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About Me

Racing Name
Overdale Tay
Date of birth
12 nov 2010
Land of birth
IU Ireland or United Kingdom
Land of standing
UK United Kingdom
Ear mark
Sportium TorrejoIE/UK-SEP-07-BD
Family tree & race history


female, 14 years old, Black

Added by LadyVictoria

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Pip's trainer say she gets on well with other dogs and children, she will make a wonderful pet. She has been called Pip since she was a little pup, and is just lovely in every which way, a real happy fun loving little bundle.

Pip gets on very well with one of our volunteers two medium non greys Charlie (cross breed) and Louis ( Border collie)

Pip has had 0 cuddles today (8 all together).
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by Pip'sMom

Monday 25 Sep 09:41

Thank you for all your kind words. She was a very special ltitle lady and I miss her dearly. She bounced and bowed her way into my heart xx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 23 Sep 22:33

Dear Marie, such very sad news. Pip was a super girl and I know how much you loved her. A lovely photo of her playing in the sand run with Sara's Louis. Xxx Thinking of you, God Bless Pip. Lots of love Kate, Skip, Lyra and Cracker. Xxx

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by Thethirdronnie

Saturday 23 Sep 19:10

Thinking of you. Xxx

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by Shanesmum

Saturday 23 Sep 16:41

So sorry to read your sad news. Thinking of you.

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by DaybreaksRuth

Saturday 23 Sep 15:39

Heaven has definitely gained another angel. Run free little one xxxx

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by Pip'sMom

Saturday 23 Sep 10:28

Bye Bye my little furry Angel. I'll miss you so much. Beautiful and kind, gentle and so good. You always knew when someone was upset and grieving at the vets and went over to them to put your head on their lap. God Bless love you so much. Mom xxxx

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by Jak'smom

Thursday 23 Jul 21:29

Sorry am all paws today lol. Big licks & wags. Your little friend Pip xxxx

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by Jak'smom

Thursday 23 Jul 21:26

Today it was mom's slipper & there was much jumping, bowing & a-wagging-of-tail. I was a good girl though, I didn't eat it just gave it a good licking so it was a bit soggy but almost as good as new. I like to play & it's good to bond with your hoomans. It keeps them active & gjives them plenty of mental stimulatio

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by Jak'smom

Wednesday 22 Jul 21:33

I stole my mom's trainer today & ran round the living room with it in my mouth. I let her have it back eventually as good as new. Such fun. Lots of love Pip xxxx

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by Jak'smom

Sunday 19 Jul 11:32

Thank-you Auntie Kate. Look forward to seeing you soon too.

Your little friend Pip xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 18 Jul 22:05

Great to hear how you are getting on Pip...hope to see you and your Mom soon. Xxx

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by Jak'smom

Saturday 18 Jul 11:47

Hello everyone. It's Pip here. I've been in my new home for 3 weeks now & although this new world is still a bit strange it's kind of wonderful too in a way. I've learnt a few things:-

Mobile phones & TV remotes are VERY tasty. If left on the sofa they are fair game as a chew toy and are VERY interesting as our hoomans spend a LOT of time using them. If you don't want a pimped up version please put them out the way.

Hoomans are odd creatures. They do so many stange things. They open cupboards that bang. They have this stange box in their kitchens that whooshes and spins round & round madly & stange machines that run around making loud noises & eat up the carpet. How do we know it's not going to eat us up too?

I'm learning that Buses & lorries are not as scarey as they seem but I still think that when Buses stop they are REALLY scarey. My mom says it's called a Bus Stop but I still think they are houndie eating monsters & need to be watched.

My mom's was very pleased with me as I've put on weight. I'm still a skinny minnie but I love my food now & DON'T like to wait an hour after walks for it.

I've made some two & four legged friends & like to show them how nice greyhounds are. Sometimes I have a bit of a grumble if they stick their noses in my bits too often but mostly I like it.

Love & thanks to all at Daybreaks. Will come to say hello when I have put on more weight and look fabulous. I want a lovey pink coat ready for winter to go with my pink collar.

Licks, nose-bumps, bum rubs & special wags

Pip xxxx

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by Jak'smom

Tuesday 14 Jul 20:31

Hi. Pip has tried to eat my phone. It's still in one piece but there are bite marks all over the plastic,metal bit & glass front It's my fault for leaving it on the sofa & it still works but will the little bits she may have swallowed x cause her any problems am really worried in case itt's toxic. She seemed to be enjoying it a lot more than her nylabone, antlerbone & 2 congs xx

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Monday 06 Jul 13:35

What lovely news. Hope all goes well for you both. xxxx

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by Jak'smom

Sunday 05 Jul 23:30

Thanks Kate. Poor Twiggy. Pity we can't do a Fraulein Maria & sing a greyhound favourite things. Although with my voice the thunder would probably be less scarey. Looks like the weather is going to be cooler next week. See you soon xx

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 05 Jul 20:36

Great to see Pip's sign turn Green! Poor Pip, the thunder was very scary...we had a very frightened Twiggy on Friday night too. Sending your little Pip my cuddle tonight. Xxx

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by Jak'smom

Sunday 05 Jul 17:14

Sorry Ruth forgot to ask. Can you green Pip for me please. Thanks v much. Pip would like to say thank you too but the thunders made her hide behind the sofa for the first time in days. Can't blame her though comparef to last time the bangs were a lot more bangy xx

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by Jak'smom

Friday 03 Jul 18:45

Pip has very sensibly decided to do her bit for the envioment and do some shredding. Fortunately it was an Argos Insert that she'd seen me remove from the newspaper I was reading & toss aside. It was amazing to see how carefully she was tearing it into strips. I didn't tell her off just told her gently that she's not to do this just in case she comes across something more valuable. I think she deliberatley chose something she'd seen me dismiss rather tnan the newspapers she had watched me read. Clever little girl xx

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by Jak'smom

Thursday 02 Jul 10:48

Hooray. First walk she has come back from since saturday and not hidden behind the sofa. Was pushing her a bit too fast so am now taking it nice and slowly. She is slowly improving with the Buses but we have had a few bad experiences with scary bangy hissey lorries which she took very much to heart. Eating much better now. Cleared her bowl & is now sleeping it off. Left her for a bit yesterday unmuzzled am going to try again a bit longer tomorrow & over weekend xx

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by Jak'smom

Monday 29 Jun 09:29

Things that make me hide behind the sofa:-

The washing machine.
The TV, when its loud (to drown out the washing machine)
Loud noises from outside
Mom seezing
Mom blowing her nose (she has hay fever)

I'm not as confident as I was at the kennells when I had lots of Grey Friends but I said hello to a black lab and a springer spaniel this morning and that made me more content. I DONT LIKE:-

The Bus
Scarey Lorries
Dogs-who-sniff-ones bits-too often.
Loud Bangs
Outside Dark. (Inside dark's ok)

My mom thinks I'm some kind of genius because yesterday we were watching QVC on the TV and they said DYSON. I walked up to the TV, gave the DYSON Fan a nose bump, walked up to my Mom's Dyson Cleaner, gave it a nose bump and came back. Think I'll just humour her though.

Thanks for the hug Auntie Kate. Sending you my nicest nose bump and a little lick. Lots of love to all at Daybreaks xx

Pip xxxx

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by Jak'smom

Saturday 27 Jun 22:52

Thanks Kate. She so reminds me of Jak at times. She likes to rub her muzzle on my thighs in protest & she really doesn't want to poo in the garden. The collar slipped a bit & I was scared she might get free do I tried her with one of Jak's fleece harnesses made smaller & she did very well. Hope you all have a lovely day tomorrow xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 27 Jun 20:37

Great news; Hope all continues to go well with Pip. Hope you have had a good day together...she is a lovely young lady. Xxx

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by Jak'smom

Saturday 27 Jun 13:21

Hi Kate. So far so good. Made friends with two Poms with no probs. So far she has come away from Lovebird when I've asked her to. Have had several kisses and now shes lying down & panting less. Thanks for your help and advice xx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 23 Jun 21:03

Hi Jak'smom, what a lovely poem...Kate Xxx

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by Jak'smom

Tuesday 23 Jun 10:15

I have no idea how to do that. I am a real techno-phobe so I've just copied it. Cant copy and paste on my phone so here goes:-

A Dog's Last Will & Testament

Before humans die, they write their last will and testament, giving their home and all they have to those they leave behind. If, with my paws, I could do the same, this is what I'd ask....

To a poor and lonely stray I'd give my happy home, my bowl and cozy bed, soft pillow and all my toys; the lap which I loved so much, the hand that stroked my fur, and the sweet voice that spoke my name.

I'd will to the sad, scared shelter dog the place I had in my human's loving heart, of which there seemed no bounds. So when I die, please do not say " I will never have a pet again for the loss and the pain is more than I can stand"

Instead, go find an unloved dog, one whose life has held no joy or hope, and give my place to him. This is the only thing I can give....

The love I left behind.

Author Unknown

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Tuesday 23 Jun 07:53

So pleased to see Pip is going to a such a lovely special Mom. I am sure Jak would approve. Great news. Be happy. xxx

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by Alan&Paddy

Tuesday 23 Jun 06:28

Any chance you could put a link to the poem on here please,we would like to read it. Good luck Pip,you are a sweetie xx

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by Jak'smom

Tuesday 23 Jun 00:48

Thanks Kate. Sally Hopkins who invented the Dog Games fleece Harness recently lost her dog and has put some words of comfort poems on her website. One of them is really beautiful & comforting for those who desperately need another but feel as if they are betraying their much loved dog's memory. It helped me & I hope it helps others if they read it xx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 22 Jun 20:41

Hi Jak'smom, great to hear you have managed to get some time off work...Saturday is fine to collect little Pip. Please come anytime after 10am. We will have her bag packed and ready! How exciting! :)) I am sure Jak would be pleased you are going to give another lovely Greyhound the chance to have a wonderful new home. Kate Xxx

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by mary/john

Monday 22 Jun 19:42

Hi pip new mom please call Ruth at daybreaks to confirm collection date/time for Pip thanks u. mary/john volunteers....Xxx

by Jak'smom

Monday 22 Jun 18:49

Haven't rung because I know you're extra busy but I've managed to get next week off so all being well I'll pick her up Sat am if that's ok. Please can you let me know what time's the best for you. Thanks xx

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by littlemoe

Monday 22 Jun 08:16

So pleased Pip has found a home.

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 21 Jun 21:46

So pleased for Pip! Xxx

by mary/john

Sunday 21 Jun 19:25

best of luck in your forever home.....Xx

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by Justine&Andy

Sunday 21 Jun 15:59

It was lovely to meet you today Pip. Such a sweetie and didn't put a paw wrong on her walk at all. I almost forgot she was there! Pretty little girlie x J

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 19 Jun 21:15

Lovely photo of Pip in the run with Louis...she is a super girl. Xxx

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by Jess&Koda

Friday 19 Jun 18:27

Pip has been taken in with the cats a few times now and is sadly not cat friendly. But is a perfect Little girl in every other way :)

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by Jess&Koda

Tuesday 16 Jun 21:21

This girl is so well behaved! She is in great condition and such a little poppet, I'm sure she will get a home very soon x

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by littlemoe

Tuesday 16 Jun 19:19

Thanks so much Mary and John. She sounds very lovely and I will keep in touch if that's ok, to see how she gets on. I hope she settles in and a super sofa is on the horizon for her very soon. Claire. X

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by mary/john

Tuesday 16 Jun 18:55

Hi Claire too our knowledge Pip will be cat tested in a few days once she has settled in at the kennels.... John/Mary volunteers...Xx

by littlemoe

Tuesday 16 Jun 16:40

Hi I came in on Sunday as we are looking for a friend for Walter. I wondered if Pip might be cat friendly? Many thanks Claire

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