Welcome to Daybreaks Talk
Welcome to the Comments Page! Here, you’ll find a chronological collection of all the comments shared by our community about the greyhounds looking for their forever homes, our events, and other updates. It’s a wonderful space to see what others are saying, share your thoughts, and be part of the conversation as we work together to find loving families for these amazing dogs.
This page also highlights the incredible efforts of our dedicated volunteers, whose love and commitment make everything we do possible. From caring for the dogs to organizing events and fostering a supportive community, our volunteers are at the heart of Daybreaks. Their passion and hard work ensure that every greyhound receives the attention, care, and second chance they deserve.

Over the Rainbow Bridge
Hello Kevin, we are both really glad that you are happy in your new home, after all we are all special and we all deserve the best. good luck and maybe we will meet up at Daybreaks sometime soon, love and licks, Rossi, Toby, Monty (and our mum Ina and dad Paul.)
Posted by kallie on February 27, 2009, 7:40 pm | 👍 0 Likes
Ged (Zion)
I’m Homed
It's such a good job that we haven't added a "Buy It Now" button! He's lovely.
Posted by Steve_F on February 27, 2009, 10:12 am | 👍 0 Likes
Over the Rainbow Bridge
Hi Kevin Fantastic to hear from you. You lucky boy. Bet you are enjoying the school run, all those cuddles from the little people. You certainly seem to have found your dream home. Keep up the good work. It gets even better with time believe us. lots of love Susie, Sammie, Dino and not forgetting our mum Pam xxxxx
Posted by PamD on February 24, 2009, 2:18 pm | 👍 0 Likes
Over the Rainbow Bridge
Hi Ruth and the gang, it's Kevin here! It's been less than 48 hours so I don't want to jinx anything just yet, but I think I might be liking it here! I had a difficult first night as I cried because I was in a strange house and missed Vicky and Johnnie (my foster mum and brother) but I was as good as gold last night and the Kong seemed to help! My new mum and dad said they weren't going to change my name, but they have - they are now calling me "Go-wee-wee-Kevin". Strangely, they started calling me this every 5 mins after I piddled on the conservatory floor - well how was I supposed to know?? I love doing the 'school run' (weird - it's more of a 'school walk'?) as I get a queue of little people and their owners waiting to stroke me. I think Monty the cat wants to be friends with me as we sniff each other though the gate, and there's a rumour that there is another cat living here too, but I haven't seen her yet - apparently she's still hiding under the bed. I met a little Scottie dog yesterday who scared me at first, but then I decided to be brave and walked with him up the road and now I think he might be my friend too. I am learning to let my new mum out of my sight without crying and I even let her go out on her own for 20 mins today - she was very good and came back when she said she would! Anyway, I better go as I ought to have another nap - it's a hard life you know! Love and licks, Kevin xxx
Posted by Emma on February 24, 2009, 11:02 am | 👍 0 Likes
Over the Rainbow Bridge
Wolfy arrived back at the kennels on Saturday, and as his foster carers could not handle him with other dogs being such a strong boy, we decided to start some 'serious' training with him. He loved Elmdon Park and wasn't bothered by the ducks. He barked at a couple of small fluffy dogs and got to meet 2 German Shepherds. The owner of the Shepherds was lovely and allowed Wolfy to sniff them as he was very excited to see them at first! Back at the kennels he spent time with Cracker (pictured) and he eventually fell asleep on the sofa in the run after such an exciting day!
Posted by DaybreaksRuth on February 24, 2009, 8:03 am | 👍 0 Likes
Over the Rainbow Bridge
Hi Ruth, Tom here. Just wanted to let you know that things are going quite well. The strange two in the photo that came are OK, they keep fussing me and feeding me, but my new friend Dreamer is lovely. She does steel my bed a bit though, but that's OK, we just swap. I really like my new home and am being a good boy - I get lots of food and go out on quite a few walks, though they do get up a bit early. Just wanted you to know I am OK and thanks for looking after me. Lots of love..... Tom XX (& Dreamer too lick lick)
Posted by SamA on February 23, 2009, 9:05 pm | 👍 0 Likes
Over the Rainbow Bridge
Hello again! That sounds very nasty cut to Wolfy's paw, poor Wolfy. It looks like you have done a good job with Wolfy, he doesn't seem at all bothered by the Staffie. Is he a good boy in the house now? I think he has a very good chance now of getting a wonderful home. Well done, and i hope his progress continues. 😀
Posted by ChloeBiggs on February 23, 2009, 8:45 pm | 👍 0 Likes
I’m Homed
Hello everyone just a quick update on Toby. he was checked over and registered with our vet last week and behaved ever so well. we weighed him and he was 34.1kg which means he had put on weight and is looking really well. he has now found his appetite and his voice especially when he sees a fox on our 5 am morning walk, boy can he move when he wants to. the rest of the time he loves lounging on 'his sofa' 9 times out of ten with all four legs in the air and his tongue hanging out. i just went past the vets on our way home from the park and popped him on the scales again and he's now 34.3 kg so i am very pleased with his progress. will keep you posted and hope to send you some more pictures soon. love Ina xxx ( and the boys )
Posted by kallie on February 23, 2009, 6:15 pm | 👍 0 Likes
Penny Girl
Over the Rainbow Bridge
Hi Avril, I am very pleased to hear Penny is doing so well. After the sadness she has been through, she needs a lot of TLC. Well done to you for helping her at her sad time. Please keep in touch.
Posted by DaybreaksRuth on February 21, 2009, 7:19 am | 👍 0 Likes
Over the Rainbow Bridge
Hi there - Jack is an eager boy but I always say 'never say never'. I have detrained my greyhounds - two of which were VERY keen when I had them and they ended up being off the lead and unmuzzled so it can be done but it takes a lot of time and patience with a few of them. If you fancy a challenge - he would be the one!
Posted by DaybreaksRuth on February 21, 2009, 7:11 am | 👍 0 Likes
I’m Homed
this photo is a corker, i just love his big cheesy grin. well done Gorgeous George, way to go!!!! love Rossi and Toby ( oh Yeah and their mum Ina xxx)
Posted by kallie on February 19, 2009, 6:25 pm | 👍 0 Likes
Over the Rainbow Bridge
Hiya Ruth Jack is the half brother to one of our girlies...do you think he could be detrained to live with small furries or is his prey drive too strong??
Posted by Nixy on February 18, 2009, 8:50 pm | 👍 0 Likes
Over the Rainbow Bridge
Hello Chloe. Wolfy started limping. After a trip to the vets it was felt he had something in his pad possibly picked up during one of his many walks from the kennels. His pad was cut open 3 ways during the operation and hence we knew this would take a while to heal. Trying to keep his dressing dry was a nightmare so this is why he was fostered. He is doing really well in his foster home, his pad is now healed - his only problem is he not good with other breeds of dogs so his foster family are helping him by training him - I am sure he will find a home very soon!
Posted by DaybreaksRuth on February 17, 2009, 9:11 am | 👍 0 Likes
Over the Rainbow Bridge
How did Wolfy do this to his paw too? Yes Wolfy is a big boy but when spent some time with he knows to trust you. After his meal he used to rub his head up your leg to clean his face and when you are stroking him he would lean his head on you! He came form the same kennels as Gem and they used to be kennelled together. Wolfy really deserves a good home as he has been with you for a quite a long time know and he needs to be given a chance!I know this because i used to handle him when he used to be at our kennels aswell. Chloe
Posted by ChloeBiggs on February 16, 2009, 3:44 pm | 👍 0 Likes
Over the Rainbow Bridge
how wonderful to see Kevin has found someone to love him, great news and good luck kevin you deserve it. xx
Posted by kallie on February 16, 2009, 9:37 am | 👍 0 Likes
I’m Homed
So glad gorgeous George is doing so well! If you email a photo to me I can add it for you 🙂
Posted by DaybreaksRuth on February 16, 2009, 9:20 am | 👍 0 Likes
I’m Homed
Well we've had George for 2 weeks now and I honestly can't remember what life was like without him. He came home with us and just fitted in to our routine, making no fuss at all about being fed and pampered like a king. He and Gypsy are the best of pals, haven't had any tiffs so far instead their constantly cuddled up on their sofa together, usually on their back with legs in the air. George is hilarious, such a character, he likes to sleep upside down with his head hanging over the sofa, tongue hanging out and baring all his teeth, he just looks like he's got the biggest smile on his face. But even though they get on so well together, their both still eager for cuddles with us too, which is great. The scar on his face is hardly recognisable now as the furis growing over it and he's looking more hansome by the day. When I fathom out how to put a picture on this page, I will, then anyone can see why I call him my Gorgeous George.
Posted by George&Gypsy on February 15, 2009, 7:51 pm | 👍 0 Likes
Over the Rainbow Bridge
Hi Chloe, Gem cut her foot tearing around the run with her toys! She is at my house until her foot is better and then she is off to a lovely new home very soon
Posted by DaybreaksRuth on February 15, 2009, 3:16 pm | 👍 0 Likes
Over the Rainbow Bridge
Its fantastic to see someone has given this awesome boy a home. Go Kevin! xx
Posted by Jo on February 14, 2009, 8:18 pm | 👍 0 Likes
Over the Rainbow Bridge
How did Gem do this to her foot? I hope she gets a well deserved home, she is a lovely playful girl, she used to live at the kennels i worked at you see. 😀
Posted by ChloeBiggs on February 13, 2009, 8:30 pm | 👍 0 Likes