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About Me

Racing Name
Sin Sin Again
Date of birth
07 jun 2006
Land of birth
IE Ireland
Ear mark
Sin Sin AmyIE-OCT-02-BEBD
Family tree & race history


female, 18 years old, Blue

Added by KerryElliman

Updated: Wednesday 03 Jan

Misty has been in a home for several years. The family have had a baby and sadly the routine for Misty has changed a lot and she has started stressing and therefore has been returned.

Misty has had 0 cuddles today (21 all together).
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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Wednesday 02 Apr 20:21

My buzz bless him used to dig in the pots in the garden and eat the soil. He also used to bite the heads off the plants and flowers that were in them. We used to say they had been Buzzled!! Maybe they don't like anything prettier than them being around. I would like to say they grow out of it , but at nearly 12 when we lost him he was still doing it!!! Good luck and hope Misty grows out of it (don't hold your breath) lol

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by Foggie

Wednesday 02 Apr 17:43

Does anyone else have a grey that likes eating pansies? Misty frequently has her head in the garden pots chewing soil and uprooting my plants. Lucy has been in the wars again...whilst doing her spinning helicopter trick she banged her muzzle into Larry's shoulder and cut her eye. So now she's on antibiotics and eye cream for a week. xx

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by susy

Monday 11 Nov 16:39

Hi Foggie from Sylv & John, Thank you for your thoughts re Tessa, she is a lovely quiet girl. Sorry for coming on this site but cannot get to Lucy's, anyway hope things are well with yourselves now and Lucy is behaving herself. Love Sylv & John xx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 06 Dec 14:04

Happy gotcha day to your gorgeous Misty! xxx

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by Foggie

Wednesday 05 Dec 21:45

Misty's gotcha day today, that 12 months has sped by! Since bringing Larry home in August she has become more confident, although she can be quite nervy when she hears noises from the neighbours. She is still playful, loves having her ears massaged and is eating better since her dental work. She tells me she is looking forward to the pamper day xx

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by Foggie

Friday 19 Oct 10:25

Misty quickly got back to her usual self after eating a soft dinner of pilchards. She's managing bonios with relish now.

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by Foggie

Wednesday 17 Oct 15:50

A stressed out Misty is home after having 5 little bottom teeth and a big upper one extracted. Don't think she'll be chasing any cats today....

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by Foggie

Wednesday 17 Oct 12:10

Misty is at the vets today for dental treatment, scale and polish and hopefully no extractions. On Monday she pulled free from Douglas' hand in order to chase a cat which neither of us had seen. She is very cat reactive! Luckily the cat hid under a parked car and Misty allowed herself to be caught. When we got home she was dripping blood everywhere and we found she had grazed her feet and ripped off part of her pad in the scuffle. Poor Misty--wonder if it will put her off chasing cats

by Foggie

Saturday 28 Jan 15:33

forgot to say that Misty loves fruit, especially banana and pear.We know not to give her grapes though.

by Foggie

Thursday 26 Jan 19:50

Misty was weighed at the vets yesterday when Maggie went for her quarterly check up. She has put on weight (now 27.10k).Those boney bones are covering nicely. She is not so possessive of her toys now, we have learnt to just give her a hide chew for half an hour under supervision then put it away till next time. Misty is the untidiest dog ever! As soon as the dog beds and toys get tidied up she immediately spreads everything around and plomps down in the middle of the mess---we love her x

by tiggersslave

Thursday 12 Jan 07:58

Hi Glad that Misty is settling down with you all, it would probably help to take up anything she might like to guard .. toys are a usual one then you know there's no crosswords when you're not there. My new-ish grey Lucy would try to keep all the toys and growl at my lurcher so I just made sure there were none about and they're now fine together. I think having a regular playtime where she can bond well and positively with you is a great idea and my Lucy loves to play too- and Lucy thinks its really funny to growl ferociously when she's playing LOL. If she guarding beds you can move the beds about every so often till she realises that there are plenty to go round and will always have one but may have to share :) J x

by Foggie

Wednesday 11 Jan 16:11

5+ weeks now since we got Misty. For the first couple of weeks she was absolutely fine then started to display some anxieties in that when our other grey moved Misty became over possessive of her space and toys. She did high pitched barking and warning growls ( although Maggie has never bothered with toys and wasn't a threat). I wasn't sure how to deal with this as we didn't want 13 year old Maggie upset. Misty's behaviour continued so every time it happened we told her NO and took her away from the area she was defending. After a few days of doing this Misty got the message and now seems OK. She is a very playful dog and I think it has helped that we have a regular playtime where we interact with her and the toys. All just heading off for a walk.

by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 07 Dec 13:25

Lovely to hear she is happy, hope everything continues to go well. xx

by Foggie

Wednesday 07 Dec 10:05

Misty is happy, enjoying walks and treats. Thanks for the free samples of Nature Diet food both greys are tucking in which is good news for our old lady Maggie as she is a very fussy eater (partly due to a chronic kidney condition). The two dogs are very calm together.

by bobandliz

Tuesday 06 Dec 22:31

I am really pleased to hear that Misty has found a loving home. I saw her at Daybreaks just after she had been returned and she looked so lost. I wish her all the best.

by Foggie

Tuesday 06 Dec 17:19

We brought lovely Misty home yesterday to share life with our 13 year old grey, Maggie. Misty settled in straight away and has been absolutely no trouble. She likes to know where we are, especially when we are eating a sandwich! She is a brilliant walker and is interested in every thing she sees.

by LadyRubyJohn

Monday 05 Dec 21:33

Misty is lovely girl, so glad she has been rehomed. Good luck Misty.

by Deb

Monday 05 Dec 15:13

So very pleased to see Misty has been rehomed everyone on the recent walks has been talking about her.

by BeckyB-F

Monday 05 Dec 13:59

Good news for Misty xxxxx

by BeckyB-F

Sunday 04 Dec 19:58

A wonderful picture xxxx she looks beautiful, lets hope someone falls for her soon xxxx

by lurcherlover

Friday 02 Dec 23:19

Hhhmm. Been hoping Mistys family (inc the other grey) have been missing her terribly and reflecting. Perhaps they simply need a break. Having a baby is such a massive change, and sometimes coping with dogs and babies is v v stressfull, spesh for new mum...lauramc has offered help and advice - Ruth and daybreaks staff are there to help, is it really 're-homing' for Misty? Poor little sausage. If so hope the sweetest people welcome her, with or without 'people' puppies.

by Lorraine

Wednesday 30 Nov 21:06

How gorgeous! Such a shame that her world has been turned upside down poor thing. I'm sure she will get her happily ever after very soon xxx

by cinders

Tuesday 29 Nov 22:21

This seems to be unfortunately quite common - dogs discarded when a baby comes along. It must be terrribly distressing for the dog as well as totally unfair. Even if circumstances change a dog is as much part of the family as anyone else and deserve to be treated much better than this. I could never imagine anything usurping our two greyhound girls in this way - they're just as valuable as members of the family as people as far as we're concerned and I agree with the comments below; dogs should absolutely be for life, not just until something "better" comes along. I've no doubt someone will step forward and give this lovely girl a home soon.

by BeckyB-F

Tuesday 29 Nov 20:22

Bless her, we really hope she finds a lovely home soon xxxx

by LindaPaul

Tuesday 29 Nov 20:08

Misty gets my cuddle. She is so very pretty and has the same dad as my lovely Lola's (making them half sisters I guess) so I'm a bit biased! I really hope that she finds a new home very soon xxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 29 Nov 06:27

Misty is being absolutely golden at our house.... sleeps all through the night, and no accidents or stressing :-) She is eating well but seems stressed when I take her to the kennels (which is not surprising) but she kept Alfie company in the warmth of the treatment room yesterday. I hope she finds a home soon as she is such a sweet girl and no trouble at all......

by Donna+Baby+Jake

Monday 28 Nov 23:03

Ahh this is our Baby's half sister and she looks exactly the same as her! They are so loving and friendly - as well as being such pretty little girls. I hope she finds a home very soon..but i doubt she will be at Daybreaks for long with those looks....they certainly seduced me!! Good luck little girl. xxxx

by lurcherlover

Monday 28 Nov 19:22

like Fi, I cant stop thinking of this lovely pet, and also her best grey dog friend still at home without her! dogs form such strong friendships- theyve both experienced a 'traumatic divorce' without wanting one. gutted for them both.

by poppysmum

Monday 28 Nov 16:41

I walked Misty today, she is soooo lovely I feel so sad for her, I hope she finds a lovely new home soon, she walked so beautifully on the lead, big hugs for you Misty xox

by Lauramc

Monday 28 Nov 13:46

Well if there is anything I can do to help, please let me know. Roxy spends a lot of time in our conservatory but I think that's mostly because we had to put our 6 seater sofa out there as it didn't fit in the living room!! :-)

by LadyVictoria

Monday 28 Nov 13:21

So sad for Misty and the companion she has left behind. xx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Monday 28 Nov 11:53

I cant stop thinking about this poor girl! xxxxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Monday 28 Nov 09:07

This is so desperately sad, she is so much better off back at daybreaks than living in a conservatory!! Its so sad how easily people give up on these beautiful dogs, especially when there is such a huge network of support available. very sad xxxxx

by tiggersslave

Monday 28 Nov 07:42

Sounds like she's better off back with Daybreaks :( J x

by skinnyme

Sunday 27 Nov 21:50

No Laura, this isn't the same family.

by Lauramc

Sunday 27 Nov 20:59

Is this the lady I tried to contact? I got no reply. Is there anything I can do to help? Our baby is 7 weeks old and although routines have of course changed we work hard with our grey Roxy to make sure that we still work as a family unit. Poor Misty, I feel so sad. :-(

by poppysmum

Sunday 27 Nov 19:51

Huge cuddle for Misty, words fail me, I really despair :(

by lurcherlover

Sunday 27 Nov 17:43

this is very sad, but surely her grey friend who is still in the family home will fret and become distressed and miss her terribly now shes gone. Thats two upset dogs. couldnt they have been kept together, (would that have been kinder?) as a little twosome family unit? she looks such a sweet little thing. So pleased Daybreaks is there for cases like this and the very poorly little Dot transferred to you from the RSPCA, who was homed so quickly. You are all canine angels.

by BeckyB-F

Sunday 27 Nov 17:14

So sad, we really hope a new and wonderful homes arrives quickly xxxxxx

by kallie

Sunday 27 Nov 17:10

so very sad that a natural reaction to a big event like this is the cause of a dog being discarded, it shows just what a 'throw away' society we have become....i hope that she will find it in her heart to trust another human not to fail her again as for some of us adopting an animal really does mean 'for life'.....big hugs to a lovely girl. xxxx

by Springy

Sunday 27 Nov 17:07

Poor litle girl, she must be so confused with all the changes going on in her life xx the right home for you is out there.

by Jess&Koda

Sunday 27 Nov 15:06

she is absolutely gorgeous someone one will fall in love with her soon!

by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 27 Nov 15:00

I am on my way up to the kennels as Misty was returned this morning whilst I was at the Sutton Walk. She is apparently very underweight and very stressed so am going to take her home for a while until she feels a bit better :-( She was homed in October 2008, but since the family had a baby a short while ago, after being allowed the run of the house, she has been kept in the conservatory which has understandably stressed her. I hope their other greyhound does not stress without her.