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Racing Name
Date of birth
01 jan 2008
Ear mark


female, 16 years old, Black

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Friday 05 Jan

Lizzie has had 0 cuddles today (32 all together).
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by Jess&Koda

Tuesday 03 Nov 08:16

Run free Lizzie, taken way too soon xx

by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 03 Nov 06:53

Run free precious one - taken too soon :-(

1 others liked this

by crumpets1

Sunday 29 Apr 08:33

Hi, take a look at Tommy we have just took him home for a trial to see how he gets on with Trinny .It was nice to see you again at the walk .The first night is now over ,he's had us up all night doesn't like the muzzle and Trinny a bit stressed out but early days so I'll keep you posted,you were right wasn't long till we got another we only went to get Trinnys nails cut!!!

by tiggersslave

Friday 27 Apr 08:11

Hi Chazat Sorry to hear Lizzie has a heart condition ... my last lurcher had had a heart murmur for many years when it suddenly deteriorated :( My vet said he had only two months - if I was lucky :( I use lots of alternative health products and found Neem Genie's Multi capsules ... they are herbal and safe with Neem (an Indian tree) and Tumeric (the spice) ... I gave Moke two a day and they kept him alive with a good quality of life for another two years :) SInce I've heard of many dogs - and people :) who take these Multi capusles and have felt much better so worth a try. I get them from Dave at Neem Genie - 01547 529277 or he has a website. best wishes Julie PS They're good for arthritis too :)

by LadyVictoria

Monday 23 Apr 13:37

Very sorry to hear aobut Lizzie's heart condition, but it is great to hear how happy she is and how much you love her. xxx

by Foggie

Saturday 21 Apr 20:45

Hi Lizzi's family we were at Daybreaks collecting (M)Arty when you finalised the paper work for little Lizzie. So sorry to hear of her health problems but at least she has a loving family to look after her. Wishing you all all the best xx

by Chazat

Saturday 21 Apr 14:01

Lizzie is such a little darling who has sooooooo come out of her shell with the family. She loves fuss, loves Bob, loves the kids and loves sniffing around and running free in a nearby field. Unfortunately after a visit to the vets we were told she had a heart murmur but after talking to Ruth we were not concerned as this is very common, however after a follow up appointment we were told it is not one of those heart murmurs but a moderate heart condition. She has a cough which was initially treated with a cough mixture but this had no effect, then the vet linked the cough to the heart problem. We are so glad she has found us. At the moment she is full of life so we will just take every day as it comes and love her and spoil her and cuddle her forever....

by nutellajar

Tuesday 27 Mar 19:21

luv the second picture. and the second to last. and the last looks like she is settling in well! xxxxx

by Chazat

Sunday 18 Mar 21:27

Hi crumpets1 looking forward to the next waseley walk, not sure when it is- might see you there! How's beautiful Trinny getting on? Are you still tempted for number 2?

by crumpets1

Sunday 18 Mar 16:04

Hi just thought I would say hello , we met at Wesley Hills .
We own Trinny .

by tiggersslave

Wednesday 14 Mar 09:43

HIya both
Please let me know what you think of the book - for a long long time I've not gone along with the wolf=dog theory of dog training, I think there needs to be boundaries and consistency but I have watched mine and not seen a strict 'pack' structure of one top/Alpha dog and talked to people who think like me :) ... I've also seen people who have been told that they have to be the dominant one - and got very scared unhappy dogs as a result :(. I read an article by David Mech who was one of the first scientists to use Alpha dog/bitch and wolf=dog .. he and some 20 other scientists have now published research which says they got it wrong- they now realise they were watching wolves kept in an enclosure not truly feral wolves who could move and find their own territory and food so David Mech says their results were flawed. Apparently a true wild wolf pack is like a family and the 'children' leave home to start their own pack if food is scarce but if there's lots of food often wolbes will join the pack and the 'family' becomes bigger. True fights are rare and pups are fed first not the alpha dogs ... really interesting ...see what you think :) Julie xx

by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Tuesday 13 Mar 22:08

I like the comment on the extract from the book. I was thinking as I read all the comments 'if it works for you and your dog(s)/family, then what's the harm? Ours sleep downstairs, but only because Gent can't climb the stairs (and has no interest in learning how!). I'd love to have them upstairs. On the few occasions when we've been away and all bunked together, I love listening to their contented sighs as the doze away! Mand x

by bestistdogs

Tuesday 13 Mar 20:19

Thank you ... have just ordered book Jx

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Tuesday 13 Mar 20:11

Have read all the discussions with interest. Our 1st grey, Golde, has always slept downstairs, infact it was 3 months before she ever came upstairs, she now loves to come up for a cuddle in the morning. Our 2nd,Ruby, well, upstairs within first 5 minutes and straight onto the bed! She spent the first couple of nights downstairs but boy did we know about it, crying, howling and clitter,clatter most of the night as she wandered up and down the hall. So eventually we let her upstairs and onto, oh goodness can't believe I'm admitting to this, our bed! She now sleeps on our bed though is becoming more confident and even sleeps downstairs some nights, think she would more if Gold would share a sofa. This is written from the woman who said no dog upstairs n DEFINATLEY not on beds, strange how things change. Have just read an extract from the book tigersslave recommends and have ordered, like the bit that said "if it suits you and you are happy then go for it". So look forward to reading it and going to bed with Ruby happy and snuggled by my feet!

by tiggersslave

Tuesday 13 Mar 14:42

I think as long as if you say 'off' your dog gets off the bed then that's absolutely fine .. mine have all slept in my bedroom and even on my bed - I say 'off' and Charlie drags himself off and onto his own bed ... then as I drop off to sleep I hear him get back on my bed LOL. If your room is a safe place for the greys beds I think that's a big plus too ... I always say to people that they need to think of a greys history beofre trying to shut them in a room on their own - they've just retired into a strange and often scarey world and then their family are shutting them away :( no wonder people have trouble getting gresy to settle on their own :( .. they just need understanding :) A really good book for anyone to read is by Barry Eaton and called Dominance in Dogs Fact or Fiction :) It talks a lot of sense Julie x

by Chazat

Tuesday 13 Mar 13:38

Thanks for taking the time to help me. I thought I might get more negative comments about how you must not have the dogs in your room but no, I am rather pleased that there are many hounds that share a bedroom with yourselves. Lizzie and Bob have shared with us for 2 nights now and I must admit that i feel less worried about warning the children to be careful and quiet because if the dogs wish they can retire to our bedroom. Thanks again

by BeckyB-F

Tuesday 13 Mar 11:20

We have 4 dogs (3 greys) and they all sleep in our room. We have 3 children and their doors are shut at night, plus we have 4 cats who have the run of downstairs at night, they tend to play a lot then and would disturb the dogs too much. The dogs don't go upstairs in the day unless we have a party etc when 2 of them prefer to lie down out of the way ! It works for us, and they all sleep on the beds on the floor and we don't hear a peep out of them until I get up in the morning xxxx (although of a weekend they do sneek onto the bed if they think we are awake for a cuddle xxxx)

by medaftboutdogs

Monday 12 Mar 09:32

About a year ago my 2 ended up sleeping in my bedroom - much to my horror, but we had had 2 weeks of crying all night so I relented for a bit of sleep. I know your circumstance is a bit different - but each to their own I say. If its gonna avoid a mishap with kids treading on dogs & dogs being safe, then go for it...! Your house, your dogs, your rules.

by Moffy

Sunday 11 Mar 16:10

We only have one greyhound (Katy), but do have 2 children and we do have a bed in our room on the floor for Katy. All I can say is it works for us, but every dog and child is different. When the childrens friends visit it is somewhere for Katy to go out of the way if she chooses as the downstairs of our house is very open plan. We did originally make a mistake by letting Katy on our bed when we first had her and that didn't work with the children .... she certainly thought she was too high in the pack. The bed on the floor resolved this issue. Hope this helps.

by Deb

Sunday 11 Mar 15:20

I think as long as they are in your room and not in and out of your small childrens room you should be Ok but you need to be careful and reinforce with the kids how to behave round the dogs.

by spencer68

Sunday 11 Mar 14:25

Hi chazat, we have ellie-may sleeping in our bedroom since day one. you say to yourself that they are not going to sleep in the bedroom but she was home 24hrs and that idea went out of the window! we have 2 boys that like to fight and play in the house and ellie's space is under the stairs where it is quite for her , she does join us when we are in the living room but she will happlily just go to her own bedduring the day. I think that if you are not bothered about your grey sleeping in your bedroom and she sleeps well then there is no harm, ellie sleeps by the side of my bed on her quilt and normally we dont hear a peep out of her until the morning, just the occasional wanting to go outside in the middle of the night to toilet and she then goes straight up to the stairs.i think that if you have one or two kids like i do that are not quite then you need to let your dog have her or there own space. hope this helps. ann and ellie-may.xx

by Chazat

Sunday 11 Mar 10:04

I would like to get an opinion on what grey owners feel about their dogs having their beds in your bedroom. We are having issues on where to have a quiet place for the dogs to retire without being in the way of children traffic. Bob's bed was originally above the stairs, now Lizzie has come and wants to share with Bob there is not much room. We have always had issues anyway of the children and their friends having to walk past not giving the much peace. We have made a bed in our bedroom which takes them away from the traffic but is this ok? We were told in the past that this was a big NoNo! especially if you have kids....discuss.

by Foggie

Friday 09 Mar 16:23

Perhaps when Lizzie is fully settled you will consider your third..........?

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Friday 09 Mar 14:03

Am so pleased that Lizzie is doing so well, having 2 is just great, like Bob & Lizzie, Goldie & Ruby chase each other round the garden and get into mischief together! Was it such a good idea to have 2?

by Chazat

Friday 09 Mar 13:22

Well Lizzie has been with us nearly 3 weeks now and she is really coming out of her shell so Let Lizzie off the lead Today for the first time! I don't know what i was worried about...she kept running up to me, playfully running off then waiting for me to catch up then running off again. Bob had a mini race with her, they thoroughly enjoyed themselves..sniffing all the way round. They are well and truely shattered now, fast asleep on their bed. I'm so glad we got a little girlfriend for Bob!

by LadyVictoria

Monday 05 Mar 13:34

She looks very, very happy! xx

by DaybreaksRuth

Monday 05 Mar 04:47

Thank you for the fab photos of her in her home..... I am so pleased she has found the wag in her tail.... thank you so much for opening your home to her and it is great to hear Bobby is so happy with her xxx

by skinnyme

Sunday 04 Mar 23:46

What a great rehoming photo and fab family, looking forward to bumping into you all in sanders park, Jill and the Williams clan xxx

by bestistdogs

Sunday 04 Mar 18:11

Wishing you and your family, Lizzie and Bob all the bestist for the future ... enjoy Jx

by Foggie

Sunday 04 Mar 17:46

Hi Lizzie's mum, it was great to talk to you at the grand rehoming today. Lizzie is so cute and I know she has already settled in with you she's a lucky girl, these dogs deserve a bit of luck don't they.

by SamA

Sunday 04 Mar 17:26

Boing boing Lizzie Lizzie boing boing. Looks like you've got a big brother to look after you now good luckto all(albion need all the luck they can get ha ha) Tom & D x x x

by Chazat

Sunday 04 Mar 15:44

Lizzie is now offically part of our family. We all love her dearly, especially Bob....picture to follow. Poor Lizzie looks worried to death in the photo! But The Baggies haven't lost a match since we've had her, so what can you do......our lucky little Irish mascot.

by BeckyB-F

Sunday 04 Mar 15:05

Wonderful to se the 'rehomed' sign xxxxx Best wishes to you all xxxx

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Sunday 04 Mar 15:00

On my goodness all this fabulous news on a very wet Sunday! So pleased for you Lizzie, you look very happy wth your new famly. Hope your enjoying 2grey's, Ruby has now been here 5weeks n it is fab having 2! Good luck Ruby and Goldie's Mum x

by Deb

Sunday 04 Mar 13:54

well done lizzie you have captured a lot of hearts.

by bestistdogs

Monday 27 Feb 19:55

And oh no again!!! Jessie was at Waseley on Sunday to!!!
She enjoyed her walk and so did her new friends Flash the whippet and Pippa the JR ... all are getting on great .. just got to contact Ruth to go and sign on the dotted line Jx

by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Monday 27 Feb 12:16

Oh no, I was there with Emily and Gent. Wished I'd have known and we could have said hi. Glad things are going okay, she sounds really, really settled with you. Fingers-crossed for that green rehomed sign! Mand, Gent & Emily xx

by Chazat

Monday 27 Feb 10:24

Lizzie is such a little poppet. She has fitted in so well with us all. She is so loving, just wanting cuddles and fuss. Bob loves having her around too.She has even started go up to the boys to sniff them when called which is great progress. Lizzie and Bob very much enjoyed the Waseley Walk meeting all the other greys.

by Chazat

Thursday 23 Feb 22:11

Went to the field Today as Bob was having withdrawls. Let Bob off but kept Lizzie on lead, she seemed very at ease. She wasn't scared of the horses which I thought she would be. When she improves her recall will maybe let her off, the only worry would be if there were other dogs-she is so scared. Lizzie met our cat! she was very worried almost retreated and just lunging, so must be a good sign. I was a little worried at them meeting because earlier she found a cuddly toy and played with it. She was shaking it from side to side really enjoying herself but i just couldn't get the picture of the toy being Pilchard (our cat) out of my mind!

by Deb

Thursday 23 Feb 13:55

really good to hear how she is settling down and amazing how they quickly claim the sofa as their own!

by Chazat

Wednesday 22 Feb 22:14

Things still going really well and she is getting more and more confident (along with more wagging of the tail Ruth). She still pants a lot and is unsure of all around her - however this is to be expected. She loves her food - which is good as she needs to put on the pounds - and has shown some really positive interaction with other humans!! She will be a sofa dog (not like Bobby V) as she is currently sitting on the sofa with Bec - if this is just the start........ One accident - but she didn't tell us and we are so used to 'Super Bladder' Bobs. She is drinking a lot however due to her unease!!! She is beautiful and doesn't walk, she bounces!!!

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Wednesday 22 Feb 09:55

Got fingers crossed for you Lizzie n Bob oh n the CAT!! We went for exactly the same n hey presto Ruby, need more food now so going to have to go with blindfold, there is definatley no room at the inn!!!

by Chazat

Tuesday 21 Feb 21:12

Hi Goldie's Mum we had only gone to the kennels for a toe nail clip and food! We asked to take some dogs for a walk which was when we were introduced to Hope and Lizzie, Hope wasn't keen so we just took Lizzie. Ruth then told her story which of course broke our hearts....what can you do? So we have brought her home for some TLC and if all goes well with Bob and our this space.
Anyway an update for Today, Lizzie has been wagging and running in the garden and this afternoon she joined me on the sofa and snuggled. This is all new territory for us as Bob is no couch loving hound , he loves to lie on floor or most of the time on his bed. Still not done the cat test because our cat chooses times to come in when all are asleep. She follows me everywhere but seems ok to be left on the half days i have worked and Bob seems less over the top with his welcomes, so perhaps liking the company. Bob has had his first niggle after being woken up by Lizzie, she seems ok with it. Bob does like his sleep.

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Monday 20 Feb 21:29

Delighted to see that you've taken the step n have now got 2! It's now nearly a month since Ruby(Joan) came to live with us n we love her loads. She's completly different to Gold, much more in your face, literally at times, very confident in some ways but lacking in others. Big sis Gold still has her moments with her but more sharing of sofa's n Ruby has definalty helped Gold with her "not sure bout other breeds" n Gold is there for Ruby with loud bangs n unusual sounds! So all in all we're rubbing along nicely. Hope you find the same, good luck xx

by skinnyme

Monday 20 Feb 21:14

Hi Charlie, two of mine never wee on their walks so don't worry about that, glad she seems to be settling. Give me a call if you
need anything. Jill

by Chazat

Monday 20 Feb 20:26

Lizzie had a good night once settled no thanks to Bob who went upstairs and left her. Over night she has learned to go up and down stairs confidently and ended up sleeping with Bob in his area, no grumbles. She has eaten well and been for 2 good walks where we found out she is very nervous of other breeds, Bob on the otherhand loves any canine company so made the walk interesting.
We have had a little wagging of tail and a funny five minutes in the garden where she darted about excitedly. She feels much safer in garden, she hasn't weed on any walks! Hasn't really come in contact with our cat yet, keep you posted.

by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Monday 20 Feb 18:02

Hi Chazat. Keep us updated with Little Lizzie's progress. I got to spend some more time with her on Sunday and just glad I did. She looked a lot brighter than when I'd seen her last Sunday and more interested in her surroundings (although she had been such a poorly little girl after her spey). I had been working on my other half for a week, but had been told in no uncertain terms that we couldn't have another. She really is the most delightful little girl and I really hope things work out for you all and she's found her forever home. Sounds like Bobby V certainly wants her stay!! Good luck to you all. Mand, Gent & Emily xxx

by LadyVictoria

Monday 20 Feb 13:24

Hope all contiunes to go well for Lizzie. xxx

by BeckyB-F

Monday 20 Feb 11:20

Paws crossed for her xxxx

by Chazat

Sunday 19 Feb 20:47

Lizzie is settling in well so far and has eaten her tea. She is putting up with Bobby V's excitement and seems to be bringing out the best in him. We are looking forwards to the first wag of the tail and the start of what will hopefully be her forever home!!!

by Deb

Sunday 19 Feb 19:25

Brilliant she is such a sweet little poppet hope we hear how she progresses.How her life has changed for the better in only a few days.

by BeckyB-F

Sunday 19 Feb 17:15

What a wonderful new life you will have, enjoy being part of a family and enjoy creature comforts xxxx

by LindaPaul

Sunday 19 Feb 16:36

Little irish Lizzie is Reserved......this is fantastic news. Fingers crossed you get to go to your new home very soon xxx

by court-family

Sunday 19 Feb 16:02

Lizzie - you deserve the very best of love & care for the rest of your little life. You are an absolute sweetheart & your sad little face tells a very sorry story. Be happy sweet baby. XXX

by joythornz

Sunday 19 Feb 15:48

Fingers-crossed for you Lizzie. XXX

by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Saturday 18 Feb 13:12

Oh my Little Lizzie. I was on my way to you see you with my Mum, but there has been an accident on the motorway and I had to turn back. Not going to get to you in time before the kennels closes today, so I'll come to see you tomorrow. Got you a Little Lizzie Pressie and baked some cakes for the all the Trust dogs too. See you tomorrow little 'un. Mand x

by Jess&Koda

Friday 17 Feb 21:07

Can't wait to see lizzie, hope and faith on Saturday

by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Thursday 16 Feb 13:30

Hello Little Lizzie. How are you doing today? Bought you something pink and fluffy today (and for Hope and Faith too), but you'll have to wait until Saturday to see what it is! Mand x

by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Wednesday 15 Feb 22:11

Thanks Ruth, I'll give the kennels a call on Saturday morning just to be sure, because my Mom wants to come too! Just to let you know how far the word on these girls is spreading, we have an electronic message board at work and their plight and link to the Just Giving page was mentioned on it today. Mand x

by DaybreaksRuth

Wednesday 15 Feb 06:55

Hi Mand, I am sure Lizzie will be at the kennels Saturday - she is off to stop with Jayne today for a couple of days. She is gaining confidence and has just curled up on the window seat with Robbie - she is sooooo sweet xxxx

If anyone wants to donate you can via the button on the right hand side of this page or log onto
Your support is very much appreciated.

by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Tuesday 14 Feb 18:55

Thanks Ruth. Thank goodness all the girls found you. I'm hoping to pop up on Saturday - do you think Lizzie will be there for some Mand-sized cuddles? Mand x

by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 14 Feb 13:09

Hi Mand, she is doing great. Whilst I am at home writing the Grapevine she is nestled on her bed downstairs. We haven't had a tail wag yet but she is going to stop with Jayne tomorrow as Faith (who is currently with Jayne) is now ready to be settled at the kennels. She is starting interact a little more and is eating well. She is getting plenty of cuddles - she is so adorable, small and sweet.

by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Tuesday 14 Feb 12:45

Hi Ruth. How's Little Lizzie doing? I've been telling everyone about her. Even had my poor Mom in tears last night (sorry Mom!). Will she be at the kennels on Saturday? I just have to come and spend some more time with her! Mand x

by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Sunday 12 Feb 21:41

What can I say? She's an absolute doll! I must have sat with her in the treatment room for almost an hour today. After shedding more than one or two tears about her and her two companions, I hopefully showed her how lovely humans can be. I sat on the floor with her, initially she wouldn't even take a treat from me, but after a while, although a very timid little thing, she did eventually munch her way through three small doggy biscuits, literally kissing them from my fingers, she was so gentle. She has such a tiny, tiny face and the saddest eyes I thought I had ever seen. After a while though, her eyes seemed to come alive and she has certainly captured my heart - I just can't stop thinking about her. I'll pop up to see you next weekend if you're still there and bring you something tasty. Love you Little Lizzie. Mand x

by LindaPaul

Sunday 12 Feb 20:34

Met this little poppet today. She is just gorgeous. What a lot she must have been through and she was just lying there in the treatment room looking so shell shocked, but allowing us to gently fuss her. I expect when she starts to feel a bit better in herself she will start, bit by bit, to show a little of her personality. You are in a good place now sweetheart and I'm sure a lovely home isn't far away. xxx

by BeckyB-F

Sunday 12 Feb 18:35

She has heart melting eyes....if only we had room for 1 (or a few) more xxxx Can just tell that she will be loving and loyal xxxx

by Deb

Sunday 12 Feb 15:49

She is so adoreable if a little shell shocked not suprising given the events of the last few days.
She did like the treats she was given today.She has the tiniest sweetist little face and isa little poppet.

by medaftboutdogs

Sunday 12 Feb 15:07

Oh what a lovely girl, and in a few weeks I bet we wont recognise this shy quiet girl! She has the softest fur too.

by zalthered

Friday 10 Feb 22:25

Bless her, she looks so sweet. Let's hope she gets better soon & finds someone to give her all the love she

by bestistdogs

Friday 10 Feb 18:42

Hoping the vet has got you sorted and you soon feel better. You'll get lots of TLC at Daybreaks ... Jx

by BeckyB-F

Friday 10 Feb 16:16

Poor Lizzy, hope she recovers quickly xxxxx

by LadyVictoria

Friday 10 Feb 13:06

Hi Ruth, how is Lizzie doing? xxx

by Winniethepooh

Friday 10 Feb 09:15

Wishing Lizzie a speedy recovery. What lovely photos.

Also wishing hounds and helpers all the best in this cold snowy weather. Let's hope the better weather is not far away.

by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 10 Feb 09:04

Poor Lizzie has been extremely poorly all through the night following her spey and I am still nursing her at home as she is too ill to go back to the kennels - she is constantly being sick but is too weak to stand up or move - I will be phoning the vets as soon as they open...... Thank you Ray for opening up the kennels xxxxx

by julie

Thursday 09 Feb 19:10

:-) x

by kallie

Thursday 09 Feb 18:29

just look at her sweet face, i have just fallen in lovely :-) xxxx

by LadyVictoria

Thursday 09 Feb 13:23

Another lovely girl, nice to see her wrapped up warm on another very cold day. xxx