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About Me

Racing Name
Overdale account
Blue Fawn
Date of birth
01 jul 2008
Land of birth
IU Ireland or United Kingdom
Land of standing
UK United Kingdom
Ear mark
Side AccountIE-JUN-02-WF
Family tree & race history


male, 16 years old, Blue Fawn

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Thursday 04 Jan

This stunning boy arrived this morning, His trainer says he is a very loving dog and will make a great pet.

Milo has had 0 cuddles today (27 all together).
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by TwoGreys

Sunday 30 Nov 10:54

We unfortunately didn't make the Sutton Park walk this morning, due to an arrangement being changed. We hope we can take Milo along to the next big walk, but he's settled in a treat, has found his favorite spot on the sofa and he loves his walks.

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by TwoGreys

Saturday 29 Nov 20:04

Looking forward to meeting everyone who can make it to the Sutton Park walk tomorrow (Sunday) See you all there ~. .~ xxx

by TwoGreys

Monday 10 Nov 22:57

Hi Ruth, all sorted and true to form, he was star of the show, Don adored him, said he was in wonderful condition and fitness. He was weighed at 36kg, so a very healthy lean weight and he will have his booster and Advocate in 2 wks time. So overall, a huge successful first new vet visit to Swinfen vet clinic and he loved the ride in the car. He even fell asleep on the way back lol... big thanks again for the support on the phone. Love from us all here ^. .^ and a big woof from Milo xxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Monday 10 Nov 15:54

Hi Milo'sMum - all sorted - thank you for the text and sorry for the delay - it has been hectic at the kennels with visitors and the phone today (which is good!) :-)

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by TwoGreys

Monday 10 Nov 14:46

We're off to register Milo with a greys vet in Licfield, with an appt for this evening. We're sure Milo will be on his best waggy tail behaviour. Trying to contact Ruth for last dates of worming and flea treatment.

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by TwoGreys

Saturday 08 Nov 20:33

Hi all, wooh how this week has flown by. Milo is still as faithful, loving and just uber gorgeous, that the time has just flown by. He's been a bit 'ears up and looking around for reassurance' look on his face with the fireworks this week. So, we planned our meals and walks esp this week, so that our eve walk was a little later when all were asleep and outside was a lot calmer and quieter. He's gets goofier and cuter every day, we just love him so much. So much so, we urge every family to spare a little room for a doggy bed and half an hr of their day to re-home or foster a greyhound. Our neighbours love him and can't believe how calm and respectful Milo is when they see him and want to give him a big fuss. If anyone had said to us we would have a greyhound, I would have said no, but here we are as a family, we have opened our minds and hearts to greys and we love him so much. Going to say bye for now as I'm filling up, but from the bottom of our hearts, thank you Daybreaks and RGT for letting Milo into our lives and family, we unconditionally love him so much, Hayley and family XXX ^. .^

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by walkersinwellies

Sunday 02 Nov 22:30

Sooooooo pleased Milo has settled in to his new home and you have fallen in love with him as we did. He is a super dog and we knew you would be a match made in heaven! Wishing you many happy times together. As for Paddy, we walked him today and he is another gentle, laid back boy......;-) XX

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by TwoGreys

Sunday 02 Nov 22:17

He most certainly has LadyV and we can't thank Daybreaks, including all the volunteers enough and too, for reaching out to all these beautiful greys and securing them a forever sofa. A never ending sacrifice of love and time and being there at the end of the phone if we need some advise etc. Thank you all so much from us here :) xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 02 Nov 20:44

Sounds as though Milo has stolen all your hearts and the sofa! :) Xxx

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by TwoGreys

Sunday 02 Nov 19:51

So here we are, our 1st week has flown by literally and we have absolutely LOVED IT. Milo's been an absolute dream and we're getting used to each others routines etc. He's so goofy and the way he roles on his back and reveals his pearly whites is soooo funny. He sleeps until the morning and wakes us with a bounding leap on to the bed and a big nudge. We love him to bits and can't imagine life without him, even after this very short time. He was a little bit nervous last night with the fireworks outside, but he settled on the sofa and was snoring before the news came on at 10 lol.... We're following the daily updates and Paddy is on our minds every day too. I myself, feel a slight addition coming on, oh dear ;) ..... ^. .^ xxx

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by Melodysmum

Wednesday 29 Oct 13:35

Reading the below up-date on Milo (my most favourite thing to do when hounds have been homed), I had a tear in my eye at reading the comment 'Our Home is now his and his future happiness is ours'. What a beautiful thing to say... And what a lucky lad Milo is! Every 'Happiness' to you all Xx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 28 Oct 21:20

Great to hear how Milo is getting on. He is a lovely lad. Xxx

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by TwoGreys

Tuesday 28 Oct 19:50

A quick update... Milo is doing super and is totally chilled with us in the lounge. He did freeze a couple of times on our walk back home this morning and what with everything still being new, I let him pause and then lead him on and he totally got it. The wind was a bit whippy and the trees were making a lot of noise with the leaves on the floor etc too, but he knew there was nothing to be afraid or nervous of as I lead the way.
At home, when you're in the kitchen and he's not race dreaming, he's lying down in the hallway watching me wash the dishes. It's very apparent that he's very intelligent and he's completed melted our hearts. Our home is now his and his future happiness is ours. We'll keep you all posted and a big woof from Milo ^. .^ xxx :)

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by TwoGreys

Sunday 26 Oct 20:15

Hi Cathy, sorry about that, I did waffle on a bit lol. Will call you tomorrow (Mon) and hope to catch you then. We've had a call from our home visiter Lynn this evening too, who is lovely and resides just in the village round the corner. She's going to give us a call during the week again, but fingers crossed, Milo is absolutely fantastic, in fact he is fast asleep as we speak. Will update again during the week, love from us all here, Milo et famille xxx

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by walkersinwellies

Sunday 26 Oct 17:16

Lovely to see Milo's photo with his new family, be happy gorgeous boy. Hayley - have just got back from a weekend away and your phone message stopped half way through so give me another ring as I haven't got your number - Cathy XX

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by Tinker'sNan

Sunday 26 Oct 15:59

Hi milo hope you will be happy in your new home just be a good boy and you will get lots of treats just like me my nanna says you look like me you have ths same daddy as me to that's great ha I amm sending licks and woofs be happy big bro love tinker and nanna xx

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by TwoGreys

Sunday 26 Oct 08:52

Bonjour Woofers, Milo here.....
Had a really relaxing day yesterday and I slept through the night until 7am this morning. Had my brekkie and a little walk and met a fluffy dog on the way and I think he liked me. Off for a snooze now, so have a great day and I'll catch you all later, woof Milo :) xxx ^. .^

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 25 Oct 23:45

Be happy Milo! Xxx

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by blueangel

Saturday 25 Oct 20:12

Wishing you well in your home Milo xxx

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by TJ

Saturday 25 Oct 16:09

Hi Milo... here's wishing you so much happiness and contentment in your new home. Look forward to reading your updates. Big hugs, Tx

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by TwoGreys

Saturday 25 Oct 10:20

We're getting ready and ready looking forward to picking Milo up later this morning. We'll pop some updates up over the weekend too of course :) xx

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by muddypaws

Wednesday 22 Oct 18:33

Just been checking my weekly attendance list for Grey Anon , and there appear to be a few notable absentees !!! Now, because of client confidentiality , l cannot mention specific names, but, suffice to say, a certain bloke who is a bit handy with a camera....a couple who seem to have a serious fetish for wellies (double addiction - they may be beyond even my help...unless there is a dog in kennels who comes with it's own designer footwear) ....and another couple who seem to be having a secret love affair with Charlie (they certainly need to come out of the know who you are). Now, l need to warn these people that if they continue to remain in denial, then l simply cannot help them !!!!!! For their own sake, they need to confront their addiction and adopt a greyhound, and NO, Mr Zoom Lens, l'm afraid that fostering will never satisfy your insatiable craving. You need to make an immediate appointment with Nurse Ruth and commit to that adoption form, then, and only then, can you start that road to recovery !!!
l look forward to seeing you all at next weeks meeting....and remember....once a greyaholic...always a greyaholic....just stop fighting it and face reality.

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by susy

Wednesday 22 Oct 16:39

Muddypaws you so right. I will also say there is no cure.
Hope your o.k. Love Sylv & The New Icemaid Clan. x

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by muddypaws

Wednesday 22 Oct 15:39

Great news!!! Three new owners...three very happy dogs, come the weekend....and a potential three new recruits to Greyhounds Anonymous!!! Come on, lets say it all name is ******** and I AM addicted to greyhounds. There now, see, that was'nt difficult was it !!!!! For any owners out there who are still in denial, l can provide one to one sessions for a small fee. Alas, it won't cure you, because there is no cure, but it will help you to accept your weakness. Usually, adopting another greyhound will help,because it will increase your status amongst the rest of us addicts !!! Lets all face it....none of us want to be we ???

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by Snipe

Wednesday 22 Oct 15:21

Well done Milo xx

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by TwoGreys

Wednesday 22 Oct 12:58

A quick update - we had our home visit yesterday which went really well. I was little anxious of the outcome as we haven't owned a dog for many years and wishing everything was going to be suitable for Milo's happiness and comfort and not just our own. We were reassured and my mind was put at rest by a phone call from Kate this morning, to tell us the great news that we had passed our home visit and Milo will be coming home with us on Saturday :)
Can't tell you all how relieved and delighted we are at the same time. Off now to buy the much needed feeding stand and bowls and some little toys etc for him and of course, we'll keep you posted, Hayley and family :) xx

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 19 Oct 23:07

Great news for Milo! Xxx

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by Lewisfuggie

Sunday 19 Oct 20:30

Would love to say a HUGE thank you to Cathy and Dave who were Milo's foster parents... It was a very emotional day for Cathy,me and Milos new mom Hayley... All 3 of us couldnt look at each other especially me and Cathy as i know Milo had stole part of her heart. Cathy (and yes you Dave) are fabulous and what you have done for Milo is forever greatful... hugs. Lisa. x

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by blueangel

Sunday 19 Oct 19:20

Well done handsome xxx

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Sunday 19 Oct 17:12

I met Milo at the fun day. He obviosly loved his foster parents, every time one of them moved so did he. To his new parents, you have a fantastic dog. Lots of love to you I know his fosterers will miss him.xx

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by TwoGreys

Sunday 19 Oct 16:18

We visited today for the first time and have reserved Milo as our forever dog. Just waiting for our home visit this coming week. There were many tears as we wanted to take them all home with us. Big thank to Lisa for all her advice and to the volunteers who give their time to the dogs :) xx

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by walkersinwellies

Sunday 19 Oct 15:57

Well our time of fostering has come to an end and we have loved having Milo for two weeks. He has proved to be a super, loving hound and deep down he is a bit of a couch potato. We are so glad that we could help this handsome fella and the change we saw in him over his stay with us was lovely to see. He is a gentle giant and has a very loving nature.
We met his lovely new family today, his new mom is at home all day and Milo will love the company and all the fuss and attention.Wishing you all the luck in the world Milo now that you have found your forever sofa, you have certainly been very welcome on ours. XXXX

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by michelleandbertie

Sunday 19 Oct 15:03

This has absolutely made my day ............just fabulous news, way to go Milo x

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by Snipe

Sunday 19 Oct 14:31

Glad to see Milo reserved, soon be green.........!! Xx

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by Lewisfuggie

Sunday 19 Oct 13:53

Milo has been reserved today.... Go Milo. xxx

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by SarahJ

Sunday 19 Oct 12:46

Aaaw Milo - you look so like our lovely big fawn greyhound who sadly passed away 2 weeks ago - he was nearly 11 yrs old (originally from Hall Green RGT). There's a big greyhound shaped hole in our lives at the moment...

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by blueangel

Wednesday 15 Oct 22:07

Had the pleasure of meeting Milo today what a great lad he is and he has lovely foster mum and dad to xxx

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by walkersinwellies

Wednesday 15 Oct 18:30

Hi everyone, Milo here loving all the attention I am getting in my foster home. I am a quiet laid back chap once I get to know everyone and I love my food. My favourite is burns and pilchards and I get a dentistix every day to keep my teeth sparkling white so I can impress the ladies! I did try eating a bar of soap that I found in the bathroom today while no-one was looking. I have been very good and ask to go out to the garden whenever I need to.
I love lots of fuss and whenever I get the chance love to lean. My 1st rosette that I won is proudly on display and foster mom thought I was such a good boy at the show. X

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by TJ

Sunday 12 Oct 20:01

Ah Milo, what a beautiful boy you are. It was a pleasure to meet you at the show today and I'm sure that your very own sofa is just around the corner. Your foster Mom & Dad are lovely and we'll keep a keen eye on your updates. Sending you big cuddles gorgeous. Tash, John & Rosie Po xxx

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by walkersinwellies

Tuesday 07 Oct 09:46

Milo will be coming to the show on Sunday so everyone can see what a handsome boy he is. Starting to see his personality as he gets more settled and we have had a lovely waggy tail and a mad dash around the garden. Still a little nervous but everything is so new. Drew many an admiring glance on his walk this morning and no reaction at all to the little toy poodle he met. He is absolutely stunning and in super condition. He loves having his tummy rubbed and loves his food. No accidents in the house and lets you know when he wants to go out. If anyone does want to view him give Ruth a ring and she has our number.

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by DelphysMum

Monday 06 Oct 10:49

Oh what a handsome chappie. Lets hope you find a new sofa soon Milo. You get my cuddle today. xxx

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by michelleandbertie

Sunday 05 Oct 21:33

This boy melted my heart this morning, I am so grateful to Cathy for fostering him, he was obviously completely bewildered by everything, just so heart breaking xx

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by walkersinwellies

Sunday 05 Oct 16:28

Milo has explored the house, had a good sniff round the garden and is now fast asleep on the rug. He is a lovely handsome chap and travelled really well in the car home. He was understandably a bit nervous at first coming into the house but seems to be settling in nicely. Big cuddle for you Milo X

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by Tinker'sNan

Sunday 05 Oct 14:12

Oh milo so sorry for you hope you will be happy with your new family tinker sends love to you herbals brother be happy little man love and kisses to you tinker and her nanna xxx

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by Deb

Sunday 05 Oct 13:53

Saw this boy this morning at kennels he is so very very handsome.He has been very well cared for has a beautiful coat.He had a little stroll with Milly my lurcher and was impeccable on the lead and they both enjoyed themselves in the sun.He is understandably somewhat bewildered to be back at kennels but seems very affectionate is a leaner and loved his ears being stroked by the lovey Cathy who has taken him out on foster.Milo will make a fab pet he is fully house strained looks very regal.I am sure he will be re-homed in no time.

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by susy

Sunday 05 Oct 12:53

So sorry to read this but love to Milo and his owners. With only a few races.
Love to all The New Icemaid Clan xxxx

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Sunday 05 Oct 12:17

Goldikova Heers,
eye bes sendins yous snugguls n kissez as yous n mes got da sayme daddy *nods*
Yous a sooooopa hansum fella, hopes you gets a nooooo sofa sooons
Lubs n snugguls
Mwah mwah mwah mwah

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by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 05 Oct 10:09

Sadly Milo has been returned after 18 months in a home as he is struggling to adapt to a new baby in the house. His owners are understandably distraught.

by Deb

Saturday 16 Jun 11:36

This boy came to free runnning last night and he is very handsome.His coat is superb and he is in fantastic condition especially his back end which drew admiring glances and comments.(thats greyhound owners for you)
He has clearly been very well looked after by his trainer.
What out for him if he comes to the annual show in October as he is sure to win a number of rosettes

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by Shanesmum

Friday 25 May 17:41

Was a pleasure to take you on your walk today - you're an absolute star. Enjoy your new home sweetheart. x

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by kallie

Friday 25 May 17:39

what a gentle sweetnatured boy and soo handsome, like his sister Marnie he had a nice cool bath to help him chill in this heat, he loved it. :-)

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by nutellajar

Wednesday 23 May 20:47

Your sister is so beautiful! Just like you. xx

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by BeckyB-F

Saturday 19 May 13:54

Well done xxxx I'm not suprised to see you reserved xxxx

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by joythornz

Saturday 19 May 07:08

His name is as lovely as his unique colour combination. XXX

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by BeckyB-F

Friday 18 May 17:58

Looks a real sweety xxxx

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by nutellajar

Friday 18 May 16:04

What a sweetie! You remind me a little of Mac!

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Friday 18 May 14:15

Milo looks adorable, do we know what he's like with other dogs? Lovely chap. Xx

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 18 May 13:43

Lovely! xxx

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