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About Me

Racing Name
Moyvane Hawk
Date of birth
01 mar 2009
Land of birth
IE Ireland
Land of standing
IE Ireland
Ear mark
Moyvane StarIE-SEP-02-BK
Family tree & race history


female, 15 years old, Black

Added by LadyVictoria

Updated: Thursday 11 Jan

Mo is a lovely girl who is a little shy until she knows you. She kennels great with other dogs and likes to have a fuss her trainer tells us.

Mo has had 0 cuddles today (50 all together).
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by Shanesmum

Tuesday 28 Jul 10:12

I am so, so sad to hear this news. I remember so well when she stayed with us for a week whilst foster Mum Clare was on holiday - she was a delight to have & it was lovely to see the gradual change in her as she started to overcome her nervousness. I am glad that she had such a lovely forever home and enjoyed her new life, but it is just so sad it was so short, it's so unfair. My thoughts are with Libby & Adam at this awful time. Run pain free now sweetheart. xxxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Monday 27 Jul 22:00

I am so so sad..... taken too young - run free little one xxxxxxxxx

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by helenanddave

Monday 27 Jul 21:50

Run free little Mo/Penny. Lots of hugs to your family. Xx

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by Jess&Koda

Monday 27 Jul 21:28

So sad, she was so young. Rest in peace Penny xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 27 Jul 21:01

So sad...God Bless little Mo. Thinking of her family. Xxx

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Monday 27 Jul 20:28

So very, very sorry to hear this. Another made their way to the Bridge far too soon. Love to you all, sorry to say far too many of us have travelled this painful road. Run free and pain free precious girl, run free. Xxxx

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by ClareInsightHounds

Monday 27 Jul 20:22

I'm so, so upset to have to say Libby and Adam have let us know that little Mo known as Penny has gone to Rainbow Bridge today. We fostered little Mo for a while before she found a home. She was a wonderful girl with a great personality. My thoughts are with Libby and Adam tonight. Run free over the bridge beautiful. Xx

by LadyVictoria

Friday 14 Dec 13:06

Good luck little Mo, got everything crossed for you. xxx

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by Stephers

Friday 14 Dec 11:26

Fingers crossed for your trial sweetie x

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by DivasMum

Thursday 13 Dec 20:27

Well done sweetheart, wonderful news x

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by ClareInsightHounds

Thursday 13 Dec 18:03

We are so happy for Mo. She is going to a home on trial Saturday. We have everything crossed for her.

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by susy

Thursday 13 Dec 18:00

Such great news for the lovely Mo.
Love to you form The New Icemaid Clan xx

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by Shanesmum

Thursday 13 Dec 17:37

Such fantastic news! This beautiful little girl has found her home just in time for Christmas - so pleased for her. xx

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by Jess&Koda

Thursday 13 Dec 17:36

Well done x

by ClareInsightHounds

Sunday 09 Dec 20:58

This morning I got up and gave our girls and Mo a fuss then let them all out in the garden as normal. I was starting to make a cup of tea when Mo started walking right behind me. I went to fridge, sink, cupboard everywhere Mo was right there. I turned around and bent down to her she licked me then pushed her head into me. She stayed there for a good 4-5minutes having a cuddle. She was trying to tell me she wanted a love. Just after this Jim came downstairs and she started following him an inch or so behind. I told Jim what had happened so Jim gave her a cuddle. After her cuddle she trotted off her bed, tail wagging and settled. She is such a character. Whoever becomes Mo's owner please note if she is walking right behind you it's her way of asking for a great big cuddle.

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by Shanesmum

Wednesday 05 Dec 18:17

Ah, that is fabulous to read - and making barking noises too, her confidence is definately growing. She is a real sweetie who is very clever and is obviously coming out of her shell now - so lovely. x

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by ClareInsightHounds

Tuesday 04 Dec 21:24

Mo was so excited about her upstairs adventure this morning just before she went upstairs she let out a little high pitched bark. Once she got upstairs she was in explore mode. One minute Mo was lying on the floor next to the bed. The next time I looked down I was missing half a Mo inch by inch she had crawled under the bed to conduct her investigations. I did have a slight panic thinking it was quite tight and I might have to take the bed apart to get her out again. However she is clever little cookie and backed herself out inch by inch the way she went in.

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by ClareInsightHounds

Sunday 02 Dec 20:00

We would like to say thank you to Mo's holiday foster family! It sounds like she had a great week! She ran to greet us and gave us a great big fuss when we picked her up from the kennels. She was so happy with both of her foster families fussing her.

We brought her back and she greeted Ellie and Josie our greys with her tail wagging. Mo loved her walk and remembered the feeding routine Ellie's bowl goes down first, then Josie's, then hers in the lounge. Considering how much Mo loves her food we were really impressed. Mo saw Tigger the cat and went to her bed again we were very impressed.
Mo learnt to climb the stairs last week so this morning was an adventure. She seemed a little unsure to begin with as soon as she saw Josie go up she was up too.
Our wardrobe has a full length mirror and this was fascinating for little Mo. After trying to walk though it 3 times she just stood for about 5minutes watching herself and moving her head from side to side with her ears pricked. It was so cute. Eventually she decided to come for a cuddle on the bed. She settled for a bit then saw me move in the mirror so went and lay down facing the mirror watching it. She is such a lovely girl with a great personality.

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by Shanesmum

Sunday 02 Dec 18:20

Hi Clareb & jim - hope the lovely Mo has settled back down with you. It was so lovely to see how excited she got when she saw you both yesterday, she really is a poppett and I just hope someone will see past her initial reserve and fall in love with her soon. All the best. x

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by Shanesmum

Saturday 01 Dec 10:27

Haha DivasMum - I shall look forward to seeing the lovely Freda again on pamper day and having a cuddle. Mo is going to be rechristened Mo the Destructor as she has been through 3 toys since she's been here, squeaky duck now has no feet! Bless!

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by DivasMum

Friday 30 Nov 23:09

Ooh if Mo is like my Fredanator I shall have to come for a cuddle on pamper day, still working him up to 4 ruth!

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by Shanesmum

Friday 30 Nov 18:31

The lovely Mo is packing her suitcase as her holiday with us is now coming to an end. We've had another lovely day today, and her cheeky personality is definately emerging. I opened the doggy cupboard to get her a biscuit, and she stuck her head in & helped herself to squeaky duck!! She ran off into the living room to play happily with it - and this is the same toy that frightened the life out of her on Monday when we squeaked it for her!! She loves her food and her treats, and will have a sniff at everything in sight (her sniff reminds me on the lovely Freda - although not quite as loud!!x), she is very curious and is gradually building her self confidence so that she will have a go at new things. We've loved having her, and I bet Clareb has missed her, but I'm sure we both wish she could find her own forever home very soon. xx

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by Shanesmum

Thursday 29 Nov 17:14

Well, what a difference a day makes. Last night we took Mo to Go Outdoors and, whilst she was obviously very wary of things, she was very well behaved and didn't turn a hair when a yappy little dog barked & lunged at her! This morning was such a lovely, crisp & bright morning that we went for a walk across the open area behind the garden centre where, although she didn't see any bunnies, she could certainly smell where they'd been and hugely enjoyed sniffing her way round the area in the sunshine. Breakthroughs continue, as this afternoon she watched Michael go upstairs and then put her paws on the bottom step but couldn't work pout what to do next! He showed her how to climb up each step, and she made it to the top and now goes up and down beautifully - I knew it wouldn't be long before curiosity overcame her timidity! Such a special day. x

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by caroline&Fred

Wednesday 28 Nov 14:58

what a fantastic shiney coat xxx

by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 28 Nov 13:24

She looks so beautiful on her new photo, look at that shiny coat! xxx

by Shanesmum

Tuesday 27 Nov 18:31

Mo's social life is definately being curtailed due to the awful weather!! We haven't been able to venture far over the past few days, and the garden is a bit like a boating lake - so we've sadly been stuck indoors. Fortunately she loves to play with her toys though, and has managed to destroy a cuddly lamb already! Clean overnight, she sleeps and eats well and is not an ounce of trouble. She is so inquisitive of everything that goes on, but still lacks that little bit of courage to investigate too far - sometimes running back to the sofa if she feels it's all too much, bless her! You can see she is desperate to find out what goes on upstairs, her fabulous ears go up and she has a good look, but is still reluctant to take that first step. She is a gorgeous girl, who just needs time and patience to reassure her that alls well. x

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by Shanesmum

Sunday 25 Nov 18:31

The lovely Mo has come home with us for a weeks holiday! She travels really well in the car, settles straight away and is quiet. She had a good sniff round when we got home, then spent some time sitting on the floor before venturing up onto the sofa. She enjoyed her tea (maybe the pilchards helped!) and has now settled in her basket whilst we have our own dinner. She is very shy and nervous, only to be expected as she gets used to her new surroundings, but I'm sure that with a bit of time she will learn that the big wide world isn't such a bad place, and that she is safe and loved. She is a real beauty. x

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by ClareInsightHounds

Wednesday 21 Nov 20:21

Mo is loving her new toy raggy. She decided to take raggy out in the garden with her when she went to the toilet this morning. Mo came in very proud of herself got to her bed then there was a look of horror on her face she'd left raggy in the garden in the rain. She raced outside to get raggy. Not wanting to lose raggy again Mo decided the safest place to leave raggy while she had a drink was in her water bowl. From her water bowl raggy went to her bed with her. We fortunalty managed to get raggy on the radiator while Mo was on her walk. She is such a character.

The really sad thing is Mo is not getting on well with Tigger the cat so we are having to keep her muzzled when we are not around. We would love for Mo to be able to find a home where she can play with toys all day long. If you know of anyone interested in Mo please get in touch.
Not only would they get to adopt the lovely Mo they would also get to adopt Raggy. Raggy is missing an ear, enjoys baths, adventures in the garden and spends most of his time amusing Mo or drying on the radiator.

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by Foggie

Monday 19 Nov 14:13

Sounds like one happy dog! x

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by ClareInsightHounds

Monday 19 Nov 13:06

Mo discovered one of Ellie and Josie's toys this morning and has decided to adopt it. She loves it!
We had Mo's morning dilema! She couldn't decide if playing with her toy or her walk was most important. She decided to play with her toy, then come to us with her toy still in her mouth to have her lead on, then she played with her toy right up until the door opened ready to go out. Then the walk won!

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by ClareInsightHounds

Sunday 18 Nov 16:18

We dropped Mo at Daybreaks for a few hours yesterday. We were told she went really shy again and we saw it when we picked her up. She was quiet in the back of her kennel she pricked her ears up when we called her but was very nervous again.
We got her home and after saying hello to Ellie and Josie, our greys, she stayed in her safe spot for about an hour. She was then back to normal following us around nosing at what we were doing. She loved her walk and after dinner came and spent the evening in the lounge with the rest of us.
We think she needs a special home as she needs someone to see past the nerves at the kennels. The Mo you see at the kennels and the Mo at home are so different.
She told us she wanted go to the toilet this morning and gave us such a welcome when we came downstairs. Tail going like mad, nugging us for a fuss, following us everywhere, getting as close to us as she possible could and then she licked us. She had her walk, then relaxed in the kitchen, followed us around for a bit, then had her breakfast and has been relaxing in the kitchen since. She is just starting to get excited about her walk. This is the Mo that knows you.

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by Shanesmum

Saturday 17 Nov 17:45

Met the beautiful Mo today, what a real poppett she is. This gorgeous girl is just longing for her new forever home. x

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by jim

Friday 16 Nov 13:05

Well it turns out that Mo is quite a character now that she feels comfortable with us. She has taken to running down the garden and then back through the house with our 2 and when excite about walks/food she jumps on and off the settee. She also loves curling up on the settee with us when we're watching TV. Considering how timid she was the transformation is amazing. She is very good with not going to the toilet in the house and will often avoid going in the garden if she can wait for her walk. She loves her food but will leave the other's food alone when we tell her no and just wait for hers to be put out. She will make a great addition to someone's family, she just needs to be given time to come out of her shell at her own pace.

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by ClareInsightHounds

Friday 16 Nov 10:35

Thanks kai&danny'smum Mo is really growing in confidence.
We've given her the nickname of 'puss in boots' because of her eyes. Mo has a way of tilting her head down and looking up at you with her big brown eyes which seem to grow each time she does it. If any of you have seen the shrek or puss in boots films you will know what I'm referring too. I've tried to capture a photo but it is not the same.
We are going to drop her at Daybreaks Saturday morning to give people the opportunity to meet her, she is such a lovely girl.

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by Danny'smum

Wednesday 14 Nov 09:38

Mo looks so much more confident and happy in the new picture. Clareb you are doing a great job with her (as do all the fosterers). It's so nice to see how these greys come on with all the help and love given :D

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by ClareInsightHounds

Monday 12 Nov 19:26

Mo was so excited when I got in this afternoon as soon as she saw me she was jumping up and down tail wagging like mad. We had a great big fuss. Then she did exactly the same with Jim when he got in. When we walked them Mo was so excited she had her coat on then kept trying to put head in Ellie and Josie's coats too.

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by ClareInsightHounds

Sunday 11 Nov 19:12

Thank you Shanesmum she is lovely! X

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by ClareInsightHounds

Sunday 11 Nov 19:09

Mo is gaining in confidence and is making us laugh every day. One of our greys Josie is quite a nervous girl she ended up at Daybreaks after been found abandoned, covered in scars, nervous and really skinny. Josie was a bit nervous of Mo to begin with but the two have become good friends they play in the garden together and Mo has taken to licking Josie's nose. We had an incident yesterday where Mo snapped at Tigger fortunately we were there to stop her. Tigger is fine and Mo did not get her. Then today when we came in from the walk Tigger was sitting on the stairs Mo saw her didn't want to come in the house and tried to get back out of the door. We gave Mo a knot toy today as we caught her licking the tv remote. She really enjoyed playing with it. She has come on so much and has so much to offer. We really hope she can find her permanent home soon. If you are reading this and like the sound of Mo please get in touch with Daybreaks. Ruth has our numbers and we are more than happy to tell you more about Mo.

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by Shanesmum

Sunday 11 Nov 17:56

jim & Clareb this is so lovely to read, she sounds like an absolute little treasure who is really starting to find her feet and relax into life at last. You are doing an amazing job with her. x

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by ClareInsightHounds

Friday 09 Nov 18:48

Whoops sorry for the last sentence I got nudged for a fuss and hit the add button .. I'm sure you get the gist.

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by ClareInsightHounds

Friday 09 Nov 18:45

We've had a major Mo breakthough... as a write this Mo is now lying on the settee next to Jim doing the grey legs in the air pose! Our two greys are here too.
She was clean again last night and today. She loves a fuss. Mo was muzzled as our cat decided to rub her head against her muzzle. Mo stood there for a while then wondered off. Mo has been playing with our greys in the garden.
I've just got up to let her out and as she came back in of ours out and she has just jumped up next to me for a fuss.

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by jim

Thursday 08 Nov 13:10

Mo has fitted straight back in at home, she actually tried to get us up early to let her out today but we don't want to make a habit of letting her out at 4 every morning, she must have decided to hold on as there were no accidents when we did eventually get up. This just shows how quickly she adjusts to life in the home, she realises that we will get up eventually. Also no accidents when we've been out at work all day. She seems to really enjoy running out into the garden with our 2 and is becoming more confident in approaching us for a fuss. Work continues with the cat, sometimes she won't look at her but sometimes she shows quite a bit of interest

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by DaybreaksRuth

Wednesday 07 Nov 08:20

Fantastic! Apart from initial nerves, she is doing so well! Thanks for having her again to help her along x

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by ClareInsightHounds

Wednesday 07 Nov 07:52

We had Mo back at ours last night. She appeared to recognise us when we picked her up and gave us quite a greeting. When we got home she went straight to her favourite spot and straight back into the routine. She was good with Tigger last night. She was very interested in Tigger this morning. We'll keep working with her. She was really confident again this morning.

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by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 06 Nov 11:09

Mo was at the kennels yesterday for a viewing and is back off to her foster home tonight. She is such a sweet girl who is gaining confidence.

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by jim

Monday 05 Nov 12:49

Good luck today Mo x

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by ClareInsightHounds

Sunday 04 Nov 18:39

That is brilliant to hear! Thank you for the update. X

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by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 04 Nov 17:38

Thanks so much Clareb for having Mo this week - it has done her the world of good! I have just got her home and she has trotted around confidently, gone out and toileted outside (even with fireworks going off) and settled down on the floor (not running to a cage to hide!). She is doing fabulous and I hope her viewing goes well tomorrow x

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by ClareInsightHounds

Sunday 04 Nov 17:31

Mo told us she wanted the toilet this morning and was clean all night again. I dropped a couple of Tiggers biscuits which she ate in front of Mo. Mo watched her but didn't leave her bed. She was in the lounge this morning with us, Ellie and Josie. Mo was really excited about her walk and breakfast. We dropped Mo back at the kennels she is staying with Ruth tonight as she has a potential new owner meeting her tomorrow lunchtime. She has come on so much in a week. I have to admit it I was a bit emotional after we left as she looked back at us as the shy, quiet Mo we met on day one. We now know her secret it's all just a front and once she knows you she'll show you what a lovely character is underneath. We hope her week in foster care increases her chances of finding her forever home sooner. We have everything crossed for tomorrow. Good luck Mo.

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by ClareInsightHounds

Saturday 03 Nov 10:59

Well we learnt a lot about Mo yesterday. I had a friend round last night Mo went shy and wouldn't leave her bed. This was like the first day we had her. I don't think the fireworks helped either but after my friend had gone Mo was back having cuddles. Jim had been out when he came home, she met him at the door tail wagging. She is so shy until you know her. She is continuing to work well with Tigger. She told us again this morning she wanted to go to the toilet. Mo is no longer scared of the Tv or the washing machine. This morning she was sniffing the tv and I put the washing in turned around to get the powder when I looked back she had her head in there! She is definitely growing in confidence!

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by Shanesmum

Friday 02 Nov 13:57

Sounds like she is doing so well, and will get used to being around cats. It's lovely to watch the change in them isn't it - such a great feeling. Keep up the good work. x

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by ClareInsightHounds

Friday 02 Nov 06:52

Day 5 in foster care and Mo is now greeting us and following us with her tail wagging rather than hiding in her bed. She will come into the lounge and have a fuss. Mo is telling us when she wants to go out to the toilet. We are continue to work with Mo and Tigger the cat. Mo is getting better each day with her. I wouldn't leave her without the muzzle around Tigger yet but it is only day 5. Mo watched Tigger in the kitchen this morning but did not leave her bed. I said leave it at one point and she looked away from Tigger striaght away. She is a quick learner and would make a great addition to someone's home.

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by ClareInsightHounds

Wednesday 31 Oct 07:41

We had a breakthrough last night and Mo spent the evening in the living room with us and our 2 greys. She showed some interest in Tigger last night but we've worked with her and she is doing a lot better this morning. Mo had an accident the first night but has been clean since. This morning we could hear her walking about by the back door and shaking. We came down and she went out. She is clean and learning how to tell us when she needs the toilet. Her personality is coming out she is a sweet cheeky little madam. She wants to come and have a sniff and see what we are doing now rather than hiding in her bed. Mo loves her food and eats well. She has never been a problem to walk but we've noticed an improvement she walks by our side more than in front now. She has still not mastered the stairs but watch this space .....

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by Shanesmum

Tuesday 30 Oct 07:15

Haha jim, I adore the way they all tackle the strange thing that is the stairs, what must it look like to them?! She'll work it out, particularly with 2 examples to follow, and then she'll be up and down at every opportunity!. x

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by jim

Monday 29 Oct 20:36

Mo doing well, we were both at work today and came back to no accidents which is good news. She's still extremely shy but her confidence is building, she really comes out of her shell on walks. She also forgets about being shy at dinner time, she loves food! She didn't quite have the confidence to come upstairs with our other 2 this morning although she did think about it but once her front feet got on the second step she couldn't work out what to do with her back feet!... we'll see how long it takes before she works it out.

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by Shanesmum

Monday 29 Oct 14:24

That's so lovely to read how well Mo is coming on in such a short space of time. Just goes to show that with time, patience and love - all things are possible. Keep up the good work. x

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by ClareInsightHounds

Monday 29 Oct 06:58

Mo was brilliant yesterday for our first day of foster care. As Jim said she is a lovely quiet girl. Mo travelled home great cuddled up with our 2 greys. She has ignored our cat Tigger. When she did look at Tigger we said leave it and she looked away. She found the Tv a bit loud so took herself off to her bed in the kitchen. She came in from time to time to say hello, have some praise and a tickle behind the ears. Mo was great when we went to see family for a couple of hours yesterday. In fact I'm not sure she left her bed for the 2 hours.
Mo loved her walk and has a fun little trot. She walked great on the lead with our girls (greys). Mo got very excited about her dinner and kept coming into the lounge while it was soaking to remind us it was there. She went to jump up side once we said no and she didn't try and do it again. She ate well and went back to her favourite spot.
This morning she ate her post op tablets wrapped in tuna out of our hands which is progress from yesterday when it had to be on the floor.
With the help of some treats she came when she was called this morning too. Mo is a real sweetheart and would make a great addition to someone's home. Mo is shy, loves praise, listens when you say no, appears Cat friendly.

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by jim

Sunday 28 Oct 12:09

Just got home with Mo for first day of fostering... She's having a sniff round and seems ok so far with the cat. She's a very gentle and quiet girl and seems reassured by a good fuss. Also went straight outside to go to the toilet which is good news! (It's frowned upon in the living room)

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by DivasMum

Friday 26 Oct 17:12

Bless you sweetheart, I know you'll be very happy with auntie Ruth and all at daybreaks x

by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 26 Oct 08:02

This gorgeous little girl was speyed yesterday and spent the night at our house. She has been very settled and quiet and likes the security of the crate which she comes out of when she thinks you are not looking! I am going to leave her at home in the warm today and keep an eye on her via the cameras! She ate her breakfast and has toileted outside - a real little poppet!

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