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About Me

Racing Name
Heathmill Oyster
Date of birth
01 may 2010
Land of birth
UK United Kingdom
Land of standing
UK United Kingdom
Ear mark
Mr Paul Meek
Family tree & race history


female, 14 years old, Black

Added by Lewisfuggie

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Dora has had 0 cuddles today (8 all together).
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by shanishoo

Friday 28 Feb 07:42

So very sorry for your loss xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 27 Feb 23:04

Very sad news, thinking of you. God Bless your special girl. Xxx

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by Thethirdronnie

Thursday 27 Feb 22:42

Sending love. Xx

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by Doraqueen

Thursday 27 Feb 21:52

Hey Sam this is shannan hillman-siviter who adopted Dora from you guys I am sorry to inform you that dora has passed away

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by LoveDora

Sunday 18 Dec 02:00

Hi Sam, we are nearly neighbours we will have to meet up one day at Swan Pool. I will be giving the training a go in the new year. Hope you are you family have a wonderful christmas & I look forward to seeing you in the new year. God bless

by SamA

Friday 16 Dec 20:36

Hi Diane. Don't got to the training - work in Nottingham so can't easily to get to stuff on a week night! We are on Newton road so not far from you. If you ever walk round Swan pool we are always there at weekends around 3 as its dark at 4. Sally's training is great so would definately give it a go I went a few times to the other one.

by LoveDora

Friday 16 Dec 15:28

Thanks for the info Sam, I used to live just round the corner to Collingwood Drive, many years ago I now live in Stone Cross, West Bromwich, just up the the Newton Road. So Collingwood Drive would be the closest for me to attned. Do you go to Thursday training?


by SamA

Thursday 15 Dec 19:29

And meant to say - she usually has a break dureing school holidays, but am sure if you text Sally she will let you know when they are back on again - Sam

by SamA

Thursday 15 Dec 19:28

Hi Diane - Sally runs the great barr training - if you go to the home page the training links are at the top, the monday one is Sally's - her number is on there along with a link to her racing tails website. The great barr one is on Thursdays for all breeds - the link is -
if you are in Great Barr we are as well, so nice to know another perry barr re-home is near. Hope that helps

by LoveDora

Thursday 15 Dec 13:13

Hi J thank you for such brilliant advice, I had been thinking of a stair gate for the gates but I had not thought of one for dealing with the food issue. She does wait for her own food & she will sit next to someone on the same sofa & not try to take it is just if someone mores towards her & the person that is eating. So she is not all bad but I can see what you mean about her thinking that she only has to bark & people will move out of her way.

I have been trying to find out if the training sessions are still held at Collingwood Drive, Great Barr as stated on the web site.

Diane, Chris Shannan & Dora wish everyone a very merry christmas & wonderful new year. God bless you all. xxxxx

by tiggersslave

Wednesday 14 Dec 10:28

Hi Re food ... if you've got a child gate put her out of the room when you eat so she can see you but can't be so rude LOL I wouldn't put her out and shut a solid door on her as that would be punishment .. I'd suggest you set yourself up to be successful and manage the situation so there's no confrontation and things don't escalate. Food is a huge 'resource' and some dogs can be very protective of food so you need to stop this asap ...before anyone is eating encourage her out of the room with a nice treat (so you can praise her for doing as you ask) then shut the childgate ..when food is taken into the room make sure she doesn't follow you but don't make any contact with her, look at her etc etc Ignore her barking whilst you're eating and it should improve ... check her weight to make sure she's not dropped weight coming into her new home and maybe increase her food by a third (an extra feed rather than big feeds) and maybe add a little pasta to make her feel full. Come to one of the training classes as we all teach food refusal and encourage her to wait till she's given her food(tho don't make that a teasing exercise). If she barks and the perosn moves away she will probably think that every time she wants someone to move she just needs to bark .. and you don't want to encourage that ... J x

by LoveDora

Wednesday 14 Dec 09:10

Dear Foggie, thank you for the suggestion of puppy nappies down, we have done this & she is using them. Great suggestion.

Dora is doing well, the cat did finally come back & appears no worse for the incident. We have established that the growling is due to her being focused on food, I'm open to suggestions. It's when we are eating in the lounge, if someone appears to come between Dora & the person eating she growls & barks.

by Foggie

Wednesday 07 Dec 10:14

Have you tried putting puppy nappies down for Dora? We have to use them for our 13yr old grey as she has a chronic kidney problem (on medication) which means she drinks a lot and wees a lot-- outside whenever possible--or on the nappies, with a plastic sheet underneath, if we have to leave her for any length of time.

by LoveDora

Thursday 01 Dec 10:33

Sorry it has been a while. We have had Dora at homea week & half now, she is wonderful, we are having a few problems with the cats but nothing najor, I spoke to soon before, she has wet her bed but it has been when I have left her a little too long as she is dry & clean through the night. She is brilliant with Shannan, treats & toys. She is loving running round the garden. We are so glad we had her & although there is still things to be learnt we are willing to go the whole hog with her she is our angel.

by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 22 Nov 05:12

I am so happy to hear about Dora - and I am so pleased to hear you are helping her to settle into her new life with such support. Great news that she hasn't wet her bed as I warned you she might - she used to do it every day after Tink her sister and kennel mate was rehomed :-(

We are always here for you so if you need to, please pick up the phone. Hope your cold gets better soon and I am sure you will be up at the kennels with Dora, looking after us all again! xxxx

by LoveDora

Tuesday 22 Nov 03:03

Hello to all, meant to give you an update on Dora sooner than this but a cold caught hold of me & I have been really tierd.

Dora is wonderfull in the car within moments she has settled & lay down with her head on my daughter's leg. We took her straight into the back garden before going in the house & she relieved herself straight away. Next took her in the house and she had a good explore as the little explorer would, lol. Next sorted out her tea, she ate most of it but left a liottle that she kept going back to 4 more. We sat in the lounge with her with her muzzle & lead on to easy her into meeting the cats. At one point she was lay on her bed in front the fireplace & the 2 cats were in the room with her & she was fine till they moved & she would then try to charge at them, she would also go upto the older cat to sniff her & at one point licked her nose with no problem then on another walk by Dora opened her mouth & looked asthoughshe would have tried to take a gingerly bite at the cats fur, cat took no notice. I feel lots of work is required her, but I'm not going to give up. She was really bril;lliant through the night we took her out about 10ish & she did not ask again till 2ish where I took her out & she was really good. Came back in ^ she settled downstairs on the sofa with her legs in the air, which is the way my partner found her in the morning. The was no mess & no wet bed Ruth.

Love to all Diane,Chris, Shannan & Dora & cats xx

by LoveDora

Thursday 17 Nov 11:56

Hi Suejo, I really really cor wait, worried little as I have not heard from Lin, lady that was going to do home visit, just hope everything is ok. Will be calling in again today to see Dora & maybe take her for a walk. My son is coming to see her & have a look round. Ireally do hope everything is ok.

by suejo

Wednesday 16 Nov 13:52

Hi LoveDora, we took Dora out for a walk with Tink, Molly (Dora's half sister) and Truffle, our other grey, last week, and she was as good as gold. She has a paintbrush tail like Molly and will be a wonderful addition to your home. Bet you can't wait!! xx

by Suziela

Wednesday 16 Nov 12:50

Good luck to my lovely sister Dora, lots of love and licks from Tinkxxxx

by LoveDora

Tuesday 15 Nov 23:51

It was great fun being at the kennels today. I got to help out making teas and coffees but most of all I got to spend some time sitting with you, to enable us to get to know each other a bit more. Nite nite my love

by kallie

Sunday 13 Nov 15:19

Dora will be loved to bits by her new family, they came backt today just so they could spend time with her, so happy for her :-) xxx

by Lorraine

Saturday 12 Nov 20:25

aww well done Dora, good luck in your new home xxx

by LoveDora

Saturday 12 Nov 19:09

I loved meeting & walking Dora today & can't wait to take her home. There is a big settee waiting her for you my girl.

by BeckyB-F

Saturday 12 Nov 18:43

Really happy for you Dora, we met you and you were such a friendly girl xxxxx

by Lorraine

Saturday 12 Nov 08:47

I do hope Ruby doesn't mind but I've given my cuddle to baby Dora today (will make up for the cuddles tomorrow when I pick her up :-)) Dora looks such a sweetie and so much like my beautiful Penny who (if I've worked it out right) was her great auntie x

by Jess&Koda

Thursday 10 Nov 17:05

Are she only a ba ba

by BeckyB-F

Thursday 10 Nov 16:33

Hello Dora, just a baby xxxxxx