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About Me

Racing Name
Date of birth
16 sep 2008
Ear mark


female, 16 years old, Fawn

Added by Jess&Koda

Updated: Friday 05 Jan

Goldie will make a brilliant pet her trainer says as she is quiet, friendly, affectionate and well behaved. She will eat anything, walks well on the lead and gets on very well with other greyhounds

Goldie has had 0 cuddles today (24 all together).
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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 16 Sep 21:41

Happy Birthday Goldie! I hope she has had a lovely day. Xxx

by Shelly

Monday 15 Sep 20:47

Just wanted to wish golide happy birthday for the 16 of September. And happy gotcha day for Wednesday love crazy daisy xx

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by missfifi

Friday 29 Aug 15:18

Daisydog here waving at her old chums from the seaside. How lovely to read how happy you are goldi. I am just having a little snooze after my lunch and thought I would give a little update too. I have been with mum two years in November ( we are coming to the show in October with my best chums Lena and Lola) and living by the sea for almost a year. In my house there are none of those horrid stair things so I can nap on mums bed whenever I want too! Mum has made a sculpture of my head so I am almost famous! We go to the local rgt kennels to help out and I get to meet boys which is sometimes quite nice. Although I was very nervous for ages I am much better now; mum says I am a little poppet. My favourite things are the sandy beach, burns pork and potato with cheese, getting under mums duvet, watching sport on the TV and trying to roll in cow poo. Xxx

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by goldi&ruby's-mum

Friday 29 Aug 11:33

*wabes madly*
Hewwo frends heer bes mes upydate, is yous sittins cumfortabuly? Yous is gud.
It bes neerly free Yeers since eye dopted mes hoomans, Wes hads awr ups n downs. Traynins hoomans bes qwite hard yous noz *nods*
Da rooles wen eye furst arrived, noz goins on da sofa *shoked fayce* noz goins uppystairs! snot a probalem fanks Muvva! day duz luks skaree!!!!
Free Yeers ons, yous needs toz ask mes if yous won't to shair my sofa, eyes mastered da stairs, so dat meens eye get sooooooopa snugguls on da big beddy! HAMAZINS
Eye eet EBARYFING, so nuffins is safe *gigguls*
Afta for munis day day, me hoomans, desided to gets mes a sista *sigh* her bes corled Ruby Roo! shez a pest!!!!! *wispaz* dowz eye duz LUBS playins wiv hers now! we plays, bitey fayce, chase ns top howndy, eye wins dat ORLS d tyme *nods*
Soz orl ins orl dis tirement lark bes qwites sooooooooooooooopa
LUBS n kissez toz ebarybody

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by missfifi

Sunday 01 Dec 09:09

Daisy dog here ' wow, you girls look the beez kneez. My mum remembers meeting your mum the day she came to find me. I'm on next I am off to meet some new chums on a walk with Kerry greyhounds who rescue greyhounds from Ireland and rehome them in Norfolk and Suffolk. Mum says I must be good and not chase the boys. HoHoHo......xxxxxx

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by goldi&ruby's-mum

Saturday 30 Nov 15:40

Cans we just reminds EBARYBODYS dat tomoro bes da 1st Decemba *nods* Ifs yous hab a Daybreaks Kalanda, ns why wudnts yous?, wels yous in forz a treet tomoroz!!!!

ITS US!!!!!!!!

Lub n kisses toz hoomans n howndys
Goldie n Ruby Roo
mwah mwah mwah

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by goldi&ruby's-mum

Wednesday 18 Sep 15:54

Fank yous Daisy, dese hoomans bes well odds *puts hed on da wonk* fancy dwivins a ling way n baks agin ODD!!!!!

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by missfifi

Wednesday 18 Sep 15:38

And a belated happy birthday from daisydog who has been on a little holiday to her friends Lola and Lena while her mum drove a very long way and then back again. Hope you had a super happy

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by Jess&Koda

Monday 16 Sep 21:25

Happy Birthday! Xx

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by rolohound

Monday 16 Sep 20:20

Happy bifday Grumpy Goldie. Hope you got those humans to get you lots of nommy things. See you soon Rolo & Star.

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 16 Sep 20:13

Happy Birthday to lovely Goldee! Xxx

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by Simon,Jan&Jet

Monday 16 Sep 15:12

happee burfday Goldee snuffles and licks frum Jay and Amberbamber x x x

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by goldi&ruby's-mum

Monday 16 Sep 09:00


Its mes BURFDAY!!!! *giggdy*

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by goldi&ruby's-mum

Saturday 14 Sep 10:04

Mornins Arnti Wuthy, duz bes Goldie heer *gigguls* wes cumin to visit todays, fort eyed warn yous coz we boff needs awr nayuls chipped chopped!! Oh n wes definatlees need food!!! Hopins you will bes dere n yous gots toys n tweets dat we cans buys. Muvva orlso wonts toz munch Reeko ppfftt, shez in lubs *sigh*
Seez yous lataz
Mwah mwah

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by goldi&ruby's-mum

Wednesday 11 Sep 20:22

Mes hexciteds Oncle Foggie, neba *gigguls*

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by Foggie

Wednesday 11 Sep 10:23

Goldie sounds excited!! xx

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by goldi&ruby's-mum

Tuesday 10 Sep 20:44

Fwends its me Goldikova *gigguls* just toz lets you orl noz dat too yeers ago todays eye woz reserved bys me famiblee, eye noz dis coz its me hoopup Matt's burfday n day dids choose mes on hyms burfday *smug fayce*
Soz eye guess dat meens its me gotcha day soon, yipees, ans chek owt mes burfday date, yep dats da day befores, REZULT!!!!

Soz toz ORL da howndys lukins forz dere foreba sofa, holes yous donts hab toz wayts toz long COZ foreba sofas bes da BESTEST fing EBA!!!!

Lubs, snugguls n kissez toz Howndys n Hoomans

Mwah mwah mwah

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by Tinker'sNan

Thursday 15 Aug 19:26

Hi Mandy hope all are well and also goldiandrubys ruby are also well what is the name of the close you live in ? Did you find me on Facebook bernadette did sad news for her to I was so upset when I read it this morning I'm up at Paxford close just by mayfield school that was take care jackie xxx

by Aimee

Sunday 23 Sep 10:58

Wow I can't believe it's being a whole year since you left us at the racing kennels, I do still miss you dearly but I know you have an excellent home with people that love and adore you as much as I did! Your still my fav girl, and I have plenty of photos and wonderful cheeky memories of you :) . Happy belated birthday miss goldiekova , hope you got spoilt rotten (by the sounds of things, I think you've being spoilt everyday :) .) which is sooo comforting to read. I hope you spend many more years together and perhaps one day we may bump into each other again! Xxxx

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by Shelly

Monday 17 Sep 12:23

Loved our walk today golide with your sister ruby love u daisy xx

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by goldi&ruby's-mum

Monday 17 Sep 11:37

Another day, another celebration, this time its Gold's 1st GOTCHA DAY!!!!
So more treats n pressies for our goldren girl, who we love SO SO much. Its hard to believe that we've only had her for a year as its very difficult to remember a time without her. She has enriched our lives, through walking every day, just knowing when mum needs a cuddle, oh n the great Stratford walks, a definate high light of each month.
So yet again big thanks Paul, Jill, Ruth anid everybody else connected to Daybreaks, for introducing us to this amazing breed and especially our Golden girl, thank you so so so much xxxxx


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by DuleekDandy

Sunday 16 Sep 15:07

Happy Birthday you gorgeous girlie, Goldie! The hounds all enjoyed the sausages and the 'hooman cakes' were delish! Hope you enjoy the rest of the day and thank you for bringing the treats! xXx

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by goldi&ruby's-mum

Sunday 16 Sep 09:48

A BIG Happy Birthday to our golden girl, wow fancy being 4!! Off to the Sratford walk this morning, sausages for the houndies n CAKE for the hoomans, the home for presents n liver cake.


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by Shelly

Saturday 15 Sep 20:25

Wishing golide a happy birthday love from Malcolm Michelle n Samuel oh n of course daisy your friend enjoy your cake that your wonderful mum made u n enjoy your walk round Stratford see u Monday moring for a walk xx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 11 Sep 13:44

How lovely to hear how much you adore your beautiful Goldie. xxx

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by goldi&ruby's-mum

Monday 10 Sep 16:27

Well what to say, 10th Sept 2011, the day our lives changed forever, oh n is was a good change!!! Yep this was the day we met Jill n Paul, the day we went to Daybreaks for the first time, the day we met Ruth and Fi AND AND AND the day we met and reserved Goldikova, our golden princess. THANK YOU ALL xxxxxxx

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by goldi&ruby's-mum

Monday 30 Apr 12:14

A little belated but BIG thanks to Ruth for yet more invaluable help on saturday, crate in situ with girls looking at it then me with the look that says 'you've got to be kidding!!!' Will keep you updated! It was lovely to see Jill too, had forgotten how you make me laugh SO much, always a tonic, thanks Jill. Of course lovely to see Fi with the lovely Princess Lucy as well n Blue's mum, sorry don't know your name, but you are always so friendly, especially with grumpy Goldie!!!
I love coming to the kennels,seeing all those lovely greys for a munch, Red was definately the star on sat, even Dad was hooked, and just chatting it's brill.
Definatley the best day ever when 12year old decided the dog we should have was a greyhound and then we met Jill.......amazing n then Ruth oh wow!!!
So enough of this adoration, hope everybody who volunteers at Daybreaks has a good day and you are all VERY special!!!! Keep up the good work xxxxxxxxxxx

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by FamilyofChewy

Tuesday 24 Apr 14:33

They certainly bonded - Chewey loved it!

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Tuesday 24 Apr 11:47

It was great to meet you n Chewy too, Marsh has talk non-stop about how handsome Chewy was!! Hope all goes well at weekend, lets us know how Chewy gets on. xx

by FamilyofChewy

Tuesday 24 Apr 10:31

It was lovely to meet you and have a chat yesterday :)

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Thursday 05 Apr 12:40

Hi Aimee,
Well what can I say about our Golden Girl, she's adorable, cuddly and a mega food monster, nothing is safe but we love her too pieces. She loves having her ears rubed by her dad n is a darling when it comes to ear cleaning n teeth cleaning, not so keen on nail cutting, we let Ruth do that!!
Gold now has a sister, Ruby(Warston Joan), they charge round the house like maniac's, though Gold DOES NOT share her bed with anyone! Though if Ruby is in Gold's favourite place then she expects her to share! Bless her
Can't tell you how much we love her and how lucky we were to find Daybreaks and Goldie especially.
Will get one of my boys to put some photo's on facebook, way beyond me!
Have no fear Gold is loving here retirement
Mandy, mum to Gold n Ruby xxx

by Aimee

Wednesday 04 Apr 21:45

Hi Goldies mum
I hope shes doing ok? Is she still a greedy monster?
I used to look after her at the racing kennels, she was my absoulte favourite!! I wanted to have her but she had an unexpected early retirement and i went to uni so i gave her a wonderful reference instead haha!!
She used to grunt when i'd clean her ears, she was such an angel at the kennels and i do miss her dearly. If you could post pictures on the daybreak facebook page i'd love to see them!
Send her my love xxx

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Monday 02 Apr 20:47

Hello Auntie Ruth, sorry I didn't get to see you today but Dad said we(thats me n pesky Ruby) had to stay in the car as we'd got the caravan n parked on the road. Just wanted to say THANKS, not, for showing mum how to clean our ears, we'd not been home 5mins n hey presto, out came the babywipes. She might have enjoyed doing it can't say it's the best thing thats happened to me, though Ruby seemed to llike it, well she would. Anyway thankfully Dad arrived home to save me n gave me a proper ear rub, I love my Dad.

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Monday 26 Mar 19:21

Should say Ruby was Warston Joan, known here officially as Ruby but more often not as mad,minx, pest, tinker etc.... think you get the message!!We love her too xxx

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Monday 26 Mar 18:46

Just realised that when ever I write anything it's about the pesky number2 Ruby!! So thought I would update about our Golden Girlie Goldie, she is the loveliest grey EVER, well in our eyes!, quiet, calm, snuggly, munchy and generally all round golden girl!! She is still a mega food monster but little sis Ruby is not far behind! She spent quite a lot of time just looking at Ruby's mad antic's when she came home n hopin I'm sure that she would be returned but has now decided that she will join in, so twice a day we have COMPLETE madness, they charge up n downstairs, toys, shoes and anything else they can find, gets flung around, heaven help you if you are in the way, oh n best bit is leaping on bed with mum in it!! She then has a shake, looks at Ruby n goes and lie's down! Still fab on the lead and now so much beta with other dogs, Mad Ruby has certainly helped there, loves her walks and today put her little tootsies into the river, lovely. So 6months down the line, we're still madly in love with our Golden Girl,can't imagine it being any other way, I think she might just be in love with us! Golden Girl we love you!! Mum, Dad, Matt,Marsh and the MAD little sis Ruby xxxx

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Friday 23 Dec 17:49

We would like to wish all at Daybreaks, both hounds and humans, a very Merry Christmas and a big thank you for letting us take Goldie home(we think), she has settled brilliantly and has us all wrapped round her little paws!! She has definatly found her forever home, even though she eats everything and is on rations of rice again!! Thanks again and see you in the new year.

by Aimee

Tuesday 15 Nov 16:54

awwwwwww so happy to hear goldies wonderful personality has came out, shes a true star :) . Shes always being a greedy monster, she'd eat apples, blackberries and damzons off the tree's and bushes at the Corbett kennels! i have so many wonderful memories off you miss goldikova! Not a day goes by that i don't think of you, but its so nice to read on here how you are doing! your both very lucky to have each other!
all my love aimee xxxxxxxxxx

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Monday 14 Nov 17:50

thanks Jill, will start the shopping, what a bonus, I love shopping!!

by skinnyme

Monday 14 Nov 17:39

Hi Mandy, you will probably need an extra large one, she will need room to stretch and move around and it needs to be big enough for her to stand up in and to do that round and round thing they love to do before lying down!

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Monday 14 Nov 15:44

can anybody advise, we need to buy a crate for the back of our car (C8), thats not the advise we need but what size do we need for goldie? thanks in advance

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Monday 07 Nov 09:41

Goldie is lying on her bed whislt i potter, what a star!, well that 's the impression she likes to give! She is now completly at home and boy has her personality been found,walks like a star and working on the other dogs trauma, she does love her beat friend Jack(a yorkshire terrier), she tries so hard to get him to play but at 16 he's not so keen! Now as to the food, well anything is fair game, especially food that is not meant for her! We are learning slowly not to leave the kitchen door open as no work surface is safe, and i'm not so keen on disturbed nights when she's eaten something thats upset her tummy! Had better finish now as she's looking at me saying "am i going to get i walk this morning!" So will head off out and keep an eye out for those pesky squirrels, as they are definately worth a look, "if only i could get to them", I hear goldie cry! Thanks again, I think, for letting Goldie be part of our family, must must remember to shut that door!!!!

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Saturday 24 Sep 09:27

well it's now a week since goldie came home, can't believe she hasn't always been part of our family! Her personality is really blossoming, we've got a complete food monster, a cheeky monster and a sleepy monster! She 's trainin us well in not leavin any food, plates, glasses or anything interesting about, if we do and we keep forgetting, thats then end of that! She loves her walks, not keen on other dogs, though working on that, cats well she looks but walks on by unless they run then she's a little bit more interested but the most exciting thing is the bed time walk when we tend to see a fox, well that is the highlight of the day! Mum is really impressed with no disturbed nights, n how she walks on her lead, in fact she's an all round star and we LOVE having her! right time for a walk!

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Monday 19 Sep 19:13

A big day today as it was a work day, not happy as it meant i had to leave goldie, well as with everything else it was a doddle, came home after an hour, crept in and she was sleeping on her bed, what a star! Had to return to work n dad arrived home to find the same again! Stands in the kitchen door when I cook and when we eat lies down by Dad and all of this after 3days! It's just a delight to have her, we're so so lucky.

by skinnyme

Saturday 17 Sep 22:16

Well done Goldie, knew you had it in you. Really looking forward to "bumping in to you" and your mum and dad, at Arrow Valley. Tell your mum I will ring her Monday. Jill x

by DaybreaksRuth

Saturday 17 Sep 18:14

Ha ha ha! That is funny - sorry Goldie's dad - just the positioning! As for the cats - I always said she would be ok - thanks for confirming that xxx Thanks also for giving her a wonderful home where she will never be given up on again x

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Saturday 17 Sep 17:42

Arrived home safely, quick look round the garden before big nose around the house then tea, didn't take long to finish that then off for walk! Fantastic girl on a lead. Saw a cat n was very interested, oh no we thought but that was the end of the interest, infact we walked passed notha 2 n ignored them. Encounted all sorts n sizes of dogs, 1 even barked and lunged, Goldie, well, she just sauntered past, what a love. Now curled up on her bed!

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Saturday 17 Sep 17:28

goldie would like to know where her new dads head is.

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Saturday 17 Sep 08:51

Well todays the day, just a few bits to sort out and we'll be there to get you pretty girl! x

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Friday 16 Sep 16:38

Happy Birthday Golden girl, soon be home with us! x

by Marsh

Friday 16 Sep 15:58

Happy birthday Goldie i am exited to rehome you

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Friday 16 Sep 08:35

excitement at our house as it's only a day to go till Goldie comes home! Getting a bit nervous that I'll live up to her expectations!

by DeeDee

Wednesday 14 Sep 22:38

What a beautiful lady she is xxxx

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Wednesday 14 Sep 22:03

went and took goldie for a walk on monday,can't wait to take her home!

by Aimee

Sunday 11 Sep 12:42

glad ur reserved again my girl! such a fantastic grey. I miss you like mad, the kennels just dont seem the same without you! i hope i can see you again :) be good in your new home! all my love aimee xxxx

by BeckyB-F

Saturday 10 Sep 18:37

Glad to see you you have a new home to go to xxxxx

by Deb

Saturday 10 Sep 16:55

Well done to Goldie I am sure everyone is glad to see her reserved.

by Deb

Saturday 10 Sep 13:02

I am sure there is a cat free home just around the corner for Goldie.
love to you all.

by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 09 Sep 12:48

Goldie has been returned as she is still showing interest with the cats. As the family are upset at returning her, I would be grateful if there are no comments left about her return.

by KerryElliman

Monday 29 Aug 12:19

ih its kerry i spoke to u on the phone,just keep doin the training and she will get there some just take longer than others ,just give me a ring bk if u need any more help

by pipnat

Saturday 27 Aug 17:32

Quick update for you now that she has been with us for 2 weeks. Renamed her Sophie (although she probably thinks her name is "leave it"!), she has settled in really well and is amazingly well behaved apart from with the cats where she is still a nightmare. She cant take her eyes off them & would chase given half a chance. I know these things take time but we were hoping she would have started to improve a bit by now. We'd just like a little sign that things will turn out ok in the end. Very frustrating. Think she must have still been woozy from anaesthetic when she was cat tested, incredible that she took no interest at all. She gets very excited & lunges like mad if she sees one outside. Oh well we'll plod on and hope it all turns out ok in the end x

by Deb

Saturday 20 Aug 16:27

So pleased that Goldies new family have now adopted her.She is so beautiful.

by pipnat

Thursday 18 Aug 17:12

Hmmm, I think there is still a long way to go yet before it all settles down!

by skinnyme

Thursday 18 Aug 15:27

This is great news and well done to you for persevering, hopefully everything will settle down now and you can "enjoy" her.

by pipnat

Thursday 18 Aug 12:24

Up until this morning we'd just about given up on her & I was awake again at 4am wondering whether we were doing the right thing by keeping her but then she allowed the cats to walk past her this morning without her leaping off her bed & then she saw them playing on the stairs and turned away so hopefully, (& make sure you keep those fingers crossed!) we are starting to make some progress. Cats seem a bit more relaxed now too & when they do venture downstairs they are walking rather than running past her which helps. Her hock is much better now, she's stopped limping and is managing to do 3 good walks a day.

by kallie

Wednesday 17 Aug 21:37

how is this stunning little girl getting on now? i am keeping fingers crossed and hope that no news on here is good news...lots of love xxxx

by bestistdogs

Monday 15 Aug 22:06

Hope all is going well with Goldie and the cats .... it can take time for 'everyone' to adjust and 'gel' as with humankind'! I have 3 whoofs, 2 cats and 5 guinea pigs and it has taken time for all to be at one ... our grey Connie will now go up to the guinea pig cage sniff and lick them so gently!!! hope all goes well given time and training jx

by sarah

Sunday 14 Aug 21:25

Hi Pipnat - glad to hear ur still trying and i know it is hard work !! Our Toby was very keen with our cat George when we first had him, it took a month to get them on the same floor as each other - but it was so worth it. We introduced them gradually with much praise on both sides (the dog gate was a very good investment) in time Toby realised that George lived here and was in charge and even gave his bed up wen the cat nicked it !! George has since come 2 terms with our 2nd grey - Jo and our foster boy Will. Will really lked George 2 start with and we had a near miss (our fault) but now allows George to mill round his feet (collar tightly held) miowing loudly with a "thats a funny dog" look on his face !! Still work 2 do but I hope our experience show that they will find their order and adapt x

by Aimee

Sunday 14 Aug 19:40

Miss goldikova, you cheeky little devil chasing the poor cat haha! goldie is a young bitch who loved racing so fluffy things running off are going to attract her attention at first, but with persistent and fair training (with the guidence of the staff at daybreaks) im sure she will get over it and settle down!! shes an amasing greyhound, one to keep hold of, you won't find a more loving grey! i miss her already so give her a big hug from me :) xx

by pipnat

Sunday 14 Aug 16:43

Thanks everyone for your comments. I've spoken with Kerry today and she has given me some helpful advice & have decided to try and persevere. Have kept dogs & cats apart today in an effort to calm things down and will start again. I also endorse the comment made below please, please dont be put off homing a greyhound if you have cats.

by SharonMolly&Reggie

Sunday 14 Aug 11:39

I have two retired greyhounds, two cats and a guinea pig. I just wanted to add if anybody reading this has cats and was thinking about homing a retired greyhound please don't be put off. When I had my dogs they wanted to chase etc particularly the second one but with time, effort and patience you will get there but you have got to put in the effort to get the reward and believe me it IS worth it!

by pipnat

Saturday 13 Aug 22:01

Hi Skinnyme, I think you have hit the nail on the head. Your cats are clearly confident and want to say hello whereas mine are complete wusses and run away & any respectable greyhound is going to want to chase. This instils more fear in the cats and you then have a vicious circle where the more they run & hide the more interested the dog gets. You would think that the cats would be ok with dogs now having lived with Jasper for the past year. He doesnt even raise an eyebrow at them (no prey drive whatsoever, hence he never made it to the track). Just makes me appreciate him all the more.

by skinnyme

Saturday 13 Aug 21:28

So sad, I brought Goldie home on Thursday to cat test her and she was absolutely fine, in fact she backed away when my cats wanted to say hello. I think with training she would get used to your cats but obviously you have to put your cats first and if they are not happy then it's not the best situation.

by pipnat

Saturday 13 Aug 20:53

Believe me I've studied the cat training leaflet, I can get her to walk past food on floor no problem, telling her to leave it but no way will she be distracted or listen when I tell her to leave the cat alone. Water spray has no effect. She is getting wound up, looking for them. Not fair on cats, they've gone into hiding now and not good for Goldie either. Kids are upset. in my experience it will only get worse the longer she stays & therefore think its best she comes back now. I think that sometimes you have to accept that some things arent meant to be.

by Lea,Sonny,Poppy-Obi

Saturday 13 Aug 20:21

Hi, just to add, we have two greys, one cat, one rabbit and 5 chickens, one of our hounds was very good from the start our 2nd hound was very very keen, and much the same experience your having, we perservered and worked with her and with time and patience she started to understand that puss is part of her pack and to be respected, its early days yet with Goldie, little steps lead to huge leaps and it is so rewarding when things start to click into place, its not unusual for the hounds, cat along with the odd chuck to wonder round the kitchen together ! It can be done xx

by DaybreaksRuth

Saturday 13 Aug 19:40

Hi pipnat - please please persevere and use the cat training leaflet in your homing pack..... she will get there with just a little training.... it is still very early days. Kerry is at the kennels tomorrow and she will happily give you more advice to make it work as she has 7 cats and 5 greys and has made it work with all of hers (even the very keen ones).... she is so worth giving it a little longer....... x

by pipnat

Saturday 13 Aug 18:48

I am so sad to report that Goldie has not proved to be cat friendly. Things started off quite well, she had a sniff of the cats when she arrived & didnt seem too bothered but now she has become more settled she is trying to chase them at every opportunity. Unfortunately they dont help matters by running away. We've just had a close call, obviously we've kept Goldie muzzled but the cat is traumatised. Such a shame as she is a fabulous girl, very affectionate, everything Aimee said really. She settled very quickly, has been clean in the house, slept all thro last night and she has got on well with our grey Jasper. Sadly we will have to return her tomorrow :(

by BeckyB-F

Friday 12 Aug 18:42

Well done xxx you sounded sooo lovely am not suprised you have been snapped up xxxxx

by LadyVictoria

Friday 12 Aug 16:24

well done Goldie! I am not surprised to see her reserved so quickly, Aimee gave her such a wonderful reference! xxx

by Naomi

Friday 12 Aug 14:02

Sounds like an angel! And so pretty x

by hilaryu

Friday 12 Aug 13:11

Had a love and cuddle off goldie at the kennels on sat before
she went into the trust. She is a beautiful and very loving.Hope you find a lovely home and settee to sit on. Lots of love

by kallie

Thursday 11 Aug 22:27

she is so lovely...she was all snuggled up in the treatment room due to her various wounds that need to heal yet but when i went in she just wagged her tail like mad and wanted a cuddle, she is so very pretty and so nice natured...someone out there will have a gorgeous little girl...xxxx

by BeckyB-F

Thursday 11 Aug 20:27

she is gorgeous xxxx cat friendly too xxxxx

by Aimee

Thursday 11 Aug 17:05

this is my beautiful girl goldie! she was my favourtie at the kennels, unfortunatly due to her early retirement i wasnt aloud to have her at home as im going to uni in september! I love this grey, she would always greet me with great enthusiasm especially on a monday when she hadnt seen me for a few days, as soon as i opened the door her paws would be on my shoulder, tail wagging and wanting some fuss and in the winter she wouldnt get off her bed unless i gave her a cuddle and a belly scratch. Even when she dislocated her hock and was in a splint she still managed to jump all over me and try and play which made it vertially impossible to clean out her kennel, she would start sniffing at my pockets to see what treats i had for her! it was a very sad day when she got injured but even then on the track she turned round and came running (limping slightly) at me wagging her tail as if to say 'I'm sorry for not finishing the race' she is truly amasing, one in a million greyhound, and i hope that her new owners will keep in touch with us at the corbett kennels :) . i was upset to see her go but i know she will find a loving home! good luck goldikova! i will never forget you! all my love aimee xxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 11 Aug 13:14

Goldie is cat friendly :-)

by suziewins

Thursday 11 Aug 07:44

She is beautiful!

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Thursday 11 Aug 06:20

Awww look at that little face! Looks like a real sweetie! Bless her xxxxx

by skinnyme

Thursday 11 Aug 00:51

Oh my, what a stunner, can't wait to meet her. Xxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Wednesday 10 Aug 22:44

I picked up Goldie from the vets this evening following her spey. Her leg is a little swollen still following her recent hock injury which retired her from racing. Sadly she has also had to be stitched today as she was bitten before going to the vets - what a leaving pressie from her racing kennels mate!

I popped one of my sweatshirts on her whilst she was on the van to stop her attacking her stitches and she is now at our house and has settled down on her big comfy duvets! I will update with better photos tomorrow in the daylight!

Her trainer told me she is really very beautiful and I have to agree - she is stunning! I am going to enjoy giving her a lot of TLC until she finds a home.