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Dogs » Barney

by funky

Wednesday 22 Apr 17:21

hi ruth and everyone at the kennels, just thought i'd update you on how barney rubble is doing. he has settled so well and hasn't made a sound from day 1 and has had no toileting accidents either from day 1. its like hes always been here. we had my mums dog over for 5 days and he was a perfect gentleman with her. she however was a bossy little madam but he just ignored her completely when she was in one of her "bossy moods" and left her to it! he loves his food, has put on over 5 kilos and his coat is lovely. he just loves his toys and flings them all over the place. hes very often found surrounded by them completely crashed out!
he loves to sleep upside down with his teeth out and manouvers his way around the wall to get comfy! he hasn't attempted to get on the sofas at all although he is more than welcome too. hes alittle shy like that. give him time!bet he'll be on them before we know it!
out and about hes generally very good and has plenty of doggy friends, hes still a little excitable around the smaller furry ones, hes fine until they scoot off and then he tries to chase after them, hes getting there though, hes very responsive to his training and will listen. he said a very nice hello to a westie yesterday. with time and training he will come on, we are sure. hes a good lad and he will be off on his hols very soon to skeggy! hes a dream in the car. so all in all hes a loving, funny, happy go lucky lad who really loves life and his home comforts, hes very loyal and a big fusspot! him and floydy are best buddies and he looks to floyd for guidance. floyd is an excellent role model, hes fab around all dogs and very calm and relaxed, barney definately looks up to his big brother!

Dogs » Toby

by kallie

Tuesday 21 Apr 20:50

thanks so much for asking how my little man is, he's fine, always was, just his silly mum panicking, bless him, he's got such a pain threshold which just confirms how awful his life was before he came to Daybreaks. he is doing wonderfully well, weighs 35.5 kg now and absolutely loves every dog he meets, he played with a 12 weeks old cocker spaniel pup yesterday and you've never seen anything so sweet and gentle in your life. Toby seems very happy and contented and he is slowly losing his fear of people. it'll take a little while yet but he's getting there. he is most certainly a much loved boy and i simply an't imagine my life without him. Ina x

Dogs » Toby

by bluepeter

Tuesday 21 Apr 13:51

I hope Toby is feeling better now. You were obviously meant to be Toby's guardian angel and I can't think of a better person. To hear that he is off lead and enjoying himself is wonderful because I remember the petrified Toby. Now he is content and amongst friends. Thank you.

Dogs » Buster

by bluepeter

Tuesday 21 Apr 13:45

Glad to see Buster has gone to a good home but then who could not resist that face looking up at you!! Give him a kiss and a hug from Blue's mom(Blue has the same grandfather as Buster).

Dogs » Poppy

by Amy&Monty

Tuesday 21 Apr 12:47

One of the sweetest little things! Such a lady when she came out with Sparky, she'd make a wonderful pet.

Dogs » Rocket

by Amy&Monty

Tuesday 21 Apr 12:39

My mum fell in love with Rocket, but he is way too big for our house. If it was possible, she would have reserved him right away!
Hope he's doing okay and nothing was wrong with him when we saw him.

Dogs » Lydia

by Amy&Monty

Tuesday 21 Apr 12:38

Lydia is amazing!
Such an affectionate little girl with a sweet face!

Dogs » Phoebe

by Amy&Monty

Tuesday 21 Apr 12:37

Aw, she has such a cute face! I'm sure she'll be snapped up in no time, though i hope i get to meet her if we pop down again.

Dogs » Ellie (Kelly)

by Chloee

Sunday 19 Apr 18:21

Kelly is the most gorgeous little girl, but has a massive personality.
If i was allowed another dog, she would be the one for me.
When she left the kennels this morning, I cryed!
But i know coming here is the best for the little lass, Hopefully she will find a great home really soon.
Good Luck Kelly

Dogs » Badger

by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 19 Apr 18:10

Badger has gone to live with Ruth the greyhound!