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About Me

Racing Name
Saucy Jester
Black and White
Date of birth
01 sep 2006
Land of birth
IU Ireland or United Kingdom
Land of standing
UK United Kingdom
Ear mark


male, 18 years old, Black and White

Added by Lewisfuggie

Updated: Friday 05 Jan

Jester has had 0 cuddles today (47 all together).
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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 07 Jun 21:33

Thinking of Jesters family, so sad for them. Xxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Wednesday 07 Jun 11:28

Oh no...... one of my special boys - a long stayer I used to take home..... I's so free fella xxxx

4 others liked this

by Lewisfuggie

Tuesday 06 Jun 22:10

I've just had the very sad news that Jester went over rainbow bridge tonight to join Maddie. Sending huge hugs to the Robinson family (Mark,Carol,Amy and Emily) who are heartbroken. I personally will miss seeing this boy next door. Run pain free xx

4 others liked this

by robinm2000

Friday 04 May 08:40

Hi - going to bring Jester down to say hi to everyone on Saturday.

We need a couple of expert opinions on his general well being too. He's a constant worry!!

by kallie

Thursday 15 Mar 11:53

LOL this makes me smile, Maddie looking as if hoping he is just there for a visit, my Rossi was just like that when Toby came to live with us, he was very put out not to be 'the only greyhound in the house' and after a few weeks it dawned on him that Toby was there to stay and he was rather disgruntled in a funny ,indignant sort of way...the are just too human at times and make me laugh. so glad he is getting there as he is a treasure and just needs to find himself again. much love to you all and a hug for Jester and of course Maddie. xxx

by robinm2000

Thursday 15 Mar 09:35

Jester is starting to settle down again now, he has had a bit of funny time for the last week and a half. I'm convinced it was seperation and the fact that Maddie must have knocked him flying up the hall. However he is getting back to his old self albeit bambi on ice. He makes us laugh every day and is really rewarding. He's a real snuggler and alway pushes in front of Maddie when the cuddles are being handed out, we are sure Maddie is still wondering how long he is staying, she looks at us with an incredulous look behind his back and she likes to dart upstairs onto the bed to get some peace.

I'm learning him a few manners on his lead at the moment and he's doing well.

by savocat

Saturday 10 Mar 11:21

My dog's exactly the same. It's sooo funny / embarrassing when i take him to the vets. I usually take a couple of rugs with me, to roll out so he can walk to the consulting room ! Having said that, i know he can walk on tiles / laminate when he wants to. Usually when no one is looking hmmmm.... I suppose, like others have said, just be patient, ignore it as much as you can, lay down mats where you can. I bet he'll just get more relaxed with it as time goes on.

by robinm2000

Thursday 08 Mar 21:07

He's a bit erratic. When we are around he keeps getting stuck in the living room at the threshold strip. When we are outside the front door or just totally ignore him, he somehow manages the floor - isn't that a miracle! However we have seen Maddie knock him clean off his feet twice today, Maddie does get excited, but Jester is trucking along like Bambie on ice. He has also developed an anxiety of the two steps down to our lawn, although he has bounded up them during the last three weeks so we don't know why that has started. We are trying to be cool and praise the good behavior, I am sure he'll come around again.

by Deb

Thursday 08 Mar 17:20

Hope the big boy is getting a bit more confidence wishing you all well.

by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 07 Mar 15:11

Very sorry to hear about Jesters problem with the floors. My Greyhound doesn't like slippy floors either. Hope you can help him regain his confidence. It must be very scary for him at the moment. xx

by tiggersslave

Wednesday 07 Mar 13:33

Hi It does sound like he's hurt himself as you think, rubber backed mats are great as they don't move as that will frighten him more ... plus if he has hurt himself then walking stiffly will possibly hurt too so he's reinforcing his view that the floor hurts :( In my experience greys are very bright - look at all the things they get us to do for them :) but you need to train them in short bursts and stop when they have had enough and in the early days that can be after seconds ...Look at all the changes to Jesters life- a very successful race dog up till late last year then into a whole new and probably scarey different world for retirement so everything he knew has gone, then into a home alone, he was returned which can upset any dog and now he's back into another home- all in a matter of weeks.
It sounds like it would be better to leave him to settle into his new home and be confidently walking about then start training him - I find they have no problem learning if you make it fun - especially the 'bed' but every grey I've worked with finds 'down' a toughie.
Best wishes Julie

by kallie

Wednesday 07 Mar 12:27

hi there, sorry to hear he has suddenly developed a fear of the floors but it does sound like he has possibly hurt himself and that he has lost his confidence. i have laminate flooring in most of the downstairs and i have put rubberbacked mats on them so that they can get 'grip' when they are walking, cardboard and towels will still 'slide' which may be why he won't walk on them....sometimes it can be one step forward and two back for a little while but i am sure he will overcome his fears as and when he knows he will not slip again....all the very best for you all and the gorgeous Jester..Ina x

by robinm2000

Wednesday 07 Mar 09:49

Thanks for the offer, we'll see how we go for the time being, as see if it gets worse. I posted another message last night but I think I fell aslepp before hittng send! Basically over the last three days he is suddendly frightened by all of our floors in the house. If he is in the living room he gets stuck behind the threshold strip to the hall, and likewise if he is in the Kitchen he gets "stuck" and cannot walk in the hall. SO I think he has perhaps fallen while we were out. When he does walk on the hall floor, he is walking very stiffly and catching his claws through being awkward. We tried putting down cardboard and towels but I think all the attention was spooking him. I tried putting him on a lead and leading him through but he just locked all his limbs. I think we perhaps need to ignore it and carry on as normal, he has coped up until now.

by DaybreaksRuth

Wednesday 07 Mar 09:31

Hi Robinm2000 - try putting some mats around his bed to see if it encourages him to get up and out of his bed..... I am setting up Crufts today but could always try and pop round later this evening if you are still having problems..... just give me a call on the Trust number and we can arrange something. xxxxx

by robinm2000

Wednesday 07 Mar 08:36

Thats was a strange night - Jester managed to get 'locked' in his bed - as though he was on an island surrounded by water! All the encouragent seemed to make him more and more nervous - so this morning we have just ignored him until he tentatively stepped out on to the floor. He's had a nice walk and came back 'normal', but after breakfast he has got back in bed and whatever has upset him seems to be building up once more. We don't know if he has taken a fall while we were out, we are wooden floor everywhere and they do get exited when they hear the letterbox, so its possible. Or it could be separation, although we though he was coping with that.

We so much want to help him, but he seems very confused if we try and learn him any commands, we don't know if we have put too much pressure on him to learn 'down' and 'bed'.

Don't worry, he hasn't outstayed his welcome, we really love him, but I think the honeymoon is coming to an end.

by robinm2000

Tuesday 28 Feb 23:33

Thanks everyone for the good wishes. He's definately a work in progress but we love him dearly, he has fitted in so well. We are going to give him lots of love over the next few weeks.

by LadyVictoria

Monday 27 Feb 13:10

Brilliant news! Wishing you all lots of fun together. xxx

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Sunday 26 Feb 18:40

Oh Jester,what fantastic news for you all, take care love n licks from Goldie n Ruby xx

by kallie

Sunday 26 Feb 18:28

I am so thrilled to see the rehomed sign, i was the volunteer who spoke to you the day you came for some dog food and we had a chat and a cuddle with Jester....thanks so much for coming back the next day and taking the steps to have him in your home and for keeping him, he is such a lovely boy and it looks like he has fallen on his paws...much love to you all...Ina :-)

by BeckyB-F

Sunday 26 Feb 16:06

Wonderful news xxxx love to Jester and his family xxxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 26 Feb 14:18

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy!!!!! I am so happy!

by BeckyB-F

Friday 24 Feb 11:50

Aaaah bless him xxx keep up the good work Jester xxxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 21 Feb 07:34

I am so pleased to hear Jester is doing so well - thank you for all you are doing for him and for giving him a chance x

by kallie

Monday 20 Feb 19:53

well done Jester you are being such a good boy....glad he is doing so well and that he settling so

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Monday 20 Feb 17:01

Fantastic news, way to go Jester, your a superstar, make sure you forgive the humans. I'm sure they'd rather be home with you!!

by robinm2000

Monday 20 Feb 15:57

Back to work today - we had to leave Jester from 8 till 3:30. We have been on tenter hooks all day, but guess what, he was fine! Obviously pleased to see us, and crossing his paws for a wee, but no damage has been done. Mondays are going to be his longest day, so he's passed this hurdle with flying colours, lets see if he forgives us now!

by robinm2000

Saturday 18 Feb 10:42

Jester has had his big reveal on the local park. He's just met all of Maddie's doggy friends who were rather surprised to see us walking two dogs. It took us two hours to get round!

Hoping to be at Stratford walk.

by LadyVictoria

Thursday 16 Feb 13:10

Good news to hear he is getting on well, hope his sore tongue gets better soon. xxx

by robinm2000

Thursday 16 Feb 08:38

Jester doing well. Settling into a routine, we left him for 4hrs last night and he was good. Maddie was no help, she manged to get upstairs and leave him, don't know how long he was actually alone for but he didn't do anything naughty. He's already bulking up.

Our only slight issue is he has pongy breath. We had to go to the vets for Maddie's top-up injections so we had Jester checked over too. His teeth are fine and have healed well, but the vet noticed he has a red patch on the back of his tongue, like an ulcer or a scratch, so we just need to check that its going of its own accord and not getting worse.

He's started to take treats from us if we try hard, once he has taken one, he will go on and take a more.

by robinm2000

Monday 13 Feb 22:21

well Jester has done over 24 hours now at his new foster home. Last night was a little bit of an ordeal, Maddie had to sleep downstairs to keep Jester company. Every few hours there was a click click of claws as Maddie checked out the bedroom for her missing bed, and Jester came up the hall to look for Maddie.

Today has been a new routine for everyone, Jester has got a good apetite and has had a big bowl of liver and a pigs ear. He's taking treats from us if we offer them in imaginative ways! They've had two good walks together and are good on the leads.

Jester was a bit angry about some cats he noticed through the patio doors, he got a loud bark, Maddie took to our bed upstairs, and Jester was pacing and checking the patio over and over again, not realling settling until after dark.

They're doing well together, swapping beds, toys, and bowls with each other. Jester does need Maddie and looks for her, but she's a little bit put out by it all and is being cool, but she's a gentle dog and they will be fine together..

So far so good. We're all learning!

by billy-pixie-fizz

Monday 13 Feb 13:52

Ann, plenty more black boys you could foster!! A lovely boyfriend for Willow. xxx Hopefully see you Sunday at the walk xxx

by Willow&Ann

Monday 13 Feb 10:14

Phew!!!! I am so pleased to see you have been fostered little dude - Auntie Ruth mentioned you to me last week so I have been pondering becoming a foster mum, but you have saved me having to agonise about it any more, well done and good luck with your new family, hope all goes well!!

by BeckyB-F

Sunday 12 Feb 20:35

We saw you meeting your foster family today, really hope it works out for you and that Maddie likes having such a handsome boy around xxxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Sunday 12 Feb 20:00

Glad Jester is doing well..i know auntie ruth will miss u lots handsome boy xxxx

by kallie

Sunday 12 Feb 19:59

missed you going today Jester as i was busy in the kitchen but i am sooo happy to know that you are going to be looked after by such a wonderful good sweetheart and i shall keep my fingers crossed that this may be your forever home....lots of love beautiful boy and a big hug....Ina xxxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 12 Feb 19:54

Ahhhh I am so pleased to hear how Jester is getting on..... I am missing him very much as he was my shadow.... but so pleased he has been given a chance by such a wonderful family x Thank you so much - miss you Jester xxxxx be a good boy xxxx

by robinm2000

Sunday 12 Feb 19:39

so far so good. Jester's had a couple of poohs and wees in the garden, and he's eaten a great big bowl of mince, mash and carots. Both dogs a little pacey-round at first but settled down now. Maddie now gone up on our bed, and Jester lying on the settee grooming his legs. He's been on a walk round the block with Maddie and he's even gingerly taken some chicken out the palm of my hand. Whoops just fell off settee, poor thing. He's trying the floor now.

by rosierecorder

Sunday 12 Feb 18:58

So glad jester is in a foster home and can begin to recover and gain some confidence xxx

by joythornz

Saturday 11 Feb 12:53

See you tomorrow big guy! XXX

by joythornz

Friday 10 Feb 17:38

Hi Ruth. I heard its a bit crowded at the Boswell house at the moment. I am off for 3 weeks (possibly longer). As discussed with Brian, if you would like us to foster Jester for a few weeks whilst I'm home, we are happy to do it. I'll ring you and we can discuss further. X

by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 10 Feb 09:10

Jester is still at our house and is putting on weight really well now. He is clean in the house and can be left (I left him at home on Wednesday) and he spent most of his day on his bed or looking out the window (we can watch him on the cameras!) so I know he is ok. He is desperate to find a home with the company of other dogs and he will make a wonderful companion as he loves his fuss.

by julie

Thursday 09 Feb 19:14

Had a lovely snuggle with this beautiful lad today and girlies with him (emma and kelly), extra snuggles was just what i needed on a cold afternoon! Thankyou! xxx

by kallie

Friday 03 Feb 20:34

Jester came out for a walk with my Toby and with Kelly yesterday and you could not ask for a sweeter boy, he is so good on the lead and such a lovely gentle boy....i really hope that he will find his forever home soon...he is lovely xxxx

by Foggie

Wednesday 01 Feb 16:41

you must have a very large stock pot for all that mince! We are continuing to feed our two on Nature Diet plus dried since you gave us some trial samples. We had never used it before but they love it plus we can buy in bulk from the internet. Good luck to Jester xxx

by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 01 Feb 14:15

Good lad, Jester....I am sure all the dogs enjoyed their breakfast this morning. Hope you are all finding a way to stay warm. xxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Wednesday 01 Feb 07:18

Just cooked mince and gravy to go with his Burns for Jester and he has eaten a full bowl of dinner! Really pleased he has got his appetite back so he can start building up and putting on weight. I have cooked enough for all the Trust dogs too so they have a treat for a very cold morning!

by LadyVictoria

Monday 30 Jan 15:20

Great photo! Pate, sausages and mince, greyhound heaven! xxxx

by billy-pixie-fizz

Monday 30 Jan 15:10

Bless him, he looks well happy Ruth!! xx

by DaybreaksRuth

Monday 30 Jan 14:48

Think he is on the mend..... just been to Iceland and bought a stack of pate, sausages and mince and so far he is enjoying his kong full of pate. I let him have a run around the car park at the back of the kennels with Kelly and he had great fun (see new photo!). His house training is coming along at ours - just the odd accident now - I just hope desperately that he finds a home soon.

by LadyVictoria

Monday 30 Jan 13:56

Good news to hear he enjoyed his trip to Sutton Park and eat a big meal yesterday, hope this means is on the mend. xxx

by LindaPaul

Sunday 29 Jan 21:58

Such a handsome boy. Hope he enjoyed his walk at Sutton Park today - was lovely to see him there xxx

by izzybigdog

Sunday 29 Jan 17:03

we met Jester today , i always come home wanting another grey but he and Izzy got on fine and i just need to check my mum will walk 2 dogs on my wifes 3 work days!

by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 29 Jan 16:26

I have just come back from the vets with Jester. I have been really worried since he had his dental over a week ago. He has a lot of inflammation and after several injections including Diazepam, he has come back and eaten a big bowl of food - his ears are up and he seems so much brighter :-)

by Deb

Sunday 29 Jan 16:16

I spent a bit of time with Jester today,although down in the dumps at present he really did seem to enjoy the company of the other dogs and people.He enjoyed leaning into people and all the fuss,cuddles and attention he was receiving.He was non reactive and seemed happy to be one of the gang.I have also walked this lovely boy at the kennels and he walks like a true gent.He is a very handsome boy who just needs the chance of a home where I am sure he will thrive.

by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Sunday 29 Jan 14:24

I saw Jester on the Sutton Park walk and he seemed to be enjoying himself. Hopefully he'll be starving after such an exciting morning and will gobble up his tea later! Mand x

by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 29 Jan 13:34

Jester has just come back from a walk at Sutton Park with volunteer Norman. He travelled well in the car, and at the walk was excellent with all the other greys and perfectly behaved. Jester seems to be a bit down at the moment and this trip certainly cheered him up. He enjoys the company of other dogs and a home with another to keep him company is just what he is looking for. He will come home again with me tonight as he desperately needs some TLC as we are struggling to get him to eat sadly.

by DaybreaksRuth

Saturday 28 Jan 04:13

I am so pleased that Jester is starting to get his appetite back and is eating better. He was a good boy at our house but he is back at the kennels now keeping Polly company.

by LadyVictoria

Thursday 26 Jan 14:35

I hope Jester is feeling better today. xxx

by BeckyB-F

Wednesday 25 Jan 19:56

He looks comfy on the sofa...just needs his own permanent one xxxx

by lichfield_sam

Wednesday 25 Jan 18:59

how is jester doing, hes such a gentle loving boy, hope hes doing well xxxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Saturday 21 Jan 20:50

It was a pleasure to have gorgeous Jester overnight, he was golden, he is a really loving and affectionate boy and loves company. His was bright as a button at the kennels today and wagging his tail when reunited with his kennel mate Polly. . who seemed equally please to see him! The bleeding had completely stopped today and you could tell he was feeling a much happier boy! he will be fabulous addition to a family xxxxx

by zippy(TheNeals)

Saturday 21 Jan 11:19

Awwww sending you hugs Jester. I bet you had loads of cuddles from your Auntie Fi. Fi - look at that face!!!!!!! I'm sure he will need a few more nights to recover in a lovely home Fi :) xxxxxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Saturday 21 Jan 07:25

Just had a call from Fiona who has been looking after Jester overnight for me following his dental as I was at a Trust meeting yesterday evening and unable to watch him. He has bled quite a bit during the night but appears happy and is wagging his tail. Thanks Fiona!

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Saturday 14 Jan 13:36

Jester, jester, jester! could you be any more handsome?? xxxxxxx

by claireacluck

Tuesday 03 Jan 16:23


by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 03 Jan 13:27

Very sorry to hear it didn't work out this time. xxx

by claireacluck

Monday 02 Jan 17:06

im inlove with jester/xx

by claireacluck

Monday 02 Jan 17:06

he is just soooooo gorgeous.x

by zippy(TheNeals)

Saturday 31 Dec 21:46

Mau, bon and Cara - you asked about an alternative to Burns. We gave up on Greyhound and Lurcher quite early on because it certainly wasn't good for our boy Mick. After a lot of research we decided to go with BARF (raw meat and raw meaty bones including the offal and green tripe and fish) Their main part of the diet is chicken quarters or halves (sometime a whole chicken as a treat), liver once a week. Offal including hearts, green tripe (stinks but they love it and it's a superfood to them) used to give them raw oily fish (frozen for a couple of weeks first) but Magic stopped eating it so just go with pilchards in tom sauce. Give them omega 3 oil supplement. They love it, it's great for them, great for the teeth. The only bones they shouldn't have as part of the diet (the odd one for recreation) are weight bearing bones as hard on the teeth. All bones must be raw - it's cooked bones that are dangerous. Scary to start with but once you realise raw bones are perfectly safe (yes even chicken - these are the best) it's not scary. Even Fire who only has 3 teeth can manage to munch his way through a whole chicken. Worth investigating. xxxx

by sarah

Friday 30 Dec 21:10

Tash'nthegreys - agree with u totally !! They are all so different and bring their different rewards, but sometimes I guess u have to realise what is in the dogs best interest, sad when one is returned but everything happens for a reason I guess, otherwise we wouldn't have our will i am ! Ours have brought us so much happiness i can't put it into words and Ruth and everyone at Daybreaks helped us every step of the way. But then when u see that a poor grey has died today so young and obviously loved it really makes u think about how precious ur own dogs are - and wish to thank Daybreaks for the wonder of them 4ever how long we have the honour of them !!!

by Tash'ntheGreys

Friday 30 Dec 19:05

Daybreaks has always been there for me, no matter how serious or trivial I felt the question was, I was always helped, because Daybreaks is there for the welfare of Greyhounds and finding forever homes is their aim. It is only natural for people on this site to be sad when a grey is returned, if there was something that could have been done to prevent it. Ruth will bend over backwards to work with owners to help a grey settle into home life, but she can only help if she's asked, if owners post messages that their dogs have "settled in really well" and "we love him to bits", then she'll assume all is going well. I've owned 7 dogs of different breeds and all of them have chewed at some point for various reasons: puppy, stress, boredom, attention, anxiety..but there has always been a reason and I agree that food plays a part in behaviour, but all dogs are different, mine were fine on Bakers, they just didn't like it and they didn't get on with Burns either! Likewise they all coped with kennels differently and settled in differently too. The manic dog in kennels might be calm in a home (Penny!) and the quiet dog might be a complete stress head (Jack!) you only really know with time...maybe pointing the finger of blame isn't productive, things happen for a reason and Jester will be homed again. Finally I just want to say that if anyone is struggling with their grey, no matter what it might be, just ask for help, by ringing the kennels or posting on here, someone will be there for you x

by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 30 Dec 12:17

I am so sorry to read your comment VWman. Your wife told me that he had been very settled for the few weeks you had had him and his behaviour had only changed over the last couple of days. No one is blaming anyone, however I just suggested that with Christmas and the change in food, this could have contributed to his change in behaviour.

We have quite a few new arrivals that can be stressed in the kennels as this is a change in life, food and routine to where they have come from and it takes time for them to settle. I did mention that he chewed the kennel when he was viewed and I am sorry if you feel it was only mentioned when I did his homing. We will always endeavor to inform every new potential owner of all we know about the greys - to hopefully enable the new owner the opportunity to decide whether or not the greyhound chosen could pose a problem and if the potential owner feels they are prepared to deal with. We are always here to support anyone who re-homes a greyhound from Daybreaks but it does in some cases take a lot of time and patience which could take several months.

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Friday 30 Dec 09:52

Oh Jester I'm so sorry it didn't work out for you, might need to visit!! You get our hug today xx

by lindylou

Friday 30 Dec 09:47

Big hug for Jester today. Hope he finds his forever home soon. xx

by VWman

Friday 30 Dec 09:22

My wife really tried to home Jester, but it just proved too much. (but as I said - better to have tried than never bothered). I would like to say that Jester was pacing and unsettled from the day we got him - he never settled down. The calmest I saw Jester was when we returned him - he just needed other dog company. I have seen this behaviour in other dogs (some just do not like to be alone - they have too strong a "pack instinct" jester is 100% ok with company but does not like to be alone). I would also like to point out that on the DAY of picking Jester up my daughter was asked by one of the kennel hands if we had been told that Jester was a "chewer" He had chewed the kennel walls - well NO we had not been informed. We keep being told that Jesters behaviour had changed due to his change in food - if this was fully the case, then why was he chewing at the kennels whilst on BURNS food ??? Yes i know you are going to say stress of the kennels, but you cannot keep saying 100% that my wife has failed due to wrong food. I would also like to point out that it states on your literature that all your dogs are dentist checked before leaving the kennels - well I would question your vet because Jester requires dental treatment on his rear molar teeth. bad breathe being a big give away). I know I am rambling, but I just can't sit back and let you blame my wife for all that has happened. At least she was willing to try.
Good luck on the future Jester...

by skinnyme

Thursday 29 Dec 21:58

Burns is the best, but as long as you stick to the less than 20% protein rule most foods tend to be ok.

by BeckyB-F

Thursday 29 Dec 20:06

When we collected Belle our first grey, I thought that Bakers was the best and had been the main diet of our lurcher. On Ruths advise I stopped using it and our lurcher was definately less manic.....good advise xxxxx

by mau&greys

Thursday 29 Dec 20:00

so sorry it did not work out for you, what would be an alternative to burns ruth would like to know just out of interest. if only i had the room and hubby would allow i wud have you jester xxxxxxx

by kallie

Thursday 29 Dec 19:01

BAKERS - of all the dog foods that is about the worst one to give any dog as its full of additives and colourants, even my two placid collie crosses would have gone loopy on that stuff.....poor Jester boy, he will find his forever home as he is such a lovely boy and once he has routine again he will settle down again no doubt, especially if he is given the correct food...xxxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 29 Dec 18:14

Jester was returned today. Despite having been very settled since he was homed at the beginning of December, over the last few days he has become very stressed. His owners have therefore decided to return him.

This could be due to the changes of routine with the family over Christmas. However, food plays a massive part in behaviour - and I gather he was being fed on Bakers. We have found many times over that in the cases of dogs where their behaviour changes suddenly, it can quite often be associated with a change in their food. If you are considering changing the food your greyhound is fed after homing them, please seek our advice for recommended alternatives....

by BeckyB-F

Thursday 29 Dec 14:57

Such a stunning boy, really hope your true forever home comes quickly xxxxxx

by rosierecorder

Thursday 29 Dec 12:38

has Jester been returned???

by julie

Thursday 29 Dec 12:25

Jester unreserved?

by smithy334

Monday 12 Dec 20:55

Just to let everyone know Jester has settled in really well. He loves his walks,cuddles & his toys. Jesters personality is just starting to show.. We love him to bits

by smithy334

Tuesday 06 Dec 17:36

Got him home he has eaten his food ok.. Jester has also just come back from a walk.. Jester is now relaxing on the sofa and let out a big sigh.. He has also been playing with is big soft money...

by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 06 Dec 13:12

Well done Jester! xxx

by smithy334

Monday 05 Dec 19:00

jester i will hopefully be coming to pick u up tomorrow passed all our checks today and hope to have u home tomorrow got you loads of new toys and teddys tonight... see you tomorrow big man xxx

by BeckyB-F

Sunday 04 Dec 14:54

Well done Jester xxxx really pleased for you xxxx

by smithy334

Sunday 04 Dec 14:09

i will be coming to pick ypu up as soon as we have had our checks. carnt wait to see you warm on the sofa xx missing you xx

by smithy334

Saturday 03 Dec 17:15

you are so cuite jester i will see yoy tomorrow!!

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Monday 28 Nov 19:46

you are such a handsome chap, working on dad!!
Love Goldie xx

by mau&greys

Sunday 27 Nov 19:03

i would love you to come and live with us but my hubby says no, so good luck in finding a special home. xxxxx

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Wednesday 23 Nov 18:39

what a handsome chap, i think I love you!!

by mau&greys

Wednesday 23 Nov 18:17

i am in love with you jester! and i know someone will love you just as much xxxx

by Shanesmum

Wednesday 23 Nov 17:45

He is beautiful, almost looks like he is going to talk! Hope he finds a home soon.x

by BeckyB-F

Tuesday 22 Nov 20:17

Gorgeous xxxx He looks inquisitive and thoughtful xxxxx

by billy-pixie-fizz

Tuesday 22 Nov 13:38

He looks lovely and cosy in his bed, he has cleaned up nice.
Bless him. xx

by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 22 Nov 05:27

We gave Jester a bath on arrival (as we do with all the new arrivals), blow dried him and settled him in his kennel. We had had a delivery in the week of loads of pillows from a local hotel so we piled his bed high so he could really nestle down into them to feel extra snuggly after his bath. Yesterday morning he was standing in his kennel, wagging his tail and had been clean in the night :-) He is an absolutely gorgeous boy - gentle on the lead and very affectionate.... he will make a wonderful pet I am sure!

by BeckyB-F

Monday 21 Nov 17:20

He looks even more stunning in his new pic xxxx

by BeckyB-F

Wednesday 16 Nov 16:48

He has really earnt his retirement xxxxx good luck finding your home xxxx

by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 16 Nov 14:17

Ooh, he looks lovely! What a lot of races he has had....124, he deserves a well earned retirement on a comfy sofa. Another one with the same Dad as Twiggy! xx

by DaybreaksRuth

Wednesday 16 Nov 07:46

Saucy Jester is arriving soon - this picture has been forwarded by his trainer - isn't he a handsome boy.... can't wait for him to arrive at Daybreaks.