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About Me

Racing Name
Baltylum Banger
Date of birth
01 may 2012
Ear mark


male, 12 years old, Black

Added by LadyVictoria

Updated: Wednesday 03 Jan

Banger has had 0 cuddles today (38 all together).
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by Jess&Koda

Monday 19 Jan 07:58

Banger you sound like you are having a great time in your new home and have your mom and dad under control xx

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by helenanddave

Sunday 18 Jan 22:17

Hi Banger. Nice to see an update from you. I remember you well. So glad to hear you are enjoying your new life and getting loads of good outings. Our Milly howls too when we go out. Your mum is right - the sound is enough to scare any burglar away! Xx

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by Badgerdaddy

Sunday 18 Jan 20:20

Hi all. Guess I had better update you all on on my time here at Badger towers. Well Christmas came and went and was included in all the family visits as I do behave very well in company. I only get into mischief at home but tend to get away with it now. I sit down to get my food which has made be less food aggressive and also to get my lead and collar on so not over excited when I go out. Mom and dad took me to Cornwall for new year where we stayed in a lovely house with the rest of the family. I actually got to run free on the beech and play with some other doggie pals that I made. Oh what fun I had! Dad got a little fed up with having to get me back as I tended to cock a deaf un when he called me. Well, what's a grey to do when having so much fun? Had a bit of a scare last knight when I collided with the Patio door that looked open but was blooming shut. Wow did it knock me bandy? I don't fancy doing it again but the cuddles I got after was amazing. I have stopped nicking food now but that's because they have learned to keep it out of my reach. One day they will forget and opportunity with knock again I'm sure. The singing is coming along nicely and have a good howl if Mom or dad go out. Mom said it will keep the burglars away so letting me carry on. Don't think I am going to get onto this years voice though. Pity I fancied meeting Tom Jones. I reckon we have a lot in common!!!!

Oh well must curl up with call the midwife now and may grab forty winks on dads jumper which he has left on the floor. Always look for the opportunity is what I always say.

Tara a bit pals

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by muddypaws

Thursday 28 Aug 16:32

l must's great when owners keep in touch via this website... or Facebook...on how they and there greys are getting on. l often wonder how some of you are doing. l know it's not every ones thing... but it would be nice to hear how you are doing. Having said that, l suppose that we are the same. So here is our news: Davey: Still a nutter...nearly 10 now...still thinks he still is a pup...he is never going to change...bless him!!! Millie: Still a bundle of love. Pip : So happy with life...running on Duracell...and a massive food thief...still!!! Nell: Our princess...loves her own company...but has an invisible friend that visits every day, whome she plays with ??? Flynn: Not from Daybreaks...a big gentle giant...a really loving, faithfull boy . So...that's our update.......let's hear yours ???
Would be greyt to hear how you are all doing. come on ......don't be shy !!! X.

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by Babesmum

Thursday 28 Aug 10:56

Wow Banger our place sounds similar to yours. I was a bit iffy yesterday because of the madera cake I took up the garden the day before. So far today we have had brekkie, a game of gruffle and chase and a strange dance from mum called The wasp up yer skirt dance. We are a bit late for our walk because she cant find her right shoe ..... I know where it is PetalBabe has got it !. We all hope so much that mum can bring us to the BBQ on Sunday X Love Tom,Petal, Rose and sweet Ellie XX

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by helenanddave

Thursday 28 Aug 09:17

Hi banger. They have learned to hide everything in my house too. I have been here 12 weeks now and have stolen several loaves, a mobile phone case, a key fob, chewed a hole in the phone. Yesterday they went to do dog walking at daybreaks. I stay at home because I get stressed if I go. I ate my Kong and was bored. There was a fluffy cat (not a real one) that belonged to my mummy's mummy who is in heaven. I dedded it. Mummy was not happy. Is all OK now as she says I am a mischief ( think she is confused because I'm not, I am a greyhound) but she loves me lots and lots. It is fun being on a home. I hope you are having fun too. Mummy says she remembers walking you at daybreaks. Sending nose licks. Love Milly xx

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by Ripple&Toney(+Flash)

Wednesday 27 Aug 23:17

Hi Banger, this women I live with is very good, every night before she goes to bed she checks the kitchen for food and hides it in the microwave but she has to leave herself a note that's it's in there. She also checks the living room just encase there are empty cups/plates lying around for me in the night. I've tried to get Ripple in on the act but it isn't working. I'm just hoping that the women of the house slips up and then it's party night at the Brown's house, you up for it Banger

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by DuleekDandy

Wednesday 27 Aug 22:49

Ppppst....Banger, Orla can open a stairgate wiv her teefs! Just saying ;-)

(Loving the updates)

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Wednesday 27 Aug 14:41

Banger. Your exploits remind me of my Bob and Norman. They were great at stealing. Bob managed to suck down 3 scotch eggs at a buffet we had and that was the first day we had him!!! Any way, regarding the stair gate dilema. Has no one ever told you that a grehoung can jump a 6 foot fence. Problem solved, a run and a jump and who knows what rewards could be waiting???!!!! Look forwards to hearing if you manage it. X

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by Badgerdaddy

Wednesday 27 Aug 11:24

Hi Tony
Sorry I haven't been posting anything for a while but dad forgot his password. He really does amaze me sometimes!

This steeling business has just become a serious challenge now as dad is on to me. After a raid on the fridge (they filled it up too far and the door didn't shut properly tee, hee) he has now gone and installed a stair gate so the kitchen is off limits. I thought about a grappling hook and rope but four legs aint good for climbing such devices so need to be inventive. Mind you, he left a tiger loaf on the counter last night and did not see me hiding behind the table. mmmmmmmmmmmmm tiger loaf is now my favourite!! Only got a bite though as mom caught me and sent me outside. Not good!! Mom and dad was clearing out the two upstairs rooms the weekend which was fun. I found lots of things to collect and take onto my bed. I also had a go at being an Andrex puppy and nicked the end of a roll of wallpaper and trailed it back to my bed. That created a laugh so got away with that one. Still learning what I can and cant get away with but seem to get away with more than my fair share. Just flash these dreamy eyes at them and they are putty in my paws. Well, sometimes!!

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by rumblesmom

Tuesday 26 Aug 13:53

Hey bang u seem to be having hours of fun the best time for mischief thou is Christmas when so many exciting things come out and a greyhound doesn't,t know wot to go for first you can have great fun with tinsel and baubles and then there,s lovely presents to unwrap and it doesn't,t matter who they belong to -u need to start practicing your ducking and diving manouveres and always maintain an innocent look

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Friday 22 Aug 15:40

Hi Toney. So glad that some of Bangers habits have rubbed off on you. Like I said before I love a cheeky greyhound. I have hsd more than one in my time. Wouldn't have changed them for the world. Xxx

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by Ripple&Toney(+Flash)

Friday 22 Aug 12:46

Hi Banger it's Toney here your ex kennel mate, I too have been up to no good, I thought whilst my foster mum was upstairs I would help myself to the bin bag. Well there I was face in the bag, bum in the air and having a good time when she suddenly appeared I did that greyhound look (it's not me honest) but the mess from the tea bags on the floor and the tea leaves on my nose said another story. x

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Wednesday 20 Aug 12:55

Oh dared and you won!!!!!!!!!!!!xxx

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by muddypaws

Wednesday 20 Aug 10:06

Who Dares Wins Bangy .....Who Dares Wins!!!!!

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 20 Aug 09:36

Brilliant Banger! Yes, good idea to get rid of the sandwich bag next there a handy plant pot you could stuff it into? You need to talk to Foxy Boswell, he is an expert at this sort of thing! Good luck with the abseiling!! Xxx :))

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by Badgerdaddy

Wednesday 20 Aug 09:03

Hey lady V. I just needed to tell you that the SAS book worked!!! I actually managed to nick moms cheese sandwich this morning without any one knowing until they found the sandwich bag (didn't go down to well so I need to learn how to hide the bag next time). Still, it's slow and stealthy that's the main thing. I may try abseiling next !!!!
Cheerio for now xx

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Tuesday 19 Aug 18:58

Banger. If you dont steal you are not a proper greyhound!!! As for the stairs Stevie didnt like them. Now there is no stopping him. Good luck with your family. Xxx

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by NMD07

Tuesday 19 Aug 17:25

So glad you enjoyed your weekend away, as for stairs!! When our big man gets up there its not nice coming down. Now ours are not allowed up stairs so he hasnt had a lot of practice but it always ends with him slamming into the door at the bottom.Now Breeze she isnt allowed either but when we have thunder in the night she comes up and she is very good with stairs, comes down with her belly low to the stairs, which means she is in control even at the bottom. Archive says dont move the jug lap the gravy from it while standing on your back legs. Xxx

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by Badgerdaddy

Tuesday 19 Aug 12:47

Well, here we are again with another update on my progress at Badger towers. I have to say that I am having a ball with my new mom and dad. They took me to Cornwall the weekend and we stayed in and I was treated like royalty and gues what..... I WENT UP AND DOWN THE STAIRS!!! Now this was not an elegant afair atall even though the stairs were very wide. I tend to get a little excited towards the end and get and start to stumble. This results in a bit of confusion with these long legs of mine and dad usually ended up being dragged down with me which didn't please him too much. I also went to the beach where lots of other dogs were playing. Dad did not let me go though as he was scared I might get lost chasing some one else's ball. We went to the pub as well where I behaved perfectly well and resisted the need to nick every one else's food. To be honest I was so tired I could not be bothered. Even the annoying little dogs that ran past a couple of times didn't even raise an eyebrow. Dad put the back seats down for me and put my favourite mattress in the back which meant that I slept all the way there and back apart from a paw stretch half way. Most of my kennel coat is out now and have a very nice black coat developing which is also making me look even more handsome than I used to, not that I am modest at all!!! So life is good here and full of adventure and love. Just perfect. Oh, and to answer your question Lady V, No, Jan Fennel was useless. Didn't help me one little bit in my quest to get the Gravy jug on the quiet. However. Dad has been reading an SAS book which I am going to try and have a squint at. Now that may just do the trick. I will let you know how I get on.

Good luck to all my palls and hope you all end up with great families xxxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 14 Aug 22:27

Banger....did the Jan Fennel DVD tell you how to get the gravy jug off the work top without spilling it? Xxx

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by Badgerdaddy

Thursday 14 Aug 14:34

Banger had a great day yesterday and sat with me watching the Jan Fennel video we just bought. He actually removed it from the door before I could get to it but he was most likely going to put it in the player by himself and sit cross pawed with a glass of Coke knowing him!!!! We want for a walk yesterday and bumped into a dog called Tom Tom who lives just down the road. Banger got on fine with him as he seems to do with all dogs. I left him on his own for an hour and sat in the car outside just in case he kicked off. He was quite good but did start singing for the last 15 minutes. I have to say, he's no Gary Barlow!!!

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by blueangel

Thursday 14 Aug 10:20

Be happy baby face xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 13 Aug 22:09

Hope Banger has had a good day today. Xxx

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by rumblesmom

Wednesday 13 Aug 11:05

Well banger wot a busy lad u have been and so helpful all round d both in the kitchen and garden daddy has been finding out just how far greyhou D's can reach then he will learn quick

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by helenanddave

Tuesday 12 Aug 22:17

Hello banger. Well, you seem to be having a very good time in your new home! I'm sorry you spilt the lovely gravy - what a waste after all that trouble getting it. Also people can be a bitt funny about how their plants are watered so I think you are right when you say you will water something else. Miss seeing you at daybreaks but sending you lots of love and hugs. Xx

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by Badgerdaddy

Tuesday 12 Aug 19:38

Hi peeps. Thought I would drop you a line to let you know how things are going here at Badger towers. Still don't like the idea of going up them stairs and get a little anxious when mom and dad go up to bed. After about 10 minutes I tend to get a bit fed up so go off to my corner and go to sleep. They are both so pleased to see me in the morning and give me lots of cuddles for being good and not leaving any surprises for them. I am eating well and don't miss a trick. Dad left a pot of his best gravy on the side the other night which was a bit silly really cos it was just in paw reach. Now, this was not my best mission which I am a bit disappointed in and clattered the jug spilling the lovely Gravy all down the units. Well, dad came running in so gave him my best " it wasn't me" look but the gravy dripping down my nose and head was a bit of a give away so ended up having a wash. I think he saw the funny side and soon realised that he was in the wrong and not me!!! I am sure he will learn as we go on. I have also been helping in the Garden as dad's Olive tree that he has just purchased was looking a bit tired. Now, as this was the reason for him taking me home I thought I would help and so, water it for him every day. Strange but he does not seem to appreciate my help for some reason. I might just leave him to it and water something else instead! So, apart from removing a squeaky thing from a cheap toy he bought me ( ha ha, he won't do that again) all is wonderful and very comfortable. Hope all you guys at day breaks are well and will woof again soon. Tara for a bit. Xxxx

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by helenanddave

Sunday 10 Aug 19:01

hi banger. it was lovely to read your report on how you're getting on. you sound like you are settling well and i'm sure you'll soon work those stairs out! will miss seeing you at daybreaks but so glad you have found a lovely home. xx

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by DelphysMum

Sunday 10 Aug 17:53

What a lovely rehoming picture - you all look so happy and smiley. Looking forward to hearing more about Bangers progress. xx

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by Shanesmum

Sunday 10 Aug 17:19

Hello Big B - lovely to read your report on your first day at home. It will all be a bit strange for a while, and there is so much for you to discover and learn about, but your new Mum & Dad will help you and you will soon settle in, find your routine and start to enjoy your retirement. As for those stairs - they can be quite daunting at first, but just take it nice and slowly and you'll soon get used to them. Looking forward to reading some more reports later. xx

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by rumblesmom

Sunday 10 Aug 13:07

Everybody seems to be doing well from the sounds of things and banger certainly has landed on his paws keep up with the good work and keep in touch

by Badgerdaddy

Sunday 10 Aug 07:24

Good morning all. Thought I would tell you how my first 24 hours have been with mommy and daddy Badger. I was put into a very nice car which made me feel quite safe but felt that they should have unrolled the new blanket they had bought for me which was in the back. But no worry, I just helped them understand what it was for and removed the wrapping for them. I think they understand now. When we got to my new home I did feel quite stressed as everything was very different so spent a lot of time running in and out of the garden and checking out the lovely new mattress they have given me. They have also got me a huge bed in the corner of there dinning room but not keen as I like to see where they are just to make sure they are behaving and not getting into trouble. You will never guess what........ I even get a treat when I go outside and have a wee!! How cool is that? I am making sure that I go outside every time now just to make sure I get that tasty little treat. I met quite a number of my extended Familly last night and they were all very kind to me and gave me so much fuss and cuddles. My only dislike is these ruddy things they keep walking up. They went up them and left me downstairs last night which was a bit silly of them, so made sure they could hear me and that I was not a happy puppy being left downstairs. Dad put a lead on me and helped me up which was a nightmare but my mattress was waiting for me and slept with them all night.

Now, the problem with these things they call stairs is that once you are up, you have to come down again! Well I can tell you that I did not like that. Oooooooh no! The old legs were all over the place and not sure if I am going to get the handle of them at all. Anyway, I have to finish my sleep and going to curl up on this hear mattress thing again and see what today brings. However, I have to say that I may have landed on my paws and wits the same for all my buddies back at the kennels. Cheerio for a bit. Xxxx

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by cellosmum

Saturday 09 Aug 22:23

Well done Banger. Enjoy your new life. Love and Kisses Guinness, Cello and Millie.

by LadyVictoria

Saturday 09 Aug 19:29

Great to see Banger go off with his lovely new family hope he is being a good boy! Xxx

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by rumblesmom

Saturday 09 Aug 18:23

That picture says it all folks have a wonderful wonderful time together and make sure we get plenty of updates x

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by Shanesmum

Saturday 09 Aug 17:25

All the best in your new home Big B! Wishing you all lots of happy times together. x

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by LindaPaul

Saturday 09 Aug 08:00

Well Banger, today is your very special day. You are off to your new home where there will be lots of new things to explore and get used to but you are going to be very much loved by your new mum & dad xxx

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by NMD07

Friday 08 Aug 21:04

Thinking of you all tomorrow. hope you all have loads of fun and love, and remember only one nice doggie to be taken home. Xxx

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by rumblesmom

Friday 08 Aug 18:14

All the best for tomoz badgerdaddy I said goodbye to banger this afternoon he was chilling out in the run he was so settled and looked at me as if to say whatever , and you really do need to check out Annie,s sister blaze when you pick up your boy to moz she is just sooooo cute

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by chickman

Friday 08 Aug 13:02

Hi badgerdaddy you need to look straight away at izzy what a girlfriend for you Banger they would look fab together

by helenanddave

Thursday 07 Aug 19:19

Ha ha, badgerdaddy! I laughed so much when I read how you went to buy an olive tree and got a greyhound instead! This sort of thing does happen quite often. Banger is such a great hound. We have walked him quite a lot at daybreaks and he is so affectionate. He will bring you lots of fun. PS. If you still looking for a girlfriend for him, amnies sister has just arrived!

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by LindaPaul

Thursday 07 Aug 15:18

2 more sleeps......better start packing your bag tomorrow Banger :-)

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by Badgerdaddy

Thursday 07 Aug 15:01

Yep, my is hooked and my life will never bee the same again. I also know what you mean by addictive, I cant leave the ad alone and continuously looking at Greyhound sites. I'm becoming a a Greyhound stalker overnight which is a little worrying. Defo want two pooches though as they are great company for each other and twoare as easy as one apart from the food and insurance!

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by rumblesmom

Thursday 07 Aug 08:11

badgerdaddy u is hooked and i can see why- he is a real great lad and so much more fun than an olive tree lol- but can i just tell u they are addictive these greys that,s how i ended up with 4 and mine all have matching coats, collars leads and bowls

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by muddypaws

Wednesday 06 Aug 23:05

Hi Badgerdaddy. Banger is one helluva smashing lad !!!!!!
l am glad to hear that you are experienced with big strong dogs....because this boy is one amazing character !!!! l think he will certainly keep you on your toes !!! He is into everything.... but is going to be so much fun !!! He reminds me so much of Arthur (lce). A big softie with a huge personality. You have bagged yourselves a cracking lad !!!!!! XXX

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by NMD07

Wednesday 06 Aug 22:29

Just wondered, you seem to have a soft spot for her. I popped into Pets at Home to look for xmas pressies for our boy and came back with Breeze. Not long to go now. Xxx

by Badgerdaddy

Wednesday 06 Aug 16:58

Rumblesmom, you have no idea! I only had to look him in the eye and I was hooked. We have always had Rhodesian Ridgebacks in past years and lost our last girlie just over 12 months ago and the statement of the day was " no more dogs it's to heart breaking" and what do we go and do. We visited Melbick for an olive tree and came out with a Greyhound!!! It just shows how much love we still have for dogs and how much we were both in denial. We can't wait to get him home and try on all his new clothes. He even has his name on his coats, how cute is that?

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by rumblesmom

Wednesday 06 Aug 09:51

banger sure is a lucky boy- mom and dad, particularly dad is smitten already- wot will daddy be like once banger does the pleading eyes he will be totally gone lol- greys are such good fun and banger is such a great lad you are going to have a ball together can,t wait for the up- dates

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by Lewisfuggie

Monday 04 Aug 21:18

Like ladyvictoria said. If your missing stuff check his bed. Poor ruth thought she was going bonkers sunday morning with a blanket in a bed in the run. It kept disappearing. Being found inside. So I went and retrived it and put it back... then went and hid to see who was moving it. Guess who !!! Didn't chew it. Just moved and hid it. Lol. He was fab on his walk and just wanted to play and dance about. Such a gentle. Happy. Giant. Xxxx

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by LindaPaul

Monday 04 Aug 10:08

Only 5 more sleeps and then your boy will be with you. I can feel the excitement mounting ;-)
You are all going to have so much fun together x

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by blueangel

Monday 04 Aug 09:56

Someone would is going to be treated like a king xxx

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by Badgerdaddy

Monday 04 Aug 09:01

Bless his cottons. I just love his character even though it's not completely out in the open. I am really looking forward to seeing it develop. We spent all weekend straightening up the garden for him and making some nice shady places for him to retreat to when the sun gets overhead. Also put the cushions on the sun beds so he can work on his tan if he wants! Just need a cocktail bar and a waiter and he should be set!!

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 02 Aug 22:10

Hi Badgerdaddy, If you "lose" anything once you have Banger at home with you I would just check his bed! He had great fun today hiding the coat belonging to Sara's dog Charlie. We left it over the run to dry out only for it to disappear. We eventually found it in Bangers bed. Just to make sure he was the culprit we put it back over the run...up he trotted and very gently carried it off and laid it neatly on his bed! Xxx

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by DelphysMum

Wednesday 30 Jul 20:09

Great news Banger. I have walked this lovely big chap. Yes he is a big strong lad, but he was as good as gold on the lead with me. Have a great life Banger. Sounds like you will be truly spoiled. xxx

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by NMD07

Wednesday 30 Jul 20:08

Great news, so pleased for you, roll on the 9th sure it will fly by. As you did we met our girl at a road show. Xxx

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by Badgerdaddy

Wednesday 30 Jul 14:25

The home checkers Paul and Linda have been and given us the green light to go ahead with the re-homing of the lovely Banger. His bed turned up this morning together with his red lead and collar with his name on. Cant wait for the 9th August when we can start spoiling him.

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by helenanddave

Monday 28 Jul 19:08

great news banger! you are such an affectionate boy and you deserve a lovely home. sending you lots of love for your future. xx

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by Badgerdaddy

Monday 28 Jul 09:24

Oh so pampered and spoilt rotten. As soon as he is settled we want Annie to join us as well but unsure of how long it will take him to settle and house train. Annie may well have a new home by that time. If not, then she has a sofa here!

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 27 Jul 21:25

Sounds as though Banger is going to be very pampered, lucky lad! Xxx

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by NMD07

Sunday 27 Jul 20:39

My boy who is also black wears a red collar, he also has 3 different red coats and red lead, he looks v handsome. also ditto in purple for my little girl,Also black. Xxx

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by Badgerdaddy

Sunday 27 Jul 18:45

A huge bed has been ordered and a lovely red collar with his name embossed on the neck. He is going to look like a prince!

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by Shanesmum

Sunday 27 Jul 18:29

Banger this is fabulous news! Be happy my beautiful Big B. xx

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by cellosmum

Sunday 27 Jul 09:54

Well done Banger, enjoy your forever sofa. Lots of love and kisses from Guinness, Cello and Millie.

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by blueangel

Saturday 26 Jul 22:36

Fantastic!!! well done mate xxx

by blueangel

Saturday 26 Jul 22:36

Fantastic!!! well done mate xxx

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by rumblesmom

Saturday 26 Jul 20:21

Well banger what a clever lad you are you've gone and done it you've got a forever sofa and a fantastic family to love you I will miss that waggy tail though xx

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by NMD07

Saturday 26 Jul 18:51

Well done Badgerdaddy, hope Banger will be very happy with you and Mrs Badgerdaddy. XXX

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by Badgerdaddy

Saturday 26 Jul 17:00

Well, it's done. Banger is reserved pending a home visit. We now have to get him a bed and some clothes bless him. Julie fell in love with him even though he tried to eat her hand bag!! We took him a little walk and he behaved like a real gentleman. He is just a star.

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by rumblesmom

Friday 25 Jul 17:01

with that attitude you are definately going to be a great greyhound daddy i,ve given banger loads of fuss today he is a super super lad

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by Badgerdaddy

Friday 25 Jul 09:09

Liam was not in a speaking mood when I visited the other day due to the heat and his poorly ear. But to be honest, they are all worth of a home and would all be welcome if I have a house big enough!!!

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by rumblesmom

Thursday 24 Jul 22:14

wot,s not to like about banger he,s handsome, loving, funny and always up for a fuss and trust me with greyhounds one is never enough that,s how i ended up with 4 lol

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Thursday 24 Jul 21:50

If you decide on Banger please look at Liam as a second choice. Please please please. Xx he is loveley.

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by blueangel

Thursday 24 Jul 19:41

Oh so keeping my fingers crossed for Banger he just a big baby xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 23 Jul 21:09

Badgerdaddy, what brilliant news! Will keep everything crossed your wife falls for Banger too! Xxx

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by Badgerdaddy

Wednesday 23 Jul 21:01

Well, I visited Banger today and loved him to bits. I will be back on Saturday with the wife who is looking forward to meeting him. He was a little shy at first but soon got round to leaning for a cuddle. The feeling of hugging a dog again was overwhelming and felt wonderful. I know what you mean NMD07. I will be having two but following Ruth's advice and settling one of them first. If my wife feels the same about Banger them he will be reserved pending the home visit.

Can't wait

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by NMD07

Tuesday 22 Jul 18:47

Take my advice Badgerdaddy, go for two just as easy and far less problems with leaving them!!!. Xxx

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by Badgerdaddy

Tuesday 22 Jul 13:31

Just loving Banger and may just come along and have a real cuddle one of the days. My wife and I met the team at Melbicks on Sunday and fell in love with them all. Humans as well. We lost our boy and girl two years ago and cant get rid of the feeling of despair at not having a pet around the house. who knows what the future holds for us but we are thinking seriously of one or maybe two of these beautiful boys and girls.

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 19 Jul 20:59

Well done Banger...great for him to have a day out from the kennels. Xxx

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by Stormin

Saturday 19 Jul 17:05

Banger has today been starring at the Warwick Street collection.
He behaved perfectly with everyone he met adults, children and other dog breeds alike.
Within a few moments of meeting people he was into 'leaning mode' soaking up all the attention he received.
He is a lively, very strong lad with a loving character who is going to make someone or some family a wonderful companion when his forever home comes along.

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by Martyn&Karen

Monday 14 Jul 21:41

Banger will be having a day out with our Katie at Michelle's Dogs Day out on the 27th. I enjoyed walking him today and getting the chance to give this hansom lad some love and fuss!

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 14 Jul 20:33

Banger decided he fancied a sit down after his breakfast this morning; so he pulled the washing off the top of the run and made himself a comfy bed! Xxx

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by Shanesmum

Sunday 13 Jul 17:55

I call this gorgeous boy Big B. He is a big strong lad, but so affectionate and friendly, he loves to lean for a fuss. He likes to see what's going on around him so is enjoying his time in the kitchen run. Big cuddles for a lovely boy. xx

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by blueangel

Wednesday 09 Jul 23:24

Just look at that baby face xxx

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by Ripple&Toney(+Flash)

Sunday 06 Jul 13:33

ripple wants to know if banger is cat friendlyx

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Sunday 06 Jul 08:50

Ooooo luks at dis hansum boy, wit wooooooooo
LUBS snugguls n kissez
Goldie n Ruby Roo
Mwah mwah mwah mwah

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by Ripple&Toney(+Flash)

Saturday 05 Jul 20:38

Well Banger still not much action on your comments page, perhaps my mum and dad will take me to see you again so they can have another cuddle, like they did when I was having my bath. You tried to get in our car when I was going home and you were going for a walk, you were trying to tell them something, but they aren't as sensitive as us.
Hope you find a nice family soon.
Love Ripple.

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by Ripple&Toney(+Flash)

Sunday 29 Jun 22:15

Our cuddle goes to you today Banger, you may be a big strong lad, but sometimes they can be the most loving and rewarding. Looking at your comments, you need some interest and you seemed so nice when we met you a few weeks ago.

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by blueangel

Saturday 21 Jun 21:34

Great new photo Banger xxx

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by helenanddave

Wednesday 18 Jun 18:53

Banger, although you are a big, strong boy, you are so cuddly and loving. Hope your perfect home comes soon. Xx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 14 Jun 20:13

Banger is fine now. He is a very affectionate lad, loves to lean against you and have a cuddle. Xxx

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by Ripple&Toney(+Flash)

Saturday 14 Jun 16:13

poor lovely banger you were soooo cuddly when we saw you last sunday we hope you soon feel better .xxx

by blueangel

Friday 13 Jun 20:43

Hope your feeling better very soon Banger sending you a cuddle xxx

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by helenanddave

Thursday 12 Jun 21:45

Hope you soon feel better banger. Xx

by LadyVictoria

Thursday 12 Jun 21:15

Giving my cuddle to young Banger tonight. He was neutered today. Poor lad was understandably quite wobbly when he came back! Hopefully he will feel much better tomorrow. Xxx

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by Ripple&Toney(+Flash)

Sunday 08 Jun 17:13

Had a cuddle with Banger this morning, he seem a calm loving young lad.

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by Jess&Koda

Saturday 07 Jun 22:15

This boy is lovely! I think he's going to be one of my favourites xxx

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by Caro

Saturday 07 Jun 19:29

Just love the name Banger it makes me smile. He looks a lovely lad.

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by EmilysQueen

Friday 06 Jun 18:47

Met Banger today, what a gorgeous big boy he is xx

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by Shanesmum

Friday 06 Jun 17:29

This big, strong, handsome boy arrived this morning. He is just lovely.

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