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About Me

Racing Name
Councillor Jack
Date of birth
09 aug 2003
Land of birth
IE Ireland
Land of standing
UK United Kingdom
Ear mark
Family tree & race history


male, 21 years old, Black

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Colin is good to walk, good with children and a true gent his trainer says. He would be suitable for an older couple.

Colin was at Daybreaks in May 2009.

Colin has had 0 cuddles today (26 all together).
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by grant&tracy

Saturday 30 Apr 18:56

Hi Folks! hope everybody is ok, Colin is sorry to hear about his pal "Wizard" - and says to keep his chin up - a new mum and dad will be along shortly! We'd help if we could but 2 dogs in our house is enough for us at the minute. Colin has been to the local vets to register today, had a weigh-in (a healthy 31.5kg), and is booked in for his dental on the 20th May - we were going to do it the week before but that would be friday the 13th..........hmm! Anyway, a big love to everybody at Daybreaks from Colin, Ellie and us! ps. Colin says can Ruth let him know when she secures the new "fenced off field" so he can have a nice safe run now and again? Cheers all! X X

by kallie

Monday 25 Apr 18:42

such a lovely update, thank you Colin for telling your mum and dad to let us know how you are doing will try and come and visit you all sometime soon. lots of love ...Ina xxxx

by grant&tracy

Monday 25 Apr 14:47

Hi Folks! just a quick hello and update from Colin - and us! Well, Colin is doing just fine and seems to be settling in well - and we feel like we've had him ages already. He really has made himself part of the family! He is an amusing chap with some very funny quirks! In the morning when he gets up and gives you a kiss to wake you, he then starts to "laugh"! - he opens his mouth, shows his teeth and makes a sort of laughing noise! very funny! - and when its time for a walk he bounces on the spot like a big Kangaroo and "laughs" at the same time! He gets on well with Ellie - which is a bonus of course!, we left him indoors with Ellie (muzzled of course) for an hour, and when we came back they were on the settee together! He also loves his walks round Barton Marina and doesn't appear to be at all bothered by the ducks and swans - what a good boy! He likes his Greyhound friends in the village too and always has a wagging tail for them! Bye from Colin , Ellie and us for now - will keep ya posted! X

by kallie

Wednesday 20 Apr 07:51

its wonderful to hear that he is doing well...he is such a sweet boy and i am so happy that he has gone to such a wonderful home. :-) xxxx

by grant&tracy

Tuesday 19 Apr 21:02

Hi there all Colin fans! just a quick line to say Colin is settling in very well so far (of course this will take time, but so far, so good) - he has been a couple of nice long walks today in the woods with little ellie, followed by some sunbathing together in the garden! He has been a very good boy and is quickly learning the ways of the household, loves his bed and spends lots of time in it! but is always excited when its "walkies!" - will keep ya all posted and will send some photos when we get chance - Colin sends his love and wants to thank everybody at Daybreaks for looking after him so well! and a big thanks from us too! X X

by lichfield_sam

Monday 18 Apr 20:52

so happy for you colin, enjoy your new home lots of love xxxxxxxxxxxx

by kallie

Monday 18 Apr 19:04

with a tear in my eyes i waved Colin off to his new home, he looked so happy in the car in his handsome new collar snuggled into his brandnew bed...he will have a lovely life and he will be given the love he good little man and hopefully i shall come and visit you and your little sis soon. xxxx

by grant&tracy

Monday 18 Apr 08:30

Its your big day today Colin! We are looking forward to bringing you home later - a nice new bed awaits you, and a big woods to walk round! So, we hope you'll like it, and your new girlfriend too - she's quite good looking so we think you wont mind! Be a good boy and we'll see you later darling! Big hugs from ya new mum and dad! X X

by Deb

Wednesday 13 Apr 08:17

Colin, how lucky are you a new pretty girlfriend and you get to hang out in the woods with a gang of greyhounds!
You really are onto a winner this time and it looks like you are going to have a well deserved new life.
Well done to Ellie and her mum and those greyhounds in the village who might have a part to play in convincing your new family to take you on.

by kallie

Tuesday 12 Apr 22:13

:-))) xxxx

by grant&tracy

Tuesday 12 Apr 17:35

Been to visit lovely Colin today to give him a fuss for ten minutes and a treat or two! He seemed nice and chilled out, think he had been for walk and had his dinner, and fancied a nap! He's looking forward to meeting his greyhound mates in the village, and says hi to Santa, Marty, Beau, Misty and Tilley! Have a nice evening Colin, see you soon! Be a good boy! x

by grant&tracy

Tuesday 12 Apr 08:10

Morning Colin! Hope ya doing ok lovely lad. I'll try and get across to the kennels today and pay you a visit if I can. I'll come and sit with you for a bit, might bring ya a treat if ya a good boy! soon be at home Colin! Cant wait to have you with us! also you'll be pleased to know I've booked the week off work So I can spend lots of time with you when you come home with us! Big hugs boy! X X

by Jones'

Monday 11 Apr 19:49

Met Grant & Tracey today - they only live down the road - glad they took our advice about taking a grey & look forward to meeting Colin on our walks in the woods - all the best from Santa & Marty ( Beau, Misty & Tilley )

by LadyVictoria

Monday 11 Apr 13:29

Hope it works out for you this time Colin, be happy! xxx

by lindylou

Sunday 10 Apr 17:24

Well done, Colin - so pleased for you! xx

by grant&tracy

Sunday 10 Apr 15:18

All went well today with our visit and the meet and greet between Ellie (our Bichon Frise!) and Colin couldn't have gone better! Colin seems a lovely lad and we are very much looking forward to bringing him home, we are sure he'll enjoy the country walks and in the winter, the log burner! Thanks to all the staff and helpers at Daybreaks for their help and advice. See you soon Colin! Big loves to you! X X

by kallie

Sunday 10 Apr 15:10

well done handsome boy, you have charmed Ellie and you will be going to your new home very very soon. i am so happy for you and for your new family. xxxx

by lindylou

Sunday 10 Apr 09:48

Keeping everything crossed for you, Colin! xxxx

by kallie

Sunday 10 Apr 09:01

i am keeping my fingers crossed that little Ellie will fall in love with you today as that will mean you will have a fab home to go to, homecheck has been done so it would be all systems at your very best behaviour and dazzle the little madam Colin. xxxx

by grant&tracy

Saturday 09 Apr 21:43

looking forward to visiting colin (and the others of course!) - we have heard good things about you boy, and we hope we can offer you a nice home - subject to our other dog's approval though! I'm sure she'll love ya! big hugs colin! X

by bestistdogs

Wednesday 06 Apr 21:25

Wishing the lad a speedy adoption ..... as with us humans we have to respect a dogs personal space .... hopefully a home won't be too long coming Jx

by Nes

Wednesday 06 Apr 08:15

I totally agree with Emma and Wispas mums comments. Good luck Colin, you're family are out there for you, be patient, hopefully for not too long! XXXXX


by Emma

Tuesday 05 Apr 21:18

It's so important for any dog to have their space respected and that goes for children of any age, and indeed adults too. I STILL have the poster of rules stuck up on my kitchen wall over 2 years after adopting Kevin! It serves as an important reminder to us all, and I also make my children's friends read it so they know not to disturb the dogs when they are eating, sleeping or resting. Good luck Colin xxx

by kallie

Tuesday 05 Apr 20:58

what a star, Colin gave blood today and was so good. :-) xxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 05 Apr 08:37

Colin is a fantastic dog..... with regard to children the rule is always for the children to respect the dog and in return the dog will respect the children. Dogs will only growl or bite if they feel threatened. It is so very important in the first few weeks of being in a new home that the dog is always given space and time to adjust to their new surroundings and those within it. I hope someone will find it in their heart to take him soon as he is quite stressed at the kennels and unfortunately the Boswell house is full to bursting at the moment :-(

by LizziS

Monday 04 Apr 20:35

I'm gutted that it didn't work out for us with Colin. The reasons were to do with him and our daughter not getting on too well. I want to tell everyone that he is a really fantastic dog, and for anyone that wants to rehome him you won't be disapointed. I would suggest that older children are a better choice with Colin, but where can I start about him:
He is house trained, walks fantastic on the lead, sits on asking, doesn't 'hound' you for food when you are eating. He came face to face with a staffie who wasn't very happy and did not respond at all, when a cat ran in front of him he didn't react; he does, howver respond to his name benson and his ears prick up and he looks straight at you . We left him alone in the house for 2 hours and he didn't touch a thing, not once accident at all, and no reaction to any of the household equipment. I have cried so much today, he really is a fantastic dog, just maybe not with young children. Please, please, anyone who wants a really fantastic dog, consider Colin... I promise you won't be dissapointed at all.

by kallie

Monday 04 Apr 16:40

gutted...what happened little man? will give you big cuddles tomorrow :-( xxxx

by Nes

Monday 04 Apr 16:26

why has he come back so quickly???

by LindaPaul

Monday 04 Apr 15:02

Poor, poor Colin. I'm so sad for him and really hope that he finds a new mum and dad very soon. Sending a big cuddle.
Linda x

by LadyVictoria

Monday 04 Apr 12:38

Oh no, how sad. Please give him a hug from me. xxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Monday 04 Apr 12:27

Colin sadly was returned today.....

by Winniethepooh

Monday 04 Apr 12:11

Oh no, thought Colin was reserved.....

by LizziS

Saturday 02 Apr 20:40

Well, Jensen (Colin) has been with us since 2pm today. It doesn't feel like he hasn't always been here. At one point, we had only been hom for 2 hours and we had 4 kids and 4 adults here. He was brilliant, not phased at all by the screaming kids. I can't believe that afetr only 1/2 a hour he as fast asleep on the setee. The kids love him, Mark and I love him. Hope this an only get better. Thanks Ruth for all your advice, and you were right he is a gentleman.

by Deb

Saturday 02 Apr 14:46

So pleased he didn't remain long in kennels I am sure he is one happy hound.

by KerryElliman

Friday 01 Apr 23:01


by kallie

Friday 01 Apr 20:04

so very happy for this lovely boy...way to go Colin. lots of love xxxx

by LadyVictoria

Friday 01 Apr 16:52

Wonderful to see Colin has been reserved! xxx

by Deb

Monday 28 Mar 11:05

Please please someone out there look at Colin, this is heart breaking for everyone and he needs to be back in a home ASAP.

by KerryElliman

Sunday 27 Mar 17:34

so gutted for colin ,he has seemed so fed up today ,i hope someone snaps him up asap

by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 25 Mar 06:17

Colin is arriving back on Sunday morning.

by fi-be-looking

Thursday 24 Mar 15:50

he deserves a cuddle . how sad xx

by kallie

Wednesday 23 Mar 19:23

poor little boy, but hopefully he will find a home soon. xxx

by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 23 Mar 13:33

That's a shame, poor lad. Sad for all concerned. xxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Wednesday 23 Mar 13:25

Colin is being returned due to a marriage break up and will be arriving back at Daybreaks soon.

by doubletrouble

Sunday 24 May 18:47

We met Colin today and he was gorgeous, so much so hopefully he will be coming to live with us soon! He had lots of cuddles from the kids.

by chloe94

Thursday 21 May 20:58

aww colin looks adorable and with 153 races he deserves a rest!

by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 17 May 16:31

Colin is such a sweetie - he seems good with children but I think he would find babies and the sounds they make a little intriguing - as would most dogs until they get used what is around them with positive training and yummy rewards!

by sharon2

Sunday 17 May 12:42

Colin is lovely and soft and kind, we met him yesturday and he wouldnt stop licking my husbands hand he was so sweet. Why on the comments does it say he would suit an older couple? would you consider rehoming him to a family with children?