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Date of birth
01 jan 2011

Amber (Bow)

female, 13 years old, Fawn

Added by Jess&Koda

Updated: Friday 03 May

Amber was brought in as a stray. She is approximately 6 or 7 months old and full of fun!

Amber (Bow) has had 0 cuddles today (127 all together).
If you register or login, you can give her a cuddle too!


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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 21 Dec 22:50

Dear Simon and Jan, I'm so very sad to hear your beautiful little Amber has gone to Rainbow Bridge. What a super girl. Our honorary Greyhound, always happy to visit us at the kennels, her tail wagging furiously! Xxx
Thinking of you all, God Bless Amber. Lots of love Kate, Skip, Lyra and Skipper. Xxx

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by Thethirdronnie

Thursday 21 Dec 20:16

Sending you our love. X

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by RobT

Thursday 21 Dec 18:59

Ever so sorry to hear this news. Fly high sweetheart!! xx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Thursday 21 Dec 18:08

Simon, Jan and Jet, my heartfelt condolences go out to you all. A true honorary greyhound. Run fast and free. Love to you all. Jo and the Furry Four. Xxxx

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by Simon,Jan&Jet

Thursday 21 Dec 10:45

It is with great sadness that Amber Bamber has gone over the bridge this morning. 21/12/23.
She will be sadly missed by all who knew her.

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 01 Jan 21:34

Wow! Amber can't believe you are Ten! Hope you have had a lovely day. Xxx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Friday 01 Jan 16:34

Happy birthday gorgeous Amber Bamber. Love Jo and the furry four. Xx

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by shanishoo

Friday 01 Jan 16:07

Happy birthday gorgeous girl xxxx

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by Simon,Jan&Jet

Friday 01 Jan 12:27

Happy 10th birthday Amber xxxx

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by Jess&Koda

Sunday 01 Jan 22:50

Happy birthday!! Xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 01 Jan 20:18

Happy Birthday Amber! Hope she has had a lovely day. Xxx

by TJ

Sunday 01 Jan 09:16

Happy Birthday beautiful xxxx

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by Simon,Jan&Jet

Sunday 01 Jan 08:32

Well another Happy Birthday to Amber Bamber our little golden girl xxx

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by princessellie123

Sunday 01 Jan 00:37

Happy Birthday Amber love you loads xxxxxxxxxxx

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by TJ

Friday 01 Jan 18:36

Happy Birthday Amber. Hope your day has been greyt! xxxx

by Princessellie

Friday 01 Jan 10:35

Happy birthday my baby girl Amber Xxxxxxxxxx

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by ClareInsightHounds

Thursday 02 Jan 06:11

Happy Birthday for yesterday Amber. X

by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 01 Jan 20:50

Happy Birthday to a beautiful little girl! Xxx

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by Robdog's-dad

Wednesday 01 Jan 17:03

AMBAAAAAAAA Happy birthday little girl!! Hope you've had a great day, and hope to see you and Jay on the 18th in Erdington. x x

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by Simon,Jan&Jet

Wednesday 01 Jan 16:04

Wonders never cease - Amber has survived until she made 3 years old!!
It is probably not her real birthday but being as she was dumped at the side of the road she was given the first day of the year.
She is changing slowly into a lovely young lady with a few hicups instead of a nightmare with a few good bits.
Happy Birthday Amber x x x

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by Simon,Jan&Jet

Sunday 23 Jun 23:17

Amber won 4th place in the Rescue dog class at Sutton Fun Dog Show today - very pleased with her....
Also entered her in the obediance class - hmm not so good but we had fun doing it lol!!

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by Simon,Jan&Jet

Sunday 02 Jun 10:52

Well it's just over twelve months since we adopted Amber.
I'm pleased to say after the earlier hiccups she has settled well.
She is still very much a character who has to be watched and you wait to see what she does next. For the sake of the three piece she is muzzled when left alone, but I am trying her without it occasionaly and building up the time without it so hopefully that will be a thing of the past.
Despite all the jokes about losing Amber she is very much part of the family.
Her latest trick is to follow Jay after he's had a wee. She stands there and cocks her leg up and has a wee as well. Very strange but Jan and I find it highly amusing!!
As she grows up and settles she is turning into a lovely girl!

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 04 Jan 13:25

From a lonely stray to a happy beautiful Daybreaks Calendar girl! What a difference a year makes! xxx

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by poppysmum

Thursday 03 Jan 18:46

It is one year today since beautiful Amber was brought in as a stray at Daybreaks.
Love you lots Amber and I always will. xxx

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by poppysmum

Wednesday 26 Sep 18:42

Hi Amber, havent heard of any mishaps for a while, hope your're being a good girl :). Lots of love and hugs xxxxx

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by medaftboutdogs

Tuesday 28 Aug 09:25

Oh dear, Amber is really going through it - is it just silly puppy exhuberance & she will grow out of it? Hope so for your sanity. I once had a pup, my beloved Boxer, Marley - but never ever again! Pups are mental & hard work and cuddly & cute & sweet & funny & entertaining.......ooops!
Thinking of you all, xx

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by Simon,Jan&Jet

Monday 27 Aug 07:10

And so the Amber saga continues........ she had the drain taken out a few days ago, all seemed well and then she started crying when she lay down and was pemanantly giving Jan and I the 'sorry' eyes. It was then we noticed another sack of fluid at the bottom of the scar (which is healing very well!) so it's back to the vets tomorrow again....... ho hum! I must say despite Ambers appealing quantities there are times I wish I had had another grey instead, I would have 6 Jays to one Amber!

by SamA

Monday 20 Aug 20:46

Oh poor Amber - sorry it turned bad. She was so good yesterday and it looked like any bite - sore, but all clean. It was so lovely to see you all yesterday - hope coming along didn't contribute, but she was such a good quiet girl, she was fantastic. Hope she is better soon and it doesn't end up with extra vet trips. Thinking of you. Sam, Si, Dreams and Tom

by LadyVictoria

Monday 20 Aug 13:39

Oh no, poor Amber. Hope she is ok. Perhaps she should have been called Calamity Jane! xxx

by tiggersmum

Monday 20 Aug 12:45

Poor Amber :( Bites always seem to go 'bad ways' .. hope it's not too serious :( x

by poppysmum

Monday 20 Aug 12:37

Oh Amber you little minx, what have you done now?, hope it's not to bad. xxx

by Simon,Jan&Jet

Monday 20 Aug 12:05

Well I am sorry to say Amber has been up to her tricks again. Because we were going to Paws in The Park yesterday afternoon I decided to take Jay and Amber up to Sutton to let them blow off some steam especially Amber. Unfortunately she had a fall out with a Sheepdog Collie which left her with a wound just in front of her rear left leg. It didn't seem to bad and she was well behaved at the park yesterday afternoon. Last night she kept us up all night (Jan did most of it bless her because I had work today). This morning I noticed a swelling which turned out to be a sack of fluid so off to the vets again - she is on first name terms with all the staff there, but at least it's not an emergency call out this time! They are going to sedate her so as to have a good look at the wound and clean up as needed. More to follow later..........

by vicky.

Sunday 12 Aug 20:43

Can't believe I keep missing her everytime she comes to the kennels, hope she is doing well. X

by vicky.

Sunday 12 Aug 20:43

Can't believe I keep missing her everytime she comes to the kennels, hope she is doing well. X

by Simon,Jan&Jet

Tuesday 24 Jul 01:18

Amber, Jay and I will be popping into the kennels Tuesday morning to drop off some blankets that have been donated, if you are about Poppysmum.

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by poppysmum

Monday 23 Jul 20:45

Awww thanks for that Ruth, what a shame I was sleeping off a night shift :( did they say when they might visit again?

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by DaybreaksRuth

Monday 23 Jul 20:41

I saw Amber today when she visited the kennels. She is certainly still being a minx and keeping her owners on their toes - I really respect them for sticking with her as she really is a handful - but so very sweet too!

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by poppysmum

Monday 23 Jul 20:39

Hello Amber, hope you are better now gorgeous girl, are you still up to mischief :) I think about you every day. xxxx

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by Simon,Jan&Jet

Monday 02 Jul 10:03

I'm pleased to say Amber has had her bandages off and her stitches out. Got to see the vet next Friday and hopefully she'll be discharged. Only down side is she has refound her naughtiness now she has no bandages on!- ho hum!

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by poppysmum

Tuesday 26 Jun 19:33

It was so lovely to see Amber today, she hasnt changed, even with her nasty injury she is still a happy bouncy girl. It was nice to meet Jay as well, he is gorgeous. Amber obviously has a very happy nice home with you Simon which makes me happy. :)

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 26 Jun 13:21

Thanks for the update on Amber; sending her lots of hugs. xxx

by poppysmum

Monday 25 Jun 21:55

Oh Yay, I am coming to the kennels on Tuesday as well, cant wait to see her. xx

by Simon,Jan&Jet

Monday 25 Jun 18:44

Amber is still progressing slowly. A couple of the stitches have broken and one of the holes has been left open to allow any fluid to drain out. The vets have decided not to re-stitch the wound but allow it to heal naturally so as not to put tension back on the cut. She is still strapped up to support the stitches but being very good about it. We will be popping in the kennels Tuesday morning to say Hi and see if anyone will do Jay's claws, so Amber will be able to say Hi as well.

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by poppysmum

Saturday 23 Jun 21:27

please update us on how Amber is getting on, I really hope she is healing well now. sending a big hug xxxxx

by ALEX19

Tuesday 12 Jun 12:55

How is bow/amber getting on? Is she recovering well? Please give her a big cuddle from me!!!! We miss her soo much :(xxxxxx

by Simon,Jan&Jet

Tuesday 12 Jun 12:23

Just an update on Amber.....
I'm pleased to say she is doing very well. She has her dressing changed every 3 to 4 days and apart from one stitch breaking all seems well. They are still concerned about too much tension on the wound caused by pulling the two sides together but fingers crossed.
Thanks everyone for your kind thoughts x x x

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by poppysmum

Sunday 10 Jun 16:02

Ambers 100th cuddle from me today, hope she is ok. xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 07 Jun 13:42

Sending Amber lots of love. xxx

by poppysmum

Thursday 07 Jun 11:25

How is Amber?, I hope the resuturing is taking ok this time, sending big hugs for her xxx

by vicky.

Tuesday 05 Jun 18:05

oh no...poor bow :( I hope she is better soon, i miss her so much, give her a hug from me please. xx

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by tiggersmum

Tuesday 05 Jun 14:09

Hi What a shame, if you still have problems with the healing ask your vet about lasering the wound- I had a horse who had had 10 weeks box rest because a cut on his lower leg wouldn't heal :( The chiropractor I used suggested lasering it to encourage the blood supply, we checked with my vet who ok'd it and the wound healed in a couple of weeks :) All was reclaimable on the insurance too :) Good luck - my young grey is always getting into scrapes too :) Julie xx

by Foggie

Tuesday 05 Jun 10:23

Don't be too distressed, this happened to one of our greys when she had a leg amputated due to bone cancer. The original wound didn't heal properly and she had to have a second op to remove the dead skin which left a huge ugly open wound. The vet said it would heal naturally and it did although it took 6 weeks to slowly close over. Best of luck and love to you all and Amber xx

by DaybreaksRuth

Monday 04 Jun 20:03

Poor poor Amber - I really hope she is ok - big hugs xxxx please keep us posted xxxxx

by Robdog's-dad

Monday 04 Jun 19:37

Simon what sad news.We know she is in good hands and wish her a speedy recovery. You're right she's had a lousy start but with you Jan, Jay, Ellie and Princess the future looks bright for Amber. Take care - Sie, Dreams, Tom & Sam x x x x

by poppysmum

Monday 04 Jun 19:21

Oh my poor little girl :( please let her be ok. lots of love baby xxxx

by Simon,Jan&Jet

Monday 04 Jun 17:51

Tradegy for poor Amber!!
The flap of skin that had been sewn back has started to die, we assume due to the lack of blood supply. She has gone back to the vets tonight to be put back under sedation and have further work to remove the dead skin and be restitched.
Bless her she is so young and had such a lousy start to life!
Things will improve for her that is a promise I made to her before leaving her with the vet.

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by nutellajar

Saturday 02 Jun 13:09

poor baby. hope she is ok. good lad Jay x

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by FamilyofChewy

Thursday 31 May 10:00

Great news that's she's on the mend!

We had a similar injury (but from a bite rather than a branch), we used some of our sons older t-shirts, which were a pretty good fit and stopped him getting to the wound.

by Simon,Jan&Jet

Wednesday 30 May 21:39

I'm pleased to say Amber seems to be getting better, she has to go to have the drains removed on Friday and the stitches will be removed next Friday. They must be itching like mad because she is desperate to bite and scratch at the wound. The vets gave me a collar which really drives her nuts(or nuttier than she is already!) and someone on Facebook suggested an old T shirt which works brilliantly.
Many thanks and licks(from Amber not me) for all the kind thoughts and concerns.

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by Robdog's-dad

Wednesday 30 May 20:30

Amber hope everything is on the mend.Nurse Jay we trust you are looking after your little sister. Will see you all soon Dreams,Tom,Sam & Sie x x

by poppysmum

Wednesday 30 May 17:31

Hi Simon&Jay
Please let us know how Amber is, hope she is recovering ok. Thanks

by zalthered

Tuesday 29 May 20:57

Oh, Amber you poor little girl. We hope it's not too long before you're better. We'll be thinking of you. Much love.Val,Ray,Peg &

by crackercharlieX

Tuesday 29 May 17:11

Hope amber gets better soon. My charlies the same running thru bushes at full speed after squirrels n rabbits. Luckily his only screamed out bout 3 times in 3 yrs. once wen he ripped is leg open but not too badly, another time I heard a massive yelp n a minute later he came running out the bushes minus his harness, he must of got it trapped n then just the other day he chased a squirrel n came limping over with his paw cut open but I think that was glass. I hate people who smash glass, especially in parks. I wish dogs wud be more careful. Big hugs to amber. x

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 29 May 13:21

Poor little Amber, get well soon. xxx

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by BeckyB-F

Tuesday 29 May 12:46

Hope Amber is doing ok xxxx

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by LindaPaul

Tuesday 29 May 11:26

Poor Amber. Wishing you a speedy recovery and hope you remember to stay out of the bushes in future (don't suppose there is much chance of that happening though) xxx

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by medaftboutdogs

Tuesday 29 May 09:40

Poor poppet, little girls should be more careful. Wishing you a speedy recovery & well done Jay for showing your daddy what had happened.

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by poppysmum

Tuesday 29 May 07:57

Oh no. poor Amber, hope she gets well soon, lots of gentle hugs for you baby girl. xxxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 29 May 02:44

Oh no.... poor Amber..... wishing her a speedy recovery xxxxx

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by Foggie

Monday 28 May 22:30

Oh poor little Amber. They don't see the danger in the excitement. Get well soon! xxxx

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by skinnyme

Monday 28 May 21:35

Oh no poor baby, sending lots of love. Xxx

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by Simon,Jan&Jet

Monday 28 May 20:49

Amber's Tradegy!!!
Amber was part of her first family barbecue with the grandchildren running wild around the garden and Amber took it all in her stride and did very well for burgers and sausages.
Later we went for a walk in Sutton Park and she had great fun chasing rabbitts and squirrels with Jay.
All of a sudden there was a howl from in the bushes which would not have been out of place in the... Hounds of The Baskervilles. Jay came rushing out of the bushes and then ran back in. I followed round the path and into the middle of the bushes and Amber was standing with a flap of skin hanging down between her front legs. Fortunately the greyhound in her kept her standing still so I could get to her.
It appears she ran into a branch which ripped into her chest clean down to the sternum(breast bone) which stopped the stick going any further.
At midnight she was in the vets being stitched up. She is very sorry for herself but things look as well as can be expected. She has two drains in and loads of stitches and was very brave.
Jay is being a star and looking after her.

by Robdog's-dad

Sunday 20 May 20:57

Met this pocket rocket this afternoon-what a sweety!!! Jay, Simon & Janet you are such stars!! Lovely to see Ellie again & meet Princess & family.

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by vicky.

Sunday 20 May 19:58

I hope Bow is doing well in her new home, i still miss her so much! x

by Dan

Wednesday 16 May 17:38

Wonderful news. She has great potential as a pet.

by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 16 May 13:17

Nice to hear she is doing well. Lovely rehoming photo! xxx

by Simon,Jan&Jet

Wednesday 16 May 01:16

Just a note to let you know Amber is settling in very well. She is a bundle of energy and Jay is being very patient. I have been putting comments and photo's on the Perry Barr RGT Facebook page.
She will be coming on the walk at Sutton Park on Sunday and will be going to 'Wet noses and Waggy Tails' at Chasewater Country Park afterwards.

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by fatharry

Tuesday 15 May 19:52

hi simon,hope all goes well with amber,give our regards to jan and family,hope to see you all soon,well done,dave,maria,blue&ben x.

by nutellajar

Tuesday 15 May 19:19

she is such a sweetie. How is she?

by medaftboutdogs

Monday 14 May 10:08

Wow Amber that was good work little girly. Si & Jay, its brill you have taken her, I'm so pleased for this fun little girl, and she is so sweet if still very mucha pup!
luv t,reubes & blossom

by joythornz

Sunday 13 May 18:22

I have enjoyed every moment on that brief stay you had with us, Amber. I'll never forget every cuddles, licks, and laughter you brought us. You proved to be a challenge but that is overwritten by how amazingly sweet you are. You are just a puppy and I am happy that Simon understands that as you needed guidance and a firm family to let you learn rules, boundaries and limitations. You also need time to grow up as being a pup, everything is play with you. Simon and family - I am so pleased meeting you and Jay (he's a stunner!). I went home today from Daybreaks with a smile on my face thinking Amber is definitely home. :) xxx

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by Robdog's-dad

Sunday 13 May 14:09

Is that an Ellie between two fawns i see on the photo? Well done Amber, and Jay have fun with your new sister.

by BeckyB-F

Sunday 13 May 13:54

Lovely pic xxxx

by nutellajar

Sunday 13 May 11:11

finally! welldone young girly! that new owner of urs is beaming :) xxx

by nutellajar

Saturday 12 May 13:57

ive got a feelin that this is goin 2 b the 1!

by medaftboutdogs

Saturday 12 May 12:54

Good luck in your trial weekend Amber - try to be a good girl & learn your place - alseep on the floor!!
luv t & Reubes & BLossom

by PaulFawcett

Friday 11 May 18:23

she is such a beautiful dog...hope she finds a good home.

by Jess&Koda

Friday 11 May 12:48

please be good AMBER because i dont think auntie ruth will be very happy so make her SMILE!!! xx

by nutellajar

Thursday 10 May 19:14

yay! hope it goes well this time little lady! :)

by akennyxx

Thursday 10 May 12:23

U look so cute !!!

by BeckyB-F

Thursday 10 May 11:28

Pleased to read there is a potential home for you Amber xxxx

by xxGordonBearxx

Thursday 10 May 11:05

Oh Amber!!

I cannot believe you have been brought back this many times, hopefully you will be reserved soon:)

My cuddle goes out to you dearie:)

by xxGordonBearxx

Thursday 10 May 11:05

Oh Amber!!

I cannot believe you have been brought back this many times, hopefully you will be reserved soon:)

My cuddle goes out to you dearie:)

by Simon,Jan&Jet

Wednesday 09 May 21:35

I'm pleased to say Jay was ok with Amber so all looks good for her to come and stay with us. We have a few things to sort with Ruth but if all goes well we will take her for the time being with the possible hope to make it a more permanent arrangement.

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by Emma

Wednesday 09 May 16:16

Glad to hear that Amber seems to be sorted for foster care. She would love it here - with Kev, Sadie and Frankie to bomb around and play with, and Moo for more sedate cuddles. And not forgetting how good she was when she met my cats for cat testing all those months ago. Unfortunately I know I would be a RUBBISH foster mum as I wouldn't give her back, and that might be a problem as my hubby would definitely divorce me! Good luck Amber xxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 08 May 23:22

I have been overwhelmed at the support and offer of help for Amber today.... thank you everyone. She is going to meet Jay the greyhound tomorrow with dad Simon and fingers crossed she is a good girl! She met Tracy with Reubes and Blossom today too and Blossom put her in her place! The lovely Myrna may take her for some serious training for a few days too! I have left her this evening for approx 3 hours and she was settled all evening (we could see on the cameras and enjoyed her Kong). She is settling well, calming down and responds well to all we ask of her :-)

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Tuesday 08 May 21:03

Ruth, following all my texts today re this little gem, if you need anyone to have her Sat-Sun are definately on every week, depending if Ad's shifts fall on a Tue-Fri, I can have her all week. Have my shifts in for rest of year, have 2 dogs at home and a very large kitchen and converted play area outside for our girls already. XXXXXX

by joythornz

Tuesday 08 May 18:38

Ruth, I can offer Amber a foster home whether 10 day period or not. I left a message on your contact number or you can give Brian or I a call. - Myrna

by Dan

Tuesday 08 May 17:59

Ruth, I'm working these days, so I don't think I could manage that long as it covers weekdays. But I maybe able to take her again on, say, for the weekends if you like (the Saturday-Sunday) - 19th-20th and 26th-27th.

by tiggersslave

Tuesday 08 May 12:23

I just love this girl .. if I didn't have a baggage of a greyhound Amber would be grabbed by me :) ... I love dogs who are bright and intelligent cos I love getting out walking with my dogs, training them and generally having fun with them. My first lurcher many years ago was a Lab/greyhound and he was energetic and very quick to learn :) Ambers still a baby in dog years so will learn very easily - as long as you teach her the right things .. all dogs pick up the things we don't want them to learn if we don't show them or teach them :) Don't forget you get four free training sessions with her and it sounds like all she needs is some boundaries and lots of love.... but in the right balance :) like all dogs. Julie x

by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 08 May 11:36

Hi Simon&Jay (and everyone else wondering).... where do I start! Amber is a lively, happy girl who is approx 1 year old. We think she is a greyhound x Lab but came to us as a stray in December and we couldn't bear to think of her going to somewhere like the Dogs Home where she would be kennelled all day.

She needs someone who is firm with discipline as she has bundles of energy but equally becomes more settled with routine.

She went to a home where she had an owner that was around her a lot but after she was neutered her behaviour deteriorated which is when she was returned. She went to another home recently but she was spoilt rotton (great for Amber but not for separation anxiety) and was returned because of her chewing when left.

I took her home when she was returned for the first time and she was good at being left, however after her most recent return I watched her on the cameras when left at home and saw that she was into everything, chewing what she could but then would crash out and sleep (as puppies do).

We have found she has become more settled as we are very firm with her and at night she sleeps downstairs with our 6 greys and is unmuzzled and very settled. She is housetrained also.

If she has a good long walk and her breakfast she will generally settle for a couple of hours so feel she would suit a home where she is not left for more than a few hours at a time and would need the company of another dog to help her as she loves to sleep curled up next to them.

Now.... comes to the crunch..... I am DESPERATE to find her a foster home for a 10 day period from 18th May as I have my sister coming home from Japan and I am planning a few days off so can't leave her all day unattended.

She seems frightened initially of men she doesn't know but other than her SA and playfullness these are her only downfalls.


Monday 07 May 20:19

Oh my word, don't, just when we've planned for Rose, look who comes along! We had exactly the same with our eldest as this little darling has had. She is a beautiful intelligent 'bored easily' girl who just needs lots of toys and stimulation. Our eldest Bella was just like her. XX

by Simon,Jan&Jet

Monday 07 May 19:11

What is the problem here? I can't believe she has too many problems because she seems to be ok at Ruths house. Can anyone enlighten us to what is going wrong?

by nutellajar

Monday 07 May 15:43

aww sweetie. well, BELLA now is ur chance!

by BeckyB-F

Monday 07 May 15:35

Poor amber, she isn't having much luck xxxx hope things get better for her soon xxxx

by Foggie

Monday 07 May 13:10

So soon! What went wrong?

by Bartleygreen,crew

Monday 07 May 13:04

ho no wat happend this time she is so sweet and so young

by poppysmum

Monday 07 May 11:10

Oh no, it looks like Amber is back again :(


Saturday 05 May 20:02

How'd your first couple of nights go Amber? XX

by poppysmum

Saturday 05 May 17:58

Did Amber go to her new home yesterday?, If so I really hope it works out for her this time, and it was so lovely to see her yesterday, she is such a happy bouncy little girl, love you Amber xxxxxx


Friday 04 May 21:22

Hey Amber, please let us all know how you get on in your new home. Good luck sweetheart. Hope today went well. XX

by nutellajar

Friday 04 May 16:59

such a sweet and petite little girl

by zalthered

Tuesday 01 May 23:29

Oh Amber, we do hope it works out for you this time. You'll have someone to play with like you played with Max. Love Val,Ray,Peg &


Tuesday 01 May 22:25

All the best little girl, gutted for ourselves but very happy for you. xxxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Tuesday 01 May 21:10

Ruth r u sure this isnt foxy? Oh my god she looks the spit of him! xxx

by vicky.

Tuesday 01 May 18:39

I hope her new home is successful and she is still able to visit the kennels. such a beautiful and intelligent little girl, already learnt; sit, down and wait. She deserve's such a good home with a family who all love her very much. will miss bow so much.

by nutellajar

Tuesday 01 May 18:37

yay! good luck baby! luv the reserved pic. she looks so excited!

by poppysmum

Tuesday 01 May 15:49

Very pleased to hear that Amber has another home lined up, please let it work for her this time, love the new photo, at first glance I thought it was Foxy!, lol hope to see you Amber before you go, lots of love xxxxx

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Tuesday 01 May 13:46

Got everything crossed for you this time Amber, you are SOOOOOOOOO popular!!!! And this time you've got a big sister, yipee xxx

by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 01 May 13:40

Hope this is the one for Amber this time. xxx

by BeckyB-F

Tuesday 01 May 10:49

Hope it all works out this time xxxx Fantastic pic xxxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 01 May 07:57

Pearl's mum reserved Amber yesterday afternoon and she is going to take Amber on Friday :-) So sorry BELLA - I know how much you wanted her too..... we had a powercut most of the day at the kennels and unfortunately were unable to update the website :-(

by Becky24680

Monday 30 Apr 22:22

You will love her! I hated having to let her go and if it was up to me or my sisters we would still have her now. She is so loving and cute. I hope she finds a new home really soon as she deserves it. Love you bow xxxxxx


Monday 30 Apr 20:34

Oooo,just left a message on the main telephone, hope we havent missed the boat on her, she looks such a little darlin. Hope our two girls at home will like her. Cant wait. xx


Monday 30 Apr 20:29

Wispa'sMum, thanks for that as it's swung it for us really. Had a good chat with Ruth today. I think our mind is made up. Will be calling in the morning to reserve this little girl. Going to bring our eldest girl up to see how they get on also. Can you pop me an e-mail on how to discuss this littlen with you, cheers, XXXXXX

by nutellajar

Monday 30 Apr 19:16

aww ill giv her my cuddle xxxxx

by Jeff

Monday 30 Apr 15:21

Aww , she looks lovely , I so wish it was 12 years time when I could take early retirement , as I would take her , Im tempted now !!!

by LadyVictoria

Monday 30 Apr 13:40

Very sorry to hear things didn't work out for little Amber again.....I am sure the perfect home is out there. Her previous owners must be very sad to have had to return her. xxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Monday 30 Apr 07:03

Amber is back stopping with us and we had her before. She has been left with my dogs and we watched her on the camera and she was very settled to be left. She just loves the company of other dogs - especially those who play with her. She is clean in the house and a lovely playful little girl.


Sunday 29 Apr 20:54

We loved this girl today, she was perfect but worried how she'd be left alone even with 2 oher dogs? Such a fuss pot. xx

by Andrew

Sunday 29 Apr 20:39

Happy to give Amber a home..
We have just lost our Greyhound Poochie at 15 yrs old..
We will call Daybreaks on Monday!

by poppysmum

Sunday 29 Apr 19:38

Hi Ruth, will Amber be at the kennels tomorrow?.

by BeckyB-F

Sunday 29 Apr 09:44

Hope Bella has a home for Amber xxxx

by crumpets1

Sunday 29 Apr 08:42

Amber , we left the kennels with Tommy yesterday after hearing about you here comes some love mwah xxx


Sunday 29 Apr 07:54

Amber, you look like you need a cuddle, some love and a home with dogs. Will come and have a look at you today, I have 2 other girls at home who'm im sure would Mother you. XXXX

by ALEX19

Saturday 28 Apr 22:41

we love you so much bow... you know if we had it our way you would be with us forever. yogi will miss his play mate. we hope you find a new home soon and are happy there... xxx

by vicky.

Saturday 28 Apr 21:37

im so sorry bow, I hope you get a new lovely home soon. love you x

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Saturday 28 Apr 20:53

Aww Dan, i hope Megan warms to her!! :o) xxxx

by Dan

Saturday 28 Apr 20:21

She's got no shortage of fans. She's just very unlucky. Trying to take her mind off things by running her in the garden. No wimpering so far. Megan hates her and Sally is indifferent, but the olds think she's lovely. She's conked out on the bed now.

by poppysmum

Saturday 28 Apr 19:42

Oh Amber not again :((((( lots of love to you baby, I will come and see you on Monday xxxxxxxxxx

by kallie

Saturday 28 Apr 18:26

so sorry to see you back again Amber, we shall have to try very hard to find you a home with another doggie so that you are not going to be too upset when your humans have to leave you...there will be the right home out there for you , we just have to look a little harder, big cuddles...xxxx

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Saturday 28 Apr 16:55

so sorry to hear that it's not worked out for you Amber, THERE is a forever home out there just for you, you will find it soon. Love n hugs, big licks from Gold n Ruby xxx

by crackercharlieX

Saturday 28 Apr 16:55

Poor Amber n I kno Vicky who took her on will b devastated havin to return her. she is such a sweet girl. Any chance Amber myt end up living at the Boswell house? I kno how much Robbie loved her. x

by AimeeJayne

Saturday 28 Apr 16:29

Oh no not again, poor Amber :( *hugs & kisses (licks from Milly)* <3 xxxxx

by BeckyB-F

Saturday 28 Apr 15:29

Poor Amber, she must be feeling really unsettled :-(

by susy

Saturday 28 Apr 15:03

Oh,No Amber. What a shame.
Love to you.

The New Icemaid Clan XXX

by DaybreaksRuth

Saturday 28 Apr 14:57

Amber sadly is being returned today as she really needs the company of another dog when she is left alone as she is getting separation anxiety.

by nutellajar

Tuesday 10 Apr 20:35

welldone tiny little cutey. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

by kallie

Tuesday 10 Apr 18:52

oh i am pleased that you have gone to be with Vicky, how lovely, be a good girl . xxxx

by poppysmum

Tuesday 10 Apr 15:36

Oh Amber, I hope it works out for you this time baby, and I didnt even get to say goodbye :( Be good, Love you xxxx

by bestistdogs

Tuesday 10 Apr 15:16

So pleased for you little one .. enjoy your new home and bestist wishes to your new owners Jx

by AimeeJayne

Monday 09 Apr 17:59

Amber Im sooo happy for you!!! Hope you enjoy yourself in your new home, and hope you have a nice doggy friend with you!! Milly sends lots of loves and licks .. Max just grumbles aha love you!!be happy!! :) <3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

by BeckyB-F

Monday 09 Apr 17:40

Really pleased for you Amber/Belle xxxx

by Simon,Jan&Jet

Monday 09 Apr 15:58

My grandaughter Ellie has seen the pictures of Amber and fell in love.
Ruth says there have been two viewings today so hopefully she will be homed, otherwise we will have her!

1 others liked this

by crumpets1

Saturday 07 Apr 20:51

she is just soo cute loverly colour xx

by poppysmum

Saturday 07 Apr 16:01

I'm glad you are being a good girl for Auntie Ruth Amber, love you lots and lots xxxxxxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Saturday 07 Apr 07:03

Amber is being really good. Totally clean in the house and sleeps all through the night. After her breakfast each morning she happily goes in the 'dog' room with our greys and entertains herself with the toys. She was left for a short while last night with our greys and she was golden. She really needs the company of other dogs to help her settle. She has learnt that the sofa is out of bounds but has been sleeping on our bed at night! She is a happy playful little girl and I am told by her previous owner she used to go off the lead too.

by Lea,Sonny,Poppy-Obi

Friday 06 Apr 10:55

Awww pretty Amber/Belle hope Auntie Ruth has a new home lined up for you, you are obsolutely gorgeous ! if we are busy enough for her Ruth, we can help you out LOL ! x

by AimeeJayne

Wednesday 04 Apr 17:46

Was soooo happy to see Amber again today, although now she responds to the name Bella .. Had lots of cuddles, a nice walk and hopefully you'll be in your new home tonight!!! You be good hunni love you so so soooooo much!! <3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

by poppysmum

Wednesday 04 Apr 08:46

Amber will get my cuddle everyday, till she gets a new home. I hope she has been ok at Rays overnight xxx

by kallie

Tuesday 03 Apr 19:00

oh poor little girlie, she is only a baby and still needs the company of someone....her poor family must feel very sad...will give you a cuddle on thursday. xxxx

by poppysmum

Tuesday 03 Apr 18:02

Oh Amber, I'm so sorry :( They may have changed your name to Belle, but you'll always be Amber to me, at least Uncle Ray and his family are caring for you so you are in a familiar environment. lots of hugs and kisses xxxxxxx

by BeckyB-F

Tuesday 03 Apr 16:45

So sorry for Amber and her family, hopefully the right forever home will come along quickly, maybe with a doggy friend xxxx

by susy

Tuesday 03 Apr 13:15

So sad to read the news. But you are so lovely a home is around the corner.
Love The New Icemaid Clan. XXX

by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 03 Apr 13:10

Very sorry to hear it didn't work out for Amber this time, her owners must be devastated. xxx

by AimeeJayne

Tuesday 03 Apr 11:52

Oh no, Amber!! I'll see you on Wednesday hopefully! Love you so much <3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 03 Apr 11:44

Amber is sadly being returned as she is getting severe separation anxiety. She really needs a home where she is not going to be left for long and has the company of another dog. Her owners have really tried, but as she is so young she is very full of energy and needs an experienced owner with another dog or a busy family to offer her a home.

by poppysmum

Thursday 09 Feb 14:17

Hello Amber, I hope you are happy, I think about you every day, lots of love xxxx

by zalthered

Thursday 02 Feb 11:47

So glad to hear how well Amber has settled into her new home.We met Ray when he was taking Amber for a walk from the kennels. I'm sure Amber is going to have a very happy life with him & his wife. Love from Val,Ray,Peg &

by skinnyme

Wednesday 01 Feb 22:54

Spoke to Ambers new mum tonight, she is settling in really well, clean in the house and has been off lead twice.

by poppysmum

Monday 30 Jan 20:36

Hope you are happy in your new home baby, lots of love. xxxx

by AimeeJayne

Saturday 28 Jan 23:32

Had lots of cuddles with Amber today before she left with her new owners, words can't describe how happy I am for her, might have shed a few tears lol .. :') her new owners are brilliant and so lovely, hope she's settled in well! :) love you Amber!! xxxxxxxx

by poppysmum

Saturday 28 Jan 13:22

It was so lovely to see Amber and say goodbye today, she was so excited to see me, really tugged at my heartstrings :( bye lovely girl, hope you will be happy in your new home, I know uncle Ray will miss you loads to, everyone tells me your new owners are lovely. lots of love baby xxxxxxxxxx

by AimeeJayne

Friday 27 Jan 14:38

So pleased that Amber has found a new home, met her new owner on Wednesday and he was lovely, going to miss her so much, but know that she is going to be so happy where she is going :) <3 xxxxxxx

by poppysmum

Thursday 26 Jan 20:55

Thanks Jill, I will definately have to come and say good bye then. xx

by skinnyme

Thursday 26 Jan 20:45

Amber is going to her new home on Saturday.

by poppysmum

Thursday 26 Jan 18:14

When is Amber going to her new home?, any chance she will be there on Saturday?, love you Amber xxx

by lichfield_sam

Wednesday 25 Jan 18:56

yay your reserved brilliant news xxx

by poppysmum

Wednesday 25 Jan 18:46

Very happy to see Amber has been reserved :) xxx

by BeckyB-F

Wednesday 25 Jan 16:26

Glad you have a new home to go to xxxx

by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 25 Jan 14:16

Well done Amber, knew you wouldn't be at Daybreaks long! Be happy. xxx

by susy

Wednesday 25 Jan 14:00

Great news Amber.

Love The New Icemaid Clan xx

by Danksy

Tuesday 24 Jan 10:21

Gorgeous!! Never thought about having a greyhound before until a friend of mine told me to look here! Will have to have words with my hubby! Watch this space!!

by poppysmum

Monday 23 Jan 16:47

Please please somebody give Amber a home, it is breaking my heart to see her, knowing I cant keep her :( love you baby xxxxx

by AimeeJayne

Monday 23 Jan 15:42

Hope Amber finds a home soon, love her so much xxxxxxx

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Monday 23 Jan 15:06

Oh great, have been tryin to persuade my hubby to have grey no.2, not goin particularly well n then he see's Amber n suddenly he says yes!!, shame I work n feel theata baby would not be the way to go for either of us, sorry Amber, sure the right home is out there for you n so pleased that you found daybreaks. I'll give you my cuddle for today n go back to workin on my hubby!!

by LadyVictoria

Monday 23 Jan 13:18

What a beautiful little girl, so glad she ended up at Daybreaks and is not still out on the streets. xxx

by Naomi

Monday 23 Jan 11:34

OMG!!! How beautiful! I wish I had room for this lovely pup she's gorgeous! Who can resist a puppy though! :) x

by BeckyB-F

Sunday 22 Jan 18:02

Bless her, I guess nobody claimed her xxx She is with the right people to help her find her forever home xxxx

by susy

Sunday 22 Jan 14:51

A lovely looking g/hound, hopefully she will soon be re-homed.

Love the New Icemaid Clan x