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About Me

Racing Name
Nifty Buddy
Date of birth
01 nov 2009
Land of birth
IE Ireland
Land of standing
UK United Kingdom
Ear mark
Dualla ZoeIE-MAR-03-BK
Family tree & race history

Buddy (Arthur)

male, 15 years old, Black

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Buddy (Arthur) has had 0 cuddles today (41 all together).
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by Rebeccah

Thursday 17 Aug 23:19

Buddy's previous owner here. Curious as to how buddy is getting on, we miss him a lot! Would be lovely to see how he is doing now that he has plenty of friends!

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by Melysa

Sunday 30 Aug 13:33

Lovely to meet you both yesterday (so much in common!) - hope to see you at an event or out & about soon!
Melysa, Sam & Charlie Mouse x

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by buddysmom

Thursday 27 Aug 17:47

So glad he is settling in, it was meant to be. It sounds like he is really enjoying not being an only grey! Enjoy him. xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 24 Aug 20:58

What a lovely comment...Buddy is a very lucky boy! Xxx

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by Juju

Monday 24 Aug 13:35

How lucky are we the right place at the right time, this happened with our beautiful girl Jess too RIP. Buddy is gorgeous and I'm head over heels in love with him. When we brought him house on Saturday, he was obviously very stressed and we let him have his space so that he could get used to his new home. Now Monday he's been finding out his boundries with our beautiful girls Biscuit (not any) & Pepper (the grouch, a few) and following me around, playing like a puppy in the garden, enjoying his walks and most of all loving his treats. He was in a lovely condition when we adopted him as he has been loved & looked after wonderfully by his previous owner and my heart goes out to them but thank you for letting us have the chance to give him his forever home xxxxx

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by rumblesmom

Monday 24 Aug 10:47

smooth work buddy right place right time- you soooooooo deserve this lucky break xxxxxx

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by sarah

Saturday 22 Aug 20:49

Yay ! So pleased, well done Buddy and family xxxx

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by tripletsmum

Saturday 22 Aug 19:44

Fantastic news, we are so pleased to see this update. Xxx

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by Tinker'sNan

Saturday 22 Aug 19:13

Buddy so pleased for you be happy my friend I was at kennels when you was there big licks to you and big hugs for your new family big wooofs tinker and nan a xx

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Saturday 22 Aug 18:54

Beat my record with my little Willow then. Fab news and good luck lovely Xxx

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Saturday 22 Aug 18:52

I thought looking at his previous training with a kitten ir was you. Sorry, there will be another out there. Xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 22 Aug 18:48

Buddy's feet hardly touched the ground today! When his family arrived with him they bumped into another family who had sadly lost one of their Greyhounds recently and were looking for a friend for their two lovely girls....well...there was Buddy! He didn't even have time to unpack! Xxx

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by Melysa

Saturday 22 Aug 18:33

it's not us & he wasn't cf!

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by blackisbeautiful

Saturday 22 Aug 17:32

Has the lovely Buddy been lucky enough to go straight out into a new home ?? Great news if he has ! X

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Saturday 22 Aug 16:39

Could be completely wrong here, but due to the quick rehoming and looking back could be cat friendly, does Charlie Mouse have a new friend??? Just asking!!!

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by tripletsmum

Saturday 22 Aug 14:42

What a shame, I'm so sorry to see this. I really hope someone will come and take this lovely boy into their hearts. I wish we had room for him, but I don't think Andy will give up or share his bed.

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by DaybreaksRuth

Saturday 22 Aug 11:10

Sadly Buddy has been returned back to the kennels after two and half years in a home. This is through no fault of Buddy's but due to a change in his owners personal circumstances.

Buddy is happy to spend the day on his bed, he is great on the lead, house trained - a beautiful, gentle, quiet boy who just needs another loving home.

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by DuleekDandy

Wednesday 24 Apr 17:48

You are doing great with him!
Maybe some tips on here:

Hope it all goes well for both of them.....AND you! xx

by buddysmom

Wednesday 24 Apr 12:07

We are now trying to get Buddy used to a kitten! We are keeping the kitten in a dog crate and allowing Buddy to be free around the crate. He is stressing about it but hope he will get used to it. We are rewarding him when he ignores it. Will not let the kitten free of the crate for a while yet and then only with Buddy having a muzzle on. Any tips would be gratefully received. I have put a time limit of 2 weeks and then if no improvement the kitten will have to go.

by missfifi

Friday 22 Mar 20:30

Hi Buddys mom, Buddy sounds like he's enjoying the snow. My Daisy prefers her basket! So the wee thing - it might be a noise like the postie frightens him when you are out. Or he may just be missing you. In the early months I always give my greys an old jumper of mine in their basket or on their bed when I go out so they can smell their mum. Daisy has a toy cat in her toy basket that is supposed to retain my smell on it. But anything warm and snuggly and smelling of you may work. You may be already doing this - if not its worth a try. Just keep perservering - sometimes it can take a long time for some dogs to feel really safe and secure. xx

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by buddysmom

Friday 22 Mar 18:12

Buddy loved the snow this morning, ran round and round the garden, glad i am going to have the lawn removed and slaps put down as he has dug up lots off grass! On the down side though he has wet the carpet again while i have been out at work even though he "spent a penny" in the garden and when again when i took him for a walk before i went out.

by buddysmom

Friday 15 Mar 15:01

I spent a couple of hours at the kennels this morning and took some of the dogs for a walk, Stanley was very eager, I am sure I have one arm longer than the other now! I think he just wanted to be in front tho. Shall be back again soon hopefully.

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by littlemoe

Monday 11 Mar 09:47

We had the same thing with Walter & it turned out he had a water infection & needed antibiotics. That said, he will still have the odd accident despite being walked just before & it's usually when we have popped out of the room for a few minutes. I think it may be a be that they are feeling more attached to us & it stresses them when we go out of the room but they can still hear that we are in the house. I think once they get more confident over time it will stop. I do empathise though because it can be a bit frustrating when they have just been out, but I am putting it down to the natural adjustment period as Ruth, Fiona & Julie explained it can take months for them to get used to all the changes they are going through. I am sure it will happen less & less over time & if all else fails I am now if the opinion what's a bit of wee between friends! :0)

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by buddysmom

Sunday 10 Mar 14:53

Buddy has been clean and dry in the house for all of the six weeks we have had him but today spent a penny on the carpet in one of our downstairs rooms, he had already been for a walk and out in the garden, I have cleaned the carpet with biological washing powder, does anyone have any ideas why he might of done it, we were in the house at the time. We regularly leave him while at work for 6hours and he is ok.

by buddysmom

Tuesday 26 Feb 18:53

We all enjoyed the walk round Sutton Park on Sunday and then went to training session on Monday evening, will be going again next week. Today we have had to move the vivarium out of the room where Buddy spends time while I am at work as he scared the snake who bought up an undigested mouse, not nice!

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by buddysmom

Friday 22 Feb 20:37

took buddy to vets today to be weighed, he went on the scales with no trouble. He weighs 30kg and we are trying to fatten him up a bit. The vet was amazed that he gets on so well with snoopy. Vet nurse said what a lovely dog he is, very impressed with him. Will take him back in about a month to be weighed again. Hoping to take him on the walk at Sutton Park on Sunday.

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by buddysmom

Friday 22 Feb 15:22

Buddy is doing really well, has decided he likes mirrors and the shiny oven door and microwave door and spends ages looking at himself, so funny! Also decided he didn't like gerbils I bought for my daughter so we took them back to the pet shop as it was stressing him (and me) trying to keep him away from them.

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by Jenwren

Sunday 10 Feb 11:28

Oh what a lovely rehoming photo, well done everyone, it looks like you have bagged yourself a super sofa Buddy!!!! :) x

by buddysmom

Sunday 10 Feb 07:57

glad to report that letting buddy sleep on the landing outside my bedroom worked wonders. He stayed on his bed until I got up at 7.30am.

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by rumblesmom

Saturday 09 Feb 21:55

Oh Arthur I am so pleased for you lovely boy. You could keep my Ricky company he likes to cry at about 4am- well done all xx

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by Tinker'sNan

Saturday 09 Feb 20:02

Hi buddy's mom we now have had our beautiful girl tinker for ten months when we first had her see stayed in the kitchen which was upsetting for her she cryed all night long I spoke to Ruth who said it was to confined and she didn't like the door closed so we gave in and let her sleep in the lounge have you thought about that I put covers over the settee she then is aloud to say there we have never looked back she is a very good girl she knows the the drill gets her pjs on and that's it no sounds till eight in the morning I hope this helps you it's worth a try tinkers nan

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by Deb

Saturday 09 Feb 17:48

Fab to see the green sign.Our lurcher does the same and choses where she wants to sleep.

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by buddysmom

Saturday 09 Feb 07:18

i admit defeat, buddy can sleep upstairs from now on, 5am on a saturday morning is too early. Sayiing that thoughm I came down to him this morning and let him out of dining room and took his bed upstairs and went back to bed he then chose to go down and curl up on my chair, I thought he wanted company?!

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by buddysmom

Friday 08 Feb 19:37

just had a breakthrough, i went upstairs and shut the door and buddy just stayed on his bed instead of crying at the door as he usually does! brilliant

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by buddysmom

Friday 08 Feb 19:13

i have just realised I have not really been putting anything positive about Buddy. He is getting on very well apart from he early mornings. He loves his walks and gets very excited when he realises we are going out, he jumps up and down but is very calm once he has his coat on. He tried to chase a cat this morning and nearly had me over so I will have to be careful in future. When we get back from walks he stands still while I take his things off and dry his feet if they are wet. He is eating well but is still a bit too thin but I am giving him extra feed. He now lets the chihuahua walk underneath his legs when he is eating which is amazing. He now curls up by the radiator at the side of my chair when I am reading or watching tv. I am going to the kennels tomorrow to confirm that we are keeping him.

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by buddysmom

Friday 08 Feb 17:28

yes the heating goes off but he wears a warm coat. I understand he is used to company but I have never let any of my dogs over the last 30years sleep upstairs! I will try a few more nights with him downstairs and if he doesn't settle to a better routine then I may have to give in a let him sleep on the landing. Thanks for your comments.

by rolohound

Friday 08 Feb 16:22

Hi just a thought but can he hear neighbours etc going out at that time in the morning. We don't have this problem at home but do with Star when at my dads as they stay in the conservatory which is next to the driveway. She starts as soon as neighbour comes in or out (he works shifts). She sleeps thru til 7ish if my dad lets them sleep in the lounge which doesn't have a window towards the drive. Star will only bark at home if we go past about 9am but then if we go down to her fuss her she then goes to sleep on the sofa in the lounge (no access to this overnight). The bedroom trick does work if it suits the owner as we did this with our old lurcher. We also feed our two some biscuits after there bedtime walk as ours have learnt that eating from their bowl usually means they need to go to sleep. This may depend on your dogs digestive movements though! Could try a ticking clock too as suppose to mimic heartbeat sounds. Hope you find a solution soon.

by tiggersslave

Friday 08 Feb 13:10

Hi Letting them sleep upstairs is usually the answer- greys have always had company .. think of Daybreaks kennels and thats how they live in training so he will always have had a friend with him. Now he's retired into a strange new world he's probably feeling worried so you could try putting your childgate across your bedroom dorr and his bed on the landing so he can see you but not get to you ... plus the long walks should help him learn to settle- does your heating go off at night? If so he could be feeling chilly so he'll need a nice snug fleecy coat and being warm that may help him sleep longer too. My grey used to stampede up and down the landing barking at the foxes outside so I shut her inside my bedroom and she goes to sleep now :) Having had her for a while she now knows that sometimes I sleep longer but -if the alarm goes ... she can bark and squeak :) j x

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by buddysmom

Friday 08 Feb 12:13

I tried putting the radio and lamp on a timer so that he thinks I have come downstairs, that didn't work! Any suggestions would be gratefully received as he is disturbing the neighbours as well as me. It was suggested by a friend that I let him sleep upstairs but as I am such a light sleeper he would only have to move and I would be awake!

by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Tuesday 05 Feb 12:42

Hi buddysmom. You have my sympathies, our little Grey, Emily, wakes us up every morning between 4.30 am and 6 am. We've tried everything with her, but no success. Even when we tried her sleeping upstairs with us, she still gets us up early, just sticks her nose in our faces rather than the Greyhound Chorus downstairs. We've eventually just had to accept that she's a very early riser, although interestingly, she does seem to become worse when it gets nearer to the clocks being changed. Ah, I remember the days when we just had Gent and used to have a lie-in on the weekends - yawn!!! Mand x

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by buddysmom

Tuesday 05 Feb 12:12

went for an hours walk yesterday afternoon, another 20minute walk in the evening. He went in the crate without a fuss, started whining at 5am but settled without me going down to him.

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by buddysmom

Monday 04 Feb 08:12

I have been doing as you suggest with stair gate across the room i leave him in, I realise that it will take time. I had stopped using the crate, perhaps a
bit too soon. I walked him yesterday afternoon and then a 20min walk before bed and he then started barking at 5am this morning. I set the crate up again at 5.30 and he was ok in there till 6.40. I am going back to using the crate again for a while.

by tiggersmum

Sunday 03 Feb 20:56

Hi Buddysmum They are usually just glad to be with you and - as long as they've had a long walk late afternoon (45mins to an hour) then a last wee stop (in the garden is normally ok) - they will usually sleep until you wake up .. well mine always have :) If they are nicely tired they will usually be happy to settle with a Kong to keep them occupied so if you can walk him for 45mins to an hour twice a day for a while till he gets used to his new routine then you can do shorter walks tho mine have 30 mins before I go to work they still love a nice hour walk in the afternoon round the woods. Also get him used to settling at home while you're there - a childgate is useful .. just start by leaving him on his bed with a gooey Kong, walk out of the room, shut the childgate behind you, walk to the end of the room in sight of him, go back into the room he's in, don't look or touch him, sit down and only if he's calm call him to you (if you want to) and make a quiet fuss of him. Build that up to going out the room, stay in sight but out of his room for longer and longer periods (build it up slowly as long as he stays calm) then progress to going out of sight but return to him immediately, build that up to staying out of sight for longer and longer ... only go to the next stage if he's quiet and calm in 'his' room. Put a worn piece of your clothes in his bed so he can smell you and they usually are happiest when he's with you at night. Good luck with him :) Julie

by tiggersmum

Sunday 03 Feb 20:56

Hi Buddysmum They are usually just glad to be with you and - as long as they've had a long walk late afternoon (45mins to an hour) then a last wee stop (in the garden is normally ok) - they will usually sleep until you wake up .. well mine always have :) If they are nicely tired they will usually be happy to settle with a Kong to keep them occupied so if you can walk him for 45mins to an hour twice a day for a while till he gets used to his new routine then you can do shorter walks tho mine have 30 mins before I go to work they still love a nice hour walk in the afternoon round the woods. Also get him used to settling at home while you're there - a childgate is useful .. just start by leaving him on his bed with a gooey Kong, walk out of the room, shut the childgate behind you, walk to the end of the room in sight of him, go back into the room he's in, don't look or touch him, sit down and only if he's calm call him to you (if you want to) and make a quiet fuss of him. Build that up to going out the room, stay in sight but out of his room for longer and longer periods (build it up slowly as long as he stays calm) then progress to going out of sight but return to him immediately, build that up to staying out of sight for longer and longer ... only go to the next stage if he's quiet and calm in 'his' room. Put a worn piece of your clothes in his bed so he can smell you and they usually are happiest when he's with you at night. Good luck with him :) Julie

by buddysmom

Sunday 03 Feb 16:54

thanks for the tips, tried sardines but although he likes them that didn't work, i was going to buy peanut butter tomorrow and I will try that, if all else fails I will have to let him come upstairs with me! Any tips for getting him not to wake me up at 5.30am!!!

by Deb

Sunday 03 Feb 12:50

You could smear some on the outside as well so he gets to realise what treats are in store for him.

by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 03 Feb 08:14

Hi Buddysmom - try putting a small amount of pate or cheese spread or peanut butter inside.... he used to love this at the kennels x

by buddysmom

Saturday 02 Feb 18:44

Left Buddy on his own with the run of our dining room while we were out today, he was fine. He has been with us to visit friends and to meet their cocker spaniel, that went well. I did buy him a "kong" type toy and put treats in it for him when I go out of the room but he isn't interested in it. I will keep trying him with it.

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by buddysmom

Thursday 31 Jan 15:12

I left my living room door open while hoovering and Buddy found his way upstairs for the first time. He doesn't like being left on his own unless he is in the indoor cage, going to go shopping for a "kong" on Ruths' advice as I would like to be able to leave him for short periods without him being in the cage. We went for a good long walk today and met lots of other dogs and he was great with all of them. He now also ignores Snoopy which I am pleased about.

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by rumblesmom

Monday 28 Jan 20:51

My words aren,t literal but it seems that Arthur is just having a few teething troubles.he is such a lovely boy and I,m sure he will settle quickly and I bet snoopy ends up being the boss- the little ones always do

by LadyVictoria

Monday 28 Jan 13:44

So very pleased for Buddy, my Gryehound's best friend is a Shitzu called Bouncer, he is the boss and she happily follows him everywhere. I do hope Buddy and Snoopy will be be great friends. xxx

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by buddysmom

Monday 28 Jan 13:04

i was out for about 3 hours this morning and left him in his indoor "kennel", i have been back for about an hour now and he hasn't made a sound while I have been putting shopping away etc. I am going to let him out now and take him for a walk.

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by tripletsmum

Sunday 27 Jan 22:21

Yvonne, He will settle soon. He was the same when we had him over Christmas, but once he knew the routine, he soon settled. I'm sure it will be the same in his new home. We wish you all the very best, he is fantastic hound. xxx

by Shanesmum

Sunday 27 Jan 17:41

I'm sure the lovely Buddy will settle to his new routine very soon, he is such a gorgeous boy and has been through a lot just recently, so will just need time to feel his paws and get used to his new home, and his new little friend. Good luck to everyone. x

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by buddysmom

Sunday 27 Jan 14:20

just re-read my earlier comment, it should have read "chased MY chihuahua" not chased "BY" my chihuahua, I really should wear my glasses! He has had a couple of walks today but in the house will only lie on his bed if I sit down, I am sure he will get used to me moving around and realise he does not have to follow me round.

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by rumblesmom

Sunday 27 Jan 13:29

loving the name buddy- sounds as though things are going well so far and hopefully he and snoopy will become firm friends although i suspect snoopy may be the boss- well done everyone

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by Jess&Koda

Sunday 27 Jan 08:37

If his home works out which I think it will, as he is perfect and his new owners really love him! His new chihuahua friend is called snoopy and she scared him a little at first, but by the end of the walk she was happier. He will be called Buddy now not Arthur a his new owner prefer it to Arthur x

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by buddysmom

Sunday 27 Jan 07:19

Arthur (Buddy as we call him) settled well, unfortunately chased by chihuahua when I let her in from the garden but that was my fault as I wasn't paying attention, but will in future. Only came down to him once last night and then he settled. I have been downstairs for about half an hour so far this morning and haven't been in to see him yet and he hasn't made a sound! Chihuahua (Snoopy) is also still fast asleep. Looking forward to getting to know Buddy better.

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by DivasMum

Saturday 26 Jan 18:51

Fab news, well done Arthur x

by Stephers

Saturday 26 Jan 16:30

Oh Yes!!!!!!! Go Arthur, you so deserve this x

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by tripletsmum

Saturday 26 Jan 14:43

Fantastic news I am so pleased. Whoever gives him a home is getting a wonderful dog, I hope that it all works out. I hope that red soon goes green xx

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by rumblesmom

Saturday 26 Jan 13:04

Oh wow Arthur just so pleased for you my lovely boy I really hope that this will be your forever sofa coming up- I know if it all works out that your new owners have themselves a fantastic dog xx

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 25 Jan 13:16

Hi yvonne, I do hope Arthur and your dog really like each other when they meet. Will keep my fingers corssed! xxx

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by tripletsmum

Thursday 24 Jan 18:36

I'm really pleased Arthur is doing so well, he is a lovely lad. I really hope he gets his own sofa and forever home soon, he really deserves it.

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by buddysmom

Thursday 24 Jan 16:39

Took Arthur for a walk today and hope to be able to offer him a home, just got to have the home check and am taking my dog to meet him on Saturday morning, really excited.

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by ClareInsightHounds

Wednesday 23 Jan 19:53

I'm really pleased to hear Arthur is doing so well! X

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by rumblesmom

Wednesday 23 Jan 17:39

Just picked my daughter up from the kennels and I hadn,t seen Arthur for a few days, I was staggered by how much he has come on -he came straight over for a big fuss and by the end he was demanding as much attention as henry and Pluto now all he needs is a permanent loving home -he is one fabulous hound xx

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by rumblesmom

Tuesday 15 Jan 19:31

You are so right about this boy he is very shy and reserved until he susses you out then he is a really loving gentle boy- Arthur you are going to make somebody a wonderful companion. Make sure they have a really big comfy sofa, I will see you tomorrow for kisses xx

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by rumblesmom

Tuesday 15 Jan 19:31

You are so right about this boy he is very shy and reserved until he susses you out then he is a really loving gentle boy- Arthur you are going to make somebody a wonderful companion. Make sure they have a really big comfy sofa, I will see you tomorrow for kisses xx

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by ClareInsightHounds

Sunday 13 Jan 09:33

I had the pleasure of spending some time with the wonderful Arthur yesterday. He seemed a bit shy to begin with but after I'd taken him for a walk he kept coming to say hello as I passed his kennel. He was golden on the lead. His such a lovely boy.

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by Jenwren

Friday 11 Jan 21:37

Sorry to hear this news, I have knowledge of OCD and it can make life extremely difficult and challenging, you did well to keep going as long as you did. Arther as you know is in safe hands and Im sure after proving what a wonderful house guest he can be will find a forever sofa no time! x

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by tripletsmum

Friday 11 Jan 20:13

We are so sorry it didn't work out for you all, I'm sure it was difficult for everyone involved.

Having fostered Arthur here over Christmas, he really is a fantastic hound and will make a fantastic pet for someone. He really is a very good natured boy, very gentle, well behaved and very loving. I really hope you find your forever home soon Arthur. Xxx

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by DivasMum

Friday 11 Jan 19:06

You have my cuddle today sweetheart, such heartbreak for everyone xxx

by Deb

Friday 11 Jan 19:03

A difficult decision but hopefully Arthur will find a new home soon.He was golden on the walk last week and he and Pluto squeezed themselves into the boot of my very small hatch back and were perfect travelling companions.Not a cross word between and they settled happily together in the car.My niece walked him and he was perfect on the lead and really did enjoy being out and about with lots of greyhound buddies.He is such a lovely boy and will make a fabulous addition to someones family.

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by LindaPaul

Friday 11 Jan 16:17

My cuddle has to go to Arthur today xxxx

by LadyVictoria

Friday 11 Jan 15:44

So very sorry to hear your news. I admire you for trying so hard to make things work out for Arthur. I hope in the future you may be able to try rehoming again. At least you know Arthur will be very well looked after at Daybreaks and hopefully soon find a home where he will be loved as much as you love him. Kind regards xxx

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by pippadog

Friday 11 Jan 14:25

It is with real sadness and heart ache we have had to bring Arthur Back, my wife suffers with OCD which makes her recheck over and over. Arthur truly is a fantastic dog we love him so much but we have had to make a desision for Arthur to meet his New mum and Dad and Family.
Arthur gets on with all our friends dogs big,small,fluffy,slim and he is a joy to walk on a lead. He loves his walks and jumps for joy when he see's his lead and collar. the welcome he gives you when you come in from work is lovely and he loves a cuddle and a kiss, he is so gentle taking a treat from your hand.He will be a little nervous to start ,especially around men but he soon likes to see whats going on.
We have had the privilege to have been his Mum and Dad this last 6 months, We can only say how much we will both miss him and we wish him to find his forever home as soon as possible
We love you Arthur XXX

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by pippadog

Wednesday 09 Jan 11:07

Arthur does have another bed in the kitchen but he doesn't seem to like it. He wants to spend most of his time in the lounge. We have a crate, which we placed in the kitchen when we first had him as we were hoping the crate would be only a temporary measure as we had to move the tumble drier. Like I say our house is relatively small, with no garage. Although our old golden retriever and springer were okay. I will get the crate out again and move the tumbledryer if that would be better.

by Jenwren

Wednesday 09 Jan 10:22

Arthur seems a lovely boy pippadog, you just need to gain confidence in him and he in you. Greys are a little different to other breeds in some respects as I have learned helping at the kennels but they have a very gentle nature. I have only dealt with other breeds up till now and Im learning all the time but you are not alone and Ruth especially has a wealth of knowledge to draw from. Well done so far, Im sure it wont be long before you two can bond, it will take time. :) x

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by DaybreaksRuth

Wednesday 09 Jan 10:01

Hi pippadog, do you have anywhere else in the house his bed could go or could he manage with a slightly smaller bed? I would try to be confident as much as possible around him but would definitely not step over him so if he keeps laying in the way, his bed really does need to move. Don't know if this helps but hope it does x

by pippadog

Wednesday 09 Jan 09:07

Just need a little advice. Also apologies in advance if my queries seem a little obvious, but I just want to get things right. Arthurs bed in the lounge is in front of the armchair, just by the tv and the lounge door. Our lounge and house is quite small and Arthur is a big dog so I don't want to disrupt his space. Anyway, at the moment I am a little uncomfortable walking round him to turn the tv off or pass him to go upstairs etc. I keep drawing him away for a treat, but this makes it nearly impossible every time I want to walk around the house. Hubby just moves around as normal and tells me to do the same but its getting a bit nerve raking. There is no other room in the lounge for his bed to go as he takes up quite alot of space. Should I just carry on around him as normal. Obviously I won't approach him when he is asleep, but am I okay to walk around him when just doing my day to day activities. My other dogs either moved out of the way or I just stepped over them, without an issue.

by pippadog

Tuesday 08 Jan 13:04

Arthurs still settling in well. He's very quiet when hubbys out, but I'm contantly plying him with treats lol. He's enjoying his walks with all the other dogs and he seems to love the lady dogs. We met a black labrador female who kept kissing him and rolling submissively in front of him. I think he's definitely a ladies man lol.

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by rumblesmom

Monday 07 Jan 18:03

just to sat never worry about asking for advice- i,m always quizzing ruth and some of the other volunteers about my 3 beauties- we,ve all had the odd blip or two with our greys- it,s so nice to hear that arthur is settling back with you- all the best- keep positive

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 07 Jan 13:59

That is great news, I do hope everything works out for you all. xxx

by susy

Monday 07 Jan 12:14

So pleased for all, hope things go well, Love to All,
The New Icemaid Clan xxxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Sunday 06 Jan 21:03

Very happy Arthur is back with you guys xxx

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by pippadog

Sunday 06 Jan 20:47

Thanks so much for the words of support. They've really helped me today. To be honest, both me and Arthur have been quite quiet today. I took him out for a walk with hubby this evening and it was lovely to walk him again. He really is excellent around other dogs. A relative brought their dog round today and although I was a bit nervous, Arthur and Dylan got on fine. But they've always liked each other anyway. In the next few days I will be coming back to the boards quite alot to get everybodies guidance and advice, so please be patient with me. Also thank you again for all your support xx

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by Shanesmum

Sunday 06 Jan 17:33

So happy for the lovely Arthur - back home. Keeping everything crossed things work out. x

by KeeleyandRonnie'sMom

Sunday 06 Jan 17:31

Well done, enjoy your new home

by rumblesmom

Sunday 06 Jan 13:16

i am so pleased arthur has gone home again- i,m sure that he is going to be happy back where he belongs xx

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by DivasMum

Sunday 06 Jan 12:44

Wonderful news, finger toes and paws crossed x

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by tripletsmum

Sunday 06 Jan 11:47

We are so pleased Arthur Is back home! He is a lovely hound and we want you and him to be happy. Give him a big cuddle from us, and you know where we are. Xxx

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by Deb

Sunday 06 Jan 11:23

We took Arthur on the walk yesterday and it was made more enjoyable by the fact that as we were driving over Ruth rang to say don't put a re-homing coat on him his mum ad dad are coming back for him.What great news for this big beautiful boy Pippadog there are lots of people out there who will be willing to help you only have to ask.We have all benefited from the support DAYBREAKS and the website can give. Training class is a great idea .Training is only a small part of what the class can offer.For me the best things about training class are getting support for everyone else and the chance to spend some concentrated time with my dog which has helped develop a strong bond and our relationship. I could see yesterday how you both have missed Arthur and how you want to do the best for him.Thank you for taking this lovely boy back into your lives.Hope to see you on some of the walks xxx

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by Jenwren

Sunday 06 Jan 11:03

Wow what great news! Im sure Arthur has missed you too and that with all Ruths knowledge and help it will work out for you all. Well done everyone involved. :) x

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by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 06 Jan 11:01

Hi pippadog - I am so pleased that Arthur is back home with you x x x

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by pippadog

Sunday 06 Jan 09:48

We brought Arthur back with us again yesterday. Its been a terrible time for us all and we've missed Arthur terribly. We really want to make this work for all of us. We met the foster parents yesterday at the kennels who were lovely and again we cannot thank them enough for everything they've done for Arthur, whilst he was with them. Also big hugs to Norris and Misty, who allowed Arthur to stay with them. Arthur slept well downstairs and has been very quiet. Its early days for us all, but I am determind with the help of Ruth and greyhound training classes to make this work. I haven't seen my husband so happy in along time. Its good to have him home. Thanks again to everyone. xx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 04 Jan 06:54

Arthur came back to the kennels yesterday and settled in well with Pluto and Maggie. If you think you could offer him a foster home - please let me know - all costs are totally covered x

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by tripletsmum

Thursday 03 Jan 11:06

Arthur is fantastic hound, we have loved fostering having him here, but due to work commitments we need to return him to Ruth's care.

Arthur is a very gentle hound, loves, food, walks, company and of course fuss. He has accepted Norris and Missy without problems, and not batted an eye when we've met other dogs. We do have to watch out when we are preparing food, as he has been known to try and sample it! (Especially the trifle, non alcoholic though).

We would love to see him his forever home, if it were physically possible we would keep him with us. He really is easy to look after and deserves a home of his own.

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by tripletsmum

Saturday 29 Dec 10:40

Lizzie, Missy is a total lunatic and Arthur just accepts her for all her nuttiness! He really is a treasure and would be an asset to any home.

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by LizzyB

Friday 28 Dec 12:32

Oh Arthur, if only Miss Silla wasn't such a nutter would love to offer you a home. You sound an absolute treasure :)

by tripletsmum

Thursday 27 Dec 20:23

Arthur continues to be a pleasure to foster. he really enjoyed his Christmas, especially the Christmas dinner! He is so relaxed and is always pleased to see us, his tail goes mad and he almost bounces with excitement.

Please would someone like to adopt Arthur, he really does deserve to be in his own home, with his bed, and people to love him. He is a pleasure to have around, very undemanding, very loving and very easy to live with. He walks beautifully on the lead, and doesn't react to other dogs, no matter of breed or size.

Unfortunately Santa didn't bring him a new home of his own, so if anyone wants a handsome, loving, dog. We know the perfect hound!

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by tripletsmum

Monday 24 Dec 22:13

Day 3 and Arthur loves his food, treats, walks and fuss. He is very good on walks, doesn't pull, even when other dogs are around. He takes treats very gently, and doesn't snatch or lunge. With three teenagers in the house it gets quite noisy and busy, especially at this time of the year, but Arthur has taken it all in his stride. Even when there visitors he doesn't know arrive, it doesn't seem to bother him, he just carries on as normal!

Well it's Christmas eve and we're all hanging up our stockings. Arthur's Christmas wish is for a permamnent home of his own. Please Santa!

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by tripletsmum

Sunday 23 Dec 22:09

He really is a lovely boy! He's been out on walks with Norris and behaves like a real gentle giant. He has seen several other dogs, of differing size and breeds without any problems. He's definitely relaxing a bit more and I suspect there is a real cuddle monster in there waiting to come out. He is very inquisitive about the world, just like Norris, and wants to investigate everything. We have never had to worry about any of our Greys going upstairs, but Arthur took himself up there earlier today as if it was the most natural thing in the world. I don't think he was very impressed when I made him come back down, especially as he had his eye on our bed!

Unfortunately we can only keep him with us while it is the school holidays, so it would be really fantastic if we could hand him over to his forever home rather than having to take him back to the kennels at the end of the festive period.

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by Deb

Sunday 23 Dec 14:17

Not sure if this is the place or time to add this comment but here goes.I was at the kennels when this boy was chosen and have seen him with the couple who rehomed him on walks.He seemed very happy with them and although it must have been very fightening to have Arthur snap I just wondered if his previous owners would be prepared to give him another go with the support and guidance the kennels could give.I am sure they are missing him dreadfully as he them.Just a thought but understandable if they felt they couldn't have another go.Love to all concerned xx

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by tripletsmum

Saturday 22 Dec 22:19

Arthur seems to be settling in Ok. Missy has asserted herself as usual and Arthur is quite happy to let her be top dog! He is still a bit apprehensive around us, but I'm sure he will get used to it soon, after all, he has only been here a few hours. He has tried all the beds and found one that suits.

He is a pleasure to have, very sweet natured and I hope someone will soon take him to his forever home, He really is a lovely boy.

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by DaybreaksRuth

Saturday 22 Dec 12:12

Fabulous! Arthur has just met Norris and Missy and he is off to his foster home for Christmas :-)

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by DaybreaksRuth

Saturday 22 Dec 09:45

Poor fella - he hasn't eaten his breakfast - he seems so nervous.... think he may have to come home (but eeek my house is pretty full at the moment!) with me tonight unless anyone can offer him a foster home? x

by Deb

Friday 21 Dec 18:22

I hope there is some kind person out there that would consider fostering this boy.The Boswell house is brimming full of greys and I know Ruth was very upset at leaving this boy behind as he was very unhappy and stressed at being placed back in a kennel.

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by LizzyB

Friday 21 Dec 13:56

Oh no, poor Arthur. Never mind sweetheart, Auntie Ruth will make sure you have as nice a Christmas as possible. Maybe something was bothering him that he was trying to convey? You can have my cuddle today Arthur. x

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by DivasMum

Friday 21 Dec 13:47

Oh Arthur - poor baby - sending lots of love xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 21 Dec 13:13

How sad for all concerned. Sending lots of love to Arthur. xxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 21 Dec 11:22

Arthur has been returned today because he snapped at his owner last night whilst she was trying to put his coat on. His owner tells us he is excellent with all dogs, big or small and loves his food. He is very clean and enjoys being roomed and likes his squeaky toys and kongs. I hope desperately he finds a home soon.

by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 21 Dec 11:22

Arthur has been returned today because he snapped at his owner last night whilst she was trying to put his coat on. His owner tells us he is excellent with all dogs, big or small and loves his food. He is very clean and enjoys being roomed and likes his squeaky toys and kongs. I hope desperately he finds a home soon.

by LizzyB

Thursday 20 Dec 18:48

hi Pippadog. dogs do this in imitation of flattening the ground in the wild to make a bed. maybe Arthur is trying to be the Ray Mears of the greyhound world!! LOL

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by pippadog

Thursday 20 Dec 14:03

Hi Ruth. His bed is on top of the carpeted area lol. He sleeps there every night. He scratches it really hard, stops and then does it again. He only does it after shaking Nigel (his teddy) and flinging his bed down the stairs lol.

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by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 20 Dec 11:12

Hi Pippadog - you may find that if you pop some blankets on the landing carpet or a bed, he will stop this. He is trying to 'rake' the area to make a bed I think! Let me know if it helps....

by pippadog

Thursday 20 Dec 10:37

Arthur has developed a very odd habit in the last couple of days. Digging up the landing carpet? He does it very fast, I tell him no. He stops then when I walk away he starts again. He usually does this during his daily mad half hour when he runs round like a crazy hound. Also he doesn't bark very often, but today he was barking like mad out of the front window. I thought it was a cat, but it seems to be the santa stuck on the fence over the road. Now the curtains are closed. Whoever said this boy is timid has got the wrong dog. He's a little tinker lol.

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by pippadog

Monday 03 Dec 13:59

Arthur decided today that he doesn't like walking through styes (sorry about spelling). After doing his usual walk he decided that he was not going to budge so I had to turn back and go all the way back again lol. Amazingly I may be tired but Arthur is still trotting about and would probably go out again. I will have to change his regular walk with no styes lol. He's so good on the lead that walking him is always a pleasure.

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 21 Nov 15:16

So pleased you got him back safe and sound. xxx

by Stephers

Wednesday 21 Nov 10:48

I had this once with The Stig, I'd only had him 2 weeks and as soon as he was out of the confines of a house or garden, instinct took over and he was off, didn't listen to a word I said. Off he went to the park where lots of people have little furries off the lead. Eventually got him, but it was incredibly scary and knackering. He did have a slight running speed advantage afterall!
We learned that mistake very quickly with him.
Hammy on the other hand also managed a quick escape, but only trotted a few yards and on hearing his lead stopped and waited for me to put it on and then take him for the walk he obviously wanted. Another lesson learned. They are so quick.
The only time I let Hammy off now is at a local basketball ground where the gates can be locked and the fences all 15 ft high. Only thing is that all he wants to do is stay near me and doesn't take the advantage of trotting around freely, even if I run/walk around in different directions trying to get him to chase, he just wants to be by my side, but still I wouldn't try it out in the open.
Hope this helps you realise that it's not just you and all's well that ends well. :)

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by medaftboutdogs

Wednesday 21 Nov 09:23

Yikes, double scary. My 2 occasionally make a bid for freedom and on every occasion have gone to the back of my car & tried to get in - LOL. Maybe Arthur could be trained in the same way, I didn't exactly train my 2 to do this btw!
luv t

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by pippadog

Tuesday 20 Nov 16:39

Had the fright of our life Sunday. DH answered the door and within a split second Arthur got out and was trotting down the road. We both followed trying to call him back. No response to his name or anything, just kept going. Luckily traffic no accidents and a lady with a dog coming in the opposite direction was able to stop him. It scared us to death. Now front door is permanently locked and we make sure Arthur is in another room before opening the door. Was very scary. His recall is great in the garden and house, but outside he just wants to see whats going on.

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 01 Nov 15:07

Happy Birthday Arthur! xxx

by pippadog

Thursday 01 Nov 12:56

Arthurs birthday today. He's got cakes from Wilsons pet bakery, a new squeaky toy, markies, cards and a new tassle with his name on. We love to spoil him.

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by pippadog

Friday 21 Sep 11:09

Arthur is still coming on so well. He's so different from when we first had him. He loves his cuddles and his daily groom in the garden. Not to mention all his treats. He's just had some yummy pork rolls, liver cake and special cakes made by Wilsons pet bakery (with his name on lol). He also loves his afternoon play session, where we throw his cuddly toys in the air and watch him catch them. After the year we've had losing our Golden retriever and our Springer, he's brought back some fun into our lives. Love him xx

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by kallie

Monday 27 Aug 18:02

i really wonder whether it is the way a small puppy moves that makes them react differently. Daisy is absolutely fine with other breeds big and small but when she sees a tiny puppy she just freezes and then licks her lips...LOL...more like its bait than another dog....only if they are small breed pups tho', however i have noticed that they seems to have totally different movement to grown up small dogs and have often wondered whether it is something of a trigger. as to what to do? well i just tend to shorten her lead and tell her 'No' when she shows too keen an interest, i do not try and let her sniff the pup unless i have a muzzle handy as i really do not know whether i can trust her at that moment and i rather play safe.

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by pippadog

Monday 27 Aug 14:41

Arthur is still doing fab. He walks with loads of other breeds from westies to great danes and he takes no notice of any of them. However he seems a bit too interested in a puppy jack russell who is always off lead. I've tried to introduce him nicely to her. But he can't take his eyes off her and I'm not sure if he got too close he make try and grab her. Its strange with every other dog he's fine. He's met a couple of shitzhus and other jack russells and he hasn't took any notice. Any suggestions?

by pippadog

Friday 27 Jul 11:13

Arthurs still coming on leaps and bounds literally lol. He interacts with us alot more. He spends most of his time on his bed in the lounge. He's happy when a friend of ours pops in with his springer cross. Seems to get along with all the dogs we've met. He's a little too interested in the puppy jack russell by us. But I don't think he realises she's a dog, not a rabbit lol. He loves to paddle in the stream and has the most gorgeous greyhound smile, which he greets you with when you come back from the shops. Hoping to upload some new photos soon. Also he enjoys some sardines in the morning and has a passion for peanut butter kongs.

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by pippadog

Friday 13 Jul 12:21

Arthurs doing really well. He's started to join us in the lounge on his bed. He's met plenty of other breeds out on walks and he's been brilliant. Also at the moment we're getting him used to one of our visiting dog friends Ruby a cocker spaniel. He likes to chase her round the garden, play bowing to her so she might catch him (not likely lol).

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by Shanesmum

Wednesday 27 Jun 17:40

So pleased to hear he is settling in so well. Well done Arthur, enjoy your new life. x

by Deb

Tuesday 26 Jun 21:20

Glad to hear he is settling in,he is a lovely big boy.

by pippadog

Monday 25 Jun 08:03

First night over and no accidents. Brilliant on the lead and very gentle taking treats. He's already stolen a fluffy cushion off the settee for his bed lol.

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by Deb

Sunday 24 Jun 16:21

I met your new mum and dad today you are one very lucky boy. Your round the block walk is a nature reserve - how cool is that. I think you in for a very blissful and pampered retirement.

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Sunday 24 Jun 15:21

So home visit obviously went well, good luck to you all, be happy Arthur xxx

by pippadog

Friday 22 Jun 21:54

Looking so forward to having him join us. Just hope we pass the homevisit. I suppose I'll have to get polishing tomorrow lol.

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by BeckyB-F

Friday 22 Jun 18:13

Well done boy xxxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 22 Jun 17:57

Hi Caroline, this is a new Buddy who only arrived on the 20th The original Buddy ( is still out on foster and hopefully this is going to lead to a permanent home - I will keep you posted x

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by caroline&Fred

Friday 22 Jun 15:51

So pleased for you,I saw you on the Stratford Walk and I thought what a lovely boy you were, great to see reserved

by LindaPaul

Friday 22 Jun 15:03

Well done Buddy! Blink and we'll miss you!
Be happy in your new home xxx

by LadyVictoria

Friday 22 Jun 13:35

Wow, quick work Buddy! Be happy xxxx

by Coxycrew

Friday 22 Jun 11:37

He look so much like Marnie our grey! He gets our cuddle today.

by Tash'ntheGreys

Friday 22 Jun 09:21

I saw him yesterday, he's beautiful and wanted lots of love, he'll make someone a really affectionate pet x

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Friday 22 Jun 08:56

What a handsome fella, if only xxxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 22 Jun 08:28

Gorgeous Buddy (or Nifty as we are calling him as we already have a Buddy in our care) is such a gentle, timid fella. He is worried about new people but soon gains some confidence with gentle approaches. He will be no trouble at all as a pet and is good with other breeds.