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About Me

Racing Name
Racey Rita
Date of birth
25 mar 2010
Land of birth
IE Ireland
Land of standing
UK United Kingdom
Ear mark
Blackstone NinaIE-MAR-06-BK
Family tree & race history

Breeze (Rita)

female, 14 years old, Black

Added by LadyVictoria

Updated: Wednesday 03 Jan

Breeze (Rita) has had 0 cuddles today (41 all together).
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by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 28 Apr 08:24

I am so so sorry to see your sad news.... Run free little one xxxx

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by BertSkipSamNadieMum

Saturday 27 Apr 22:14

So sorry for your sad news. Run free sweet Breeze. x

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by Thethirdronnie

Saturday 27 Apr 20:58

Keeping you in our prayers. Xx

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by LindaPaul

Saturday 27 Apr 19:51

So very very sorry. Just so sad for you and I could feel your pain in the words you wrote. Run free beautiful Breeze with all our old friends who we miss so much xxxx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Saturday 27 Apr 19:28

I am so very sorry for the loss of your beloved Breeze. Yet another beloved hound gone to the bridge. Run fast and free with all our Rainow Bridge hounds. Hugs to you, and again so very sorry. Shine bright beautiful. Jo xxx

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by helenanddave

Saturday 27 Apr 19:08

So very sorry. Run free, Breeze. xx

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by PamD

Saturday 27 Apr 19:05

Run free with all our angels at The Bridge xx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 27 Apr 19:04

I am absolutely heartbroken for you all and so very sad. Sending lots of love. God Bless your beautiful Breeze, Kate Xxx

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by NMD07

Saturday 27 Apr 18:27

with heavy hearts and many tears we have lost our Beautiful Breeze - she entered our family like a hurricane and left us with a sigh.
She became very poorly very quickly and we made the best decision for her and the hardest for us and on Wednesday curled up in my lap she slipped over the bridge.
Sleep tight little lady. Xxxx

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by shanishoo

Wednesday 10 Apr 20:23

Aw well done Breeze, so happy to hear your lump is not a bad lump, love to you all and your mum, be good xxxxxx

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by NMD07

Wednesday 10 Apr 19:30

A few weeks ago I told you all about my lump that the VET said had to go - well Jato has been bettered - her Auntie Sonia who is another VET ( Jato has trust issues but seems to like Sonia) had to open her up looking for colour catcher sheets - me I finks muvva just needs to buy some more if da is in da greyhound da is lost !!! Anyways Jato has to wear silly t shirts after she comes home - Last week I was taken to Auntie Catherine- I hates them all so sees her cos is Archive’s favourite- she has removed my lump which was under my front leg soo comes home and muvva has placed jatos silly shirts on ME !! - but they gived me drugs which made me a little bit grumpy ( muvva says not so sure it’s the drugs !) last time I was at de vets she said beautiful teefs so I showed one of de vet nurses my teefs very close !! No more cold compresses for me . Anyways results are back and it wasn’t really bad and da got it all so good news today. Lubs Breezie xxx

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by shanishoo

Saturday 02 Mar 16:09

Hope your lumpy thing gets better soon Breeze and so happy Archive is doing well with his leg that's not there anymore, big hugs to you all xxxx

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by NMD07

Saturday 02 Mar 09:27

Hello me again!!! For anyone who knows our Archive he went wif me for a check on his leg what isn’t there - hummm that vet was very pleased with him he got cuddles and biscuits- I wasn’t talking to her- but mummy had to get him in the car on her own oh it was good I kept trying to jump out to help but she had clipped me in - now she has found da ramp thingy and Archive and her are walking up it on to the deck in de garden - me and daddy does our sun loving here- anyways even mr thee legs can jump on there so I has no idea what they is doing. Xxx

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by NMD07

Saturday 02 Mar 09:19

Yesterday I went to the V E T only for a jab but they did give me the nosey one oh how I hates that - for a lady of middling years I gave them a good fight - everyone was surprised how high I can jump! She did say I had lovely reefs but we wasn’t talking by then - so lady keep your compliments. Xxx p.s I has a nasty lump that has to be taken off. We is going to do this soon but Jato needs to be bettered first mummy says she can’t cope with Dragging two of us in!! Xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 01 Dec 22:07

Happy Gotcha Day Breeze! Sending you and Archive a big cuddle to share tonight. :)))


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by shanishoo

Saturday 01 Dec 18:32

Happy Gotcha Day sweetheart, you are a very lucky girl to have a mummy like yours, and I am so glad Archive is home with you where he will get well much sooner, look after him won't you?, and have a fab day xxxx

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by NMD07

Saturday 01 Dec 14:48

Well yesterday was my gotcha day !! It’s 5 years since I moved to the country- we had jato since then, and of course Archive was here before me. I is a bit grey round the edges but still running about like a baby.
Thanks to everyone who has thought about Archive after he has had his op, he was home less than 24 hours after - cos he is better here than at the vets! So he can get up by himself and go outside (with his harness for a bit of help) he is on big drugs which for us delicate greyhounds is a bit nasty but mummy says is best he has them.
To my cousin Layla enjoy your new sofa. X
Lubs to all Mostly Auntie Ruth . Breezie. Xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 28 Nov 21:40

Sending lots of love and get well wishes to Archive! Xxx

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by shanishoo

Wednesday 28 Nov 09:58

Nicky, I was thinking about Archive yesterday I thought his op was imminent, I really hope he is doing OK bless him, and I hope you are OK too as I know how much you treasure your boy, please keep us updated on his progress and I hope he is home with you ASAP, much love - Shani xxxx

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by NMD07

Wednesday 28 Nov 08:25

Archive had his op yesterday, as he was ignoring the vets staff ! So I popped in to feed him and help him up. Will ring them soon and see what he is doing. He is a proper greyhound had his leg taken and wasn’t to bad - had frozen peas put on his bruises and did the famous scream of death. Xxx

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by Caro

Thursday 15 Nov 08:28

Wishing all the best for your boy Achive

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by NMD07

Wednesday 14 Nov 23:09

Thank you for your kind words Loveheart, as you know Archive wasn’t a Daybreaks boy but of our three he was the keenest to take part in the Stratford walks when he could. But I must say we have helped him over the last 11 months but he has never given up always his spirit has been there to help him fight, if ever we felt it wasn’t things would have been very difficult.
Shani thanks for your support, will let you know how he is doing. Hugs to your boys. Xxx

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by shanishoo

Wednesday 14 Nov 18:47

Nicky, please keep me updated on Archives progress after his op, he's a very lucky boy to have such caring owners, would are doing everything to make his life easier do hope everything goes well, please give me a ring if you ever want to chat, I know how low we can get when our babies are not well. Take care xxxxx

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by loveheart

Wednesday 14 Nov 17:42

NMDO7 I have just read Archives history and how you have done everything to keep him with you. I understand how decisions of amputation are so hard, we had to make that decision when our beloved boy Dylan had a sudden broken leg which they discovered was due to bone cancer after a scan. It was his front leg and we worried he would struggle after the amputation as he was 9 1/2 when he had it. We lost him 3 years later but we have wonderful videos and memories of him running in the snow with our 3 other Greys in our garden he was so happy during those years that we knew we had done the right thing. I still miss him but we are so glad he had the will to stay with us and enjoy his life. Good luck to you and Archive I will say a little prayer for you both. xx

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by NMD07

Wednesday 14 Nov 13:00

Shani, thank you for your wishes. For next couple of weeks he is off the blood thinners so you can imagine how that feels. The op will give him back a far better quality of life we have had to wait as I said until he was healthy again- my vets have been fantastic they have researched his rare blood problems and sourced drugs to help him during the op and just after so fingers crossed. Much love. Xxx

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by NMD07

Tuesday 06 Nov 18:22

Breeze is hoping the fireworks are over - she can come out from behind the sofa ! She has her thunder shirt on, and has been sleeping under mummy’s bed - sssh don’t tell daddy. Xxx

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by shanishoo

Sunday 08 Jul 21:41

Thank you so much for your reply. It would be lovely to speak with you and try to understand this terrible nightmare we are living, as you have been through it too with Archive, I will ring the kennels in the morning and leave my telephone number, if you can call me I would be so grateful, I can call you back so you don't have to pay for the call, thankyou again, and I look forward to speaking with you xxxx

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by NMD07

Friday 04 May 21:32

So tonight I plan to sleep in a bed !! My bed, since Archive came home I have slept down stairs with him. First he needed me for everything even standing up, then as he was so skinny (went in at 30k came out at 22.5k) even the thickest coats and blankkies were not keeping him warm, now he can get up and walk around fairly well and we weighed him on march the 1st he was 27.4k and weather is warmer so fingers crossed I get some sleep. Xxx

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by shanishoo

Wednesday 24 Jan 14:33

Lol, my hound Dexter nearly always wees on his front legs, it's the angle of his dangle so he tells me!!!!. Hoping for a speedy recovery Archive you brave boy xxxx

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by TJ

Wednesday 24 Jan 12:56

Bless gorgeous Archive... hope he's feeling much better very soon. xxxx

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by NMD07

Wednesday 24 Jan 12:04

The things we do for our houndies - I am just going to give Archive a bed bath followed by a coconut oil massage. When he came home he had pressure sores, and he was suffering from diarrhoea which meant he had sore skin all had to be washed and dried carefully, as he is on blood thinners it's a good way to keep an eye on bruises etc. - not to me soon over last couple of days he has water infection being a boy with wobbly back legs he has had to find a new peeing stance - sometimes one of his front legs gets in firing line, less and less, but he is bit smelly. Xxx

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by PamD

Sunday 21 Jan 17:33

We are all praying for a recovery

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by NMD07

Sunday 21 Jan 16:21

Thanks - you Auntie Kate, He came home last weekend - mummy couldn't help with the buttons on the keypad before, it was very bad and her face did lots of leaking well he was gone. She did learn that she knows us all bestest cos one of the vets wanted to put out boy to sleep and he was very very poorly but mummy did fight that vet very hard and we still has him. Mummy is doing lots of stuff to help him walk better - so we is still hoping he gets better. Xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 21 Jan 12:18

Breezie, so sorry to hear big Brother Archive has been so poorly. I bet you all miss him so much. I do hope he will be home with you soon and you can celebrate a late Christmas. Lots of love to you all. Xxx

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by NMD07

Sunday 21 Jan 10:38

Our Archive has been in Bristol hospital for 4weeks - jato and I is still waiting for santy -paws - mummy said he will bd calling on Jatos birthday at the end of the month, we hasn't been naughty (well not much) - but cos Archive was away. He had a blood clot in his spine but came home then 2 days after it moved and he went back been carried on his bed like the lazy boy he is - but it turns out that he lied down for so long in the hospital that one of his legs has forgot how to work - mummy is teaching him to walk again - when he stands up she gets very stressed so she can't know what she wants - he is a bit wobbly when on his own. While he was at Bristol he got so sad for home that his tummy was poorly to so he has different food but mummy says he is getting much heavier already. He still looks old skinny bum to me and jato !! Lubs too Billy who mummy told us is fighting to get well like our boy. We just wants to thank Veronica at Langford and our vet Hannah who have been super good to Archive. Lubs Breezie. X

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 05 Dec 22:17

So sorry to hear Archive is not so good, do hope he will soon be back home with you all. Sending him my cuddle tonight. Xxx

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by Caro

Tuesday 05 Dec 18:52

Poor Archive wishing him a speedy recovery.

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by PamD

Tuesday 05 Dec 13:56

Good wishes and prayers for a speedy recovery xxx

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by shanishoo

Tuesday 05 Dec 12:23

Poor Archive, I am keeping my fingers crossed for a speedy recovery xxxxx

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by NMD07

Tuesday 05 Dec 09:11

My big brother -Archive is in the hospital mummy says he is a long way away at Bristol, he has popped a disk in his back and the VETS (shudder) will be operating later today. He has been doing a lot of screaming while we waited for our vet to come to the house - I know a vet in the house can you believe it !!!! And he gave Archive jabs to make him feel better - then he kept trying to jump up cos he forgot he was hurting. Then out his bag comes another needle cos my booster was due today mummy had to cancel, so he brings it with him well I could not believe it I had shown him some of my toys and licked his ear when he bent down to see our boy - then he sticks me with a needle worse I has to have kennel cough well I was hiding from that ! But they found me (behind Jato). Oh sorry was telling you about Archive, jato and me will be caring for mummy on our own this week but we is worried for our boy. Loves Breezie.

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 30 Nov 23:22

Happy Gotcha day to your lovely Breeze. Well done to her for training you all! Xxx

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by NMD07

Thursday 30 Nov 20:16

Four years ago today Breezie moved in with us - she has worked hard to train us. On the whole she has done a good job, we have had a couple of ups and downs - she broke her tail and it had to be removed, this year she broke a toe. But she makes us laugh everyday, her cuddles are amazing she loves to snuggle her head into your armpit !!! She is the only one of our greys who can do stairs - but knows she can't come in our bedroom her little face peeking in to see who's moving -then running down to report.
We would be incomplete with out our little lady. All our love on your gotcha day. Xxx

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by NMD07

Wednesday 04 Oct 18:54

Breeze had a couple of lumps removed yesterday- one from her gum and one from under her ribs - vet didn't want to stitch there so glued it together, but it hasn't stuck so she has her
Shirt on and is busy milking it. Fingers crossed results come back friendly next week. Xx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 17 Aug 21:52

Hi Breezie, I am really sorry but we don't have any stickers for your new car at the momemt. :( Xxx

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by NMD07

Thursday 17 Aug 00:52

We has just got a new car for getting to the walks - that's what mother says - I thinks also the vets !!! Anyways I waffle what we wants to know is has you a Daybreaks sticker to make it look really lovely - if you has can you let us know how to get one. Thanks Breezie. Xx

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by NMD07

Saturday 17 Jun 15:38

Tis a shame but we can't bring our daddy to the stratford walk tomorrow for his Father's Day treat - my toe is still poorly - Cos if I didn't keep forgetting and trying to run, also my bandage is giving me sores, Mummy tells me the vets are being very good to me changing bandage often, but just means I has to go to the vets all the time - it's not my happy place !!! Walk safe tomorrow lots of water. Luvs Breezie. Xxx

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by TJ

Saturday 27 May 05:40

Hope your poorly toe is better soon Breeze xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 26 May 22:46

Oh, so sorry for Breeze! It sounds very painful. Xxx

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by Jembob

Friday 26 May 21:06

Poor Breeze! We enjoyed meeting you all so much last week. Casey sends a big hug to you!

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by NMD07

Friday 26 May 17:05

This morning after breakfast Breeze managed to break a toe, playing zoomies with Jato. We were in the vets before 9am. But as she had just eaten and isn't happy at the vets they bandaged her and we came home. This afternoon I dropped her for an X-ray, she is home with a purple bandage and orders to take it easy. Xxx

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by blackisbeautiful

Saturday 01 Oct 22:15

Yes please Breeze I hope you and Jato get on too coz Paddy's dad is smitten with Jato and my ears can have a rest knowing she has found her forever sofa Paws crossed lol x x

by NMD07

Saturday 01 Oct 13:50

Looking forward to having Jato to stay for a trial - lets hope we all get on well and maybe mummy and daddy will let her stay. Xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 24 Aug 21:28

Well done Breeze! Sending a cuddle to your brave little girl. Xxx

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by NMD07

Wednesday 24 Aug 18:04

Last tuesday Breeze was a brave girlie and donated blood ! if anyone has thought about it - do it - if you haven't heard or thought about it, well now you have. The Pet Blood Bank staff were great they looked after Breeze and Archive (who is to old to donate but my two go everywhere together) really well, and on finding out she was a Daybreaks hound they had nothing but good things to say about Ruth, Kate and the rest of the team. If you google all the details are there including a fab photo of my babies. Xxx

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by NMD07

Thursday 31 Dec 18:24

Anyone else hoping for wind and rain tonight? Might keep the fireworks quiet. Xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 14 Dec 20:15

Welcome home...sure they have missed you! Hope it won't be long before you are walking them yourself. Xxx

by NMD07

Monday 14 Dec 18:24

Thanks for all the good wishes on sunday the 22nd of nov, I am home after a little longer in hospital than first thought. Both Hounds have sulked since I got back as they have found out that Daddy knows where the foooood!!! is and my grown up daughter has arrived to walk them most days, With their human brother making sure that favorite tooth chew is ready every evening. As normal service is slowly resumed I am sure they will forgive. Thanks again. XXX

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 21 Nov 21:26

I think Archive is a very clever lad...he knew the little Hedgehog was too small to hibernate and needed help, so rescued him! What a star :) Xxx

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by NMD07

Saturday 21 Nov 19:25

Thank-you,all for good wishes, My aim is to be fit for the Xmas walk at stratford, If by then the dogs are talking to me I think having a couple of weeks away will make them sulk. Xxx

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by Melysa

Saturday 21 Nov 19:23

Fabulous story!

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by NMD07

Saturday 21 Nov 19:18

In our house both hounds are very different Breeze is a bit scatty she will dash into the garden with a toy put it down and come back without, on the other hand Archive will see these toys and pick them up and bring them back in the house. On weds he found a toy in the garden which he carried back to the house and left on one of the dog beds, just after i came back from work Breeze having made herself tired from saying Hello to me flopped on this bed - I dont know who was more shocked Breeze or the live Hedgehog Archive had put there!!!! As you are all owners reading this you will understand when I say later when I looked in his eyes they said "I thought it was funny". As hog was only small he is at our local rescue where he will stay for the winter. Xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 07 Nov 20:24

Poor Breeze...hopefully this will be the last really noisy night. :( Xxx

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by NMD07

Saturday 07 Nov 16:17

This time of year is so hard on Breeze, Fireworks worry her so have got her a thunder coat which helps. The last three nights we have made sure that someone is home with her hoping that the worst will be over by tomorrow. Xxx

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by DuleekDandy

Monday 17 Aug 22:50

Oh my poor boy :-( Still battling Bob's.....3 years on
This is her website

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by Snipe

Monday 17 Aug 22:08

Lori Rose I think is the name. There is a Facebook page, she us a homeopath :-) x

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by NMD07

Monday 17 Aug 21:50

Hoping someone can help me, I am sure that I have heard, or maybe read about a different approach to treating corns. My mind thinks it was a ladies name? It isn't Breeze who is suffering but Archive he had it removed at the vets on new years eve and is back to limping. Thanks in advance. xxx

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by michelleandbertie

Saturday 18 Jul 21:51

Hi Sarah, we are holding another Vince Heart Photo session on the 20th September, if you would like to book a session please email me at
We are also having a late Summer get together ( like we did last year ) on the 20th, everyone is welcome, there will be a BBQ, raffle, Vince heart photo shot and lots more..... its the same venue as the dogs day out in Snitterfield, running from 10am until 4pm !! please come along with your hounds, everyone welcome !!!

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by Hartstone

Saturday 18 Jul 08:18

Sarah I have been asked to do another photo shoot on September 20th , details to put up by Michelle soon

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Friday 17 Jul 22:45

Sorry to post here but i seem to have missed the wonderful Vince and Sarah day in September. Could someone give me some details please. Xxx

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by Hartstone

Friday 17 Jul 22:07

You are welcome Nicky , we are always happy if the customer is happy x

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by NMD07

Friday 17 Jul 21:25

Hartstone,.. Fab, awesome, These are great. didn't think you could do better than the last set of photos but you have. Even with Archive not wanting to join in you have done wonders. So pleased, see you in sept. Xxx Also Thanks to Sarah who ran, threw and Squeaked a job well done. Xxx

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by NMD07

Monday 13 Jul 11:32

If anyone saw the Folded Books at the Dogs Day Out yesterday and would like one of their own. For a donation of between £10 & £15 all of which will go to the kennels I will fold to order, There are 3 choices- Small Paw, Large Paw & Greyhound. They all come with a card which has double sided tape on so you can add details of any hounds who have crossed the bridge and stick on the back cover or you can leave it off and just use as home decor. You can leave me a message on Breezes Page or E-mail me , They make nice xmas pressies!. Thankyou .

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by NMD07

Thursday 30 Apr 22:46

Watched Supervet tonight, So upsetting how some hounds end their "working" life. Good of him to treat the lovely boy for free. Xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 19 Feb 23:46

Hope Breeze will soon be back to her normal happy self! Xxx

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by NMD07

Thursday 19 Feb 18:29

Breeze had stitches out yesterday, She has been good leaving it alone, after the bandages came off with them on a very different matter, but as vet said she has greyhound skin( good vet spotted this straight away) what she meant was it was sore from having bandages on and off which made her sad and very cross. Her tail is all of 6" long and the bottom 3 are still bald. She is healing well and we should be at the stratford walk in March. Xxx

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by NMD07

Thursday 05 Feb 22:47

To the vets for first bandage change vet seemed happy with tail, as we were getting ready to go she wagged it so hard she caught sight of it behind her grabbed it and pulled bandage off!!! So vet put darker bandage on with hopes she wont see it as easily. After vet we called on lovely lady who makes coats, for a measure for new jackets for both, They loved the doggy cookies she had been baking. Xxx

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by DuleekDandy

Wednesday 04 Feb 22:12

Sending lots of love to you all. Hope she heals well & I'm sure she'll be back to her loving self very soon.

I know how you feel.....Orla was pushing the door to get from 1 room in to another & managed to get Bob's tail caught in the door hinge side as the door shut. Blood everywhere!
I did manage to get it to heal without amputation, but it was a hard time for us all.

I know a couple of Greys with a short tail & it makes no difference....she'll be fine!

I'll pop up & see you soon xxx

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by lovegreys

Wednesday 04 Feb 21:22

Lots of love to Breeze. Hope she will be feeling better soon. X

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 04 Feb 19:55

Hope Breeze is feeling better tonight and talking to you! Xxx

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by LindaPaul

Wednesday 04 Feb 16:22

Sending hugs to both you and Breeze because it sounds like you are both in need. Breeze will probably get over this before you at a guess.... you did your best for her and plenty of greys live very happy lives with short tails. It's just us owners that feel bad I guess. Please don't beat yourself up, even though I am sure I'd be the same.

When I read tail tales, I always think 'there but for the grace of God...' because one of mine has such a waggy tail and thwacks it around so much it sometimes makes me wince. I've been lucky so far, but there is no rhyme nor reason to these things. You are very blessed to have a very happy girlie hound in your life and once she is over the op, she will be back to her normal self I am pretty sure.

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by Hartstone

Wednesday 04 Feb 15:30

Sending cuddles to Breeze from the Hartstone Clan x

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by susy

Wednesday 04 Feb 11:32

Sorry to hear about Breeze's tail, but if you have time to look at our Minty(Vera) site she did have a serious problem with her tail (still never explained) but is now shorter but still very waggy.Love Sylv xxxx

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by NMD07

Wednesday 04 Feb 09:05

Thank you for all your love, she came home last night- Not talking to me. She has slept well (better than me), had her wheatabix with warm milk. and a painkiller, now back to bed. She has about 6" tail.Archive is being v gentle around her. Xxx

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by Alan&Paddy

Tuesday 03 Feb 22:29

We hope your tail gets better soon. Ele ripped her tail open on a rose bush a few years ago and it took several visits to the vets,some stitches and plenty of nursing to heal. We send you our love for a fast recovery and an electronic cuddle for now! A & P Ele and Paddy xx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 03 Feb 21:28

Sending my cuddle to Breeze tonight...very sorry to hear she is having problems with her tail. Xxx

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by lovegreys

Tuesday 03 Feb 20:54

So sorry to hear the news about poor Breeze. Sending positive thoughts to you all. X

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by NMD07

Tuesday 03 Feb 14:38

Vet has rung they will have to take about 2/3rds of it, I feel very guilty. Poor baby. XXXXXX

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by TJ

Tuesday 03 Feb 12:37

Hi Breeze, we're all sending You positive 'thought hugs' and hope that your poorly tail is very soon starting to feel better. T,J, R & B xxxx

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by NMD07

Tuesday 03 Feb 10:32

Need to share, Archive and I are waiting for vet to ring. For the last week Breeze has had tail problems starting with happy tail, Then weds morning she could not lie down as tail was to sore took her to vet who thought was bruised and tip where wound was also bruised, she had metacam jab was happier. Made it bleed again and I wrapped it and covered in vet wrap to hold dressing on. When it was unwrapped sunday she was crying in pain and unable to put it on the floor, I rewrapped and took her back to the vet who booked her in for x-rays etc on weds morning. Vet then rewrapped tail after seeing how much better she was and gave her painkillers til weds. At 3am she had chewed her bandage off and taken the tip of her tail off, Vet is worried she may have to have more taken off as bottom is cold and there is still the problem that was being x-rayed.Feel very lonely with out her house is quiet with only one. Positive thoughts for her please . XXX

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by NMD07

Friday 30 Jan 11:05

Breeze is still loving life to the point she has Happy Tail, poor girl was in such pain she had to have a jab at vet so she could lie down_ every time she tried to go down her tail touched the floor and she cried and got back up. The wound is tiny, but so bruised and sore it is right on the tip was wondering if any one has anything we can try to make her feel better and to stop it. Xxx

by LadyVictoria

Monday 12 Jan 23:31

Do hope Archive makes a a speedy recovery, great news to hear it wasn't anything nasty. Xxx

by NMD07

Monday 12 Jan 22:50

Happy new year to all 2 and 4 legged, a bit late but been busy. We were hoping to join the Stratford walk this weekend, but Archive had 2 ops on the 31st and his stitches are coming out tomorrow on his right hind foot. He had a fast growing lump taken off - heard this week it was not anything nasty. His left hind had what everyone believed a corn taken but the vet when got up close said he thinks was something got in his pad and a hard lump formed around it because when he took it there was a void behind it. Thanks to DuleekDandy for our chews and lots of love to her, Bob and Orla. Xxx

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by NMD07

Wednesday 26 Nov 13:22

We had a lovely time at Evesham Country Park on Sunday, thanks to everyone who made us so welcome. Archive leant on so many ladies, (a favorite hobby) Breeze enjoyed helping Steve rearange the beds and then tried as many as she could(4 all at once- not bad as she is only a little grey). Yopu all told me they would be tired, oh boy! were you right! Monday they barely moved all day. Hope we can do it again soon. Xxx

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by NMD07

Monday 17 Nov 19:44

Hope you all enjoyed your walk in Stratford, thanks to DuleekDandy for left overs- very busy so was my lunch. Not working on 21st so hoping to join the Christmas Walk. Xxx

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by DuleekDandy

Tuesday 11 Nov 19:56

Sending my special boy a BIG cuddle - hope you feel much better quickly Archive xxxxx
Well done Breeze what a good girl you are xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 10 Nov 22:38

Very sorry to hear Archive has been poorly. Do hope he will be back to normal soon. How sweet of Breeze to bring him get well presents! Xxx

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by NMD07

Monday 10 Nov 19:05

Breeze has had a weekend on her own as Archive has had a very nasty tummy bug and spent the weekend in the vets, he is home now and a little better. Breeze has been quite stressed without him and of course the fireworks upset her anyway. She did sleep down stairs on her own last night so she is getting braver. She busy "nursing" now bringing him toys, blanket, even car keys. Xxx

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by Dingo'sMom

Saturday 01 Nov 07:58

I count the official signing day as the Gotcha Day but I suppose it's up the the individual person. You could just celebrate both. X

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by NMD07

Friday 31 Oct 21:00

Sarahs mum you have asked just what i was thinking we had miss Breezie Boo, on 30th Nov but signed etc on 30th of Dec, so which is her gotcha day? Any help thanks. Xxx

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by NMD07

Saturday 18 Oct 18:59

Booked day off work so will be able to Stratford walk tomorrow, just keeping fingers crossed no rain as Archive will NOT leave the house if it rains. Xxx

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by NMD07

Tuesday 09 Sep 19:14

Longest afternoon at work waiting to see if postie had photos, and they were here!!! Fab, thanks Vince and Sarah. Already have favorites. Xxx

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by NMD07

Sunday 24 Aug 18:08

Who ever comes looking at hounds over the bank holiday will be able to see lots of lovely Black dogs, lets hope lots get homed. Xxx

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by Hartstone

Wednesday 20 Aug 21:59

I know and i'm bringing the Boss and she is worse than me !!!

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Wednesday 20 Aug 21:55

Hartstone, it won't take you long to change your mind when you see all the different characters at the bbq and photoshoot day. You will be completely hooked. Lol. X

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by Hartstone

Wednesday 20 Aug 20:17

I will adopt one when we have room in the Hartstone household but in the time I will drool over all these wonderful dogs and of course take there Photo's ...........x x x x

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by NMD07

Wednesday 20 Aug 11:49

Well Mr Hartstone, praps you should adopt one then you would have a model or muse or whatever. Ahh but this will not stop you looking!!!!

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by NMD07

Monday 18 Aug 22:15

Sue, you reading again?? Asking cos we are taking both dogs to the BBQ on the 31st. I just thought if you not busy, well up to you, we have a booking with heartstone at 1.40. Much love. Nicky Xxx

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by NMD07

Thursday 31 Jul 22:40

I think stevie&sarahs mum has a great idea, sure could be money made for the kennels along the way. Xxxx

by muddypaws

Thursday 31 Jul 18:26

lt's me Michelle !!!!! Every time l go to kennels....l sneak one out!!! l've got 15 in our house at the moment...shhh...dont think Ruth's noticed yet !!!!!! XXX

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by michelleandbertie

Thursday 31 Jul 15:46

wow Rooth where have all the dogs gone !!!! does this mean we will have another set of new arrivals for me to cuddle this Sunday ;)

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by NMD07

Thursday 31 Jul 15:17

Have just logged on to a sea of red trial lights, hoping it works out for all these hounds. Xxx

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by NMD07

Saturday 26 Jul 19:26

Hi Sue, sorry you have been missing her so much. i am happy for you to come and see her, if you think you could cope, Breeze just loves visitors and sure she would love to see you. she is a happy waggy dog who has fitted in to our family perfectly. Because we have Archive she dosnt suffer with being left or being lonely. She plays fetch and games in the garden with my son. At the moment she is busy catching flies snapping away - well saves on the dog biccies !!!. If you want to come see her ring the kennels and ask for my mobile number and give me a text or ring.X Nicky. Xxx

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by Swisey

Friday 25 Jul 13:17

Hi there, its Sue - Breezes previous owner. I still think about Breeze every day. I struggled for a time and had to stop logging on and seeing how she was doing:-( I really really want to come and see her but I think it could be bad for me and her to do that. Dont want to upset her in anyway by bringing back any memories. Give her an extra big cuddle from Ryan and me. xxxxx

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by DuleekDandy

Sunday 20 Jul 09:19

Sorry to hear that Breeze is feeling worried by the thunder.
Hope that it'll all be over for now. ((xx))

by NMD07

Saturday 19 Jul 21:33

Thanx, Lady Victoria We had a long night with Breeze and again this afternoon she was stressed when there was more thunder. Hope its over for a while. Xxx

by LadyVictoria

Saturday 19 Jul 20:56

Forgot to mention we use wet coats on the dogs for walking when the weather is hot. We had ours from, size medium. They really do work. Xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 19 Jul 20:50

Happy Birthday for last week NMD07 and thank you so much for helping to raise funds for the beautiful Greyhounds still waiting to find homes. Xxx

by NMD07

Saturday 19 Jul 19:55

Enjoyed raising a donation for the kennels last week, was my birthday so held a party and asked for donations if people wanted. Easy!!. Also put few copies of The Grapevine out so everyone could see what it was all about. So would like to thank everyone who gave. Xxx

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by NMD07

Friday 18 Jul 15:56

Thanks for the cold water tip Rolohound was thinking in this heat would a coat be good idea. Xxx

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by rolohound

Friday 18 Jul 14:26

Thundershirt works great for Rolo for thunder fireworks scary situations. It is very individual it works for some but not for others. You can also soak them in cold water so they don't overheat in the hot weather.

by NMD07

Friday 18 Jul 13:14

Breeze was very upset by the thunder and lighting last night, hated seeing her like that. I have been looking at Thunder Shirts, any advice would be great. must say even Archive who isnt bothered was a bit unsettled.Thanx. Xxx

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by DuleekDandy

Friday 30 May 23:03

Oh no...sorry to hear about your ankle, hope it heals without complications. xx

by LadyVictoria

Friday 30 May 22:24

Hi NMD07, so sorry to hear you have broken your ankle. I do hope it will heal quickly so you can enjoy walks with your lovely dogs as soon as possible. I am sure Breeze is doing her best to be a good nurse! Xxx

by NMD07

Friday 30 May 21:54

Things are going well for Breeze, now the better weather is here she is enjoying the garden- she does feel the need to run when outside, she is ok on a lead but if not tis racing round at full speed. But i must thank my hubby, both my kids and my mum, also BF Lucy, As last week took early morning walk with dogs and slipped on dewy grass - result one fractured ankle!!! so all the lovely people i mentioned are walking my dogs whilst i hobble about on crutches. Xxx

by NMD07

Thursday 03 Apr 20:39

Just a quick hello, Breeze had lots of treats on her birthday including honking duck and pheasant both of them think these are great, lots of running and swapping. She didnt like the gas man in the house stayed on her bed just leaving it long enough to grab a toy and run back to bed happy once all her toys were safe. Archive on the other hand was busy trying to steal things from his tool bag, what use a screwdriver is to a greyhound i have no idea. Hope her coat and lead have made their way back to you. Xxx

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by NMD07

Monday 03 Mar 09:48

Another fab weekend, and today is Bandits day!! Again so many lights a shame that two came back but hoping they won't wait to long before thier next sofa comes along. Xxx

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by NMD07

Sunday 09 Feb 14:15

My what a busy weekend couldnt believe how many Red and Green lights, fab to see all those doggies of to their forever homes. But not Bandit? he was there when we came up to meet Breeze in nov, he and Archive had a bit of a grumble but he was a handsome hound, such a shame that the black boys can be over looked. Try hard Bandit your family is out there lets hope they show up soon. My cuddle to you today. Xxx

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by NMD07

Saturday 08 Feb 19:25

Who ever called my dog Breeze???? She is not liking the WIND, She is jumping up and down, keeping close to Archive even closer when i have gone to bed she did wake me a couple of times last night to tell me the letterbox was banging. Well now going to put another log on the fire, turn the telly up and get them both to veg. Xxx

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by missfifi

Thursday 30 Jan 22:36

One of my greys had a helicopter tail too! If you can find a very soft foam hair roller you can pop the end of her tail in it to protect it....I have spent many happy hours trying to keep the foam roller on my old girls will heal eventually but probably always be prone to splitting! Don't put anything vaguely adhesive on it - one vet I went to put Elastoplast on one of my greys - the stupidity of the man was beyond belief - maybe just be delighted she is so happy that her tail can't stop wagging!!!!

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by NMD07

Thursday 30 Jan 20:49

Breeze is such a happy girlie- But she is damaging her tail, not deep enough to need stitches or even a vet visit. (our house looks like pixies are being murdered) Any one who can give advice on what I have learnt is called Happy Tail. Xxx thanks.

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by Swisey

Tuesday 28 Jan 13:42

That would be fantastic:-) Thank you so much for that. Give her a cuddle and kiss from me. xx

by NMD07

Monday 27 Jan 19:46

It would be great for you to come and see her, How do you feel about waiting til the weather is better then we can take them on a nice walk and you can spend some time with her? Archive is much better thanks, think he has forgiven me. Xxx

by Swisey

Thursday 23 Jan 12:45

Hi Nicky
She is a little devil isnt she. She used to split her tail whilst wagging it too much with us:-) Really miss my girl but very happy that she has found a new home and partner in Archive. How is Archive today?
When you feel the time is right i will still come and say hello to her if that is ok.

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by NMD07

Wednesday 22 Jan 19:12

Breeze was home with out Archive yesterday (he was at the vets for a castrate). She was v timid out on her walks,with out him in the house she was v jumpy with things like the phone, washing machine etc all things she was fine with until then. At one time it looked like Archive would have to stay over night, He got home at 8pm Breeze hasnt been far from him today!! But i feel she is better as part of a pair she is much braver when there is a bigger dog to hide behind. You did the right thing Sue. Xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 13 Jan 21:14

Lovely to hear Breeze has a hobby...please let me know when she starts cutting the lawn, I could do with some help! Xxx

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by NMD07

Monday 13 Jan 19:52

Since moving to country Breeze has taken up gardening, we have a large brick trough and she dug all the bulbs out leaving them and the compost across the yard. Her new dad was v pleased to refill it. She is fine no longer steals Archives dinner as soon as hers is finished, just got to calm her down when anyone comes home she has cut her tail from manic wagging a few times. Xxx

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by NMD07

Tuesday 31 Dec 23:38

Wishing everyone two and four legged a greyt 2014. Xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 30 Dec 22:47

Great news for Breeze! Wishing you lots of great times together. Xxx

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by NMD07

Monday 30 Dec 18:48

Well Breeze is ours now, not really a surprise to many people iam sure. As you know she settled fine and Archive was ok with her. They walk together and share all toys and chews. In the last few days she has stopped finishing any food Archive has left. Thanks to Ruth and all the staff. Xxx

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by caroline&Fred

Monday 30 Dec 11:47

Ahhh Breeze, i was hoping to see your light turn green, best Christmas present ever. love from Caroline Max & Gracie xxx

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by NMD07

Thursday 12 Dec 16:22

Please dont be down Ruth, Our girlie as you know was at a roadshow when we fell for her we didnt go out looking for a dog. If it hadnt been that way i would have waited for the weather to be a little better, the garden less muddy( Breeze and James our 13yr old racing round the house"playing") and not to mention xmas with all the time that takes up. We were lucky we have a grey so our lives already take account of him and his needs. Lets hope that people are waiting until after xmas to adopt , cant think of a worse time with long days shopping,long nights out partying and going away to be with family and friends. But i can say 100% that at least 1 more dog will go green before the end of the year. Xxx

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by NMD07

Monday 09 Dec 22:27

Dan you missed the second photo down, The EARS when something catches her attention always the same one stright up and the other only gets to 1/2 mast. Xxx

by Dan

Monday 09 Dec 20:03

The top picture is too cute. So is the third, and the fourth. She's certainly getting flattering angles! This pooch seems to have her own professional cameraman/woman!

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by Swisey

Monday 09 Dec 13:09

Hi Nicky
Its so good to hear Breeze is settle in and being a good girl. I am sure this will not change.

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by NMD07

Sunday 08 Dec 20:40

Archive and Breeze have just seen Santa!!! hope she asked to stay here,Archive has been v good sharing his toys, He loves cuddlies and tends to curl up with them or just carry them around, Breeze has a less gentle approach. As I type they are tangled up asleep on their beds. Xxx

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by DuleekDandy

Saturday 07 Dec 23:53

So very pleased for you all :-) xx

by NMD07

Saturday 07 Dec 23:12

One week in and things couldnt be better. Breeze and Archive have been getting on fine no problems at all. I am at work for two days this week so that will be their big test. Fingers crossed. Xxx

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by caroline&Fred

Thursday 05 Dec 16:28

so pleased things are going well, keep it up Breeze, and you will have your very own home for Christmas xxx

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by NMD07

Tuesday 03 Dec 17:42

Things Still going well here. Sending love to Ruth hope she much betta soon. Xxx

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by NMD07

Sunday 01 Dec 14:13

Well who knew the gap in our family was Breeze shaped!!!!! I knew its still early days but things are looking good:). she was v good in the car even though i missed our juntion off the motorway so added 1/2 hour. She and Archive have been fine together,muzzles off in the evening then back on for bed they slept on beds next to each other. eating, walking, toileting all been fine. She has picked up on cues from him aswell as doing just as she has been told. If this carrys on cant see any problems, will give them a couple of days before i leave them alone. Thanks to Ruth and the rest of the team there, Xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 30 Nov 22:15

Good luck Breeze, be a good girl. Xxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Saturday 30 Nov 21:46

Breeze has gone out on trial today - keeping everything crossed here x

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by caroline&Fred

Saturday 30 Nov 21:21

Ahhh Breeze your light hasn't changed , maybe it's going to tomorrow :( xxx

by NMD07

Saturday 30 Nov 00:04

All ready here, Not long now. Keeping fingers crosssed that every thing goes smoothly. Thanks to everyone who has said nice things, will make sure to let you know how shes doing. Xxx

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by DuleekDandy

Friday 29 Nov 20:13

Just 1 more long sleep and you will be off to be with Mum, Dad & the gorgeous Archive (I completely fell under this boys spell!)
Wishing you all the best and hope that it all goes well with your new family
Lots of love xxx

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by caroline&Fred

Friday 29 Nov 15:22

wishing you and your new family all the best for tomorrow

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by NMD07

Thursday 28 Nov 23:18

Only two more sleeps!!!!!!!!!!! night little one,Mummy nd Archive. Xxx

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by NMD07

Thursday 28 Nov 00:04

Not long now, had lovely evening talking hounds on weds.While talking about Bobs dad thought had seen his name somewhere, Breezes 3x grandad on mums side-Brett Lee. See you vv soon little girl. Xxx

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by DuleekDandy

Wednesday 27 Nov 08:44

Well Breeze, I went to see your new Mum, Dad & Brother yesterday and all I can say is: What a lucky girl you are!

You certainly played your cards right when you gave Mum THE eyes at Pets at Home in Stratford when she went there shopping ;-) Clever girl!

Hope it all goes well for you sweetheart xXx

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by NMD07

Sunday 24 Nov 21:56

Cant wait until sat when can come and pick Breeze up. Seems ages since we were there. Hope she is being a good girl in the mean time. Much love Xxx

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by NMD

Tuesday 19 Nov 21:06

to Sue. my name is nicky i wlill let you know ow she is doing.

by LadyVictoria

Sunday 17 Nov 20:36

Well done Breeze! So happy for you and your new family. Xxx

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by Swisey

Sunday 17 Nov 20:07

That is fantastic news:-) Thanks so much. Really appreciate it. Well done to Breeze for finding a lovely family. I will be in touch and once you feel she is settled enough then I will pop over. What is your name? Seems funny calling you NMD:-) xx

by NMD

Sunday 17 Nov 15:13

For Sue, We live in broadway so lots of country walks, aswell as me and hubby there is our 13 yr old son in the house and our big black boy - Archive.We will keep her name as Breeze (cos i think it sounds good with his) Not picking her up til the 30th will keep you in the loop and you are welcome to visit her. Nicky. Xxx if anything else just ask.X

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by Bess&Reene'smum

Sunday 17 Nov 15:02

Great news for Breeze!!! xxxxxxx

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by NMD

Sunday 17 Nov 15:00

We wanted to be sure, this morning i took Archive out and it was so so quiet nothing but us and the birds.It was so busy and noisy yesterday when we took them out with Ruth,hoping she will like the quiet life. :-)

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by caroline&Fred

Sunday 17 Nov 13:24

Yes yes yes couldn't have chosen a better girl , thank you xxx

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by rumblesmom

Sunday 17 Nov 10:56

Well done lovely girl you,all be cosy on that forever sofa I,m sure x

by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 17 Nov 10:43

Yaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy! :-)

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by bonnie

Sunday 17 Nov 09:30

what a beautiful pleading can anyone resist...hugs.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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by NMD

Saturday 16 Nov 20:21

Both my hubby and our grey thought Breeze was lovely - We want to make sure we are doing the right thing for both Breeze and Archive(our grey boy). Going to phone Ruth in the morning. Xxx

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by caroline&Fred

Saturday 16 Nov 17:03

What's happened your still at the kennels :( :( x

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by Swisey

Saturday 16 Nov 08:55

I am the previous owners of Breeze and I just wanted to say I hope everything goes well today. Im sure your husband and boy will love her too. I really miss my girl and I hope she will find a new home with you. I very very big ask here....but if you do have her, is there any chance that I could visit her one day once settle in. Sue xxx

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by caroline&Fred

Friday 15 Nov 18:25

Good luck for Saturday , will be thinking of you xxx

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by NMD

Thursday 14 Nov 23:12

glad she knows we are coming, we met her at Stratford pets at home and haven't been able to forget her. Have told my boy he has to be a gent. Xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 14 Nov 20:02

Hi NMD, I told Breeze this morning you are coming to see her on Saturday...and to be sure she is her sweet, lovely self! Xxx

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by blueangel

Wednesday 13 Nov 20:58

A sweetheart x

by caroline&Fred

Wednesday 13 Nov 20:41

Keeping everything crossed that you have found your forever home , your such a lovely girl xxx

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by NMD

Wednesday 13 Nov 20:18

Also our grey boy has to like her - no pressure then Breeze!!!!

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by NMD

Tuesday 12 Nov 22:39

Have appt to see Breeze on sat morning, Cant wait hope she wins over my hearts already gone to her. Xxx

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by Bess&Reene'smum

Tuesday 12 Nov 13:07

You shouldn't really have favourites but.......

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by walkersinwellies

Sunday 10 Nov 18:00

Such an affectionate girl and a pleasure to walk. she does have the most beautiful shiny coat and loves a fuss. xx

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by Katie14

Tuesday 05 Nov 22:28

We took Breeze for a lovely long walk on Sunday and she was an absolute angel! She was so well behaved in the car and walked beautifully. She got on really well with our Bambi and is a very friendly and loving girl. She's also has the most silky soft coat! I really hope she finds a new home very soon. Maybe she needs to be with another grey so that this helps her separation anxiety x

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by Bess&Reene'smum

Sunday 03 Nov 20:08

Good luck in finding a new home very soon Breeze. The other half says we can't really accommodate 3 dogs, but he said that about having 2 dogs.......xxxx

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by Stormin

Saturday 02 Nov 17:15

Breeze has spent the day in Stratford at Pets at Home where she was able to show everyone she met what an affectionate well behaved girl she is. She was perfect with all the other breeds she came into contact with--- in fact she showed no interest in them whatsoever as she was too intent on enjoying the attention she was receiving from P at H customers.

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by KAandStef

Sunday 27 Oct 19:01

Breeze is a really lovely black bitch. She needs space an time to enable her to adapt to a new home. she has a pretty face and is very friendly. Good luck Breeze. x

by DaybreaksRuth

Saturday 26 Oct 07:31

Yesterday I took Breeze to the kennels and paired her up with Brett. She was dropped at our house on Wednesday evening by her very upset owners as she has been getting separation anxiety when left and has been chewing the woodwork.

On Thursday after her breakfast and a walk I left her at home with my greys. I checked on her on the cameras and she spent the morning on the window seat and didn't move. I popped in at lunchtime to let her out and she went straight back to the window seat for her second half of sleep! She sleeps all through the night and was unmuzzled with all of mine

She is an adorable little girl who desperately needs to find a new home and not be back in kennels. Sadly the Boswell House is very full so if you can offer a home for this gorgeous girl, please give me a call.... Ruth 0121 782 7702

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by susy

Thursday 24 Oct 11:04

So sorry for you Breeze. Love The New Icemaid Clan & Extra xxx

by caroline&Fred

Thursday 24 Oct 08:56

i had Breeze come to stay with me in the summer, Breeze was a perfect guest, she got on really well with my two Greys, and showed she had perfect manners. i really feel for the family, they adored her. hope she finds a home really soon. love Caroline Max and Gracie xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 23 Oct 21:10

So sorry for Breeze and her family. Xxx

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by Swisey

Wednesday 23 Oct 20:34

This is a very sad day for us, as today we have had to return Breeze to Ruth for re-homing. Unfortunately Breeze has been suffering very badly with separation anxiety whilst we have been at work. Breeze would be a welcome addition to any family who has more time than we did to spend with her. She has many good things going for her, these are just some of them: She is house trained, friendly, will leave her treats if asked, children friendly, loves to play and will normally do as she is told:-) She has experience of running off the lead but only in an enclosed field. She is very good with other dogs and has never shown any aggression, although I have to say I dont think she is cat friendly. We would love for her to settle in with a new family and would love for that family to keep us updated with how she is settling in. I just want to make everyone aware that she has done nothing wrong, she just needs more company than we could offer her. PLEASE ASK RUTH ABOUT HER, I HAVE NO DOUBT YOU WILL FALL IN LOVE WITH HER AS SOON AS YOU SEE HER. xx

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by Swisey

Monday 13 Aug 21:25

Hi all, I can tell you that Rita (now named Breeze) is settling in very well and already feels like a member of the family. We are really pleased to say that she is no problem at all. She is funny, cheeky and a friendly girl. Sue & Lee x

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by Bess&Reene'smum

Monday 13 Aug 11:59

Well done Rita xxx

by fatharry

Saturday 11 Aug 22:51

yes you have remembered right linda,they were there when we popped in to say hello,they were lovely,hope it all works out for them,Rita looks lovely.

by LindaPaul

Saturday 11 Aug 18:55

Just checking out what has happened today and saw Rita's homing picture. If I've remembered them right, Rita's new family came to see us in Mell Square a couple of weeks ago and I spent some time talking to them in the morning. I can not tell you how happy this makes me feel to see that they have decided to give one of our beautiful dogs a home. Especially a beautiful black girl (but then I'm biassed!) Wishing you all lots of happy times with Rita xxx

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by hilaryu

Saturday 11 Aug 17:12

well done my little girl go and have a lovely life

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by Deb

Saturday 11 Aug 16:03

I am sure this playful girl will have a great time with her new family and two brothers to play with how lucky is she.

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by Shanesmum

Friday 10 Aug 17:30

Yeah for Rita -such good news.

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 10 Aug 16:22

Well done lovely Rita!!! xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 10 Aug 14:38

She does look a very happy girl. Hope it won't be long before she finds a happy home. xxx

by Bess&Reene'smum

Wednesday 08 Aug 14:43

I like this little girl, wish I could have another one....hopefully one day x

by Deb

Saturday 04 Aug 20:07

If you didnt think greys could be playful pop down and see this lovely girl who is full of the joys of spring and looks so very happy.Who ever adopts will have lots of fun and love from her.

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by Aimee

Monday 30 Jul 21:17

Little wiggler
Well shes a lovely friendly girl. Rita got on with all the greys, she's hyper as she's still young but she does settle down and is a quiet kennler. Very playful so will suit a family that can give her attention and plenty of play time. She'd always rob my glooves out my pocket, and would get very excited when i'd put them on, loved playing fetch and tug with them. When she would get excited and wag her whole body would wiggle :) . Very pretty little madam, and will be an asset to any house hold.
Enjoy your retired life

by LindaPaul

Monday 30 Jul 11:55

Beautiful black girly. She looks lovely. x

by Jess&Koda

Monday 30 Jul 11:21

She looks beautiful