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About Me

Racing Name
Lissakyle Pearl
Date of birth
01 may 2008
Land of birth
IE Ireland
Land of standing
IE Ireland
Ear mark
Lissakyle QueenIE-MAY-01-BK
Family tree & race history


female, 16 years old, Black

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Thursday 11 Jan

Pearl has been returned due to a relationship break up and she has become very stressed. Her owner is very sad to have to return her but feels it is the right thing to do for Pearl.

Pearl has had 0 cuddles today (31 all together).
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by DivasMum

Sunday 30 Sep 10:35

So pearl has had her stitches out & is all healed now. Looking forward to the hair growing back on her stump x

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by Jess&Koda

Friday 31 Aug 19:37

Awww I really want to see her stump of a tail! My schnauzer has a docked tail and when she wags her tail her body wags aswell!

by kallie

Friday 31 Aug 15:03

so pleased she is ok, she will be fine with her short tail, my two look really she will 'milk' the situation for all the fuss and attention she can get out of it :-) xx

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 31 Aug 13:12

So pleased to hear she is fine. I am sure she will be spoilt rotten when she comes home! xxx

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by susy

Friday 31 Aug 11:08

Great news. Love to all.
The New Icemaid Clan XX

Take Care.

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by DivasMum

Friday 31 Aug 10:02

Pearl has come through the op ok & has a v short stump apparently! Can't wait to pick her up later, thank you for all you kind wishes x

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 30 Aug 14:04

Lots of love to Pearl for her operation tomorrow. xxx

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by DuleekDandy

Thursday 30 Aug 08:59

Thinking of you all today xxx

by doonie

Wednesday 29 Aug 20:35

sorry bout spelling mistakes.wish pearl all the best.xxxxx

by susy

Wednesday 29 Aug 20:28

Andre is a great vet. sadly we did lose Mindy, but after a lot of care from him. Since then we fostered Sheena. who's shattered leg he saved & we re-homed several month's later. (one could not let her go)
Love to all for Friday, will be thinking of you all.

The New Icemaid Clan xxx

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by DivasMum

Wednesday 29 Aug 16:24

Hopefully all go well as its Andre the RGT vet doing her op. Thanks for all the posts, keeping everything crossed x

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by Remint

Wednesday 29 Aug 14:08

Poor old Pearl. However, from what I knew of her, having less of a tail will certainly not dampen her enthusiasm for wagging it!

I hope that the operation goes well for her on Friday and my thoughts are with you all.

by doonie

Wednesday 29 Aug 11:55

tiggers mum-thats exactly what i always used to sat to vet bout our old lurcher,you,ve explained it better tan i could---good luck to pearl fingers toes paws & hoofs crossed for you

by tiggersmum

Wednesday 29 Aug 10:37

Hope all goes well for Pearl- I always say to my vets if it's a new vet or nurse ... ' you do know that greyhounds can't tolerate barbiturates don't you? They may think/know I'm an interfering old bat but at least I've told them - not all vets realise that greys need special anaesthetics as they don't have the body fat that other breeds do so greys can't get rid of the anaesthetic which recirculates and can kill them :( J x

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by Winniethepooh

Wednesday 29 Aug 07:37

Sending best wishes to Pearl and I hope all goes
Well on Friday.

by kallie

Tuesday 28 Aug 20:35

lots of good wishes coming your way Pearl....and a hug for your worried mum and dad, love from Ina Rossi Toby McKenzie and Daisy...xxxxx

by Robdog's-dad

Tuesday 28 Aug 19:48

Fingers & paws crossed for Pearl and you on friday.x x

by DivasMum

Tuesday 28 Aug 17:45

My poor pearl has to have her tail amputated on Friday from where its broken to the tip. Poor baby & another anaesthetic to get through x

by DivasMum

Sunday 26 Aug 21:06

I don't mind her having a short tail if necessary, just terrified of her having to have an anaesthetic so soon after my poor Dolly, fingers crossed for her. Lots of snuggles & treats methinks x

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by kallie

Sunday 26 Aug 18:35

oh poor little Pearl, two of my boys ended up with a short tail as they kept breaking their tails open and once they tail was short the problem disappeared and they look just as cute with their little tails...hopefully it won't come to that but if it does then be rest assured that they are perfectly fine with a short tail.much love Ina and her two shortails and 2 longtails :-) x

by Shanesmum

Sunday 26 Aug 17:18

Big cuddles for poor Pearl, such a shame for her. Love the nickname for her sister, so apt - hope she doesn't eat you out of house & home!! x

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by DivasMum

Sunday 26 Aug 13:52

It turns out my poor pearl has a broken tail, no wonder she cries when she knocks it. Got to wait & see what the trust vet says on Tuesday now, possibly another anaesthetic, I can't believe it. Poor girl, lots of snuggles when daddy brings you home from seeing auntie Ruth xxx

by DivasMum

Sunday 26 Aug 00:04

Pearl is being such a good girly. Her tail is still sore & needs a bandage but at least it isn't a blood bath when she takes it off now. She is a bit of a foodie but nothing like the Fredanator (as her new sister is known!)!!! Pigs ears do not last long do they my darling girl!

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by DivasMum

Wednesday 22 Aug 20:41

Pearl is settling really well. Woke up today & she had sneaked onto the bed, curled up small so we wouldn't notice! She looked so smug when Freda got told off for stealing all the dog biscuits!

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by kallie

Saturday 18 Aug 21:05

a very happy Pearl went into her new home today with the handsome Teddy and her 'sis' Freda. they make a very handsome hound family and surely will give their new family many happy moments. xxxx

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by DivasMum

Saturday 18 Aug 17:40

Pearl & Freda have joined Teddy in our house! So far we have explored everywhere inside & out, opened the loo door when youngest had forgotten to lock it & eaten our tea, mealtimes must be supervised as currently the idea of 1 bowl each hasn't been established!!! All good fun & can't wait to see her personality come through. Gone out for a long tiring walk with daddy, Teddy & big brothers now x

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by Shanesmum

Saturday 18 Aug 17:13

Well done Pearl - off with new friend Freda to a lovely new home - be happy! x

by Deb

Saturday 18 Aug 16:42

Pearl this is just fantastic news for you what a brilliant family all those humans and doggies to play with,this has really made my day and I am sure you will be very happy.
What wonderful people that have adopted you and Freda.

by Remint

Wednesday 15 Aug 21:26

Pearl is very sweet and loving. She stayed with us for a few days and was such a jolly dog - a real pleasure to have around.

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by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Wednesday 15 Aug 20:37

I love having 3 and both pearl and freda are loverly girls xxxxx

by Deb

Wednesday 15 Aug 20:35

Yes she is a sweetie and she does look a little lost back in kennels having been in a home for quite a while.Hoping a new home is just around the corner,

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by Shelly

Wednesday 15 Aug 20:21

Coming to c u on Friday. X

by DivasMum

Wednesday 15 Aug 19:37

Hello sweetie, can I talk the other half into 3? He has said maybe....

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by Shelly

Tuesday 14 Aug 18:56

What a sweet little thing xx sending my hugs x

by Deb

Sunday 12 Aug 20:50

Pearl you really do need to sell yourself a bit more! This little girl is just so lovely and house trained.She was a much loved girl who due to a difficult situation came back to kennels.She is quiet and doesn't push herself forward.She will make a great addition to any family and really needs to be back in a home.So if you are looking for a lovely little lady who is house trained great on the lead little Pearl could be the one for you.Pop down to the kennels and you will see what I mean.

by Deb

Sunday 12 Aug 20:50

Pearl you really do need to sell yourself a bit more! This little girl is just so lovely and house trained.She was a much loved girl who due to a difficult situation came back to kennels.She is quiet and doesn't push herself forward.She will make a great addition to any family and really needs to be back in a home.So if you are looking for a lovely little lady who is house trained great on the lead little Pearl could be the one for you.Pop down to the kennels and you will see what I mean.

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by rubyjojomyles!!

Sunday 12 Aug 08:30

Oh Pearl, you are beautiful, if we only had room to go back up to 3 greys :0( I will keep showing John your photos. Big big cuddlesxxx

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by rumblesmom

Friday 10 Aug 20:40

a very friendly little girl so well behaved

by Jess&Koda

Saturday 28 Jul 15:38

Pearl was so good on her walk today she looked at the chicken on the side of the road her ears went up but nothing else!

by Remint

Wednesday 25 Jul 09:04

Pearl is staying with us until Saturday, then she'll go back to the kennels and hopefully be homed again.

I have to say though that I have never met a dog as jolly or cheerful as Pearl. Her tail never stops wagging and she is always so pleased to see you.

Overnight she was clean in the house and didn't make a sound. She gets on well with our two Golden Retrievers but is interested in the cat. However, it is easy to get her attention back on you so we'll see how she goes with some cat training.

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by Jess&Koda

Tuesday 24 Jul 21:33

Pearl dont worry as you are house trained and beautiful you will surely get another sofa soon!

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by BeckyB-F

Tuesday 24 Jul 19:14

Poor thing, I guess it didn't work out. Being house trained hopefully she will get a new home quickly xxxx

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by maccasmum

Tuesday 29 May 16:52

Good luck to Pearl and her owner - she was Macca's kennelmate so I know what a lovelly girl she is.

by BeckyB-F

Monday 28 May 19:25

Wish them well and hope it all works out for them xxxx

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Monday 28 May 18:00

Delighted to hear that Pearls owner is trying to help her get over her stress, got paws crossed that it works out. Good luck xxx

by susy

Monday 28 May 15:38

Well hope all works well for all concerned.
Ruth will be there for both with a helping hand.
Love The New Icemaid Clan.

by LadyVictoria

Monday 28 May 15:37

I do hope they can help each other at what must be an awful time. xx

by DaybreaksRuth

Monday 28 May 15:07

Pearls owner has decided to try and work with Pearl to help overcome her stress,so she is not being returned at the moment

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 28 May 13:50

Very sorry for all concerned, big hug to Pearl. xxxx

by BeckyB-F

Sunday 27 May 18:23

Sad news for Pearl and her family :-( best wishes to them must be very hard xxxx Hope she gets a new home quickly xxxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Saturday 17 Sep 22:51

Ahhhh good girl little pearl! You are a gem and your new family are very lucky. Xxxx

by TheRealJonRobinson

Saturday 17 Sep 19:41

So, Pearl made it home, had her dinner (nothing wrong with her appetite!), did her business outside, had a good look around her new home (but hasn't tackled the stairs yet!).

She had her coat brushed, her new jacket put on and went for a nice long walk and she behaved very well. Now she is lying on the rug where she hasn't moved from in the past hour!! All good so far :-) x

by steveandwend

Saturday 17 Sep 15:46

Met Pearl today while at Daybreaks, she sat very quietly on her bed in her kennel but did come for a fuss with a little encouragement. What a beautiful little girl, and hope it works out for you in your new home x

by TheRealJonRobinson

Friday 09 Sep 21:42

Passed the home test and Pearl will be moving in with her loving family on Sunday!! x

by DeeDee

Monday 05 Sep 16:27

Pearl is such a beauty, I am so happy for her and her new family, she will be showered with love and cuddles x

by lori

Friday 02 Sep 00:55

Can't wait to get our pretty girl home. So pleased, she's loved by all the family already. Love at first sight :)

by DeeDee

Tuesday 30 Aug 21:29

Well done pearl, your stay was not long at all, and all because you know how to break hearts with your beauty x

by BeckyB-F

Tuesday 30 Aug 20:24

So pleased you have a new forever home xxxx

by kallie

Tuesday 30 Aug 18:49

well done Angelface, so happy to see that someone wants you after all, did not think it would take long with that cute face of yours :-) xxx

by BeckyB-F

Thursday 25 Aug 18:35

Poor thing, hope a new and forever home comes soon for the pretty girl xxxx

by kallie

Thursday 25 Aug 18:21

how could anyone not want her, she is gorgeous...xxxx