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About Me

Racing Name
Monkspath Monza
Black and White
Date of birth
26 oct 2007
Land of birth
IE Ireland
Land of standing
UK United Kingdom
Ear mark
Icemaid NikkiIE-JUN-02-BK
Family tree & race history


male, 17 years old, Black and White

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Saturday 06 Jan

Lewis has had 0 cuddles today (18 all together).
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by susy

Tuesday 18 Sep 18:26

Well the green has arrived.
Love to Lewis and his new family.
The New Icemaid Clan xx

1 others liked this

by Shanesmum

Tuesday 18 Sep 17:33

Ah, that's so great - have a lovely life Lewis. x

1 others liked this

by wagger

Tuesday 18 Sep 14:19

Lewis has settled straight away with dizzy. Been for a walk, played in the garden nows he is flat out.

7 others liked this

by wagger

Monday 17 Sep 16:06

Tomorrow morning is nearly here! Home checked fine yesterday. I think Dizzy (Annual Disguise) is going to have some fun this week!

5 others liked this

by Shanesmum

Sunday 16 Sep 17:19

Yay - well done Lewis, a lovely new home of your own. x

2 others liked this

by susy

Sunday 16 Sep 16:51

Oh, Lewis what great news, we have been watching and hoping for you to get you forever home.
Cannot wait for the red to go green.
Love to you and your new family.

The New Icemaid Clan x

2 others liked this

by polly

Sunday 16 Sep 16:15

Wow what a lovely chap cant wait to get him home :)

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by wagger

Sunday 16 Sep 15:36

Can't wait until we pick this lovely lad up on Tuesday.

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by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Monday 03 Sep 20:31

Lewis is another poppet! he is just so sweet and gets so waggy when its walkies time, just gorgeous!! xx

by kallie

Wednesday 29 Aug 19:13

oh my goodness what a cutie....sooo handsome. xxx

by susy

Wednesday 29 Aug 17:06

Comes from a great background and extremely well connected to the Icemaid Mindy Clan

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by Jess&Koda

Wednesday 29 Aug 14:13

He looks handsome!! x