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About Me

Racing Name
Borna Claw
Date of birth
01 sep 2008
Land of birth
IE Ireland
Land of standing
IE Ireland
Ear mark
Borna FenceIU/IE-FEB-04-BK
Family tree & race history


male, 16 years old, Black

Added by Jess&Koda

Updated: Monday 08 Jan

Hammy is a lovely natured dog whilst he was with histrainer he was good with young children and other dogs - he's a very cuddly dog.

Hammy has had 0 cuddles today (19 all together).
If you register or login, you can give him a cuddle too!


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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 16 May 21:13

Thinking of you all at such a sad time. I'm sure you must have lots of wonderful memories of your lovely Hammy. How special for your son to have spent the first eight years of his life with Hammy as his best friend. Lots of love. Xxx

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by Thethirdronnie

Sunday 16 May 19:42

Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Xxx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Sunday 16 May 18:53

So very sorry for your loss, run fast and free xx

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by shanishoo

Sunday 16 May 16:22

So very sorry to read that you have had to say goodbye to your beautiful boy, keeping you in my thoughts, Rip Hammy xxxxxx

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by loveheart

Sunday 16 May 13:36

Can I just give Hammy's owners the quote that helps each time I have lost a beautiful Grey, It is ----"

"When I die let it be as a pet so that I am remembered with love."

All our retired hounds will certainly be that, and that gives me comfort.

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by Jess&Koda

Sunday 16 May 12:38

So sorry to hear this xx

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by StephStigHammy

Sunday 16 May 10:58

It is with a heavy heart that I announce that Hammy went to the bridge on Friday. He had a number of issues, epilepsy, arthritis and dental problems. In the end, he was losing his back legs and panting a lot, signs that the pain was getting too much, so the kindest thing was to let him go in my arms.
My son is now 8 and has never known life without Hsmmy until now. We are heartbroken.

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by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 16 Apr 18:01

Hi Stephers, if you email me at I will scan and forward the article x

by Stephers

Tuesday 16 Apr 16:26

Can't find the relevant grapevine, is there access to the article online anywhere?

by Danny'smum

Tuesday 22 Jan 18:44

Hi Stephers, just a reminder there is a section in the Greyhound Grapevine magazine 'Help for Corns" which suggests trying Cuticle Remover. Love & Hugs to Hammy he was one of my favourites :)

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by Stephers

Sunday 20 Jan 17:55

Hammy has been showing slight signs of lameness recently. It's been so slight, that it only showed on walks, not around the house and I couldn't quite tell which leg it was. Those of you that remember what happened to my beloved Stig, will know what my initial thoughts were.
Anyway, having kept an eye on it over the last few weeks and seeing that there has been no worsening, I was starting to think i was imagining it, until today.
Today, Hammy decided to stretch into the 'cockroach' position right next to me and prod me in the eye with his paw for fuss. After a little fuss, I stopped, only to find the paw thrust straight back into my face. Luckily, I started playing with said paw and clearly got a good look at it, and guess what was there? A corn. This must have been the cause all along for the lameness, but although it's going to be a pain to sort out, it's far, far better than my original fears.
Who would put money on Hammy using that particular paw to poke me as a sign? Not sure, but I'm glad he did. :) x

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by Stephers

Thursday 29 Nov 16:35

Baby due 9th Feb. I've just got an archway between my living room and kitchen, so have already put in a baby gate and sometimes put Hammy the other side, so he gets used to not always being able to follow me. Yes he's seperated off, but can see everything and I can still fuss him and talk to him, so he doesn't feel totally shut off. This is part of getting him used to some of the changes that will happen.
I will then be able to introduce him slowly and carefully, although he is so good with young children, I'm sure he will get used to the baby fairly quickly. The only thing that I expect him to hate is any crying, but then, who doesn't?

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by goldi&ruby's-mum

Thursday 29 Nov 15:54

Nothing major to say..... just that you love him!!!!! Glad that all is well, when is 'the baby' arriving?

by LadyVictoria

Thursday 29 Nov 13:52

Wishing Hammy a lovely first Christmas with you, I am sure Santa has his address! xxx

by Stephers

Thursday 29 Nov 11:54

Well, here we are, nearly December and Hammy's first Christmas in a home.
He is such a happy dog, wags his tail at almost anything and still loves his cuddles. The moment you stop, up comes his head, nudging and telling you exactly what he thinks of that idea!
He still gives us the evils when he is relegated to the other sofa, or his bed, when Troy arrives in the evening. It's quite funny though, when Troy takes him out to the garden, when Hammy comes back in, he races to me to get himself on the sofa and get his cuddle before Troy can get back! It doesn't last, but it's so funny when he tries. He is definitely a one girl dog. He likes the company of others, but will always be most settled with me, and really only accepts commands from me, which we do need to work on. I'm not sure how much this is to do with him instinctively knowing I'm pregnant, maybe a bit protective, he does sniff at the bump quite a bit, which I think is sweet.
Anyway, nothing major to say, just to let you know he's still happy and well and settled. :) x

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by Stephers

Saturday 01 Sep 17:48

Happy Birthday Hammy!
My cuddly boy is 4 years old today!
Naughty Mummy has been out today, but is now back to enjoy the rest of the day fussing and cuddling and feeding.

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by Stephers

Saturday 25 Aug 13:11

Thought it was about time I gave an update on The Hamster. His digestive system is still giving us both a bit of jip, so he is currently on rice, pasta and tuna to try and flush his system out before trying to re-introduce dog food.
Apart from that, he is loving the home life. He is so cuddly and sweet, very chilled out but still with a lot of character. He is great with the kids, even a 3 year old, which is just as well as (still a bit of a secret so not on FB) I'm pregnant, so he will have a baby brother or sister to deal with early next year. I'm confident that he will be a dream, even if there is a tiny bit of jealousy to start with, but of course, I will not take any silly chances.
So, when he turns 5 in a few days, he will be spoilt rotten. So just a normal day then lol xxxx

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by Stephers

Thursday 24 May 10:23

Nutter!! Hammy, yesterday managed to half drown himself in the pond!! Was very funny but am not sure if the subsequent bath was considered by him to be a punishment or much needed cool down that his 'drowning' was intended to do in the first place!! He was very well behaved for his first bath tho so doggie treats all round.
Btw, poo is much better now and treatment is over ;)

by Stephers

Wednesday 09 May 10:04

Hammy has been diagnosed with Campylobactar and I'm collecting his meds today. Glad that we now know what is causing his upset and can do something about it, but have been made aware that he may always be a carrier and therefore have relapses.
His personality is also starting to shine and I think once the meds kick in, it will sow more and more. So my slippers are no longer safe (even when still on my feet) and he has finally decided he's too curious to avoid the stairs and the wonder that lays above. My bed was yesterday christened with lots of black hairs!!! So back to closing doors, me thinks! ;)

by Stephers

Friday 04 May 10:06

Hammy has been home nearly 4 weeks now and is settling in nicely. We still have the odd accident, but then he is still very loose at times and I had the joy of collecting a sample for the vet yesterday, so see what that brings.
I have a new fella, one that it seems Hammy approves of. Well, when I say approves, he loves him to bits until he has the audacity to sit next to me, relegating Hammy to the other sofa or heaven forbid his bed on the floor!!! Then we both get the evil eyes upon us!!
He is totally 100% reliable with the kids, even when they stray near his bed or toys, it's the humans that have a problem, but certainly not Hammy.
So just need to continue the canine socialising, he's still not good with other breeds, but that it to be expected.
Oh and btw, the nose markings are gone!! He has all his hair back where the muzzle had obviously rubbed him.
So all's good in the House of TG. The Hamster gets his retirement, and I gets my cuddles. Can't say fairer than that!

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Sunday 22 Apr 12:05

Love the fact that he thinks he's a lap dog, have a lovely picture in my head. Sure you'll get there with other dogs n whoa what a star to be so amazing with 10 little ones!
So pleased for you both, keep us updated xxx

by Stephers

Sunday 22 Apr 11:01

Hammy's personality is really starting to show through now.
The little wotsit is still obsessed with food, so that is work in progress and he is convinced, totally adamant, that he is and should remain a lap dog!! All 34 kgs of him.
Unfortunately after two weeks, he is still very loose, with rice and bland diet not helping, so off to the vets this week to see if there is anything untoward going on.
He continues to be absolutely amazing with all my friends kids, all 10 of them, but we have a lot more work to do with other dogs.
All in all, we are doing very well and he is so sweet.

by Stephers

Monday 16 Apr 13:35

Hammy has turned into a Carrol fan. not sure I'm so convinced yet, but he got the goal in the end lol. Hammy was also silent for one minute.
He has had another day meeting more children and was a dream this morning.
Yesterday he went for a walk with a Husky. They were a right noisy pair to start with, but once they calmed down, they walked side by side with no issues, although I still kept the muzzle on. Can't wait till I feel comfortable enough to let that thing come off lol.

by SamA

Saturday 14 Apr 16:11

Hammy, Parker, Robbie Bos and all you other reds out there Wembley here we come! Dixie Dean-John Parrott -Matt Dawson-Amanda Holden-Dame Judy Dench-Tony Blackburn & Sir Paul McCartney your boys took a 'ell of o beating YNWA Dreamer & Tom

by Stephers

Saturday 14 Apr 10:40

Day 6:
Hammy is wearing his prized Liverpool Football Club collar with pride for today's FA Cup Semi derby.
We are just off for a long walk before kick off, try to take the edge of the butterflies. YNWA x

by Stephers

Friday 13 Apr 18:44

Day 5:
Unfortunately Hammy had a rough night with the poops, really loose, but apart from that he is happy and bubbly and the waggy tail is coming back.
We've had another long walk today and he is so good on the lead.
He is doing well with the 'come' command as long as there are no distractions, but we will keep on going with it.

by Stephers

Thursday 12 Apr 21:03

Day 4:
After another accident free night (with no glow light left on) we had a productive training session followed by a very lovely 4 mile walk with the grandys near where Johnnie English himself lives.
We then went to their home for the first time and had a mixed grill and Hammy got a lil bit of bacon off the Grandad.
Since then he has been chilling at home.

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Wednesday 11 Apr 19:24

Lovely to hear how well he's getting on xx

by Stephers

Wednesday 11 Apr 16:09

Oh, forgot to say, the treats are now taken much more gently, he cottoned onto that one very quickly!!

by Stephers

Wednesday 11 Apr 16:07

Day 3:
Well, we had our first accident in the house last night, but to be fair to Hammy, the consistency was such that there was no way he could have held it. So, without any fuss, it got cleared up and then when he went outside he got the usual fuss.
Two adults and 4 kids arrived for morning coffee and Hammy took all that in his stride. Although he seemed to take more interest in the 3 yr old (youngest there) at no time did he show the slightest inkling that he wanted to do more than sniff her. We were all very proud of him.
After a walk, we then resumed some training. Currently, he follows me a lot, I know he likes to be near me. So, I'm concentrating on the 'come' command. Each time he is not near me, I call him to come and he is more than willing to trot over to me, so we are doing quite well there. He is eager to please, so I'm hoping once we make progress there, I can start on the 'stay' command, so that I can alternate a bit between the two, to prevent him getting bored.

by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 11 Apr 13:42

So pleased to see the lovely rehomed picutre of you both. xx

by Danny'smum

Tuesday 10 Apr 19:33

It looks like Hammy has found himself a wonderful home :D
Hope you both have many happy years ahead. Please keep us updated as to how he is getting on it's lovely to read how they are settling in.

by Stephers

Tuesday 10 Apr 12:28

day 2 (cont'd):
What a day!! First thing we went of to the vets. Hammy was fine until one dog kept whining and fussing and then Hammy did the same, but 10 fold! But, once in with the vet he was calm again. his booster went without a hitch and both the vet and nurse made sure he was under no illusions that he has a lot to live up to as they were so fond of Stig. Poor Hammy ;)
Then we went for a long walk and he met a GSD. At first he was very excitable and whining and high pitch barking, but once they went nose to (muzzled) nose, he had a good sniff and then was almost instantly calm again.
Then I went to get his new collar and name tag and left him in the house for around 40 mins and he was perfectly fine again. No accident, nothing chewed or displaced.
I've had a toothbrush to him this afternoon and he is tucking into a nice chewy bone.
So all in all, he is doing very very well and we are getting to know each other and our foibles ;)

by Stephers

Tuesday 10 Apr 08:10

In true Big Brother voice:-
Day 2:
Hammy has not had an accident in the house and didn't make a sound all night.
Food goes down in apprx 20 secs and treats are snapped up a little quickly, so I already know where my training focus will be first.
Not much waggy tail yet or classic greyhound, "show the world your goodies" pose, But i'm sure that will come soon.
Other than that, he seems to be taking homelife in his stride and definitely loves lots of fuss and cuddles, which he is getting plenty of!!

by BeckyB-F

Monday 09 Apr 17:39

Soooo pleased for you lovely boy xxxx enjoy your new family xxxx

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Monday 09 Apr 16:51

Oh Hammy it was going SO well n now your new mummy has ruined it all, LIVERPOOL, yuk, just chew the wretched coat n you could have a nice Chelsea Blue!!!
Remember to keep wagging that tail!!! xxxx

by Stephers

Monday 09 Apr 16:12

will the big boy is home, had another walk, met the two smaller girls and is very chilled out.
As for the Liverpool coat, he loves it, is happy to keep his LFC collar for match days only and looking forward to the FA Cup Semi.
Tomorrow, he gets to meet the grandparents and the vets for a weigh-in and boosters. The Vets were so wonderful with Stig that I'm sure they will be glad to see Hammy has come to look after me. xxx

by Deb

Monday 09 Apr 15:06

Your new mummy looked so happy when she left with you today.I am sure you well help her with her loss of the wonderful Stig you cant replace him but you can ease her pain and be her new special baby.
So sorry though that you have to endure the indignity of wearing a Liverpool coat but I guess you will learn to live with that! Watch out though I hear there is a Liverpool collar waiting for you at home.

by nutellajar

Monday 09 Apr 14:15

aww welldone little bald bottomed man! xxxx

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Monday 09 Apr 13:46

YES! YES! YES! The gorgeous Hammy has gone to live with Stephers. Had the pleasure this morning of meeting you Stephers and Hammy is the luckiest boy ever to be going to live with you! Good luck to you both and thanks for the cuddles Hammy, you'll get super real ones every day from your new mum.
Keep us updated
Love Mandy, Goldie and Ruby xxxxx

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Monday 09 Apr 10:31

GO Stephers GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Monday 09 Apr 10:29

Oh Hammy, you know that lovely lady I told you about , well she's coming to visit you today, so lots of tail waggin and Super doper cuddles for her and I hope to see that reserved sign, better still re-homed!!!
Go Hammy Go!!!

Oh n as an added bonus you lovely snuggly boy, we're visitin too, so I get to cuddle you, YIPEE!!!

by Stephers

Monday 09 Apr 08:27

I'm on my way today! So watch this space! xx

by Danny'smum

Sunday 08 Apr 17:00

Come on Stephers we are all routing for you to visit Hammy. He looks lovely :)

by nutellajar

Saturday 07 Apr 12:00

aww Stephers go 4 it! he is such a lovely dog. xxxx

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Friday 06 Apr 16:38

Well Stepher's if you want to wag your tail I'm sure Hammy will appreciate it! Mine certainly do!!
Keep us posted xx

by kallie

Friday 06 Apr 15:14

Stephers, Hammy is just lovely, such a sweet natured cuddly boy, he so deserves to be loved and I am sure that he would love to be your boy...good luck when you two finally meet up. xxx

by Stephers

Friday 06 Apr 14:31

lols G&RsMum, you are clearly mad as a box of frogs!! Just my kinda woman xx
Just to be sure, who's tail needs to wag the right way? Hammy's or mine????

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Friday 06 Apr 14:02

Right Hammy in the next few days your going to have a visit from a lovely lady called Stephers, you need to munch n love her, she will do the same to you. Wag your tail the right way well........................
Got everything crossed xx

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Friday 06 Apr 14:00

Ooooooooo so excited Stephers, I'm sure he will.

by Stephers

Friday 06 Apr 13:55

Painting finished. Now all I need is to see if Hammy chooses me as his new Mum lol. Hope to visit in next few days. xx

by LadyVictoria

Thursday 05 Apr 13:24

Hi Stephers, I Hope you finish your painting very soon! xx

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Thursday 05 Apr 12:44

Oh Stephers you must meet him. I did on monday n he was well munchy, loved having behind his ears rubbed, was not fazed by having his ears cleaned, just gorgeous. Would love to bring him home but got 2 n think divorce might be on the cards! Get that painting done n whizz of to Daybreaks!
Good luck
Mandy, mum to Gold n Ruby xxxx

by Stephers

Thursday 05 Apr 12:23

Right then boyo! I have been busy painting today, getting my gloss work done whilst i'm dog free. But once it is all done, i'm a coming to meet you, assuming you haven't been snapped up beforehand!!

by Deb

Friday 30 Mar 09:45

This boy is so lovely and appears to be developing a fan club down at the kennels with the volunteers.He is full of character and is a cuddle monster.Would make a great addition to someones family.

by Stephers

Tuesday 27 Mar 19:54

Well he is vaguely related to my beautiful Stig, they both have I'm Slippy in their genes. So there is a reason......

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Tuesday 27 Mar 08:40

Oh Stephers, would it have anything to do with the name? Must admit I think he looks gorgeous, got 2 here now and sadly no room n no money. Go on go n have alook, it's not goin to do much for you bottom if you keep sitting on your keys!! Take care xx

by Stephers

Monday 26 Mar 22:07

I'm literally having to sit on my hands and car keys (not comfortable) to stop myself coming over for a peek at this boy. But I must not rush into another baby too soon. Maybe tomorrow ;)

by Dan

Thursday 22 Mar 19:03

I took him out for his first day breaks walk. Great on the lead. He's a nice quiet dog from what I saw.

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Thursday 22 Mar 11:30

Oh I'm in lovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvve!

by Jess&Koda

Wednesday 21 Mar 20:20

Can't wait to meet this boy on Saturday he looks so cute!

by AimeeJayne

Wednesday 21 Mar 19:44

Look at the little heart by his head!! :D aha he's such a big and lovely gentle boy, and soooo smiley!! awwwwwwh I'm a little bit in love lol :') <3 xxxxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Wednesday 21 Mar 19:08

What a lovely boy!! He looks so happy :o) xxxx

by BeckyB-F

Wednesday 21 Mar 18:03

He looks and sounds wonderful xxxx Have to give him a virtual cuddle xxxx

by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 21 Mar 16:39

He is lovely! xxx