

Tuesday 19 Jul 19:27

He looks really cute xxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Tuesday 19 Jul 19:01

He is very cute!! Reminds me of mick, sarah and marks mickb I wonder if he is related to mick and ellie may!! Xxxxx

by Lauramc

Tuesday 19 Jul 19:00

Well those are Mick ears if ever I saw them....someone warn the O'neals!!

by skinnyme

Tuesday 19 Jul 10:53

Sid is arriving tomorrow.

by Tash'ntheGreys

Tuesday 19 Jul 07:41

Oooh, look at those floppy ears, so cute!

by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 19 Jul 07:11

Sid is arriving soon.... this is the photo taken from Greyhound Data. We will take a new photo of him when he arrives.