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About Me

Racing Name
Turnwood Slick
Date of birth
01 may 2006
Land of birth
IU Ireland or United Kingdom
Land of standing
UK United Kingdom
Ear mark
Jerrys LadyIE/UK-OCT-98-BK
Family tree & race history


male, 18 years old, Black

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Good to walk, good with children and loves his food his trainer says!

Terry has had 0 cuddles today (16 all together).
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by HannahR

Friday 11 Jun 16:42

Hey,Sid.How you doing?Sorry we have not been at Dog Training but we moved to Sally Rapsons classes at Great Barr.My Mum and Dad were concerned as we finished very late and Luke and Hannah were always tired the next day whilst at Shirley.At the new class I do many fun activities and Luke and Hannah take part as well which I love!I miss seeing my bro and if you would like to keep in touch then drop me a line at .uk or my dads facebook page,just look for Jerry Richards.There are loads of pictures of me there!See you soon,Lots of licks,your bro,Terry. xx

by Chalkie

Tuesday 25 May 21:22

just wondering how my brother Terry is doing, not seen him at training for a while, my owners will be taking me to sutton park on Sunday, may be I will see you there - sidney xx

by HannahR

Friday 09 Apr 11:52

Ever since the dawn of time,Greyhounds have loved to run....anywhere,any place.Except one........Only the lure of Burns Pork and Potato,Toad In The Hole,the Biscuit Tin,Sausage Sandwich,the rubbish bag(!) to name a few seem to trigger the running urge.Terry appears to have missed out on the 'to run' gene pool except when luncheon is served or a nap beckons plonking himself on his armchair followed by a grunt and extended sleep.....dreaming of ice cream at Kingsbury Water Park(mine, I hasten to add!)

by HannahR

Thursday 04 Mar 14:29

Hi Moomin,thanks for your comments.........Sorry you were not at the Training last night.Perhaps next week?Last night a big St Bernard pitched up.....I could swear blind he had chewed a pair of trainers as there were what looked like shoe laces hanging out of the side of his mouth!Uuuuuurgh...lucky us Greys have manners eh!My Dad was talking to the blood bank today and the next donation session is on the 4th May I think.Anyway see you soon,Licks Terry x

by Emma

Wednesday 03 Mar 16:48

Hi Terry, this is Moomin here (aka Hannah) - I was at the kennels the same time as you were the first time around. My mum says we've all got to go to training class as I keep barking at other dogs since a very excitable dog jumped all over me in the park! We can't go tonight, but we'll hopefully see you (and bark at you!) next week! I will also be giving blood with my brother Kev and sister Sadie (if she's big enough - she's only a little dot!) Moo xxx

by PamD

Wednesday 03 Mar 15:52

You have certainly landed on your feet Terry. What a lovely Mum and Dad you have

by HannahR

Wednesday 03 Mar 14:01

My Dad was pleased to receive the results of my blood donation taken at the kennels a couple of weeks ago.I'm looking forward to donating more blood especially as the ladies tickle my tummy.My Dad also said he'll be rolling up his shirt sleeve as well the next time he takes me.......I can't think why?Its off to Training class tonight so I hope Sidney,my bro,will be there.Sorry to see my old mate Geezer has still not found a home!Love and Licks,Terry.

by HannahR

Sunday 21 Feb 11:02

I got my own back on my Dad last night .After he took me to donate some of my blood the other week,my mistress made me a lovely cheese pizza as a treat.Lucky me!My Dad was not quite so lucky as,after a cold day at the Airport,he arrived home to find the first pizza being taken out of the oven.My mistress commented"Its not for you Daddy,its for Terry!"Ahhh.....revenge is sweet!

by HannahR

Saturday 06 Feb 14:51

Terry is off too donate some of his blood next week......though he doesn't know it yet!

by HannahR

Sunday 31 Jan 20:12

Terry enjoyed the walk at Sutton Park today,especially seeing his brother Sidney and all his doggy friends.Today was Terry's pampering day with a nice pedicure,shampoo(tea tree) and set followed by Sunday lunch.......

by HannahR

Thursday 28 Jan 08:43

It was great to see my brother Sidney at the Training Class last night and I'm hoping that he will be at the walk on Sunday.My family were really proud of my efforts last night and plenty of treats for me of course!I enjoyed seeing some of my friends from the RGT.I'm glad they've got nice owners too!Love Terry x

by Emma

Friday 22 Jan 10:51

Well aren't you a clever escapologist! Will look out for you at the Sutton Walk - I'll there with my brood; Kevin, Sadie and Moomin. Em x

by HannahR

Thursday 21 Jan 20:39

Hi Ina,my new family are planning to take me to the next walk at Sutton Park at the end of January.......see you there!Love Terry.x
P.S my family are thinking of changing my name to 'Houdini'as I got out of the kitchen(jumped over a gate they had fitted )and opened the lounge door-I was at the lounge window wagging my tail when they returned.Oddly enough there was a funny noise-my family call it an alarm I think!

by kallie

Tuesday 19 Jan 21:22

it's great to read that Terry is settling in so well and that he has captured your hearts. hope to see you all at one of the walks. good boy Terry. love Ina xxxx

by HannahR

Tuesday 19 Jan 15:34

Just to let you know that Terry has been with us for a week now.......and what a star he is!(apart from the fact that he has worked out how to open the kitchen door into the hall and set the security alarm off!)We are all blown away at how placid he is and how he enjoys his food.He appears to have settled in well,sleeps through the night and lets us know when he needs to go 'outside'Got to admit its great having him around.....

by Chalkie

Monday 11 Jan 11:43

oh thats a shame about Terry not liking cats, we have his brother Sidney who absolutely love our cats, even to the point of sharing his basket with them, and our ginger cat sometimes comes on walks with sidney. I hope Terry settles in his new home ok, and Terry's ex owners find someone to replace him soon who does like cats.

by Emma

Sunday 10 Jan 20:16

Well done Terry, being reserved so fast! I hope you enjoy your cat free home! Em x

by HannahR

Sunday 10 Jan 09:05

Waiting for home test today and then hopefully bringing him home on Wednesday.Our thoughts go out to the previous owners who reluctantly had to return him but can assure them that he will be well cared for....

by AnnaW

Saturday 09 Jan 19:07

I'm so pleased you have been reserved already!!!

by AnnaW

Saturday 09 Jan 15:20

Poor Terry, so confusing for you to be back in kennels after being in a lovley home, if only you hadn't decided to get the cats! They were just too exciting for you! You will find another home soon I'm sure xxx

by kallie

Saturday 09 Jan 15:07

well done my lad good luck in your new home!!!xxx

by kallie

Saturday 09 Jan 14:46

poor little man, he obviously needs a non-cat home and as he is such a fabulous fellow with already impeccably house trained manners we should find him a new home very soon. biggest hugs for you Terry boy and see you soon. xxxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Saturday 09 Jan 10:40

Terry, sadly has been returned today. His owners were having problems with training him with their cats and he was chasing them. He was reluctant to come back to Daybreaks so we are anxious for him to find the comforts of a home again as soon as possible.

by Chalkie

Monday 23 Nov 13:29

Hi Helen

are you taking Terry on Sunday to Sutton Park, we are taking Sidney, it would be nice to meet up.

by HelenB

Monday 16 Nov 13:34

Update from Terry's house. Terry is now behaving himself in the "crossed leg" department. We went on line and read a load of information about greyhounds (both on this site and elsewhere) and went back to basics. He goes out last thing with me for his "settle down and sleep" routine... this started off with me standing around in the garden with him for 30 minutes at a time until he got it... then praising him like mad for being a good boy. Over the last week or so, this has improved so that we're out there about 5 minutes... which is brilliant. I was a little worried about giving him calming tablets - but I think I might consider them around New Year - just so he's not so very scared when it all goes bang again! Thanks for your support... as always, you guys are so lovely.

H, B, J, L & Terry XXXXX

by Emma

Tuesday 10 Nov 14:53

Oh dear, I know how you feel. We've been having a few problems lately with my girl Sadie. She won't 'go' when let outside at night, even though we will go outside with her. What has made it worse is the fireworks - even though she's not bothered by them in the slightest, our other grey Kevin won't go out AT ALL when it is dark and consequently the evening walk is now an afternoon walk. This is ok for Kevin - he can cork it for ages, but Sadie-piddle-pants can't! So, what we've found works is taking her out on her own for a last minute 'wee-walk' at about 10pm. I can't see what the difference is between going out in the back garden and going out the front, but for some reason, she associates the lead with doing her business?! Sometimes this walk is only 5 mins long as she does her business then cries to go back home to bed! She has occasionally blatantly piddled infront of us (a bit like how you described) but that was when she needed the loo but thought she was going to miss out on something (i.e food) if she went out!

I hope everything settles back down for you - I'm sure it will soon.

Em x

by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 10 Nov 10:06

There are many greys having problems this time of year - this is because of the fireworks. If a bang has gone off whilst he was outside, he will associate going outside with something scary (even in the daylight). You might wish to try some calming tablets or go outside with him to reassure him.

by PamD

Tuesday 10 Nov 09:51

Maybe its because he has his house coat on. Mine always go down the garden late at night to do their last 'jobs' without a coat on. They are back within minutes. If he isn't 'going' before you go to bed then he probably wont go through the night at this early stage in his retirement.
Good luck

by HelenB

Monday 09 Nov 09:45

Sorry, not been on here for a while. Have had a couple of interesting times with our Terry lately. Everything was going very well and then, he started messing at night. This was understandable to an extent (he's still new) but yesterday and today he just stood in the kitchen, back door wide open, and urinated on the floor. We're thinking of changing his evening walk to make it later (that might help with the night time issues - although he does go out at 10 each night with one of us into the garden - he doesn't always "go" and we have been out there for 30-40 minutes at a time.) But this new activity??? I am at a loss. He's got his house coat on - so he's not cold - not shivering or anything... any ideas?

by Chalkie

Thursday 22 Oct 22:38

Hi Helen
Glad to hear Terry has settled in ok, Sidney also has his feet firmly under the table. He has settled in lovely with our cats. Would love to make contact with you if you like you could ring me on 07891509689 or e-mail me on to compare notes. from Steph xx

by HelenB

Sunday 11 Oct 09:55

So, day 1 of Terry's second week with us. What can I say? I fear he's taken over our hearts completely... he's settling in really well - he has his bed in the kitchen, his blankie in the living room (close to the fire, naturally) and his t-shirt to snuggle if he's feeling sleepy. I am so sorry that we haven't posted any piccies yet - but technology is driving me mad and I need to have a conversation with my 'phone and the PC before anything will load (just great). : )

by skinnyme

Wednesday 07 Oct 10:12

So pleased that hes settling in well. Jill x

by PamD

Monday 05 Oct 09:12

Great to hear he is getting on well. Look forward to seeing you soon

by HelenB

Sunday 04 Oct 17:03

Just to let everyone know that Terry is doing fine. He's currently curled up in his bed watching 007 on the telly. He's been out for his mid-day walk and is just plain tuckered out. Poor lad has to get up soon for his tea - then out again for an evening constitutional before his bed-time. Spoilt? Nah... not really *g*

by flounder

Wednesday 30 Sep 17:03

I have thier mom, Leah, she is so adorable, very sweet natured, they'll both make lovely companions, love to all and hope the checks go ok xxx

by Emma

Wednesday 30 Sep 16:06

Hi Helen

I'm sure the home check will be just fine - main points are that your garden is secure with a 6ft fence and that any patio doors are obscured in some way (get your kids to do some drawings then stick them to the glass!) so Terry doesn't try and run through them!

Best of luck!

Em x

by PamD

Wednesday 30 Sep 12:33

Hi Helen

Just to let you know there is a lovely family from Stourport sorry its Stourbridge! who I spoke to last night. They had a grey from us in July. Maybe you could contact each other after your adoption.

by HelenB

Wednesday 30 Sep 12:05

Hi Pam, yes, we did speak. We were there in the morning, family of 4, hanging around the lovely Bobby and asking all manner of questions - I think we spoke with Jill too (if that's Bobby's Mum's name)... we went home, talked about it all over Saturday night telly and then decided to go check it all out on Sunday - fast movers (well, not really - we'd been thinking about getting a dog for 2 years - just wanted to get the right one).

by HelenB

Wednesday 30 Sep 12:02

Home check is Friday... little worried that we won't get through - but we will do our best.

We haven't bought anything yet, just in case, but it's all crossed here in Stourport.

Chalkie - if we are both lucky enough to have Terry and Sidney then your suggestion would be great - even if we agree to meet up at one of the events, I would hate to think that they never met again. Soppy, moi? *G*

by Chalkie

Wednesday 30 Sep 10:44

Hi Helen
when is your home check? if all goes well would love to meet up, we live in Lichfield, I don't know how far that is away from you. from chalkie (Steph)

by Chalkie

Tuesday 29 Sep 13:46

Hi Helen,

we are having Sidney if the home check goes well fingers crossed, hopefully Sidney and Terry can meet up with each other one day, will have to keep in touch. When is your home check ours is thursday, let us know how you get on.

by PamD

Tuesday 29 Sep 09:51

Hi Helen. Great you came to our roadshow at Webb's. I must have chatted to you. Look forward to hearing how Terry settles in. Good luck with the home check.

by kallie

Monday 28 Sep 22:04

oh Terry sounds like you are going to be in a lovely home..keep fingers crossed everything goes well and you can join them very very soon. biggest hug gorgeous boy, xxx

by HelenB

Monday 28 Sep 17:05

So am I! If we hadn't gone to Webbs in Bromsgrove on Saturday we would still have been wondering about getting a dog. I mean, I know we have to pass the homecheck, but I would be totally gutted if we weren't able to have Terry now. We came in with three towels and out with a whole lot more. Thanks, Ruth, for being so kind to us when we came to see you all. Hopefully this is only the beginning!

by AnnaW

Monday 28 Sep 11:02

So So glad Terry has been reserved!

by HelenB

Monday 28 Sep 09:38

We fell in love in 10 seconds. We really hope that the home test works out - I have just about everything crossed (made driving a bit more intersting this morning) - but I really hope we get our little man home with us... Ruth - be warned, Bobby's going to call and it might be Sidney too. H x

by kallie

Sunday 27 Sep 19:26

Terry is Sidney's brother and like him he is lovely. very very gentle, he just put his head against my shoulder and had me stroke him whilst his face was pressed against mine. what a

by AnnaW

Thursday 24 Sep 13:27

What a lovely boy and closely related to my Harry, he will make a fantastic pet for someone. He looks a lot like Harry as well. Good luck Terry