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About Me

Racing Name
Slaneyside Erin
Date of birth
12 sep 2008
Land of birth
IE Ireland
Ear mark
Bark Inn Kennels


female, 16 years old, Black

Added by LadyVictoria

Updated: Saturday 06 Jan

Leona has had 0 cuddles today (35 all together).
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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 08 Nov 22:59

God Bless Leona, thinking of her family. Xxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 08 Nov 10:34

It is very strange but yesterday I felt the need to phone the owners who adopted Leona, just to check how she was. She was homed in February 2012 so I hoped her owner would understand a call out of the blue.

It was so sad to hear that only that morning she had been rushed into the vets as she hadn't been well recently and I had a call late yesterday evening to tell me they had had to let her go.

My thoughts are with her wonderful family who gave her a fabulous 4 years in a home and I know this little greyhound angel will always be near xxxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 12 Mar 13:47

Great to hear how happy she is. xxx

by Leonasmum

Thursday 08 Mar 08:33

Leona is doing so well, she has a very lovely and gentle nature although she can get a bit rough with her teddies, she seems to have taught them to fly.
She eats well and has started her new flavor food today.

by Leonasmum

Friday 10 Feb 15:35

Leona came on Sunday, 5 days of sheer bliss for us! she is a real pleasure to have around. I was surprised that she settled down so quickly. Christine, Grace and Dritan all love her to bits.

by SharonMolly&Reggie

Tuesday 07 Feb 16:12

Good luck beautiful girl xx

by LadyVictoria

Monday 06 Feb 13:08

Hope all works out well for the lovely Leona. xxx

by spencer68

Sunday 05 Feb 21:24

good luck with your new family leona. xxx

by BeckyB-F

Sunday 05 Feb 15:54

Good news for Leona xxxx Hope she settles quickly xxxx

by Deb

Sunday 05 Feb 15:02

So pleased for Leona hopefully she will settle into her new home.Glad she didnt have to wait too long after being in a home. hopefully a positive outcome for everyone.

by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 03 Feb 21:35

I would like to thank people for their comments as everyone is entitled to an opinion (good or bad). Our best interests are for Leona in finding a new home and us helping to support her family who are having to return her. I think this matter should now be brought to an end. With many thanks. Ruth

by sarah

Friday 03 Feb 21:33

I always hate to see a grey returned - however thank goodness you are back Leona ! Lets all keep our fingers crossed that a loving home is round the corner for you x x We have adopted three greys fom Daybreaks and continue to be truly humbled by the work all those involved do ESPECIALLY Ruth who is the most kind and caring lady I have ever met. When we needed support she was always available together with her amazing team of volunteers who all give 100% at ALL times. We adopted our gorgeous hounds, we didn't buy them by the way and they came from a charity not a retail outlet ! "Donotbuyfromhere" it seems you are in a minority of one and i totally disagree with your ridiculous comment. But I am heartened to hear that you will not "buy" from here again !!!!!

by Barkinnkennels

Friday 03 Feb 21:22

I am disgusted by the comment DONOTBUYFROMHERE and will be glad when Leona has been returned.Ruth and the rest of the team are the most loveliest people you will meet who are passionate about there greyhounds.Why would you ask for your donation to be returned as surely you would want them to help all the other greys looking for a home as this money goes back in to looking after there needs.Please dont let this upset you Ruth you are a wonderful person and always happy to help anyone keep up the good work hun x x

by Bartleygreen,crew

Friday 03 Feb 21:07

me myself and my gang think ppl should think long and hard about taking on a dog of any breed with young children cause it is a big take on WE do not live in a throw away world a dog is for life unless there is a Very good resone that it need rehoming u have to train kids as well as the dog i have 4 greys and a bullmasstive cross irish wolfhound puppy of 5 months old no i dont have kids my self but i have friends that do that come round every day to see us and the youngest is 1 on she has learnt to be calm around them all and on there other thing is ruth has all been at the of the phone for us when we needed her and if she could not help then she would know someone who could

by cinders

Friday 03 Feb 21:06

I'm writing on behalf of my wife who writes under this username. I have not submitted a comment here before, but I was so appalled by the remarks made by the charmingly named "Donotbuyfromhere" that I felt that I had to respond. We have two beautiful greyound girls who we have adopted from Daybreaks in the last year: we have always found the help and advice offered by Ruth and co absolutely wonderful, and the dogs have added to our lives immeasurably. Our two girls are adored and will always play a part in our lives, however our lives change in the next few years. What sets us apart from Dontbuyfromhere and her family, however, is that we do not consider ourselves "customers", do not see ourselves as having "bought" the dogs and, most importantly, want to give our dogs as much love as anything else in our lives. I would imagine this is an attitude shared by many of the owners who read this site, and I would add that I am hugely relieved that Leona now has the chance to find more suitable owners in the future.

by Emma

Friday 03 Feb 20:20

I was under the impression that these greyhounds were offered for adoption in return for a modest donation. What a sorry state it has come to when people commodotize a living creature, and one which was specifically 'marketed' (if we must continue to adhere to such economic language) as a pet. A round of applause to DONOTBUYFROMHERE for making a terrible situation so much worse for EVERYONE involved. Good luck Leona x

by Lauramc

Friday 03 Feb 19:40

Bought? Customers? Refunds? Quality items? Are we talking about sofas or living creatures here? I'm not in any way questioning 'claireacluck's response, I believe any parent concerned about their child's welfare would make the same impulse decision. I do however also know that Ruth, and all the volunteers at the kennels, no matter how disappointed they would be to hear that news, would offer support and advice. Ruth, also has the opportunity to review any comment posted on this board and has, quite fairly put both sides of the argument and different opinions on here for all to see. However, 'donotbuyfromhere' has not been as fair and should really consider the impact of their comment on people who work hard for free to help rehome these wonderful dogs. Good luck Leona in finding a new home. xx

by Winniethepooh

Friday 03 Feb 19:39

I`m deeply upset by the comment "I would never buy from here again because of the lack of quality", our beautiful greyhounds are not commodities, they are sensitive, loving creatures, and I don`t believe any of us would see ourselves as customers. We have 3 greys from Daybreaks and they have ALWAYS provided us with support and we should consider ourselves lucky that we have Ruth and the rest of the team who work tirelessly to rehome such wonderful dogs. I totally agree that no one should be put off by any negative comments, two of our greys were more challenging when we first had them but concentrating on our behaviour and actions towards them we now have three perfectly behaved well balanced greys full of life and character.

by Tash'ntheGreys

Friday 03 Feb 19:39

I'm pleased the decision was made to return Leona...

by crackercharlieX

Friday 03 Feb 19:34

The comments made by 'donotbuyfromhere' have really angered n disgusted me. I'm so glad leona is comin back to the kennels cus that way she will hopefully find a new, lovin home with people who do not regard her as a 'refundable' item! I'm sorry but I feel saddened that there r people out there that feel this way about such amazing, lovin, loyal companions.

by kallie

Friday 03 Feb 18:47

this saddens me so much, we all try hard to help everyone who has adopted a dog and will do our utmost to make sure that any issues are resolved. to be told that we have no customer care is just a poke in all our eyes. Ruth has a wealth of information and knowledge and will always try and help and if she cannot help herself then she will find someone who can.....the comment from 'donotbuyfrom there' is very unfair, when you adopt a dog from the RSPCA or from any other re-homing centre you also do not get any refunds, the dogs are not an article you can just return because they are 'faulty' a volunteer and someone who has adopted three hounds from the trust myself i am very upset about all of this...hopefully Leona will find her home and nobody will be put off by the scathing comments...:-(

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Friday 03 Feb 18:17

I have been a volunteer at daybreaks for almost 2 years now, and i have never heard a hound described as ive just read here! A dog is not something you buy from a super market, and a dog from daybreaks isnt bought, it is adopted, and you make a donation which goes to help the next one find his her home and to enrich the lives of the dogs at the kennels, i have been in the office with ruth and heard many conversations, and myself have taken phone calls and offered support and advice where people want to work through problems. If people dont want to ask for advice or take it it does not mean that the advice and aftercare is not there. Ruth and all of the volunteers at Daybreaks take pride in finding the right family for the right dog, and always have the best interests of all concerned at heart! Ruth helped me and many others through various settling periods to help our hounds settle into what is a very unfamiliar way of life and i for one welcomed the advice and support i was offered and never felt like any question was a silly one. Please do not be put of by any negative comments!! Im sorry it didnt work out for Leona, the right home is out there for you little girl, and we will find it. xxxx

by claireacluck

Friday 03 Feb 18:16

I have made the decision that just had to be made my 21 month old son has to be put first and I'm making the right choice for him .....

by BeckyB-F

Friday 03 Feb 17:51

Ruth and the volunteers have nothing but the best interests of the greys and their adoptive families at heart. When a grey is rehomed they want it to be a happy and successful union....forever. They offer a wealth of experience and support. (we have homed 3 greys from daybreaks and fostered 2 and have nothing but admiration for the people who strive so hard to help the beautiful greys) As for a refund.....would you expect a refund on any other member of a family eg a child who may be having some problems adjusting to a very different way of life, remember that going into a home is a huge change to living in kennels ?? These volunteers give their time for FREE to help rehome the greys and give their time for FREE to offer help and support. The money paid for these dogs goes back into rehoming them and providing shelter, food, care and profit is made or salaries paid ! Remember that Leona will cost the trust money again.

by claireacluck

Friday 03 Feb 17:28

I'm sorry. But my son is my main concern Lola is lovely and we have bonded but I think she needs a family with NO young children Ruth in sorry

by claireacluck

Friday 03 Feb 17:24

I didn't feel that Ruth understood where I was coming from this morning .... I do feel it could of been handled better I'm very upset about having to give Lola back but oscars comes first . I love Lola to pieces but my Oscar is my main priority

by spencer68

Friday 03 Feb 16:57

This is a very upsetting comment from who ever this person is, this is a greyhound not a piece of clothing that you were not happy with and wish for a REFUND! when you buy a dog from any charity or trust you do not get a refund it is a charity ! The job that ruth and all the volunteers at daybreaks do for these dogs is endless and dedication is priorty. As with all rehoming of dogs you can only give the best advice it is up to the new owners to take adhere to that advice. I am sure that leona will make a wondfull addition to any new family. please do not be put off by one very negative comment. xx

by Alfie'smum

Friday 03 Feb 16:42

I am Alfie's new mum and was in the office at the time that Ruth took the call from Leona's mum this morning. I was quite shocked when I read the statement made below by donotbuyfromhere as I did not hear an offensive tone and Ruth was nothing but trying to be supportive.
Ruth helped me so much when I committed to fostering Alfie and has continued to give me much support and advice which I have appreciated and have taken on board. I believe dogs are a big committment and any issues should try to be worked with.

by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 03 Feb 16:31

I am very upset to read 'donotbuyfromhere's' comment. I took the call from Claire this morning and was very concerned to hear there were problems. I therefore offered support and advice from Heather, a volunteer who is an 'expert' at helping with children and dogs. Sadly the help was declined.

On homing Leona two weeks ago, I mentioned my concerns about homing a greyhound with young children because of recent issues and therefore agreed on a trial to start with. On speaking to Claire, throughout the week by telephone and email, it was agreed that as things were going so well, Claire would like to permanently adopt Leona.

I went out with the home checker to visit Leona in her new home last Saturday to ensure that things were going well, which were again confirmed by Claire.

I am therefore saddened to read the comments that we appear to not have any concern. I am equally upset that Leona is so easily returnable when help is available and issues can be resolved. I am ALWAYS here to help anyone who wants help, as is all the team of volunteers.

by Moffy

Friday 03 Feb 15:51

So sorry to see this news. You have to decide what is right for your family but I would just like to say for anyone else reading I took fantastic advice from Heather Hawkins (amongst other people), about Greys with children,when I first had Katy and this helped us work through some difficulties. Good luck

by claireacluck

Friday 03 Feb 15:51

Yea she is good with cats and older children she is just not good with younger children

by donotbuyfromhere

Friday 03 Feb 15:42

Ok, I personally advise people NOT to buy a dog from here because of the standard of customer service. My mother has bought Leona. She has wanted to return her as she is concerned about Oscar. My mother rang up and told them she was returning Leona and the person who answered was mean, nasty and generally unpleasant. After I heard about this I also found out about no refunds. I am appalled at this as I would have thought that, as this being a TRUST, that they would at least have some concern for their customers. Evidently Not. Me and my family will never buy from here again because of the lack of quality.

by claireacluck

Friday 03 Feb 14:11

My Oscar was sat watching tv and I was sat next to him he did nothing and Lola/Leona kept nipping at him it's not the first time .... My sons safety is paramount and the last thing I want is for the dog to really bite and hurt him it's not good that now he is scared of her ... I'm doing what is right for my son and nobody can blame me ... The dog is fine with older children .... Good luck Lola/Leona

by kallie

Friday 03 Feb 13:59

so very sad and i shall not say what i really want to say in case i shall offend, hope she will find a new home soon, she is a gorgeous little girl and she is good with cats therefore she will be very desirable for sure. big hug to a lovely girl. xxx

by LadyVictoria

Friday 03 Feb 13:05

So sorry to hear Leona is being returned. xxx

by BeckyB-F

Friday 03 Feb 11:27

Poor Leona, these things usually have a cause and can be avoided xxx Its a shame, having read how well she had settled that the family can't work through it. I understand that when a child is injured that you react to protect them, but if the cause is avoidable then it could be prevented in the future. I have 3 kids, 4 dogs (3 greys) and 4 cats, and my children know not to pester the dogs, not to approach them in their own spaces eg on their beds (let sleeping dogs lie) and they never feed them, and we have never had a problem. The children and dogs respect each other and adore each other. Eg the dogs will come for cuddles when they want to be fussed, and they never pester or expect food etc from the kids. If we can be of any help, please let us know xxxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 03 Feb 10:27

Leona is being returned to the kennels tomorrow. She has nipped at Oscar the youngster in the house. I have offered advice and support but sadly this has been declined.

by claireacluck

Sunday 29 Jan 20:31

Thank you for bringing me and Lola together .... She is my princess and love her to pieces x x x

by DaybreaksRuth

Saturday 28 Jan 18:49

I went out to visit Lola in her new home today and finalise the paperwork. She has settled in brilliantly with the children and cat! Her coat looks shiny and she is eating well. So pleased - thanks Claire for giving her a lovely new home.

by LadyVictoria

Thursday 26 Jan 13:34

Great news to hear she is loving her new life with you. xxx

by claireacluck

Thursday 26 Jan 10:09

Lola is doing ever so well xxxxx we all love her to bits .... she has fit in so well with my family xxxxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Monday 23 Jan 20:47

Hi Ilovefoxy! Leona (now Lola) is on trial but so far things are going great with the cats and children! I will be popping out to see her in her home on Saturday to finalise the paperwork :-)

by Jess&Koda

Monday 23 Jan 20:21

Is Leona on trial or has she been adopted yet?

by claireacluck

Friday 20 Jan 08:02

One more day sweetie and I will be there to collect you .... I got sum nice things and me and boys have lots and lots of love to give you xxxxxxxx

by claireacluck

Wednesday 18 Jan 06:28

I passed the home check sweetie ..... Not long and I will come and collect u ..... Will be there for u Saturday xxxxxx

by claireacluck

Tuesday 17 Jan 11:35

Morning sweetie .... Not long just waiting for my home check then I can bring u home xxxx

by claireacluck

Monday 16 Jan 20:00

Can't wait to bring u home gorgeous girl xxxx

by Jess&Koda

Monday 16 Jan 16:54

I guess Leona passed her cat test

by BeckyB-F

Monday 16 Jan 14:45

Well done Leona and enjoy your new home xxxxx

by claireacluck

Monday 16 Jan 13:04

Well done sweetheart xxx

by claireacluck

Monday 16 Jan 08:25

I got my fingers crossed that u pass ur cat test. Xxxx

by Jess&Koda

Sunday 15 Jan 17:23

please pass your cat test!!!!

by claireacluck

Sunday 15 Jan 11:41

Good morning sweetie xx

by claireacluck

Saturday 14 Jan 18:48

hello leona i came to see you today and i thought you was just hope u pass ur cat test cuz then ur reserved for me and my family..xx u are a diamond and i so hope u join myself and my boys xxxx

by Jess&Koda

Sunday 01 Jan 15:36

I gave this little girl a groom On Saturday. She's so lovely :-D

by Barkinnkennels

Friday 23 Dec 12:31

Merry Christmas Leona hope you like your toy.We all miss you at Bark Inn and cant wait for you to find your forever home lots of love x x x

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Tuesday 20 Dec 20:03

oh another lovely girl, so so tempted, need to work on dad! smuggley hugs x

by Jess&Koda

Tuesday 20 Dec 19:05

this little girl is so lovely saw her for the first time.... i wonder why she was named leona???