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About Me

Racing Name
Droopys Angie
Date of birth
01 mar 2010
Ear mark

Angel (Angie)

female, 14 years old, Black

Added by Jess&Koda

Updated: Wednesday 03 Jan

Angies trainer says she is a little shy at first but once she gets to know you is a very happy girl, loves smiling! would suit a home with older children.

Angel (Angie) has had 0 cuddles today (15 all together).
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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 09 May 22:19

Wonderful to hear how much your little Angel has changed since you first took her home...:)) Xxx

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by katev

Friday 08 May 09:43

Can't quite believe that we have had this little nutcase for nearly a year now. She has changed so much from the little dog who was so nervous to start with that we had to bring both her water and food to her bed and hold them for her. She gets more and more confident by the week and after having recently discovered the joy of leaping onto the bed in the morning for a quick snooze beside us - she did her first roach this week (only a short one) but suspect it will not be the last. She was also doing zoomies in the garden with Ria at 6am today before all 4 of them came flying up the stairs like a herd of elephants and flopping on their beds. Her nickname is the prancing pony as she is very good at high stepping and likes to play by dancing from one front paw to another, whilst trying to nibble you. All in all she is an adorable nutcase with the biggest personality (and the softest coat in the world!)

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by katev

Sunday 04 Jan 18:22

Always feels slightly surreal when deliberately cooking your toddlers dinner and the dogs Sunday treat in one big pan but they all love cheesy pasta, especially this little lady who cannot shovel it down fast enough, she beats the other three greys (plus the toddler) by miles! Now in her coat all ready for bed.

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 28 May 14:35

This really is great news...Angel sounds like one very happy little girl! Xxx

by RadagastTheBrown

Wednesday 28 May 10:30

What a difference 2 weeks has made to our Angel. Don't get me wrong, she can still be nervy and spook easily but this little bundle of energy is definitely starting to come out of her shell. She is totally mad, has so far destroyed 3 chew toys and can make our other nutter butter, Tilly, look staid and reserved!!

She will normally follow wherever Tilly goes but spent last night sleeping upstairs on her own and now is sleeping at my feet in the lounge whilst Tilly is on her bed. All in all, she is a bouncy, waggy, nippy, lovely dog.

Happy Days xx

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by RadagastTheBrown

Tuesday 13 May 08:29

Morning all. I can report a fairly quiet night with only a few growly growls heard. These all came from Angel as Tilly is still trying to use her as a pillow and she's just not ready for that yet. I got a nice 'good morning' stretch from Angel when I let them both into the garden at 10 to 5 this morning and Kate got some nudges and even a few wags of the tail from her at breakfast time. xx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 12 May 21:41

Can't think of a better name for this sweet little girl! It was a pleasure to meet you all today, I am sure Angel will have a very happy life with you. Xx

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by RadagastTheBrown

Monday 12 May 20:05

Quick update on Angel (Angie's new name). She is currently laid on her bed with Tilly laying on her. Not certain Angel is too thrilled with the arrangement..... Been out for a nice long walk with the 2 of them side by side with no problems whatsoever. As to be expected, she has barely left her bed whilst we've been in the house but has popped her head round the kitchen door a couple of times and even ventured (very briefly) into the lounge.

Must be very disconcerting for her, what with 2 strange adults, a toddler, another dog and even a cat in an altogether unfamiliar environment so, all in all, I reckon that's a pretty positive start. Best of all, she's already had a wee & a poo in the garden. Yay!!! ;0)

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by Snipe

Monday 12 May 16:26

I'm really pleased for her. Such a pretty girl :-) xx

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by blueangel

Sunday 11 May 22:04

Well done Angie be happy xxx

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by Lewisfuggie

Sunday 11 May 19:26

Angies new family are FAB and they totally understand that this little girl needs time and they are more than willing to give it her. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for that you are such a FAB couple. Angie you just chill now, this will be your forever home. I feel it. x

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by Shanesmum

Sunday 11 May 16:02

Amazing news Angie, well done. xx

by RadagastTheBrown

Sunday 11 May 14:26

Hi Angie, can't wait for you to see your forever sofa tomorrow! You melted our hearts when we met you today and you got on so well with Tilly too. As for your nervousness, we can let you into a secret- Tilly had been returned from a home too and was really nervous when we got her so you just take all the time you need to feel at home. No pressure. xx

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by Jess&Koda

Sunday 11 May 12:58

Well done Angie xx

by LadyVictoria

Sunday 11 May 08:02

So sorry muddy paws! Angie had been out on trial but sadly the family didn't feel their home was right for her. She is a very sweet and lovely girl and I am sure the perfect home will be hers soon. Hope this makes you less befuddled and bewildered! Kate Xxx

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by muddypaws

Sunday 11 May 00:09

Confirmation AT LAST !!!!! Thank you Kate !!!!! l can now cancel my bed at Green Meadows Home for the Befuddled and Bewildered !!!!! You made me wait long enough for an answer naughty girl ! Phew...l feel 20 years younger already. X

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 10 May 23:14

Sad things didn't work out for Angie this time. Xxx

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by muddypaws

Saturday 10 May 20:48

Right...OK...l see!!! l'd better start googling Care Homes in the Birmingham area.....see if l can find a place!!! Just sitting here watching Eurovision...with my bag of Worthers Original and a mug of hot Cocoa!! :-) See what you've all done to me!!

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by Snipe

Saturday 10 May 20:29

Poor Angie. You look so frightened! Hopefully you'll soon find a sofa x

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by muddypaws

Saturday 10 May 19:14

Angie was in a home was'nt she??? Or have l imagined it??? Could someone me that this is'nt old age creeping up on me!!!!!

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by muddypaws

Saturday 10 May 17:15

So sorry to see little Angie back at kennels. What went wrong...was it her nervousness?? Don't worry sweetheart... l'm sure you won't be back for long !!! XXX

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by michelleandbertie

Tuesday 18 Mar 09:28

I think it's always worth remembering where these hounds come from, for most of their lives there world is a small one, apart from when they go racing and then taken in a back of a van, most of the time is spent in a relatively small environment.
A bird that as spent sometime in a cage won't come out even with the door left open.
We have a situation at the moment with Blade, for the last six years he as lived in an urban environment and now finds himself in the country. Most people would think great, but to Blade WTF,very strange smells everywhere, small fury things that pop up out of no where and scare the poo out of you, not to mention big things with horns not to far away, they look very mean.
So for the first couple of months he stuck close to Bertie and Bertie did a great job showing him the ropes, and slowly he started to become his own man and explore his new environment and you could see him really beginning to enjoy his new life. Now the crops in the fields have started to appear, so for the next few weeks we are surrounded with bird scarers banging off every half hour or so. Poor old Blade finds them all to much and will hardly come out of the house, given time and space he will come to learn alls ok.
Bertie, in the beginning when he was on his bed, half a sleep you could not go to close, he was liable to wake and growl and while raising his head Startled if your face or hand was in range he may of caught it with his teeth, some would then have said he bit me. Which if cause he hadn't, it's his way of saying leave me alone. Michelle was always distressed by this, because with our last boy Charlie she would spend her evenings on the floor using Charlie as a pillow and no way with the Bert, to risky.
But now due to time, I can report Michelle is once again spending her evenings on the floor with a four legged cushion.
It takes time for us to trust, and let's face it for a lot if us that trust as been misplaced at times, so we can't expect a grey to give us their trust over night, we have to earn it.
That takes time.

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by John/jenny

Tuesday 18 Mar 08:12

Thanks everyone for your encouraging comments. This week so far she does appear to be a bit better, starting to come to you when you walk in the room and even ventured into the living room last night albeit for a split second but it's all positive and in the right direction. Let's hope she has no scares as that seems to set her back by weeks.

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by ClareInsightHounds

Tuesday 11 Mar 11:02

Hi John/Jenny, you have some great advice there that I could only echo. We adopted Belle in Dec who would hardly leave her bed, was unsure of her coat, was scared of doorways and hated the car. It's taken time and small steps but now she comes to us for a fuss, runs at her coat and puts her head straight in, races through doorways and jumps in the back of car. (Most of the time). The training classes really helped us. See the left of the website. The first class Belle was so nervous she hardly moved but now she does great recalls and her tail goes mad when she knows it is training time. It's helped our relationship and she trusts me more.
We also learnt about games we play of a evening where she looks for treats under plastic beakers. It really helped her confidence to the point she was on the stand at Crufts the weekend. I'd really recommend the training I have learnt so much which helps my greys. I love dogs like this it is so rewarding every little breakthrough melts my heart. She sounds amazing and is lucky to have such a caring family.

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by missfifi

Tuesday 11 Mar 07:43

Hi John and Jenny, a week is such a teeny weeny amount of time. Caro and Sam are so right....let angie meet the world in her own way and in her own time. It's a scary place. Her chum will help to show her the way but she has to ease herself into her new lovely life in her own way. Daisydog still heads for her basket when she spies strangers (which is still really anyone but me!) in the house. Important I think not to disturb her in her basket. Its should be like her own panic room - no one can get in and she chooses when to come out. Daisydog used a thundershirt for several months and some ttouch therapy - ask auntie ruth - which really helped too. Hugs from the seaside. xx

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by Caro

Monday 10 Mar 22:25

Hello John/Jenny, I have had Jed since 23rd Dec 2013 and he still likes his 'safe zone' namely his bed and is only now gradually coming into the lounge to say 'hello' of an evening, although noises on the TV will often see him scuttling back or in the case of Crufts the opposite welded to the TV - i've not pressed him and he's doing it in his own time, so don't worry it will come.

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by SamA

Monday 10 Mar 22:11

Hi John/Jenny, it just takes time and love. Robbie is very similar and is very scared of everything that's not natural, he loves being in the park but on the street he tries to walk into the road to avoid postboxes or anything. We are just working with him and showing him we are here and giving him loads of praise. Anyone who saw us Sunday morning would think we were daft we made such a fuss of him when he sniffed a grit bin. Sam

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by John/jenny

Monday 10 Mar 20:49

Thanks Wispa's mum, Angie seems to be going backwards at the moment last week she would come out of the kitchen to have a nose into the living room and dash back to her bed, but at the moment she won't leave her bed. It's only been a week since she has been with us so I am very hopeful she will get better with time. On the plus side they both seem to get on ok and have been without muzzles together since day two.

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by Caro

Monday 10 Mar 14:05

Although Jed my dog is not obviously nervous he does 'jump' at large moving vehicles particularly lorries when we have gone through the village on our walks gentle reassurance seems to work with him and patience, everything is very new to them. I have also taken him into town with me as well to expose him to more people, children, cars etc it's just a steep learning curve but they are bright dogs and do learn.

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by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 09 Mar 05:33

Hi John/jenny - I think a tractor going past sounding its horn would frighten most of us! The best thing you can give her is your support, encouragement and most of all your patience. She is learning a whole new life which she has got to learn to understand and it is so rewarding when finally she does. x

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by John/jenny

Saturday 08 Mar 22:48

Thank you missfifi and chickman for your advice and encouragement. X

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by chickman

Saturday 08 Mar 21:29

hi john/jenny just make sure you stay calm and still if you have a squeaky toy in your hand or just the squeaky to take her mind of it that helps with a treat my meg was the same and in time it helped her a lot

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by missfifi

Saturday 08 Mar 21:29

It's really all about love and patience and time. Daisydog has been with me for 17 months now and she is sooooo different to the girl who was spooked by most things and most people. Maybe read about her progress on my posts. My experience is that by letting the dog do things at their own pace much can be achieved. a little encouragement helps - and oodles of praise. Daisydog goes to training with other breeds which has helped too. Today she walked round a busy outdoor market with me for the first time! She us braver when she is with her chum Katie as well! The Saturday training sessions with Julie Sadler before I moved to the seaside were perfect for her and her confidence really developed. Auntie Ruth can give you lots of advice too. The rewards of seeing a nervous girl blossom are priceless. X

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by John/jenny

Saturday 08 Mar 19:47

Hi does anyone have any tips for a nervous dog to help them, Angie is very quiet and it doesn't take much for her to have a fright. Today whilst out on a walk a very large tractor went past fast and sounded its horn, Angie was so scared she tried to run away and was really twisting around on the lead. Thanks in advance. Ps she is settling in itherwise very well and Iris enjoys her company.

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by John/jenny

Monday 03 Mar 21:44

Angie is settling in well, just a little nervous but I'm sure we will get her to come out of her shell. Been doing some research tonight to find that both Angie and Iris's sires were from Droopys stud and Angie's sires sire was Top Honcho!

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by Shanesmum

Sunday 02 Mar 17:42

The best birthday present ever my pretty girl - your very own home. Be happy sweetheart. xxx

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by blueangel

Sunday 02 Mar 17:20

Good luck Angie xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 01 Mar 21:31

Happy Birthday lovely Angie! Xxx

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by lovegreys

Saturday 01 Mar 19:22

Happy Birthday dear, sweet Angie. I took you for a walk on Thursday. You were shy in your kennel but opened up when out and about, and loved your walk. So unexpected, flirting with gorgeous Champ - wanting to walk by his side and putting your head on his back. He loved it, too. You are absolutely scrumptious. xxxx

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by Shanesmum

Saturday 01 Mar 17:42

Happy Birthday little poppet! Hope you had a lovely day. xx

by Jess&Koda

Saturday 01 Mar 17:24

Happy birthday Angie xx

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by Shanesmum

Friday 28 Feb 17:30

I met my pretty little name sake today, and what a dainty little thing she is. Still a bit wary of things, she needs a bit of coaxing at times, but she is good on her walk and tucked in nicely to her dinner this afternoon. Bless her, she's a sweetie xx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 27 Feb 20:18

Sorry NMD07 - the coat was donated so we are unable to tell you where it was from - but it is adorable!

by NMD07

Thursday 27 Feb 15:48

Can anyone tell me where Angies coat was from, cos looks like it got fastning at the front. Be very usefull as have one narrow and long and one broader and shorter. Xxx

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by Caro

Wednesday 26 Feb 19:15

What a lovely coat. Angie you get my cuddle tonight.

by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 25 Feb 06:58

My heart melted at this little girl yesterday x

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by Hartstone

Monday 24 Feb 21:07

What a beautiful bitch she is indeed

by Lewisfuggie

Monday 24 Feb 16:37

what a lovely but shy little ladt, she was a true treasure on walk this morning. x

by Spanner

Monday 24 Feb 09:16

Love the coat. Another gorgeous girl.

by Bess&Reene'smum

Sunday 23 Feb 19:28

Very pretty girl and loving Angie's coat, do we know where this was from?? x

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by blueangel

Sunday 23 Feb 18:50

What a pretty girl x

by michelleandbertie

Sunday 23 Feb 18:47

Welcome to Daybreaks Angie I agree with everyone else, what a pretty face you have xx

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by rosierecorder

Sunday 23 Feb 18:00

She has a beautiful face. Love her coat as well! xx

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by Shanesmum

Sunday 23 Feb 17:53

You look like a very pretty girl, with a great name to match!! Can't wait to meet you sweetheart.xx

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