How much would you like to donate?
We rely on our regular supporters to give the best possible care to the Greyhounds in our care. Have you considered becoming a monthly supporter for Daybreaks?
Monthly / One off payment
£10 gives a collar and lead to a newly homed Greyhound
£15 would feed one of our Greyhounds for two weeks
£30 would give one of our Greyhounds their vaccination booster.
A few costs:
- The average dental costs us approximately £800
- To keep our dogs warm and cosy during the winter costs £1,000 per month
The demand for our services continues to rise. The impact of COVID and the ongoing cost of living crisis has resulted in a decrease in the number of dogs being rehomed.
Dogs are remaining in our care for longer, limiting the number of Greyhounds we can help.We need your help today.
Donate now to support our Greyhounds today, tomorrow and in the future.

Ways to Give
Don’t know what to give? How about picking something from our Wishlist?
Other Donations
We accept all kinds of donations, but here are a few things that we’re always in need of…
- Tinned fish… sardines and pilchards are their favourite!
- Tinned dog food
- Single and double duvets (not feather filled), covers and pillows
- Blankets
- Dog Treats
- Dog puzzle games
- Items we could sell to raise funds, if you think we could sell on an item, please give us a call to ask us.
To arrange to donate any items please give the Kennels a call to arrange a suitable time