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About Me

Racing Name
Naoise Idol
White and Black
Date of birth
01 apr 2009
Ear mark


male, 15 years old, White and Black

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Wednesday 10 Jan

Norris has had 0 cuddles today (41 all together).
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by fatharry1

Tuesday 02 Jun 20:21

So sorry to hear the sad news about Norris sending our love to you x

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by Spanner

Tuesday 02 Jun 12:21

So sorry to hear your news. Thinking of you all. Diggins humans/greys. xx

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by Spanner

Tuesday 02 Jun 12:21

So sorry to hear your news. Thinking of you all. Diggins humans/greys. xx

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by Shanesmum

Tuesday 02 Jun 09:33

So very sorry to read this sad news. Thinking of you all.x

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by LindaPaul

Monday 01 Jun 23:29

Norris was a very special lad who landed himself a very special home with a lovely and most caring family. I’m so very sad at his passing as he also meant such a lot to Paul and I. Anyone who goes back a while might remember he came to stay with us for 10 days and ended up staying more like 11 weeks after breaking his hock on day 3. We were never going to be a 3 dog family but it was tough when he left. He will always be my boy that got away and will always be in our hearts too. Much love to Lynne, Dave and boys also Andy & Gracie as they all adjust to life without Norris.
Fly high and free gorgeous boy with all our old friends xxxx

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by Thethirdronnie

Monday 01 Jun 22:11

Sending you our love. Xxx

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by riasdad

Monday 01 Jun 21:20

So sorry for your loss. R.I.P

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 01 Jun 20:05

Such sad news....Your lovely Norris was a super lad, I know how much you loved him. Xxx Thinking of you all and sending lots of love. Kate Xxx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Monday 01 Jun 18:08

So very sorry to hear Norris has crossed the Rainbow bridge. Run fast, run free. Another bright star shining down. Xxx

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by shanishoo

Monday 01 Jun 13:16

I am so very sorry to hear that your boy has gained his wings, but I'm sure he had a wonderful life with you, take care, keeping you in my thoughts xxxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Monday 01 Jun 12:21

Thank you so much for taking the time to call me to let me know. Norris was a very special boy who holds a place in my heart. Thank you so much for giving him such a wonderful life. Run free Mr Nervy Norris - you will never be forgotten xxx

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by tripletsmum

Monday 01 Jun 10:45

With a very heavy heart, yesterday we had to help Norris gain his wings. On top of everything his other health issues, we found a lump in December, and unfortunately it was once fight too many for him.

He took everything in his stride, never complained and was so happy and laid back. He has been a joy to have and we are honoured to have been his adoptive family. He was a perfect gent, and everyone who met him, fell in love with him. Gracie and Andy have been very quiet since we got back and are obviously missing their partner in crime. Needless to say, we are completely devastated and Norris will leave a very big hole in our hearts and our family.

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by shanishoo

Wednesday 14 Aug 20:18

So sorry to hear that Norris is poorly, keeping my fingers crossed for good news xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 14 Aug 20:10

So very sorry to hear about Norris. I do hope the specialist can find out what's happening. Sending him my cuddle tonight. Xxx

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by tripletsmum

Wednesday 14 Aug 19:24

Anyone got experience of heart problems in the grey?

We thought that Norris was losing weight, so a trip to the vet ensued today. The good news is that he has actually put weight on. Unfortunately, his heart murmur has significantly deteriorated. It was graded a 3 in April, but today it is a 6, the worst level. The vet was concerned as she’s never heard heart sounds like his, it sounds like a whistle! She let me have a listen, and she’s right, it does.

As a result, Norris has been referred to a heart specialist for tests to see what is going on, and what treatment is available. As he’s 10, I’m a little worried, so any advice would be appreciated.

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by tripletsmum

Sunday 22 Nov 14:37

Thank you all, I've passed on all those cuddles with real ones!. He is doing well, we saw Christian at Fivelands yesterday, his back is very bruised, but the wound is healing well and his elbows are less sore. He doesn't like being kept sedentary, he wants to run around with the other two, not have to be on his lead. At least we can start to take him for 5 mInute walks now. We go back to have the stitches and staples removed next Friday, and back to Dovecote on the 1st. Xx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 21 Nov 21:30

How is Norris? Hope he is doing ok. Xxx

by LindaPaul

Friday 20 Nov 00:07

Really really pleased to hear that Norris is back home with you all. I've sent him my virtual cuddle tonight but please give him a real cuddle from us and whisper that he needs to be the best patient ever then he will be back to his old self in no time. Lots of love to all xxxx

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Thursday 19 Nov 22:17

So pleased Norris is doing well. Keep it up. Speedy recovery lovely. xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 19 Nov 21:45

Great to hear you have been able to take Norris home. I am sure he is happy to be back with you. Hope he will make a speedy recovery. Xxx

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by tripletsmum

Thursday 19 Nov 21:02

I've bought Norris home tonight. Apparently they've never seen a greyhound sleep on his back with all four paws in the air for so long as he does, especially as he's just had spinal surgery!!! He's got a couple of sore spots on his elbows as well, but at least he's home.

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by ClareInsightHounds

Wednesday 18 Nov 17:56

Great news! X

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by Melysa

Wednesday 18 Nov 09:09

Well done Norris! xxxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Wednesday 18 Nov 05:48

I am so pleased his op has gone well - keep us posted xxxx

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by LindaPaul

Tuesday 17 Nov 23:32

So relieved to hear all went well and he's up and about. Sending Norris my cuddle tonight too as he is a very special fella. Hope you can bring him home very soon xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 17 Nov 22:50

So pleased to hear the operation went well...hope it won't be long before you can take Norris home, sending him my cuddle tonight. Xxx

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by tripletsmum

Tuesday 17 Nov 21:37

Thank you, it has bee a very long day. The vet rang about 8.00 and said that the surgery has gone well. Norris is up and moving around which is a relief. He will be assessed again tomorrow and they will let us know when we can bring him home. xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 17 Nov 20:15

Do hope all has gone well for Norris today. Xxx

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by LindaPaul

Tuesday 17 Nov 18:02

Thinking about Norris today. Hoping that he has come through his operation and keeping everything crossed for a great outcome. Lots of love from Linda, Paul & the girls xxxx

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by Melysa

Wednesday 11 Nov 09:53

Good luck Norris, big hugs x

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 10 Nov 21:36

Sending Norris my cuddle tonight....Xxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 10 Nov 10:02

don't worry tripletsmum - he will be under the careful and expert hand of Mike who operated on Foxy and will be having the same operation..... he will be absolutely fine xxxx

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by missfifi

Tuesday 10 Nov 09:23

My much loved Bouncer (chasing rabbits in the sky) had a big spinal operation when he was about 8. He made a full recovery so please be optimistic. I just had to be supadupa careful about what he was allowed to do for about four months - like stairs, leaping after squirrels etc. Sending Norris all good wishes from the seaside. X

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by LindaPaul

Tuesday 10 Nov 05:54

So sorry to read this news. Stay strong and know we will be thinking of you all. He's still a young lad so you will give him the best chance of a comfortable life this way. I'm sure that Norris will be a good patient. Lots of love from Linda & Paul and sniffs and wags from Lola & Lena too xxxxx

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by tripletsmum

Monday 09 Nov 21:01

We have been back to the specialist vet tonight, and Norris needs spinal surgery. He has a compression of the discs causing problems with the nerves. If we don't have it done, it will only get worse, potentially causing paralysis. He's booked in for Next Tuesday (17th) .

by tripletsmum

Saturday 31 Oct 16:13

Hi Julie, sorry I didn't see this but I've been away this week otherwise I'd have been there.
Norris has since been back to the vet on a couple of occasions, and we have had to have an MRI. Two areas have been identified as an issue. We go back to the specialists next week to decide on the next course of action. The vet agrees that the one spot would be consistent with what happened, and the other may or may not have been there already, but certainly would have been aggravated by it.
I've not seen the other dog since, but I think I know where it lives.

by tiggersmum

Thursday 29 Oct 07:33

Hiya I have a TTouch afternoon on Saturday at Immanuel Hall in Highters Heath if you'd like to bring him. TTouch helps their confidence and teaches them to relax- just see how marvellous Angel is now ... and ready to do her Silver Test in November. Cost is £35 and it's 1-4pm, we'll cover TTouches and wraps so you'll have some great tools to help Norris. I'd also recommend he's checked by a chiropractor unless you're lucky (like me) and your vet is a chiropractor too. Check out the Dangerous Dogs Act - if the other dog is dangerously out of control in a public place (and private now) it is a criminal offence. We had a Pitbull (yes it was a PB) attack a grey in my road and the West Mids police have taken it up and referred it on to their dog unit who continue to look for the dog so well worth pestering any police force who won't act. Give me a call on 0774 7754759. Julie

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by tripletsmum

Tuesday 18 Aug 22:50

Thanks Snipe. We do have another grey, but with Norris as he is I can't walk the two together, as if we saw another dog, I couldn't manage the two together, and I'm worried Norris might turn on Andy in that situation. I'm not sure how Norris would react walking with a strange dog at the moment. I'll try Julie tomorrow.

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by Snipe

Tuesday 18 Aug 19:54

Could someone with another dog meet up with you and walk together to get his confidence back, so you both relax. Some TTouch might help, speak to Julie Sadler, her numbers on Saturday Greyound training :-) x

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by tripletsmum

Tuesday 18 Aug 19:27

Can anyone advise please. A couple of weeks ago I was walking Norris when a stray, off lead, no owner, attacked Norris.
I managed to get him to safety and fortunately, he was physically fine, but became a nightmare to walk when other dogs were around. Rang Ruth for advice which I've been following and he was just settling, when tonight, the same thing has happened. Fortunately, someone else was around, and managed to hold the other dog, while we got away. I've just rang the police, but they won't do anything if it is dog on dog. I can't not walk him, but as we live in a cul-de-sac, I can't avoid the park where this dog has been. I don't know what to do. Any advice.

by tripletsmum

Tuesday 19 Aug 18:25

It's 2 years today since you came full time into our lives. 2 years of laughter, tears, and fun. You've destroyed things, but then look totally innocent and try and blame someone else, you've worked hard and passed your Good Citizens up to gold and then looked at me as though you've never done a recall before. You steal anything left lying around, especially if it's mine, you've even destroyed the new rug, just because you can. Now you've taken Andy under your wing and are teaching him your ways, good and bad.
But we wouldn't swap you for the World, it's been a privilege to see nervous Norris become Naughty Norris, Nosey Norris, and on occasion, Normal Norris, (very occasionally) Happy Gotcha day Norris.

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by fatharry

Friday 18 Oct 22:05

Well done Norris! what an amazing year you've had thanks to your family they must have invested a lot of their time with you .I know Paul&Linda will be delighted, you've come a long way since the days of naughty Norris! You are a super example of what can be achieved with the right kind of loving care.

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by walkersinwellies

Friday 18 Oct 19:55

Congratulations Norris on getting your gold xxx

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by LindaPaul

Friday 18 Oct 14:28

A huge well done to Norris and to Nat for handling him so brilliantly and getting your Gold!
I know how difficult Gold can be because Lola just missed out on it by 1 exercise the other week when we had a go (ironically it was the send to bed - for the dog who loves her bed more than anything else in the world). I'm wondering whether I should ship her over to you for a training boot camp or maybe borrow Nat next time we have a crack at it ?!?
Congratulations should all feel very proud of your achievement and please give Norris a big hug from us. Lots of love Linda, Paul, Lola & Lena xxxx

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by tripletsmum

Friday 18 Oct 10:31

Norris strikes again. I can't make up my mind if he's very intelligent or totally daft. Since he passed his Silver he's been training for the gold. Every week he acts the class clown rather than doing what he's supposed to. Recall - he looks at me and goes in the opposite direction, send to bed - he walks 2steps turns and looks at me as though he hasn't got a clue what to do next, and as for recalls well......

Last night was the gold assessment but I couldn't work him as I've damaged my knee so one of the boys was allowed to step in. I wasn't hopeful.

Guess who made a fool of me! When it mattered he did what he was supposed to and passed! Well done Nat and Norris, I'm so proud of you both.

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by LindaPaul

Monday 19 Aug 15:54

Hi's spooky because I was just talking to Paul at the weekend saying it was coming up to Norris's gotcha day. How the last year has flown by! We still love hearing about his exploits and it makes me very happy that he's such a big part of your family and your life. You know that Paul and I think the world of him (always will) and we wish you many more happy years together. Linda, Paul & the girls xxxx

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by tripletsmum

Monday 19 Aug 11:39

I cannot believe it is a year today since Norris came home with us! He has made us laugh with his antics as well as had us running to the vet when he stole and chewed the sky remote. He is still a thief, he is the most badly behaved dog at dog club (he does his own thing rather than what I want him to do, unless it's on an assessment night or course and he astounds everyone and doesn't put a foot wrong!) but he is a real character and we love him to bits. We feel so privileged to have him. Thank you Ruth for what you do so well and for allowing us to be his forever home, and thank you Paul, Linda, Lena and Lola for being his foster parents and teaching him the ropes of living with us humans! And thank you Norris just for being Norris

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 14 Jun 19:47

Well done to your lovely Norris, what a clever boy! Xxx

by tripletsmum

Friday 14 Jun 17:17

Hangs head in shame! I owe Norris a MASSIVE apology. He passed with flying colours, and didn't put a paw wrong. He has never done a two minute down stay, but he did last night. Well done Norris, we are all so proud of you. xxx

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by LindaPaul

Thursday 13 Jun 22:34

Go Norris! Hope you are in the mood to do your mum proud!
Love from Linda, Paul, Lola, Lena & Bunny the lodger xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 13 Jun 20:47

Wishing you and Norris lots of luck for tonight! Xxx

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by tripletsmum

Thursday 13 Jun 18:21

Well tonight is Norris's night to shine. He's taking his silver Good Citizen tonight. The only problem is, he's decided he can't be bothered with doing what I say. He's only going to do what he wants, when he wants and how he wants. Hopefully we should pass one of the 10 exercises - the question and answer session!

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by tripletsmum

Wednesday 20 Feb 20:05

Dave is away in Scotland at the moment, and the hotel he was staying at was running one of those race events. They show a race with all the names changed and you bet on the winner. Although the name was changed, it was a greyhound race at Monmouth and Dave is sure it was Norris!! Same markings even to the large scar on his side. Even better Norris was the winner!

We always knew he was special, but now he is the star of a race night!

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by Bess&Reene'smum

Wednesday 30 Jan 12:43

Hi tripletsmum, I can't stress how much crating helps with some dogs. Why don't you try crating him when you go out (I didn't crate my Belle for more than 6hrs though without a toilet break etc.) You can leave him a stuffed kong and some chews this way and your other dog won't be able to pinch them either, along with some toys and try leave the tv/radio on (Radio 4) when you go out. Let me know how you get on.

by tripletsmum

Tuesday 29 Jan 20:38

Thank you all, your suggestions are very welcome.

I don't generally leave the radio or anything on for them when we're out, so that's certainly a possibility. I like Linda's idea of the T Shirt as well so I've found an old one I've been wearing all evening so I'll leave that for him tomorrow. I certainly need to ensure that everything is out of Norris reach before I leave a room, even tonight he has stolen the phone I put on the sofa while I answered the door! Fortunately no damage done, I think he'd only just picked it up.

I'll let you know how we're getting on but any other suggestions are more than welcome.

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by rolohound

Tuesday 29 Jan 13:19

Our 2nd hound had a similar problem when she was left. We were giving her free run of the whole house except the kitchen & found that if we limited the amount of the house she had access to she settled better. Our 2 now just have one room downstairs & hallway. This has solved the issue. We always leave radio on when out & lights on if dark. We have tried leaving them more of the house on occasion & Star starts playing up again so clearly can't cope with too much space if we are not there. The only other thing you could try is a crate as I know others who have chewers who use this when they are out. One things for sure you will have a tidy home whether you want to or not!

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by suejo

Tuesday 29 Jan 13:06

We had the same problem with Truffle - two pairs of school shoes, a pair of Fitflops and the cable on the computer were among things that bit the dust! It was a matter of making sure that anything that she could pick up was always out of reach, which was tedious, but she did grow out of it after a few months. Even now, we have to be careful of very fluffy or feathery things as she jut can't resist them...!

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by LindaPaul

Tuesday 29 Jan 10:32

Oh heck Lynne.....Lena had similar passions for chewing things in the first 6 months or so we had her. Casualties were 2 mobile phones (both mine) and 2 pairs of my glasses. We were spared the need to replace remote controls. She seemed to like the crunch of the phones and the glasses must have smelled of me I guess. Have you tried actually giving Norris an old t-shirt or something of yours which you have worn - I wonder if that might pacify him while you are out? Other than a muzzle I'm not sure if there is a magic fix.....We (or really... it's I) just had to be really diligent in putting things away and well out of Lena's reach. Good news is she seemed just to grow out of the habit. Best of luck...Linda, Paul & the girls xx

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by tripletsmum

Monday 28 Jan 21:56

Naughty Norris strikes again!!!!!

He has this habit of pinching things, mainly my things, socks, slippers, shoes etc, but occationally something else will take his fancy. A couple of weeks ago it was the sky remote, which got slightly chewed, and had to be replaced. Now when we go out EVERYTHING is moved to make sure it is NorrisProof. Unfortunately the NEW remote wasn't as out the way as we thought.....

Norris has been to visit the vet - he destroyed this remote which has upset his tummy. He's had a thorough check, xray and is OK but we've got some medication to settle his tummy just in case.

Any thoughts on what we can do? There are loads of toys but he's not interested in chewing them. Stuffed kongs don't work as Missy hogs them and wont share. Everytime we think it's all safe, he manages to find something else to chew and I'm getting concerned he's going to do himself some damage.

by tripletsmum

Friday 21 Dec 19:40

Norris says "Thank you". He is looking forward to lots of turkey and veg (especially if he can get to ALL of it before the humans do!) He's hoping Santa brings him lots of nice things to eat, and hopes you, Lena and Lola have a great christmas too.
And thanks to Lena and Lola for teaching him the ropes of living with us humans, Norris hopes one day we are fully trained to look after him the way a grey hound deserves, completely at his beck and call!
(By the way, Missy wants to know when he can come back as he keeps pinching her bed!)
Love from Lynne, Dave, boys and of course, Missy xxxx

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by LindaPaul

Friday 21 Dec 14:38

Happy 1st Christmas in your own home lovely Norris.
Hope you have a great time. Thinking of you as always....
lots of love from Linda, Paul, Lola & Lena xxxx

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by LindaPaul

Monday 19 Nov 10:29

Dear Lynn, Ruth & interested readers
Now.....let's get to grips with this Naughty Norris thing :)
First things first, Lola did her very best to instill into Norris the chilled and laid back approach to retirement life, but clearly her efforts were to no avail. She is gutted.....
So we could always blame Lena, as the more quirky one she could have been a subversive influence, planting seeds of destruction to be invoked when the hoomans guard was down.......well we do blame her for most things....
But the real question is..... who would we all rather have.....Nervous Norris or Naughty Norris? I know which my money is on ;)
I'm just loving the fact that he's having such a great time and has so many things to keep him entertained!
Lots of love to Norris, his playmate Missy and all his hoomans from 2 reformed fosterers, Lola & Lena xxxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 18 Nov 18:48

Dear Lynn, thank you for your feedback and I am sorry we have supplied a greyhound that is not compliant with his original description. Perhaps we should have called him Naughty Norris to match his new description!

I do feel the blame must go to Paul and Linda who fostered him (and indeed broke him!!!)as they changed him from Nervous to Naughty!

However, welcome to the world of Greyhounds - you just can't help but love them!
Ruth :-)

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by tripletsmum

Sunday 18 Nov 18:09

Dear Ruth and everyone at Daybreaks

We have had Norris for three months now and we feel that we need to make a complaint as he is clearly not fit for purpose.

We were told that Norris was a bit nervous, hence the reason he was fostered. We should have realised, when we knew he had a broken leg that he was going to be a naughty Norris. As I speak he is running around the house, playing with Missy and causing complete mayhem. This is not what we expect from a greyhound that should be sleeping, being lazy with the occasional stretch.

In addition, he is a consummate thief. The problem is that he only steals items belonging to me, anything that belongs to the boys or my husband Dave appears to be safe. Initially he would only take items back to his bed to cuddle, now he has started to take them to his bed, and chew them. The latest being a brand new top which he tried to steal as I as taking it out of bag. A box of tissues were totally demolished overnight, an empty cheesecake box from the recycling box, T-Towels and anything else that takes his fancy are fair game to him.

However, despite this we love him to bits, so will give him a bit longer (several years maybe) to reform and change his ways.


Lynne, Dave & boys

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by LindaPaul

Saturday 29 Sep 23:18

Not ony gorgeous but clever too!
We always thought he was a very trainable boy and he picked things up very easily while we were fostering him. We are very pleased that he's settled so quickly in his permanent home and is doing so well. Love to Norris from Lola & Lena too xx

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by tripletsmum

Saturday 29 Sep 17:17

Just a little update on Norris.

I spoke with the Willows on Thursday, they are pleased with his progress and he can now be allowed out in the back garden unaccompanied. No more walking round the garden waiting for him to do his business in the dark and pouring rain! We were also told we can let him off lead for the last 5 minutes of a walk so he can have a runaround. Ermmmm maybe not. We just need to watch out, if he goes lame, or there's any swelling or problems around the area of the break, then we m#need to get him assessed, but apart from that, he has a clean bill of health.

Norris has also been going to training classes with me, (I've been involved with a dog training club from life before greyhounds so we haven't been to the greyhound sessions). So far he had only been to three classes, but we had a bronze assessment on Thursday for some of the dogs. I was asked to try Norris, but I was not hopeful. He will go down for a treat but immediately gets up again, he doesn't know what a sit is, so the only option for the stay was to do a stand, which is not ideal. However HE PASSED!!!!!! it's a record for our club, 2 training sessions then takes and passes his bornze on session 3.We are amazed and very proud of him, the assessor even comented of how good his heel work was.

On the other side, at home he is still stealing things where he can, this week, it's been a glove, a plastic disc and taking food out of the food cupboard whilst trying to put the shopping away! (but only when he's not sleeping of course!)

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by tripletsmum

Monday 27 Aug 20:03

Norris has now been with us for a week and he has really made himself at home. He will steal anything that takes his fancy, this morning it was a fleece blanket I was using to keep my legs warm! He will give it back quite easily though, but we have to watch what we put down as he is always watching and will pinch it if he thinks he can get away with it.

He loves his walks and is fascinated by anything and everything, and he has the most expressive ears I have ever seen!. Anything he sees, his ears go up, and start going round like little radar dishes, but totally unco-ordinated. It always makes me smile to see. He does get a little over excited at times which we have to temper due to his leg. but he has settled really well.

He loves his bed (and Missy's which he seemes to use 50% of the time) and is an expert sleeper. Although how he can be comfortable in some of the positions he gets himself into I do not know, If I slept like it I'd be in extreme pain the next day!

He also likes to know where the adults are. If we go out of the lounge he will always follow to see where we are. Even when we go to the bathroom it's not uncommon to come out and find Norris there checking up un us. His favourite is when we go in the kitchen especially if we go near the "special" cupboard, the one with the doggy treats in. I wonder why that might be.

All in all I'd say he has settled really well and is a lovely addition to our family. :)

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by tiggersmum

Thursday 23 Aug 11:28

Good for Norris having some of his 5 a day ... my Lucy loves fruit and veg .. I think greyhounsd are often given bananas when in training to get potassium into them :) Fascinating to see what they choose to eat and usually to give them what;s missing from their diet ... not sure where shoes, mobiles and remotes fit in - maybe they need more roughage LOL Hope Norris continues to settle in well :) J x

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by tripletsmum

Wednesday 22 Aug 22:46

Yep Naughty Norris has arrived!!!!!!! (well maybe cheeky Norris)

First he had an accident - all over Missy's bed even though he'd only just been out and refused to do anything. Then he decided to steal the window cleaning sponge and take it bed.Later he stole my banana off the sofa while I was eating an apple, took it to bed and started to nibble it (Skin and everything!). Finally, after I've washed Missy's bed, Norris decided that he needs at least two beds and makes himself quite at home in Missy's! (Mind you she's used to it, our previous Grey used to do it too)

I think Norris has found his feet and settled in quite comfortably!

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by LindaPaul

Tuesday 21 Aug 10:10

So pleased to hear Norris is doing fine. The fact that he loves his bed is no surprise! He's going to take a few days to get used to the lie of the land in his new home and then he will be back to his happy waggy tailed self again in no time!
Mand - to answer your question Aunty Linda and Uncle Paul are thinking about him lots and lots. Lena is a bit subdued and we think she is the one who is missing him most out of our 2. She was the most put out when he arrived as well, but they ended up very close and Norris was like her little shadow. She used to wait for him on their last trip into the garden before bedtime as Paul always had him on the lead, she preferred not to go back into the house without him. She will get back to normal over the next few days as we all will. And Lola... well she just doing her own thing as usual. His arrival didn't seem to affect her much and nor has his departure. She was up for a big cuddle on Sunday night though (rare as hens teeth) which I like to think was to make me feel better! xx

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by Deb

Monday 20 Aug 20:36

Glad all is going well and just love the picture of him chilling on FACEBOOK.

by tripletsmum

Monday 20 Aug 20:19

Day 2 and all is well. He was very good overnight, no problems at all and generally Norris is much more relaxed today, he certainly likes his bed! He's found the water bowl by himself now rather than us taking him to it, but we have to feed him sepatrately to Missy.

He and Missy have sorted themselves out and seem much more relaxed around each other, and they have been out for a couple of walks together. Yesterday Norris was a bit subdues with his tail down, but today he was much more like the Norris I met with Linda and Paul. His tail was up, his ears were spinning all over the place and he was almost trotting rather than plodding. At one point I went one way with Missy so she could have a mad run around without upsetting Norris, but when we came back home as soon as he saw her his ears picked up and his tail started wagging, obviously pleased to see us again. All in all a very good day.

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by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Monday 20 Aug 16:53

Hi tripletsmum. Glad to hear that Norris is settling in well. Let us know how he gets on with his rehab. PS: How are Aunty Linda, Uncle Paul and little cousins Lola and Lena doing? Mand x

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by LindaPaul

Sunday 19 Aug 17:36

Sending Norris a cuddle and it's so good to hear that he's found his bed! He's very fond of a good nap! I'm sure he'll continue to settle well and he will definitely be a great addition to your family. Be a good boy Norris.. all our love, Linda, Paul, Lola & Lena x

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by tripletsmum

Sunday 19 Aug 16:21

So far Norris seems to be settling in OK. Initially, he was fascinated by the rabbits, but finally decided they weren't very interesting. Missy has been keeping him in his place, but they have settled. Norris seems a little bemused with whats happening, but he has now found his bed and gone to sleep!

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by kallie

Sunday 19 Aug 12:30

what a lovely family photo :-) x

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by tripletsmum

Sunday 19 Aug 09:47

Just realised that sounds like we're not excited when we really are!

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by tripletsmum

Saturday 18 Aug 16:07

Well, we've just got back off holiday, first lot of washing in the machine and now getting the bed/duvets etc ready for Norris! Dave's been and got a new name tag for him. We're not really excited about him coming home tomorrow

by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 15 Aug 10:50

Fab news for Norris! Hope he will soon be able to play with those toys. Wishing him lots of happiness in his new home. xxx

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by tripletsmum

Tuesday 14 Aug 22:19

Great news! Well done Norris, and also to Linda and Paul keeping him on the straight and narrow. Dave gave me the update earlier and we are all really excited about him coming home with us, but you'll be more than welcome to visit him anytime. We'll do our best to keep up your good work and ensure his full rehabilitation.

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by LindaPaul

Tuesday 14 Aug 20:23

All good news on Norris!
Examination and x-rays show that he's just where he should be at this stage of the healing process. You can see the difference between the 2 sets of x-rays where the new bone is forming round the various breaks in the hock. The plate and screws are all looking OK at this stage as well. So it's just a case of carrying on with the strict lead-walking exercise on an increasing basis for the next 5-6 weeks, before he can move to the next stage which should involve moving faster than walk (scary thought!!). He doesn't have to go back to The Willows unless there is a problem, just a phone call to the vet there in 5-6 weeks to check-in and get the plan for the next phase of his rehab.
Just the handover to organise now so that his new mum & dad can carry on from where we leave off........tissues at the ready..... xxxx

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by LindaPaul

Monday 13 Aug 20:26

Big day tomorrow for Norris as he's back for his check at the Willows. I can tell you now he will not be impressed in the morning as he's not allowed any breakfast.
He's amazing now and like a different dog from the one we first brought home in June (well we already know his leg has an extra bit in it but that's not what I mean!) He's clever and so much more confident and he's getting really playful. As the toys are still off-limits until we get the verdict from the vet, he's making his own entertainment with whatever he can find, or by just trying to engage me in a game of tag :) so funny as he squeaked at me last night when he was obviously frustrated when I wasn't joining in. Think he gets fed up hearing me say 'just calm down'! Keeping everything crossed for tomorrow xx

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by tripletsmum

Saturday 11 Aug 08:32

I hope all goes well on Tuesday. I'll miss coming to see him this week, so please give him lots of hugs. All being well we will see you on the 19th to bring him home. Can't wait!!

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by LindaPaul

Monday 06 Aug 11:33

Oh yes... he is adorable! Since seeing the squirrel, he's always on the look-out at that point in our walk and Sunday, he spotted a discarded McDonalds bag in the middle of the road. Well you never know... it might move so one has to be vigilant and stare at it just in case! Bless him.
And then there is the sock thing....having learned not to leave them lying around, I had an armful destined for the wash and I must have dropped one as I passed through the dogs room on the way to the kitchen..... he was there and nabbed it and ran to his bed with the booty! He gives things up easily though (unlike on)
Which brings me neatly onto Friday night at Solihull Riding Club. We took Lola and Lena for a run in the indoor school so Norris came along to make a guest appearance :) Didn't run of course, but he had a stroll round the car park, came inside briefly to say hello to all of the other greys and their owners before retiring to the back of Paul's car. Hope he didn't see Lena grab someone's honking duck toy from under their arm and then refuse to give it back even for some stinky treats.
Norris is getting stronger on his leg all the time, and keeping the walks steady seems to be really working for him. We just have to hope that what's going on under the skin matches what we are seeing so he can go to his new family in just under 2 weeks time. x

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by tripletsmum

Thursday 02 Aug 16:49

He is just adorable. I really can't wait for him to be fit and come and live with us. I can see an improvement in his movement even from the beginning of the week. Thank you Linda and Paul for allowing us to spend time with him and doing such a great job with his recovery.

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by LindaPaul

Thursday 02 Aug 11:18

Eek! Saw a squirrel running across the road this morning when out for our stroll. Slightly more reaction than with the cat, but consisted of ears up, short strides (staring and walking obviously was a challenge) and crying when it disappeared into a hedge! No attempts at leaping around which is good news at this stage.
We are up to 15 mins walking from today and he's still loving it. Norris has now claimed many of the trees which line our road as his very own! x

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by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Wednesday 01 Aug 17:42

Good boy Norris, behaving like an absolute gent! Well, apart from the sock incident!!!! Perhaps he'll teach the girls a few good habits, Lena sounds like she's smitten with him, so you never know what she'll do to impress him!! Mand x

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by LindaPaul

Monday 30 Jul 13:02

Norris is absolutely loving his little walks. He's mainly doing twice a day for 10 mins. As long as he's not accompanied by Lola (the sniffer dog) we can get round a little block at a very steady walk pace in that time. It might sound weird, but I'm so happy when he cocks his leg up one of the trees in our road !! It's just really nice to see him allowed out and doing what boys do best!
Quite annoyingly (speaking as owner of 2 girls who go mental....) he doesn't seem to react to cats when out walking. We saw one on a drive on Sunday afternoon so I deliberately crossed the road towards the cat. His ears went up in the air as if to say "Hm.. how interesting... you're not a greyhound" and then he just looks away.
We'd better not walk him too often with the girls as we don't want him to learn any of their more undesirable cat-spotting habits! x

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by tripletsmum

Sunday 29 Jul 19:36

Hope Norris is still enjoying his walks and behaving himself. We're really looking forward to visiting this week for lots of fuss!

by Jess&Koda

Thursday 26 Jul 19:50

Well done

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by BeckyB-F

Thursday 26 Jul 19:41

Yaaaay for you Norris xxxx

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by LindaPaul

Thursday 26 Jul 17:06

Aside from all of the other excitement around Norris this week, there is an update on his rehabilitation as well. When he was discharged from the Willows, the vet who operated on him said if after 6 weeks he seemed OK, then he could do a little more than 5 mins in the garden on lead several times a day. Needing to know what that meant, Paul spoke to him yesterday and we now have a plan! This week he can do some 10 minute walks so we are starting with twice a day to see how he goes and that can be increased to 3 or maybe 4 times a day if all is well. Next week 15 min walks and then 20 min walks the week after.
He went for his first walk last night with Paul and I took him this morning just down our road. Well.... it made his little day! He is so sweet and the world is just sooo amazing to him. He looks at everything and you just imagine him saying 'wow.. look at that tree' and 'wow.. amazing... look at that plastic bag blowing up that drive'. All that without misbehaving at all, just in awe of everything. It's cute and so very endearing! Bless! xxx

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by tripletsmum

Thursday 26 Jul 15:15

We are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I cannot wait to welcome into our home>

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by LindaPaul

Thursday 26 Jul 14:53

Hi Fi. Norris was reserved then he wasn't and now he is again by a new family. Yesterday he met their other little dog, mum and the children and today he met dad and the decision was made. Yippee I'm so pleased.. As long as all goes well, he'll be able to go from our home to theirs without having to go back to kennels. Wonder if Lola & Lena will miss him...? xxx

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by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Thursday 26 Jul 14:23

Who is having this boy????? xxxxxxxxxx

by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Tuesday 24 Jul 13:15

Sounds like you need eyes in the back of your head Linda! Who said dogs were dumb animals? Norris is learning that if life gives you lemons (or socks!).....! Mand x

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by tiggersmum

Tuesday 24 Jul 09:55

Blimey ... not a worn one I hope or are you trying to anaesthetise him LOL :) Glad he's getting better and better tho I bet your nerves are frazzled ... j xxx

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by LindaPaul

Tuesday 24 Jul 09:41

PS..... I confiscated all of the toys last Friday night to curb some over-exuberance, so yesterday, Norris discovered the joys of playing with Paul's socks!
....Where has Nervous Norris gone?

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by LindaPaul

Monday 23 Jul 13:34

Has anyone got any lead boots to fit Norris?!!
What broken hock? I'm sure Norris only occasionally realises he's not yet 100%. He's great - snoozes all through the day and then some days he is very busy indeed after his evening meal. It's just like someone has changed the batteries for fresh duracells! He is cheeky and playful now and was even trying to get Lena to play with him. Not a brilliant idea on his part as running round the room is not on his recovery plan! He's now learning the 'down' command and he's pretty reliable in doing this for a treat or biscuit as long as he's on a bed. He's also good at waiting to be told he can eat after his bowl is put down. So he seems to be coming along OK. He can be a little stiff when he gets up but that passes very quickly. It's 6 weeks on Wednesday since his surgery and while the hair is growing back on his shaved leg, he's moulting like crazy from other parts! Back to the Willows on August 14th. so keeping everything crossed. x

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by medaftboutdogs

Tuesday 10 Jul 20:36

Glad to hear Norris is healing well. Its a shame to have to stop them running about, Red is the same, ready to go, but being held back!!!

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by LindaPaul

Sunday 08 Jul 17:13

Hi Mand. Norris is doing just fine thanks... in fact I sometimes think he's feeling a little too well! The scar from the surgery looks like a neat drawn-on line now that all the scabs have gone. It's nice not to have to use the lampshade any more as he used to give us that very sad look of 'Oh no... please don't put that thing on me'. Plus Lola is relieved as when he waggled his head near her wearing that thing she was most disgruntled!
Norris has now found the toys and if he just takes them to bed and nibbles on them that's fine but absolutely no throwing them around is allowed as he'd be throwing himself around as well. It's usually so nice to see a grey playing with toys so it seems a bit rotten to restrict him but I just tell myself it's for his own good. He's also barked .....just once! That was about a week ago and we've not heard one since! It's a relief to know he has a voice though ;) I'm sure Norris doesn't think he's got a broken hock as his latest trick is to do spinning at mealtimes, so we're now working on ways to lessen his inclination for this undesirable activity! To be honest if he'd not got the problem he has then it wouldn't be a real issue. It's 3 and a half weeks now since the surgery (how time flies) and when he gets to 6 weeks he can do a bit more exercise so it's just a case of getting through the next 2 and a bit weeks then I'm sure he will be better when he can go for a little stroll up the road. He's definitely put on some weight as well and is looking more pet-sized now! When you can't go for a walk, food is very important to a boy and I have to say Norris definitely loves his grub! On top of his Burns Pork & Potato, we are working our way through the A la Bark recipes and so far we haven't found anything he doesn't like :) He's such a lovely boy and we love having him to stay. Just working towards the day (in a few more weeks) when he can have his new doggy brother-designate to visit as we so want them to get on OK then he can head off to his permament home once he's got his all-clear at the 8 week follow up at The Willows xxx

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by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Saturday 07 Jul 21:19

How's Norris doing Linda? Mand xx

by Shanesmum

Friday 29 Jun 17:56

So pleased to hear the lovely boy is on the mend and feeling better now the stitches are gone. BIg cuddle for him today. x

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 27 Jun 13:53

Good news to hear how well he is doing. xxx

by LindaPaul

Tuesday 26 Jun 16:21

Norris had his stitches out yesterday. The vet said everything is absolutely fine and the wound has healed really well. He's much more comfortable now and we can see little improvements in him day by day as he is healing. Now it's just a case of plenty of rest for the next few weeks, so it's a life of eating and sleeping for Norris with his brief trips into the garden. He continues to be a model guest in our house and he's most definitely got to grips with our daily routine. He loves Lena (well someone has to?! ....only joking... wouldn't swap her for the world) and she's like his shadow on his garden trips (unless it's raining of course).....More news as and

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by BeckyB-F

Tuesday 19 Jun 20:21

Poor lad, but it sounds like he has a wonderful place to recover and a new home to go to too xxxxx Willows looked after my Belles two broken toes, and you wouldn't know it had ever happened .xxxx Good luck boy xxxx

by LindaPaul

Tuesday 19 Jun 17:36

Thanks for the tip Foggie. He is coping with it at the moment apart from bumping into the furniture (and us) when he's moving round wearing it! So we will see how he goes. We can take it off at night mainly when we are with him as he's mostly fast asleep and dreaming so all thoughts of licking the wound are gone, and also while Paul is sitting with him during the day and he's dozing (Norris not Paul!) he will take it off. Any sign of intention to lick and it's back on. Bless. He's a good patient. xx

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by Foggie

Tuesday 19 Jun 15:53

If the lamp shade drives him mad you could try customising an old cotton tee shirt that covers the wound but isn't too tight. Good luck to Norris xx

by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Tuesday 19 Jun 12:47

That's so typical of little boys - they all love to pick their scabs!!!! By the way, Norris and The Girls, has a lovely ring to it - sounds like a band! Glad to hear he's doing so well. Mand x

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by LindaPaul

Tuesday 19 Jun 08:50

Norris Update!
He went to the vet at Fivelands yesterday to have his wound checked. They removed the elastoplast and everything is absolutely fine. It's a very neat job and I don't think there will be very much to see once the hair grows back. (He does have a very neatly shaved leg right up to mid thigh!) He's booked in now to have his stitches out next Monday. Paul said he met a collie x in the vets and Norris didn't react so add that to the non-greyhound he met at training, all points to him being other-breed friendly with calm dogs at least. Bad news for Norris is that he needs to wear a lampshade for the next week as he is just too interested in the wound. It's only a week (as the vet said to him) and we must keep it dry to get it nicely healed. He's having a post breakfast snooze at the moment so that's it for now folks.
Lots of love to all from Norris and the girls xxx

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by LindaPaul

Monday 18 Jun 18:56

Hi Mand... thanks for your lovely words... and you are so right about the girls! Norris and Lena are best buddies and Lola checks him out whenever she comes back from her walks just to see that all is in order and then does her own sweet thing as always! Love to you and yours from all the gang here x

by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Monday 18 Jun 13:23

How lucky is Norris to be staying at yours while he's recuperating?! His prospective new owners can be assured that Linda and Paul will be treating him like a king while he's in their care, they are two of the most kind and thoughtful people I know. I bet Lena's loving having a house-guest, while I can imagine Lola's taking it all in her stride!!!! See you all soon and big hugs to you and the gang. Mand x

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 18 Jun 13:17

Poor lad, pleased to hear he is doing ok. xxx

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Monday 18 Jun 12:11

So pleased that Norris is ok, he completely stole my heart and was gutted when I found out bout his leg. You are wonderful people so I know that he will florish under your care n of course the attention of the girlies!!!
Hope the trip to the wtes goes ok.
Big huggles to Norris xxxx

by LindaPaul

Monday 18 Jun 10:39

Norris is doing really really well. He enjoyed having his visitors yesterday (Ruth, Rob and his prospective new owners). Lena thought the visitors had come to see her.. but that is another story... ;)
We can see the changes in him day by day as he feels stronger and more comfortable. With a plate and 6 screws stabilising his hock, he's got at least 6 weeks of being confined to one room so he can't run about with a good number of 5 min trips into the garden. He does get a change of scene regularly though - conservatory, lounge and their bedroom..... If things are going well after 6 weeks we can up the exercise slightly before he is reviewed at the Willows in 8 weeks time.
He is eating really well and is clean and quiet in the house. All in all a really lovely boy who will be a great pet hound.
He's off to the vet today just to get the wound checked. He has no cast on his leg, just an elastoplast at the moment which will come off today as it hasn't fallen off. Stitches should come out a week today. Will post regular updates for all the Norris fans out there.... xxx

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by kallie

Sunday 17 Jun 20:26

poor baby, but if he was at the Willows he will have had the best treatment there is and he will be as good as new before too long...get better soon beautiful boy. xxxx

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by susy

Sunday 17 Jun 20:13

Well going on our Sheena who we fostered before taking her on after she had a smashed leg in her owners kennels, she recovered but not to race again and is the greatest of dogs, but at 2 just like a puppy.
Hope Norris is soon on the mend love the New Icemaid Clan.X

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by goldi&ruby's-mum

Sunday 17 Jun 19:53

Oh no Norris you silly sausage fancy doin that, am sure the girls are looking after you. Take care n get better very soon. Lots of hugs n kissess Mandy xxxx

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by Tash'ntheGreys

Sunday 17 Jun 18:44

Oh no, poor least he's on the mend and he's getting lots of TLC x

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by Deb

Sunday 17 Jun 18:37

Thats a relief I saw his prospective new mum on Friday and she is very excited about him going to live with her family.
well done to Linda Paul and hopefully Lena and Lola for giving him lots of TLC

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by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 17 Jun 18:28

I am pleased to say that Norris doing well despite an eventful week - he unfortunately broke his leg early last week and underwent surgery at the Willows Specialist Centre. He is recovering very well and receiving much TLC from Linda and Paul.

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by Deb

Sunday 17 Jun 14:31

Hope all is well Norris's picture seems to have disappeared off the website

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Saturday 16 Jun 20:38

Hey Karenb feel exactly the same as you. Met him at the kennels n fell in love, sadly like you have 2 n just know dad would spot another!!! oh well sure he'll find his forever sofa very soon xxxx

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by karenb

Saturday 16 Jun 20:20

I had the pleasure of spending a little time at training with Norris while his foster mum& dad were doing the bronze and silver awards with their dogs. Norris was fab had no problem walking beside my wheelchair and was very laid back and mater of fact about the whole thing......if only I could sneak a third one in Norris would be the one.....big hugs lovely boy you're going to make a fantastic pet for a very lucky owner x x

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by Deb

Saturday 16 Jun 11:32

This boy is fantastic he is a real looker,is a charmer calm and very laid back.He came to training last week with his foster family and was admired by everyone there.
I think he will be in a home very soon.

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by nutellajar

Saturday 16 Jun 08:31

aww! Sweet! This boy looks lovely!

by medaftboutdogs

Friday 15 Jun 21:05

How you doing big lad - hope your resting nicely. xxx

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by susy

Friday 15 Jun 16:49

Lovely Norris where have you been hiding.