Meet Daphne

Three year old Daphne is the model greyhound. She is friendly and amenable to humans, and has a nice lady like trot when she walks, not that even notice she is on the lead as she doesn’t pull at all! She gets on with other greyhounds and takes treats gently. Although we don’t know what she is like with other breeds, as she is small and manageable we think Daphne would be great for a first time owner.

What is the catch we hear you ask? Daphne can be an absolute DIVA when it comes to things like nail clipping or teeth cleaning. This can sound quite alarming to someone who is not well versed GSD – the Greyhound Scream of Death. She decided racing wasn’t for her as any slight niggle like a stubbed toe sounded like her leg had been broken in five places! She can sulk especially around meal times if she thinks you have been mean to her, so any prospective owner better be prepared to kiss it all better!

  • Age (yrs)


  • Status

    I’m Homed

Greyhound Details

  • Racing Name

    Phyllis Choice

  • Gender


  • Colour


  • Date of Birth

    February 19, 2021

  • Ear Mark

    AUN XY

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