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Date of birth
20 nov 2009
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s miller
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male, 15 years old, Black

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Benny has had 0 cuddles today (224 all together).
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by jetlucy

Sunday 14 Jan 20:05

How's Benny getting on? I love to hear a benny update! xxx

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by GreyhoundLittleOrderly

Sunday 14 Jan 12:41

I'm so happy that Benny has a forever home. He was such a great dog to work with a privilege and honour, now with his new family will enjoy the rest of his life Loved

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by Flutterfan

Saturday 13 Jan 19:56

Brilliant news for Benny and his new forever family. So, so pleased for you all x x x

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 10 Jan 21:21

What a start to the New Year! Not only have several Daybreaks residents found homes after being fostered for Christmas BUT at last our fab Benny has a home of his own. Thank you so much to his lovely foster family for giving him a chance. a huge cuddle for Benny tonight! Xxx

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by Thethirdronnie

Wednesday 10 Jan 21:08

Go Benny! Go Benny! Lots of love. Florence xxx

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by jetlucy

Wednesday 10 Jan 20:46

Oh fabulous news well done Benny boy! Definite tears in my eyes I think you've touched every one who has followed you! I wish you all a lifetime of happiness! Well done ffp's you're special people! Xxx

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by Caro

Wednesday 10 Jan 20:02

So happy to see this it has made my day.

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by Jess&Koda

Wednesday 10 Jan 19:26

YASSSSS!!! SO HAPPY :))))) Good luck Benny! Xxx

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by lisaBaker

Wednesday 10 Jan 18:34

Yeayyyyyyyyyyyyy so glad his sign has gone green...I am so glad he has been given another chance as he really is such a loving boy and hopefully he will improve on walks as he gets outside more xxx

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by helenanddave

Wednesday 10 Jan 18:08

Gorgeous Benny - I am so very happy to see your green sign. You deserve that forever sofa so very much and I'm sure you and your new family will have loads of happy times together. Sending you a huge hug and thank you for all the walks we have had during your stay at Daybreaks. xx

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by steveandwend

Wednesday 10 Jan 17:38

Finally, your new mommy and daddy have put everyone's mind at rest. I am so very happy for you all xx

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by bluesfan

Wednesday 10 Jan 16:41

Wonderful news Benny. Wishing you and your new family lots of happiness together. xxx

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by PamD

Wednesday 10 Jan 16:40

So very pleased for Benny

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by Shanesmum

Wednesday 10 Jan 16:35

Benny I am absolutely over the moon to see your sign turn green. Thank you so much to your lovely foster parents who have worked with you over the past few weeks and have given you the chance that you need. Wishing good times and happiness to you all. xxx

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by shanishoo

Wednesday 10 Jan 16:21

Benny, I am over the moon to see that you have found your forever home, you so deserve to be happy, you have been such a patient boy but hey, you got there in the end. Have lots of fun times, be happy and let us know from time to time how you are doing. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

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by Jembob

Wednesday 10 Jan 16:16

After seeing the pictures on Instagram it's no surprise. Brilliant, brilliant news.

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by blackisbeautiful

Wednesday 10 Jan 16:13

SCREEEEEEEAM !!!!! Our wish finally came true You did it Benny ! Well done mate You've found yourself a home So pleased for you Thank you thank you thank you to your wonderful adopters Tears in my eyes now when I saw this Fantastic :))) Be happy lovely boy X X X

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by cellosmum

Wednesday 10 Jan 15:51

Well done Benny, it's been a long wait but worth it. Be a good boy and enjoy your forever home and sofa.

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by cellosmum

Wednesday 10 Jan 15:51

Well done Benny, it's been a long wait but worth it. Be a good boy and enjoy your forever home and sofa.

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by CuteBarneyGumbleS

Wednesday 10 Jan 15:49

Omg yes Benny I’m so happy! Another member of ffc!

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by michelleandbertie

Wednesday 10 Jan 15:47

Just fabulous news huge congratulations to all x

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Wednesday 10 Jan 15:21

Benny, what took you so long??? So very happy for you, you so deserve this, thank goodness I don't have to think up a new poem. Good luck mate, be happy and be good!! Xxxxxxxx

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by Bookworm

Wednesday 10 Jan 14:31

Hooray! Be happy Benny!

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by blackisbeautiful

Saturday 06 Jan 16:26

Still fostered I see Benny... We are keeping everything crossed and hoping with all our heart that your sign will go to that much deserved and longed for Green sign and the ffc will get another member...PLEEEESE ! X X

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Sunday 31 Dec 16:13

Just thought I would re-post this in the hope.....

Benny's turn.........

There is a dog at Daybreaks, Benny is his name
He's waited long and patiently, it's such a crying shame
He's seen so many come and go
And really does not know
Why he is not chosen
Why he is not the one to go
What he really, really needs is somewhere to call home
Somewhere warm and comfy with an occasional jumbone
They really do not ask for much, but have so much to give
So please that special person give this boy somewhere to live
I've seen the gorgeous Benny many many times
And if someone gives this boy a home
I'll stop these silly rhymes!

And if the promise of that doesn't work, I don't know what will. That must be an incentive!

Hugs and kisses Benny boy. Xxxxxx

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by loveheart

Tuesday 26 Dec 22:06

Grandchildren over for lunch today aged 6 and 2 and wasn't sure what to expect as they don't have much contact with dogs and Nina our Grey only sees local children on walks. The 2 year is only as tall as her so I thought she may be a little frightened.. It was love at first sight. Nina stood in the doorway of the lounge and the little one walked over put her head on Nina's shoulder and stroked her. Nina was a little anxious eyed at first but both girls took it slowly and when they left Nina wanted to go with them. The 6 year old asked her dad whilst lying on the floor with her "Can we have a dog like her daddy, she; so sweet and kind?" Spending the day with a Grey would help any child who was unsure or afraid of dogs, such gentle giants. Nina is flat out in her bed now snoring surrounded by her toys that she got out to show the girls. lol Bless

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by jetlucy

Monday 25 Dec 14:39

Happy Christmas Benny boy! Hope you're having a lovely time in a home. Love to your foster parents and all other pooches and foster parents! You're all doing a fabulous job as do all the staff and volunteers all year round. You're very lucky hounds to have them all! Jet sends Christmas love and kisses but is currently very busy eating all his presents from well as the cats presents then wonders why one told him off! Xxx

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by bluesfan

Sunday 24 Dec 14:36

Have a lovely Christmas in your foster home Benny. xxx

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by jetlucy

Saturday 23 Dec 23:51

Ah bless him im so pleased! I bet he's loving it and sounds like he's been spoilt! Hope you all have a lovely Christmas xxx

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by ChrisBarnett

Saturday 23 Dec 19:26

Benny has settled right in. A run around the garden with Lottie followed by a short walk as soon as we got home and then a bite to eat. He soon emptied his dish. He's now fast asleep on the living room rug.

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by jetlucy

Saturday 23 Dec 18:05

Who has Benny gone to on his Christmas holidays? I so worry about this boy I like to keep a check on how he's doing xxx

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by shanishoo

Saturday 23 Dec 15:54

Yay Benny Boo, just seen your fostered sign, go and enjoy your Christmas break lovely boy, so pleased for you xxxxx

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by loveheart

Thursday 21 Dec 23:16

Just read Benny's sad tale of re-homing. We homed our lovely fawn girl Pearl from Daybreaks years ago after she had been brought back because they had small children who she knocked over in her playfulness. She was very confused and anxious for some time as she had no idea what she had done to upset them and had bonded with the man of the house. Every time she saw or heard a little child when we where out she got so excited to see if it was "her family" coming for her. She came to love us and trust that she had found her "forever home" with our 3 other Greys. But for a while she was my little lost soul looking for approval and frightened of loosing us too, We have always taken hounds who have been the longest in kennels and they have rewarded us tenfold. I hope Benny will have the magic of Christmas touch him. Good luck Benny you are never too old to find your soul mates.

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by blueangel

Tuesday 19 Dec 21:28

Loving the new photo Benny sending you my cuddle xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 19 Dec 21:26

You are never too old to write to Santa! :) Xxx

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by jetlucy

Tuesday 19 Dec 21:10

He really does! Tell you something it will make my Christmas to see Benny in his forever home. Wish we could take him if our circumstances were different. Do you think 30 years old is too old to write to Santa and say all I want is to see this boy in a home?! Xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 18 Dec 23:28

I agree jetlucy, what a lovely new photo of Benny, doesn't he look a handsome fella! Xxx

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by jetlucy

Monday 18 Dec 21:19

Oh my word Benny if that new photo doesn't get you a home I don't know what will, you look absolutely gorgeous! You may not have been able to melt the snow, but surely you've melted someone's heart...I know you have mine xxx

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by shanishoo

Sunday 17 Dec 21:42

Fab new photo of Benny in the snow, what a handsome boy you are Benny Boo xxxxx

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by shanishoo

Sunday 10 Dec 11:46

Well done Benny, you are doing great at training classes by the sound of it, you get my cuddle today beautiful boy xxxxx

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by lisaBaker

Saturday 09 Dec 23:03

A cuddle from me today Benny boy. Day2 of training and apart from the embarrassing wee as we got in (I don’t think I gave him enough walkies before hand) he was so good. Responds to some of the instructions already (especially leave) and we even saw a medium size fluffy thing (Benny couldn’t describe it to look at but interesting enough to have a good look) and no barking. Really wish this boy could have a home with me but as that isn’t possible I hope a home becomes available soon..xxxx

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by bluesfan

Saturday 02 Dec 21:28

Well done Benny. Lots of love and a big cuddle xxx

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by steveandwend

Saturday 02 Dec 19:48

Well done Benny, I'm sure it won't be long before you pass your tests and paw the word PERFECT on your C.V. xx

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by Shanesmum

Saturday 02 Dec 17:38

Well done on your first training session Benny, sounds like you already understand what's expected of you. It may take a bit of practice to get there, but keep up the good work! Huge thanks to Lisa for taking you. x

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by lisaBaker

Saturday 02 Dec 12:57

Benny went to his first training session today. Thank you Julie for letting us come. He travelled brilliantly in the car and enjoyed being nosy watching everything out of the window and I feel he handled the training session very well. He watched and started following some of the commands (we are both learning these) and although he wanted to have a look at the other dogs responded well. He did have a little bark as he wanted to join in when another Greyhound became excited but with some gentle commands (and treats which he loved) he responded positive....well done Benny let’s get you that forever home that’s right for you xxx..........and now he’s off to Bournville too have fun xxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Saturday 02 Dec 12:47

Yay - Benny has a lift to Bournville - we just have to get him home!!!! If anyone can help get him back to the kennels later, please call us x

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by DaybreaksRuth

Saturday 02 Dec 08:02

Morning!!! Benny here! I have got an exciting day ahead but I need your help! I have the chance of going to the Bournville Christmas festival today (which is on between 2pm - 6pm) with my pal, volunteer Adam, but we need transport! If anyone can take us there and back we’d be soooooo grateful. Give my slaves at the kennels a call if you can help x Benny x

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by helenanddave

Wednesday 29 Nov 18:11

Well, Benny didn't seem to upset to be back at Daybreaks! He was bright and bouncy and ready for his morning walk. Such a lovely boy - hope he gets another chance soon. xx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 28 Nov 22:37

A cuddle for Benny tonight. He has enjoyed his time with Monica and was very settled in her home and with her other two Greyhounds. He was fine coming back into the kennels....unfortunately he is getting used to it! :( Lots of love to him. Xxx

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by lisaBaker

Tuesday 28 Nov 21:28

Tiggers Mom I will be in touch tomorrow about possibly bringing Benny to training sessions x

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by steveandwend

Tuesday 28 Nov 20:00

That's a kind offer from tiggersmom. It's so nice to know that when help is needed there are people who go that extra mile for these beautiful and deserving hounds xx

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by shanishoo

Tuesday 28 Nov 16:48

Beautiful Benny, you get my cuddle for today, so sad to see you back in kennels xxxxxx

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by mary/john

Tuesday 28 Nov 16:24

Lots of love to Benny see u soon XXXX

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by tiggersmum

Tuesday 28 Nov 08:37

If anyone would like to bring Benny to my training class on Saturday morning (9.30 start to 10.15) he'd be very welcome FOC of course. I'd recommend a Mekuti (TTouch) harness with a double ended lead as that encourages dogs to walk in balance so the pulling reduces and vanishes -and it's worked on my delinquent lurchers and class Greyhounds :) . If you'd like my class to buy him one from our usual tea/cake donations I'm happy to and that can go with him when he hopefully finds another home. Just text or call me please :) xx

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by lisaBaker

Monday 27 Nov 22:00

Aww Benny what a shame, your forever home is out there you will just have to have some more cuddles in the Kennels until the right home becomes available for you....until then we need to try some nice walking xxx

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by jetlucy

Monday 27 Nov 21:16

Oh no Benny I am so upset for you and for Monica as I can understand what a big decision it has been for her as she was so pleased with you. But at least you have been a good boy in the house so you're starting to sell yourself! Hope so much that you find a forever home soon xxx

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by steveandwend

Monday 27 Nov 19:45

Oh no, what a shame poor Benny but I'm sure with regular training with a kindhearted and strong person this setback can be overcome. xx

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by helenanddave

Monday 27 Nov 18:38

Oh Benny, what a terrible shame things haven't worked out for you. So sad for you and also for Monica who obviously thought the world of you. Hope you settle back ok and will see you on Wednesday for cuddles and walks. xx

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by Sillasmum

Monday 27 Nov 17:28

This is such a shame for Benny and Monica. As the previous owner of a strong reactive greyhound, it shouldn't be underestimated that this can be a real consideration when matching hounds and owners. It was certainly a bit part of us choosing Bella this time around. Love to Benny & Monica x

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by bluesfan

Monday 27 Nov 17:07

So sorry for you Benny - lots of love to you and a big cuddle xxx

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by shanishoo

Monday 27 Nov 15:46

So upset and gutted to hear this news, will this boy never have any luck?, so sad for Benny xxxxxxx

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by blueangel

Monday 27 Nov 14:31

Oh Benny sending you my cuddle xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 27 Nov 12:13

it is with a very heavy heart I have to let you know Benny will be coming back to the kennels tomorrow. :( Benny can be very strong on the lead and reactive to other dogs. Sadly he pulled Monica, his owner over a few days ago. Thankfully she is ok but has a very sore arm and understandably feels he is too strong for her to manage. She is distraught to have to return him; she wanted so much for this to be his forever home. She says he is perfect in the house and gets on so well with her other two Greyhounds. Unfortunately Benny needs a home with someone who is stronger than Monica and can provide him with the training he needs to help him overcome his problem with other dogs, Monica wishes it could be her but physically she is not able to provide what he needs. We are so very grateful to her for giving him a chance. Xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 21 Nov 22:07

Fantastic news! So happy for you Benny. Xxx

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by shanishoo

Tuesday 21 Nov 18:47

Brilliant update on Benny, I must admit he has been on my mind all day, wondering how he is getting along, but he seems to be settling very well considering all he has been through. I'm so pleased that Benny has found his perfect forever home, be happy Benny xxxxxxxx

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by PamD

Tuesday 21 Nov 18:25

Here’s today’s post on mees Facebook page
Maisie Grey

Now we are all fed and watered I can answer your anxious question. Well we have had a good day. Everyone slept well once everybody had decided which bed they wanted to sleep in! Benny roused once, about 1.00am, and I let him go out in case he wanted a pee. He did do one and, of course I praised him, gave him a reward and we then returned to bed. He slept right through then, part in a roach position, until my son, Stephen, got up for work at 6.30am. Benny obviously has to get used to our routine, what to take notice of and what not, as I get up 20mins later. This morning we went to a secure dog field 5mins away, for 30mins. Travelled in car altogether well. Boy did he enjoy his zoomies. He raced all over the field, round and round. Beau and Honey had a job to keep up with him Lol! Altogether we have had a good day. Still have to keep an eye on the scent marking indoors, but we shall get there, when he finally realised this is home for keeps. This will take time, as he has already known a home for short time, then gone back to Daybreaks. You most definitely are not having him back again!! We are going to the Vets tomorrow to get him registered with them, and joined up to their Pet Health Club they have. He is such a dear and Beau, Honey and Benny seem to be getting along with each other, and Benny is beginning to follow them around and keep an eye on what they do. Will keep you updated over the next week or two to let you know how we are progressing with each new adventure

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by blueangel

Monday 20 Nov 22:11

Lovely Rehoming photo look at Bennys big smile xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 20 Nov 21:41

A big cuddle for Benny tonight. Sleep well in your new home Birthday boy. Xxx

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by jetlucy

Monday 20 Nov 18:14

Oh Benny I am so pleased you both look so happy! I'm just sitting doing my bit for the human specie and giving blood and reading your story is taking my mind off fainting but you have brought tears to my eyes and i have to keep saying it's the hound not the needle! Xxx

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Monday 20 Nov 16:54

Well Benny boy, you finally managed to do have bagged yourself a lovely HOME. Yes Benny HOME, that magical word you have waited sooo long for. Be happy, your new mom certainly looks like she is, and no wonder, you are gorgeous. Keep us all updated. Such great news, a forever for your birthday, amazing. Xxxxxxxxxx

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by Alan&Paddy

Monday 20 Nov 16:54

Dear Benny, thank you for being such a perfect passenger and guest today on our trip to Swindon to your new forever home, I hardly knew you were there. What better birthday present,a lovely new home and a new brother and sister to play with too. All comes to he who waits and you have certainly landed well here. Plenty of fun times ahead I think and with a bed in every room lots of TLC too. Be very happy Benny boy its so well deserved xx

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by PamD

Monday 20 Nov 16:41

From Bennys new mum

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by PamD

Monday 20 Nov 16:40

Wees just got this message posted on mees Facebook page..

Benny has arrived and we are in the process of settling in. He, Beau and Honey seem to have accepted each other, so far. He has peed on just about every plant, shrub and upright that he can find. Definitely marking his territory!! I've also caught him doing it indoors, but put him straight out, then praised when peed again. This is obviously going to be work in progress, as obviously he is quite stressed. He has found my son's bed!! Oh and has sorted out where the treats are kept!! Will keep you up-to-date with how he settles. He loves a tummy rub Lol! ????????????????

Luvs Maisie

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by Shanesmum

Monday 20 Nov 16:39

Happy Birthday sweetheart, what better way to spend your day than en route to your new life. Be happy. xx

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by PamD

Monday 20 Nov 16:21

Maisie Grey

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by BigEars

Monday 20 Nov 16:02

Yes happy birthday Benny well deserved

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by CuteBarneyGumbleS

Monday 20 Nov 15:54

Present of your dreams! A forever home happy birthday benny!

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by shanishoo

Monday 20 Nov 15:53

He looks like he's always been there, I'm sure he will be loved and cherished, his new mum looks lovely, a few more tears shed on seeing this photo, just so happy for Benny, enjoy your new life xxxxxxxxx

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by bluesfan

Monday 20 Nov 15:27

A lovely rehoming photo. Wishing you and your new family all the best for a hsppy life together. xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 20 Nov 15:11


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by jetlucy

Monday 20 Nov 13:58

Happy birthday Benny! Hope you have a wonderful day which I am sure you will now you're in your new home! Have a wonderful life and can't wait to hear how you're getting on. Lots of love Lucy and jet xxx

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by helenanddave

Monday 20 Nov 13:56

Happy Birthday, handsome one! Hope by now you are busy exploring your new home. Love and hugs. xx

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by blueangel

Monday 20 Nov 13:17

A Big happy birthday Benny i hope your very happy with your new family and wish you and your family all the best good luck mate xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 20 Nov 11:40

Our lovely Birthday boy is on his way to his new home! Xxx

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by bluesfan

Monday 20 Nov 11:13

Happy birthday Benny. Have a safe journey to your forever home - will miss you. Lots of love and cuddles xxx
A big thank you to everyone at Daybreaks for all they have done for Benny and their hard work looking all the beautiful hounds in their care. xx

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by TJ

Monday 20 Nov 10:49

Happy Birthday beautiful, safe journey to your new forever home. Biggest hugs, xxxx

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Monday 20 Nov 10:28

What the happiest birthday present to have Benny

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by shanishoo

Monday 20 Nov 10:08

I bet there will be plenty of tears at the kennels this morning as Benny leaves for his new life in Swindon. Everybody has done their best at Daybreaks to give this beautiful boy everything he has needed until his forever home has come along, you all work so hard for these beautiful hounds, go above and beyond, and I can't praise you all enough, what a wonderful group of people you are. Thankyou xxxxx

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by Alan&Paddy

Monday 20 Nov 08:23

Morning birthday boy, our Swindon adventure awaits us so I will see you soon for our journey south. In the meantime put your paws up in the departure lounge :-D xx

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by steveandwend

Monday 20 Nov 08:06

Happy Birthday Benny and I would also like to say well done Lady V for your letter to Santa on Benny's behalf, I think Jonny needs one too xx

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by Jess&Koda

Monday 20 Nov 07:52

A perfect Birthday present for Benny!! Please be the good boy we know you are... xxx

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by shanishoo

Monday 20 Nov 07:26

Happy Birthday Benny, and what a fantastic present, a home of your own, so excited for you sweetheart, have a lovely day xxxxxxxx

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by RosieP

Monday 20 Nov 00:08

Congratulations Benny! This is fantastic news. Have a wonderful life on your forever sofa xxxxx

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by lisaBaker

Sunday 19 Nov 22:52

Yeayyyyy I’m so happy to hear this....enjoy your home Benny xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 19 Nov 21:31

I have everything crossed this will be Benny's perfect home! Lots and lots of love to him and thank you Santa! Xxx

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by blueangel

Sunday 19 Nov 20:06

Way to go Benny!!! A sofa for Christmas you so deserve this mate xxx

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by helenanddave

Sunday 19 Nov 18:30

What brilliant, brilliant news! We're so very happy to see your red sign Benny. You have been such a very patient boy and now it is finally your turn for that sofa. We will miss you at Daybreaks but will look forward to updates from your new home. Loads and loads of happiness. xx

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by bluesfan

Sunday 19 Nov 18:19

What brilliant news - so happy for you Benny. I hope you have a wonderful life in your forever home. Will miss seeing you but glad that you will be getting lots of love with your new family. Happy birthday for tomorrow xxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 19 Nov 18:16

Benny's wheels are in motion tomorrow morning - what a Birthday present for my boy..... a home he has waited so long for xxx
Thank you for the offer to take him today SteveandWend and jetLucy but his new mum thought it best if he arrives at his new home in the daylight xxx

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by FebeBebe

Sunday 19 Nov 18:15

So happy here... if he behaves in anyway like he did with us last week. He will be amazing.

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by jetlucy

Sunday 19 Nov 17:12

Yipppppeeeee! So pleased for you Benny I have too just cried! Only just logged on and seen this and sounds like you have a set of wheels Benny but if for some reason it doesn't happen get aunty Ruth to message on here and I'll happily take you after work tomorrow. I'll keep checking the posts xxx

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by steveandwend

Sunday 19 Nov 16:55

Just the best news, Santa must have made your Christmas wish a priority, and you will be in your new home on your birthday too, how amazing is that. Be happy gorgeous boy xx

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by PamD

Sunday 19 Nov 16:46

Message from Maisie Grey...

Yipeeeee he’s gowin ome To won of ower frends who saw my post on Facebook.....

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by shanishoo

Sunday 19 Nov 16:03

Can't stop smiling about Benny xxxxx

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Sunday 19 Nov 15:52

Benny my boy, so very happy for you, I cried more than when I wrote your poem When I heard you are going home. My sweetheart you so deserve this after all that you have been through. Good luck boy, and what a brilliant birthday present that is. Love to you and your new family Benny. Xxxx

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by PamD

Sunday 19 Nov 15:11

Just back from Melbicks spreading the word!!
We were going to offer but I can see your ok now

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by mary/john

Sunday 19 Nov 14:07

So happy for Benny be happy we all love u so very much. Xxxx

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by shanishoo

Sunday 19 Nov 13:38

Fantastic news, the best, so so happy for Benny, yay!!!!!! Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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by Shanesmum

Sunday 19 Nov 13:36

Guess I'm going to need yet another new phone screensaver photo now then!!! First Nifty and now you - woo hoo is all I can say. So happy for you sweetheart, and big thanks to Alan too for offering to be your lift to your new life. xx

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by Lewisfuggie

Sunday 19 Nov 13:26

Yay. Benny is going to his new home in Swindon on his BIRTHDAY !!!! Thanks to Alan for offering to take him. xx

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by steveandwend

Sunday 19 Nov 11:32

I can do it but I'm stuck at Work till 15:00 possible 16:00, if no one else can help I'll come down straight from work.

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by shanishoo

Sunday 19 Nov 11:27

I so hope somebody offers their services if it means a home for Benny, sorry I can't do it as I've had an operation on my shoulder and can't drive for 6 weeks or I would have done it, fingers crossed xxxxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 19 Nov 09:18

Ok.... I need help! If anyone could offer to take Benny to Swindon - he has a new home on offer!! I am currently unable to drive after my operation last Tuesday. Please call if you can help. Ruth 01217827702

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by shanishoo

Saturday 18 Nov 22:43

Oh Benny, you do break my heart sweetheart, bless you, you are such a good boy and should not be in kennels, you should be on a nice comfy sofa enjoying your retirement xxxxxx

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by Sillasmum

Saturday 18 Nov 19:33

Had some lovely cuddles with Benny this afternoon. He is such a big softy boy. Hope he gets his sofa soon. X

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by steveandwend

Saturday 18 Nov 19:01

Oh what a lovely letter Benny, I read it just before going shopping this morning, big mistake. I cried, my mascara ran and I had to go out looking like Alice Cooper. I'm sure Santa will do his best to get you what you desperately want for Christmas xx

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by TJ

Saturday 18 Nov 12:43

Beautiful Benny, you get our family cuddle today and we have all our paws and fingers crossed that you do get what's on your Christmas list! BIG hugs gorgeous xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 17 Nov 23:40

Dear Santa

There is just one item on my Christmas list....what I want more than anything in the world is a forever home of my own. x

I am a good boy and through no fault of my own find myself still living in kennels even though I am nearly eight years old. :(

I have been told I am a handsome lad and I get on so well with the girls, I am the perfect genetlman! I have also shared my kennel with another boy and we got along just fine.

I have so much love to give, I just need to be given the chance to share it with someone special.

I know you are really busy this time of year, but if you could spare some time to help me find my perfect home I would be so very grateful.

.....If you could manage a comfy sofa too that would be fabulous! :)

Yours in ever hopefulness.

Benny Xxxxxxxx
C/O Daybreaks Kennels

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by shanishoo

Friday 17 Nov 16:41

Keeping my fingers crossed that somebody out there falls in love with this boy and gives him the love and care he so deserves in his forever home xxxxxxx

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by bluepeter

Friday 17 Nov 13:49

Someone out there please give Benny the best birthday present ever and put that red sign up on his photo. Benny has really come on great.xxxxx

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by bluepeter

Friday 17 Nov 13:49

Someone out there please give Benny the best birthday present ever and put that red sign up on his photo. Benny has really come on great.xxxxx

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by FebeBebe

Friday 17 Nov 13:28

Well so sad to bring this lovely hound back to the kennels. But it was always the plan and having 2 dogs right now is just not quite right for us..

Benny is so lovely and chilled so nicely as the time went on.. he and Febe were zooming around the garden this morning. So nicely and as soon as I called them, they both stopped and went back was fun to see him enjoying himself with her.

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by jetlucy

Thursday 16 Nov 22:15

Agreed shanishoo I've got tears too! There has to be somebody out there for Benny he does deserve it. Keeping everything crossed for you Benny xxx

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by shanishoo

Thursday 16 Nov 20:21

Crikey, that poem made me cry, so well put, just love this boy and he so deserves a loving home xxxxxx

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by lisaBaker

Thursday 16 Nov 20:01

Benny is really such a super loving lad when I have seen him in his kennel. I’m glad he got the opportunity to go into a home so we can see some more of his character and I really really hope he gets his forever home soon (as I still can’t convince my partner that Benny should be with us) x

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by bluesfan

Thursday 16 Nov 18:58

It seems that Benny has had a lovely week in a foster home and has shown what a wonderful boy he is - thank you to FebeBebe for giving him the chance to experience a loving family home. Fingers crossed for you Benny for a forever home in time for xmas xxxx

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Thursday 16 Nov 18:35

Benny's turn.........

There is a dog at Daybreaks, Benny is his name
He's waited long and patiently, it's such a crying shame
He's seen so many come and go
And really does not know
Why he is not chosen
Why he is not the one to go
What he really, really needs is somewhere to call home
Somewhere warm and comfy with an occasional jumbone
They really do not ask for much, but have so much to give
So please that special person give this boy somewhere to live
I've seen the gorgeous Benny many many times
And if someone gives this boy a home
I'll stop these silly rhymes!

And if the promise of that doesn't work, I don't know what will. That must be an incentive!

Hugs and kisses Benny boy. Xxxxxx

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by blackisbeautiful

Thursday 16 Nov 18:14

Please someone have this boy He's had a taste of home and obviously loves life I hate to think of him back in kennels :( x

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by FebeBebe

Thursday 16 Nov 08:37

So as we reach the final full day of Bennys time with us. What can we say about the gentle hound..
He is so calm within the house.. loves a fuss..and so good at walk time..waiting nicely to get his coat and lead on. And really good out and about and crossing roads..

His been really wonderful with not only Febe. But also with our 2 girls.

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by jetlucy

Monday 13 Nov 21:13

Good boy Benny! See all you needed was a kind human to help you shine! Keep it going xxx

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by helenanddave

Monday 13 Nov 20:10

Glad to hear you are doing well, Benny. xx

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by shanishoo

Monday 13 Nov 19:00

Beautiful Benny, sounds like you are being the super well behaved boy you are, big kisses from me xxxxxx

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by lisaBaker

Monday 13 Nov 17:51

So happy to hear you are doing well Benny xx

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by bluesfan

Monday 13 Nov 16:54

Great to see that you are enjoying life in your foster home. Fingers crossed for you Benny. A big cuddle for you today. xx

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by FebeBebe

Monday 13 Nov 10:19

Well. 1st night done.. Benny and Febe spent the night together unmuzzled and no dramas what so ever..
Breakfast time..Benny tucked in lovely eat his went outside for a wee and on coming back in whilst slow coach Febe was still eating..Benny walked straight passed her and let her carry on well mannered

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 12 Nov 21:35

Great for Benny to have a break from the kennels. Xxx

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by Jembob

Sunday 12 Nov 19:29

I hope Benny enjoys his week on foster. He looked very relaxed and happy with his foster family this afternoon. Fingers crossed for this special hound.

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by helenanddave

Sunday 12 Nov 18:41

Super news Benny! You've waited so long to find a sofa to lie on and now you have a chance. Enjoy! xx

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by jetlucy

Sunday 12 Nov 18:34

Yay well done Benny so pleased! Lots of updates on you needed! Xxx

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by steveandwend

Sunday 12 Nov 17:09

Absolutely brilliant news Benny has got a foster home, another beautiful boy that has waited a long time for the chance of happiness with a family. I can however feel the FFC thing in the future, fingers crossed xx

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by shanishoo

Sunday 12 Nov 15:40

Well after what had been a horrible day for me I am so happy you see Benny has been fostered, this has made my day, well done Benny xxxxxxxxx

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by FebeBebe

Sunday 12 Nov 14:51

Well Benny sounds like a train...what a contrast..Febe has assumed her position of being flat out on the floor and Benny is learning the house and...oh boy. Look Gerbils..

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by blackisbeautiful

Sunday 12 Nov 14:11

Ooops! Wishful thinking..I meant BLUE sign lol x

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by blackisbeautiful

Sunday 12 Nov 14:10

Fantastic to see your RED sign You deserve your sofa Hope all goes well gorgeous x x

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Sunday 12 Nov 14:09

Thank goodness for that, I nearly inflicted another poem on you all. Went to post it yesterday but somehow got redirected to greyhound data! Must have been an omen. Good luck Benny boy. Xxxxx

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by lisaBaker

Sunday 12 Nov 13:35

Yeayyyy I see a foster sign for Benny...I hope it goes well and gets you a home of your own xx

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by lisaBaker

Saturday 11 Nov 16:49

Love this boy so much, someone pleaseeeee give him a home soon, if my situation was different he would be coming home with me but had to settle with giving him extra cuddles in the kennel after walks this morning and he couldn’t get enough of the belly rubs and kept asking for more. He sooooo deserves his forever home soon xxx

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by bluesfan

Saturday 11 Nov 15:29

It must be your turn next Benny now that Nifty has found his forever home. You have been very patient and you are so friendly and loveable. Sending you a big cuddle. xx

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by shanishoo

Saturday 11 Nov 15:22

Well Benny Boy, Nifty has bagged himself a sofa, so come on boy, pull yer socks up, work it, work it and hopefully a sofa will be yours for Christmas, if any hound deserves it you certainly do, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you Benny xxxxxxx

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by bluesfan

Sunday 05 Nov 10:19

Big cuddles for you Benny - make sure you get your letter to Santa with a wish for a lovely forever home in time for Xmas. xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 04 Nov 23:21

Benny is on his own again as his kennel mate Hero has gone home today. :( Sending him a big cuddle tonight. Xxx

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by Caro

Wednesday 01 Nov 09:13

Come on propective owners lets have Benny in his own home
by Christmas he so deserves that sofa.

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by Caro

Tuesday 31 Oct 18:49

Please prospective owners spend some time with this lad great that Daybreaks is please do not let this lad spend his whole life in a kennel environment he has so much to give and watching him experience everything in life for the first time would be so rewarding.

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by bluesfan

Tuesday 31 Oct 12:52

Enjoyed my walk with you today Benny. A lovely boy who has been patiently for that special forever home for such a long time. Stay happy and fingers crossed that a red sign appears very soon. xx

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by steveandwend

Sunday 29 Oct 14:27

Finally met the lovely Benny today. He loved the fuss and attention from me and my 12yr old son, he had a very waggy tail. He needs someone to take him home and give him the love and care and sofa he really deserves.

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by bluesfan

Sunday 29 Oct 09:29

Glad to hear that your paw is getting better - now you need to find a special home very, very soon. A big cuddle for you today. xx

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by shanishoo

Friday 27 Oct 13:00

Hey Benny, you get my cuddle for today, glad your paw is feeling better, you gorgeous scrummy boy xxxx

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by helenanddave

Wednesday 25 Oct 18:39

Benny managed a full walk this morning without his boot! He seemed fine and was very happy to be out with all his mates again! xx

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by shanishoo

Tuesday 17 Oct 19:00

Lovely to see you today Benny, glad you liked the sausage treats (a lot lol), hope your special forever home comes along soon, you are such a lovely chap xxxxxx

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by bluesfan

Tuesday 17 Oct 17:02

Lovely to see you today Benny and to have a little walk with you. Hope your foot gets better soon and that you find your forever home soon - you deserve lots of love and cuddles from a family of your own. xx

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by TJ

Wednesday 11 Oct 13:21

Hi Benny, hope your paw is feeling much better. Just want to say a big thank you for the lovely card you sent... and even managed to sign yourself! You're a very clever, special boy. Big hugs, T, J, R & B xxxx

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by Rachies

Tuesday 10 Oct 18:06

Hi Gorgeous Benny... hope your paw is getting much better! I've seen some wonderful pictures of you getting on so well with other breeds. Aren't you doing well? I hope it won't be long until your perfect family come along. It must have been very confusing for you to be returned to the kennels. I'm hoping your perfect hoomans come along soon because you so deserve it. Sending you lots of love and hugs xxxxx

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by bluesfan

Tuesday 10 Oct 17:38

Hope your foot is getting better and that it won't be long before you find a lovely comfy sofa. A big cuddle for you today. xxx

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by TJ

Monday 09 Oct 10:56

Hi Benny Boo, how's your foot? xxxx

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by shanishoo

Monday 09 Oct 10:51

Hi Benny, I hope your poorly paw is feeling much better now, you get my cuddle today beautiful boy xxxxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 05 Oct 22:47

Benny is doing ok although we had to stop him from trying to remove his bandage this afternoon! He has a check up at the vets tomorrow. Fingers crossed all will look good. Xxx

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by Jess&Koda

Thursday 05 Oct 15:08

Poor Benny, So glad he'll soon be on the mend :) xxx

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by willerby

Thursday 05 Oct 07:38

Great news for you Benny big hugs x

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by BigEars

Thursday 05 Oct 06:13

Poor Benny I knew there would be a reason give him a hug from me.

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by skinnyme

Thursday 05 Oct 00:50

Oh poor boy, he must have been hurting so much. Big hugs gorgeous boy. Xxxx

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by jetlucy

Wednesday 04 Oct 22:02

Yay so pleased for you Benny! I would have snapped with that in my foot! Hope your forever home come soon xxx

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by Melysa

Wednesday 04 Oct 21:30

I hope his previous owners have been told about the glass in his foot - so they don't continue to blame him, or the breed.
I can't say how many times Charlie Mouse has had a go at us - and all to do with neck and back pain (oh and from being woken up or wanting the settee to himself!) but we NEVER EVER considered returning him. Well, apart from when he wouldn't keep his Easter Bunny ears on to go out in ........!

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by helenanddave

Wednesday 04 Oct 19:29

We were all so relieved when the news came through to the kennels this morning that the vet had discovered the cause of poor Bennys discomfort and that it was not something more serious. Hope he will soon start to feel better and be back to his usual, lovely bouncy self. Sending him a cuddle tonight. xx

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by NMD07

Wednesday 04 Oct 18:45

So glad Benny is on the mend - would be enough to make anyone grumpy. Xxx

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by shanishoo

Wednesday 04 Oct 16:29

Great to hear the good news about Benny, poor little lamb, no wonder he was in so much pain. A week or so and he will be as good as new and enjoying his walks again, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a sofa for him too, if any dog deserves it Benny does xxxxxx

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by TJ

Wednesday 04 Oct 16:18

Oh beautiful Benny, no wonder you were in so much discomfort. Thank goodness you will now be pain free and can soon start enjoying walks & galloping around in the sand run. Biggest of hugs are being whisked your way gorgeous xxxx

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by steveandwend

Wednesday 04 Oct 15:23

What a relief, glad it's not a more serious injury. Hope someone falls in love with you very soon beautiful boy x

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Wednesday 04 Oct 14:39

I am so very happy to hear the good news. Horrible that something quite simple has caused this boy so much pain, no wonder he wasn't happy. Right Benny, best foot forward now (no pun intended!), and get yourself that well deserved sofa. There is a special someone somewhere out there for you. xxxxx

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by bluesfan

Wednesday 04 Oct 14:24

Very happy to hear the good news Benny. You can now enjoy being pain free and enjoying your walks. Hoping that you find a loving family and comfy sofa very, very soon. Big cuddles for you xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 04 Oct 14:22

Fab news for Benny! :))) Xxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Wednesday 04 Oct 13:32

I am over the moon at the news from Fivelands vets. He was admitted this morning and they have operated on Benny and he was found to have a large piece of glass in his pad. This explains why he was so lame and uncomfortable.

Thank you everyone who has donated towards his care - luckily he did not need x-rays suggested by the other vets! xxx

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by steveandwend

Tuesday 03 Oct 17:51

Any news about Benny's leg?

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 02 Oct 22:59

Benny has an appointment with our vet tomorrow. His leg is still causing him a lot of discomfort. :( He couldn't go for a long walk but we had a gentle stroll around the sand run. Xxx

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by bluesfan

Monday 02 Oct 18:04

It was lovely to see you today Benny. I hope that a visit to the vets will sort out your poorly leg as it is obviously getting you down. Big cuddles for you tonight. xxxx

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by shanishoo

Monday 02 Oct 11:44

Hello sweetheart, I've heard you are feeling a bit down today, quite understandably so I am sending you my cuddle today, sounds like you are going to get sorted at the vet, so fingers crossed all goes well, lots of love to you Benny xxxxxxxxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Monday 02 Oct 08:53

Oh wow TJ!!!! Thank you so much! I’m going to get him booked in and sorted ASAP. The poor fella keeps lifting his leg and it is clearly hurting him. Your kind offer means so much xxxx

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by shanishoo

Sunday 01 Oct 22:17

Well said Tiggersmum, I agree with every word. Xxx

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by tiggersmum

Sunday 01 Oct 20:41

I totally agree with all the positive comments about the lovely Benny, he is in NO WAY at fault here- our Greys (all our dogs) rely on us to keep them safe and out of trouble unfortunately the dogs suffer when things go wrong, people rarely admit the blame is theirs :( . However Benny's better off back with us to find his forever home. Just a point here too - I know Ruth and Kate's spiel to new adopters, I know what home checkers say when they visit - leaving a dog with a safe place is always stressed, leave them alone when they are on their bed, call them to you & don't approach them.I could go on - most of us have had Greyhounds for many years, we are giving you our advice so our lovely dogs and you are safe - PLEASE don't think it applies to everyone else but you- IT APPLIES TO EVERYONE!!!! If you or your family member are bitten it will probably be your fault DON'T let it happen, listen to us and take our advice so you can enjoy having a Greyhound and the Grey will enjoy living with you.

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by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Sunday 01 Oct 18:52

Yes Pam and I’m top of that list for Monty!!! Mand xxx

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by TJ

Sunday 01 Oct 18:44

Hi Ruth, we'd like to donate to beautiful Benny's treatment. How much (roughly) do you need for his X-ray? Thanks, Tash & John

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by PamD

Sunday 01 Oct 12:58

Many of you remembered our Sammie D. He was returned through snapping at a child while on his bed during the first week in a home. He came to us and snapped at my husband while he was cuddling him in his bed. This too during his first couple of weeks with us. During the next 10 years or so,after he had settled in, he took part in hundreds of roadshows with kids all over him. He could be trusted completely.
These days our Monty did the same during his first few weeks with us. Now as many of you know he is just a snuggle monster on roadshows pawing at kids for more fuss. He's also got a waiting list of people wanting to adopt him if we ever get fed up with our wonderful trustworthy boy
Moral in this is LET THEM SETTLE IN

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by LindaPaul

Sunday 01 Oct 10:18

Just a cuddle for you today Benny. Time to concentrate on getting that leg better and then onwards and upwards xxxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 01 Oct 07:26

Thanks for all the comments about Bennys return. All the comments left have been approved as it echoes what we feel at the kennels. His owners are very upset to return him but understandably were shocked and upset by what happened.
It is a very frightening thing when it is from a generally very placid dog. If he meant true aggression he would have caused more than buising to the visitor. With pressures from the family they felt they couldn't keep him. We would rather he was returned than stay in a home where it could cause further issues.

These comments I hope will reiterate one very important thing.... do not touch a dog... especially a new arrival... when they are laying down. Call them to you for fuss as they will come if they are accepting.

We are now faced with covering his treatment as his insurance cover had to be cancelled on his return. Please click the donate button on his page and make a difference. Thanks for caring x

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by bluesfan

Saturday 30 Sep 21:40

So sad to see that you are back at the kennels. You are such a lovely friendly boy and I look forward to giving you a cuddle next week. A big virtual cuddle for you tonight xx

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by Melysa

Saturday 30 Sep 20:59

I am sad and slightly annoyed by this.
I echo everything you say, Jo.

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by blackisbeautiful

Saturday 30 Sep 20:30

So many of us were overjoyed when Benny got his forever home and I'm totally gutted that he's back If any grey deserved their chance after waiting so long it was him and Nifty- who is also still waiting So sad to see them returned so easily Daybreaks are always on hand to help and advise and I really hope someone gives him another chance very soon :((. X

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by lisaBaker

Saturday 30 Sep 20:20

Oh Benny I'm so sorry to see your back at the kennels. You sound very much like my Ella and if she was more accommodating I would be taking you home with me....I will be popping in with some treats (And fish) for everyone Tuesday...I will have to give you an extra cuddle as you did a fuss xxx

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by blueangel

Saturday 30 Sep 19:40

Sending my cuddle to Benny love this chap xxx

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Saturday 30 Sep 19:28

Sorry, I feel compelled to make a further comment regarding the snapping incident. Here goes. My first ever grey was Max 1 (from herein called Bob because he was fawn and had the hugest bobbly eyes). I confess I knew nothing about greyhounds other than accompanying my dad who was a bookmaker to the track. Bob was as most Grey's) the sweetest gentlest dog you could meet. My son's used to lie all over him and he never batted an eyelid. One night my oldest son went to his bedroom, did not turn on the light and dived on to his bed, not realising Bob was already on it. Bob was startled, jumped up and bit my son on the lip. I took him to A & E and after a battle for him to be seen by a doctor I was told I needed to have Bob PTS. My son was distraught as he said it was not Bob's fault. Needless to say Bob had many more years with us until we lost him at 14.I a dog should not be judged on one incident, particularly if it's space has been invaded. Completely agree with BigEars. Sorry, rant over for now. X

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by helenanddave

Saturday 30 Sep 19:21

Oh Benny - I'm so very, very sorry to see you have been returned. Perhaps you snapped because of your poorly leg. Certainly we have never known any aggression from you during your Daybreaks stay - just the opposite in fact - you were always up for a snuggle and fuss. Fingers crossed for another sofa very soon. In the meantime will look forward to seeing you on Wednesday. Sending you a hug, handsome. xx

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by NMD07

Saturday 30 Sep 18:45

Reading back poor Benny hasn't had time to work out where he was and the rules - such a shame for the boy. Xxx

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by jetlucy

Saturday 30 Sep 18:20

Oh no poor Benny! So sorry to hear you're back. Sure it wasn't your fault you snapped, 'let sleeping dogs lie' as they say. I do hope your leg gets better soon and sure you'll have lots of attention and cuddles at daybreaks till your special home arrives and my fingers and jets paws crossed it won't be long! Sending you all our love jet and Lucy xxx

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by Jembob

Saturday 30 Sep 18:12

A few weeks ago I was sad to go on what I thought was my last walk with Benny. Today I was even sadder to take him on his first walk back at Daybreaks. He enjoyed his walk but is obviously perplexed at being back at kennels.
Hopefully the xray on his leg will indicate whether he has a pain issue and then we can hopefully find a home committed to bringing the best out of this wonderful hound.

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by Snipe

Saturday 30 Sep 17:55

That's sad for Benny. Most dogs would snap in that situation!. It probably wasn't the right home and I'm sure the right one will come soon. :-) xx

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by Caro

Saturday 30 Sep 17:42

I so hoped it wasn't Benny. If a dog is in pain exceptions have to be made particularly if the dog is on his bed which he should be allowed to consider his "safe zone" such a shame a home is out there Benny. Please people I have said many times do not over look the older dogs they have so much to give and watching them adapt to their new life is so rewarding, but this takes time especially when you take on board everything they have to learn and process.

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by shanishoo

Saturday 30 Sep 17:35

Absolutely gutted for you Benny, I am sending you all my love, kisses and cuddles and hope your poorly leg feels better soon xxxxxx

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by TJ

Saturday 30 Sep 17:16

I'm sorry if this offends anyone, but 2 weeks... really? None of us who have been adopted by these beautiful hounds, will ever fully understand what each & every one of them has been through in their previous life. Time & patience is what they all need and deserve whilst adjusting to their new life, where the language being spoken is probably foreign to them and they are learning new rules. Many humans don't react well to being woken from sleep and as Benny is nursing an injury he's quite rightly protected himself when approached on what should be his 'safe area' his bed. Keeping our fingers & paws crossed for positive news from your X-rays Benny. Big hugs xxxx

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by Lucy&Ellie

Saturday 30 Sep 16:59

Big cuddle for Benny today, so sorry to see you've been returned. Hopefully that right sofa is out there just around the corner, after so long you deserve to put your paws up for your retirement xx

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by steveandwend

Saturday 30 Sep 16:47

I'm so gutted for this boy, he just needed time. It can be stressful for any dog to adapt to a change in surroundings and given his leg problem he should have been given more of a chance poor boy. There are Greyhound people and then there are people that want a Greyhound!

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by shanishoo

Saturday 30 Sep 16:25

I am absolutely gutted for this beautiful boy, my option only and you probably won't approve this post but the poor lad hasn't been given a chance. I don't know, people seem to give up on these special hounds too soon, they need patience, love and understanding, 2 weeks is no time, and I agree with Bigears a little dramatic!!!!. Never mind Benny, I am sure you will find a family who will love you for you, let's face it nobody is perfect are we. Sorry to rant but so upset.

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by TheStoneFamily

Saturday 30 Sep 14:04

Oh Benny, I'm so sorry you've been returned. Such an upheaval for you, and with a poorly leg too. I hope your perfect family comes along soon and you get the support and security you need. You get my hug today.

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Saturday 30 Sep 14:01

I am absolutely devastated to see this. I did hope against hope that it was not Benny. So very sad, I really wish that I could do something to help, but I am full to capacity now having adopted Flloyd. Please, please, please, there must be an experienced greyhound owner/previous owner or someone who can give this boy the time and patience he deserves that could help this boy. He so needs to be in his forever home. Benny, I hope and pray you find your home very soon. Jo xx

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by BigEars

Saturday 30 Sep 13:54

How can you judge a dog by 1 incident. Any animal can snap at any time especially when wounded and dogs are usually very loving. A little over dramatic and odd I think. Poor thing

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by mary/john

Saturday 30 Sep 13:42

lots of love to u Benny....Xxxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Saturday 30 Sep 13:24

I am absolutely broken hearted that Benny has been returned after finally being homed 2 weeks ago. Sadly he snapped at a visitor.

He is on medication and due to have x-rays this coming week as he hurt his leg recently.

In Benny's defence, he has never shown any aggression like this during his previous long stay at Daybreaks and the visitor did touch him whilst he was laying down on his bed. In addition, he must clearly be in pain from his leg so sadly he was possibly reacting because of this :-(

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by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Thursday 28 Sep 23:01

We have the same with our youngest Grey (who’s now ten). We nicknamed her Miss Piddle Pants because she always woke us at about 5.30 am needing a wee! She’s still the same now, but better if she’s upstairs with us (although this upsets our eldest boy, who can’t climb the stairs!). Ours are in fleecy night coats too and they know this is the signal for bed-time. It’s early days, so I’m sure you’ll all settle into your routine soon. Now, I must get to bed, my Grey has me well-trained and I need to be up at 5.30 am to let her ladyship into the garden :) Mand x

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by blackisbeautiful

Thursday 28 Sep 09:15

Hi Yes I agree..fleece coat at night ( Daybreaks sell them too at a good price ) nice warm blanket or fleece on their bed and a plug in night light..wish I was in Paddy's bed sometimes ! Lol Once in a routine he will sleep better for longer Hugs to Benny x x

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by Caro

Thursday 28 Sep 08:13

Try putting Benny in a night fleece Lily Peeps make them to measure, at this time of year they can get cold but also the fleece seems to give them the feeling of security mine love theirs.

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by lisaBaker

Wednesday 27 Sep 23:08

Mine did this too for the first few months we had her, it wasn't a problem in the week because one of us was close to getting up and getting ready for work but it meant we had some very early mornings at weekends. We chose to get up with her but then she started coming upstairs and sleeps on her bed in our room so it stopped. She still gets up about 6am though and takes herself downstairs to stretch out on the settee lol, but I can't remember the last time she woke us up and so hopefully it will settle down for Benny as he gets more used to being in a home xx

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by steveandwend

Wednesday 27 Sep 20:17

Our Grey's love their fleecy night coats when it starts getting colder at night and are good as gold, so you could try one on Benny.

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Wednesday 27 Sep 20:07

Duct tape! Oh come on people I am only joking. Ignoring is probably the best bet. I know you are worried about your neighbours, but hopefully after a couple of days he will settle. Xxx

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by Thethirdronnie

Wednesday 27 Sep 12:10

Florence started this too only she chose 4am! The only thing that worked was to ignore her.... Hard to do, I had to hold TC in the bed, but once she realised that it got no response she stopped doing it. Took a couple of nights. He's saying, "hey I'm up where's the rest of my pack". Hopefully he'll soon twig that the rest of the pack are asleep. Xx

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by Jembob

Wednesday 27 Sep 11:23

Casey used to wake us up at 6:15 every day but now I have to get him out of bed to go for his early morning walk. As he's settled into domestic life he seems to be happier to stay on his bed longer - on Sunday he didn't stir until 7:45.
We do hear him whining early on but we think he's just moaning at being a little chilly first thing.

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by Rachel&Dan

Wednesday 27 Sep 08:07

Benny has developed an internal alarm clock - yesterday he barked from 5.30am. He just doesn't stop until we get up and I think we're driving the neighbours mad. Any tips?

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by bluesfan

Sunday 24 Sep 10:46

Glad to hear that Benny has settled into his forever home. Have fun with your new toy!! xx

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by shanishoo

Saturday 23 Sep 21:34

So happy to hear Benny is happy and doing so well, go Benny!!!!!!!! Xxxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 23 Sep 19:29

It was great to see Benny today. He was very relaxed and very happy with his new family. He looked very proud as he carried his new toy out of the kennels. Lots of love to him. Xxx

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by Rachel&Dan

Saturday 23 Sep 18:34

Benny had a little visit to the kennels today and seemed to love it. He picked out a new toy and carried it all the way home! Still limping a little but seems to be doing better.

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by blueangel

Thursday 21 Sep 11:08

Oh Benny get better soon xxx

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by blackisbeautiful

Wednesday 20 Sep 22:15

Oh Benny !! You nutter ! Lol Never a dull moment with a Greyhound ;)) x x

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by shanishoo

Wednesday 20 Sep 17:54

Hope you feel better soon Benny, put your paws up and chill xxxxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 20 Sep 09:41

Benny, you are not making things very easy for your Mom and Dad! Try to be good and rest! Xxx

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by Rachel&Dan

Wednesday 20 Sep 09:00

The vet says he has most likely sprained his ankle - don't know how but he has painkillers and is on a 'rest programme'. Tried to explain that to him but then he saw a squirrel. Short walks, trying to calm!

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 19 Sep 21:09

Oh no! Hope Benny is ok? Xxx

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by Rachel&Dan

Tuesday 19 Sep 08:28

Thank you - he slept all through again but has woken up limping! We don't know why or how, but have him booked in for the vet this morning. Hope it's nothing serious - just when we were all getting settled!

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 18 Sep 22:28

Hope Benny got on ok today and sleeps well again tonight..Xxx

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by Rachel&Dan

Monday 18 Sep 17:29

Yes please Ruth that would be wonderful!

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by DaybreaksRuth

Monday 18 Sep 16:10

Hi Rachel&Dan, do you want to try some herbal calming tablets for him? I can pop some in the post for you - they are really good... just let me know. Ruth x

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by Rachel&Dan

Monday 18 Sep 08:06

Thank you Victoria! He actually slept all through last night which was very impressive. Kept the classical on. Bit of barking today when Daniel left for work, but we have the Kong at the ready!

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 17 Sep 21:33

Hi Rachel & Dan, the music is on in the kennels for the dogs all the time. My sister used to leave the radio on for her Greyhound, usually a channel with lots of talking or Classic FM. I leave a lamp on in the lounge for my two boys. The kennels also sell the calming tablets mentioned. I too used to give my lass Twiggy a Kong when I was going out, she loved it so much she never used to notice I had left! Benny does like his treats; so something like this may help him. Poor lad has been in kennels most of his life, hopefully when he gets used to his new environment he will start to settle. Xxx

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by Rachel&Dan

Sunday 17 Sep 19:58

Just wondering - I know they play classical music in the kennels - we've had classical FM on this afternoon and Benny seems relaxed by it. At the kennels, is it played all night or just in the day?

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by Caro

Sunday 17 Sep 19:28

I found that's it's a lot they have to learn and some adapt quicker than others speak to Daybreaks if you are worried they are always there for you. I am sure Benny will settle he just needs time.

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by blackisbeautiful

Sunday 17 Sep 19:05

Hi Rachel & Dan A calming plug may help..the downside with those is you have to keep the dog in the room it's plugged in We can highly recommend the non-sedating calming tabs Serene UM, available at good pet shops for such situations I'm sure they have some at Daybreaks too Need to use them for a few days to take effect but we'll worth trying Remember they are always there to give advice and to help you x X x

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by shanishoo

Sunday 17 Sep 18:57

Aw bless him, he just needs time and patience which I'm sure you will give him, everything is so new and strange for him. We got a Dapp collar for our Grey Jack and that seemed to help, maybe worth a try. Xxxxxx

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by Lucy&Ellie

Sunday 17 Sep 18:38

A Kong might be useful for Benny when left alone for any period of time? When we first got Ellie she would get so upset when left alone, whining and ramming herself into the dog gate if she couldn't see us. We got a Kong and stuffed it with peanut butter and a few dog biscuits and then froze it (so it would last longer) and started "alone training" her with it. We'd leave it with her and then leave and stand outside the door for about 5 minutes and then 10 etc and when we came back we'd take the kong off her so she associated us leaving with something positive happening. Slowly over days and weeks you'd ideally build up time left. We did have her on calming tablets too that we got from the kennels (but that was more cause of her food thiefing habits!) Hope that helps, good luck :) xx

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by Liz_beth

Sunday 17 Sep 18:24

We also did a lot of 'practice' of leaving her alone. Without acknowledging her on leaving or return, we would go out for short periods of time. Sometimes we would just go into the porch and other times we would go round the corner of our road. We were trying to reassure her that us coming and going was no big deal as well as the fact that we would ultimately come back again x

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by Liz_beth

Sunday 17 Sep 18:07

My dog, Maggie, didn't like being left downstairs on her own for the first few months. She would whine and pace. I bought her a soft crate, which I think helped her settle down. Ultimately though I think it was just time and patience. At the weekend now when I don't have to get up for work, she still gets fed about normal time but then I go back to bed for a few hours and she is fine. We would also always leave the radio on for her and tried a frozen Kong stuffed with boiled potatoes to occupy her. Good luck. I'm sure he will settle down once he gets used to his new home x

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by Rachel&Dan

Sunday 17 Sep 17:29

Benny is having troubles being left even when we just pop upstairs. Earlier was upstairs for half an hour - he broke through the dog gate and then wee'd in the lounge! Got a calming plug now, hopefully that'll work.

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by Liz_beth

Sunday 17 Sep 15:46

I'm so pleased for you Benny. You so deserve a family and sofa of your own. Enjoy every minute and be a good boy xx

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by shanishoo

Sunday 17 Sep 15:09

Great rehoming photo, we have all waited a long time to see that, so pleased for you Benny, you so deserve a loving home, your new mum and dad look lovely too xxxxx

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by bluesfan

Sunday 17 Sep 10:21

A lovely rehoming photo Benny - wishing you a very happy life with your new family. xx

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by blueangel

Sunday 17 Sep 09:38

Fantastic!!! so happy for you Benny mate have a great live with your new family be happy mate A great re homing photo xxx

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by Caro

Saturday 16 Sep 19:33

So happy to see your sign go green Benny be happy.

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by Rachel&Dan

Saturday 16 Sep 19:07

Benny is currently lying on the living room floor next to me watching telly. It's been an eventful afternoon full of playing and exploring, but he's finally starting to chill. Hope the night's sleep goes well - will keep you updated!

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 16 Sep 19:03

Benny went home today! :)) He couldn't wait to jump into the car and be on his way. The look on his face was priceless when we were messing around trying to fit a pet gate in the back with him; he looked at us as if to say "Get on with it, I'm going home!" We will all miss seeing him at the kennels but wish him the happy life he so deserves. Xxx

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by mary/john

Saturday 16 Sep 17:35

We were lucky to see Benny off to his new home this morning... We wish him lots of happiness in his new home and his new owner has a great life with him... xxx

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by shanishoo

Friday 15 Sep 10:42

So happy for Benny, can't wait to see the rehoming photo xxxx

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by blueangel

Friday 15 Sep 08:28

Sound like Benny going to a lovely home so happy for him xxx

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by Rachel&Dan

Friday 15 Sep 07:28

Yay Benny comes home tomorrow! Made a batch of sardine and oat biscuits for the freezer. Lots of toys and blankets await you Benny, can't wait.

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by helenanddave

Wednesday 13 Sep 18:39

Benny, I walked you today for the last time before you go off to your forever sofa. We've had lots of walks together during your stay and I will miss seeing you at Daybreaks but I'm so happy you have found your new family. Looking forward to hearing how you are getting on. xx

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by Rachel&Dan

Wednesday 13 Sep 10:12

Lovely - thank you! Looking forward to trying my baking skills on him!

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by LindaPaul

Wednesday 13 Sep 08:14

Hi Rachel. You might like to grab yourself a copy of 'A La Bark Baking' by Kris Owen. Lots of biscuit and cake recipes in there you can try out on Benny x

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by Jembob

Tuesday 12 Sep 23:22

Rachel. Try these, they go down a treat:
I had my last hug with Benny on Saturday - he's such a lovely big boy, you are going to have a lot of fun with him.

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 12 Sep 21:10

Told Benny today he only has four more sleeps before he goes home with you! :))) Xxx

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by Rachel&Dan

Tuesday 12 Sep 12:51

So excited to pick this lovely chap up on Saturday. We are so ready! Wanted to have a go at making homemade dog biscuits - anyone have any tips?

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by bluesfan

Thursday 07 Sep 17:22

Glad that I was able to give you a real cuddle today Benny. I will miss seeing you at Daybreaks but so happy you have found your forever home. Enjoy your retirement. xx

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by Jembob

Tuesday 05 Sep 13:00

I would have expected no less from Benny! His new family are going to have a lot of fun with him.

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by Caro

Tuesday 05 Sep 06:48

Oh Benny boy what a first impression to make your Hoomans are going to have so much fun with you, I am sure however that you are a quick learner and will soon get to grips with your new life and have your hoomans trained in no time.

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 04 Sep 22:02

A cuddle for Benny...he certainly had an interesting home visit with you! Xxx

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by Jess&Koda

Monday 04 Sep 12:49

Rachel&Dan, thank you for choosing Benny! You seem like the perfect family for him. :)

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by shanishoo

Monday 04 Sep 09:04

I just love this boy, so excited and pleased for him that he has finally found his sofa, can't wait to hear how he settles in xxxx

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by Rachel&Dan

Monday 04 Sep 08:20

It is so lovely to see everyone's excitement for Benny. We cannot wait to have him home next weekend - he came over yesterday to meet our budgies! Once he's home we'll keep everyone updated with how he's doing.

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by RosieP

Sunday 03 Sep 20:51

Hooray!! Soooo pleased to see the red sign for you Benny! You've waited so long. Have a wonderful time on your new sofa xxx

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by jetlucy

Saturday 02 Sep 21:57

Yay well done benny! Just come back off holiday to see your red sign and so pleased! Best of luck to you and your new family! Just nifty now who I seem to have seen forever on the page so hoping he gets the chance he deserves too soon xxx

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by blueangel

Saturday 02 Sep 21:40

YAY!!! Go Benny!!! xxx

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by blackisbeautiful

Saturday 02 Sep 21:02

Yeeeeeeeessss !!!!! Made our day Excellent news at long last ! You so deserve to get your chance to retire and be loved So so happy for you lovely boy x x x

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by Ostrich

Saturday 02 Sep 21:00

What fab news....well done handsome boy...wishing you all the happiness and the biggest best sofa ever....soooo pleased for you xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 02 Sep 20:44

Oh Benny, what fantastic news for you! Will keep everything crossed this is your dream home. Sending you my cuddle tonight. Xxx

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by helenanddave

Saturday 02 Sep 20:02

Benny this is the BEST news! You have been such a patient boy and now you will have your well deserved sofa. Well done, handsome, sending you loads of hugs. xx

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by steveandwend

Saturday 02 Sep 18:59

Oh Benny so very happy for you. Those tips I gave you obviously worked so well done you clever boy, I bet you can't wait to claim that sofa x

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by Lucy&Ellie

Saturday 02 Sep 18:39

So extremely happy for you Benny, it's about time :) xx

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by lisaBaker

Saturday 02 Sep 17:46

Yeayyyyyy go Benny, never been so happy to see a red sign (and a little bit jealous as I would of loved to be taking him home myself). Glad I got a last walk with him today xxx

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by Shanesmum

Saturday 02 Sep 17:05

Benny!!!!! Our serious chat obviously worked and the birthday wishes we made yesterday have come true, you have finally got that red sign we've all been hoping for - well done. What a fab weekend it's been, I must have birthdays more often!! xxxxx

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by sharon

Saturday 02 Sep 16:55

Well done Benny, so pleased for you xx

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by shanishoo

Saturday 02 Sep 16:30

Yay, yay, yay, so pleased for you Benny, had a feeling this morning that this weekend was going to be your weekend (hubby keeps telling me I'm a witch lol), could cry I'm so happy, yay xxxxxxx

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by Caro

Saturday 02 Sep 15:29

Yay Benny boy best news this week.

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by bluesfan

Saturday 02 Sep 15:17

So, so happy for you Benny - it is great to see that red sign appear. I hope I get a chance to see you for one last cuddle before you go off to your forever home. XX

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Saturday 02 Sep 13:58

Oh Benny boy. I am sooooo very happy for you, if things were different here I would have been so tempted, and by another couple! Really hoping everything works out for you. Good luck mate. Xxxxx
Ps I know you and Darcy were in the kitchen run together, are you going together?

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by Jembob

Saturday 02 Sep 13:16

Best news of the week. About time this wonderful hound was enjoying domestic life.

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by willerby

Saturday 02 Sep 13:13

Oh wow!!!! well done Benny i'm so pleased to see that red sign about time you found that sofa good luck to you xx

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by bluesfan

Saturday 02 Sep 11:49

Keeping my fingers crossed that your sign turns red this weekend - you have been so patient and deserve that comfy sofa. xx

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by shanishoo

Saturday 02 Sep 07:22

So hope Benny gets his forever family this weekend, if any hound deserves it, Benny does xxxxxxx

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by bluesfan

Wednesday 30 Aug 15:43

A cuddle for you today Benny. It was lovely to see you yesterday - happy and handsome as ever. xx

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by Shanesmum

Wednesday 30 Aug 11:48

Ok sweetheart, we need to have a serious chat!! You've been my phone screensaver for ages now and still nothing - this just isn't on!! Lets see if there is something else we can do to get you that forever sofa you're so deserving of. You are such a gentleman looking after Darcy, you love all the fuss and attention you can get - we just need you to understand that there are such things as other doggies and things that move out there, but that they are ok and you'll come to no harm. You so remind me of the lovely Sparky (now enjoying the life of luxury en France), it took a while but it happened for him - so hang on in there handsome. You get my biggest cuddle today. xxx

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by bluesfan

Thursday 24 Aug 16:05

So hoping that this will be the weekend that you find your forever home Benny. Such a lovely happy and very patient boy - fingers and toes crossed for you xx. Hope that your lip is better - a big cuddle for you today.xx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 22 Aug 21:38

Benny is doing fine. His lip is healing nicely....hasn't stopped him from being able to bark! He is in the kitchen kennel and run at the moment and can supervise everything that is going on. :)) Xxx

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by Ostrich

Tuesday 22 Aug 17:46

How are you doing Benny...hope you are healing fine....big

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by helenanddave

Tuesday 22 Aug 15:11

Hugs for handsome Benny - a true gentleman of a hound! Please someone - give this lovely boy his own special sofa. xx

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by blueangel

Monday 21 Aug 21:34

Sending big kisses and cuddle to Benny get better soon mate xxx

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by Caro

Monday 21 Aug 19:18

What's happened to Benny????

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by bluesfan

Monday 21 Aug 19:07

Hope you get better soon Benny xx

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by shanishoo

Monday 21 Aug 18:47

Poor baby, hope you are OK, big kisses to you xxxxxxx

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by bluesfan

Monday 21 Aug 09:11

Another big cuddle for you Benny xx

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by mary/john

Sunday 20 Aug 19:54

Lots of love to u Benny xxxxx

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by Ostrich

Sunday 20 Aug 19:41

A cuddle for Benny...hoping you will feel better

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by shanishoo

Sunday 20 Aug 18:34

Beautiful patient Benny, you get my cuddle for today xxxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 19 Aug 22:57

As Shanesmum mentioned Darcy is finding being in new kennels quite stressful at the moment. Benny is doing a great job of looking after her. They are sharing a kennel and I have just checked the cameras, they are snuggled up together both fast asleep. Benny is a super boy. Xxx

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by Jembob

Saturday 19 Aug 22:18

Benny is a top lad. Should really be gracing somebody's sofa by now. Sometimes a hound just has to wait that little bit extra for the right people to find them. The lucky family that take Benny home will be truly blessed with a wonderful hound.

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by Caro

Wednesday 16 Aug 22:01

Well done Benny boy.

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Wednesday 16 Aug 21:29

Thought for a moment that Benny had been reserved, realised it was because he got on with Lorraines pack. Doh!

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Wednesday 16 Aug 20:27


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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 16 Aug 20:18

Well done Benny! Xxx

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by blueangel

Wednesday 16 Aug 18:10

Benny got to meet my little terrier cross Jess and whippet sunny today he was wagging his tail and it was a happy meeting Go Benny!

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by bluesfan

Wednesday 16 Aug 11:12

A massive cuddle for you today Benny - stay happy xx

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by shanishoo

Tuesday 15 Aug 22:30

A big cuddle for Benny tonight xxxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 15 Aug 21:52

Hi EmmaJ, Benny would be great with your girl, but sadly he isn't cat friendly. He has always lived in kennels and not yet had the chance of living in a home. Thank you for thinking of him. Xxx

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by EmmaJ

Tuesday 15 Aug 21:13

Would Benny be able to live with an 8 year old female hound and a cat? Did he get returned to kennels?

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 15 Aug 20:45

Yesterday and today Benny has spent some time in the garden with Sara's non Greyhounds Charlie and Louis. He has been brilliant with them both. :) Xxx

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by willerby

Sunday 13 Aug 12:11

My cuddle goes to Benny hope you find your sofa soon x

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by blueangel

Saturday 12 Aug 21:16

sending my cuddle to Benny his such a character and full energy hoping get home real soon xxx

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by Jembob

Saturday 12 Aug 20:46

I took a few treats in for Benny this afternoon. You don't enter a kennel with two hounds like Benny and Sheila without a good deal of chaos. What a laugh!
Shelia is a cheeky little monkey and was jumping all over the place trying to nick treats.
Benny is a real gent. He stood patiently hoping for his fair share of treats but was rewarded with a few extra bits. There's always a bit of competition between the volunteers to take Benny for a walk. He's a very popular lad and it baffles me why he is still waiting for a home.

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by shanishoo

Saturday 12 Aug 19:00

Big kisses and cuddles for Benny tonight, such a sweet boy xxxxxx

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by steveandwend

Saturday 12 Aug 12:41


Please give Benny this message for me
Now come on Benny, you have to fight for you're sofa so here are some tips for you when you see a promising parent.
1. Jump off that bed and wag that tail furiously.
2.Stand upright and poke one of you're front legs
through the bars of you're kennel.
3.Lots of licking and crying.
4.Don't forget the sad eyes bit.
Follow these tips And I'm sure it will result in your forever loving home. x

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Saturday 12 Aug 12:21

Oh dear, there is the F word again!! Benny is gorgeous and so deserves his forever home.

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by Ostrich

Saturday 12 Aug 10:05

Oh bless him....such a long time to wait for his special person....personally I have always had a soft spot for the hard to home boys....which is the reason I have had so many and still do....with the tiniest bit of effort these lovely hounds turn into the most loyal loveliest companions....please someone just give him a chance...he so deserves it....

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by Lewisfuggie

Saturday 12 Aug 09:31

I might foster Benny until kids go back to school when I get back and get him used to non greys using my lottie (Labrador)... That may increase his chances of getting a home. Xx

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by Lewisfuggie

Saturday 12 Aug 09:31

I might foster Benny until kids go back to school when I get back and get him used to non greys using my lottie (Labrador)... That may increase his chances of getting a home. Xx

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by Caro

Saturday 12 Aug 07:00

Now Benny it's great that you are finding all your girlie kennel mates homes but you need to put yourself forward now!

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by Shanesmum

Friday 11 Aug 20:21

Whilst I am so happy that the lovely Mandy has secured herself a new home, I am quite sad that Benny will soon be losing yet another kennel mate. Bless him, he is such a good boy looking after his lady friends and sharing his kennel beautifully with a succession of pretty girlies -let's hope that it will soon be his turn to pack his bags. He gets my cuddle tonight, hang on in there my lovely, it will happen for you. Xxx

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by bluesfan

Thursday 10 Aug 11:18

Another big cuddle for you Benny. You are such a handsome and friendly boy. Your home is out there somewhere. xx

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by Caro

Thursday 10 Aug 08:06

Come on prospective owners do not overlook this lovely lad I have an eight year old who has plenty of energy and a real zest for live, have the joy of watching him experience life out of kennels and see his character come out I can assure you there is nothing more rewarding, so many times the older ones get overlooked, you don't know what you are missing.

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by shanishoo

Tuesday 08 Aug 14:19

I agree, please somebody give this boy a chance, breaks my heart to see him still in kennels, fingers crossed for you Beautiful Benny xxxxxxx

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by bluesfan

Tuesday 08 Aug 08:43

A big, big cuddle for you today Benny. I totally agree with Caro's comments - you really deserve a home to enjoy your retirement. Stay happy xxx

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by Caro

Tuesday 08 Aug 07:00

Please someone give this lovely lad a sofa of his own, age is just a number this lad obviously has a zest for life, he has spent far too much of his life in kennels have the joy of watching experience everything first hand there is nothing more rewarding that seeing their characters develop in a home environment.

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by Liz_beth

Monday 07 Aug 18:03

I walked this boy yesterday. He stood so patiently to have his lead on whilst Mandy bounced up and down around him. He then walked beautifully with Nifty. He really is a lovely lad xx

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by Liz_beth

Friday 04 Aug 21:05

I walked this handsome boy today. He is such a friendly hound. I so hope
that someone finds room in their home for him soon. He has a lot of love to give xx

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by shanishoo

Friday 04 Aug 18:12

Agree with bluesfan, hope Benny finds his forever home soon, surely this beautiful boy has waited long enough, come on, somebody please give this special boy a chance of happiness xxxxx

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by bluesfan

Friday 04 Aug 17:16

Fingers crossed Benny that this is your lucky weekend for that special family to come along to adopt you. Keep that tail wagging!! xx

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by Rachies

Tuesday 01 Aug 22:57

Benny.. I'm so sad you are still waiting! I really hope somebody chooses you soon. Giving an older dog a home is the most rewarding thing in the world. What you give to them, they give you back ten times over. Please somebody give this lovely lad a chance. Lots of hugs and kisses Benny xxx

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by Caro

Sunday 30 Jul 17:53

Please some one give this lad a sofa of his own he has waited long enough just because he is a little more mature than most does not mean he is going to be any less joy than the others, there is something very rewarding about taking on a dog who had spent longer in kennels and seeing them experience life for the first time.

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by bluesfan

Sunday 30 Jul 12:46

Happy, friendly Benny - stay happy as I am sure that a special family is out there somewhere and will be coming to take you home soon!!!!! xx

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by bluesfan

Friday 21 Jul 19:12

Another big cuddle for you today Benny and a big wish for your forever home to come along very soon xx

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by mary/john

Thursday 20 Jul 09:42

I would love Benny in a new home soon some one please give him a home...Xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 18 Jul 23:45

Our fabulous Benny donated blood to the Pet Blood Bank for the second time today :)

He is a very friendly lad and gets on really well with the girls. His latest kennel mate, Blaze will be going home very soon. He will be on his own again. :(

It would be fantastic to see Benny find the perfect home. Yes, he is a big strong lad and he does need some help with socialising with other breeds of dog. He is also one of our older boys, but everyone who has met him are surprised at how young he looks. Must be the hair dye!

if you think you could offer Benny the home of his dreams please pop in and meet him at the kennels!


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by Flutterfan

Monday 17 Jul 19:18

I love the top picture of Benny. He has such a cheeky face but sounds like a real gent too. Fingers crossed that screensaver works its magic very soon.

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by Shanesmum

Sunday 16 Jul 13:23

Benny's photo has been promoted to my lock screen saver now that the lovely Foxy has gone off to his forever home. Call me daft, or something similar, but the number of times this works is freaky!!! Let's hope that this lovely boy doesn't have to wait too much longer for his chance - that's all he is asking for. xx

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by shanishoo

Saturday 15 Jul 16:21

Just need to get beautiful Benny a home now, come on somebody, please give this chap a chance, he needs to be in his own home with his own comfy sofa, you won't regret it xxxxxxxx

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by bluesfan

Thursday 06 Jul 15:06

Sending my cuddle to Benny today - I have my fingers crossed that you get a loving home for such a wonderful boy very, very soon xx

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by bluesfan

Wednesday 28 Jun 15:02

Benny - handsome, loveable and so friendly - I really hope that you find a loving family to give you your forever home very soon . A big cuddle for you today. XX

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 27 Jun 20:37

Our handsome Benny is sharing his kennel with beautiful Dyson. It's so nice to see him with a friend, he is such a gentleman. I am sure there is the perfect home with maybe a pretty girl out there for him. He really deserves to be happy. Sending him my cuddle tonight. Xxx

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by bluesfan

Wednesday 21 Jun 17:54

A big cuddle for you today Benny xx

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by Jembob

Saturday 17 Jun 19:09

Benny looked very handsome in his cool coat this morning. It's always a treat to walk this wonderful hound. I am completely baffled why he has not been snapped up.
He's a special bo that has been through a lot yet still manages to be the perfect hound.

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by Rachies

Thursday 15 Jun 08:09

Gorgeous Benny...I really hope you find your forever home soon. xxxx

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by Shanesmum

Wednesday 14 Jun 14:34

Hope that ear has healed up ok matey - now, no more "off road" exploring on a walk please! xx

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by mary/john

Sunday 11 Jun 19:44

please can someone find me a home. I love to walk and have cuddles..... xxx

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by blueangel

Friday 26 May 10:02

I agree Jess he is a super lad if I didn't have cats i would try him my self i just love him please someone give this lad a chance xxx

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by Jess&Koda

Wednesday 24 May 14:10

Benny is such a handsome friendly lad, but because he has spent his life in kennels he seems to struggle with learning that other breeds are out in the world.
He would really benefit either going to training classes or someone taking him out the park so he can get used to other breeds and learn to get along with them.
He really is a super lad, he just needs someone to take some time... xxx

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by shanishoo

Wednesday 17 May 18:08

Lovely photos of Benny, he so deserves a comfy sofa to call his own, please somebody give this beautiful boy a chance xxxxx

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by blueangel

Friday 28 Apr 13:25

Sending my cuddle to Benny wishing he could get a sofa to call his own such a super lad xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 25 Apr 21:41

Benny became a donor for the Pet Blood Bank this afternoon. :)

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by Jembob

Friday 14 Apr 17:20

My first time out with Benny today - absolutely brilliant! A fine physical specimen and very friendly.

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by shanishoo

Sunday 02 Apr 22:40

A cuddle for Benny tonight, hope he finds his very own sofa soon xxxx

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by blueangel

Monday 27 Mar 22:36

Please someone give handsome Benny a home he is such a super lad so loving and friendly he will curl up real small i just love him but no room in the Inn xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 16 Mar 23:04

I agree with blueangel, Benny is a super lad. Xxx

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by blueangel

Thursday 16 Mar 18:10

I love Benny he is beautiful xxx

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by shanishoo

Saturday 11 Mar 17:21

Fab new pictures of Benny, what lovely white teeth he has got too xxx

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by shanishoo

Wednesday 08 Mar 22:05

What a handsome boy xxx

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by Jembob

Wednesday 08 Mar 11:30

What a lovely looking hound. Will have to get to the kennels early on Saturday to meet all of these wonderful greyhounds.

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