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About Me

Racing Name
Gambling Folly
Date of birth
12 oct 2009
Ear mark


male, 15 years old, Black

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Friday 05 Jan

Alfie is very nervous his trainer tells us. He is affectionate and easy to handle with those he knows but he is impossible to catch when loose. He is a quiet kenneller, he likes to be with a female greyhound and will grow very attached to her.

Alfie has had 0 cuddles today (89 all together).
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by Thethirdronnie

Friday 01 Apr 20:58

So so sorry, keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Xxx

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by Jess&Koda

Friday 01 Apr 18:40

Oh Laura, I'm so sad to hear this. I will miss seeing you walk by in the park.

He will be with Sara now and back with little Bambi , thinking if you lots xxx

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by shanishoo

Friday 01 Apr 15:55

So very sorry that you have lost your beautiful boy, sending you our love xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 01 Apr 14:40

Laura, I am so very sad to hear you have lost your beloved Alfie. Xxx He was a super lad and you gave him a super home. God Bless Alfie Xxx Thinking of you all. Lots of love Kate, Skip, Lyra and Cracker. Xxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 01 Apr 08:48

Absolutely devastated to hear of the sudden unexpected passing of Alfie.
This is a boy I’ll never forget. A very nervous boy who came in.

The day he was neutered, he was taken home by one of my volunteers, who later called me to say he had jumped out the car when he opened the boot!

We spent hours and hours searching for him…. He was spotted running down the middle of Damson Lane darting in and out of rush hour traffic and I eventually found him curled up in a garden. He was subsequently adopted by one of my work experience volunteers.

He has had the most amazing life and I only saw him a few weeks ago and he seemed so bright.
My thoughts are with Laura. Run free fella. Your star will always shine bright. XxX

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by crackercharlieX

Tuesday 10 Apr 19:36

Thought I'd giv u an update on how alfies gettin on. Well he is doin fantastic, gettin more confident everytime I c him. He comes too the kennels every Friday with his mom Laura n loves all the doggy company. He comes up n says hello too the people he knows now especially if there is a treat goin n me n my 2 dogs walk home with him n his mom from the kennels. Last Friday alfie was lovin seeing my two run around elmdon park so I suggested he might want too hav a run aswel. Laura really wanted too let him of but was understandably nervous but I persuaded her to go across the field with treats in hand n I let him go. He ran at full speed too his mommy n it was so lovely to see n then I called him back to me, he came closely followed by my Charlie chasing him n barking his head off lol. Well neither alfie or Charlie seem to hav mastered the stop n so ran at 30 plus mph straight into my legs knocking me to the ground n it was bloody painful n I'm still feelin it now 5 days on, how they didn't break my legs I don't kno but they were fine n it was all worth to see him havin fun n waging his tail. He had a few more races with Charlie n said hello to a few other dogs n then walked lovely off lead by his mommys side. He is really turning it to a fab, more relaxed boy thanx to the love of Laura n her partner n he's even starting to show his cheeky side at home. ps - I think Ruth is really great!

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by Aimee

Monday 26 Mar 20:33

welldone my beautiful little man :). hope you bring as much joy to your new home as you did to me at the kennels! good luck. hope you enjoy your retired life xxxx

by nutellajar

Sunday 25 Mar 19:54

aww looks like a real sweetie. i can c y sum1 has already taken him. i bet they care 4 him very well. i hope he has settled in very nicely. still quite young 2! xxxxx

by Deb

Friday 23 Mar 22:02

This is wonderful news shows there is a home out there for every dog.

by doonie

Friday 23 Mar 18:37

has alfie got apermanent home at long last?.hope so.xxxxx

by hilaryu

Friday 23 Mar 16:01

well done my lovely lad

by LadyVictoria

Friday 23 Mar 13:34

Great to see "REHOMED" above beautiful Alfie's picture! xxx

by BeckyB-F

Friday 23 Mar 13:23

You are all official xxxx congratulations xxxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Wednesday 14 Mar 20:58

How is alfie doing? is he likely to become a permanent fixture? xxxxx

by crackercharlieX

Friday 24 Feb 18:35

Alfie is doin amazingly. Laura who is fostering/ keeping him is doin a fab job with him. She brings him to the kennels when she comes to the kennels on fridays n week by week he's gettin more n more brave n confident. He's now comin to people he knows for fuss n treats n wags his tail. It's great t c how well he's doin. You can c how much he is now loved n hopefully it won't b long b4 the 'homed' sign is up. I luv this big softy. X

by BeckyB-F

Friday 24 Feb 11:49

Hope Alfie is still doing well xxxx

by Jess&Koda

Saturday 11 Feb 17:07

I hope to see a 'rehomed ' sign soon
Finger s crossed

by Aimee

Tuesday 31 Jan 19:14

So happy to here he is settling in well in his new foster home. When he forms a bond with someone its amasing watching him grow in confidence, well its with any grey, when they form that close bond with you! Give him lots of cuddles and scratches behind the ear off me :) Miss you boy, always in my thoughts xxx

by rosierecorder

Saturday 28 Jan 09:48

I am so glad to hear it is going well for Alfie! Well done lovely dog xx

by poppysmum

Saturday 28 Jan 09:20

Awwww I am so pleased to hear Alfie is doing well, I hope Laura can keep him permanently, lots of love Alfie. xxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Saturday 28 Jan 05:06

It is great news that Alfie is settling in well and Laura who has taken him on is hoping to adopt him officially very soon. He really is coming out of his shell now and enjoyed a day visiting the kennels whilst Laura volunteered.

by rosierecorder

Monday 23 Jan 20:52

How is Alfie doing?! Will we soon see a reserved sign? Xxxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Saturday 21 Jan 20:45

I hope alfie is settling well in his foster home xxxxxxxx

by rosierecorder

Saturday 21 Jan 17:20

I really hope everything goes OK for you Alfie and you can have your forever home soon! We loved you today and I think even hubby was beginning to be won over! Just waiting now for the right dog to come along!

by PoppyJak

Tuesday 17 Jan 21:53

Wow, Alfie looks a really stunning lad and i'm sure in the right hands he will settle down and become a fantastic family dog. He's obviously a 'leaner' judging from his pictures!

by Danni

Friday 13 Jan 17:47

Alfie is my favourite, iv begged my mom since the day he came in to let me have him :(
i love how hes coming along and even barking now.
hes beautifulll <3

by Jess&Koda

Monday 02 Jan 18:39

alfie has come on so well he now wags his tail when you say his name but as soon as you go to take him out BANG! he goes back into the corner. dont worry alfie you'll get there someday soon!

by furryfriends

Saturday 31 Dec 12:00

we saw alfie thursday wow what a dog eyes to die for great dog hang on in there as arnie said we will be back !!!! see you soon

by bibibaby

Friday 23 Dec 08:18

I can't stand it... look at those eyes. I keep on looking at him and bursting into tears. Can't afford him at the moment and I soooooo want him. My two were just like him and now they're brilliant. OMG why can't I win the bloomin' lottery?!

by Jess&Koda

Wednesday 21 Dec 22:15

hows alfie hope he is slowly gaining confidence.....

by zalthered

Monday 05 Dec 22:21

Alfie is staying with us at the moment. When you're not watching him he'll come out of his bed & into the lounge. You have to let him come to you, if you move towards him he will go back into his bed. When Aimee was here for the night he was very confident with her. They obviously have got a bond & Alfie felt a lot happier when he was around her.He's still very nervous though & he needs to be in a home where they give him lots of TLC & lots & lots of patience. It'll take a long time but I know it'll be worth it in the end & then Alfie can really relax & enjoy his retirement.

by Aimee

Monday 05 Dec 17:11

Just wondered how my little mans getting along? Hope all is well, no news is good news! xxxx

by BeckyB-F

Tuesday 29 Nov 20:26

Cuddles to Alfie who especially needs a place to call home and feel safe and secure xxxx

by poppysmum

Monday 28 Nov 17:08

So pleased to see Alfie is doing a bit better, and coming out of his shell a little, there is less fear in his eyes now. xox

by Aimee

Monday 28 Nov 11:45

still thinking of you alfie, hope your doing ok boy! He took his time to come out of his shell with us but he soon did, his very affectionate when he trusts you and he likes to be close to you to make him feel secure :), he gets very excited aswell when he see's you so them shakes soon turn to wagging tails and barking, he'll get there in the end with everyone helping him! If not i'm going to sneek him in my flat at uni hehe ;) plenty of countryside up here for him to explore haha. lots of love to you alfie xxxxxxxxxx

by Jess&Koda

Sunday 27 Nov 15:09

i sat with this liitle boy on saturday (yesterday) and OMG was he shaking like hell. he will come out of his shell soon with auntie ruthie about!

by BeckyB-F

Saturday 26 Nov 16:33

Love to Alfie xxxx You will get there with all the love and support around you and learn that these 'funny human creatures' can be trusted xxxxx

by kallie

Friday 25 Nov 19:14

such a very shy very frightened little boy and so beautiful, i hope he will learn to trust humans in time, my Toby managed to do so even though he had a horrible start in life and i am sure with dedication and gentle love so will Alfie. xxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 25 Nov 06:44

Alfie had a brave day yesterday and met 4 work experience stuents who took it in turn all day to stroke and talk to him. He went for a short walk with Bob, one of our volunteers and trotted off happily with him. He is still very jumpy in the house and can toilet unexpectedly if frightened. :-(

by poppysmum

Thursday 24 Nov 21:36

I cant stop thinking about Alfie, his little face is haunting me, God bless you lovely boy. xx

by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 24 Nov 07:01

Alfie is doing really well. He is clean in the night and following ours around and gaining confidence. He loves the window seat and getting used to lots of cuddles, different sounds, movements and his new routine. I really hope someone can come forward soon to offer him a home.

by FamilyofChewy

Wednesday 23 Nov 14:19

Met Alfie today and he's absolutely stunning!

Hope you find a lovely Mum and Dad soon. x

by Naomi

Wednesday 23 Nov 11:50

Oh I do wish I had space/ money for another! :( He's so beautiful...reminds me a bit of my Millie with his little tucked under tail. I bet he will be a lovely kind and gentle friend in time, he just needs lots of love and security, which I think they all benefit from really. Good luck handsome! x

by Aimee

Wednesday 23 Nov 11:00

Loving the new pictures :) so so so so happy that he has settled nicely and is starting to calm down! I'm glad his showing his true wonderful nature to you as quickly as he showed to me! Going to miss my warm welcomes and our walks around the kennels alfie boy! ahhh liver treats, ohh how he will be spoilt in his retired life, love it, he deserves all of the fuss and love. xxx

by billy-pixie-fizz

Tuesday 22 Nov 20:24

He looks nice and settled in the new pictures Ruth. Bless, such a sweet face, he is looking well relaxed now.

by BeckyB-F

Tuesday 22 Nov 20:19

He sounds adorable and has the most wonderful 'love me and take me home eyes' xxxxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 22 Nov 18:39

Oh boy! Is this fella just so gorgeous! He has come home with me and I have managed to get him to come to me with some liver treats and he has found himself a comfy place on the window seat. It took him about an hour to stop panting and he is starting to stress less now.....

by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 22 Nov 05:29

Alfie has spent several days with Ray one of our volunteers after his hair raising arrival into the Trust last Wednesday. I am going to fetch him today and he will be at the kennels during the day and will come home with me each night to help him gain some confidence. Ray has told me that he is amazing in the house - clean during the night and starting to become gradually braver when Ray and his wife are around.

by Deb

Sunday 20 Nov 18:47

How is Alfie,hope he has settled in at the kennels.

by BeckyB-F

Saturday 19 Nov 22:07

wish we could offer him a home to grow confident xxx with the right home he will be happy xxxx

by lindylou

Friday 18 Nov 10:01

Big hugs today for Alfie. I'm sure he'll get lots of TLC and encouragement at the kennels. He looks absolutely beautiful. xx

by tiggersslave

Friday 18 Nov 09:18

have you got a tiny tee shirt that smells of you? If you have put that on him so he feels hugged :) Its something we use in Tellington TTouch and it can make a huge difference :) J x

by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 18 Nov 01:36

I popped to see Alfie earlier today (or should I say yesterday now!) and he is doing just fine. He is going to come up to the kennels today (Friday) and hope he doesn't find it too much as he is so very nervous...,

by LadyVictoria

Thursday 17 Nov 14:11

How scary for you pleased you were able to find him. xxx

by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Thursday 17 Nov 13:10

What a terrible shock for you all. Glad he was found safe and sound. Poor little thing, with a little patience, understanding and encouragement I'm sure he'll soon learn that he can have the best retirement with all the creature comforts he could wish for in the right home. Take care Alfie-boy and I hope you and your volunteer have recovered too! Mand x

by tiggersslave

Thursday 17 Nov 09:05

TG you found him, my Tigger was so nervous the Dogs Trust said they thought they'd never rehome her but she was fab ... off lead, very bright and a real joy - she just needed time and patience like Aimee said Alfie does. These dogs are so rewarding when they start to trust you :) J xx

by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 17 Nov 07:36

Alfie was collected from the vets yesterday following his castrate and was taken home by one of our volunteers. Unfortunately he escaped from the car and we spent several hours searching for him. I found him curled up in a garden and apart from a couple of grazes, he was ok. Anyone who adopts this beautiful boy will be dealing with a very nervous nature but he will soon learn to feel secure - he is just absolutely lovely x

by BeckyB-F

Wednesday 16 Nov 19:52

Huge hugs to you Alfie, glad you are safe and sound xxxx

by kallie

Tuesday 15 Nov 23:24

his little face melts my heart and a shy nervous dog is so rewarding to have, my Toby was terrified of people contact and having him and getting him to trust again has been the most amazing thing i have ever done, someone will be able to do this for Alfie and they will be very lucky indeed...can't wait to meet him xxxx

by Aimee

Tuesday 15 Nov 16:29

Alfie! It took me a while to gain his trust but i took baby steps with him and he soon showed his gentle nature. He loves corned beef, thats how i won him over :). Watching him progress from being shy to being able to take treats from my hand and letting me groom and clip his nails was amasing! he likes to lean on you (as you can tell by the photo, they are my legs) to feel safe and loves a nice gentle stroke behind the ear, he will stand there for hours. His a gorgeous looking boy aswell. His a little shy with the lead going over his head, but i make it out as if its not a big deal and his fine with it, he troots along next to you very nicely with a loose lead, i always walk in front when i go through doors etc as he doesnt like people behind him! i know he will make a fantastic pet, and can only get better with the help of the daybreak staff :) if you need anythink just ask! xxxx

by BeckyB-F

Tuesday 15 Nov 14:24

What a sweet boy, hopefully a loving home will bring him out of his shell xxxx

by hilaryu

Tuesday 15 Nov 12:58

his date of birth is 12/10/09 he is a lovely lad but nervous

by Tash'ntheGreys

Tuesday 15 Nov 10:14

Ah bless him, nothing like a leg to lean on as a security blanket, such gentle eyes and a cute white stripe on his nose, I bet once he trusts you he'll be a loving friend for life x

by tiggersslave

Tuesday 15 Nov 09:29

He wrote the phrase ' to a greyhound 'lean' is a verb LOL' what a sweetie :) J x

by hilaryu

Tuesday 15 Nov 08:11

alfie is not on greyhound data as he has never raced. he got injured in his first trial. he is only 2 years old.

by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 15 Nov 06:41

I am picking Alfie up from the vets tomorrow - and cant wait to give him lots of TLC x