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Dogs » Rose

by kallie

Friday 24 Apr 19:03

it sounds like she has found hor own bit of paradise, i am so pleased that she is happy and settled and that she is so obviously adored. it always gives me a lovely warm feeling when i have known the dog at the kennel to hear such lovely reports. Ina and the boys

Dogs » Claudia

by blondie161

Friday 24 Apr 18:08

Is she good with cats? We are going to come and have a look soon at all of the dogs but just wondering!

Dogs » Magic

by kallie

Friday 24 Apr 16:35

Ann and Willow, i also wondered whether my spoiled Rossi would accept another greyhound but it was no problem at all, he likes having his own kind around as well as having Monty dog. Magic has met Monty and she was certainly VERY curious as to what he was but i have no doubt that she would learn to accept other breeds given a bit of time and training. generally dogs and hounds seem to like having a canine companion and i am sure if you were to take Willow to meet Magic and go for a walk with the two of them and have them spend some time in the run together you'll soon tell if they are happy to be together. why not give it a go, it would make Magic's life truly magical if she found a loving home soon. Ina

Dogs » Magic

by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 24 Apr 12:08

Magic is great with dogs she chooses to be nice to! She is a lovely little girl but FULL of personality........ xxxx

Dogs » Magic

by Willow&Ann

Thursday 23 Apr 18:53

I'd love to have her, but worry what Willow would think and can I really cope with two? How's Magic getting on with other breeds of dog?

Dogs » Magic

by Amy&Monty

Thursday 23 Apr 15:32

Yes Yes Yes!
I'm sure Willow would LOVE a little sister ;)
Magic is wonderful, and I too can't understand why she hasn't been snapped up yet.
Go know you want her ;)

Dogs » Rose

by Winniethepooh

Thursday 23 Apr 15:30

Just a quick update on Rose.

The six weeks she has been with us have flown by. Her character is coming out all of the time, she is a lively girl and was even more livelier this morning when she spotted a cat by our patio. She has took to taking my slippers and putting them on her bed, she doesnt chew them or anything just leaves them there. Rose loves a walk in the park and meeting other dogs. She loves her food particularly the occasional sausage. She is very loving and greets us with a very waggy tail when we get back home.

She is very fussy though about her bed, it has to be just right to sleep on otherwise we hear her at night tossing and turning.

All in all she has settled in well to her new home.

Dogs » Magic

by Willow&Ann

Thursday 23 Apr 08:41

Hello! (First big mistake) I keep looking at the Daybreaks website and I keep looking at Magic, she looks so lovely I can't believe she hasn't been snapped up yet. My second big mistake was looking at Magic's family tree, turns out she and Willow have the same Dad! ... I wonder if Willow would like a little sister ... ?!?!

Dogs » Honey (Sally)

by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 23 Apr 07:57

She grabbed the toy dog at the kennels and had fun jumping on it so we won't be taking her for a cat test!!!!

Dogs » Honey (Sally)

by blondie161

Wednesday 22 Apr 18:44

Is she good with cats?