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About Me

Racing Name
Overdale Hope
Date of birth
09 apr 2012
Land of birth
UK United Kingdom
Land of standing
UK United Kingdom
Ear mark
Go On EllieIU/UK-APR-07-BK
Family tree & race history


female, 12 years old, Black

Added by LadyVictoria

Updated: Wednesday 05 Jun

Ellie's trainer tells us that she appears ok with children, she is a lovely friendly girl. She loves her food and can get very excited at times.

Ellie has had 0 cuddles today (32 all together).
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by Thethirdronnie

Saturday 08 Jun 18:01

Thinking of you and your family xxx

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by Alan&Paddy

Saturday 08 Jun 07:27

I was so sad to hear about poor Ellie, So sorry for you Lucy, We all know how it hurts. One of my favorites and I was so pleased when she came to live with you so I could still see her at Daybreaks. So many memories of her food stealing stealth. Earning the name Ellie the foodie, nothing was safe in the kitchen. I remember the day she nearly stole the doughnuts while we were all talking. She weaved her way between us all and only when I noticed the tray slowly move we knew what she was up to.

Run free now Ellie with all our past friends and don't steal Bob's sandwiches. xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 07 Jun 23:09

Dear Lucy, I am so very sad your lovely Ellie has gone to Rainbow Bridge. Xxx She was indeed a super girl....always kept us on our toes at the kennels, she could sniff out food and treats from wherever we hid them! Most memorable was the Victoria Sponge cake you had baked and brought in for someone's Birthday. It was there before we went for a walk, but mysteriously most of it had been eaten when we returned! Ellie did her best to look innocent. :) She was a happy little soul and I know how much you loved her. I'm sure you are right, she snd Bob are sitting together, sharing a biscuit. God Bless his Angel with the wonky Halo!
Lots of love, Kate, your friend Skip, Lyra and Cracker Xxxxxx

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by Lucy&Ellie

Friday 07 Jun 17:30

With the greatest sadness I had to say goodbye to my special girl on the 2nd of June. It still doesn't feel real, she's left such a huge hole in our family and hearts and we keep expecting to hear her running down the stairs after us, or the jangling of her collar as she ran in from the back garden for her breakfast or dinner. It happened very suddenly and although she was 12 years old, finding out she had aggressive tumors on both her heart and lungs was a huge shock as she had been so happy and still her bouncy self even the last time she accompanied me to the kennels the week before. Honestly, however long we had her would have never been even close to being enough time, but I am eternally grateful she chose us and we shared 7 years of love, my little shadow.

I'm sure she has met with all her doggy and human pals who have sadly left us and causing chaos by stealing whatever food she can get a hold of. I like to think Bob is sharing his biscuit with her as he always used to whenever he spent the afternoon sat in the kitchen with all the pet dogs.

I love you so much Ellie, rest easy my beautiful girl xxxxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 17 Apr 18:11

Great to see our friend Lucy and her beautiful girl Ellie yesterday. Lucy took lovely new photos of some of our trust dogs. :)) Thank you so much. Xxx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Sunday 10 Apr 15:33

Happy belated birthday to Ellie. Hope you had a fab day. xxx

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by shanishoo

Sunday 10 Apr 09:21

Happy birthday Elle xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 09 Apr 22:17

Happy Birthday Ellie! Lots of love Kate, Skip, Lyra and Cracker. Xxx

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by Alan&Paddy

Saturday 09 Apr 08:07

Happy 10th birthday to Ellie, I'm sure you will be spoilt rotten today so no need to deploy your foodie stealth tactics. Hope you have a wonderful day xx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 21 Jun 21:58

Dearest Ellie, Happy Gotcha Day! Lots of love to you and your Mom! :))
Kate, Skip and Lyra Xxx

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by Alan&Paddy

Monday 21 Jun 16:47

A very happy gotcha day to beautiful little Ellie. Here's hoping you celebrate with some very tasty treats. Sending special snuffles from Paddy and Belle and me xx

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by shanishoo

Monday 21 Jun 14:18

Happy Gotcha Day Ellie, I hope you have a super day xxxx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Monday 21 Jun 12:45

Happy gotcha day Ellie Belly, have a greyt day. Love Jo and the furry four. Xx

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by Lucy&Ellie

Monday 21 Jun 10:45

Happy Gotcha Day to my best girl! How time has flown by, adopting you was the absolute best decision I ever made.. thank you for making me smile everyday! Adore you my little Ellie Belly xxxxxx

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by Alan&Paddy

Saturday 10 Apr 07:06

Paddy and Belle send big birthday snuffles to Ellie, Hope you have had a lovely day xx

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by Lucy&Ellie

Saturday 10 Apr 00:08

Happy 9th Birthday to my favourite little girl! She's had a lovely day filled with new toys and tasty foods that she's allowed to eat without upsetting her tum (her new bed didn't arrive today sadly... but that'll be another exciting surprise for her!) xx

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by shanishoo

Friday 09 Apr 22:01

Happy birthday Ellie xxxx

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by Shanesmum

Friday 09 Apr 20:45

Happy Birthday Ellie, hope you had a lovely day. X

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Friday 09 Apr 20:43

Happy birthday Ellie, lots of love to you. X

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 09 Apr 20:08

Happy 9th Birthday Ellie! Do hope you had a lovely day and your new bed arrived! :)) Lots of love Kate, Skipper, Fletcher and Lyra. Xxx

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by cellosmum

Thursday 09 Apr 21:29

Happy birthday Ellie, hope you enjoyed your day. Will have to find you a treat to make up for not being able to give you a card when we see you again at the kennels. Lots of love from Cello, Millie, Murphy and Drew.

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by cellosmum

Thursday 09 Apr 21:29

Happy birthday Ellie, hope you enjoyed your day. Will have to find you a treat to make up for not being able to give you a card when we see you again at the kennels. Lots of love from Cello, Millie, Murphy and Drew.

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 09 Apr 21:15

Not to worry Jo....I will wish Ellie a Happy 8th Birthday again! :)) sure she has had a lovely day. :))
Not forgetting our Norman, it's his Birthday too! Hope to see you as soon as the kennels are open again. :)) Lots of love to you both. Xxx

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by Alan&Paddy

Thursday 09 Apr 21:03

Big happy birthday to Ellie the foodie. Hope you have had a greyt day in the spring sunshine. Hope you had lots of birthday greets xx

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by shanishoo

Thursday 09 Apr 14:48

Happy birthday Ellie, have a super day xx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Thursday 09 Apr 12:49

Oops, so sorry, I think I accidentally deleted Kate's post for Ellie. Sorry, sorry, sorry:(((

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Thursday 09 Apr 12:46

Happy birthday Ellie. Have a lovely day. Xx

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by shanishoo

Saturday 22 Jun 07:33

Happy Gotcha Day Ellie, enjoy your peanut butter when your tum is better xxxxx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Saturday 22 Jun 06:29

Happy belated gotcha day Ellie, so pleased you had a lovely day, albeit with no edible treats. X

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by LindaPaul

Friday 21 Jun 23:41

Happy Gotcha Day to Ellie! Sounds like you’ve had fun but hope your tum feels better soon x

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 21 Jun 23:09

Happy Gotcha Day Ellie! You are a super girl and I know your Mum loves you very much; even when you are a little bit naughty! Who can resist those beautiful eyes :). Lots of love Kate, Skip, Fletcher, Lyra and Bobby. Xxx

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by Lucy&Ellie

Friday 21 Jun 22:10

2 years today since I took my grey faced food monster home. Not much has changed, she's still a foodie through and through, shes definitely gone greyer.. well, it's a stressful life trying to plan how to steal food 24/7.

To celebrate we took her on her favourite walk and I let her destroy a squeaky toy. Sadly there were no treats as she, in true Ellie fashion, is sporting a poorly tum so I have promised her as soon as she feels better she can have a bit of peanut butter! xxxxx

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by LindaPaul

Wednesday 10 Apr 19:34

Happy belated birthday wishes for Ellie. Sounds like your mom is a dab hand at doggy birthday cakes so you definitely picked a good home!! Xx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Wednesday 10 Apr 18:40

Happy birthday for yesterday, so happy you had a nice day. Xx

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by BertSkipSamNadieMum

Wednesday 10 Apr 08:12

Happy birthday to Ellie for yesterday. Sounds like you had a lovely day. x

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by Alan&Paddy

Tuesday 09 Apr 22:15

A very happy birthday to foodie monster Ellie. Hope you have had a super day eating anything you can get your little paws on xxx

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by shanishoo

Tuesday 09 Apr 22:14

Happy birthday Ellie xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 09 Apr 20:55

Happy Birthday beautiful Ellie! Your Mom's pilchard cake was the best...all the dogs had a slice! Lots and lots of love to you. Xxxx

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by Lucy&Ellie

Tuesday 09 Apr 20:53

A big happy birthday to my beautiful little food monster, love you so much Ells xxxxx

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by Alan&Paddy

Friday 06 Jul 16:21

Dear Ellie, sorry we couldn't make it to Daybreaks as usual on Thursday. We hope you will forgive us for no doughnuts and hope your little tummy didn't rumble too much. Will make it up to you next week. Love Alan and Paddy xx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 21 Jun 22:43

A very Happy Gotcha Day to a special little girl! There is never a dull moment when Lucy brings Ellie to the kennels. :)) She is so quick and clever, she never misses the chance to sample what is on offer in the kitchen! Wishing Lucy and Ellie lots of happy years together. Sending you both a big hug. Xxx

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by Lucy&Ellie

Thursday 21 Jun 19:50

How the times flies! Today marks a year since I took my little food monster home. I remember as soon as I took her home thinking “oh god what have I done” as she proceeded to try and raid the counters, cupboards and fridge within 10 minutes of being in the house. The first time I brought her to the kennels with me she pinched the ham and cheese Ruth had bought for Bob’s sandwich (sorry Ruth… and Bob!) and I was mortified. There's been so many times she has stolen cake and such from the kennel kitchen and me and Kate are still shocked by it everytime... really we should know by now she is just too clever! I have to say, she has been a massive learning curve for not just me but my whole family, she can be so naughty but I wouldn’t change her for the world, she’s changed my life for the better in so many ways and I love her to bits. To celebrate she’s enjoyed a battered sausage from the chippy and is now snoozing cuddled up with her favourite toy! xxx

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by shanishoo

Thursday 21 Jun 19:48

Happy Gotcha Day sweetheart xxxx

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by rubytwoshoes

Thursday 21 Jun 19:26

Happy Gotcha day to the adorable Ellie. love and cuddles x

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 09 Apr 21:38

Happy Birthday lovely Ellie! As usual you amused all at the kennels today with the speed at which you can take advantage of unattended food! You are a real character, it's easy to see why your Mom loves you so much! Sending you a big cuddle tonight. Xxx

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by cellosmum

Monday 09 Apr 21:11

Happy birthday Ellie, hope you've had a lovely day with lots of treats you didn't need to search out for yourself. Lots of love from Guinness, Cello and Millie.

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by Alan&Paddy

Monday 09 Apr 19:57

A big happy birthday Ellie, I hope you have had a lovely day with lots of treats. See you soon, Paddy sends his bestest nose snuffles to you xx

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by Lucy&Ellie

Monday 09 Apr 19:05

A big happy birthday to my beautiful Ellie, thanks for being the bestest friend I could have ever wished for! :) xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 23 Oct 22:48

Poor little Ellie. :( Fletcher heard his first fireworks of the season tonight and he was not a happy boy! I spoke to someone last week who said they had made their own version of a thunder shirt by using an old pair of tracksuit bottoms, cutting one of the legs off to make a tight fitting tube for their dog to wear....they said it helped. Xxx

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by Jembob

Sunday 22 Oct 09:02

Lucy. Casey has been spooked too. I bought him a Hugga shirt from AK Creations and it always seems to help him. We have also got some of the calming tablets that are available at the kennels and are going to start him on those in the days leading up to bonfire night.
Even so, I still expect him to react badly when there are more fireworks going off. What we can do is to make sure that he is fed and watered before it gets dark so that we stand some chance of keeping him relaxed.

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by NMD07

Sunday 22 Oct 08:26

Breeze was the same with thunder or fireworks - she has a thunder shirt and gets on really well, we call it her worry shirt and she has it on and then lies down much more calmly, she had it on the other night when the wind was worrying her. I am waiting to see how Jato is with fireworks, she was ok with thunder. I also have Nutracalm tablets, after having the Nutraquin for Archives back problem - we are trying these. Both Breeze and Jato were stressing at the wind so they had a dose and were much better Breeze stopped pacing and panting and Jato stopped barking at the gusts. Xxx

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by Lucy&Ellie

Saturday 21 Oct 22:50

My Ellie has had a tough couple of nights with fireworks going off non stop from about 7pm. I'm thinking of getting her a thundershirt but just wanted to first see if anyone else has tried that/if it has worked for them or anything else anyone can recommend? She's a panting, shaking mess and it's horrible to see. xx

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 04 Oct 21:57

Ellie became a Blood donor yesterday! She is now officially a life saver! I know Lucy was very proud of her. :))) Xxx

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by blueangel

Thursday 22 Jun 23:17

Great rehoming photo good luck Ellie and Lucy i am sure you wiill have a great life Ellie be happy xxx

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by LindaPaul

Thursday 22 Jun 07:24

What a lovely picture! Met Ellie when Alan took her on the walk in Brueton Park. Wishing you many happy times together xx

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by SillySuttons

Wednesday 21 Jun 18:36

What a beautiful photo. I don't know who looks more happy!

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 21 Jun 18:11

Lucy, what a super homing photo of you and little Ellie. So happy for you both! Lots of love Kate and Skip. Xxx

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by bluesfan

Wednesday 21 Jun 17:53

Wishing you lots of happiness in your new home Ellie xx

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by shanishoo

Wednesday 21 Jun 15:50

Lovely rehoming picture of Ellie with her proud mom, hope you have lots of happy times together xxxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 13 Jun 20:25

So happy for gorgeous little Ellie. :)) Xxx

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by Alan&Paddy

Tuesday 13 Jun 18:49

Well done Ellie, Paddy and I did our best to get you noticed on Sunday's walk. Very pleased that you have been reserved,after 139 races its very well earned. Your new family are very lucky,hope I may see you again on one of the walks xx

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by helenanddave

Tuesday 13 Jun 18:18

Well done, beautiful. xx

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by shanishoo

Tuesday 13 Jun 16:49

Well done sweetheart, so pleased for you xxxxxx

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by bluesfan

Tuesday 13 Jun 16:17

So happy for lovely Ellie - she is so very sweet and loving will be a very loyal friend to her new family xx

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by willerby

Tuesday 13 Jun 15:48

so pleased to see she has been reserved just sorry my little munster didn't take to her otherwise she would have been ours beautiful dog good luck Ellie

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by blackisbeautiful

Tuesday 13 Jun 15:15

Fantastic news ! I know a certain someone called Alan will be very very pleased lol Hate to see the grey faced black ones getting overlooked..they are just as loving and perfect Good luck sweetheart Well done :) x x x

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by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 13 Jun 14:58

The cutest grey faced little lass has just secured herself a home - YAY!!!! xxx

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by Rachies

Tuesday 13 Jun 08:15

Ellie you have the cutest grey face :) This girl looks a real beauty. xxx

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by vinniesgift

Sunday 11 Jun 18:56

Mistaken identity it was, it appears I had Ella, they all look alike in
Their muzzles. lol

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by TJ

Sunday 11 Jun 18:20

What fantastic photos of you Ellie; showing you to be a gorgeous little stunner. xxxx

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by Alan&Paddy

Sunday 11 Jun 16:45

A case of mistaken identity as I took Ellie to Brueton park today! Ellie was a joy to walk with Paddy today,I had to keep checking the lead to make sure she was still there as she walked so well. She was a little bit unsure of non greys we saw,no problems just a little uncertain but i'm sure she will very soon realise they are just dogs like her and she will relax more. Whoever adopts this beauty will be getting a very well behaved loving hound who just wants to be your best friend,i'm surprised that she hasn't been snapped up by now. She's just such a pleasure to be with xx

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by vinniesgift

Sunday 11 Jun 14:26

Had the pleasure of taking Ellie on the walk at Brueton Park today, she loved exploring getting her nose in everywhere and got on well with our girl Lady.

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 08 Jun 22:43

Ellie is a very sweet girl. It was so funny watching her twirling round and round when she saw her breakfast appearing this morning! Xxx

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by Shanesmum

Saturday 03 Jun 17:26

I love this pretty little girl, she is such a friendly happy girl with a tail that goes round like a propeller - how she hasn't taken off yet I don't know, lol!! She is only just 5 but has the sweetest grey face ever - sending you a big cuddle poppet. xx

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by Lewisfuggie

Sunday 21 May 10:16

Ellie has gone on the Evesham walk today Norman. Please pop over and say hi to both Dez and Ellie and see what fab pets they make. They will be with our lovely Volunteer Norman.

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by Alan&Paddy

Thursday 18 May 20:37

I met this lovely girl today, super waggy tail and very affectionate. I don't think she will be here long,very pretty and full of fun too. Go have a look, gorgeous xx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 09 May 22:34

Ellie is a very pretty little girl, lovely photos of her. Thanks Sara. Xxx

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by Jess&Koda

Tuesday 09 May 19:28

She is the most cutest little girl. I do hope that she isn't here too long and can have a home of her own very soon. Xxx

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by shanishoo

Tuesday 09 May 14:21

Great bottom picture of Ellie, what a pretty girl xxxx

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