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Any pets, including Greyhounds can be terrified of loud noises. Fireworks, storms, thunder and lightening may scare your dog. Don't leave them alone if possible. Comfort and reassure them until the noise has passed. During firework season, take your greyhound out for their walk before dark. Draw the curtains at dusk and put the radio or television on.

Your greyhound will look to you for your response to the sounds so try not to react. Let your dog go to where it feels safe and do not keep pampering them - they will only respond more to the noises around. DAP© diffusers, available from your local vets are very good at calming your greyhound. Alternatively seek medication from your vet, if the firework season causes undue distress. 
Prior to the firework season, you can prepare your greyhound by buying a 'Noise Phobia CD or cassette'. This imitates the sounds of fireworks and should be played at a very low level for a couple of days. Gradually increase the volume of the CD over a few days and your greyhound will become used to the strange noises and hopefully begin to show no fear when hearing them.

FireworksAny pets, including Greyhounds can be terrified of loud noises. Fireworks, storms, thunder and lightening may scare your dog. Don't leave them alone if possible. Comfort and reassure them until the noise has passed. During firework season, take your greyhound out for their walk before dark. Draw the curtains at dusk and put the radio or television on.

Your greyhound will look to you for your response to the sounds so try not to react. Let your dog go to where it feels safe and do not keep pampering them - they will only respond more to the noises around. DAP© diffusers, available from your local vets are very good at calming your greyhound. Alternatively seek medication from your vet, if the firework season causes undue distress. 

Prior to the firework season, you can prepare your greyhound by buying a 'Noise Phobia CD or cassette'. This imitates the sounds of fireworks and should be played at a very low level for a couple of days. Gradually increase the volume of the CD over a few days and your greyhound will become used to the strange noises and hopefully begin to show no fear when hearing them.