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About Me

Racing Name
Best Sunshine
Date of birth
02 sep 2007
Land of birth
IE Ireland
Land of standing
UK United Kingdom
Ear mark
Lady AngelinaIE/UK-JUL-03-BK
Family tree & race history

George (Stevie Sunshine)

male, 17 years old, Black

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Monday 08 Jan

Lovely Stevie is good with people his trainer tells us.

George (Stevie Sunshine) has had 0 cuddles today (42 all together).
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by Simon,Jan&Jet

Sunday 23 Jun 23:14

Great to see Stevie win second in the dog with the waggiest tail at Sutton Fun Dog Show today - well done Stevie!!
I must add his tail hardly stopped wagging so he must be a very contented doggie!

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by medaftboutdogs

Monday 25 Mar 21:43

Hi Stevie, how are you doing? We miss you still, you cheeky boy!! Bet your loving the snow, Blossom says hi and wishes to see you again someday. luv t xx

by Deb

Saturday 23 Feb 18:12

Lovely re homing picture

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by Jo29

Monday 18 Feb 11:38

Hi all just a little stevie update, slept through the night with no accidents this morning! Made a fuss of us before breakfast and his walk, walked lovely on the lead, even past 3 little terriers and didn't bark once. He's a big star who still sits for his treats and now flat out on his bed I can't take my eyes of him he's beautiful :) xx

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by medaftboutdogs

Sunday 17 Feb 21:38

I am soooooo happy for you Stevie (and your new mum). You have been a big part of our lives and now to see the reward of you being rehomed, well I just can't explain how happy I am for you. I was worrying about you all last night and this morning. What a brillant surprise that Ruth phoned & I spoke with your new mum. Be a good boy, show how much you have learned.
luv t
PS Blossy is very unsettled today, misses you too!

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by ClareInsightHounds

Sunday 17 Feb 19:54

Yay!! What great news! X

by DivasMum

Sunday 17 Feb 19:43

Oh what wonderful news x

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by Deb

Sunday 17 Feb 17:52

I took him on a Stratford walk the first time he was in kennels and had a soft spot for him so it is great he now has a lovely family after his first re homing.I think I also took your previous boy Sunny for a walk to Kingsbury water park another dog that touched the hearts of many supporters of Daybreaks.
Pleased to hear Stevie is settling in.

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by Shanesmum

Sunday 17 Feb 17:44

This is such fabulous news, delighted for the lovely Stevie. Best wishes to you all. x

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by Jo29

Sunday 17 Feb 15:40

Thank you for your lovely comments Remint and Deb. After 10 minutes in the kennels this morning with stevie (which we've decided to rename him again) we were smitten by his gorgeous face and waggy tail. He's now lying on his new bed after dinner and a sniff round the garden. He's already a treat and we can't wait to show him off to our friends and family! Thank you Ruth and the other volunteers who have given us such a wonderful boy-will keep you updated, tracey especially to you, thank you for fostering him and training him to be a good little boy, he's no trouble at all! From Jo and family xx

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by Deb

Sunday 17 Feb 15:20

Tracy you can sleep easy tonight Stevie has gone to a wonderful home where he will be loved to bits and only one night back in kennels yippee!!
Now who will be your next foster grey?

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by Remint

Sunday 17 Feb 12:49

I cannot express how much it has made my day to see that the wonderful George has a home!

I hope that he and his new family are both very happy. :)

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by ClareInsightHounds

Sunday 17 Feb 07:26

I've been following George (Stevie Sunshines) progress. It sounds like he has come leaps and bounds with all of the support from his foster families. You've done a brilliant job! Lets hope his forever sofa is just round the corner.

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by medaftboutdogs

Saturday 16 Feb 21:55

Thank you Ruth for the reassuring update & allowing me to share so much time with this loveable lad. I've been thinking about him all day, and I know that in Kennels he has a better chance of being picked. Love you Georgey Porgey. xxx
ps being a foster mum is very rewarding if a little emotional! I still recommend it.

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by DaybreaksRuth

Saturday 16 Feb 21:41

This is especially for Tracy - medaftaboutdogs...... THANK YOU so much for looking after George (my precious Stevie Sunshine) and for bringing him back to the kennels today. I was going to bring him home but he was laying there very chilled out as I locked up and didn't want to disturb him..... he is safe and warm and full of lovely dinner so please don't worry about him - keep your fingers crossed that someone falls in love with him very soon so he doesn't stay at the kennels too long.... xxxxx

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by ClareInsightHounds

Saturday 16 Feb 21:32

His foster sign has gone. Is this lovely boy back at the kennels now?

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by medaftboutdogs

Saturday 16 Feb 19:47

Hello Georgey, missing you. Hope you've settled ok. Blossy is missing you but Dad says the lawn needs a break - the cheek!!
Hope you get picked soon sweetie.
luv t (foster mum)

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by medaftboutdogs

Tuesday 12 Feb 21:51

Hi All & especially Deb,
George has continued to improve all aspects of his behaviours - Yippee. He hasn't had "an accident" in the house for nearly 2 weeks, has accepted that No means No and slinks off when he is told, and although his theiving days are not over, he isn't so intense anymore (mind you we have all become very vigilent in keeping doors shut & things up high or in cupboards).
George is also becoming a very loving boy. He especially loves his morning cuddle and fuss, but will take it any time of day. He has the loveliest look of Please adore me! The welcome I get when I arrive home is wonderful, he is so pleased to see us all.
So all in all he is turning into a very precious boy, and I will be sad to see him go - on that note, Please can another fosterer come forward for him as I'm now in the process of selling & packing up my house, (thats a trauma in itself), so its all a bit unsettling.
I got lump in my throat today as I watched him bound about thinking, I'm going to miss this lad, as he has fitted in so well with Reubes & Blossom - Bloss will be v upset too as they get on really well.
Oh and he still sits for his treat, thats the only way he gets it - stops the daft leaping up nonsense!! And I can take said treats off him if I ask nicely - GIVE, so he is a very good boy this way. And dont forget he is an angel to walk - so laid back, no pulling at all.
luv t

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by Deb

Saturday 09 Feb 17:47

Hi Tracey -how is the lovely big boy doing?

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by medaftboutdogs

Friday 01 Feb 21:05

Hi All, I'm planning on bringing the gorgeous George in to kennels tomorrow afternoon, around 2 all being well. So if anyone is popping by to get a grey, you'll get to meet George in the flesh. He is a super lad who has come on leaps & bounds this last couple of weeks, really learned the rules of my house, so a very ameniable boy.

luv t

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by medaftboutdogs

Monday 28 Jan 17:03

I don't know why no one has snapped up George yet either, he is a lovely big lad. Bouncy & occasionally vocal (to go for a wee or get his dinner), he is getting more & more well behaved each day. His stealing is calming down (as I thought it would) and he only tried to take food from my kitchen worktop once this week (Roast chicken just lifted out the oven). He is brilliant to walk, very calm & amiable. He is clean in the house, eats really well and doesn't hassle my other 2 greys at all. He loves a fuss, sits to take his treats and has very loveable eyes.
So give this loving boy a chance.

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by Jenwren

Thursday 24 Jan 21:18

George, why oh why has no one snapped you up yet? You are an adorable lad and black my favorite! ;) x

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by medaftboutdogs

Wednesday 16 Jan 23:03

George is still being a lovely lad, big n cuddly. Now he has found his voice, he lets me know when he needs out, needs his dinner, needs to play and is fed up being on his own. He has also developed a sneaky disposition by popping up onto my seat on our sofa when we are out - suspicions confirmed when I sneaked back to the house & peaked through the window!!!! Such a typical Greyhound and yet he is special too, smiley & content with my other 2 and respectful of their space and rights to it. lovely boy.
PS Deb I have started to knit a neck warmer for Millie, hope to finsh it soon & drop of at Daybreaks for you. Ina, I have the yarn to do the 4 in the colours you wanted, your next on the list!!

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by Deb

Saturday 05 Jan 21:04

Hi Tracy any chance you could persuade that husband of yours to take on number 3 ?!

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by medaftboutdogs

Friday 04 Jan 20:17

So George is a typical Greyhound thief!!!! Just til he settles & learns the rules. Lovely lad is doing so very well. We walked all 3 together today & George was the laziest & least keen on anything moving - smashing. He is so cute when he sits (yes, he actually sits) for his treats which he takes very nicely. luv txx

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by medaftboutdogs

Thursday 03 Jan 17:16

Ahhhhhh, George is settling, lying down after only 20 mins of mad sniffing & nudging the xmas tree - thankfully I'm taking it down tonight anyway. Will keep you all posted on G and hows he is gettin gon with my 2. luv t
ps thanks Maddy for looking after this lovely boy

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by medaftboutdogs

Thursday 03 Jan 09:35

Hello George, you back to kennels today - let me know if you dont settle, cos I have a foster bed ready & waiting!!!! Beautiful boy. xx luv t

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by Donno

Monday 31 Dec 13:36

George gets my cuddle today, along with a big kiss. He is such alovely,happy dog and he really needs a forever home, he has such a lot of love to give xx

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by Donno

Monday 31 Dec 13:36

George gets my cuddle today, along with a big kiss. He is such alovely,happy dog and he really needs a forever home, he has such a lot of love to give xx

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by Remint

Sunday 30 Dec 19:24

Sadly George is no longer reserved and I am only able to keep fostering him until the 3rd of January. It would be such a shame if he had to go back to kennels as he really is doing so well here with us.

He is getting a little more adventurous when it comes to food on the kitchen tops but responds well when you tell him no. George is a pleasure to walk and never pulls on the lead, he is just happy to trot along by your side.

Out on a walk today he didn't react to a squirrel scrabbling up a fence next to us, nor a barking terrier.

He is such a patient dog and didn't bat an eyelid when Minnie bounced his bum whilst she was lying down on the rug just now. Whoever adopts him in the end will be very lucky indeed. :)

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by sarah

Sunday 30 Dec 17:54

Oh no. His reserved sign has gone :-(

by Deb

Thursday 27 Dec 20:18

So pleased for the big boy.I took him for a walk when he was in for his first rehoming and he really does have the cutiest ears.

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by Jess&Koda

Thursday 27 Dec 19:42

Well done x

by Shanesmum

Thursday 27 Dec 17:10

I spy a lovely reserved sign! Such good news.

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by Shanesmum

Wednesday 26 Dec 17:20

Remint this is such a lovely update. So glad that gorgeous George is being so good, he really loves being part of a family by the sound of it and is behaving himself beautifully. Let's hope his forever home is just aroudn the corner, because it would be so sad for him to have to come back to the kennels.x

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by Remint

Wednesday 26 Dec 16:08

George really deserves to get a permanent home soon as he is such a lovely dog to have about and no trouble at all.

He is great with his food, lets you know when he needs to go outside, very accepting, laid back and loves a good play. George also really enjoys his walks - he keeps asking to go out on them by looking longingly at the front door!

So far he has not shown any interest in little dogs when out and about. He gets on well with our other Greyhound and our two Golden Retrievers and has slotted in with our family brilliantly.

After the bath he had at the kennels yesterday (which possibly ruined his Christmas morning going by how little he seemed enjoy it) the sparse patch of hair on his bum looks a great deal better. Other than that his coat is in good condition and has a lovely sheen to it.

George had a great time finishing off the leftovers of our Christmas dinner, the chicken skin was a huge hit but he was a little picky with the peas. (In fact, he left them all in his bowl and Minnie graciously finished them off.)

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by Jenwren

Tuesday 25 Dec 15:47

What lovely photos of you George, glad you are having a happy Christmas! x

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by sarah

Sunday 23 Dec 22:38

Well done George, I was so happy to hear you had got yourself a foster home over xmas ! Now I have seen Remints comments I am sure that u landed on ur paws :-) See I told you earlier that you were a clever boy, enjoy your lovely home and Remint I am so glad you could take him, keep us posted he is a fantastic and handsome boy xx

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by Remint

Sunday 23 Dec 17:25

Everybody is getting on very well so far. Minnie seems happy to have another greyhound buddy and George is a little stressed but settling down.

He absolutely adores all the toys here and is having a lovely time trying to play with them through the muzzle. I'll try to get some pictures of him enjoying himself after he is a little more settled.

With any luck I will be taking him to the awareness day at Tesco in Warwick on the 27th. :)

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by Remint

Sunday 23 Dec 17:25

Everybody is getting on very well so far. Minnie seems happy to have another greyhound buddy and George is a little stressed but settling down.

He absolutely adores all the toys here and is having a lovely time trying to play with them through the muzzle. I'll try to get some pictures of him enjoying himself after he is a little more settled.

With any luck I will be taking him to the awareness day at Tesco in Warwick on the 27th. :)

by Jenwren

Sunday 23 Dec 17:24

What great news, well done Stevie have some nice TLC! xxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Sunday 23 Dec 15:59

Stevie has gone off to stay with one of our Volunteers and Minnie greyhound and 2 retrievers over xmas, good luck stevie, enjoy your xmas break!! xx

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by Jenwren

Sunday 23 Dec 15:23

Hoping to get in and see you tomorrow Stevie, whoops George, may we will get to go for a walk. :) xxx

by medaftboutdogs

Sunday 23 Dec 11:41

OMG you poor lad back in so close to Xmas, your such a gorgeous boy I remember when you last were in Daybreaks.....must bend hubbys arm.........oh how I wish I could foster you, but we are away on 29-30th and out most of the 28th, not fair on you hoo!

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by Jenwren

Saturday 22 Dec 19:23

He does seem such a lovely boy Shanesmum, lets hope people see what we see in which case he will be snapped up! Another cuddle for you George. xxx

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by Shanesmum

Saturday 22 Dec 18:04

I took this fabulous boy for a walk this afternoon. It was something of an adventure because the lane was flooded and we were wading through ankle deep water in places!!! but George took it all in his stride and trotted along beside me. Such a quiet boy, totally ignored the barking labs again and always ready for a lovely ear rub. Hope someone falls in love with you soon my sweetheart. x

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by Deb

Friday 21 Dec 18:24

Another big boy that sounds like he could do with going into foster care.He had a fabulous trainer who is sadly no longer with us.

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by Jenwren

Friday 21 Dec 15:11

Walked Gorden along side George today, he is a lovely boy, seems a lovely calm boy, walked past the noisy labs and ignored them. Poor George you need a whole lot of pampering which Im sure you will get. ;) xxx

by LindaPaul

Friday 21 Dec 14:31

I'm so sad for them both. Poor babies. Wish I could have them all. Feeling a bit tired and emotional today :( xx

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by LizzyB

Friday 21 Dec 13:59

Poor George. What a good job that Daybreaks doesn't shut it's doors at any time of year. Hope he is better & in a new home very soon.

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by DivasMum

Friday 21 Dec 13:47

Poor George - sending lots of love x

by LadyVictoria

Friday 21 Dec 13:15

Very sorry to see George has come back to the kennels and to hear about his flea allergy. I am sure some TLC from all at Daybreaks will help perk him up. xxx

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by Winniethepooh

Friday 21 Dec 12:47

What a shame to see George and Arthur returned at this time of year. I hope that they find a new home very soon.

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by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 21 Dec 12:37

George has been returned today due to his owners circumstances. Sadly he is on medication for a flea allergy and has virtually no fur on his back. I feel so sad for this fella and hope he will find a new home soon.

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by Jess&Koda

Wednesday 21 Dec 21:24

my moms friend ellen said" if i had the time to spend with him at home i would have taken him" but sadly she didn't have the time. good luck george!!

by LoubyLou

Friday 14 Oct 12:07

Just to let you know how "Stevie" is getting on. We have re-named him George, gorgeous George. I can't believe how well he is settling in. He is lying fast asleep at the moment cuddling up to his 4 foot polar bear. See you all at the show on Sunday. I'm sure George will be pleased to meet his friends again.

by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Tuesday 11 Oct 21:07

Ah, he's such a lovely boy. If he hadn't been reserved, I reckon my other half would have snaffled him away-he fell in love with him on Saturday. Good luck to Stevie and his new family. Keep in touch-I love reading how they're getting on in their new homes. Mand x

by kallie

Tuesday 11 Oct 13:48

good bye beautiful Stevie, i shall miss your cuddles when i come to the kennels, have a great retirement...lots of love . xxxx

by LoubyLou

Monday 10 Oct 22:57

So pleased I've been advised this that I can offer a suitable residence for Stevie!! I'm so looking forward to taking him home with me tomorrow morning. We've got a lot of good times to come Stevie baby.xx

by kallie

Friday 07 Oct 19:22

had a cuddle with beautiful Stevie today and felt happy to know that he has a new home to go to now and a little sad too as i love to cuddle him and i shall miss him when he is gone...good luck beautiful gentle boy. xxxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Thursday 06 Oct 22:25

Well done stevie xxxxxxxxx

by BeckyB-F

Thursday 06 Oct 20:00

Wonderful news for you Stevie xxxxx wishing you love and happiness xxxxx

by lichfield_sam

Thursday 06 Oct 14:51

yay well done stevie boy xxxxx

by LadyVictoria

Thursday 06 Oct 13:41

Well done Stevie! Be happy. xxx

by BeckyB-F

Wednesday 05 Oct 17:56

Good luck to LoubyLou and Stevie xxxx hoping it is a match made in heaven xxxx

by LoubyLou

Wednesday 05 Oct 17:24

I think Stevie looks a beautiful dog and I am coming tomorrow to introduce myself to him. I have a lovely enclosed garden and live 5 mins from Sheldon Country Park. I am also an experienced dog owner. I have a cat, but that shouldn't be a problem. Can't wait to meet Stevie. Wonder what he'll think of me???

by kallie

Wednesday 05 Oct 13:44

Stevie is very aptly named as he does spread a lot of sunshine with his gorgeous personality, he is a total love sponge and he will let you cuddle him forever, so loving and sweet....and he is ok with cats...surely that must be the best news ever :-) xxx

by Deb

Wednesday 05 Oct 12:20

Took Stevie for a walk yesterday,he is one happy hound,he walks like a dream and never stops wagging his tail.He loved being groomed and has a lovely shinny coat.He is very friendly and loved the company.He also passed his cat test ,he is going to make a wonderful pet for someone.

by BeckyB-F

Monday 03 Oct 20:08

Good for you Stevie xxxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Monday 03 Oct 13:34

Well done stevie! xxxxxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Monday 03 Oct 13:25

Yeah! Stevie passed his cat test :)

by Donno

Wednesday 28 Sep 06:49

Stevie love's to be loved and loves to give love, just an alround lovely boy, hugs and kisses x x

by welovegreys

Sunday 25 Sep 19:51

Stevie Sunshine your gorgeous ,even on a wet day.we love greyhounds and have a passion for big black greys.Rehome Stevie and have sunshine everday.Stevie hope you find your forever home soon.lots of love x

by BeckyB-F

Saturday 24 Sep 16:28

They could see how well you are looking after them while waiting for their forever homes. That must mean a lot to them too, knowing that their beloved greys are soooo well cared for and loved xxxxxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 22 Sep 18:38

It brought a smile to my face and tears to my eyes when Stevie Sunshine saw his trainer Steve today when he visited. It was clear that Stevie remembered him and his tail didn't stop wagging frantically.
Steve and Louise brought all the Daybreaks inmates treats, bones and pilchards which I know they will love.
My love goes to Steve (and Louise) during Steve's terrible illness and I am grateful he was able to come to visit Daybreaks and see his ex-racers (Arty, Ronnie and Stevie) who meant the world to him.

by kallie

Sunday 18 Sep 18:38

his name suits him as he has such a happy sunny face...gorgeous black boys, i do love them so ...good luck finding your forever home lovely boy.xxxx

by steveandwend

Saturday 17 Sep 15:32

So wanted to take you home today, gave me lots of kisses. Good luck gorgeous x

by steveandwend

Saturday 17 Sep 15:32

So wanted to take you home today, gave me lots of kisses. Good luck gorgeous x

by Donno

Saturday 17 Sep 07:36

He is gorgeous and so so happy, he is full litter brother to Best Vote ( Bobby V) and he is just the same, love people and cuddles, kisses (he gives wet kisses), this boy just loves life. Very good with the girls and they seem to love hime. would make a great member of any family. x x x x x Great name ;)XXXXX

by BeckyB-F

Thursday 15 Sep 16:57

He looks gorgeous xxxxx

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