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About Me

Racing Name
Fawn Gem
Date of birth
14 nov 2006
Land of birth
IE Ireland
Land of standing
IE Ireland
Ear mark
Torbal GemIE/UK-NOV-02-BD
Family tree & race history


female, 18 years old, Fawn

Added by LadyVictoria

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Gem has had 0 cuddles today (6 all together).
If you register or login, you can give her a cuddle too!


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by Ash

Sunday 26 Jul 20:57

Hi Ruth just to let you know i took the feeding bowl stand back today thanks for letting me borrow it for gem speak to you soon

by Ash

Thursday 23 Jul 19:51

hi ruth just thought i would let you know how gem is doing she is doing great here loving home life again had no problems apart from my small animals but she is geting better already. loves her walks and follows me all over the house . but would not live without her now .

by Ash

Thursday 23 Jul 08:54

she is a great little girl loves it out in the garden running up and down she loves home life already

by DaybreaksRuth

Wednesday 22 Jul 21:41

Thanks for giving this precious grey a wonderful home x She is very special to me.

by Ash

Wednesday 22 Jul 18:27

gem has settled in realy well loves to have cuddles by all the family she has nicked my bed a few times already aswell shes fine with all my animals witch is great she has realy found a home for ever now

by Ash

Monday 20 Jul 20:55

cant wait to get gem on wednesday so looking forward to having a dog round the house again its been so long since we had our last dog the first time i saw her i loved her and my nan did hope this will be her home forever

by Amy&Monty

Sunday 19 Jul 16:59

That's good news you've been reserved again so fast, you're a popular little girlie.
Hope this one is forever now xx

by kallie

Sunday 19 Jul 15:26

Gem, that's not taken long and hopefully this will be it for good. xxx

by Emma

Sunday 19 Jul 12:58

Oh you poor little mite - I bet you don't know whether you are coming or going. You definately deserve a cuddle...

by Willow&Ann

Sunday 19 Jul 12:32

Oh dear, I'm so sorry that it hasn't worked out for you this time Gem, but worry not your very special forever home is out there and I don't think it will take Aunty Ruth & Co very long to find it for you. Big hugs! Willow

by kallie

Saturday 04 Jul 20:11

Gem, you'll have the life of a princess with your new mummy and daddy and you'll never be not wanted ever again. i am so happy for you little girl and give your brother Monty a big love from me. Ina xxxx

by Chloee

Wednesday 04 Mar 19:08

Everyone from the kennels good luck to her and well done.
Im so pleased for her.

by Chloee

Sunday 01 Mar 15:47

Thats great news =]

by DaybreaksRuth

Saturday 28 Feb 17:28

Doing really well. Hope to have the last dressing tomorrow! Gem is off to her new home next Wednesday :-)

by Chloee

Saturday 28 Feb 13:51

Hows Gem's foot healing?

by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 15 Feb 15:16

Hi Chloe, Gem cut her foot tearing around the run with her toys! She is at my house until her foot is better and then she is off to a lovely new home very soon

by ChloeBiggs

Friday 13 Feb 20:30

How did Gem do this to her foot?
I hope she gets a well deserved home, she is a lovely playful girl, she used to live at the kennels i worked at you see.

by Missy

Friday 13 Feb 08:44

How is Gem doing now Ruth? Bless her, She is a fantastic dog.

by DaybreaksRuth

Wednesday 11 Feb 12:52

I cut all my foot open so I am stopping at Ruth's house until I am better. I am now house trained and I know what 'No' means as I don't try to snatch food anymore and can wait patiently until it is my turn for a treat. I think I would like to live with another dog as I don't like being left on my own. I am happy to sleep through the night.... and most of the day as well!!!!

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