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About Me

Racing Name
Dale Road View
Date of birth
01 jun 2007
Land of birth
IE Ireland
Land of standing
IE Ireland
Ear mark
Lounge LadyIE-JUL-03-BK
Family tree & race history


male, 17 years old, Black

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

26.7 KILOS

Dale has had 0 cuddles today (31 all together).
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by Jak'smom

Wednesday 03 Oct 22:16

So pleased for you Dale you're such a sweet boy

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by Jess&Koda

Wednesday 03 Oct 18:53

Hi everyone just thought I'd let you know that I saw dale at the park this evening he looked very happy! He was perfect around Tilly and my grandmas schnauzer pip, hopefully see him around more often

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by Shanesmum

Tuesday 02 Oct 17:15

Hi BraseFamily & Lewis - Dale says " I have packed my case with my kong toy and blanket and I'm ready to come to my lovely new forever home - big woofs" x

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by BraseFamily

Tuesday 02 Oct 16:09

cant wait for dale to come were so exited (LEWIS)

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by BraseFamily

Tuesday 02 Oct 13:53

So looking forward to Dale coming home with us tomorrow, Lewis is soooooooo excited :-)

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 02 Oct 13:16

Lovely news for Dale. xxx

by Stephers

Tuesday 02 Oct 09:00

With both Dale and Derry being homed, it's clear to me that Shanesmum and family need to do this fostering malarky more. They are obviously great at drawing out personalities. I think Katie should be next, she's been around so long and desperately needs a new home. She's gorgeous, i just don't understand it xx

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by rumblesmom

Tuesday 02 Oct 07:26

clever boy dale and once again thanks to your foster mom and dad who have helped you so much xx

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by Shanesmum

Monday 01 Oct 18:08

I'm so happy & excited for my gorgeous Dale, reserved by a lovely family today and off to his well deserved forever home soon. It's been an absolute joy to have had him here and I wish him and BraseFamily a happy life together.XxX

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by BraseFamily

Monday 01 Oct 14:22

Thankyou Jill

Our son is a very happy bunny, many thanks for your time today and to Michael and his wife for bringng the gorgeous Dale to see us, hopefully in a few days Dale will be part of our family....can't wait :-)

Nicky, Roger and Lewis x

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by Jak'smom

Monday 01 Oct 13:51

How lovely to see all the reserved signs over the weekend but extra extra lovely to see one for you boy xx

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by Jak'smyboy

Saturday 29 Sep 09:28

What a lovely picture of Dale. It's good to see him looking so comfy & happy xx

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by Danny'smum

Thursday 27 Sep 15:48

I love this boy, he looks so cute on facebook. He really looks at home!

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by Shanesmum

Thursday 27 Sep 14:16

Ah rumblesmom, thanks for such kind words. We're just so glad that there is a difference in him and you're right - his personality is really starting to emerge, he will make someone a fabulous companion.

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by rumblesmom

Wednesday 26 Sep 17:35

i couldn,t believe this was the same dog when i saw him today, his personality has come right out thanks to his foster mom and dad it was so good to see x

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by Shanesmum

Wednesday 26 Sep 17:21

So happy to say that Dale continues to go from strength to strength. A quiet, undemanding boy who just loves people and a fuss, and now happily gives you a big kiss. He gets so excited when visitors come, his little tail goes round and round and he has to go up to everyone to say hello. He doesn't pester and will happily settle in his basket while you eat or do anything else. He will be coming into the kennels on Saturday to spend the day and be ready to introduce himself to a prospective new family - whoever decides on this boy will be getting an absolute treasure.

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by Jess&Koda

Tuesday 25 Sep 15:48

i think we need to get dale a new photo of him in his foster home... a really cute one!

by Shanesmum

Sunday 23 Sep 13:36

Dale would like to say "i am enjoying myself in this foster home. They tell me I am housetrained, which sounds very important! I love it when we go out and I see new things, I saw a cuddly puppy yesterday in the Garden Centre, she was cute and not bouncy or noisy and I wagged my tail at her! I can come down those stairs things now too (the first time they almost had to carry me down, heehee!) I go slowly and carefully. Today I started playing with a squeaky toy, you should have heard the "good boys" and "clever boys" I got for it - the things these humans get excited about! I like being a good boy and getting a little treat every now and again and snoozing, and I would love a nice new forever home too as its nice to be part of a family. Big woofs from Dale. x

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by RedDuke

Sunday 23 Sep 12:34

Dale played with a ball this morning just for second ,he trotted after it and patted once with each paw. I sqeaked another toy and threw it for him and he settled down with it and played sqeaky for a couple of minutes before lying down for a snooze. Hours later as I sit here he has just gone and fetched his sqeaky and is playing again.

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by Shanesmum

Friday 21 Sep 19:01

Another good, clean night for the lovely Dale. He enjoyed his trip up to the Garden Centre this morning, drawing some enquiries from a couple of ladies who thought he was beautiful and took details of the kennels (here's hoping). Although he wasn't very good at playing with toys yesterday, Michael spotted him with a ball this afternoon - which turned out to be an onion he had picked up from the vegetable rack and was trotting proudly round with!!!! He gave it up without a problem, bless him. He is so excited and happy to see you when you come back from any absence, his tail going round like a propellor. He is small for a boy, and curls up into a lovely tiny ball in his basket and on the sofa and is absolutely no trouble atall. He is shaping up to be a fabulous companion, I really hope it happens for him very soon. xx

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by Shanesmum

Thursday 20 Sep 18:46

Pleased to say Dale had a great night, clean and he slept really well. He's had a busy day today, out visiting and calling in at Pets at Home, where he encountered a Golden Labrador & 2 Schnauzers and was as good as gold. Not really sure what to do with toys, until we introduced a treat into a kong type ball - he worked really hard to get it out bless him, but once eaten he lost interest, ah well, still very early days. He's calm, placid and just loves to be around people - and is settling into home life really well. xx

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by RedDuke

Wednesday 19 Sep 18:50

Dale is at present asleep on the settee, he showed no interest in human meal time ( so not a food monster then!). Tomorrow we start on intergration into human society and learning to play. He will definately blossom once he gets his forever home, like all greys he needs patience, understanding and above all TLC.

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by Shanesmum

Wednesday 19 Sep 17:18

We have brought the lovely Dale home with us for a short while as he is struggling a bit in the kennel environment. He jumped straight into the car and travelled really well, settling straight away. Had a good wander round the garden and a sniff round the house, and is now lying flat out watching TV!! It was so funny when we switched the tv set on as he got up and tried to look behind it to see where the voices were coming from!!! Hopefully his time away will help him and he'll soon be going to his forever home.xx

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by kallie

Friday 07 Sep 19:23

i so love this little man, he is so sweet and i can't understand that nobody has offered him a home yet, maybe he is not pushy enough when people come to view....if you are looking for a small boy greyhound who is an absolute dreamboat please stop at his kennel and have a cuddle with him, he will melt your heart. xxxx

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by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Monday 03 Sep 20:27

I cant believe Dale hasnt been snapped up yet, he is the teeniest tinyest boy, and he has the most beautiful grey super hero mask!! i love this boy he is certainly a super hero to me!! xxxx

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by rumblesmom

Friday 31 Aug 18:34

lovely dale you are so sweet and such a handsome black beauty

by nutellajar

Thursday 23 Aug 12:21

He looks like such a sweetie! I would just love to cuddle up to him on a cold winter night. :) xx

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by kallie

Saturday 18 Aug 21:06

he is the cutest little boy and such a fuss monster, oh how i wish i had endless space and endless money, someone will get such a little darling with Dale. xxxx

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by poppysmum

Tuesday 14 Aug 13:42

Dale and Nellie went for a trip out round the shops at the Weatsheaf today with myself and Norman, they were so well behaved, were not fazed by anything and both went up some steps at the underpass, although were a little reluctant to try going down. it's just a shame we didnt get much interest really from the shoppers.

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by Remint

Friday 10 Aug 15:26

I gave Dale a brush today and he is a very jolly chap. He adored the attention along with giving me a lovely greeting with licks and a waggy tail.

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by Jess&Koda

Friday 03 Aug 18:16

This boyis so cute with his little grey face! So cute! Love him!

by ritab

Thursday 02 Aug 14:01

I'm very taken with Dale as he is SMALL. On the verge of adding a second, and he would fit the bill sizewise.
Why has no-one put a post here? I'm off to give him a cuddle.

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