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About Me

Racing Name
Serious Girl
Date of birth
01 jan 2011
Ear mark


female, 13 years old, Black

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Tuesday 02 Jan

Lola has had 0 cuddles today (17 all together).
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by Princessellie

Friday 01 Jan 10:32

Happy birthday Lola xxx

by Z&G

Monday 07 Jan 23:05

Haven't updated in a while, as have had hands very full with 3 dogs - our 2 DB youngsters, Ruby and Lola, and our old boy Jamal. We've ended up having to separate Jamal from the girls at night - too many growls, nips and finally a nasty bite :-( - basically Lola's insecurity couldn't cope with Jamal's dodderiness when he gets up in the night and then can't decide which bed to lie down on and spends ten minutes just looming in the dark ... Jamal therefore gets royal sofa-dom at night and has quite settled into the new routine, and the two girls are perfectly happy with each other - very few growls now, although Lolly still prefers to lie in a corner with her back protected. Other than this blip in behaviour, Lola is a real sweetie - she loves her leans, cuddles and tummy rubs; she's learning to be less jealous because she always gets her turn at attention; and she's settling into a life being safe and loved. just got to crack listening when on walks, and getting more comfortable with car journeys ...

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by Z&G

Friday 16 Nov 22:44

Officially part of the family now - yay!!

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by Jess&Koda

Thursday 15 Nov 20:07

When is her sign turning green??

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by Z&G

Saturday 10 Nov 21:27

Lolly-Lola has just come back from a wonderful holiday in Somerset! She wasn't so keen on the car journey, but pheasants are a big hit, sheep are just part of the scenery, and long walks taken in her stride. She has been having fun running up and down the garden playing with Ruby, and has graduated from not knowing what a bed is, and being surprised and thrilled to find I was there when I sat up, to launching herself at great speed onto it, and being selectively deaf when told to get off (shh, don't tell, she wasn't supposed to be in the bedroom at all!). she's had lots of cuddles and her confidence is growing - we've just got to cure her of bedtime growls and snaps at the others - I think she's slowly learning that she's safe and there's no need for that sort of thing. Trial? I don't think so Lola girl, you've been earmarked as ours since the day we met you ;-)

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by Z&G

Sunday 21 Oct 19:39

Lola's been on her first long-ish walk today since her speying op - took everything in her stride, despite it getting dark so early! it's a challenge having three of them on the lead, but she is good as gold, trotting against our legs and only pulling a bit as we turned the corner for home! the pull of that bed again - she's out like a light ;-)

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by Z&G

Friday 19 Oct 11:00

not only has Lola's sofa arrived, she has commandeered the special cut-down futon dog-bed! the others don't get a look-in! She's a real sweetie, very quiet and shy, but the beginnings of a bit of bounce as she gets used to things. very timid about going out, poor love - but maybe she just prefers being inside on her bed ... better start making another ;-)

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by Jess&Koda

Wednesday 17 Oct 16:06

Well done

by susy

Wednesday 17 Oct 14:53

Lovely news Lola. Your sofa has arrived.
Love The New Icemaid Clan XXX

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by Z&G

Wednesday 17 Oct 12:50

couldn't leave you after the visit! suddenly we have 3 dogs at home - how did that happen?! still, you don't take up much space, do you Lulu? :-) xx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 16 Oct 21:03

Well done Lola! You ignored the cats today on your cat test so I hope it helps you to find a home soon x

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by Z&G

Tuesday 16 Oct 12:00

:-) coming to visit you tomorrow, little Lola - hope you get on with Jamal and Ruby !

by Z&G

Monday 15 Oct 20:45

ooh, she looks lovely! wasn't immediately thinking of expanding our greyhound family, but she might be able to persuade us, now that Ruby's settled in well. I think there's a visit on the cards this weekend, if not before! ;-)

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by poppysmum

Sunday 14 Oct 19:19

I took Lola to the show today, she was perfectly behaved, both in the car and at the show, although a little overwhelmed with everything. Did not react at all to any of the other dogs, big or small. xxx

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by Jak'smom

Friday 12 Oct 22:18

You'll meet her in a kennells on the Coventry Road
Where they love their greys and the planes fly right over.
She'll walk up to you and she'll give you a wag.
And if you ask for her name she'll tell you her name is Lola L.O.L.A. Lola.
Well I'm not the world's most poetical sole but when you look in her eyes I know you'll fall for our Lola. L.O.L.A. Lola

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by rumblesmom

Friday 12 Oct 18:16

you are so lovely don,t think you,ll be waiting long little girl xx

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by Shanesmum

Friday 12 Oct 17:40

What a beautiful little girl she is. x

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by Jak'smom

Thursday 11 Oct 20:35

What a lovely little girl. Hope you find your home soon sweetheart xx

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by Deb

Thursday 11 Oct 20:03

The new picture is gorgeous she looks in really good condition and her coat looks amazing.She is so a pretty little girl and sounds like she has life sorted -retired at one!

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by Dan&Mikey

Thursday 11 Oct 14:09

she is so beautiful i hope she is cat friendly because she could find her forever home then xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 11 Oct 13:58

Lola is lovely, what a beautiful face! xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 10 Oct 13:49

Thanks so much for the information, found it very interesting especially as Twiggy only had three races and was disqualified in the third! x

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by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Wednesday 10 Oct 12:40

When you look at Serious Girl's comments on her race-card from her last race on Greyhound Data, it says 'DInt' (Deliberate Interference). My baby girl Emily was disqualified for exactly the same thing, so I was pleased to see skinnyme say that they'd seen Serious Girl trying to play during her race. I'd been trawling the internet for more information and it wasn't until recently that I realised what that abbreviation stood for (and it seems to cover all sorts of things), but knowing my girlie, she was doing exactly the same thing and essentially mucking about on the track trying to play, unfortunately, at the attempted expense of the winning dog next to her! From what I've been reading, as tiggersslave says, it doesn't seem to mean that it's a dog that 'fights' (couldn't really believe it of a Greyhound anyway!) but one who doesn't focus ahead on the race and as much as a quick look at your neighbour can get you banned for life. I've got the sweetest, funniest little girl, who has never so much as grumbled once in the time we've had her, but she is a playful little thing - seems to answer a lot in my mind! Mand x

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by tiggersslave

Wednesday 10 Oct 07:45

Hi Deb I think they are suspended from racing for a while depending on whether it's the first, second or third time they've 'fought' ... once they have been suspended a third time they have to have a trial at the track (to make sure they don't do it again) and be passed by the stewards before they're allowed to run again but if they fight a 4th time they're banned for life. I think 'fighting' can describe just turning their head to look at another dog tho obviously that can put off another dog running alongside them but the term 'fighting' doesn't mean what most people think of as dogs fighting .. and trying to play instead of racing isn't encouraged either :) J x

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by skinnyme

Tuesday 09 Oct 22:41

Hi Deb, we were at the track that night, sponsored race night, she wanted to play with one of the other dogs whilst running! Therefore disqualified and not allowed to race again. She was wise, now she has an early retirement in a loving home, who said greyhounds are daft!!

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by Deb

Tuesday 09 Oct 21:55

a bit of a daft question but what does a grey have to do to be disqualified and if they are from one race does that mean their racing career is over?

by skinnyme

Tuesday 09 Oct 20:32

Yes Emma it is her, I checked the race card.

by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Tuesday 09 Oct 16:44

Our little Emily was disqualified too - little minxes, they know just what to do to take a very early retirement! Mand x

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by Emma

Tuesday 09 Oct 15:56

I just don't think it's been linked to Greyhound Data yet, but if you go directly to it she's there

by Dan&Mikey

Tuesday 09 Oct 15:37

I don't think this little girl has had any races yet because there is no racing data about her on this page like the rest of the dogs have their race data record on it. :-)

by Emma

Tuesday 09 Oct 15:22

Jill - I think this is the little girl we saw at the track! She last raced on Sat 22nd Sept and was disqualified!