Tiggy came from a trainer at Perry Barr track.  She never raced as she was born with a deformed leg and she underwent 3 operations to straighten it.  Tiggy's Momma was retired at the same time and they live together happily in a home.  

Many greyhounds that retire from racing from Perry Barr Track are transferred to Daybreaks Trust Kennels whilst waiting to find a home.  It costs around £6 per dog per day to keep them there , in addition to veterinary fees incurred.  This costs Daybreaks Trust thousands of pounds each month.  

Tiggy's Tribe is trying to raise enough money to cover the costs that this generates and therefore needs your help. 

You can pay a one-off amount, or pay by standing order .  The scheme is flexible so you can donate as much as you want, and as often as you please.

The more money raised - the more greyhounds that Daybreaks can help.

If you would like to support Tiggy with her fundraising to help Daybreaks, you can either send your donation to

Tiggy's Tribe, c/o Daybreaks Kennels  10 Coventry Road  Elmdon  Birmingham  B26 3QS (if you would like a receipt please enclose a SAE)

or you can make a donation simply by scanning the QR code below..... it's so easy!