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About Me

Racing Name
Ascot Rory
Date of birth
06 mar 2012
Land of birth
IE Ireland
Land of standing
UK United Kingdom
Ear mark
Brave MeaveIE-OCT-08-BK
Family tree & race history


male, 12 years old, Black

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Rory has had 0 cuddles today (14 all together).
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by rubytwoshoes

Saturday 23 Jun 10:47

It was so lovely to see Rory at training class today and to meet his new dad who says he has settled beautifully in his new home. Still enjoying his walks and cuddles and becoming the brilliant dog we all knew he would. xxxx

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by jetlucy

Friday 08 Jun 23:24

Oh bless you rory you look gorgeous! Happy retirement sweetheart xxx

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by shanishoo

Friday 08 Jun 20:06

Enjoy your retirement Rory, be happy in your new forever home xxxxx

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by rubytwoshoes

Friday 08 Jun 18:57

Well doesn't Rory look at home in the car. After all those races he deserves a lovely retirement. xx

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by helenanddave

Friday 08 Jun 18:45

Be happy Rory and enjoy ypur new life. xx

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by CuteBarneyGumbleS

Friday 08 Jun 15:33

Ah Rory, what a lovely picture, enjoy your retirement. Xx

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by jetlucy

Tuesday 05 Jun 21:54

Well done Rory! I think birthday boy horse needs to be the next screensaver! Xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 05 Jun 21:31

Brilliant news for Rory! Xxx

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by rubytwoshoes

Tuesday 05 Jun 20:04

It's really good new for the irrepessible Rory. He so deserves a comfy bed of his own. Well done boy xxx

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by steveandwend

Tuesday 05 Jun 18:21

Over the moon to see this handsome and distinguished looking boy reserved, whoever is adopting Rory is very lucky x

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by CuteBarneyGumbleS

Tuesday 05 Jun 16:46

Yay well done Rory you deserve this.

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by shanishoo

Tuesday 05 Jun 16:14

Rory, this has made my day, what a little smasher you are, well done fella xxxxxxxx

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by Shanesmum

Tuesday 05 Jun 15:57

I am saying nothing - but have a guess who is my current phone screensaver?!?!?! My gorgeous boy has finally got his forever sofa - yay!! xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 03 Jun 22:05

How lovely for Rory to have a break from the kennels. Sound as though you both had a great time! Xxx

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by Liz_beth

Sunday 03 Jun 21:02

I took Rory out for a walk along the canals and through some woodland today. When I went to collect him, I heard him before I saw him! However, once he was out of his kennel, I did not hear a peep from him. He walked beautifully and was just so happy to be out and about. He met (and scared off) some ducks but wasn't bothered by the other dogs, cyclists and runners on the canal. He travelled well and was great fun to be with. Please don't be put off by now vocal he is in his kennel, he just wants to be part of the action. Another handsome black boy who will make a great companion x

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by rubytwoshoes

Friday 01 Jun 18:33

Rory is so interested in everything, not over excited, just interested. His reaction to the over excited barking Labrador was - look with ears up- ignore, walk on. He's a delight. xx

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by lisa1875

Monday 28 May 23:01

You know me, I like them to feel like they've had a good day out. Lol. Rory was great in the house and garden with Tinker and Sully. He picked up and carried around a variety of squeaky toys, had a wee in the garden, spotted the guineapigs in their cage and thought he'd won the lottery but as soon as I said no and distracted him he came to me and left them alone straight away. He's a clever boy and would soon get to grips with family life I'm sure. Xxx good luck Rory.

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by Shanesmum

Monday 28 May 18:46

I had the absolute pleasure of taking my boy out for a walk this morning. He gets so excited when he sees you approaching with the lead & muzzle, and does like to shout at you to hurry up!!

Out on a walk though he is a really good boy, walks beautifully, and responds well to you.

He gets my cuddle today, and my wish is that his very own sofa is not far away.

Night night sweetheart. xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 27 May 22:54

Oh bless him! If you have a Greyhound looking for a friend please come and meet Rory! Xxx

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by Lewisfuggie

Sunday 27 May 21:16

Ladyvictoria he also went home with Lisa for a few hours and was a fab guest. X

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 27 May 21:13

So pleased to hear Rory had a trip to Brueton Park with Lisa and her family today. He really is lovely and one of the smaller boys in the kennels at the moment. I am also a member of his fan club!! :)) Xxx

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by shanishoo

Sunday 27 May 14:32

I too am a member of the Rory fan club, think he's gorgeous xxxxxxxxxx

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by Shanesmum

Sunday 27 May 13:29

Thanks lisa 1875 for taking Rory out this morning. He's my current favourite, my current phone screensaver and I love him to bits!

I agree he is a lovely chap, and he makes me smile when he "talks" to you - we have quite lengthy conversations on occasion! Such a friendly boy, I cant quite understand why he's had no interest shown in him yet.

Big cuddles to a special boy. xx

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by lisa1875

Sunday 27 May 13:07

We had the pleasure of taking gorgeous Rory to Bruton park today. What a lovely chap he is. He wanted to join in with the fun when he saw other dogs running off lead but he understands no and walked beautifully. He liked the trip in the van with our two and likes children and squeaky toys ????. Love him. X

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by shanishoo

Sunday 20 May 18:19

A cuddle for Rory today, hope his forever home comes along soon xxxxx

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by rubytwoshoes

Monday 14 May 19:48

I don't know where this exuberent boy gets his energy from! He walks really nicely on the lead. I think he would keep walking indefinately! He is interested in everything. Good fun xxxx

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by rubytwoshoes

Friday 11 May 21:02

I like Rory, he is energetic, doesn't like to be overlooked insisting he gets his fair share of strokes. he loves his walks xx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 07 May 22:20

Lovely photo of Rory in the pool :) He is a very happy lad. Tried to,get my three to play in the water today....but they were having none of it! They looked at me as if I had gone completely mad and went back into the house! :))) Xxx

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by shanishoo

Monday 07 May 18:42

Fantastic photo, thanks Wispa'sMum, how sweet bless him xxxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Monday 07 May 17:12

here you go shanishoo - a photo of Rory gently choosing his next toy out of the pool as we were filling it!

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by shanishoo

Monday 07 May 16:49

Great to hear Rory has has a great time in the pool, would have loved to have seen him splashing about bless him xxxxx

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by Shanesmum

Monday 07 May 14:59

Rory was having so much fun in the paddling pool this morning. He gently took each toy out of the pool and carried it off into the back kennel and dropped it on the bed - until he got to a bone which had sunk to the floor of the pool.

He was pawing at the water trying to get it, tried to pick it up with his teeth but didn't like putting his nose under water, and eventually it tipped on end and he got it out - full marks for perseverance!!

He then discovered it was great fun to "dig up" the water, just like he was scratching in the dirt, and water was flying everywhere!! He was having an absolute ball and it was such a joy to see him so happy and playful - no wonder he's exhausted now bless him, he's had a busy time.

Just LOVE this boy and I think he's going to be my next screensaver, big cuddles. xxx

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by rubytwoshoes

Thursday 03 May 20:11

Well Rory may have had a lot of races but he still has loads vvroom. He enjoys his walks, is interested in whats going on and enjoys his cuddles!! xx

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by mutbags

Friday 06 Apr 07:37

Ahhh ha ha love how Rory in looking straight into the camera on the one shot. Handsome chap he is!! Good luck little man xx

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by jetlucy

Thursday 05 Apr 20:44

Oh rory what an endearing greying face, just beautiful. Hoping you get your forever home soon xxx

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by Lucy&Ellie

Thursday 05 Apr 20:09

Fell in love with this lad today, don't think his tail stopped wagging at all, he's so friendly and jumps up for a cuddle. He was great to take photos with too, such a photogenic boy. Infact he had such an impression on me I was tempted to sneak him into my dad's car after stealing many cuddles from him all day! Sadly I am not in a position to, so fingers crossed this fun loving boy doesn't get over looked and he finds his forever home soon :) xxx

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by shanishoo

Thursday 05 Apr 19:41

I like the look of this chap, sounds wonderful too xxxx

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by Alan&Paddy

Thursday 05 Apr 16:11

Had the pleasure of meeting this happy hound today and he's a really fun loving boy. He's a super playful affectionate dog who put a smile on everyone's face today. I think he will be snapped up quickly xx

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by rubytwoshoes

Thursday 05 Apr 16:02

Oh my goodness what a happy, friendly waggy dog Rory is. I look forward to walking him xx

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by Rubydog

Wednesday 04 Apr 17:45

155 races! Time you put your feet up on your own sofa.

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