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About Me

Racing Name
Sounds Dodgey
Date of birth
01 aug 2006
Land of birth
IE Ireland
Land of standing
IE Ireland
Ear mark
Autumn LeighIE-MAY-99-BK
Family tree & race history

Marty (Arty)

male, 18 years old, Black

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Friday 05 Jan

Arty has the cutest Roman nose ever!

Marty (Arty) has had 0 cuddles today (70 all together).
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by Lea,Sonny,Poppy-Obi

Friday 03 Aug 19:32

So very sad, at least he had a fabulous life with you and has lots of happy memories to take with him to the other side, sending lots of love at this sad time xx

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by xxGordonBearxx

Friday 03 Aug 10:28

I was sad seeing the RIP sign on Marty, such a gentle, loving boy, so sweet whenever I saw him & was glad when someone gave him the home he deserved, I am glad he had his last few months, full of happiness with a family, thoughts are with them during this time, Run Free Roman Nose xx

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by medaftboutdogs

Thursday 02 Aug 21:49

I'm so sorry to read about Marty today, on the odd occasion I popped to Daybreaks he was one I always went to see. He was a beautiful boy. Run Free sweet boy. luv t

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 02 Aug 15:02

So very sad to hear about Marty, thinking of you all. Xxx

by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Wednesday 01 Aug 17:32

Such sad news. Thinking about you all. Mand x

by doonie

Tuesday 31 Jul 20:11

such sad news,run free gave him such a lovely understanding home,rip.xx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Tuesday 31 Jul 19:20

This is so desperately sad, i am crying typing this, what a beautiful loveing boy, my thoughts are with his owners at this very sad time. 6 years is no age to lose your baby, just eternally grateful he had his last months as happy months. Run free angel. RIP xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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by Jess&Koda

Tuesday 31 Jul 19:11

I was there on the office when Ruth got the sad phone call I was really sad to find out that my beautiful boy had to be put to sleep earlier today... But I am so glad that you got a taste of home life and a sofa! I feel for Martys owner (foggie) run free my boy xxxx

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by Tash'ntheGreys

Tuesday 31 Jul 19:00

Sending lots of love to you all at this very sad time xxxx

by Danny'smum

Tuesday 31 Jul 16:59

This really is sad sad news. My heart goes out to you as i recently went through losing one of my greys very very suddenly, she was only 5 and luckily i had a few months longer with her than you had with M(Arty). I've also been reading his story and keeping up to date with his progress and re-homing. I was very tempted at one stage myself but thought 3 was too much.

You gave him a wonderful few months with lots and lots of love and care. Sending you big hugs and best wishes and RIP M(Arty)... the cute guy with the bestest roman nose :)

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by Winniethepooh

Tuesday 31 Jul 15:22

So very very sorry to hear this sad news.

by savocat

Tuesday 31 Jul 14:56

That is so so sad. I remember becoming addicted to reading about (m)arty and his quest for a sofa. And loving that photo of his snout almost touching the camera lens. It's silly isn't it, it's made me cry reading about it, and i never even knew him! These dogs really do touch our hearts. Best wishes XX

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by Foggie

Tuesday 31 Jul 14:50

We are devestated by the loss of beautiful Marty today after sharing our lives with him for only four short months. Besides the large tumour some of his gut was found to be perforated. Even with that distressing condition he had continued to enjoy his walks and loved his cuddles. He had setted down such a lot with other dogs and cats round the village and was becoming a really responsive dog. It seems so unfair that he had to lose his life to disease at the age of just six ths week. As I said to Ruth he taught us so much about how to be with a greyhound. We shall miss him terribly and always remember him. In tears for him x

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by susy

Tuesday 31 Jul 14:45

So sorry to read the sad news of Marty going to Rainbow Bridge.
Love to the lovely family who took him home.
The New Icemaid Clan. xx

by LindaPaul

Tuesday 31 Jul 14:26

That is such sad news and my thoughts are with Marty's owners right now.It definitely sounds like he had a loving home though which is everything that anyone could have wanted for him. Sleep tight Marty. x

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by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 31 Jul 14:09

It is with great sadness that I have just heard that Marty has gone to Rainbow Bridge. The vets found a large tumour which was inoperable and sadly they let him go. He was a fabulous character and I will miss him very much. Run free fella x

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by Foggie

Sunday 29 Jul 21:04

Marty has to go to the vets on Tuesday for X rays and biopsies as he has been passing blood again and loosing weight. Last week's blood tests showed high protein. So it's fingers crossed that the problem is something treatable. Today he and Misty walked past a cat and several dogs without reacting too strongly.

by Foggie

Friday 20 Jul 22:08

Just an update on Marty and Misty to say we are all doing a lot better at walking round the village without too many reactions to other dogs and cats. In fact they now totally ignore 2 little yappies that we regurlarly pass. They still react to Patch but we are getting better at dealing with it so it doesn't get out of control. A couple of weeks ago Marty was quite poorly with an inflamed gut and passed an alarming amount of blood so had to have antibiotics and steroids. We also changed his diet back to Burns which has calmed down his digestive system. We are back at the vets with him on Monday as he has something strange happening with his left eyelid and they need to monitor it, will keep you posted.

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by tiggersslave

Thursday 31 May 07:55

That sounds great :) your trainer sounds ideal for a greyhound - and I agree that we owners need more training than the dogs :) Mine have me trained perfectly LOL. Best wishes Julie x

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by Foggie

Wednesday 30 May 17:48

We have just had our first training session with the trainer who came out to our home. He was absolutely great with us and the greys, fully understanding their background, temperaments etc so no worries there. It turns out that Misty is the one with more issues and she is the one to react first to cats and other dogs which then sets Marty off. So far we humans have been trained in getting dogs leaded and out the door with no stress so that we start walks calmly instead of 'let me at' excitement. We feel more relaxed about tackling the problems now so hopefully that will transmit to the dogs. xx

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by Foggie

Friday 25 May 10:52

NO,no Julie it wasn't taken as critiscism, all you say is really helpful and adds to our understanding. Marty is our 4th rescue grey and we were probably a bit too complacent as we had coped with any problems the others had had, but Marty, or Smartz as I often call him, has different issues. I'm off to the library to look for that book you reccommended. Thanks also for the info on hot weather problems. xxxx

by tiggersslave

Friday 25 May 08:32

Hiya Foggie Sorry if it sounded like I was criticising you- I know you are doing the very best you can for Marty and Misty :) . You're not alone in thinking that your grey is very confident and being 'purely' aggressive :( That's why we are so passionate at training the greyhounds ourselves, like Kallie said 'normal' dog trainers have rarely tried to train a greyhound and those who have usually brand them 'stubborn' or 'thick' :( we don't find them either - if they appear stubborn it's usually because you have overloaded them and they can't think any more and they are definitely not thick - BUT you do have to train them slightly differently to 'real' dogs LOL. Also if the trainer or owner misreads a greyhounds aggression and does not realise how frightened the dog is they would probably scare it even more with their training :( I do a starter class now from 9am so if you can fit that in you'd be very welcome - even if you can come for 30 mins it would help you, Marty and Misty - we're at the Hall next Saturday 2nd June and the 9th June if that helps. Best wishes Julie x

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by Foggie

Thursday 24 May 17:43

Thanks for the comments and advice, we will follow up on your ideas. I knew about Julie's training sessions but couldn't make then as we have other regular committments when they are on. I hadn't realised that Marty's reactions were due to fear as he seemed so confident right from the start but now we understand that the problem with the other dog had been escalating every time we took him out. We have never wanted to dominate any of our dogs, we understand the importance of trust between them and us but we do realise now that we were misreading the signs from Marty so hopefully we can learn to be better tuned in and make a good partnership with our greys. xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 24 May 14:31

Very sorry to hear what happened with Marty and I hope Patch and his owner are ok. My Greyhound is not good with other breeds or indeed other Greyhounds but she now has four very good friends including a Shih Tzu! I used the method as discussed by Julie, it really does work. I have also read Barry Eaton's Dominance in Dogs, Fact or Fiction and found it very helpful. Big hug to Marty, kind regards xxx

by kallie

Thursday 24 May 14:01

I am so sorry that you had to go through all this and hope that you will be able to help Arty to get used to other breeds in time. Dog trainers are a good idea but only if they are used to greyhounds/sighthounds, a lot of conventional dog trainers do not know enough about how a greyhounds mind works and can do more damage than good. Jim Greenwood is excellent with sighthounds and will travel to you, he has got a website so it may well be worth looking him up. however the easiest thing to do is to join either Julie's or Sally's classes as they are amazing with their training....good luck and a big hug for Arty who has probably scared himself half to

by tiggersslave

Thursday 24 May 13:36

To get used to other breeds the best thing is to find a 'friend' ie a quiet, well socialised dog and walk with them- somewhere you can stay at your dog's coping distance and walk parallel with the other dog. Have yourself and the other person between your dog and the other and just walk .. if your dog reacts you are too close- and you may need to watch carefully for their little signals. Once your dog no longer shows any interest in the dog you can get closer but bit by bit- it can take days, weeks, etc then once you are walking quite close and your dog is very relaxed and looks at the other dog but doesn't react then go back a good distance apart and walk with the dogs 'together' so not close but no person between the dogs if you see what I mean .. as your dog becomes confident you can get closer - I never ask the dogs to meet as I feel that's a big 'ask' if my dogs is scared plus walking dogs at each other face to face can be an aggressive stance by any dog :( Then I get them closer and closer always being careful and aware of safety so I use muzzles, I never force as I want to build up confidence not scare them ... food is great to use if they'll take it- I work to reduce tension and you (and dogs) can't be tense/hold their breath and eat at the same time plus if I ask my worried dog to move away from something scarey I can reward it with a high value treat... I also teach the 'leave it' command so that if disaster strikes hopefully my dog understands 'let go' - and I've done that with all breeds of dog not just greyhounds.
The trick with anything is to only go at your dog's pace- if he's frightened go back a step until he's confident, if you go too quickly we have seen some very scared greyhounds :( . This is only a taster of how we train but hopefully it might help- you can always ring Ruth, me or Sally if you want ot know more. Best wishes Julie

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by tiggersslave

Thursday 24 May 13:23

Hi Foggie I know we all feel terrible when something like this happens but look at it from Marty and Misty's viewpoint - thye have spent all their lives with other greyhounds and are unlikely to have much if any contact with other breeds. They then are retired and their whole world has changed- they no longer have a 'job' and their normal racing routine life has gone. We then take them out on a lead and expect them to recognise what other dogs are and even more scarey - we expect them to just 'get along' with this weird being ie another breed of dog.. if they're really frightened they can't run away cos they're on a lead so feel extra vulnerable and maybe we don't let them move away to a distance where they will look but aren't too frightened (and then can learn that this being is ok) ... so what can they do- well barking often works cos the other 'being' will go away but if it doesn't then barking hasn't worked so they have to escalate their behvaiour - so they either 'bite' or 'shutdown' as options - and often people will think their grey is ok because they just stand there whilst another breed of dog sniffs them but actually they are terrified and are shutting down till whatever it is leaves them :( That's why we give free training sessions when you first have your greyhound because they are very different to other breeds and we want both you and the dog to understand each other and be able to train your dog to accept it's new life.
You might find a good read is Barry Eatons Dominance in Dogs Fact or Fiction, the scientists who first promoted the Dominance Theory and dogs are wolves in disguise are now admitting they got it wrong- worse still many scared dogs were made worse by trainers etc thinking all they needed was to 'dominate' their dogs :( Your Mekuti harness is excellent and how I work with dogs, have you got a double ended lead on it too? that should give you more control butif you want to call into my Saturday class I'll check it out- Rachael of Mekuti and I are both TTouch Practitioners and we recommend the harness, if you can't get to Saturday training Sally Rapson doesclasses in the north of Bham :) As for rude dogs barking or worse running at yours I suggest either a Jif lemon or squeezy bottle full of water- warn the owner your dog's not good with other dogs and ask them to call their dog back then if the other dog gets too close squirt it in the face to scare it off. Muzzles are great - I always have one on my Lucy as she gets so excited when she sees a cat she tries to bite me or Charlie tho is getting much calmer and obedient - better to be safe than sorry. best wishes Julie

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by Foggie

Thursday 24 May 11:43

Well the problem came to a head just over a week ago. As we tried to walk Marty and Misty past the aggressive collie in her garden the usual chaos ensued but this time the dog's owner was out and said he would bring Patch on a lead to make friends. After a bit of barking Marty seemed to calm down and was wagging his tail. But suddenly lunged and sank his teeth into poor Patch's shoulder! After what seemed like ages but was only a few minutes we managed to detach the injured Patch but Douglas's fingers were bleeding so it was off to A&E to get him sorted then off to the vet to get Patch mended. We obviously had to cover the rather hefty out of hours bill! Luckily both dog and human have healed well but the whole experience was a big shock to the system and we felt terrible. Since then we have muzzled Marty for all his walks and avoided going past the problem area. Immediately after the incident Marty was very down and seemed full of remorse, it took him 5 days before he would wag his tail again and he needed lots of reassurance from us. In all other respects he is such a good dog. We have booked to have a dog trainer come to work with us at home next week, I know there will be a lot for us all to learn but am looking forward to being able to walk the dogs so they are relaxed and we are confident. After 20 years of having dogs there is always more to learn about the best way to be with them.

by medaftboutdogs

Saturday 12 May 12:51

Hi Foggie I have a similar problem with my Blossom passing 2 Retrievers. Jim, the dog whisperer advised many things the one that works best ( and we are still practising) is to take your dogs favourite treat, and distract your hounds with them, also position yourself between your dogs & the barking ones. And... try your very best to get Artys attention all on you before you reach the garden (if treats don't do it use a favourite toy - the noisier the better), don't slow your walking pace or grip the leads tighter/shorter (I find that very difficult - but it communicates our anxiety to the our dogs). If you can do all of these at once - it will work & you will be a miracle worker if you get it right first time LOL. And of course can you go another way on your walk.....if only it was that easy.
Best of luck
t (Reubes & Blossoms mum)

by Foggie

Friday 11 May 18:09

Advice please! (M)Arty has settled in really well with Misty. They are both affectionate dogs, Marty in particular loves to cuddle up to you. The only problem we have, and it's a BIG one, is when we go for a walk we have to pass a dog in a raised garden a few doors away from us. This dog, a collie cross is allowed free roam of it's garden and barks very aggressively when any dog goes by. (Our two previous girl greys never bothered ). Marty goes mad with barking and pulling and he is so strong, even in a Mekuti harness, that we are all out of control. Once Marty starts Misty joins in and it's chaos until we can get past the garden and out of sight. Then they both calm down and walk very well. We pass other dogs on the walk and although Marty shows interest and starts to pull he can be talked into being under control quite easily. It is just this one dog and its position of dominance in the raised garden that gives us so much trouble. Even if the problem dog is not out in her garden Marty still reacts in anticipation. I know Marty has to learn to regard us as alpha leaders when we are out with him but when he reacts so strongly (not his fault I know) it is difficult for us to be the alpha. Any advice greatfully received x

by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 06 May 06:59

Hi Foggie - thank you so much - stamps would be great if that is ok..... it really helps so much. Hope to see you soon and sending hugs x

by Foggie

Saturday 05 May 19:19

Thankyou to all those who posted messages about Maggie, we are adjusting to life without her. Because she had been on a low protein diet for her kidneys we had lots of treats that Marty and Misty turn their noses up at, so I gave them to a friend with a terrier. The friend said he would like to make a donation to the kennels so Ruth would you use 2nd class stamps or would you prefer the money?

by LadyVictoria

Monday 30 Apr 13:45

So sorry to hear you have had to say Goodbye to your lovely Maggie. She sounds as though she was a very special girl. Thinking of you all. xxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 27 Apr 20:47

Run free beautiful Maggie xxxxxx

by kallie

Friday 27 Apr 19:45

my thougths are with you, its always hard when you have to let your beloved fur babies go and what you did was the last show of love you could give her by letting her go before she was in pain, such a selfless loving and brave thing to do. much love to you all at this sad time...Ina Rossi Toby McKenzie and Daisy xxxx

by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Friday 27 Apr 19:43

Hi Foggie. Really sorry to hear about Maggie. A beautiful story about her with Milly, just one of many I'm sure. Thinking about you all. Mand, Gent & Emily xx

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Friday 27 Apr 19:23

our thoughts are with you all, it sounds as if Maggie had a happy n long retirement with you, lucky Maggie. Run, run, run free Maggie, love to the hoomans n licks n kisses fron Goldie n Ruby xxxx

by Foggie

Friday 27 Apr 19:08

A sad day for us as this morning our old lady grey Maggie, the brindle in (M)Arty's rehoming pic had to be put to sleep at the age of nearly 14. She was our first rescue greyhound 10 years ago when she came to live with our two Jack Russell Collie crosses. She was always very laid back and brilliant with all other breeds of dog (I only realised that greys could be a bit funny with other breeds when we got Marty). Maggie was a very accomodating dog and seemed to sense the needs of others , especially when we brought extremely nervous Millie home.When Milly was recovering from her amputation op and learning to walk on three legs Maggie would stop and let Millie lean on her when she was tired. Maggie had lived with a kidney and bladder problem but todays exploratory op showed liver and spleen problems and multiple tumors (from old age) but at least we were able to give her a kind ending before she experienced pain.

by Foggie

Wednesday 28 Mar 15:16

We have just had a non-grey visitor to meet Marty. My friend brought her beautiful golden retreiver. I had Marty muzzled and on a tight lead but my goodness was he strong! We managed a few calm moments, at one point Marty even relaxed on his bed for a few seconds until the 'stranger' reappeared from behind the sofa. The two girls didn't make any fuss at all but they have met Jimmy before. Once my friend had left Marty promptly did a giant wee on the carpet, even though the back door to the garden was open. Perhaps he was re-marking his territory or was he telling me off for having allowed a strange dog in the house. Marty's now sitting by the front door waiting for Douglas to come home so he can tell him about his exciting afternoon!

by nutellajar

Tuesday 27 Mar 19:14

aww sounds like those 2 took a real shine to each other!

by Chazat

Monday 12 Mar 21:48

How wonderful....!!!

by Foggie

Monday 12 Mar 16:10

Marty has been with us for a week now and the dynamics between the three greys has changed--for the better. When we first had Misty she was the untidiest dog ever, dragging the bedding and toys around and leaving such a mess. I wonder now if that was her stressing as since the arrival of fun-loving Marty Misty has stopped doing that. The two newcomers are of a similar age and energy level and this morning engaged in a real chase and play session around our (small) house. Misty even let Marty play with her toys. Meanwhile old lady Maggie looks on whilst the youngsters entertain her. So glad that we got number 3.

by LadyVictoria

Monday 12 Mar 13:39

So pleased to hear Marty has got his bounce

by Foggie

Thursday 08 Mar 18:28

Very pleased to report that Marty is back to his cheerful self today, he ate a good breakfast and has just polished off his tea. he has been very perky, dashing about with Misty. At one point I dropped two pegs in the kitchen, Misty heard the noise and came flying in swiftly overtaken by Marty. The pair of them crashed into my head on the right side, bashing the left side into the breakfast bar---ouch! It's nice to know your dogs love you!! xx

by Deb

Thursday 08 Mar 17:17

Oh Marty what are you like I am sure you will soon settle you really do have a lovely family.Far better than a kennel.

by Chazat

Wednesday 07 Mar 20:47

Oh poor Marty, you feel as though they should be over the moon to be in a nice warm comfortable home but to them it is a major shock! My husband keeps saying that Lizzie must be feeling so lucky that she is living with us but she is still worried, pants are less frequent. she is happiest outside drinking water out of the bird bath rather than the fresh water in her bowl, inside... because i think that's what she's known- an outdoor life. They'll get there in the end with lots of love and time.

by kallie

Wednesday 07 Mar 16:22

oh bless the little man....he is bound to be a little confused as to what has happened to all he has known for so long, they all react differently and i am sure that he will soon find his 'forever' feet and bounce right back up where he should be. give him a big hug, i loved him so much and really wanted to take him home many a time but already having three big boys made this just not possible. good luck to you all and much love...Ina and the boys x

by Foggie

Wednesday 07 Mar 14:34

Marty was a bit subdued yesterday and seems rather depressed today. I think he is realising that the fun trip on Sunday is going to be a permanent arrangement and is feeling homesick for the kennels. He is fine with us and the other two greys but must be missing his friends, human and canine after so long with them. We keep talking to him and giving him lots of reassurance. At the moment he is stretched out, relaxed on his settee.

by Foggie

Tuesday 06 Mar 14:43

Marty is a real cuddle monster, at the moment he is snuggled up on the settee with Douglas. After a few hectic days he is just wanting to sleep, he keeps giving big, happy sighs. xx

by Donno

Tuesday 06 Mar 13:16

Well done my boy, so happy for you love the new name, be good lots of love & kisses. Glad I got to see you one last time xxxx

by sebby

Monday 05 Mar 13:25

Oh (M)Arty, have been following you on here since the perry barr show last year, when I meet u their. So happy for you, you deserve a trully wonderful retirement enjoy yourself you lovely regal boy xx

by LadyVictoria

Monday 05 Mar 13:14

It may have taken a while but it was certainly worth waiting for, what a lovely home (M)arty has found himself! Hope you will all be very happy. xxx

by Foggie

Monday 05 Mar 09:58

Well Ruth I can see why you shed tears on saying goodbye to (M)arty, after having him so long at the kennels. You have done a really good job with him, he is in superb condition and has a lovely temperment. He is interested in everything and I see what you mean about him being chatty--he likes a running commentary about what's going on. He settled into the house with no trouble (apart from a couple of little wees on the carpet through excitement) and all three have swapped and shared beds. As expected Maggie showed no reaction to the new addition while Misty told him off a couple of times but has also enjoyed playing with Marty this morning. He is immediately extremely lovable. Off to get the carpet shampooer out.... xxxx

by kallie

Sunday 04 Mar 19:05

I am crying with happiness at the wonderful news that beautiful Arty has finally found a home....just great. be good lovely boy and enjoy being loved and wanted. xxxx

by Foggie

Sunday 04 Mar 17:37

Somehow all three managed to find a place in the back of the rav so it was a quiet journey home. Arty (going to be known as Marty) is an absolute beauty, he is very black and seems bigger than he was at the kennels but my word is he smart-- he looks as if he's dressed in dinner jacket and white shirt. Talking of dinner he is extremely interested in the roast chicken and is helping to load up a piece with Maggie's medicine in it. Old lady Maggie was exhausted by the day's excitement so she stayed in with me and my broken foot while Marty and Misty went for a high speed walk--I can see us becoming ultra fit! With Marty being so tall his head is just at the right height for supervising everything done at the kitchen work surface. I can tell he is going to be a very helpful chap.

by Jess&Koda

Sunday 04 Mar 17:06

I'll miss u baby boy love u forever! Xx
Be good please keep in touch!xx have a wonderful retirement arty boy ! Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

by Deb

Sunday 04 Mar 16:55

what a handsome family and Arty surrounded by the new ladies in your life you are going to be a very happy boy. What a happy day for rehomings at day breaks.

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Sunday 04 Mar 16:11

Best news ever!! well done handsome fella! auntie ruth must be very happy! xxxxx

by Chazat

Sunday 04 Mar 15:50

How exciting, we were there to see you meet your new family. They were lovely!!! 2 girlfriends to fight over you too. Have a wonerful future Arty!

by AimeeJayne

Sunday 04 Mar 15:24

YAAAAAYYY!! Soooo happy for Arty!! Enjoy your new home lovely! <3 xxxxxxx

by BeckyB-F

Sunday 04 Mar 15:03

Amazing news xxxx soooo happy for you Arty xxxxx enjoy home life with your mommy, daddy and greyhound family xxxxx

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Sunday 04 Mar 14:57

Oh my goodness Arty you have got sisters, love the photo! big licks from Goldi and Ruby n hugs to the proud parents from there mum xxx

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Sunday 04 Mar 14:51

WOW, what amazing news, Arty you've got your very own sofa! Ruth you must be delighted. Good luck Arty in your new home, would that be with Maggie n Misty?

by mau&greys

Sunday 04 Mar 14:07

omg arty you have your for ever home well done but who is your new mummy? ruth who is it?

by Deb

Sunday 04 Mar 13:45

OMG just been for a walk with the lurcher and ARTY has been rehomed.Fantastic news I bet everyone down at Daybreaks is thrilled to bits.Well done Arty good things comre to those who wait.

by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 04 Mar 13:43

Crying with happiness :-)))))))))) love you Arty x

by Deb

Sunday 04 Mar 12:36

this boy is just great he is wonderful around the other greys and has been a perfect gentleman with his many kennel mates.He loves his walks and he has been at daybreaks far too long someone out there must have space for this true gent.

by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 02 Mar 18:45

Hi Foggie - Arty is an absolute sweetie - has got on with all his kennel mates (and he has seen many come and go) and he is so good with them. I am sure he would be fine it would be just Maggie and Misty accepting him into their family. I will always support and help you if you wanted to take him on trial..... just give me a call..... As for safe areas - there are very few unfortunately. I was lucky enough to be able to use someones rather large 'garden' to let Arty have a run... but other than that - I really don't know anywhere enclosed and safe to let them off lead sadly :-(

by Foggie

Friday 02 Mar 18:19

Hi, Ruth, we are wondering about Arty. We already have Maggie, 13 and 1/2 and had Misty, 5 and 1/2 from you just before christmas. Misty has settled in really well now so obviously don't want to upset the equilibrium but do you think Arty would like to join two girls? Also do you know of any safe enclosed areas whre we could let them off the lead, evrywhere round here is escapable from, we live in the top end of N Warwickshire.

by BeckyB-F

Thursday 01 Mar 18:18

I agree xx my lovely big black boy Sam is a gentle giant, not mad like my 2 girlies, gentle on the lead and soooo affectionate. If I'm feeling down I kneel down and he comes and puts his head on my shoulder and leans in to give me a cuddle. Give the big boys like Arty a chance. Even with 3 kids I wouldn't hesitate having a big gentle grey xxxx

by Lea,Sonny,Poppy-Obi

Wednesday 29 Feb 16:37

Ill certainly add to that my large male hound is far more gentle and laid back, our female hound is smaller and a complete loon ! ha ha, the bigger they are the more there is to love! go on folks let this handsome boy into your heart !xx

by Danny'smum

Tuesday 28 Feb 14:22

If i could afford 3 i would seriously consider this boy. I have to agree with previous comments, do not be put off by size. I have a BIG boy and he is the most loving, chilled and laid back dog i know! He can curl up into the smallest ball also. So much better behaved and loving than my little girl. I love the new photos of Arty especially the one of him looking into the camera.I really hope his forever home comes along soon.

by KerryElliman

Tuesday 28 Feb 12:46

lovely boy

by Jess&Koda

Monday 27 Feb 17:39

I agree fi+charlie+fly - he is amazing very playful a waggy tail all the time! And to top it off the has the cutest roman nose ever! you won't be sorry. love you arty, your my fave see you soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Monday 27 Feb 12:53

Its very difficult to understand why beautiful Arty hasnt been chosed yet! he is big, but incredibly handsome!! and playful and loving, its his turn for a home now guys! if you are thinking of going to meet him you wont be dissapointed! xxx

by BeckyB-F

Friday 24 Feb 11:47

A cuddle for you xxx you are such a gorgeous boy, so lovely and waggy everytime we meet you, I cannot understand why you are still there xxxx The new pic shows what a fab character you are xxxx

by Winniethepooh

Friday 24 Feb 09:42

I love the photo of Arty looking into the camera. I look at this website many times during the week and cannot belive Arty and the other black hounds haven't found a home yet.

Having three black greyhounds myself I am truly biased that they are so lovely and truly deserve a home to call their own.

by kallie

Friday 24 Feb 08:56

just look at his happy smiley face, it really makes me sad to see him in kennels still as he is such a lovely lad, go and spend some time with him and give him the chance of his own home, big hugs Arty you are beautiful xxxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Thursday 23 Feb 21:25

Arty is such a lovely boy! he is handsome, playful and so friendly!! Someone must want a handsome black addition to their family!? xxxxxxx

by LadyVictoria

Thursday 23 Feb 15:42

Lovely photos of Arty racing around, looks like they all had great fun! A sunny day

by Springy

Thursday 23 Feb 15:37

need a like button!! :-) what a treat for Arty ,a run in the sun just what he needed, love the new pic

by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 23 Feb 15:26

I have just taken Arty for a run (thank you to Sue Reynolds for borrowing someones enclosed field!) He had a great time and really enjoyed running with Sue's greyhound and deerhound and Maggie (my grey).

by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 21 Feb 13:39

Arty, you are far too beautiful to still be looking for a home. Hope someone falls for you soon. xxx

by Jess&Koda

Saturday 11 Feb 17:02

You and Lucy are my favourites at the moment, I always seem to fall in love with the greys that have been at the kennels the longest...mostly because I feel sorry for them. This boy is absolutely amazing.
I love you
See you soon xx

by BeckyB-F

Thursday 09 Feb 11:43

He has waited a long time, now Lucy and Doc have a home hopefully Arty will be soon xxxx

by Blackcat1

Wednesday 08 Feb 19:13

Has this handsome chap really been waiting a whole four months for a new home? Awwwww... And he has such a lovely smile and the cutest ears! Our black boy is so serene and I'd love to add this chap too - don't think the missus would be too pleased though. I have warned her that one day she will come home and there will be another grey ensconced! Heh heh heh.... Love me, love my dogs!

by emma_wilson

Wednesday 08 Feb 13:56

When we decided to get a greyhound my husband said he only likes the black ones-he thinks they look the smartest,and I must agree I love them too,do why do so many people over look them? Anyway they aren't all black most have cute little white bibs.dont over look this lovely black boy,if he is anything like ours he will b a valued addition to your family and a gentle giant

by crackercharlieX

Tuesday 07 Feb 19:55

O Polly, y does nobody want u? Polly is lovely n she's a little Polly pocket rocket. Hope she's noticed soon. X

by Jess&Koda

Monday 06 Feb 12:39

Well arty isn't a cat lover but oh well.. If I could have him I would....but I can't I'll see you Saturday hopefully
Love you xx

by Winniethepooh

Friday 03 Feb 12:32

So many lovely hounds but I am giving my cuddle today to Arty as he has been looking for a home for some time now.

by billy-pixie-fizz

Tuesday 31 Jan 10:39

I couldn't agree with you more. I wasn't going to make a comment,(read Mand's ealier as well) but I couldn't help myself. My black boy is so laid back, so different to my girls. He is a big gentle giant. So easy to look after, not keen on walks either. I would have ten of him, but would also end up in the divorce courts. These BOYS are so much easier than these pretty little girls.
Please don't over look the boys! Added bonus he dosen't even cock his xx

by medaftboutdogs

Monday 30 Jan 21:30

I have a beautiful gentle giant, Reubes, a black dog. He is my first grey and was such a lovely calm boy from the moment we met that I dashed back to Daybreaks and got myself a norty girl. I can honestly say he is my sweetest and bestest boy, much less work than Blossom. The black boys are the most loving of all and very little work. R sleeps like a log, is never up nor down and is very happy to only walk for 10 minutes thankyou!!! Go on give a boy a home (I'd have them all but the divorce papers were threatened when I snuck Blossom home). luv t

by Moffy

Sunday 29 Jan 13:18

Sending you my cuddle today, Gorgeous Boy! You are so friendly. xxx

by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Saturday 28 Jan 09:16

We've got a black girl and she's got a stunning coat. Ok she has a bald(ish) bum, but the rest of her is beautiful and glossy. It's so sad that you might be missing out on the most incredible dog, just because of their colour. Go and spend some time with our black beauties, you'll know if they're the dog for you (they'll let you know!) and don't be put off by the boys. I know it sounds funny, but after a while, you really don't see them as big. Our big boy is a lot less work than our petite girl and as I always say, there's also more of them to cuddle! Mand x

by DaybreaksRuth

Saturday 28 Jan 03:11

My heart breaks for Arty along with Shane, Stevie and Doc - our handsome black boys at Daybreaks. They are continuously overlooked because of their colour - yet they are all gentle boys. Please please look past their colour and come and visit them. All of them are clean in their kennel, quiet and love a cuddle x

by Jess&Koda

Wednesday 25 Jan 21:31

I gave arty a play and groom today
Love you xx

by BeckyB-F

Wednesday 25 Jan 19:58

Never mind Arty xxxx You are a handsome boy and a cat free home must be yours soon xxxxx

by rosierecorder

Thursday 12 Jan 20:19

Arty failed his cat test - we would have considered him if he hadn't as he was around at the same sort of time as our gorgeous Joey.

by claireacluck

Thursday 12 Jan 12:26

Hello handsome man xxx just gorgeous xx wonder how he is with cats? Xx

by kallie

Wednesday 11 Jan 19:59

i am at a loss why this wonderful lad is still at the kennels, he is such a great loving lad, so good to walk and so lovely to handle, i groomed him today and he lapped up the attention, please someone have a look at this handsome boy, he will not disappoint you ....

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Tuesday 10 Jan 12:50

Arty is another gorgeous black boy being overlooked, he is absolutely gorgeous, and full of character! xxxxx

by BeckyB-F

Monday 09 Jan 11:44

Met this very handsome lad a few times, suprised he hasn't got his forever home yet xxxx

by BeckyB-F

Friday 09 Dec 18:01

You have waited a while xxxx hope a home arrives soon xxxx You are such a handsome boy xxxx

by rosierecorder

Wednesday 30 Nov 22:11

Artie is a beautiful black boy - someone should give him a chance soon!

by sebby

Saturday 19 Nov 12:29

Cant believe you are still there after meeting you at the dog show. Such an elegant gentleman with a regal nose. Good luck, hope you find a great mommy & daddy soon x

by BeckyB-F

Monday 14 Nov 20:34

With such a handsome nose you should be chosen soon....of course you have to choose someone too xxxxx

by kallie

Sunday 13 Nov 15:28

Arty and i went for a long walk today and he is such a love, a beautiful big black hound who is loving and gentle, someone will be so lucky to have him xxxxx

by skinnyme

Friday 04 Nov 23:06

Yet another gorgeous friendly boy, a real gent.

by poppysmum

Tuesday 01 Nov 22:41

Arty seems to have been with us for ages, hope he gets a home soon, he is a lovely boy. xx

by thomas

Sunday 16 Oct 15:34

Big hugs Arty you were so good today at dog show xx Thank you for letting us take you there xx

by sebby

Sunday 16 Oct 13:37

Met you today at show, what a gentleman, hope you get a home really, really quickly, you were golden around my two xx

by kallie

Friday 07 Oct 19:04

loving beautiful and gentle and as always pulling on my heartstrings....he will be a wonderful boy to have in a home...xxxx

by lichfield_sam

Sunday 02 Oct 12:40

i dont think he would pass his cat test lol. last week he tried getting a lady's fluffy scarf and was eyeing it up all the way down the lane lol bless him xxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Saturday 01 Oct 07:22

Arty went in for his second dental yesterday and had another 7 teeth removed..... he has had a comfy night at ours and is chilling out on the window seat as we have our morning cuppa! He is soooo sweet....

by Donno

Wednesday 28 Sep 06:45

Oh well not a cat lover, never mind i'm sure there will be a forever family that wont mind because your still loveable. Arty gets my cuddle today.

by DaybreaksRuth

Monday 26 Sep 11:53

Sadly Artie did not pass his cat test :-(

by welovegreys

Sunday 25 Sep 20:25

Arty a honcho boy wonderful temperments and big smile ,you will make a loyal pet for some lucky family.:) xxx

by Donno

Saturday 17 Sep 07:29

Gorgeous,happy,friendley,loveable the list is endless would make a great member to any family. Be lucky my boy in finding your forever family and a great big sofa. x x x x x

by kallie

Thursday 15 Sep 19:09

stunnng boy...just gorgeous :-) xxxx

by BeckyB-F

Thursday 15 Sep 17:00

Wow sooo many races xxxx Ready for a happy retirement home xxxx

by BeckyB-F

Thursday 15 Sep 16:59

A very handsome nose for a very handsome boy xxxxx

by Tash'ntheGreys

Thursday 15 Sep 16:39

He's my Buddy's half brother, he looks the nose, very cute! x